Tilt Cylinder: Cylinders

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Tilt Cylinder

Tilt Cylinder
The tilt cylinder is mounted at the base of the reach
mechanism assembly. This tilt cylinder is a double act-
ing piston type cylinder. Extreme care should be taken
when performing any type of repair. In the event of ex-
cessive oil leakage around the cap end of the cylinder
or its inability to tilt the load, remove and repair the cyl-

Crown 2010 PF25201-1 M8.6-1460-001

Tilt Cylinder

Figure 23058

M8.6-1460-002 Crown 2010 PF25201-2

Tilt Cylinder

Tilt Cylinder Removal 4. Before removing the rod assembly, push the cap
(16) down into the cylinder, away from the retaining
Refer to Reach & Attachments - Reach Mechanism ring groove area. Using a scraper or similar tool,
Disassembly for instruction on removing the tilt cylinder remove any raised material or burrs from the edge
from the reach mechanism. of the groove to aid piston removal.
5. 5. Insert a groove filler strip, Crown part number
Tilt Cylinder Disassembly 90779, that is cut to length, into the retaining ring
groove to aid in piston removal and minimize pack-
Before proceeding with disassembly, thoroughly clean ing damage during piston removal.
the outside of the cylinder to remove all grease and dirt
Refer to Figure 23058.
Cutting a strip too long may not allow the piston assem-
1. Place the cylinder in a vise. To avoid damage, do bly to pass or damage the packing as it passes. A strip
not over-tighten the vise on the tube assembly (1). cut too short may not stay in place during the removal
or may expose the packing to a portion of the shoulder.
2. Drive the roll pin (12) outwards into cylinder wall
The filler strip is not needed for reassembly.
before turning the cap (16). Make sure the roll pin
is below the cylinder bore. Remove any burrs from 6. Carefully remove the rod assembly, which includes
the roll pin hole before turning the cap. the cap (16), the rod (18), the piston (7), the lock-
washer (3) and the locknut (2), out of the end of the
NOTE tube assembly.

Turn the cap in a clockwise direction to remove the wire 7. Inspect the tube assembly for any signs of scoring.
retaining ring. If the cap is turned in the wrong direction If scoring is evident, replace the tube assembly.
and the retaining ring is broken, removal of the retain- Hone the tube assembly to remove any remaining
ing ring is very difficult. burrs.

3. Use an adjustable spanner wrench, similar to the

one shown in Figure 19204, for disassembly. A
Rod Disassembly
face spanner wrench with 3/16 inch pins and a 1. Clamp the end of the rod (18) that contains the
spread of at least 67 mm (2.625 in) is sufficient. bushing in a vise.
Rotate the cap until the wire retaining ring (15) is
completely unwound from the inside of the cylin- 2. Use an appropriately sized spanner wrench to un-
der. lock and remove the locknut (2).
3. Slide all of the components off the end of the rod.
4. Inspect the rod for scoring or damaged material.
Replace the rod if damage or scoring is evident.

Figure 19204

Crown 2010 PF25201-3 M8.6-1460-003

Tilt Cylinder

Seal Replacement 6. Install the rod assembly into the tube assembly.
Align the hole for the retaining ring in the cap with
the slot in the cylinder wall and carefully press the
CAUTION cap into position.
Never use a screwdriver to remove seals, as irrepara- 7. Once the cap is in place and the positioning hole is
ble damage and leakage may occur. visible through the cylinder slot, insert the hooked
end of the wire retaining ring into the positioning
1. Use a small hooked tool to carefully remove the
hole. Turn the cap counterclockwise until the ta-
existing o-ring (4), backup ring (5), piston seal (6),
pered end of the retainer is completely inside the
rod packing (8), o-ring (13), backup ring (14) and
cylinder tube. Continue turning the cap counter-
wiper ring (17) from their mounting grooves.
clockwise until the slot in the cap lines up with the
2. After removing all the seals, inspect the contact roll pin hole in the cylinder tube.
surfaces on both the piston and the cap for scoring.
8. Drive the roll pin (12) into slot of cap (16) until it is
If slight scoring is evident, sand with a fine emery
flush with the outside of the cylinder tube. Replace
paper to remove all high surfaces. Replace heavily
the roll pin if it is damaged or is not long enough to
scored components.
enter the slot.

Tilt Cylinder Flushing and Bleeding
When cleaning the piston and cap, be sure to clean the
seal seating areas. Protect eyes and face when using Procedures
compressed air.
3. Wash all cylinder components in a good grade sol- WARNING
vent and dry with low air pressure.
4. Place clean parts in a dirt free area until ready for der pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious in-
reassembly. jury. Relieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic
lines. Tighten all connections before applying pres-
Tilt Cylinder Reassembly sure. Keep hands and body away from pin holes which
eject fluids under high pressure. Use a piece of card-
Refer to Figure 23058. board or paper to search for leaks. Do not use your
1. Apply a light coating of hydraulic oil to the replace-
Any fluid injected into the skin under high pressure
ment o-ring (4), backup ring (5), piston seal (6), rod
should be considered as a serious medical emergency
packing (8), o-ring (13), backup ring (14) and wiper
despite an initial normal appearance of the skin. There
ring (17).
is a delayed onset of pain, and serious tissue damage
2. Install each replacement seal by hand as removed may occur. Medical attention should be sought imme-
in Seal Replacement. diately from a specialist who has had experience treat-
ing this type of injury.
3. Slide the cap (16) onto the piston end of the rod
(18). Flush and bleed reach hydraulic circuits after repair or
disassembly of the tilt cylinder. Before flushing and
4. Install the piston (7) and the lockwasher (3).
bleeding the system inspect all hydraulic connections
5. Be sure piston (7) is seated properly against the and verify that all filters are installed and hydraulic fluid
rod shoulder and fasten the locknut (2). Bend a tab levels are adequate for the test. Pressurize the hydrau-
of the lockwasher (3) into a slot of locknut (2). lic system before completely the following steps.

Take care when inserting the cap to prevent sharp
edges from damaging the new seals and rod packing.

M8.6-1460-004 Crown 2010 PF25201-4

Tilt Cylinder

NOTE 8. Energize the SVT tilt solenoid selector valve, actu-

ate the manual valve to pressurize the B port to the
In this section there are circumstances which require carriage, and hold until a solid stream of hydraulic
the collection of hydraulic oil that may leak from com- fluid flows out through the hose. This is passing hy-
ponents. Be prepared to catch hydraulic oil with a catch draulic fluid through the mast hoses, reach mani-
pan or absorbent material. Do not reuse hydraulic oil. fold and through the tilt-sideshift manifold block.
Follow applicable laws and environmental standards
when disposing of used hydraulic oil. Many hazardous 9. Connect the hydraulic tube at tilt cylinder and
waste facilities have oil recycling capabilities. tighten the fitting in port T1 on the tilt/sideshift man-
ifold block.
1. Remove the hoses from the sideshift cylinder and
connect them together using a male connector.
2. Key the truck ON. Energize the SVS sideshift sole-
noid selector valve, actuate manual valve at full
speed in order to pump hydraulic oil through car-
riage hydraulics and then back through the filter.
3. Flush the carriage hydraulics for at least 2 minutes,
reversing flow frequently.
4. Key the truck OFF. Reconnect the hoses to the
sideshift cylinder.

1. Fully extend the tilt cylinder and tilt the forks up.
2. Securely block the carriage so it can not tilt down.
Refer to Control of Hazardous Energy, Lifting
Blocking, for procedures on blocking the carriage.
3. Loosen the fitting at port T2 on the tilt/sideshift
manifold block and remove the hydraulic tube from
the rod side of the tilt cylinder.
4. Energize SVT tilt solenoid selector valve, actuate
the manual valve to pressurize the A port to the
carriage, and hold until a solid stream of hydraulic
fluid flows out through the hose. This is passing hy-
draulic fluid through mast hoses, reach manifold
and through the tilt-sideshift manifold block.
5. Reconnect the hydraulic tube at the tilt cylinder and
tighten the fitting in port T2 on the tilt/sideshift man-
ifold block.
6. Remove the blocking under the carriage. Fully re-
tract the tilt cylinder and tilt the forks down.
7. Loosen the fitting at port T1 on the tilt/sideshift
manifold block. Remove the hydraulic tube from
the piston side of the tilt cylinder.

Crown 2010 PF25201-5 M8.6-1460-005



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