ALS Criminal Law 1 2020 (Boomsri Rodolfo)

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I. Fundamental Principles

A. Distinction: (i) criminal law; (ii) penal law; and (iii) criminal

B. Philosophies underlying Criminal Law: (i) Classical; (ii)

Positivist; and (iii) Mixed

C. Distinction: (i) felonies [See Articles 116, 125, 128, 137, 142,
208, 213(2)(b), 218, 219, 221, 233, 270 and 275(1), RPC; See
Section 14(j), RA 9745]; (ii) offenses; and (iii) misdemeanor

D. Characteristics

1. Generality (Article 2[1st sentence], RPC; Article 14, Civil


a. Immunity of president and vice president

Case: Soliven vs. Makasiar, GR No. L-82585, 14 November 1988

b. Diplomatic immunity
c. Members of Congress (Article VI, Section 11,
d. RA 75
e. VFA, Article V
f. Crimes committed within foreign embassies
g. Warships

Cases: Minucher vs. Scalzo, GR No. 142396, 11 February 2003

Liang vs. People, GR No. 125865, 28 January 2000
WHO vs. Aquino, GR No. L-35131, 29 November 1972

Additional cases and laws may be assigned.
2. Territoriality

a. Archipelagic Doctrine and Philippine territory

b. Exceptions under Article 2 (enumeration), RPC
(See also Articles 122, 153 and 155, 201-202,
c. Jurisdiction over crimes committed in merchant
vessels within Philippine territory
i. French Rule
ii. English Rule
d. RA 9851 (Note Section 17)
e. PD 1599
f. RA 11479 (Note Section 4 in connection with
Section 49)
g. RA 10175 (Note Section 21)

Cases: People vs. Wong Cheng, GR No. 18924, 19 October 1922

People vs. Elkanish, GR No. L-2666, 26 September 1951
People vs. Lol-lo, GR No. 17958, 27 February 1922
People vs. Tulin, GR No. 111709, 30 August 2001
AAA vs. BBB, G.R. No. 212448, 11 January 2018

3. Prospectivity (Articles 21, 22 and 366, RPC; See Article

4, Civil Code; See discussion on ex post facto law; See
also Section, RA 10951)

a. Habitual Delinquent (Article 62[5]; See also

Article 160, RPC)

Cases: People vs. Lacson, GR No. 149453, 1 April 2003

Gumabon vs. Director of Prisons, 37 SCRA 420 (1971)
People vs. Pimentel, GR No. 100210, 1 April 1998
Bernardo vs. Balagot, GR No. 86561, 10 November 1992
People vs. Venus, 63 Phil. 435 (1936)
People vs. Abuyen, 52 Phil. 722 (1929)
People vs. Lacsamana, 70 Phil. 517 (1940)
People vs. Rama, 55 Phil. 981 (1931)
People vs. Morales, 61 Phil. 222 (1935)
People vs. Santiago, 55 Phil. 266 (1930)
Hernan vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 217874, 5 December 2017
Gumabon vs. Director of Prisons, 37 SCRA 420 (1971)
Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison vs. De Lima, GR No.
212719, 25 June 2019

b. Effect of repeal of penal laws (See also

Administrative Code of 1987, Book I, Chapter 5,
Sections 21 to 22)

i. Absolute (Express or Implied)

ii. Partial
iii. Self-Repeal

Cases: US vs. Soliman, 36 Phil 5 (1917)

Republic vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 90529, 16 August 1991

E. Limitations of Penal Laws

1. Ex Post Facto Law; Characteristics (Article III, Section

22, Constitution)
2. Article III, Section 21, Constitution

Cases: Republic vs. Rosemoor Mining, GR No. 149927, 30 March

Lacson vs. Executive Secretary, GR No. 128096, 20 January
Bayot vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. L-61776 to No. L-61861, 23
March 1984

3. Bill of Attainder

a. Article III, Section 22, Constitution

4. Equal protection

a. Article III, Section 1, Constitution

Case: Gumabon vs. Director of Prisons, 37 SCRA 420 (1971)

5. Due Process

a. Article III, Sections 1 and 14, Constitution

Case: Tañada vs. Tuvera, 136 SCRA 27 (1985)

6. Non-imposition of unusual and cruel punishment

a. Article III, Section 19, Constitution

F. Construction of Penal Laws and common principles in Criminal


1. Liberally in favor of the accused, strictly against the state

2. Nullum crimen, nulla poena, sine lege
3. Pro reo
4. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea
5. Duty of Court under Article 5, RPC
6. Article 9, Civil Code
7. Corpus delicti
8. Mens rea

Cases: Centeno vs. Villalon-Pornillos, GR No. 113092, 1 September

Rimando vs. COMELEC, GR No. 176364, 18 September 2009
People vs. Ong, GR No. 175940, 6 February 2008
Malillin vs. People, GR No. 172953, 30 April 2008

G. Applicability of the RPC to offenses punished under Special

Laws (Article 10, RPC; See Section 16 and Section 7, RA 9851;
See Section 22 and Section 14, RA 9745; See Section 27 and
Section 15, RA 9775; See Sections 6 and 7, RA 10175; BUT,
See Section 98, RA 9165 )

Cases: People vs. Mantalba, GR No. 186227, 20 July 2011

People vs. Simon, 234 SCRA 555 (1994)
Ladonga vs. People, GR No. 141066, 17 February 2005
Romualdez vs. Marcelo, 497 SCRA 89 (2006)
H. Different Titles under the RPC (Crimes against public order,
crimes against persons, etc.)

II. Felonies

A. Dolo and Culpa (Article 3, RPC; see Article 217, RPC)

1. Elements of dolo (See Rule 131, Section 3[b], Rules of

2. Effect of Mistake of Fact (See Article 3, Civil Code)
3. Mistake of Law (Note Articles 526 and 2155, Civil

Cases: US vs. Tanedo, 15 Phil. 196 (1910)

People vs. Ramirez, 48 Phil. 204 (1925)
US vs. Ah Chong, 15 Phil. 488 (1910)
US vs. Apego, 23 Phil. 391 (1912)
People vs. Oanis, 74 Phil. 257 (1943)
Monfort III vs. Salvatierra, GR No. 168301, 5 March 2007
People vs. Bayambao, 52 Phil. 309 (1928)
US vs. Bautista, 31 Phil. 308 (1915)
US vs. Apego, 23 Phil. 391 (1912)

4. Elements of culpa (See Article 365, RPC; See also

Articles 205, 206, 208, 209, 217, 224, and 257, RPC; See
Section 13, RA 9745)

Cases: People vs. Sara, 55 Phil. 939 (1931)

People vs. Nanquil, 43 Phil. 232 (1922)
People vs. Bindoy, 56 Phil. 15 (1931)
People vs. Nepumuceno, GR No. 127818, 11 November 1998
People vs. Faller, 67 Phil. 529 (1939)
Ivler vs. San Pedro, GR No. 172716, 17 November 2010

5. Mala in se and mala prohibita

Cases: People vs. Quejada, GR Nos. 115008-09, 24 July 1996

Veroy vs. Layague, GR No. 95630, 18 June 1992
People vs. Huang Zhen Hua, GR No. 139301, 29 September
People vs. Dela Rosa, GR No. 84857, 16 January 1998
Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 148560, 19 November
People vs. Que Ming Kha, GR No. 133265, 29 May 2002
People vs. Ojeda, GR No. 104238-58, 3 June 2004
ABS-CBN Corp. vs. Gozon, 753 SCRA 1 (2015)
Saguin vs. People, GR No. 210603, 25 November 2015
Tonyay vs. People, GR No. 217764, 7 August 2017

6. Motive and intent

Cases: People vs. Hassan, GR No. L-68969, 22 January 1988

People vs. Temblor, GR No. L-66884, 28 May 1988
Avecilla vs. Court of Appeals, GR No. 46370, 2 June 1992
People vs. Del Rosario, GR No. 131036, 20 June 2001

7. Presumption of criminal intent; general and specific

intent (See Articles 162, 165, 168, 175, 184, 204, 206,
244, 264, RPC; See also Rule 131, Section 3[b] of the
Rules of Court)

Cases: U.S. vs. Elvina, 24 Phil. 230 (1913)

Recuerdo vs. People, GR No. 168217, 27 June 2006
US vs. Catolico, 18 Phil. 504 (1911)
People vs. Delim, GR No. 142773, 28 January 2003
People vs. Del Rosario, GR No. 131036, 20 June 2001

B. Criminal Liability (Article 4, RPC; See Rule 131, Section 3[c]

of the Rules of Court; see also Article 107, RPC)

1. Proximate cause vs. Immediate cause

Case: People vs. Reyes, GR No. 42117, 29 March 1935

US vs. Marasigan, GR No. 9426, 15 August 1914
People vs. Moldes, GR No. 42112, 1 December 1934

2. Aberratio ictus (See Article 48, RPC)

Case: People vs. Sabalones, GR No. 123485, 31 August 1998
People vs. Flora, GR No. 125909, 3 June 2003

3. Error in personae (See Article 49, RPC)

Cases: People vs. Sabalones, GR No. 123485, 31 August 1998

People vs. Plateros, 83 SCRA 401 (1978)

4. Praeter intentionem (Wrongful act different from that

intended; See Article 13[3], RPC)

Case: People vs. Ortega, Jr. 276 SCRA 166 (1997)

5. Impossible crimes (Article 4(2), RPC; See also Article

59, RPC)

Cases: Intod vs. CA, GR No. 103119, 21 October 1992

Jacinto vs. People, GR No. 162540, 13 July 2009

6. Criminal liability for omissions ([See Articles 116, 125,

128, 137, 142, 208, 213(2)(b), 218, 219, 221, 233, 270
and 275(1), RPC])

C. Classification of felonies (Article 9, RPC; See corresponding

penalties for Grave, Less Grave and Light Felonies, as amended
by RA 10951)

1. Grave
2. Less grave
3. Light (See Articles 7 and 16, RPC; Compare Articles 9
and 26, RPC)

D. Stages of a felony (Article 6, RPC)

1. Subjective and objective phases

Cases: US vs. Eduave, 36 Phil 209 (1917)

Valenzuela vs. People, GR No. 160188, 21 June 2007
2. Consummated

a. Article 7 in relation to Article 9, RPC

3. Frustrated (See Articles 50, 250 and 297, RPC)

4. Attempted (See Articles 51, RPC; see Articles 176 and
304, RPC)

Cases: US vs. Adiao, 1, 8 October 1918

US vs. Eduave, 36 Phil 209 (1917)
People vs. Borinaga, GR No. 33463, 18 December 1930
People vs. Sy Pio, 94 Phil. 885 (1954)
Beltran v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 181355, 30 March 2011
Valenzuela vs. People, GR No. 160188, 21 June 2007
People vs. Hernandez, 49 Phil. 980 (1925)
People vs. Campuhan, GR No. 129433, 30 March 2000
People vs. Hernandez, 54 Phil 122 (1929)
People vs. Caballero, GR Nos. 149028-30, 2 April 2003
People vs. Kalalo, GR Nos. 39303-39305, 17 March 1934
People vs. Salvillam, GR No. 86163, 26 April 1990
People vs. Gonzalez, GR No. 139542, 21 June 2001
People vs. Lamahang, GR No. 43530, 3 August 1935

E. Conspiracy and proposal to commit a felony (Article 8, RPC;

See also Article 296, RPC)

1. As means to commit a felony

2. As crimes (See Articles 115, 136, 141, 186, 306 and 340,
RPC; PD 1613; Section 7, RA 9165; Sections 7 and 8,
RA 11479)

Cases: People vs. Tulin, GR No. 111709, 30 August 2001

People vs. Pugay, GR No. L-74324, 17 November 1988
People vs. Caballero, GR Nos. 149028-30, 2 April 2003
People vs. Aguilos, GR No. 121828, 27 June 2003
People vs. Cruz, GR No. 74048, 14 November 1990
People vs. Carbonel, 48 Phil. 868 (1926)
People vs. Tabuso, GR No. 113708, 26 October 1999
People vs. Pilola, GR No. 121828, 27 June 2003
People vs. Olazo, GR No. 220761, 3 October 2016
People vs. Caballero, 53 Phil. 585 (1929)
People vs. Carandang, 54 Phil. 503 (1930)
People vs. Jesalva, GR No. 227306, 19 June 2017

F. Persons criminally liable (Article 16, RPC)

1. Principals (Article 17, RPC; see also Articles 46, 50 and

51, RPC; relate to Article 8, RPC; See Section 13, RA
9745; See Section 10, RA 9851)

Cases: US vs. Bundal, GR No. 1312, 21 December 1903

People vs. Aguilos, GR No. 121828, 27 June 2003
People vs. Batin, GR No. 177223, 28 November 2007
US vs. Leal, GR No. 432, 6 February 1902
People vs. Labis, GR No. L-22087, 15 November 1967
People vs. Montealegre, GR No. L-67948, 31 May 1988
People vs. Alvarez, 106 Phil. 454 (1959)

2. Accomplices (Article 18, RPC; See also Articles 52, 54,

56, 61, 260, 307, 332 and 346, RPC; See RA 9745)

Cases: People vs. Nierra, 96 SCRA 1 (1980)

People vs. Galapin, GR No. 124215, 31 July 1998
People vs. Madali, GR Nos. 67803-04, 30 July 1990
People vs. Bayobas, GR No. 171222, 18 February 2015
People vs. Babiera, 52 Phil. 97 (1928)

3. Accessories (Article 19, RPC; See Section 13, RA 9745;

See also Articles 53, 55, 57, 58, 61 and 116, RPC; PD
1829 and PD 1612)

a. Exceptions (Article 16, RPC)

b. Exempt from prosecution (Article 20, RPC; See
Section 14, RA 11479)

Cases: Mendoza vs. People, GR No. L-46484, 29 January 1988

Vino vs. People, GR No. 84163, 19 October 1989
Dimat vs. People, GR No. 181184, 25 January 2012
Posadas vs. Ombudsman, GR No. 131492, 29 September 2000
US vs. Abanzado, GR No. 12887, 15 February 1918

G. Multiple felonies from “single intent”

1. Compound or Delito Compuesto (Article 48, RPC)

2. Complex crime proper or Delito Complejo (Article 48,
3. Special complex crimes or composite crimes (Examples:
Articles 266B, 267, 294, 297 and 320, RPC)
4. Continued crimes or Delito Continuado); Distinguish
from continuing crimes

Cases: People vs. Tabaco, GR Nos. 100382-100385, 19 March 1997

Ivler vs. San Pedro, GR No. 172716, 17 November 2010
People vs. Gonzalez, GR No. 139542, 21 June 2001
Mallari v. People, 168 SCRA 422 (1988)
People vs. De Guzman, GR No. 77368, 5 October 1993
Batulanon vs. People, GR No. 139857, 15 September 2006
People vs. Madrigal-Gonzales, GR Nos. L-16688-90, 30
April 1963
People vs. Ibañez, 77 Phil 664 (1946)
Gamboa vs. Court of Appeals, 68 SCRA 308 (1975)
Santiago vs. Garchitorena, 28 SCRA 214 (1993)
Nizurtado vs. Sandiganbayan, 239 SCRA 33 (1994)
People vs. Bohos, GR No. L-40995, 25 June 1980
Navaja vs. De Castro, GR No. 180969, 11 September 2017

H. Circumstances affecting criminal liability

1. Justifying circumstances (Article 11, RPC; See Article

429 of the Civil Code; See also Article 101, RPC)

a. Self-defense
b. Defense of relative
c. Defense of stranger
d. State of necessity
e. Duty or right
f. Lawful order

Cases: People vs. Genosa, GR No. 135981, 15 January 2004

People vs. Santillana, 308 SCRA 104 (1999)
People vs. Lara, 48 Phil 153 (1925)
People vs. Lagata, GR Nos. L-1940-42, 24 March 1949
US vs. Mojica, 42 Phil 784 (1922)
People vs. Nugas, GR No. 172606, 23 November 2011
People vs. Mendoza, GR No. 133382, 9 March 2000
People vs. Moral, GR No. L-31139, 12 October 1984
People vs. Oanis, 74 Phil. 257 (1943)
People vs. Retubado, GR No. 124058, 10 December 2003
Ty vs. People, GR No. 149275, 27 September 2004
People vs. Sabandal, GR No. L-31129, 30 September 1971
Pomoy vs. People, GR No. 150647, 29 September 2004
Andal vs. People, 27 SCRA 608 (1969)
People vs. Narvaez, GR No. L-33466-67, 20 April 1983
Sycip vs. Court of Appeals, GR No. 125059, 17 March 2000
Tennessee vs. Garner, 471 US 1 (1985)
Graham vs. Connor, 490 US 386 (1989)
Garcia vs. People, GR No. 224102, 26 July 2017

2. Exempting circumstances (Article 12, RPC; See also

Article 101, RPC)

a. Insanity (see Article 79, RPC)

b. Minority (RA 9344 as amended by RA 10630; See
PD 603 on suspension of sentence; See 2019
Revised Rule on Children in Conflict with the
c. Accident
d. Irresistible force/fear
e. Insuperable cause

Cases: People vs. Casillar, GR No. L-28132, 25 November 1969

People vs. Pambid, GR No. 124453, 15 March 2000
People vs. Banez, 301 SCRA 248 (1999)
Llave vs. People, 438 SCRA 376 (2006)
Pomoy vs. People, GR No. 150647, 29 September 2004
People vs. Fernando, GR No. L-24781, 29 May 1970
People vs. Borja, GR No. L-22947, 12 July 1979
People vs. Sisracon, GR No. 226494, 14 February 2018
People vs. Cacho, GR No. 218425, 27 September 2017
People vs. Delector, GR No. 200026, 4 October 2017
People vs. Pantoja, GR No. 22311429 November 2017

3. Absolutory circumstances (Articles 6[3], 7, 16, 20, 124,

247, 266-C, 280, 332, and 344 of the RPC; Battered
Woman Syndrome under RA 9262; Sections 57 and 58,
RA 9344; somnambulism; mistake of fact; repeal of
[favorable] penal law; and instigation)

Cases: People vs. Genosa, GR No. 135981, 15 January 2004

People vs. Taneo, 58 Phil. 255 (1933)

4. Mitigating circumstances (Article 13, RPC)

a. Kinds

i. Ordinary
ii. Privileged
iii. Specific

b. Specific circumstances

Cases: People vs. Pajenado, GR No. L-26458, 30 January 1976

People vs. Dagatan, GR No. L-10851, 28 August 1959
People vs. Genosa, GR No. 135981, 15 January 2004
Talampas vs. People, GR No. 180219, 23 November 2011
People vs. Sales, GR No. 177218, 3 October 2011
Garcia vs. People, GR No. 171951, 28 August 2009
Tangan vs. Court of Appeals, GR No. 105830, 15 January 2002
People vs. Encomienda, 46 SCRA 522 (1972)
Del Poso vs. People, GR No. 210810, 7 December 2016
People vs. Garcia, GR No. 174479, 17 June 2008
People vs. Oloverio, GR No. 211159, 18 March 2015
People vs. Lita, GR No. 227755, 14 August 2019

5. Extenuating circumstances (Articles 255, 258, 268[3] and
333[3], RPC)

Case: People vs. Borja, GR No. L-22947, 12 July 1979

6. Aggravating circumstances (Article 14, RPC; See Rule

110, Section 8 and 9 of Rules of Court; See Article 62
{note Article 62[1][a]}, RPC)

a. Kinds (See also Articles 248[4], 306, 310 RPC;

See also Rule 120, Section 7 of the Rules of Court;
See also Articles 295 and 296, RPC [Band])

i. Generic
ii. Qualifying
iii. Special aggravating circumstances (See
Articles 48, 62[1.a], 160, RPC; See Section
6, RA 10175; See Section 13, RA 9745; See
Section 16[a] and [d], RA 9775; See Section
25, RA 9165; See Section 29, RA 10591)

b. Aggravating circumstances specific to certain

felonies (Articles 128, 132, 148, 265, 272, 280,
282, 286, and 350, RPC)

Cases: People vs. Bello, 10 SCRA 298 (1964)

People vs. Mitra, 107 Phil 951 (1960)
Lumiguis vs. People, 19 SCRA 842 (1967)
People vs. Rojas, GR Nos. L-46960–62, 8 January 1987
People vs. Oga-Oga, GR Nos. L-69070-72, 29 November 1984
People vs. Tacan, 182 SCRA 601 (1990)
People vs. Montinola, 360 SCRA 631 (2001)
People vs. Ventura, 433 SCRA 389 (2004)
People vs. Cachola, 420 SCRA 520 (2004)
People vs. Melendrez, 59 Phil. 154 (1933)
People vs. Matbagon, GR No. 42165, 12 November 1934
People vs. Diokno, GR No. 45100, 26 October 1936
People vs. Deopante, GR No. 102772, 30 October 1996
Valle vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 97651, 13 October 1992
People vs. Capalac, GR No. L-38297, 23 October 1982
People vs. Mostoles, GR No. L-2880, 31 March 1950
People vs. Subano, GR No. L-20338, 27 April 1967
People vs. Olazo, GR No. 220761, 3 October 2016
People vs. Carino, GR No. 232624, 9 July 2018
People vs. Gozo, GR No. 225605, 23 July 2018
People vs. Mercado, GR No. 218702, 17 October 2018
People vs. Bohos, GR No. L-40995, 25 June 1980
People vs. Calinawan, GR No. 226145, 21 February 2017
Disini vs. Secretary of Justice, GR No. 203335, 11 February

c. Multiple offenses/crimes

i. Recidivism (Article 14[9], 29 [amended by

RA 10592], RPC)
ii. Reiteracion (Article 14[10], RPC)
iii. Quasi-Recidivism (Article 160, RPC)
iv. Habitual Delinquency (Articles 22, 62, and
160, RPC)

Case: People vs. Bernal, GR No. 44988, 31 October 1936

People vs. Masonson, 63 Phil. 92 (1936)
People vs. Flores, 63 Phil. 443 (1936)
People vs. De Jesus, 63 Phil. 760 (1936)
People vs. Moran, GR No. 17905, 27 January 1923
People vs. De Jesus, GR No. 45198, 31 October 1936

7. Alternative circumstances (Article 15, RPC; See also

Articles 263, 265, 337, and 339, RPC)

a. Intoxication
b. Relationship
c. Degree of instruction

Cases: People vs. Necesito, GR No. L-13467, 30 September 1960

US vs. Pado, 19 Phil. 111 (1911)
People vs. Ramos, 91 Phil. 678 (1952)
People vs. LaoLao, GR No. L-12978, 31 October 1959
III. Penalties

A. Classification of penalties

1. Penalties that may be imposed (Article 25, RPC)

2. Preventive measures not considered as penalties (Articles
24, 9, RPC)
3. Classification of penalties

a. Principal penalties
b. Accessory penalties

4. Principal penalties: Duration and effect of penalties (See

Article 13, Civil Code)

a. Death (Articles 40 and 47, 81-85, RPC; Note

Article 74, RPC)

i. RA 9346

b. Afflictive penalties (Articles 27 and 41-42, RPC)

i. Reclusion Perpetua (Articles 27 and 41, RPC;

See Article 29(3) [amended by RA 10592],
RPC; See also RA 7659; Note Article 74, RPC)
• Accessory penalties (Article 41, RPC)
• Indivisible nature
• Life imprisonment
• Differences between Reclusion Perpetua and
life imprisonment

Case: People vs. Arellano, GR No. 131518, 17 October 2000

ii. Reclusion temporal (Article 27, RPC)

iii. Prision mayor (Article 27 and 42, RPC)

c. Correctional penalties

i. Prision correccional (Articles 27 and 43,

ii. Arresto mayor (Articles 27 and 44, RPC)
iii. Suspension (Article 27, RPC)
iv. Destierro (Articles 27, 29 [amended by RA
10592] and 87, RPC)

d. Light penalties

i. Arresto menor (Articles 27 and 44, RPC)

ii. Public censure

5. Accessory penalties (See Article 73, RPC; See also

Articles 236, 226, 227 and 228, RPC)

a. Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification

(Article 30, RPC)
b. Perpetual or temporary special disqualification
(Articles 31-32, RPC)
c. Suspension from: public office; the right to vote
and be voted for; the profession or calling (Article
33, RPC)
d. Civil interdiction (Article 34, RPC; See also
Article 38, Civil Code)
e. Indemnification (Articles 38 and 101, RPC)
f. Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and
proceeds of the offense (Article 45, RPC)
g. Payment of costs (Articles 37-38, RPC)

6. Penalties common to all

a. Fine (Articles 26, 39, 66 and 75, RPC)

b. Bond to keep the peace (Articles 27 and 35, RPC;
Note: To what felony does it apply?)

B. Application of penalties (Articles 28 and 29 [amended by RA
10592], RPC)

1. General principles

a. Computation of penalties (Article 28, RPC)

b. Period of preventive imprisonment deducted from
term of imprisonment (Article 29 [amended by RA
10592], RPC)
c. Successive and/or simultaneous service of
penalties (Article 70, RPC)
d. Graduation of penalties (Article 61, RPC)
e. Scale of penalties (Articles 70 and 71, RPC)
f. Legal period of duration of divisible penalties
(Article 76, RPC)
g. When the penalty is a complex one composed of
three distinct penalties (Article 77, RPC)

2. Computation and specific application of penalties

a. Penalty to be imposed upon principals in general

(Article 46, RPC)
b. Penalty to be imposed depending on criminal
liability and stage of completion (Articles 50-57,
RPC; See also Article 60, RPC)
c. Effect of mitigating and aggravating circumstances
(Articles 62, 63, 64, 67 and 69, RPC)
d. RA 10389

3. Additional rules on determining/computing penalty

a. Penalty is composed of three periods (Article 65,

b. Penalty to be imposed upon the principals when
the crime committed is different from that intended
(Article 49, RPC; Relate to discussion on error in
c. Additional penalty to be imposed upon certain
accessories (Article 58, RPC)
d. Impossible crimes (Article 59, RPC)
e. Three-fold rule (Article 70, RPC)

Cases: People vs. Geralde, 50 Phil 823 (1927)

Torres vs. Superintendent, 58 Phil. 847 (1933)
People vs. Genosa, GR No. 135981, 15 January 2004
People vs. Escares, 102 Phil. 677 (1957)
Toledo vs. Superintendent, Correctional Institution for
Women, 1 SCRA 347 (1961)
Alejandro vs. Director of Prisons, 47 OG 1743
People vs. Race, GR No. 93143, 4 August 1992
People vs. Ng Pek, 81 Phil. 562, 2 October 1948
People vs. Marquez, GR No. L-20139, 19 May 1965
People vs. Mantalba, GR No. 186227, 20 July 2011
People vs. Medroso, GR No. L-37633, 31 January 1975
Aspra vs. Director of Prisons, GR No. L-3643, 7 March 1950

f. Subsidiary imprisonment (Article 39, RPC)

i. RA 10159
ii. Wage Order No. NCR-22

Case: People vs. Alapan, GR No. 199527, 10 January 2018

4. Indeterminate Sentence Law

a. Application
b. Coverage
c. Conditions of parole

5. Execution of penalties (Articles 78, 79, 86, 87 and 88,


Cases: Alejandro vs. Director of Prisons, 47 OG 1743

Toledo vs. Superintendent, Correctional Institution for
Women, 1 SCRA 347 (1961)
Nizurtado vs. Sandiganbayan, 239 SCRA 33 (1994)
Osorio vs. People, GR No. 207711, 2 July 2018
Guinhawa vs. People, GR No. 162822, 25 August 2005
IV. Modification and Extinction of criminal liability

A. Total extinction (See Article 89, RPC)

1. Death
2. Service of sentence
3. Prescription (Articles 90 and 91, RPC; See PD 1529, Sec.
52; See Section 11, RA 9851)

a. Prescription of offenses (Articles 90, 91, 92 and

93, RPC; See Rule 110, Section 1[b][2] of the
Rules of Court; See also Rule 110, Section 12 of
the Rules of Court)
b. Prescription of penalties (Articles 92 and 93, RPC;
See Article 157, RPC)

i. Computation of prescription (Article 91,


c. Act No. 3326

Cases: People vs. Bautista, GR No. 168641, 27 April 2007

Jadewell vs. Lidua, GR No. 169588, 7 October 2013
Romualdez vs. Marcelo, GR No. 165510-33, 28 July 2006
PEG vs. Desert, GR No. 140358, 8 December 2000
People vs, Cruz, 108 Phil. 255 (1960)
Zaldivia vs. Reyes, 211 SCRA 77 (1992)
Garcia vs. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 678 (1997)
Del Rosario vs. People, GR No. 199930, 27 June 2018
PCGG vs. Gutierrez, GR No. 189800, 9 July 2018
Panaguiton vs. DOJ, GR No. 167571, 25 November 2008
People vs. Antido, GR No. 208651, 14 March 2018
People vs. Lipata, GR No. 200302, 20 April 2016
Tolentino vs. People, GR No. 240310, 6 August 2018

4. Pardon by offended party (See Articles 23 and 344, RPC;

Note Article 113, RPC)
5. Pardon by the President (Article VII, Section 19,
Constitution; but See Article 36 and 160; See also Article
95 in connection with Article 159, RPC; Note Article
113, RPC)
6. Amnesty (Article VII, Section 19, Constitution; Note
Article 113, RPC; See Section 16, RA 9745)
7. Marriage (See Article 344 and 266-C, RPC)
8. Discharge to be a state witness (Rule 119, Section 17,
Rules of Court)

Case: Tanchanco vs. Sandiganbayan, GR Nos. 141675-96, 25

November 2005

B. Partial Extinction

1. Probation Law (but see RA 10707; see also PD 968 and

RA 9344)

a. Definition of terms
b. Purpose
c. Grant, manner and conditions
d. Criteria for placing an offender on probation
e. Disqualified offenders
f. Period of probation
g. Arrest of probationer
h. Termination of probation; exception

Cases: Santos vs. Court of Appeals, 319 SCRA 609 (1999)

Declarador vs. Gubaton, GR No. 159208, 18 August 2006

2. Preventive Imprisonment (Article 29 [amended by RA

10592], RPC)
3. Commutation of Sentence (Articles 94 [amended by RA
10592] and 96, RPC)
4. Allowance for good conduct (Article 97 [amended by RA
10592], RPC)
5. Special time allowance for loyalty (Articles 98 [amended
by RA 10592] and 99 [amended by RA 10592], RPC)
• For 2, 3, 4, and 5, see RA 10592

Case: Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison vs. De Lima, GR No.

212719, 25 June 2019

V. Civil Liability (Articles 100-113, RPC)

A. General Rule (Article 100, RPC; See Rule 111, Section 2[b] of
the Rules of Court; See also Article 29, Civil Code; See Articles
32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code [Independent civil
B. Subsidiary liability (Articles 102 and 103, RPC)
C. Persons civilly liable for felonies
D. What civil liability includes (Articles 104-111, RPC)
E. Preference in the payment of the civil liabilities (Article 72,
F. Extinction of civil liability (Articles 112 and 113, RPC)

Case: People vs. Laurio, 680 SCRA 560 (2012)

People vs. Jugueta, GR No. 202124, 5 April 2016

• Students may use the latest edition of The Revised Penal Code by Luis Reyes,
Book I
• Make sure to have a copy of the Revised Penal Code (codal), as amended by
Republic Act No. 10951
• Grading system:
30% Quizzes, recitations and attendance
30% Midterms
40% Finals


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