Bill of Quantity (Boq)
Bill of Quantity (Boq)
Bill of Quantity (Boq)
Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of
40x40x6 mm angle iron and 3 mm M.S. gusset plates at the
9 junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete, including 2.06 sqm 2906.65 5987.70
applying a priming coat of approved steel primer. Using flats
30x6mm for diagonal braces and central cross piece
Note: Bidders are requested to quote their rate in figure & Words both
I Agree to execute the work at ...................% (In words …....................………………..%) Above / Below the
Estimated Cost.
Signature of Bidder
Page 3 of 3
Name of Work Washing and painting of trees garden wall flog hosting
platform and grill and cleaning of GM office campus under
M-A Area.
NIQ No. & Date GM (M-A)/ S.O(C)/ DAKRA/ NIQ/ 2020-21/456 dt. 02/08/2020
Input Tax Available / Not Available To be Selected by Department
Rate of GST (in %) 18 %
Status of Bidder W.R.T. GST (Please Mark as A. GST Registered Bidder ( )
Applicable) B. GST Unregistered Bidder ( )
Note: Bidders are requested to quote their rate in figure & Words both
I Agree to execute the work at ...................% (In words …....................………………..%) Above / Below
the Estimated Cost.
Signature of Bidder