Drug Study With NCP

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Generic Name: Pharmacologic class: Inhibits protein synthesis Treatment of the following Contraindicated in: Side Effects ● Assess patient for
Azithromycin Macrolides at the level of the 50S infections due to Abdominal pain infection (vital signs;
bacterial ribosome. susceptible organisms: Hypersensitivity to Diarrhea appearance of
Therapeutic class: azithromycin, Nausea wound, sputum,
Brand Name: Upper respiratory tract erythromycin, or other urine, and stool;
Zithromax Agents for atypical infections, including macrolide anti-infectives; Adverse Effects WBC) at beginning of
mycobacterium streptococcal pharyngitis, History of cholestatic and throughout
acute bacterial jaundice or hepatic CV: TORSADES DE therapy.
Anti-infectives POINTES, chest pain,
exacerbations of chronic dysfunction with prior use ● Obtain specimens for
Dosage: bronchitis and tonsillitis, of azithromycin; hypotension, palpitations, culture and sensitivity
500mg 1 tabxxx Lower respiratory tract QT interval prolongation, QT interval prolongation before initiating
infections, including hypokalemia, Derm: ACUTE therapy. First dose
Community-Acquired bronchitis and pneumonia, hypomagnesemia, or GENERALIZED may be given before
Pneumonia Acute otitis media, bradycardia; EXANTHEMATOUS receiving results.
Skin and skin structure Concurrent use of PUSTULOSIS, DRUG ● Observe for signs and
IV PO (Adults): More infections, quinidine, procainamide, REACTION WITH symptoms of
severe– 500 mg IV every Nongonococcal urethritis, dofetilide, amiodarone, or EOSINOPHILIA AND anaphylaxis (rash,
24 hr for at least 2 doses, cervicitis, gonorrhea, and sotalol. SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS pruritus, laryngeal
then 500 mg PO every 24 chancroid. (DRESS), edema, wheezing).
hr for a total of 7–10 days; Prevention of disseminated STEVENS-JOHNSON Notify health care
Less severe– 500 mg PO, Mycobacterium avium SYNDROME, TOXIC professional
then 250 mg/day PO for 4 complex (MAC) infection in EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS, immediately if these
more days. patients with advanced HIV photosensitivity, rash occur.
infection. ● Assess patient for skin
EENT: ototoxicity rash frequently during
therapy. Discontinue
F and E: hyperkalemia azithromycin at first
GI: HEPATOTOXICITY, sign of rash; may be
CLOSTRIDIOIDES life-threatening.
DIARRHEA (CDAD), syndrome or toxic
cholestatic jaundice, ↑ liver epidermal necrolysis
enzymes, dyspepsia, may develop. Treat
flatulence, melena, oral symptomatically; may
candidiasis, pyloric stenosis recur once treatment
is stopped.
GU: nephritis, vaginitis

Hemat: anemia,

Neuro: dizziness, seizures,

drowsiness, fatigue,

REACTIONS (including
anaphylaxis and
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Interventions Rationale Evaluation Discharge Planning
Subjective: Ineffective Breathing Medication – Review and
● History of Pattern related to airway explain the importance of
Asthma obstruction secondary to home medication regimen
● Patient asthma and appropriate safety
verbalizes throat measures.
Environment – Encourage
client’s family to provide a
quiet environment free from
stressful situations. Instruct
client’s family to maintain a
home environment conducive
to health and safety, as well
as reduction of obstacles to
promote energy
Objective: conservation.
● Cough
● Nasal discharge Treatment – Emphasize the
● Rales/Crackles/ importance of medication
rhonchi and treatment adherence.
● Throat itchiness
VS: Assist client’s family in
BP - 120/60 mmHg establishing medication
PR - 90 bpm schedules that will facilitate
RR - 21 bpm regular and timely taking of
T - 36.7 medications.
SPO2 - 97
Health Teaching

Out-Patient - Inform client’s

family of the importance of
regular follow-up care and
instruct them to accompany
the patient when attending
future check-ups with her
health care providers.
Diet –

Support System - Encourage

the client’s family to seek
available community
resources to aid in recovery.

Advise client’s family to

support the client, establish
teamwork, and be her source
of strength.

Spirituality - Encourage the

client to seek spiritual
enlightenment by praying and
asking God for continuous
guidance, strength, and

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