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management of
Herpes zoster is an infection
herpes zoster and
caused by reactivation of
dormant varicella-zoster virus.
The acute course of herpes
zoster is generally benign;
however, some patients will
experience postherpetic
neuralgia characterized by neuralgia
severe, relentless, and at times
disabling pain that is often FATIMA S. MAMDANI, BSC PHARM
refractory to treatment. While
herpes zoster responds to
acyclovir, cost-benefit
considerations limit the drug's
usefulness to only a select
group. Postherpetic neuralgia ERPES ZOSTER (HZ), OR In addition to the elderly, immuno-
requires a holistic approach, "shingles," produces an
compromised patients, particularly those
including pharmacologic therapy acute segmental neuralgia, suffering from hematologic or reticuloen-
using several different classes which - although painful - dothelial malignancies, have a greater risk
of drugs. is fortunately transient in of developing HZ.4-6 Furthermore, HZ
most patients. Morbidity associated with might be the first clinical manifestation of
RESUME this infection is more prevalent among the HIV infection. In a study among 48 HZ
Le zona (herpes zoster) est elderly and immunocompromised, partic- patients, 35 (73%) were seropositive for
une infection causee par la ularly those who develop postherpetic HIV on the initial day of diagnosis of HZ.
reactivation de la phase
dormante de l'herpes virus neuralgia (PHN), a complication that Of these, 34 (97%) were known to be at
varicellae. Le zona est une could become a clinician's nightmare. high risk for AIDS.7
infection aigue dont l'evolution This review discusses the clinical features Therefore, among patients at risk for
est habituellement benigne mais and pharmacologic management of both AIDS, the occurrence of HZ might pre-
certains patients souffriront these entities. cede the marked depression of cellular
d'une nevralgie postzosterienne immunity associated with AIDS or
caracterisee par des douleurs Epidemiology of HZ AIDS-related complex. Similarly, a greater
intenses et continuelles, parfois Herpes zoster is a viral disease that occurs incidence of HZ has been reported in
incapacitantes, et qui sont infrequently in young, healthy patients. patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiv-
souvent refractaires a tout However, its incidence rises sharply with ing weekly, low-dose methotrexate therapy
traitement. Bien que le zona
puisse repondre a l'acyclovir, les age from an estimated 0.5 cases/ 1000 in compared with the general population.8
considerations monetaires children to five to 10 cases/ 1000 in indi- These observations show that HZ out-
limitent l'utilite de ce viduals older than 80 years1 2; this phe- breaks are clearly dependent on the break-
medicament a un groupe nomenon has been attributed to an down of normal immune surveillance.
restreint de patients. La age-related decline in cellular immunity3
nevralgie postzosterienne Association with race, sex, ethnic back- Pathology of HZ
necessite une approche ground, or seasonal variations has not Acute varicella infection, usually a child-
holistique associee a une been reported for this disease.2 hood disease (chicken pox) begins with
pharmacotherapie comportant viral entry through the oral or respiratory
plusieurs classes de Ms Mamdani is a StaffPharmacist in the passages. Viremia and seeding of the skin
medicaments. Department ofPharmacy at the Vancouver General then follows, and as the primary infection
Cm fm idmn 1994;40321-332. Hospital. resolves, retrograde axonal transport of

Canadian Family Physician VOL o0 Februay 1994 321

the virus to the dorsal root ganglion cells 36 hours. Constitutional symptoms of
gives rise to the latent (dormant) phase. fatigue, malaise, headache, and low-grade
When the host immune system is fever might accompany the rash. The
impaired, the latent virus might become vesicles become pifstular or hemorrhagic
reactivated, spreading within the ganglion by the third or fourth day followed by dry-
to the skin and manifesting itself as HZ.9 ing and crusting in 7 to 10 days.
Spontaneous resolution of the acute
Table 1. Anatomic distribution phase occurs in 2 to 3 weeks, with the
crusts falling off, often leaving areas of
REGION CASES % residual scarring."1,12
Thoracic 55
Individuals who have never had
................................................................................................................................................. chicken pox might develop the infection
Cranial (trigeminal) 15 if exposed to a patient with acute HZ
................................................................................................................................................. vesicles; however, it is extremely rare to
Lumbar 14 acquire HZ solely from exposure to a
patient with chicken pox.'4 Patients with
Cervical 12 disseminated zoster are a particularly
contagious threat to an immunocom-
Sacral 3 promised host. For this reason, HZ
Disseminated patients are well advised to observe iso-
lation until their primary crusts have
Adaptedfrom Loeser."0 disappeared. 15
Pain associated with HZ has been
Acute HZ is characterized by inflamma- described as a continuous aching, itching,
tion, necrosis, and often hemorrhage in or burning, often with superimposed
the involved dorsal root ganglion. severe shooting sensations that might be
precipitated by touching or moving the
Clinical features affected area. The region often becomes
The dermatomal distribution of HZ can hyperesthetic, and the patient might com-
vary; the thoracic area is involved in more plain of exquisite tenderness around vesi-
than half of all cases (Table 110). The next cles that can worsen if ulceration and
most commonly affected dermatome is secondary infection ensue. Untreated
that supplied by the trigeminal nerve, and pain can result in mood and behavioural
with advancing age the proportion of changes, including disruption of sleep,
patients with consequent ophthalmic diminished appetite, and social withdraw-
involvement increases. Disseminated al. These symptoms can evolve into a pat-
zoster is a severe, generalized form of HZ tern of abnormal illness behaviour and
resembling chicken pox. Only 1% to 8% depression that is very common in
of patients develop recurrences, and of patients with other forms of chronic non-
these, half will occur at the site of the pre- malignant pain."I
vious eruption.9"11 In younger patients, pain of acute HZ
Before visible skin lesions develop, a is not usually very debilitating and nor-
prodromal phase typically occurs in which mally subsides as the rash resolves. Elderly
patients might describe sensations of tin- patients, however, suffer more pain in the
gling, burning, or itching. These symp- vesicular stage and are more likely to
toms appear to result from viral develop the most common and perhaps
degeneration of cutaneous nerve fibrils. the most feared of complications, PHN.
Pain or itch usually precedes the rash by Possible complications of HZ are listed
several days or up to 2 weeks, although less in Table 2.212
commonly, pain mightfollow the eruption,
or both occur simultaneously. 11,12 Pharmacologic treatinent of HZ
Similarly, pain without rash, or "zoster Treatment ofHZ in the acute stage should
sine herpete," has been reported.'3 be directed toward minimizing patient
The rash of acute zoster is typically ery- discomfort; shortening the duration of
thematous and maculopapular and symptoms; and preventing complications,
evolves to grouped vesicles within 24 to such as PHN.

322 Canadian Family Physician VOL 40: February 1994

Topical agents. Local care is necessary PHN but only if defined as pain occurring
for relieving itching and reducing 1 to 3 months following acute HZ.20
bacterial colonization of damaged skin. While the effects of acyclovir in acute
This can be accomplished by using wet HZ are well documented, its role in PHN
dressings or compresses soaked in tap is less clear. Further research is required,
water or 5% aluminum acetate (Burow's perhaps to evaluate whether longer treat-
solution) and applied four to six times ment courses of acyclovir will ultimately
daily. Calamine lotion could then be affect the development of PHN. Current
applied lightly after removal of compress- guidelines for treating acute HZ suggest
es.10 Antibiotic creams or ointments are acyclovir therapy be initiated within 48 to
useful only for ulcerated lesions that have 72 hours of onset, at an oral dose of
become infected secondarily. In one 800 mg five times daily (every 4 hours
report, 42 patients treated with 1 % silver while awake) for a total of 7 to 10 days.
sulfadiazine cream showed a definite Dosage reduction is recommended for
clinical response against such types of patients with acute or chronic renal
infected lesions.'6 impairment.2'
Injectable acyclovir should be
Analgesics. Mild to moderately strong reserved for patients unable to tolerate
systemic analgesics, such as aceta- the oral forms or for patients in whom
minophen, codeine, and nonsteroidal aggressive therapy is indicated. At least
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are 5 mg/kg intravenously every 8 hours has
generally effective in treating acute pain been used to treat uncomplicated HZ,
of HZ. No well-designed studies evaluate while immunocompromised patients or
the efficacy of these agents for HZ, but patients with disseminated zoster,
clinical experience suggests that anal- encephalitis, acute retinal necrosis, or
gesics might lessen acute pain and other serious forms of HZ generally
encourage mobilization.""' 2,14 receive 10 mg/kg intravenously every
8 hours for 10 days.'8'22 Table 2. Complications
Antivirals. Both intravenous and high- A recent study found oral acyclovir to ofherpes zoster
dose oral acyclovir have demonstrated be equally efficacious as intravenous acy-
activity against acute HZ.'7"18 In a multi- clovir for treating localized HZ after bone * Postherpetic neuralgia
* Meningoencephalitis
centre, randomized, double-blind trial, marrow transplantation23; however, more * Cerebrovasculopathy
800 mg of oral acyclovir given five times studies are probably needed before oral * Cranial nerve syndromes
daily for 7 days was compared with place- therapy is universally accepted for treating - Trigeminal
bo in 205 immunocompetent patients this unique patient population. Although (ophthalmic) branch
with HZ older than 60 years of age.'8 using acyclovir during acute uncomplicat- (HZ ophthalmicus)
Acyclovir accelerated the healing of ed HZ does not rule out the possibility of - Facial and auditory
lesions significantly and shortened the developing a more serious form of the nerves (Ramsay Hunt's
duration of viral shedding if treatment was disease (Table 2), once the diagnosis of syndrome)
initiated within 48 hours: ie, the time to disseminated zoster, zoster-associated * Peripheral motor
loss of vesicles and full crusting was has- encephalitis, or HZ ophthalmicus is appar- weakness
* Transverse myelitis
tened by about 3 days as compared with ent, acyclovir therapy is clearly indicated.22 * Visceral involvement
patients on placebo. However, this per- In the latter case, initiating oral acyclovir in - Pneumonitis
ceived difference in healing time due to nonimmuno-suppressed patients with - Hepatitis
acyclovir was diminished in patients who acute HZ ophthalmicus prevents the ocu- - Pericarditis or

did not receive treatment until 48 to lar complications otherwise affecting up to myocarditis
72 hours after onset of the rash. 50% of untreated individuals.24 -Pancreatitis
In addition, acyclovir caused a significant An important consideration related to -Esophagitis
- Enterocolitis
reduction in pain scores during the acute systemic acyclovir therapy is cost. Ten - Cystitis
stage (particularly among patients with days of oral therapy for HZ costs patients - Synovitis
severe pain), although a 6-month follow up approximately $250. The economic * Cutaneous dissemination
failed to show a sustained decrease in inci- impact of this drug must be weighed * Superinfection of
dence and severity of PHN.'9 In contrast, an against the morbidity of zoster in a partic- skin lesions
earlier study employing a 10-day course of ular patient population; hence, routine use
oral acyclovir at the same dose reported a of acyclovir in young and immunocompe- Adapted fram Ragozzino et a12
significant reduction in the incidence of tent individuals is unjustified. Conversely, and Carmichael.12

Canadian Family Physician VOL 40: Febmay 1994 323

Table 3. Pharmacologic management of postherpetic neuralgia


Amitriptyline 10 mg at bedtime (initial) Considered drug of choice
50-150 mg at bedtime (usual range)
Doxepin 10 mg at bedtime (initial) Might be better tolerated in elderly due
50-150 mg at bedtime (usual range) to reduced anticholinergic effects

Carbamazepine 100 mg bid (initial) Useful for lancinating pain. Titrate dose
200-1200 mg/d (usual range) until effect or side effect occurs. Serum
level monitoring important for
carbamazepine, phenytoin, and
valproic acid

Phenytoin 15 mg/kg loading dose

200-400 mg at bedtime (maintenance)

Valproic acid 250 mg daily (initial)

Clonazepam 0.5 mg bid (initial)


Fluphenazine 1-2 mg tid Second-line agents because of risk of

adverse effects and lack of controlled

Haloperidol 2-5 mg tid

Pimozide 2 mg bid or tid

.............................................................................................................................................................. .....................................................................
Capsaicin 0.025% cream Apply 3 or 4 times daily Initial redness, burning, and stinging
EMLA' cream (lidocaine 2.5% and Apply every 12 h
prilocaine 2.5%)

Baclofen 5 mg tid (initial) Increase dose until effect or side effect
Mexiletin 200-900 mg/d Increase dose gradually. Gastrointestinal
side effects very common

Adaptedfrom Portenoy,47 Duke,49 Tanelian and Brose,52 and Stow et al.57

324 Canadian Family Physician VOL 40: Februay 1994

immunocompromised patients with HZ, normal patients, and thus in the young,
including the elderly and those on nonimmunosuppressed population, a
immunosuppressant drugs, as well as short course of high-dose steroid therapy
nonimmunocompromised patients might be warranted to reduce the dura-
exhibiting a serious manifestation of zoster tion of acute neuralgia; however, more
are prime candidates for acyclovir therapy. studies employing sound methodology
Acyclovir ointment has largely been are needed to evaluate long-term effects
abandoned in favour ofthe systemic forms on PHN.
of the drug. While it might accelerate In most clinical trials, 40 to 60 mg of
cutaneous healing of HZ lesions, it is by no oral prednisone daily has been adminis-
means a substitute for the oral or intra- tered for 7 to 10 days, followed by a grad-
venous routes.25 Topical acyclovir has also ual tapering over 2 weeks.3335 Despite the
been investigated for use in HZ oph- relative safety of short courses of corticos-
thalmicus; however, because it lacks teroids, their indiscriminate use is not rec-
appreciable ocular penetration, it is main- ommended. Only patients younger than
ly prescribed for some patients as an 60 years of age with severe pain who do
adjunct to systemic therapy26 not have pre-existing conditions preclud-
Incidentally, Zovirax® (acyclovir) 5% ing the use of steroids should be consid-
ointment is not recommended for direct ered for this treatment.
application to the eye or other mucous
membranes.27 Cimetidine. Herpes zoster infection is
Other antiviral drugs have also been known to be associated with a decline in
investigated in treating HZ, including cellular immunity.3- Furthermore, it has
amantadine28 and vidarabine,29 but the lit- been postulated that suppressor T cells
erature suggests that these have largely carrying histamine H2-receptors might
been replaced by acyclovir due to its play an important role in inducing
greater activity, ease of administration, imununosuppression as it relates to cancer
and relatively low toxicity. and other disorders, including HZ.
Cimetidine, a histamine antagonist, has
Corticosteroids. Systemic corticos- been shown to reverse this immunosup-
teroids are frequently advocated for use in pression and thereby favourably alter the
HZ and PHN, but their precise role has clinical course of HZ.36
not yet been fully elucidated. Two recent One study compared HZ patients
papers have reviewed the evidence for and receiving 400 mg of cimetidine taken oral-
against corticosteroid therapy by evaluat- ly three times daily with a control group
ing all well-designed studies reported in receiving analgesics. Cimetidine was
the English literature comparing systemic found to accelerate complete healing of
steroids with placebo in preventing cutaneous lesions significantly compared
PHN.30'3' It appears that, while steroids with the control group (12 versus 21 days,
might reduce early pain associated with respectively), and to shorten the time to
HZ, and quite possibly decrease the pro- achieve onset of pain relief (3 versus
portion of patients affected by PHN (if 6 days), as well as complete pain resolution
defined as pain persisting 6 to 12 weeks (14 versus 26 days).37
after acute HZ), this benefit is not sus- However, as only 16 patients were eval-
tained when patients are followed beyond uated, it is difficult to predict the validity
3 months. of these findings in the general population.
Intralesional and epidural steroids have While anecdotal reports show some
also been purported to reduce the inci- intriguing results with cimetidine in HZ,
dence of PHN, but no evidence from con- well-designed, controlled studies to define
trolled studies is available to justify their its exact role are lacking.
routine use. Concern has been expressed
regarding the use ofsteroids and the risk of Anesthetic approaches. Many uncon-
disseminated HZ,32 primarily in the con- trolled studies have reported reliefof acute
text of patients with serious underlying pain following regional anesthesia. Local
disease or malignancy. Dissemination anesthetics have been administered into
occurs in approximately 1 % of otherwise subcutaneous tissue, peripheral nerves, the

Canadian Family Physician vOL 40: Februay 1994 325

epidural space, the pleural space, and the Pathology ofPHN
paravertebral area.3842 A mixture of an Both peripheral and central mechanisms
anesthetic and a corticosteroid has also seem to be involved in the pathogenesis of
been used with favourable results.43 PHN. The current hypothesis is that HZ
Unfortunately, these reports are anecdotal, infection causes a preferential destruction
and although excellent results were claiimed of large (inhibitory) myelinated fibres and
in some cases, the patient numbers are a more rapid regeneration of small (noci-
often too small and the period of follow up ceptive or pain-producing) fibres resulting
too brief to make valid condusions. in an imbalance of sensory input.45
Clinical experience using sympathetic
blockade in acute HZ is fairly extensive, Pharcmcologic treatment of PHN
albeit uncontrolled, and might benefit Management of established PHN requires
immunocompromised patients who fail on a multimodal, multidisciplinary approach,
acyclovir therapy or immunocompetent including pharmacologic, neuroaugmen-
patients who fail on steroid therapy, par- tative (eg, transcutaneous electrical nerve
ticularly if performed within 2 weeks of stimulation, counterirritation), anesthetic,
the acute eruption.9 psychiatric, psychologic, and surgical
(eg, dorsal root entry-zone lesion) tech-
Epidemiology ofPHN niques (Table 347,49,52,57 and Figure 19).
The syndrome of PHN is characterized Postherpetic neuralgia that persists
solely by the persistence of pain after HZ. beyond several years is generally regarded
Despite the need for accurate diagnosis, as being refractory to all therapies.''
the point at which one becomes the other
remains arbitrary. Postherpetic neuralgia Tricyclic antidepressants. Amitrip-
has been variably defined as pain persist- tyline is considered the drug of
ing at any point between the time of choice for patients with PHN largely
lesion healing (crusting) and up to because of the results of a double-blind,
6 months later. This definition has placebo-controlled crossoer study in which
important implications because it deter- good to excellent pain reliefwas achieved by
mines the point at which therapies for 16 of 24 patients receiving a median dose of
HZ should be abandoned for those 75 mg daily.46 The analgesic effect of
appropriate for PHN. amitriptyline was believed to be indepen-
Because PHN can spontaneously dent of its antidepressant action (serum lev-
resolve with time, the choice of an interval els in responders were below the
to define the pain can influence the results antidepressant therapeutic range) and might
of studies designed to evaluate its treat- have been due, in part, to its sedative effecL
ment. This must be kept in mind when Because of the potential for anticholin-
assessing the results of the various treat- ergic side effects, most authorities recom-
ments used for this disorder. A workable mend a starting daily dose of 10 mg for
definition of PHN is usually pain persist- elderly patients with 10-mg increments
ing beyond 1 or 2 months after the acute every 5 to 7 days. Alternatively, doxepin47
stage of HZ. 1,2,11 or desipramine48 might be better tolerated
Overall, PHN occurs in about 9% to by the elderly because offewer anticholin-
14% of patients with HZ,",2 but the inci- ergic effects.
dence increases to 50% in the elderly who
also suffer more intense, longer lasting Neuroleptics. The efficacy of neurolep-
pain." The pain of PHN is often qualita- tics in PHN remains unproven, yet drugs
tively similar to that of HZ with some such as fluphenazine and haloperidol have
combination of burning, itching, or been used in low doses in combination
aching, accompanied sometimes by with antidepressants. Pimozide might
paroxysms of severe lancinating pain. benefit the PHN patient with neurotic ten-
Allodynia (pain from a nonnoxious stimu- dencies, for example, a patient who pre-
lus) and hyperpathia (very unpleasant, sents with self-inflicted excoriations of
exaggerated pain following a cutaneous painful skin.4 It must be stressed, how-
stimulus) might be superimposed on the ever, that the elderly, who constitute most
continuous component of the pain."1 contiued on page 329

326 Canadian Family Physicia VOL4o: Fehniay 1994

patients with PHN, are at greater risk for Capsaicin is thought to act by depleting
developing adverse effects from this class substance P (the primary chemomediator
of drugs. Therefore, neuroleptics should of painful impulses from the periphery to
not be considered first-line agents for the central nervous system) from cell bod-
the elderly. ies and nerve terminals.55 Because this
agent has a very short duration of action,
Anticonvulsants. Anticonvulsants, in it is necessary to apply it at least three to
particular carbamazepine, are effective in four times daily to produce and maintain
conditions, such as trigeminal neuralgia, pain relief. Early in therapy, local burning,
that are characterized by lancinating stinging, and redness are common but
pain.50' For this reason, carbamazepine, usually disappear with repeated applica-
phenytoin, valproic acid, and clonazepam tions. Results are generally noted within
might be useful for ameliorating the shoot- 14 days; however, the optimum length of
ing component of the pain, while not capsaicin treatment is unknown.53
necessarily affecting the continuous com- Local anesthetics applied topically
ponent. Side effects of these agents are have been reported to decrease PHN.
often severe and dose-limiting; hence, Lidocaine 5% ointment and EMLA®
serum level monitoring becomes neces- cream (a eutectic mixture of lidocaine
sary to ensure therapeutic, non-toxic con- and prilocaine) under an occlusive
centrations of carbamazepine, phenytoin, dressing have both been shown to
and valproic acid. reduce pain in patients with PHN
Because carbamazepine stimulates its refractory to other therapies and might
own metabolism, careful monitoring of also require less frequent application
levels with frequent increases in dose than capsaicin.56'57 Interestingly, pain
might be required. The combination of a relief outlasted the duration of local
tricyclic antidepressant and an anticon- anesthesia in most patients.56
vulsant might be useful for patients with
PHN who have both dysesthesia and lan- Conclusion
cinating pain. " The immense number of remedies that
have been proposed for the relief of PHN
Baclofen. Baclofen, a muscle relaxant is testimony to the sometimes refractory
effective in trigeminal neuralgia, might nature of this disorder. Although it would
also reduce lancinating pains associated seem logical that minimizing the symp-
with PHN.47 toms of acute HZ might help to prevent
PHN, there is little evidence to support
Mexiletin. Mexiletin is an antiarrhyth- this theory. Acyclovir, if initiated promptly,
mic that, by virtue of its ability to block offers a breakthrough for certain patients
sodium channels, has recently been found in reducing the acute symptoms of HZ;
to be efficacious for treating neuropathic however, this benefit does not appear to be
pain. Lidocaine shares the same electro- sustained into the postherpetic phase.
physiologic effect, which suppresses nerve As HZ generally follows a benign, self-
conduction in pain-causing fibres. For this limiting course in otherwise healthy
reason, lidocaine infusions have been used patients, the high cost of acyclovir does not
initially to predict response to oral mex- justify the less-than-dramatic benefit
iletin therapy.52 gained by this group. However, given sys-
temically, it is the drug of choice for elder-
Topical agents. Capsaicin is a naturally ly or immunocompromised patients with
occurring irritant compound found in the acute HZ or for patients suffering from
fruit of several members of the nightshade one of the more serious sequelae of HZ,
plant family and is commercially available such as dissemination, encephalopathy, or
as a 0.025% cream.53'54 A double-blind, ophthalmic zoster.
placebo-controlled study with 32 patients Oral corticosteroid therapy might be
showed that almost 80% of individuals considered where severe neuralgia is pre-
treated with capsaicin experienced reduc- sent during HZ; however, it, too, might
tion in pain after 4 to 6 weeks of therapy not affect the course of PHN, particularly
for PHN.53 if the period of patient follow up is long.

Canadian Family Physician VOL 40: Februagy 1994 329

Figure.1. Algorithm, foretWse oteptcn rli mutzoa prah

.. .. .. t.. I1.
- - .1 I

COROiC nv7



Lidocain,e and Bacdoed
M exile;tinj:1

I..... ......I.....

Subcutaneous -local SypatI- tic

injection or'
.cry oan

;I ~~~~~I
(Dorsal woot. 'entry-zone lesion)

PSYC-H -pqchologic o;'pqc/aiaui s%ppon, 1015 - trancutaneotu electical nerve stimulation, OUNTERIRRTO -b&ik rubbinir ofpaiqp%l area often
Precede by q*zg
ap a4 coo&V4qsp1IAII ja cowhrp
'ayhraologic agent Mat haspwmvn ee iial edts*llvfid
Aated with pfrmissionfiom Cater -andPotn
330 Canadian Family Physician VOL 40: Februagy 1994
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