9th Class Second Half Test

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Name: ___________________ Class 9th 2nd Hlaf For Official Use Only

Roll No. __________________ Marks Obtained:

Section: __________________
ENGLISH (Objective Part) Sign.:
Marks: 19 Time: 20 Minutes
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You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think is
Q. No.
correct, Tick () that option. Cutting, Over-writing, using lead pencil and filling more than one circle
will result in zero marks in that question.
Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# Questions A B C D
1 They are ________ to dinner on Sunday. coming came come will come
The patient _______ with pain when the had been will be has been will have
doctor arrived. crying crying crying crying
3 Why did they ________ us a gift? gave given give giving
4 He _________ twenty minutes ago. leaves have left leave left
If he works hard he will ______ the
5 win wins won be winning

Prepared by: CREATIVE SOLUTIONS PK +92 310 8707869

Choose the word with correct spellings from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# A B C D
6 Wandered Wandred Vandered Wanderd
7 Struggle Strugle Struglle Struggel
8 Leedership Liedership Leidership Leadership
9 Flemboyant Flamboayant Flamboyant Flambuoyant

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# Questions A B C D
10 And twinkle on the milky way. Blink Fade Dark Dim
11 Solitude means: Worry Loneliness Brotherhood Bad
12 Do not be afraid of death. Attended to Scared Squared up Belief
13 Self-esteem means: Horror Honour Hour Shortage
14 Interior of a room: Outside Inside Boundary Floor

Choose the correct option according to grammar from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# Questions A B C D
He spoke very loud. The underlined word is
15 Manner Frequency Degree Time
an adverb of:
He proved a lion in the fight. This sentence
16 Imagery Metaphor Personification Simile
is an example of:
She is eating an apple. The underlined word Indefinite Definite
17 Adjective Preposition
is a/an: Article Article
He is the man who saved my life. The Reflexive Personal Relative
18 Noun
underlined word is a: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
He made the people work. The underlined
19 Adverb Infinitive Verb Gerund
word is a/an:
Class: 09 (Second Half Book )

ENGLISH (Subjective Part)

Marks: 56 Time: 02:10 Hours
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(ix) How do you compare the daffodils with the stars?
(x) What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?
(xi) How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?
(xii) What was the Quaid‟s concept of our nation?
(xiii) How can we become a strong nation?
(xiv) Why is the Sultan Ahmad Masjid also known as the Blue Masjid?
(xv) Who was appointed as the architect of the masjid?
(xvi) How does the interior of the masjid look?
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(iv) The Blue Masjid reflects the architectural style of both the Ottoman masjid and Byzentine church. Hagia
Sophia, a masjid, one of the wonders of the Muslim architecture, was also kept in view as a model. The
Blue Masjid even today is considered to be unmatched in splendour, majesty and size.
(v) In the evening, a large number of tourists and Turks gather in the park facing the masjid to listen the call to the
evening namaz. The masjid is flooded with lights and so are the hearts of the believers with divine love.
Though much has been lost of the Blue Masjid over the years yet it has not lost the love of its visitors.
(vi) Today the Quaid‟s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotton how much struggle the
Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We can
overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid‟s golden motto, “Faith, Unity and Discipline”.
4. Write the summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowny Evening” by Robert Forest. OR
4. Explain the stanza with reference to the context: 05
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o‟er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Man in the street , Fall a prey to , Aptitude , Pensive , Glee , Dexterously , Embellish , Illuminate
6. Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her birthday. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “The Boy Who Cried „Wolf‟”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salaht (Prayer).
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day‟s work. We gain time while the late risers are
asleep. The early risers have another advantage also and that is that they enjoy good and sound health. Those who
are out of bed early have plenty of time to do their work carefully, steadily and completely. They do not have to put
off anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy, fresh and smart. He enjoys his work while those who
get up late find their duty dull and dry and do it unwillingly. Early rising is therefore, a key to success in life.
Questions: (i) What kind of habit early rising is? (ii)Why can an early riser do more work than the late riser?
(iii) Why does an early riser enjoy good health?
(iv) Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry? (v) What is the key to success in life?
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( َ ی‬iii) ‫مہیئکےٹنھگےسآپاکااظتنررکرےہںیہ۔‬
‫َمےناساکذماؼہناڑاای۔‬ (ii) ‫وہاینپآدمؿےسزایدہویکںرخچرکاتےہ؟‬ (i)
‫متاکمؿبکاخیلرکوےگ؟‬ (vi) ‫ابرشدودؿےسوہریہیھت۔‬ (v) ‫مہےلہپیہہیربخنسےکچےھت۔‬ (iv)
‫( سیفاہیںووصؽںیہنیکاجریہےہ۔‬viii) ‫( آپیکدراوا ترپوغرایکاجراہےہ۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium/Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
9. (i) Naushaba is helped by Khurshid. (ii) They are buying this house. (iii) The students were being taught by her.
9. (iv) Why were they beating the boy? (v) The sudden noise frightened the child.

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