HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22: 23674 - HCL - ARA2022 - 00-Cover - Indd 4

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The past 12 months have seen humanity and businesses evolve

to the ‘new normal’. Human inventiveness and technological

innovation came to the forefront to help communities and
businesses act, adapt, and advance through this period
of disruption.

If the year prior provided the chance to reflect and

introspect on what was truly ‘essential’, 2021-22 was
defined by the opportunity to recalibrate and accelerate:

• Accelerate enterprise and business model transformations

• Accelerate creation of new competitive advantages and
differentiated experiences – seizing opportunities amid crises
• Accelerate professional ambitions and personal aspirations
• Accelerate progress toward key global sustainability targets
• Accelerate the vision of an inclusive and equitable future
• Accelerate growth and value creation for all stakeholders
and ecosystems

HCL Technologies’ Annual Report 2021-22 recounts a year

of sustained, market-leading momentum, priming us as
the partner of choice to accelerate progress for our clients,
our people, our shareholders, and stakeholders. We remain
committed to enabling this acceleration with a single-minded
focus to deliver responsible progress for all.

HCL Technologies  Annual Report 2021-22

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Corporate Overview
Message from the Chairperson 2
Letter from the CEO & Managing Director 4
Founder and Board of Directors 7
Leadership Team 8
At a Glance 10
Sustainability 12
Corporate Social Responsibility 15
Powered by People 20
Global Presence. Accelerated. 28
Awards and Recognitions 30
Next-Gen Tech. Accelerated. 32
Business Highlights 34
CloudSMART 35
Strategic Alliances 36

18 Powered by People
IT and Business Services
Digital Foundation
Digital Business
Digital Operations 42
Notable Analyst Recognitions 43
Engineering and R&D Services 44
Products & Platforms 46
Management Discussion and Analysis (MDA) 48

Directors’ Report 93

Corporate Governance Report 152

CEO and CFO Certificates 190

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report (BRSR) 191

Financial Performance
Standalone Financial Statements 227
Consolidated Financial Statements 294
Statement under Section 129 370

30 Next-Gen Tech. Accelerated.

View the report online at:


Corporate Overview 1

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Roshni Nadar Malhotra

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Message from the Chairperson

Dear Shareholder,

Even as the world continued to evolve and shift in the wake of COVID-19,
I am proud of HCL Technologies’ commitment to both our people and our
clients in another year of unpredictability – and another year of acting
responsibly, and going above and beyond.

As we emerge from this once-in-a-century pandemic, We have engaged with various stakeholders and, using
we are navigating a phase of global supply chain a risk and responsibility lens, identified 12 material ESG
disruptions, geopolitical conflicts, and deglobalization. topics that have become our core focus. We also made
Within some of these trends are several opportunities, the important commitment of greenhouse gas emission
especially in digital, cloud, and engineering, as technology (GHG) reduction, and we’re strengthening our data and
becomes an essential part of our lives and a force for good. reporting initiatives in this area.
At HCL Technologies, we have continued to learn, build
and grow efficiently while expanding our client base
and growing our share of wallet. With the depth We recognize the impact that a business
and breadth of our portfolio, our strategy of establishing
like ours can deliver in elevating communities
nearshore presence, and deep relationships with our
clients, we remain well positioned to leverage these globally, and we continue to improve our
emerging opportunities. efforts and take decisive actions that benefit
people and planet.”
The HCL Foundation, through which we have invested more
At HCL Technologies, we have continued than ࡩ900 crores to-date in social development efforts,
to learn, build and grow efficiently while continues to lead the way for serving communities throughout
expanding our client base and growing our India across education, health, water, sanitation and hygiene,
share of wallet.” skill development and livelihoods, environment, and disaster
risk reduction, response and management. HCL is also
When I look back on FY22, I’m particularly proud of the serving communities in global locations where we are
work we did to bolster our commitment to sustainability present, through direct interventions and partnerships.
and corporate social responsibility (CSR). While our I am pleased to share that, in recognition of these efforts,
Board of Directors made solid progress with its diversity, we were named Corporate Citizen of the Year 2021 by The
inclusion and environmental, social and governance (ESG) Economic Times.
sub-committee work, we embraced a new overarching Ethical and sustainable business practices are of paramount
sustainability strategy built around the tenets of Act. importance to us and are embedded into everything we
Pact. Impact. do at HCL Technologies. We recognize the impact that a
• ACT: We understand that impact starts with us. We act in business like ours can deliver in elevating communities
the most responsible and sustainable manner. We ensure globally, and we continue to improve our efforts and take
we use every resource efficiently to maximize value decisive actions that benefit people and planet.

• PACT: Our relationships go beyond a formal contract with I would like to thank and express my humble gratitude to
our stakeholders. We are working for a sustainable future our shareholders for always believing in us. Together, we
in collaboration with our clients, partners, communities, shall continue to drive our growth strategy and build on
and all stakeholders the achievements of FY22.

• IMPACT: We focus on creating sustainable impact

through all our initiatives and activities

Roshni Nadar Malhotra

Corporate Overview 3

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C Vijayakumar
CEO & Managing Director

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Letter from the CEO & Managing Director

Dear Shareholder,

When the pandemic began, it forced organizations to re-imagine and

rapidly accelerate their digitalization journeys. Upgrades, transitions,
and new operating models were launched at an unimaginable pace.
A year later, this momentum shows no sign of abating, but with the
added ask of foundational restructuring to build long-term sustainable
business growth models. This has required both technology providers
and consumers to invest in order to progress for the long run.

At HCL Technologies, our performance in FY22 reflected Responsible progress

this sentiment. We grew at a healthy 12.7% YoY in constant We also took exceptional strides on the ESG front and
currency and also focused on architecting the ‘next normal’ integrated ESG across our business operations.
for our clients with proactive investments in several arenas At the very helm of our actions is a dedicated committee
that will ensure our long-term competitiveness. constituted within the Board of HCL Technologies to
The year scripted many successes for us along these two oversee and govern our diversity, equity and inclusion and
broad themes of momentum and investment. ESG actions. The overall constitution and mix of our Board
is itself very diverse, with more than 30% women Directors
Growth momentum
and 60% international Directors.
We continued to build on our growth strategy. Our services
business grew at a rate of 14.9% YoY, headlined by digital
application services, engineering services, and cloud
transformation services. Over the last three years, the share From making our Company more sustainable,
of our digital services portfolio has gone up from 18.2% to to creating technology-enabled sustainable
34.5%, which is a strong validation of our approach to
solutions that we offer to our clients, to
winning in the digital-first era.
purposefully contributing to the communities
that we operate in, we are taking every action
to continue to make a positive impact on our
Our front-runner credentials in Cloud
planet’s health and resilience.”
have further strengthened this positioning.
We believe that by 2025, more than 50% On the climate change agenda, we have committed to
of tech spend in the IT Services market is achieving net-zero carbon by 2040, joining a group of
going to be on Cloud.” only ~20% of the world’s public companies that have
so far committed to net-zero carbon emissions targets.
Our front-runner credentials in Cloud have further On this journey, our sub-target for 2030 has been validated
strengthened this positioning. We believe that by 2025, by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to be aligned
more than 50% of technology spend in the IT Services with the 1.5°C pathway.
market is going to be on Cloud. Having been amongst the Moving forward, we have identified 12 ESG topics as
first in the market to recognize this potential, we have ‘material’ to our business. Under these canopies, we
partnered with all the leading hyperscalers and are well are currently tracking 100+ metrics to drive sustainability
positioned to leverage the emerging opportunities. within the organization and leveraging technology to
Another unique differentiation is our strategy of product create solutions, including sustainable products, for
and service diversification to better serve client needs. our clients. Our hard work in this arena led us to achieve
Today, our Products & Platforms business is not just a ranking of 24 among all the software and services
a profitable and cash generating portfolio, but also a companies in the world by Sustainalytics.
door-opener in net new client groups and micro-verticals.
From making our Company more sustainable, to creating
technology-enabled sustainable solutions that we offer to
our clients, to purposefully contributing to the communities
that we operate in, we are taking every action to continue to
make a positive impact on our planet’s health and resilience.

Corporate Overview 5

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Letter from the CEO & Managing Director continued

Employer of choice Our bookings have also remained strong, cutting across
At HCL Technologies, we have taken pioneering steps in verticals, geographies, and service lines. From a YoY
our talent strategy. We are very proud of our global team perspective, our total contract value (TCV) has increased by
of diligent, diverse and passionate people, all 209,000+ of 14% and annual contract value (ACV) has grown 21% YoY.
them across 52 countries, who are delivering extraordinary
Going forward
experience to our clients under the leadership of a world-
The positive financial impact of our chosen business
class management team and rooted in our culture of
strategies has been significant. Over the last three years,
“Ideapreneurship”. Not only are we re-skilling our employees
we have reached a momentous milestone of 10% CAGR,
at a massive scale on next-gen technologies, but we are
representing $11.5 billion revenue, despite the challenges
also creating net new talent pools for the industry.
brought on by the pandemic. During the same period, our
operating cash flow grew by 21% CAGR.

Not only are we re-skilling our employees

at a massive scale on next-gen technologies, As digital transformation continues to remain
but we are also creating net new talent pools paramount for enterprises, we are optimally
for the industry.” positioned to partner with them through their
On the latter, three programs led the charge again this year digital journeys.”
– TechBee, our Global Apprenticeship Program and New
As digital transformation continues to remain paramount
Vistas. Overall, we made record hiring this fiscal year, with
for enterprises, we are optimally positioned to partner with
39,900 net new additions to the organization.
them through their digital journeys. We are going through
This dual focus on evolving, grooming, and empowering a product portfolio transformation, evolving our services
our teams, as well as diversifying our talent pipeline, has mix to better align with spend patterns, and leaning into the
continued to put us at a position of strength in the market. rapid growth of our digital business.
Our efforts in this direction have been widely lauded.
Driven by our focus on momentum and investment, we aim
We were featured in Forbes’ 2021 list of the “World’s Best
to deliver organic growth in the most capital-efficient ways,
Employers” for the second consecutive year in FY22,
employing the most sustainable profitability improvement
and we also emerged as the top-ranked company globally
strategies. To ensure our shareholders get the benefit of
in the Professional Services sector and one of the only five
our successful business model, we have improved our
India-headquartered multinationals across all sectors.
capital allocation policy, increasing payout to a minimum
Today, we are recognized as a “Top Employer” in 17
of 75% of net income over a 5-year period. Above all,
countries, and hope to add several more territories to this
we will continue to invest in our people, who are the
list next year. Additionally, leading analyst group Avasant
biggest enablers of our ability to deliver innovative and
has ranked us a “Leader” in its Digital Talent Capability 2021
differentiated solutions to our clients.
RadarView™, a citation we are very proud of.
We look forward to the next phase of our growth with
Preferred Digital Partner for Global 2000 enterprises
optimism and confidence, ready to harness the disruptions
Our vision is to be the preferred digital partner for Global
and seize the many opportunities that are ahead of us.
2000 enterprises. To deliver on this ambition, our strategic
focus for client acquisition and retention is built on two key
directives: being selective about the companies we pursue
and building deep, strategic relationships as a trusted
partner with our clients.
Last year, the number of $100 million clients increased to 16, C Vijayakumar
and our $50 million clients increased from 29 to 43, proving
the efficacy of this strategy. 85% of our revenue growth
came from 50 accounts, 40 of which are Fortune 500 or
Global 500 accounts. This growth was led by client-centric
initiatives alongside delivery of strong digital propositions in
35 existing clients and 15 new accounts. We are very proud
of the deeper, multi-service line relationships that we are
building on this journey.

6 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Founder Board of Directors

Shiv Nadar Roshni Nadar Malhotra C Vijayakumar Shikhar Malhotra

Founder, HCL Group; Chairperson CEO & Managing Director Director
Chairman Emeritus and Non-Executive, Non-Executive,
Strategic Advisor to the Board Non-Independent Non-Independent

Non-Executive, Independent Directors

Deepak Kapoor S Madhavan Dr. Mohan Chellappa Nishi Vasudeva

Director Director Director Director

Robin Ann Abrams Dr. S Shankara Sastry Simon John England R Srinivasan
Director Director Director Director

Key to Board Committee membership:

Corporate Social Responsibility
Nomination and Remuneration
Stakeholders’ Relationship
Risk Management
ESG and Diversity Equity Inclusion
C Respective Chair of each Committee

Thomas Sieber Vanitha Narayanan

Director Director

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Leadership Team

C Vijayakumar Prateek Aggarwal Apparao V V Ajit Kumar

CEO & Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Chief Human Resources Officer Chief Information Officer

Vijay Anand Guntur Anil Ganjoo Ashish Kumar Gupta Kalyan Kumar
President, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Technology Officer
Engineering and R&D Services Americas, Europe and Africa, and Head, Ecosystems,
TMT and RCPG Industries Diversified Industries and Chief Product Officer,
Products & Platforms

Srimathi Shivashankar Jill Kouri Raghu Raman Lakshmanan Rahul Mohta

Corporate Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer General Counsel Senior Vice President and
Global Head, EdTech Business Global Head for Procurement

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Anand Birje Jagadeshwar Gattu Rahul Singh Swapan Johri
President, President, President, President,
Digital Business Services Digital Foundation Services Financial Services and Growth Markets
Digital Process Operations

Rajiv Shesh Shrikanth Shetty Ajay Bahl Kevin McGee

Chief Revenue Officer, Chief Growth Officer, Corporate Vice President, Corporate Vice President,
Products & Platforms Americas, Americas, MEGA Industries Risk and Compliance
Life Sciences and
Healthcare Industries

Sriram Hariharan Santhosh Jayaram Nidhi Pundhir

Executive Vice President, Global Head for Sustainability Vice President and Director,
Strategy, Corporate HCL Foundation
Development and Business

Corporate Overview 9

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At a Glance

$11.48B 85,651
Revenue Revenue (ࡩCr)
13.6% increase YoY

Profit before tax (ࡩCr)
Profit before Taxes, Finance
6.9% increase YoY costs and other income in FY22

Operating cash flow (ࡩCr)
New large deals signed
4 Year CAGR: 19.4%

New Deal TCV
Total increase in $100M+
14% increase YoY clients over past three FYs

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Revenue from Operations Profit before Taxes, Finance costs, and other income
(ࡩCr) (ࡩCr)
50,569 60,427 70,676 75,379 85,651 9,863 11,853 13,896 15,437 16,204


FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22 FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22

Profit after Tax Diluted EPS

(ࡩCr) (ࡩ&U)
8,721 10,120 11,057 11,145 13,499 31.1 36.8 40.8 41.1 49.8


* 4 year CAGR

FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22 FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22

Employee Metrics A differentiated and integrated portfolio

120,081 137,965 150,423 168,977 208,877 IT and Business Services 72.1%
Engineering and
R&D Services 15.8%
Products & Platforms 12.1%

FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22

Client category 16
15 15
(Number of clients)
$100M+ 43
28 29 30
$50M+ 118
95 96 96
$20M+ 208

171 178
160 166
$10M+ 349
308 318
791 809
561 623
FY ‘18 FY ‘19 FY ‘20 FY ‘21 FY ‘22

Corporate Overview 11

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Our commitments
We are committed to long-term value creation for our
stakeholders, and our philosophy has always been about
incorporating the right ESG practices to ensure a sustainable
present and future. Our approach is designed to maximize
our contribution toward the UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). Our sustainability strategy is based on three
guiding principles:
• ACT: We understand that impact starts with us. We act in
the most responsible and sustainable manner. We ensure
we use every resource efficiently to maximize value
• PACT: Our relationships go beyond a formal contract
with our stakeholders. We are working for a sustainable
future, in collaboration with our clients, partners,
communities, and all stakeholders

We are embedding sustainability into everything we do at HCL • IMPACT: We focus on creating sustainable impact
Technologies. With a comprehensive environmental, social, through all our initiatives and activities
and governance (ESG) framework, we are delivering Aligned to this, the Board committed to focus on ESG and
sustainable, long-lasting impact through our corporate recently reconstituted the Board’s Diversity Committee
actions and our pacts with stakeholders. (created in April 2016) to become the ESG and DEI
Committee. The Company also hired this year a Global
Head of Sustainability.
Using the lens of risk and responsibility, HCL has defined
12 material topics and created a set of 100 performance
metrics aligned with global ESG standards and guidelines
to monitor the progress in these 12 dimensions.
The 12 material topics are:

E 1. Climate Change
2. Eco Efficiency

S 3. Human Capital
4. Local Hiring
5. Diversity and Inclusion
6. Talent Attraction and Retention
7. Work Environment
8. Citizenship

G 9. IT Security, Data Protection, and System Availability

10. Sustainable Impact on Clients
11. Sustainable Procurement
12. Governance and Ethics

HCL Campus, Noida.

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How we act matters to us
HCL Technologies signs the Our Climate Pledge is a commitment to achieving net-zero
carbon by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.
Climate Pledge As part of this pledge, HCL will measure and transparently
The Climate Pledge is a commitment to achieving report progress against the goal. The Science Based Targets
net-zero carbon by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris initiative (SBTi) has validated and commended our ambitious
Agreement. As part of this pledge, HCL will measure 1.5°C pathway targets. On the pathway to achieving net zero
and transparently report progress against the goal. by 2040, renewables will be our top priority, followed by
energy and eco-efficiency. We also have initiated action
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has validated
plans for nature-based sequestering projects.
and commended our ambitious 1.5°C pathway targets.
On the pathway to achieving net zero by 2040, Aligned to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global
renewables will be our top priority, followed by Compact (UNGC), we have policies that govern our actions
energy and eco-efficiency. We also have initiated and expectations from our stakeholders. These policies
action plans for nature-based sequestering projects. include anti-bribery and corruption, Code of Conduct,
whistleblower, human rights, corporate social responsibility,
remuneration and procurement.
Creating value in FY22 We continue to be a signatory to the UNGC and regularly
Our achievements have created value and delivered disclose progress toward the commitments. As we aim to
long-lasting, sustainable impact for our stakeholders. achieve these environmental targets, we constantly track
and measure key indicators. For example, we have achieved

3.7 million lives around 70% reduction in per capita Scope 1 and 2 GHG
emissions in the last decade.
Impacted through HCL Foundation’s initiatives: education,
HCL strongly believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion
health, water, sanitation and hygiene, skill development and
(DEI) are key to the success of the Company. The Employee
livelihoods, environment, and disaster risk reduction,
Resource Groups, Multi-Cultural Groups, and Diversity
response and management.
Councils help us drive our charter across the globe. We are
focused on dimensions including people of color, women,
55% LGBTQ+, people with disabilities (PWD), neurodiversity and
mental health.
Over half of the beneficiaries of the HCL Foundation’s projects
are women HCL recognizes the demand for technology and
digitalization in the journey to a sustainable future. HCL is
therefore committed to enhancing the ESG skills of its
30% reduction employees to ensure that sustainability is incorporated in all
its engagements with clients and partners. HCL continues
Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared with our baseline
to engage with various business forums to showcase the
in FY 2020
importance of digitalization in the transition to a more
sustainable world.
Renewable energy in our total energy consumption globally

Saplings planted to support the environment

Through community initiatives, we recharged 21 times more
water, compared to consumption across Indian operations

HCL employees planting trees as part of our sustainability drive.

Corporate Overview 13

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Sustainability continued

Our pact with all stakeholders

As a responsible corporate citizen, we support and help Selected Sustainability Solutions
activate the communities and societies in the places where
we operate. We collaborate with clients and ecosystem
partners to embed sustainability into everything we do.

Key initiatives Responsible

Product Design and
We are a founding member of the World Economic Forum Manufacturing
(WEF) Global Parity Alliance, a cross-industry group of
companies taking action to accelerate DEI in the workplace
and beyond

HCL has partnered with UN Women as a HeForShe

Champion. HCL and UN Women intend to transform Sustainability
such corporate and social norms to promote greater Performance
and Re-engineer
equity and inclusion – dramatically accelerating Monitoring and
(Sustainable IT)
progress toward UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 Reporting
on Gender Equality. As a HeForShe Champion, HCL
has made a bold and transformative policy commitment
to achieve gender parity in recruitment across the
organization globally by 2025
and Emission
Sustainability solutions for clients with partners
We have a focused approach to evolving new solutions and
products to help our clients improve their performance
around ESG. We are committed to improving the ESG
skills of our employees to ensure that we incorporate a
sustainable impact creation approach to our engagements
with clients and partners.

Key recognitions of our impact

91.9 Most Sustainable

HCL Technologies received an Edelweiss HCL Technologies was featured amongst
Sustainability score of 91.9 out of 100 on Businessworld’s “Most Sustainable Companies”.
40 key metrics across sustainability Companies were evaluated by Sustain Labs Paris

Gender Equality ESG Leader

HCL Technologies features in the Gender-Equality Index ranked as one of the 14 ESG Leaders in a listing
by Bloomberg of 586 companies evaluated by CRISIL

Ranked “A”
HCL Technologies received an “A” ranking in the
MSCI Ratings which positions us in the top performers
among peers

14 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Corporate Social Responsibility

HCL Foundation Director Nidhi Pundhir and CHRO Apparao VV

accept the Corporate Citizen of the Year Award 2021.

At HCL Technologies, our ability to deliver on our mission Today, the HCL Foundation drives five flagship programs
continues to be rooted in part to our strong corporate – HCL Samuday for integrated rural development; HCL
social responsibility toward the communities in which we Grant to empower non-profits for community-led rural
live and work. Whether it is collaborating with global upliftment; HCL Uday to address developmental issues in
forums, local communities, or governments and charity urban areas; Clean Noida to transform into one of the
organizations; contributing to crisis relief funds for cleanest cities in India; and HCL Harit for environmental
Ukraine or COVID-19; contributing to the efforts for a action. In addition, various other special initiatives are
greener world or environment preservation; providing undertaken by the HCL Foundation. These include – Power
education and employment to under-represented groups of One, Sports for Change, the HCL Foundation Academy,
and communities; or offering health and food assistance My E-Haat, and response to humanitarian crises and
– HCL proudly holds the CSR flag as an integral part of its disaster mitigation. These programs are designed to bring
growth journey. about lasting positive impact on people and the planet
through long-term sustainable programs that focus on
Built on a strong foundation in India
education, health and sanitation, skill development and
In India, HCL Technologies implements its Corporate
livelihood, environment, and disaster risk reduction and
Social Responsibility agenda through its CSR arm, the
response. Child protective strategies, inclusion, and gender
HCL Foundation. With a cumulative investment of more
diversity remain central in all initiatives of the HCL
than ࡩ 900 Cr, the Foundation has impacted more than
Foundation, ensuring equitable development and
3.7 million lives across 22 states and three union territories
opportunities for all.
of India. In recognition of these efforts, HCL Technologies
received the prestigious Corporate Citizen of the Year
Award 2021 from The Economic Times for championing
social change and good governance.

Corporate Overview 15

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Corporate Social Responsibility continued

Rural Programs Urban Programs

Driven by a commitment to create self-reliant villages, With a bold vision to create a future in which cities embrace
HCL Samuday and HCL Grant work with local communities their most vulnerable citizens and services converge to
to seed sustainable, transformative models and solutions, offer a life of dignity and self-respect, the HCL Foundation
and create a source code for rural transformation. is creating a model for urban socio-economic and
environmental development.
HCL Samuday, implemented in Hardoi district in Uttar
Pradesh, takes an immersive approach, engaging deeply HCL Uday leverages the scale of the government, the
into the rural communities to build the most needed assets expertise of NGO partners and the volunteering spirit of its
and infrastructure, and then galvanizing the local employees to bridge the access gap and reach the city’s
communities to take charge. poorest residents with quality services. It works through
an integrated community development approach using a
During FY22:
convergence approach to create a comprehensive and
• 104,072 students and 33,981 neo-literates accessed and
holistic model of urban development.
benefitted from education initiatives
• 49,812 outpatient department clinics and diagnostic In FY22, HCL Uday continued its efforts to enable and
services were made available through telemedicine, and empower communities to realize their full potential.
40,895 people received mobile health clinic services Reaching out to more than 560,000 (60% women) people
• 5,040 women across 720 self-help groups were trained in 11 Indian cities, HCL Uday works toward providing
in financial management comprehensive care and services across various verticals,
• Reliable green electricity from 32 solar mini-grids made including early childhood care and development, education,
available to 4,000 households skill development and livelihoods, and health, water,
• 370 acres of land reclaimed under the VASUNDRA sanitation and hygiene. Programs provide holistic health
Program by applying gypsum in land with high pH for care and development, mainstreaming children into
1,848 farmers schools, training, public health improvements, and support
• 2,083 farmers trained at the CATT center in advanced of collectives.
agriculture practices
Clean Noida is implemented in full partnership with its
• 1,688 households connected with a regular piped water
citizens and the Noida Development Authority. The program
supply through tap connection
works toward creating awareness about proper waste
• 3,814 tons of solid waste were managed and 675 garbage
management practices and evolving structured,
vulnerable points eliminated
technology-driven systems and practices for efficient
HCL Grant takes an expansive approach to achieving management of waste in the city. Clean Noida is HCL’s
sustainable rural development by supporting non- commitment to transform Noida into one of the cleanest
governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in path- cities in the world. Clean Noida programme has been
breaking work across three thematic categories of appreciated by Noida Authority, for the project’s immense
environment, education, and health. HCL Grant has contribution, which has helped Noida to become;
committed ࡩ 95.75 crore with an aim to reach 2.3 million (i) India’s cleanest medium city (3-10 lac population),
people. So far, more than 844,000 lives have already been (ii) 4th cleanest city (1-10 lac population) and
touched. As part of the environmental initiatives, more than (iii) awarded 5-Star Garbage Free City (GFC) rating, in
65,000 acres of land have been brought under sustainable Swachh Survekshan 2021.
community governance. The partnerships across various
remote corners of the country have ushered in the
emergence of innovative community-led solutions and
enabled the delivery of solutions at scale.

The HCL Foundation conducts emergency rescue missions The HCL Foundation supported rug
to save biodiversity through Mobile Veterinary Service unit. weaving center run by rural women.

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Environmental Action
HCL Harit The green initiative aims to conserve, restore, and
enhance indigenous environmental systems and respond to
climate change in a sustainable manner through community
engagement. HCL Harit is operational in nine states of India.
Key achievements during FY22:
• Afforestation and Habitat Restoration: 180,984 saplings
were planted, taking the total sapling count to 467,240
• Water Conservation: 25 waterbodies rejuvenated, taking
the cumulative count to 78
• Animal Welfare: 29,512 animals were treated and
protected, taking the cumulative count to 50,982
• Environment Education: 4,001 people benefitted, taking
The HCL Technologies Foundation Director Nidhi Pundhir and HCL
Technologies CMO Jill Kouri visiting partner NGOs in Noida, India. the total reach to 7,515
• Coastal & Marine Conservation: ~290,000 mangrove
saplings raised for plantation; ~20,500 kgs ghost nets
collected and ~4,000 Olive Ridley eggs relocated to
the hatchery
Special Initiatives
Sports for Change: Aimed at enabling balanced
participation, excellence and holistic development through
a high-quality and inclusive sporting experience for children
and youth from disadvantaged communities.
• 21,000+ athletes reached
• 113 sports scholars recognized through scholarships
• 89 students admitted to reputable colleges through
sports quota
• 104 students participated in national and state level
HCL Foundation Academy: A global platform for collaborative
learning and solution thinking to the world’s most challenging
socio- economic and environmental problems.
HCL CEO & Managing Director, C Vijayakumar and HCL
Foundation Director, Nidhi Pundhir felicitating Jerlin Anika • 36,800+ reach
(center), Sports for Change scholarship recipient, who won
three Golds in Badminton for India at the 2022 Deaflympics. • 46 webinars hosted
• 3 cycles of 3 courses underway
• 7 partnerships
• 142 learners certified
• 2 cycles of CSR courses completed
• 167 learning hours clocked
My E-Haat: Promoting India’s rich heritage and finest
handicrafts, www.myehaat.in portal enables thousands
of artisans, especially women, to leap over exploitative
systems and connect directly with customers.
Power of One: It is an HCL employee volunteering and payroll
giving program based on the belief that a small contribution
made by the employees or time spent in community service
can make a significant difference in society. The Company
matches all funds collected through payroll giving and
directs them to non-profits and NGOs globally.

HCL Technologies Foundation works to

expand access to education in India.

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Corporate Social Responsibility continued

HCL leadership collaborating with FEBA.

Expanding community In Poland, to support people impacted by the Ukraine crisis,

HCL employees collected food, first aid kits and other basic
initiatives across the world need items that not only supported frontline NGOs but also
Beyond India, HCL Technologies is working to serve the local food banks, children’s hospice organizations and
communities in which it operates through a combination of animal shelters. For these efforts, HCL was recognized by
great partnerships with social impact organizations and the 2021 Responsible Business Forum, The Kraków Food
employee volunteering. Bank, asperIT and Fundacja Poland Business Run.

Helping those affected by the Ukraine crisis. In France, HCL partnered with Apprentis d’Auteuil to
• Partnered with the European Food Banks Federation and support child protection and high-quality education
other NGOs to direct donations opportunities for youth. Employees also organized donation
• Extended co-financing housing expenses to employees drives to benefit homeless youth and children’s hospitals
who lost their homes in the conflict through the year.
• Offered employees medical assistance, legal support, In Italy, HCL employees focused on the environment by
and salary advances participating in a “plastic-free day” to clean up local parks
• Fast-tracked recruitment of Ukrainian refugees who and beaches. Working with La Stella di Lorenzo in Rome,
applied for jobs HCL volunteers raised funds to purchase defibrillators
for schools.
In Portugal, in partnership with ONG Liga and Protecção da
Natureza, HCL employees organized beach cleanups and
helped remove invasive species to revitalize the local flora.

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In Belgium, HCL employees prepared, packaged and
distributed food to 250 individuals experiencing
homelessness under the Lunch to Refugee program, in
collaboration with Serve the City.
In the United States, HCL has been working across three
focus areas – education, environment, and health. In
addition, it made a longterm commitment to addressing
food insecurity. HCL has partnerships with multiple
organizations such as United Way, American Red Cross,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Center for Disease Control
(CDC), The Valuable 500, N-Power and University of
California, Berkeley.
Most recently, almost 1.7 million meals were provided during HCL employees in Cary, N.C. provided
National Volunteer Month to those in need through HCL nearly 24,000 meals in two days.

Technologies’ partnership with Feeding America®. This was

achieved through employees’ hard work at local food banks.
In Canada, HCL partnered with Microsoft Career Connector
to increase access to economic opportunity for all. This
program builds bridges for job seekers who are served by
local non-profits with hiring employer partners.
In Singapore, HCL Technologies returned as a Silver Bull
Sponsor for the 18th SGX Cares Bull Charge Charity Run
for the fifth consecutive year in Singapore. Over
4,000 participants raised $2+ million for NGOs serving
underprivileged children and families, differently abled
people, and the elderly. HCL also continues to partner
with the Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF), a Singaporean
social service agency which advocates for the early
HCL employees volunteering with Serve the City in Belgium.
detection of breast cancer and supports the local breast
cancer community.
In Australia, HCL Technologies supports the McGrath
Foundation through the Vodafone Pink Test for breast
cancer. As the largest fundraiser in Australian sports, the
cricket and broader communities raised over $5 million in five
days – reaching over 3,400 families. To date, employees have
also raised over $8 million for Tour de Cure to fund cancer
research, and support both prevention projects and medical
breakthroughs through the Can4Cancer partnership.
In Sweden, HCL partnered with Giving People to provide
food to 85 children over the holidays.
In Romania, HCL reached over 200 middle and high The iconic Jane McGrath High Tea, proudly supported by
HCL Technologies, returned to the Ashes Vodafone Pink
school students through holiday food and gift drives. Test, raising funds to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in
Employees also participated in a half-marathon in support communities across Australia.
of holistic educational programming by Salvati Copii and
Pro Ruralis Association.

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Powered by People

In our continuing mission to expand and enrich our

employee-centric culture, HCL Technologies has long
understood this fundamental truth: our people are the
key to our progress. Through a culture of innovation and
“Ideapreneurship”, we empower our people to lead value-
driven ideas in an inclusive and flexible work environment.
Our people strategy is focused on building the skills
and capabilities that the industry needs, attracting and
retaining the right talent across the globe, and creating
a supportive culture for them to do their best work.

Ideapreneurs across the globe, but that’s not the only number that matters.
Truly diverse Glocalization (employees hired locally in global markets)

165 nationalities represented 71% United States

52 countries 81% Europe
28% Ideapreneurs are women 89% APAC and Rest of World (excluding India)
50% US apprentices recruited from
under-represented communities

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Globally recognized
for our people practices
#1 in the world in professional
services sector in Forbes’
“World’s Best Employers”
list 2021
Top 5 among multinationals
headquartered in India, across
all sectors
Among Global Top 100 for
the second consecutive year

Ranked a Top Employer

in 17 countries

Employees celebrating HCL Technologies’

‘Great Place to Work’ certification.
Great Place to work-certified
across the globe. Focus areas
Early career and higher
education programs
Part of 2022 Bloomberg Learning and
Gender-Equality Index professional development
Work-life integration

Founding member of World

Economic Forum’s (WEF) Rewards and recognitions
Global Parity Alliance on DEI

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Apprenticeship Program
for high school graduates
recognized as ground-breaking
by leading analyst firm Employee engagement
Technology Business Research

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Powered by people continued

Early career and higher

education programs

Getting started on the right track

HCL Technologies’ early career programs train the next
generation of technology talent and offer them a gateway
to fast-track their careers with one of the world’s leading
employers. We offer a range of entry-level programs across
the globe:
TechBee Scholarship/Apprenticeship
and Higher Education Program
The Program offers high school (Class XII) graduates an
opportunity to start their career directly out of school,
with access to industry-leading training, on-the-job
learning, and funded higher education with HCL’s network
of academic partners. In FY22, HCL onboarded 4,000+
students and offered career pathways in several business
areas, such as digital, engineering, cloud, software
development, and analytics.
HCL Technologies apprentices in Frisco, Texas.
HCL’s internship program offers students eight to
12 weeks of work experience in the areas of business
analysis, digital technologies, finance, HR, marketing,
and project management. In FY22, the Company employed
HCL TechBee is a real innovation in helping approximately 600 interns across the globe.
budding technocrats experience a new,
innovative way of learning, graduating from
Graduate Engagement Managers and Management Trainees
top universities... alongside a full-time job
Graduate Engagement Manager is HCL’s campus hiring
at an early age.”
program where top candidates are hired from accredited
Bhanu Teja universities/colleges. They are inducted as managers and are
TechBee, HCL Technologies deployed on global projects, working with senior leaders and
Vijayawada, India clients. MTs are hired from other reputable colleges in Tier 1
or 2 locations. Candidates with high learning aptitude and
potential are hired as MTs to start careers in IT, finance, HR,
marketing or project management.
HCL Technologies enables me to grow and
foster my leadership skills, unlock my potential, Full-Time Entry-Level Careers
and provide exceptional service to all Each year, thousands of college graduates join HCL
stakeholders.” Technologies as full-time entry-level professionals to
Gianina Maria Ciriaco get a head start in their careers in tech. In FY22
HR Business Partner alone, we hired almost 23,000 graduates from leading
HCL Technologies, Philippines educational institutions around the world.

22 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Sri Lanka employees celebrating new office inauguration.

Scaling new frontiers with New Vistas

Our new delivery centers create local employment opportunities and deliver technology solutions
to global Fortune 2000 organizations.

Expand global presence
with new global delivery
Alternate Research- Higher
centers/New Vista locations pool of backed education
local talent target cities partnerships

Create local jobs. Hire and
train high school/Class XII
students, undergrads, and
recent grads to create
alternate talent pool

• High school/Class XII • US (Sacramento, Frisco, • BITS Pilani, India

Invest in training and students San Antonio, Cary, Troy, • SASTRA University, India
upskilling for next-gen Horsham, Hartford,
• College and university • Amity University, India
skills across all stages Cincinnati)
graduates and under-
of career cycle • Southern New Hampshire
graduates • India (Lucknow, Madurai,
Nagpur, and Vijayawada) University, US
• Off campus willing to
restart or relaunch their • Other countries • Macquarie University,

Collaborate with careers (returning moms, (Canada, Costa
government and clients veterans) Rica, Romania, • Horizon Campus,
for new job creation/hiring Sri Lanka, Vietnam) Sri Lanka
and to encourage diversity
• IIIT, Sri Lanka
and inclusion

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Powered by people continued

Learning and professional


HCL Technologies offers a wide range of talent development

programs via online learning resources, workshops, interactive
learning experiences, and classroom trainings. The Company
takes pride in its association with leading learning and training
partners across the globe, who help deliver effective, virtual,
and collaborative learning to our 209,000 Ideapreneurs.
HCL has formal academic partnerships with leading global
institutes for higher education opportunities.
FY22 saw a continued uptake of digitally-enabled employee
learning tools. The FY22 learning program enrolments on
Generic skills further increased by 7% as compared to FY21
with a strong jump of 24% in the overall Learning hours. There
was an increase of 44% in Digital skills programs enrolment
with 32% employee certifications. ‘Application of Learning’
effectiveness improved by 60 basis points as compared to
FY21. These increases reflect the determination and drive of
our people to constantly improve and progress, individually
and collectively, to support their ambitions and goals.

HCL Technologies apprentices successfully completing a training module.

HCL Technologies allows me to balance

work and personal life, and encourages
me to give my best every day.”

Rolando Narvaez
HCL Technologies, Mexico

HCL Technologies employees in a training session in Cary, North Carolina, US. Ideapreneurs in Vietnam.

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Work-life Rewarding and
integration recognizing our
Creating the right balance The Company rewards the passion of its people with
HCL Technologies’ work-life integration initiatives and compensation, benefits and incentive programs that are
programs focus on creating synergies at the intersection inclusive and competitive in the marketplace. These include
of home, family, community, and health and well-being. non-monetary rewards such as performance recognition
platforms like Achievers League, O-Infinity, Hall of Fame,
Virtual-first work environment: The Company continues to
Ultimate Ideaprenuer, and Red Ladder Awards, among
embrace a hybrid working model that prioritizes its people
a few others.
and their needs. It is committed to creating an inclusive,
flexible work environment and benefits that work for all.
Every employee of HCL Technologies whose role can be
carried out independently of delivery center, client location,
and everyday personal interaction on-site is eligible to work
in a virtual-first mode.
Parental leave and returnship: At HCL, parental leave policies
provide employees with advice early on and options for
return to work, taking into consideration flexible working
hours and work locations. 99.2% of HCL’s female employees
return after their maternity leave, proving this approach is
beneficial to the business and to the families who are part
of the wider HCL community. The Company also offers a
returnship program to women, military veterans, and all
eligible candidates who wish to return to corporate life after
a long career break.
Childcare: In addition to providing flexible working
opportunities, the Company provides childcare facilities
and programs for its employees.
Driven by teamwork in Frisco, Texas.

of female employees return after their maternity leave

HCL Technologies lets me work in a

productive and flexible environment.”
Dana Marsh
HCL Technologies, USA

HCL Technologies apprentices engaged in a group discussion.

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Powered by people continued

Diversity, equity
and inclusion

Creating a safe and inclusive space for all

HCL Technologies continues to strengthen initiatives on
DEI. It strongly believes that DEI are key to the success of
the Company. The Employees Resource Groups, Multi-
Cultural Groups, and Diversity Council help us deliver on
our DEI charter. The Company also focuses on dimensions
including people of color, women, LGBTQ+, people with
disabilities, neurodiversity, and mental health.
Talent attraction
• 49% of female students in the total campus hiring
• Gender diversity at senior leadership level saw a 5.3%
increase over the last four years, an increment of 189%
Talent growth
• 1000 different technical and behavioral trainings
offered to employees
• Programs such as ASCEND, Steppingstones, DECODE, New joiners in Cary, North Carolina, US.
Senior Hire Integration Program for women employees
Talent retention
• 27% of senior women employees in revenue
generating roles
• HCL’s inclusion Lab covers 23,000 employees
• Momtastic program resulted in 99.2% of women
returning to work post maternity leave

One of the great things about working

for HCL is the diversity in the workplace.”
HCL TechBee Scholars with HCL Technologies Chairperson,
Roshni Nadar Malhotra and CHRO Apparao V V.
Chris Phillips
Associate Director HCL Technologies, New Zealand

I’ve been consistently impressed with the

amount of collaboration that teams and
our departments do despite our differences,
our geographic locations.”
Meleata Pinto
Sr. Director, Digital Solutions, HCL Technologies, USA

HCL Technologies team after a roundtable discussion

with state influencers in Frisco, Texas.

26 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Celebrating passion
At HCL Technologies, employee engagement and well-being
are regularly measured through a variety of surveys and
“check-ins”. Last year, the overall employee engagement
remained at the same level while many of the indices saw
an improvement. Employee feedback also reiterates the
positive impact of effective employee communication,
virtual-first approach and stable leadership.
The Company strives to strengthen employee experience
through the collection of – and action on – employee
feedback. This is reflected in the approach to hybrid
working and health and well-being campaigns focused
on wellness, family, employee passion, and celebrations.
At HCL, people also actively engage with numerous Employees engaged in wellness and social impact initiatives.

volunteering opportunities. Last year, HCL volunteers

reached 37,000 direct beneficiaries and 70,000 indirect
beneficiaries, including family members and communities,
through outreach programs across the globe. 8,000
volunteers spent more than 45,000 person-hours on I am especially proud of HCL Poland’s
community work. The numbers exemplify HCL employees’ participation in Poland Business Run and
commitment and passion toward communities they serve. support for people with mobility disabilities, and
finally our partnership and support for Krakow
Food Bank’s fight with hunger – zero waste campaigns.”
Aneta Dziedzic
HR Business Partner
Group Manager, Poland

Wellness Employee passion Family Celebrations

Initiatives that check on Initiatives that connect Connections with Encouraging employees to
employee wellness quotient employees virtually to pursue employees and their spread positivity by
their passions families through multiple co-creating celebrations

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Global Presence. Accelerated.

Delivery Centers
Our delivery centers support clients
and partners globally by providing
access to the latest technology
expertise and business-oriented
technology solutions.

Innovation Labs
Our innovation labs help ideate,
develop and deliver futuristic
solutions through next-gen
technologies for the business
transformation journeys of our clients.

Engineering Labs
Our engineering labs help design, test,
and accelerate product development
and certification by leveraging the
latest technologies to create
immersive customer experiences.

India Canada Belgium Turkey
United States Brazil United Arab Hungary
United Kingdom Germany Emirates Thailand
Countries Philippines Japan Hong Kong Saudi Arabia
Australia Italy Israel South Korea
Poland France Czech Republic Panama

New Zealand
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Costa Rica
Netherlands Finland Austria Egypt
Malaysia Lithuania Argentina Bulgaria

28 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Global Presence
Delivery Centers
Innovation Labs

New Vistas locations
India United States
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Cary, North Carolina
Madurai, Tamil Nadu Frisco, Texas
New Vistas Nagpur, Maharashtra Hartford, Connecticut
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Horsham, Pennsylvania
New Vistas is HCL’s strategic foray into Troy, Michigan
Sri Lanka
emerging cities across the world which Cincinnati, Ohio
are abundant in talent, are strategically Sacramento, California
located, have infrastructure to offer Vietnam
Costa Rica
world-class IT delivery services, and Hanoi
San Jose
offer better quality of life. Ho Chi Minh City
Vancouver, British Columbia
Toronto, Ontario

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Awards and recognitions

Leadership Positions.

Corporate Recognitions Executive Recognitions

Global Leadership Award, 2021
#1 in the world in Professional Mr. Shiv Nadar honored by US India Business Council for
Services sector in Forbes’ “World’s distinguished leadership and the seminal role that he has
Best Employers” List 2021 played in advancing the strategic and economic partnership
Top 5 among multinationals between India and the United States.
headquartered in India, across Philanthropist of the Year, 2021
all sectors Mr. Shiv Nadar honored with the prestigious award by
Top 100 among global top 100 for the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
the second consecutive year Eminent Engineer Award, 2021
Mr. Shiv Nadar honored by the Engineering Council of India
“Corporate Citizen of the Year for his pioneering role in the field of engineering, business,
2021” by The Economic Times and philanthropy.
For being a flag-bearer of Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women of the World, 2021
social change and champions Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra has been placed at 52nd
of good governance position this year in the 100 Most Powerful Women List.
India’s Most Powerful Women Award, 2021
Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra awarded with Business Today’s
Guinness World Record Most Powerful Women Award for second consecutive year.
for #CodeForCovid19 Financial Express CFO Award, 2021
For conducting the largest Mr. Prateek Aggarwal, Chief Financial Officer, HCL
Healthcare Technology Technologies recognized as the Best CFO under Large
Solution Competition Enterprises (Service Industry) category at the Fifth Edition
of the Financial Express CFO Awards 2021-22.

#1 in ESG ratings by Edelweiss

Highest overall score among
India’s Top NSE 100 companies

Mr. Prateek Aggarwal recognized as

the Best CFO at the Financial Express CFO Awards.

30 HCL Technologies Annual Report 2021-22

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Industry and Analyst Recognitions
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the 2021
Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Public Cloud IT
Transformation Services*
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the 2021
Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Managed Network Services*
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the 2022
Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Outsourced Digital
Workplace Services*
Winner of Dell Technologies Global Excellence in Expansion Award. HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the 2022
Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Managed Mobility Services*
Employer Recognitions HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the 2021
Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Data Center Outsourcing
Top Employer In 17 countries and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Global*
by the Top Employers Institute
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in The Forrester
Gold for Leadership Under Crisis, Best Advance in Employee Wave™: Application Modernization and Migration Services,
Engagement and Sales Training and Performance Q3 2021
by the Brandon Hall Excellence Awards
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the IDC
India’s Best Employers Among Nation-Builders, 2021 MarketScape: Worldwide Supply Chain SAP Ecosystem
by the Great Place to Work® Institute Services 2021 Vendor Assessment (Doc #US47537120,
Regional Top Employer FY21-22 March 2021)
in North America (Canada, US, Mexico) by the Great Place HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the IDC
to Work® Institute MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Multicloud Services 2021
Leader in Digital Talent Vendor Assessment (Doc # US45977020, October 2021)
in the Avasant Digital Talent Capability 2021 RadarView™ HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in the IDC
Talent Insights Pioneer Award MarketScape: Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Business
in the LinkedIn in 10,000+ Employees category Services 2021 Vendor Assessment (Doc #US46741721,
June 2021)
Diversity and Inclusion Recognitions HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in Everest Group’s
Best Organization for Women, 2021 IT Managed Security Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2021
by The Economic Times
HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in Everest Group’s
India’s Best Workplaces for Women, 2021 Application Transformation Services PEAK Matrix®
by the Great Place to Work® Institute Assessment 2021
Global Gender-Equality Index, 2022 HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in Everest Group’s
by Bloomberg Enterprise Quality Assurance (QA) Services PEAK Matrix®
Assessment 2022
Excellence in Practice Award Winners
for Diversity & Inclusion, 2022 HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in Avasant’s SAP
by the Association of Talent Development (ATD) S/4HANA Services 2021–2022 RadarView™
HCL positioned as a Leader in Everest Group’s Digital Product
Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022
* Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted
in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select HCL Technologies positioned as a Leader in Everest Group’s
only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner
research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research 5G Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2021
organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner
disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, HCL Software positioned as a Leader 2021 Gartner® Magic
including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. QuadrantTM for Application Security Testing*
The Gartner content described herein (the “Gartner Content”) represent(s)
research opinion or viewpoints published, as part of a syndicated HCL Software positioned as a Leader in IDC MarketScape:
subscription service, by Gartner, Inc. (“Gartner”), and are not representations Worldwide Cloud Testing 2022 Vendor Assessment (Doc
of fact. Gartner Content speaks as of its original publication date (and not #US47097221,March 2021)
as of the date of this Quarterly report), and the opinions expressed in the
Gartner Content are subject to change without notice.

Corporate Overview 31

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Next-Gen Tech. Accelerated.

HCL Technologies is accelerating the creation and

application of tomorrow’s technologies, today.
Together with our clients and partners, we are
developing game-changing solutions for a better world.

The Metaverse
As a pioneer of technologies, HCL intends to explore
emerging Metaverse trends under its MetaLabs
by HCL Technologies initiative.
MetaLabs is an “always-on” environment, a place where
one can find 40+ HCL industry creator zones in the world
of virtual reality, powered by 600+ Ideapreneurs and 300+
start-up creator partners. MetaLabs helps clients create
their evolved immersive digital environments to start their
Metaverse journeys. Clients are able to access a pre-
existing repository of over 40 industry use cases. For
instance, in a workspace collaboration use case, clients
access a base experience zone to see how one can operate,
conduct meetings, host clients, and run ideation
workshops. This enables a hands-on experience after
which clients can extract the use case and incorporate it
into their sandbox environment.
Strategic priorities and areas of exploration
• The Metaverse as a cloud-based transformation initiative
at HCL Technologies
• Training and education use case as an area of interest
• Regulatory and governance policies in the Metaverse
• Ubiquitous connectivity and secure digital access

Decentralized Finance
The rapidly growing space of Decentralized Finance
(DeFi) now accounts for global assets worth $250 billion.
Clients visiting the HCL Technologies pavilion at the World
Economic Forum were able to experience the Metaverse. It holds the potential to disrupt the financial services industry
by creating a range of affordable products for the two billion
unbanked population of the world. Our next-generation
technologies and engineering services allow us to create
the frictionless financial models that characterize DeFi.
With domain expertise in open banking, digital banking,
digital lending and mortgages, and digital payments,
we enable clients to re-imagine their operating models.
Our growing investments in talent, FinTechs, application
programming interfaces (APIs), application modernization,
innovation labs, and cognitive computing have positioned
us to partner with traditional banks keen to exploit the
DeFi opportunity.

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HCL Technologies at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, February 2022.

Digital Engineering 5G
As digital is becoming all-pervasive, HCL is helping global Our domain expertise and in-depth understanding of
enterprises re-imagine their businesses for the digital era. technology trends allowed us to make early investments
in key 5G technologies, creating highly differentiated
Our digital engineering offerings portfolio covers all
offerings and solutions in core network, RAN, and
areas of digital transformation through cloud engineering,
management and applications.
digital platforms, digital commerce, digital manufacturing,
5G services and solutions, data engineering and artificial Open-source communities play a key role in 5G OpenStack
intelligence (AI), and silicon platform services. We enable development, and HCL is an active contributing member of
our clients to use digital engineering as a “growth” lever the O-RAN ALLIANCE. To meet the fast-paced technology
instead of a mere driver for efficiency. We continue to invest demands of the 5G ecosystem of the near future, we have
in our 100+ engineering labs, 60+ solution accelerators and also invested significantly in training and lab infrastructure
20+ Centers of Excellence focused on nurturing next- for IP development to provide resources to enhance our
generation digital technologies. partners’ 5G portfolios. We see 5G as a change driver for
business models, bringing about newer opportunities across
industries, and we are committed to accelerating the rollout
of hybrid 5G networks and development of 5G cloud native
network functions while developing differentiated services
and supporting the monetization of 5G for enterprises.

Corporate Overview 33

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