Lecture Notes For CO2 (Part 2) : 1-D Steady State Heat Conduction

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Lecture Notes for CO2 (Part 2)


Week – 3/4

Wan Azmi bin Wan Hamzah

Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Course Outcome 2 (CO2)
Students should be able to understand and
evaluate one-dimensional heat flow and in
different geometries
Lesson Outcomes from CO2 (Part 2)
 To derive the equation for temperature
distribution in various geometries
 Thermal Resistance concept – to derive
expression for various geometries
 To evaluate the heat transfer using thermal
resistance in various geometries
 To evaluate the critical radius of insulation
 To evaluate heat transfer from the rectangular fins 2
Heat transfer through the wall can be modeled as
steady and one-dimensional.

for steady operation

In steady operation, the rate of heat transfer

through the wall is constant.

Fourier’s law of
heat conduction

Once the rate of heat conduction is
available, the temperature T(x) at
any location x can be determined by
replacing T2 by T, and L by x.

Under steady conditions, the

temperature distribution in a plane
wall is a straight line: dT/dx = const.
Concept of Thermal Resistance

Heat conduction through wall

Increasing of R value will decrease

the Q value and vice versa

Conduction resistance of the wall:

Thermal resistance of the wall against
heat conduction.

Ohm’s Law

rate of heat transfer  electric current

thermal resistance  electrical resistance
temperature difference  voltage difference

Newton’s law of cooling for convection

Convection resistance of the

surface: Thermal resistance of the
surface against heat convection.
Schematic for convection resistance
at a surface.

When the convection heat transfer coefficient is very large (h → ),

the convection resistance becomes zero and Ts  T.

That is, the surface offers no resistance to convection.

• A surface exposed to the surrounding air
might involves convection and radiation
• Total heat transfer at the surface is
determined by adding ( subtracting if
opposite direction) the radiation and
convection components
• The convection and radiation resistances
are parallel to each other.
• When Tsurr≈T∞, the radiation effect can
properly be accounted for by replacing h in
the convection resistance relation by
hcombined = hconv+hrad

Schematic for convection and

radiation resistances at a surface.

Radiation resistance of the surface:
Thermal resistance of a surface against

hrad 

Q rad

 
As Ts4  Tsurr
 
  Ts2  Tsurr
Ts  Tsurr 
As Ts  Tsurr  As Ts  Tsurr 

Radiation heat transfer coefficient

Consider steady one-dimensional heat transfer through
a plane wall that is exposed to convection on both sides.

The thermal resistance network in electrical analogy.
Temperature drop
The temperature drop is proportional to thermal resistance of the layer


rearrange to

U is the overall heat

transfer coefficient

The temperature drop across a layer is

proportional to its thermal resistance. 11
Multilayer Plane Walls
• Often walls are made of several layers of different materials. The thermal resistance
concept can still be used for these composite walls.
• This is done by developing a total thermal resistance for the wall.
• The rate of steady heat transfer through this two-layer composite wall can be
expressed by:

Example of heat transfer to
wall 1

The roof of a house consists of a 15-cm-thick concrete slab
(k = 2 W/m·0C) that is 15 m wide and 20 m long. The
convection heat transfer coefficients on the inner and outer
surfaces of the roof are 5 and 12 W/m2 0C, respectively.
On a clear winter night, the ambient air is reported to be at
10 0C, while the night sky temperature is 100 K. The house
and the interior surfaces of the wall are maintained at a
constant temperature of 20 0C. The emissivity of both
surfaces of the concrete roof is 0.9. Considering both
radiation and convection heat transfers, determine the rate
of heat transfer through the roof, and the inner surface
temperature of the roof.

If the house is heated by a furnace burning natural gas with

an efficiency of 80 percent, and the price of natural gas is
$1.20/therm (1therm=105,500 kJ of energy content),
determine the money lost through the roof that night during
a 14 hours period.

Assumptions: 1. Steady operating conditions exist, 2
The emissivity and thermal conductivity of the roof are
Properties: The thermal conductivity of the concrete is k
= 2 W/m⋅°C. The emissivity of both surfaces of the roof is

In steady operation, heat transfer from the room to the

roof (by convection and radiation) must be equal to the
heat transfer from the roof to the surroundings (by
convection and radiation), that must be equal to the heat
transfer through the roof by conduction.

Q  Q room to roof, conv rad  Q roof, cond  Q roof to surrounding, conv rad

• Taking the inner and outer surface temperatures of the roof to be Ts,in and
Ts,out , respectively

Q room to roof, conv rad  hi ATroom  Ts ,in    A(Troom

 Ts,4in )

 5  30020  Ts ,in   0.9  567 108  300 20  273  Ts ,in  273
4 4

 Ts, in  Ts, out  Ts, in  Ts, out 
Qroof, cond  kA  2  300 
L  0.15 
Q roof to surr., conv rad  ho ATs ,out  Tsurr    A(Ts,4out  T4 )

 12  300Ts ,out  10  0.9  567 108  300 Ts ,out  273  1004

Solving the equations above simultaneously gives

Q  37440 W, Ts,in  7.3 0C, Ts,out  2.1 0C

• The total amount of natural gas consumption during a 14-hour period is

Qtotal Q t 37.440kJ  14  60  60s   1 therms 

Qgas       22.36 therms
0.80 0.80 0.80  105500 kJ 

• The money lost through the roof

Money lost  22.36 therms  $1.20/therms  $26.8

Consider a house that has a 10-m × 20-m base and a 4-m-high wall.
All four walls of the house have an R of 2.31 m2 0C/W. The two 10-m × 4-m walls have no
windows. The third wall has five windows made of 0.5-cm thick glass (k = 0.78 W/m · C),
1.2 m×1.8 m in size. The fourth wall has the same size and number of windows, but they
are double-paned with a 1.5-cm-thick stagnant air space (k=0.026 W/m·0C) enclosed
between two 0.5 cm-thick glass layers.
The thermostat in the house is set at 24 0C and the average temperature outside at that
location is 8 0C during the seven-month long heating season. Disregarding any direct
radiation gain or loss through the windows and taking the heat transfer coefficients at the
inner and outer surfaces of the house to be 7 and 18 W/m2 0C, respectively, determine the
average rate of heat transfer through each wall.
If the house is electrically heated and the price of electricity is $0.08/kWh, determine the
amount of money this household will save per heating season by converting the single-pane
windows to double-pane windows.

• Assumptions: 1 Steady heat transfer , 2 Heat transfer is one-dimensional,
3 Thermal conductivities of the glass and air are constant. 4 Heat transfer
by radiation is disregarded.
• Properties: k = 0.026 W/m⋅°C for air, and 0.78 W/m⋅°C for glass.
• Analysis:

1 1
Ri    0.003571 0 C/W
hi A 7  10  4
Lwall Lwall / k 2.31
R wall     0.05775 0 C/W
kA A 10  4
1 1
Ro    0.001389 0 C/W
ho A 18  10  4
R total  Ri  Rwall  Ro  0.003571  0.05775  0.001389  0.06271 0C/W
  T1  T2  24  8  255.1 W
Rtotal 0.06271
1 1
Ri    0.001786 0 C/W
hi A 7  20  4 
Lwall Lwall / k 2.31
R wall     0.033382 0 C/W
kA A 20  4  512 1.8
Lglass 0.005
Rglass    0.002968 0 C/W
kA 0.78  1.2 1.8
1 1 1 1 1
 5  5  R eq  0.000583 0 C/W
R eq Rwall Rglass 0.033382 0.002968
1 1
Ro    0.000694 0 C/W
ho A 18  20  4 
R total  Ri  Req  Ro  0.001786  0.000583  0.000694  0.003063 0 C/W
  T1 - T2  24  8  5224 W
R total 0.003063
1 1
Ri    0.001786 0 C/W
hi A 7  20  4
Lwall Lwall / k 2.31
R wall     0.033382 0 C/W
kA A 20  4  512 1.8
Lglass 0.005
Rglass    0.002968 0 C/W
kA 0.78  1.2 1.8
Lair 0.015
R air    0.267094 0 C/W
k air A 0.0261.2 1.8
R window  2 Rglass  Rair  2  0.002968  0.267094  0.27303 0 C/W
1 1 1 1 1
 5  5  R eq  0.020717 0 C/W
R eq Rwall Rglass 0.033382 0.27303

1 1
Ro    0.000694 0 C/W
ho A 18  20  4
R total  Ri  Req  Ro  0.001786  0.020717  0.000694  0.023197 0 C/W
  T1 - T2  24  8  690 W
R total 0.023197

Q save  Q singlepane  Q doublepane  5224  690  4534 W

 4534 
Q save  Q savet   kW   7  30  24 hr   22851 kWhr
 1000 
Money savings  Energy saved  unit cost of energy
24  22851 0.08  $1818

• Assumptions: 1. steady state, 2. one-dimensional, 3. Thermal conductivities are
constant. 4 Thermal contact resistances at the interfaces are disregarded.
• Properties: kA = kF = 2, kB = 8, kC = 20, kD = 15, kE = 35 W/m⋅°C.
• Analysis :

 L 0.01
R1  RA      0.04 0 C/W
 kA  A 2  0.12
 L 0.05
R2  R4  RC      0.06 0 C/W
 kA C 20  0.04
 L 0.05
R3  RB      0.16 0 C/W
 kA  B 8  0.04
 L 0.1
R5  RD      0.11 0C/W
 kA  D 15  0.06
 L 0.1
R6  RE      0.05 0 C/W
 kA  E 35  0.06
 L 0.06
R7  RF      0.25 0 C/W
 kA  F 2  0.12

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
       Requ, mid1  0.0250 C/W
Requ, mid1 R2 R3 R4 0.06 0.16 0.06
1 1 1 1 1
     Requ, mid2  0.0340 C/W
Requ, mid2 R5 R6 0.11 0.05
Rtotal  R1  Requ, mid1  Requ, mid2  R7  0.04  0.025  0.034  025  0.3490 C/W

 T1  T2 300  100
Q   572 W
R total 0.349

 58
Q total  572  1.91105 W

Rtotal,1  R 1  R equ,mid1  0.04  0.025  0.065 0 C/W

Then the temperature at the point B, D and F meet
  T1 - T  T  T  Q  R
Q  300  572  0.065  263 0
1 total,1
R total,1
 T   R  572  0.25  143 0C
Q  T  Q 7

Heat transfer through the pipe
can be modeled as steady
and one-dimensional.
The temperature of the pipe
depends on one direction only
(the radial r-direction) and can
be expressed as T = T(r).

Heat is lost from a hot-water pipe to

the air outside in the radial direction,
and thus heat transfer from a long
pipe is one-dimensional.
A long cylindrical pipe (or spherical
shell) with specified inner and outer
surface temperatures T1 and T2.

is the conduction resistance of the cylinder layer.


A spherical shell
with specified
inner and outer
temperatures T1
and T2.

is the conduction resistance of the spherical layer.

The thermal resistance network for
a cylindrical (or spherical) in case
of convection from in and out


for a cylindrical layer, and

for a spherical layer

Multilayered Cylinders and Spheres

The thermal resistance

network for heat transfer
through a three-layered
composite cylinder
subjected to convection
on both sides.

Once heat transfer rate Q has been
calculated, the interface temperature
T2 can be determined from any of the
following two relations:


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