Environmental Policy in Your Country Memo

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TO: University of Arizona School of Architecture

FROM: Zoraida Ortega Polo

DATE: 13 April 2023
SUBJECT: Environmental Law of Peru

The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the basic constructions of the environmental
policy of the Republic of Peru and demonstrate its initiative by giving the REDD project
(regional initiative) as an example; Through this analysis we can understand the main laws and
structures of the Peruvian government.
The Republic of Peru has developed very strong laws regarding the care of nature and
ecosystems, as well as their goods and services, taking action to combat climate change,
reducing deforestation and pollution, and strengthening governance and education with the
purpose of improving the environmental performance of the country. Even having as a goal that
by 2030 the country will be allowed to reduce the fragility index of the ecosystems and have

maintained the adequate state of biological diversity. Since this is the biggest problem to solve
for them. (No. 023-2021-MINAM)
As an example, they develop a project which focuses on stopping the advance of deforestation

in Madre de Dios region which is recognized for having the highest biodiversity indices in the
Peruvian country and which is part of the Tropical Andes hotspot. But unfortunately it is
threatened by deforestation, land use change, illegal mining and the increase in migration that it
Consequently, the Tambopata - Bahuaja Sonene REDD+ Project was validated in June 2012 by
the Rainforest Alliance according to the VCS and CCB Gold standards. This is a financial
sustainability proposal that has the purpose of conserving the biodiversity of the Amazonian
humid forests and the socioeconomic development of the communities that live in and of the
The project proposes coordinated work with local communities, grassroots organizations, and
public and private institutions of Madre de Dios, in order to articulate initiatives that could
contribute to increasing income and reducing pressure on the areas protected.

Thanks to the fact that all the participants expressed their total commitment, this project has
now met its goal of planting a million trees by 2020, now having millions of hopes planted,
increasing faith in the population.
Decreto Supremo que aprueba la Política Nacional del Ambiente al 2030 (No. 023-2021-
MINAM) | Observatory on Principle 10. (n.d.).
El proyecto REDD Tambopata Bahuaja cumple meta de plantar un millon de arboles - AIDER
Prensa. (n.d.). https://www.aider.com.pe/prensa/El-proyecto-REDD-Tambopata-Bahuaja-

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