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Conceptual definition

• Meaning of organization • Meaning of complex organizations •Orgaisational


•Causes of organizational complexity •Processes of complexity management

•Organizational structure •Designing an organizational structure •Ways to

manage organizational challenges/conflicts/complexions

Trends in organization studies

• Classical • Neoclassical • Modern

Perspectives of complex organization

• Philosophical perspective • Theological perspective • Sociological


Domestication of complexity with contemporary Nigerian society

• Government bureaucracies/parastatals

• Private organizations – industrial conglomerate

• Intergovernmental agencies

Implications of complex organization in the contemporary civilized


• Changing pattern of consumption (MacDonaldization)

• Genetically modified food (GMF)

• Test Tube Babies (TTB) surrogacy

Why do we need organization (possible exam question)

Reason why we need organization in the contemporary society

1. Organization help us in optimum (maximum) utilization of financial and

human resources .

2. They help in the proper assignment of task to suitable employees and also
keep track that there is no waste of resources and effort which emanate from
work duplication.

3. Organization ensures that jobs are clearly defined within an enterprise

where necessary authority is delegated.

4. They provide avenues to interact with other including employees and clients
as well explore and generate experiences that provide the substantial grant for
facing new challenges.

5. Organization also ensures growth and expansion which are product of

challenges, organization therefore equip enterprise with adaptability.

There is no agreed definition of organization, this is because different scholars

emphasize different ideas but most definition embraces the ideas that
organization are.

1. Groups of people 2. Acting together 3. In pursuit of common goals

and objectives.

One definition views organization as an act of putting things into a logical

order or the act of taking an efficient and orderly approach to tasks or a group
of people who have formally come together.

Another definition see organization as a process of identifying and grouping

work to be performed defining and delegating responsibility as well as
authority and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to
work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives.

Organization is therefore an instrument for achieving organization goals.

The work of each and every person is defined and authority as well as
responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the said.

In essence there are two concepts of organization which are:

1. Static concept

2. Dynamic concept

Under Static concept; the term organization is use as a structure or an entity

or a network of specified relationship. In this sense, organization is a group of
people bound together in formal relationship to achieve common objectives. It

lays emphasis on position and not on individual.

Under Dynamic concept, the term organization is use as a process of an

ongoing activity. In this sense, organization is a process of organizing work,
people and the system. It is concern with the process of determining activities
which may be necessary for achieving on objective and arranging them in
suitable groups so as to assign to individuals. It considers organization as an
open and adoptive system and not as a close system. Dynamic concept lays
emphasis on individuals and consider organization as a continuous processes.


Organizational complexities can be viewed as the amount of differentiation

that exists within different elements constituting the organization. This is
operationalized as the number of different professional specialization that
exists within the organization. For instance, a school will be considered a less
complex organization than a hospital because a hospital requires a large
diversity of professional specialties in other to function.

Complexity can also be observed via differentiation in structure, authority,

locus of control, attributes of personnel, attributes of product and technologies.

Complexity of an organization can be based on human behavior which results

from the interplay of conducts, demeanors and attitudes of the people. Human
behaviors are varied (different and not similar), unpredictable, and
uncontrollable make project management difficult. They lead to complex issues
because stakeholders sometimes disagree or misunderstand which leads them
to express views or take actions that are unexpected. Organization complexity
can be understood based on intrinsic (internal) or extrinsic (external

The internal includes the organization technology including the physical

artifacts as well as the procedures, methods and processes that constitute
organizational action. As the organizations technology becomes more complex,
more specialist are required to understand the underlying causal mechanisms
and this subsequently requires greater effort at integration and coordination.



1. Integrity: an employer should have integrity

2. Reliability: An employer should be trusted

3. Visionary: able to see and prepare for the future

4. Safety and Security: always care for safety and security of his work

5. Personal growth:

6. Promotes Empowerment:

7. Creativity: a good leader should be creative and thinking about way forward

8. Great communication skills:

9. Work ethics: Do's and Don't's

10. Active listening:


1. Work experience 2. Confidence 3. Respectful 4. Excellent

Communication skills

5. Creativity 6. Generous 7. Committed 8. Problem solver 9. Reliable

10. Teamwork 11. Innovative Ideas 12. Leadership potential 13. Growth
mindset 14. Curious

15. Professionalism

 The factors that causes complexity in organization (i.e. the sources)

 The processes involved in complex organizations managerial
 Best practices in complex organization

The Factor

There are many approaches or perspective to understanding causes of

complexity. A perspective is a way of viewing something, it also implies an
approach, viewpoint or point of view. In organizational complexity
management, a perspective means ways through which organizational
challenges and complexities can be resolved using different alternatives. In
other words, organizational complexity could be challenges that these
approaches facilitate in addressing them. But first, there's the need for
understanding what the causes of the complexities are, the processes involved,
as well as the best practices in solving the complexity or challenges.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Interaction Complexity Intrinsic A five (5) complexities

based on vs framework
human Extrinsic
1. Operational Complexity
Interconnectivit behavior,
y system, 2. Outcome(s) Complexity
3. Environmental

4. Stakeholders Complexity

5. Organizational

The Process

Below is a simple process of complex organization management

1. Understanding the complexity type.

2. Investigating the causes of complexity.

3. Identifying the solution.

4. Selecting an effective solution.

5. Implementation and evaluation of the selected solution.

The above can be more specified with FOCUS headword

F Find the problem whether complexity is fail or not

O Organizing. organize a team to investigate the problems and identify

solutions for problem

C Clarity. Clarify the problems by discussing the solution.

U Understand. Improve your understanding and knowledge by selecting a

S Solution. Manage the complexity with the implementation and evaluation of


Best Practices

There's the need for administrators, managers or leaders to take advantage of

various subjective thinking features and capabilities including the following:-

1. Holism/Wholism:- it involves goal setting, planning, converting the

organization to a learning organization, Total Quality Management (it means
organizations wide efforts to install and to make permanent climate where
employees continuously improve their ability to provide on demand product
and services that customers will find of particular values), Knowledge
management (the organization will be establishing new thinking),
Stakeholders management, proper use of organic and bereaucratic structures
contingent to circumstances, system dynamics, organizational agility.

2. Strategic Thinking:-

3. System Thinking:-

4. Process Oriented:- Input-------Throughput------Output(final)

5. Inductive and Deductive Thinking:- inductive ; within/ Deductive;


 The various perspectives on organizational leadership and

 Philosophical perspectives on leadership
 Theological
 Traditional

The rationale behind learning about philosophical ideas on or about

1. Philosophical knowledge on leadership facilitates our ability to solve

organizational problems at various levels. This means, at the top, middle or
lower level cadres.

2. Learning about philosophical perspectives on leadership helps in enhancing

our understanding of human nature, interaction and all the world in which we
live operate.

3. Knowledge about perspective in leadership improves communication skills,

persuasive powers, and writing skills.

4. It helps in improving critical thinking, increases knowledge of logic and

stimulate thinking about ultimate questions.

A.D Anno Domini (in the year of our lord) (After the Birth)

B.C (Before the Birth of Jesus)

C.E (Common Era) (technical way of AD)

B.C.E (Before Common Era) (technical way of B.C)


He proposes that leadership is a duty of philosopher kings who acquire the

technics and skills for the art of ruling. To him, a leader should be
knowledgeable and should love wisdom. He said "Be a lover of wisdom as a
cardinal virtue".


He believed that people should be governed by those with the greatest

knowledge, abilities and virtues and who possessed a deep knowledge of
themselves. He believed that the best form of government was neither
Tyrannical nor Democratic.


He believed that to become an effective leader, one must first be a follower to

intimately understand the needs and wants of the group. Even after one
becomes a leader, he/she still needs to follow the concerns, the plight, and the
progress of those that he/she serves. Every good leader is a good follower.

Theological Perspective on Leadership

Understanding theological perspectives on leadership and followership

enriches our understanding of transendental facts with clarity.

It helps in opening new horizons especially when it involves understanding the

laws, traditions, and morals of our own society and those of others.

What does Christianity says about leadership

Jesus taught His disciples not to emulate the rulers of Gentiles who exercise
authority over them, instead, He taught that in other for people to be leader,
they must become servant first. They must not conform to the status quo
especially if it entails ruling through coercion, and unjust deeds over their

(Leaders are servant first)

Matthew chapter 20 vs 26:- "But among you it will be different, whoever wants
to be a leader among you must be your servant".

(Fairless is a leaders moral obligation)

Proverb chapter 29 vs 14:- If a king judges the poor with truth, his thrown will bf
established forever".

(Leaders are strength in their followeres)

Philippian chapter 2 vs 3:- Don't be selfish, don't try to impress others, be humble
thinking of others as better than yourself"

(Leaders have a word of honor)

Matthew chapter 5 vs 37:- Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything more than this
comes from evil.

(Leaders reciprocate good deeds)

Matthew 7 vs 12:- Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye
even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Isaiah chapter 40 vs 31:- contains a great promise of strength for the weary: “they who wait for
the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be
weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Proverbs chapter 23 vs 9:- Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy
words. 9 Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the good sense of your words. 9 Don't
waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.

Proverbs chapter 16 vs 12:- It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne
is established by righteousness

Christian perspective on followership

Hebrews 13 vs17:- "obey your leaders and submit to them for they are keeping
watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. Let them do
this with joy and not with groaning for that would be of no advantage to you"

What does Islam says about leadership

In Islam, leadership is a trust (Amā nah). It is a sacred position that can solve
the problems of humanity and guide them to the eternal betterment of here

and hereafter. There are several verses from the Quran and Hadith that talked
about that.

In Islam, both the leader and the laid/followers will be questioned.

In one Hadith; The Prophet is reported to have say "All of you are shepherds
and each of you will be asked concerning his flock" narrated by Imam-l-

Qur'an Chapter 21 vs 73

" َ‫صاَل ِة َوِإيتَا َء ال َّز َكا ِة ۖ َو َكانُوا لَنَا عَابِ ِدين‬ ِ ‫َو َج َع ْلنَاهُ ْم َأِئ َّمةً يَ ْه ُدونَ بَِأ ْم ِرنَا َوَأوْ َح ْينَا ِإلَ ْي ِه ْم فِ ْع َل ْال َخ ْي َرا‬
َّ ‫ت َوِإقَا َم ال‬

And We made them leaders to guide (the people) by Our command; and We
inspired them to perform good deeds and observe their moral obligations and
pay the zakat; and they obeyed Us."

A leader is trusted to lead a group and is answerable to people and God

Leadership in Islam has to do with knowledge. A major characteristic in

leadership is knowledge as stipulated in the Quran chapter 4 vs 59. Qur'an
Chapter 7 verse 6.

A leader in Islam should demonstrate practically for followership.

 Some historical facts vis-a-vis of complex organization in

precolonial Nigeria
 About an icon
 About a pioneer in women's rights movement
 Why some obstacles exist in women's advancement, especially in
leadership roles (selection, election and appointment)

Concentrate also on;

Nana Asma'u jihad Theological and Philosophical of leadership and


Theories of organization with citation

Question : critically examine the following organizational theory with
focus on

A. The theories proponent(s) B. It's major postulates C. Strength of the


D. It's weaknesses E. It's (the theory) application in contemporary

Nigerian context.

1. The Elite Theory (Vilfredo Pareto) - governing elites

2. The Elite Theory by (Gaetano Mosca)

3. The theory of iron law of oligarchy (Robert Mitchel's)

4. The power elites (Charles Wright Mills)

5. Bureaucratic theory (Max Weber)

6. Theory of Cyclical view of history (Abdulrahman Inn Khaldoun)

7. Theory of social capital (Pierrie Bourdieu)

8. The class theory in human society (Federich Engels)

9. Secularization theory (Peter Bager)

10. Open system theory (Luigin Van Batanlappy)


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