0 (r2366) 5-Mar-2009: FIX: connect stops again to public player FIX: marker had invalid position after loading a game => crash when addi ng new marker FIX: again income messages even with very many convois ADD: &#; for direkt character input (but no unicode yet) to help files " HTML" ( happy face,  unhappy face) ADD: (z9999) capacity of a stop shown in tooltip ADD: (z9999) halt can have different storage capabilities for different good types (seperate_halt_capacities=1 in simuconf.tab) ADD: if pay_for_total_distance=1 in simuconf.tab, price is calculated fo r the distance you got nearer to destination ADD: (isidoro) jump to line window from halt_details FIX: mark deleted trees dirty when building roads CHANGE: message window now obeys also Simutrans UI (array/rightclick for goto on map, leftclik on text to show again) CHANGE: inactive tabs nor greyed out ADD: goto line also in convoi info window CHANGE: (z9999) finally useful marker with a simutrans consistent gui ADD: (gerw mostly) river are now created during map creation, new option s in simuconf.tab ADD: no vehicle/cash sounds during fast forward ADD: (gerw/prissi) powerline remover FIX: lines always got id 1 => saving was not sucessful! CHANGE: language specific divider for amout possible (like million for m ost) using LARGE_NUMBER_STRING and LARGE_NUMBER_VALUE CHANGE: start at any month you like (parameter starting_month in simucon f.tab) FIX: fences and slopes in most suituations now without graphic errors (s ome are currently unavoidable) ADD: (z9999) new sort option for good list by category FIX: (mostly Dwachs) way graphic for way in tunnel now matches speed and maintenance fixed ADD: avoid overcroded stops (experimental, avoid_overcrowding=1 in simuc on.tab)
Release of 101.0 (r2208) 3-Jan-2009: FIX: weg search stooped to early => not properly upgrading city road typ es in pak128 (z9999) FIX: crash of passenger AI before busses were available FIX: stop moving tool also deals with empty lines now FIX: retire dates again ignored during map creation FIX: no crashing when loading unavailable buildings FIX: crashes with movingobjects during creation FIX: planes were not always correctly decending FIX: harbour tile layout==16 tile were not calaculated simular to statio ns CHANGE: -fullscreen command flag will try to detect current resolution = > no need to specify size FIX: scrollbar text after resize now updated properly FIX: remember last selected tool FIX: preserve tick count after loading saved game => wait per month shou ld be fine now FIX: allow harbours also on trees ...
FIX: start on signal tile resp. drive thorugh closed signals when open/c lose schedule dialoge ADD: multithread support for screen copy (max. 10% faster) for GDI FIX: new timing for idle and frame => fast forward speed more closely me t, less CPU needed, smoother transitions FIX: too sensitve mouse repaired (moving during clicking) FIX: no crashes on pwoer bridges at vertical slopes CHANGE: much faster town renovation/town growth => faster city generatio n FIX: only tools applyable in the current situation are visible CHANGE: savegame path instead .simutrans now ~/simutrans on Linux/BeOS, and ~/Documents/simutrans on MacOS FIX: fields next to a new station leads to crashes during name determina tion FIX: correct color for stops over townhalls for labels FIX: long block signals searched always on first leg too much and stucke trains which stop directly after them FIX: wayremover removed (partly) bridges even without permission FIX: bridges during removal removed too much maintenance ADD: make tooltips configurable (show_tooltips, tooltip_background_color , tooltip_text_color) in simuconf.tab ADD: (leopard) Native sound/midi support for MAC FIX: rotate also coordinates of messages ADD: target destinations in halt details now clickable FIX: raise and lower now also ok new border, better error messages FIX: (z9999) maglev and narrowgauge for everything, addional line symbol s (MaglevStop, NarrowgaugeStop, ... ) for linemanager optional CHANGE: speed on diagonals only 20% faster => less gain, more realistic vehicle length FIX: no crossings on underground station tiles FIX: wayobj ignored replacement by compat.tab for catenaries CHANGE: now 16 syllables for town names %/&(0...9A...F)_CITY_SYLL CHANGE: maps got an own subdirectory, and format RLE compressed (usually less than 10% of ppm)/uncompressed 8-Bit and 24-Bit BMP allowed too FIX: trams were not using the max speed according to the trams speed tab le ADD: (z9999) daylight level now adjustable ADD: (isidoro/prissi) overtaking for road vehicles/citycars ADD: (z9999) right mouse button to minimize windows to title bar and res tore CHANGE: payment is now only for the decrease in distance to the next tra nsfer stop ADD: instead a number also a name of a menu object (with image zero) ca n be given for an icon in menuconf.tab ADD: (Gerd Wachsmuth) map enlargement during the game ADD: (VS) electric EMU/trolley bus tab added to depot CHANGE: AI now seperate files, which would allow for a greater varienty of AIs ADD: (Dwachs) depots remember last line FIX: construction of four layout stations and rotation of four layout bu ildings were completely broken FIX: graphic error with slopes next to bridges and tunnels ADD: new tool to make a stop a public one (to make public stops on map w ithout player change) FIX: disabling sound and midi will be now saved and will disable them co mpletely to avoid the SDL_mixer troubles FIX: x instead y offset written by makeobj ADD: (Dwachs) new object gui_numberinput_t for more convinient entering of numbers ADD: (gerw) sizeable loadsave frame
CHANGE: savegame bump, no AI save state correctly, same for map extensio n, no koord saved anymore (up to 60% smaller savegames) CHANGE: settings are now saved for game relevant/user relevant to prepar e for multiplayer (and do proper versioning) CHANGE: sea level now in single steps (before only double steps, but sin gle steps in display) FIX: handling of wrongly defined fonts and unicode characters now correc t again FIX: bridges could connect to "harbour" tunnels CHANGE: maximu map size now 16 mio tiles FIX: overcrowded station messages again Release of 100.0 (r1867, stable) 28-June-2008: FIX: rotated twonhalls could lead to crashes CHANGE: show connected stops at factory again ADD: factory edit modus after patch from z9999 FIX: removing of wayobj in tunnel or on bridges left wrong top speed. ADD: factory link tool from z9999 ADD: attraction built tool from z9999 ADD: citybuilding builder inspired by z9999 ADD: tree planting tool inspired by z9999 FIX: trees are now correctly sorted by the internal tile positions (befo re were shadow problems) CHANGE: smoother zoom out (experimental) FIX: x-offset for images should finally work ADD: following zoom-levels are now supported 1.5:1, 1.33:1, 1:1, 0.75:1, 0.66:1, 0.5:1, 0.33:1, 0.25:1 (maximum tile size zoomed in is 254!) FIX: no cars entring railroad crossings when the apparently cannot exit (may fail with crossings followin immediately) FIX: no citycars entring a crossing, if there is no exit FIX: convois created by copying had no home depot FIX: during zoomout, the tiles were clipped 32 pixels too early FIX: rotation of buildings with layout>4 corrected ADD: more statistics for world (see in citylist) FIX: show signals again in minimap ADD: preliminary support for automatic configuration, clarification of t he licence CHANGE: maintance of player buildings now depends on its level FIX: reloading with no matching buildings for a climate could lead to cr ashes CHANGE: smoother movements of vehicles in all sizes and zoomlevels FIX: powerlines destroy on fileds during loading CHANGE: all traffic lights have now synchronized phases ADD: new parameter in forestconf.tab: tree_climates for climates with at least one tree per tile and no_tree_climates for the reverse ADD: new parameter for cityrules.tab "minimum_building_desity" in percen t: if the area covered by buldings is less than this, the city borders will not increase => more compact cities, not fading out along a single street (default: 25) CHANGE: completely renovated schedule entering window CHANGE: logarithmic traffic density display in minimap CHANGE: cst_depot_air for charging air_depot CHANGE: less subtypes for stops and depot (halfway) CHANGE: neu customable toolbars (90%) (see pak64/config/menuconf.tab) FIX: schedule window last line was not selectable ADD: waytypes narrowgauge_track and maglev_track now functional FIX: trains with freight_type but total load==0 were still creating conn
ections (caotic) CHANGE: groundobj for new map again (z9999) CHANGE: seasons for groundobj and movingobj (z9999) CHANGE: enables all map edit tools again (z9999) FIX: random rotation building problem (z9999) FIX: initialize tool (z9999) FIX: check climate for tree (z9999) FIX: tree cost (z9999) FIX: power for low producing factory (z9999) ADD: Fill trees tool (z9999) ADD: Add forest tool (z9999) ADD: Add random city car tool (z9999) ADD: option to start without trees (z9999) ADD: max. speed information on depot window (z9999) CHANGE: allow any key for command, include #99999 (decimal code), ^A (Co ntrol A), F99 (F1-F15), COMMA (,) CHANGE: allow for < and > to be used in flowtexts ADD: stop mover tool (mostly z9999) tilewise for road, stopwise for wate r/air and platformwise for rail bound vehicles ADD: AI builts airports (sometimes still too close to border) and uses t hem more or less wisely FIX: no factories/attractions under monorail or powerlines and thus no d isruption of them FIX: waypoints under/over stops were treated as stops for good routing CHANGE: all stops are now given more or less unique names. First factori es, then buildings, then ?standard, where "?" is 1..9 or A...Z (if a vailable) and standard is center, extern or suburb the later with one of t he german directions nord, sued, west, ost, nordwest, ... If failed, it wi ll be a numbered stop (translators: please translate on simutranslator!) CHANGE: deduct maintenance at the beginning of a month => no sudden drop ping below zero any more CHANGE: no zooming in/out of vehicle images in depot and lists CHANGE: speedbonus taken now from config/speedbonus.tab (if present) ADD: scenarios (i.e. you can play for a goal), bankrupt only after net w ealth is below zero CHANGE: scenario can have an additional factor for difficulty CHANGE: more description of files before loading (ppm/scenario) CHANGE: -debug parameter now takes a debug level (1,2,3,4 for errors onl y, warnings only, all messages,debug special messages) ADD: highlight selected toolbars/tools Release of 99.17.1 (r1550, stable) 17-Dec-2007: FIX: some errors concerning headquarters, AI and moneys frame CHANGE: again only first and last vehicle reserves block CHANGE: only producing factories are consuming power CHANGE: allow for offsets in the texture files => pak192 grounds possibl e CHANGE: new convoi filter for stuck convois 'clf_chk_stucked' FIX: could delete crossings under certain circumstances CHANGE: images in line tab, translation now tooltip, "TramStop" pak need ed CHANGE: block reservation mode on will also enable "delete these reserva tions" cursor
ADD: new obj named groundobj, new string "cost for removal" FIX: error with removing headquarter after rotation FIX: deleting incontinous buildings and rotated buildings could crash si mutrans, rotate factory base for rebuilding after loading FIX: invisible mousecursor by moving the mouse during right click scroll ing outside of window fixed CHANGE: adding type to introduction/retirement message FIX: severe bug loading pedestrians or citycars Release of 99.17 (r1502) 19-Dec-2007: ADD: water animation (if images defined) animation images are just the s econd parameter in the definition; animation speed is set by water_animation_ms in simuconf.tab FIX: tiles in train middle at waypoints were not properly reserved FIX: sometimes planes were circling on the ground FIX: winter tile change for whole map also on large maps ADD: more statistics to citys / preparation for different growth models (strings now "citicens", "Growth", "Buildings", "Electricity", "Transported", "Passagiere", "Sended", "Post", "Arrived", "Goods") FIX: daynight cycle for show_month<=1 CHANGE: town growth is now stimulated by 40% passenger transport, 20% Ma il transport, and 30% for not leaving storage of consumers with workers from thi s town empty FIX: powerlines and tunnel entries more intelligently handled during way removal CHANGE/FIX: close schedule windows when delting a convoi or starting one from depot (removing the annoying error message when entering schedule is in pr ogress) "Es wird bereits\nein Fahrplan\neingegeben\n" CHANGE: electricity production of a power station is now fixed at 4x nom inal production (does not matter how much transformers => no cheating with solar plants) FIX: smoke offset revisited FIX: thing info is always redrawed => less redrawing errors FIX: headquarter was alsways added during drawing to money dialoge => to time left for event processing FIX: remove trees below monorail depot FIX: good filter now works with categories CHANGES: city cars spawn now only if neither passengers, mail, nor goods are transported CHANGES: to make list easier to navigate with left button only mouse, ci ty list, attraction list, and factory list display jump to button FIX: two errors that could lead to stuck convois Release of 99.16 2-Dec-2007: FIX: image under fields were not recalculated after removal FIX: deleting a factory with an open info window lead to crash (also dur ing map destroying) FIX: pak selector was not always shown FIX: crash when openig slopetools in underground mode FIX: windows gain not focus during dragging with mousebutton ADD: new error message 'Not possible in this rotation!' FIX: bridges ending on elevated monorail or flat tiles fixed ADD: screenshot under windows as png (if gdiplus.dll is present, i.e XP or .NET there)
FIX: transparent/no season recognizing bridges FIX: double or "unkown" names for stations on bridges/tunnels for 99.14 and older games CHANGE: events now internally carry always the mousebutton states => fix ing problem when scrolling with right mouse button (and so others too) ADD: airplanes now reserve the runway for the entire time of takeoff/lan ding (more realistic, smoother waiting circles) ADD: during world creation no tourist attractions newer than the current year will appear with timeline on FIX: under certain cases station (length!=8) stations loaded one vehicle too many FIX: old texts weren not deleted from nonrotated hashtable during rotati on ADD: 'pillar_asymmetric' for bridges with shorter pillars on north resp. west slopes and 'max_height' for bridges + new error message 'bridge is too hig h for its type!' ADD: new crossing logic: crossing is one object only (new strings: "inva lid", "open", "request closing", "closed", "\nway1 reserved by" , "cars.\nway2 r eserved by", "cars.\nstate") FIX: no stops on tunnel entries or on runways FIX: calc load and image correctly after leaving depot CHANGE: factory introduction dates (thus with older paks no factories be fore 1901) Release of 99.15 3-Nov-2007: FIX: AI terraforming was free of charge FIX: AI never changed convoi, when building does not succeeded FIX: powerlines did not disconnect during deletion CHANGE: road convois wait, if next tile is a crossing and they cannot pa ss CHANGE: if the stop of a factory is overcrowded and there is no goods wa iting for a destination while there are some for other destination of this facto ry, the overflowing amount is rerouted. This avoids situations where nothing was delivered to a waiting convoi because a station was overflow and thus this conv oi blocked everything. Now it will be gradually loaded. FIX: vehicle position was wrong after visit to depot => such convois wil l be vanish after reloading, sorry CHANGE: sort order for convois and halt match as default; also last sett ing is saved CHANGE: selection of map buttons is saved FIX: hausbauer now handles building deletion => complete deletion of sto ps and factories, even non-continuoius and connected FIX: pax_transported, pax_erzeugt was not saved FIX (z9999): tree density setting form uint8 to uint16 FIX: empty schedule during loading for convois in depot => crash FIX: signal and missing roads where overlooked when leaving depots ADD: minimum factory distances more stongly enforced. Configurable via s imuconf.tab (factory_spacing, default 6) ADD: new message category for warnings (like name of new player or traff ic jams) ADD: AI now builds headquarters FIX: correctly building ways from/in depots and stops CHANGE: AI now announces headquarter construction with <<%s's\nheadquart er now\nat (%i,%i).>> FIX: redistribution of goods on stations with three destinations was fau lty FIX: building taxiways again
FIX: lines again automatically connect and detach from a stop FIX: depot closed, if there was only a single depot and the next/previou s depot was searched FIX: reaching destination while just leaving depot will skip destination FIX: revenue will be only given for cars in station FIX: slope entering by a curve would not give slope penalty FIX: tram tracks on bridges were visible in underground mode FIX: build station extension building again on flattened slopes FIX (kierongreen): station layout patch supplied with some fixes ADD (kierongreen): powerline bridges FIX/CHANGE: window system was really a little broken FIX: remove tall buildings without residuals CHANGE: bus AI now tries to connect intown as well => less worse competi tion FIX: deletion of powerline was free up to now ... CHANGE: two less virtual functions in vehikel_t::sync_step() (most often called routinen) => speedup FIX: convois with waypoints at bends were still jumping for certain vehi kel length (sigh ...) CHANGE: GDI fullscreen mode correct and due to switching resolution ~50% faster redraws CHANGE: dragging during raising and lowering land enabled ADD: manufacturer name for each car shown in the convoi detail dialogue FIX: start/end way building under cars and filled depots CHANGE: preliminary map rotation (for these places behind a slope) with 'R' FIX: clear all old entries in the message list upon starting a new game FIX: text labels again on any height (did affect towns below bridges) FIX: frame delay time does now slower increase/decrease => smoother resp onse CHANGE: all toolbars open directly below each others FIX: crash when zooming out images with negative y-offsets FIX: rotate map, when building a tree with nonratable factories FIX: ground calculation fixed again FIX: smoke offsets FIX: more responsive interface by changing frame time calculation again for extreme cases ADD: frame around active window if requested (window_frame_active in sim uconf.tab) FIX: toolbars now also change with underground mode ADD: new message for AI going bankrupt (Company bankrupt) FIX: no route message shown again FIX: roadsign rotation corrected FIX: snowline height fixed (automatically set be the end of the highest climate) CHANGE: if no pak defined in config or commandline then a) if only a sin gle pak exists load this or b) display a dialog for choosing one Release of 99.14 31-Jul-2007: FIX: speed limit of channels for ships was never lifted FIX: again front images for traffic lights FIX: crash when building harbour outside of the map FIX: avoid jumping of trains when waypoint on first tile after a curve ADD: under windows nicer error messages for missing objects CHANGE: much better loading of games with missing objects CHANGE: stopping position of trains of length>12 FIX: factory positions in minimap
FIX: screen resolution enlargement with GDI version resulted in crash FIX: crash when opening a depot, for that no vehicles exist FIX: town name management now like halt management FIX: player color for depot/color selection fixed ADD: ordering of menue entries for station buildings (level) and wayobje cts (topspeed) CHANGE: money frame construction cost button name now 'Construction_Btn' CHANGE: enable UNDO always for active player FIX: convoi list can again hold more than 819 convois ADD: new buttons in fisplay settings: 'show waiting bars' and 'show stat ion names' for the previous '!' key function CHANGE: 'Q' now opens the optin dialogue, where you can really quit the game FIX: factory crossconnection running amok hopefully solved (and some pro duction values tweaked) ADD: (z9999) show current schedule/selected line in minimap (new strings : 'Show schedules', 'Shows the currently selected schedule', 'factory details', 'Shows consumer/suppliers for factories', 'CityLimit', '(%i)-') FIX: redraw problems after topping windows FIX: factory builder was tried to built the same factory always on the s ame region => now check next two regios two in all directions => less incomplete chains CHANGE: AI deleted uneconomical vehicle and routes, if in trouble CHANGE: AI tries now also more or less successful ship route Release of 99.13 3-July-2007: FIX: airplanes got confused, when the ground under them changed FIX: (z9999) show factory detail info FIX: (kierongreen) Removing tram tracks from road caused crash FIX: restore speed limit after crossing deletion FIX: deletion of traffic lights led to crash with road deletion tool FIX: (z9999) traffic light postion with drive on left fixed FIX: (z9999) filter overcrowded did not work in haltlist FIX: right map rotation in non-isometric view FIX: removing station from ground with other station one bridge/in tunne l could result in display/naming errors FIX: (marcr) minutes were wrong in no-month mode FIX: (robofish) underline error for help text H1 tags FIX: unreservation during convoi/track deletion fixed FIX: (z9999) factory reader and colors in minimap were wrong ADD: cityrules new parameter u/U ground is not/well suited for road ADD: cityrules new parameter renovation_percentage (default 12) to finet une new building/renovation ratio FIX: schedule was one off during reloading (and driving one field) due t o missing initialisation of check_for_finish in vehikel_t(welt) FIX: convoi stuck on a slope, if pos_next was wrong CHANGE: calc_height only called if needed (about 5% faster game) ADD: (tomilepp) empty capacity line to freight_sorter CHANGE: sync_list changed from slist_tpl to ptrhashtable_tpl => remove f rom 5% to 0.3% game time for all sync-objects (cars, pedestrians, animated build ings, smoke, ... ) FIX: wrong outdated flag due to missing initialisation after loading of a convoi FIX: overflow in money frame color calculation ADD: now three lists for connecting stations, depending on the freight t ype => about 50% faster route search CHANGE: different (more compact) list of stations connected at a stop
FIX: (kierongreen) stationnames in tunnels FIX: (z9999) monorail station extension buildings FIX: convoi could break up when during loadtime it was on its finaly til e (also new detection for already broken convois) ADD: speed record for all kind of convois FIX: vehicles may have been saved with wrong pos_prev, which may caused errors at waypoints/stations FIX: blue night light finally working ADD: automatic line breaks in building description texts (inspired by tr on) FIX: error with stale goods after deleting served stops FIX: no crashes with overlong headquarter strings CHANGE: more cpu-friendly wait for no route/waiting before a signal (and less fast stuck tooltips) FIX: finally really loading the Pxxx.bdf fonts (and generated new bdf-fo nt based on old ones) ADD: (kierongreen) ways will look for replacement during loadtime in no matching besch found FIX: convoi speed reset to zero at traffic lights CHANGE: faster sorting in haltlist for waiting amount CHANGE: much faster scrolling with right mousebutton (previously this ma de an update for every pixel move) Release of 99.12 31-Mai-2007: FIX: explicitely check error codes when saving files FIX: cars now properly turn at road signs ADD: toogle grid now also in the visual settings dialoge "show grid" FIX: road remover fixed FIX: electric engine type was lost after saving CHANGE: UNDO now only denied, if something built on top of that way (inc luding tunnels, bridges, stops, signals, electrifications ...) FIX: intended two way calculation during building of ways was calculatin g same route twice instead switching start and endpoints => strange routes could occur CHANGE: removed second route calculation and put a malus on a turn on th e last field CHANGE: default way_double_curve=6 gives better results FIX: after showing bankrupt dialoge, fast forward is switched off FIX: crash, when a schedule had an illegal ground coordinate (new string : "Invalid coordinate") CHANGE: city car generation is now proportional to (log10(generated-tran sported+1)*density/16) Probability=1.00 mean on average one citycar per month FIX: wrong entry deleted during rerouting (vector_tpl will now assert th ere) FIX: waypoints work correctly with vehicles longer than 8 CHANGE: bits per month setting should now work up to 29, minutes are now displayed ADD: powerline category to money dialoge (and cleaned up, new string: Th is Month), also add headquarter to the dialoge FIX: powerline did not cost any maintainnance (in simuconf.tab: cost_tra nsformer=2500 and cost_maintain_transformer=100) ADD: b shows/hides reserved rails ADD: new roadsign type 'end_of_choose' to limit the range of free_route sings/signals FIX: construction over sidewalks did reset speed limit FIX: overflow when sorting vehicle list (defined signum for sint64) ADD: crossing bettwen all ays (expept air) are now allowed. See attached
example. Priority will have the secondly defined way. FIX: do not show foreground for normal buildings FIX: starting long engines in a depot could cause all strange stuff Release of 99.11 4-Mai-2007: FIX: roads did repell each other too strongly. A little more clever hand ling has been introduced, but way_count_leaving_road is still too high. CHANGE: convois indicate error states also with tooltips FIX: factory crossconnection was one-sided ADD: midi shuffle will be rembered FIX: electric engines also recognized when not leading convoi FIX: advance savegame => field positions now saved ADD: more colors for convoi status: WHITE in depot, ORANGE: stuck/no rou te FIX: readded city car info dialoge ("%s\nspeed %i\nmax_speed %i\ndx:%i d y:%i") FIX: speed of convois and city cars was frame rate dependent! FIX: deleting fields with factory CHANGE: vehicle now queue properly even on diagonal roads CHANGE: only the first vehicle in a traffic jam will report traffic jam conditions CHANGE: citycars are now only generated when there are not many passenge rs transported and the field is question is empty. Release of 99.10 17-Apr-2007: FIX: powerline connection fixed FIX: single slope up/down in one tile was broken FIX: powerline production AND consumption now based on factory productio n FIX: factory production per month now correctly displayed ADD: crossconnection for factories now switchable (crossconnect_factorie s_percentage in simuconf.tab) FIX: schedule sanity check could fail under certain circumstances (kiero ngreen) FIX: disallow going to depots if already under way (kierongreen) FIX: station with layout crash fixed (kierongreen) FIX: improved focus management FIX: vehicle filter list fixed for airplanes/ships (kierongreen) ADD: field support (kierongreen/prissi) (in simuconf.tab: cost_multiply_ remove_field, in factory entry fields, new field with a number of image[x] defin itions) ADD: miniwindow now shows also black background in underground mode (kie rongreen) FIX: factories will now only smoke when producing, consuming or both FIX: crash related to building/replacing elevated ways FIX: loading wave sounds again CHANGE: simutrans now searches for data always in its root directory (-u se_workdir to override this) CHANGE: simutrans user data on Unix now in "~/.simutrans" Release of 99.09.3 24-Mar-2007:
ADD: jump to coordinate dialog added ("Jump to") called by "J" FIX: reloading games save in 99.09.2 from previous versions works could result in passengers without route FIX: colors in map window were still broken CHANGE: powerline now do not avoid slopes FIX: during building of powerlines the first tile had no net FIX: remove xyz strings were not translated Release of 99.09.2 16-Mar-2007: FIX: some errors with construction/deletion of oriented stations fixed FIX: bdf-fonts with more than 256 characters are loaded again FIX: tree with 3 seasons had same behaviour than the ones with two => ig nore the third one FIX: loading demo-games with multiuser FIX: better compatibility with old save games (e.g. empty stops etc. ) FIX: reduce world size to (0,0) during deletion => less crashes, less co mplains in the log FIX: bus AI tries no longer to built on other players roads FIX: houses for stop names will be now selected in a fixed order => less double names ADD: you can limit the fast forward speed with fast_forward in simuconf. tab (but this is rather a course regulation) ADD: time multiplier for fast forward mode shown FIX: setting correct 2nd player color after reloading a game FIX: simu.log now saved in home directory FIX: automatic recognisation of bitmap depth (failed with SDL on some ol d machines) => transparency fixed CHANGE: 16 bit color depth for GDI (may not work on all machines, please report) CHANGE: better recognisation by the AI, if there is already a connection CHANGE: AI now built also tunnel and bridges, that are only one tile lon g FIX: also not altering old city roads (before only affected new city roa d) ADD: two more tweaks for the way builder: way_straight (cost for straigh t tile) and way_leave_road (to make existing roads more favourable) Release of 99.09.1 4-Mar-2007: FIX: time for pause/refresh intervall now moved to sync_step() => handle d internally each refresh => better responsivity FIX: end of station with layout>4 in NS direction Release of 99.09 3-Mar-2007: FIX: on unix multiuser environments the path separator symbol was omitte d FIX: marker did not work on elevated ways => no route, even if there was one FIX: no crash after deleting powerline crossing during game creation (bu t this was done by fixing symtoms, not the cause :() ADD: button for showing forest in minimap (new string "Forest") FIX: during rerouting of goods wrong entries were deleted
FIX: singleuser_install in simuconf.tab was not read ADD: 8 player colors + second set of eight player colors, more colors to choose from, blue light color ADD: (kierongreen) possibility for automatic orientation (and facing of parallel) stops FIX: station coverage was wrongly detected FIX: ppm for all program for heightmaps (Photoshop created unexpected he ader) ADD: goods entries shrank further (now 12 Bytes pre packet) and saved lo ts of lookups ADD: obj=tree allows for seasons=3/5 with the thrid/fifth season having snowy winter tree image FIX: AI tried to built busstops in invalid positions FIX: InputSupplier[]=0 did not built new factories, even if required FIX: no depot on crossings or places with more than a single way CHANGE: a car will wait two months in a traffic jam, then it will compla in. After three months it tries to turn; in unseccessful, it will self-destruct. FIX: crash could occur with long_block_signals(); the fix will cause tra ins to slow down in front of long block signals similar to choose signals ADD: color for good in dat-file (color=index_nr, same as factory colors) CHANGE: category names now CATEGORY_xx and part of the pak set, replaci ng "piece goods", "bulk goods", "oil/gasoline", "cooled goods", "liquid food", "long goods" FIX: connection streets across slopes FIX: faster goundsearch also avoids artifical slopes Release of 99.08.1 6-Feb-2007: FIX: all tabs in depot show, if there was/is ever a matching vehicle FIX: all reserved signals after presignal or choose signals are now gree n CHANGE: save sound/midi volume FIX: midi now loaded correctly (first in usedir/music/music.tab, then pr ogram_dir/music/music.tab) FIX: unsigned long correctly loaded (i.e. load in schedules) FIX: correct baum types in the correct climate (hopefully final fix) CHANGE: bus AI will use always the cheapest road to survive a little lon ger FIX: games with failed to generate even a single town were saved wrongly FIX: houses without citys are again reconnected to the nearest city upon reloading FIX: length of string buffer for stations was 3 bytes too short Release of 99.08 4-Feb-2007: FIX: random_tree_for_climate was broken, and did return not always the r ight tree FIX: unmark map ground during underground deletion FIX: image for bridge ramps after reloading FIX: citys continue also ways on upslopes FIX: citycars properly turning, when there is no entry or only one tile after a crossing (and also make now 180 turns) FIX: (kierongreen) trains in small window are now correctly followed ove r bridges ADD: (kierongreen) withdraw of convois i.e. convoi is sold after it is e mpty (and no freight is loaded) 'withdraw' and 'Convoi is sold when all wagons a
re empty.' ADD: (kierongreen) no loading button to convoi info window added for man ual control of a convois state FIX: crash when click on vehicle thas is in a different depot than its h ome depot FIX: (kierongreen) underground mode resets not grid mode FIX: (kierongreen) height on slope during follow convoi was jumping CHANGE: shrank ware_t by eight bytes FIX: citycar destroyed themselves after a curve with a dead end FIX: wayremover in tunnel bemoved tunnel object also on starting and end tile CHANGE: goods now stored in an array instead of a list at stations => hi gher chanches of joining => much faster (up to 50% for poassenger/mail games) + less memory (up to 4MB); your milage may vary. FIX: label were saved but not loaded FIX: crash when city tried to built new road to new townhall over existi ng player road CHANGE: only show goods which can be transported for status display at s tations CHANGE: simuconf.tab is searched in pak/config/simuconf.tab after readin g the main one in simuconf.tab (which is not needed) CHANGE: savegames and all other configuration stuff is now saved in the users home directory (resp. Eigene Dateien) if multiuser_install=1 (default) in simuconf.tab CHANGE: simuconf.tab files are now read in this order: program_dir/confi g/ then user_dir/config (for pak file path) than pak/config/ then user_dir/confi g for the rest CHANGE: new program option -singleuser to avoid using the users home dir ectory (respective singleuser_install in simuconf.tab) CHANGE: removed maintenance_overhad, maintenance_ways from simuconf.tab, since it was not used FIX: forgot to charge for industry construction CHANGE: forrestconf.tab -> forestrules.tab, now maintained by the tree c lass itself FIX: building ways into depots again FIX: city does not build road through busstops, loading bays or depots FIX: underground depots are recognized again FIX: water image of artificial slopes fixed CHANGE: display of savegame pak-folder in the load/save dialog ADD: (kierongreen) long block signals: a train coming to this signal wil l only enter, if it can drive to the next signal, through all stops or waypoints (set is_longblocksignal=1 in the dat file) Release of 99.07 21-Jan-2007: FIX: crash when deleting empty tiles of middle parts of bridges FIX: wrong schedule entry pointer after loading FIX: crash when electrify before electrification FIX: citycars got stuck on slopes at height level -1 FIX: way remover with tunnels crashed at tunnel entry ADD: (prissi & kierongreen) transparent images for buildings, trees, and catchment area with an extended display dialoge (new strings: "hide transparent ", "hide trees", "hide city building", "hide all building", "transparent station coverage", "show station coverage") FIX: improved citycar behaviour FIX: wayobj not dirty after creation => garbage on the screen ADD: shuffle for midis ADD: (kierongreen) colors for water height in minimap
ADD: (kierongreen+prissi) better station coverage display in seperate la yer FIX: removing way was free of charge ADD: new label enables land buying (cost by 'cost_buy_land' in simuconf. tab, default -100), help file now possible ('label_frame.txt') FIX: wrong images after diagonal tile after bridges and crossings FIX: snowy bridges start on slope was wrong FIX: max midi volume now 255 => no overflow FIX: (kierongreen) pillar position was plainly wrong ADD: (kierongreen) using SDL_mixer for midi (now also with Linux, if pos sible) FIX: crash during deletion of bridges and tunnel (although just fixed sy mptoms) ADD: waterdepths (needs new ground obj "Water", with n images, n=0 is up permost, 1=depper, 2=even deeper, ... FIX/CHANGE: roads will not be overtaken, if they are not public property ADD: shadows for airplanes (still wrong at non-straight slopes) Release of 99.06 08-Jan-2007: (prissi) FIX: crash when closing the filter window before the main list window FIX: not zooming out menu icons FIX: drawing of single direction signs FIX: stations of AI were not added correctly FIX: some minimap setting were forgotten during season change FIX: curves in tunnel again FIX: way owner was lost after saving FIX: channels were not connected to the sea in all cases FIX: crash, when building has not tile (0,0) due to empty image on info FIX: diagonal wayobj again FIX: checked for wrong offsets in a schedule during load/save FIX: obey BBX completely in BDF-fonts FIX: landing airplanes now recognize the ground CHANGE: cleaned up midi code, now maximum 128 songs, "music.tab" now "mu sic/music.tab" FIX: bug when loading stations etc. that were not animated but put into the animation list CHANGE: wayobj will be deleted before a station CHANGE: ground can no long be owned, only objects on it (need some tweak s with labels still) (kierongreen) CHANGE: snow for tunnel and bridges FIX: right mouse button scrolling in minimap Release of 99.05.1 17-Dec-2006: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: idle timer has eaten up all time doing additional frames issue with transformers crash in depot off-by-one error which can lead to non-unique city names DWITH in bdf-fonts was not used check for allowing articifial slopes was brocken loading signals loading bridges display in depot for left hand driving
CHANGE: depots now maintained in a list => underground and monorail depo ts are found again and shown in minimap FIX: crash when building tramways ADD: scrollbar for label frame (mip) FIX: now frames per second direct setable (refresh was not the right way for slow computer) new parameter "-fps", "-refresh" is obsolete; you can also u se frames_per_second in simuconf.tab FIX: pillar of neighboring bridges now at the same positions FIX: depot search could crash game when pressed twice very fast Release of 99.05 03-Dec-2006: FIX: always ensure tile is empty before applying slopes (avoids wrong po sitions) FIX: deletion of thing not on the map FIX: buying cars with different precessor/following numbers FIX: elevated tracks not shown FIX: waypoints for planes CHANGE: 4 bytes less per planquadrat, 4 less per ground (now down to 32 bytes per tile without objects from previous 48) CHANGE: koord3d is now only with 1 per height step => much less hassle w ith heights and again bytes saved CHANGE: squeezed another four bytes from tree structure => now only 20 b ytes per tree => 16 MB less on 2048*2048 maps CHANGE: got rid of ding_t::step() => large maps should now be as fast as slow maps with the same factory, citycar and city count CHANGE: objects now take care of their image themselves => another four bytes off from ding_t (smaller is not possible, imho) FIX: larger than 1x1 building on slopes CHANGE: game will continue even while dragging (still little buggy) CHANGE: cityrules allow now up to 7x7; more fine control about the res/i nd/com clustering too (see cityconf.tab) CHANGE: option to not showing vehicles which are not matching current ac tion ('Show all' and 'Show also vehicles that do not match for current action.' strings added) CHANGE: zoom in and out 'map zoom' in the small map only with a control, more user friendly buttom positions 'Show legend', 'Show map scale', 'Show indu stry' ADD: auto-centering on minimap ADD: 45 rotated minimap 'isometric map' ADD: tunnel entrace only built with control key CHANGE: corner heights only bytes instead of long => less data to handle during savegames FIX: track remover for tunnel and monorails fixed FIX: building trough depots FIX: retire/intro messages for ways ('way %s now available:\n' and 'way %s cannot longer used:\n') ADD: winter ways form kierongreen Release of 99.04.2 20-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: images inside tunnel FIX: buying airplanes again FIX: minimap remembers size again FIX: old errors with too short vehicles CHANGE(tron): lots of cleaning up of data structures and doubtful code
FIX: makeobj broken at several places, not really finished with fixing CHANGE: the same building must not be next to each other => nicer endgam e towns FIX: AI no longer using elevated track or tramways as rails FIX: info window title for ways fixed Release of 99.04.1 15-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: in depot: articulated engines will be only bought forward respectiv e backward from the current position on FIX: bridge/tunnel construction/deletion fixed FIX: retire messages for planes FIX: way maintainace was screwed up FIX: depots had not maintainance after reload FIX: button offsets Release of 99.04 13-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: elevated construction could only connect via straight connections FIX: tunnel rails were upraded to even higher speeds than allowed FIX: no more accidental connection between bridges/tunnels FIX: no more upgrading track on bridges or in tunnels FIX: way search for ways below monorail fixed CHANGE: unified construction of rail, monorails, maglev, channels, airst rips by baue_schiene() FIX: position now nearly always centered for all zoom levels and pak siz es FIX: scrolling with right mouse button for all pak sizes FIX: rectangle in minimap now shows the real screen size (these three we re in for ages ... ) CHANGE: (tron) assembler corrections, code cleanup, reader definition mo re C++ style CHANGE: tunnel code changed (might not load 99.03 savegames!) CHANGE: 6 byte less for planquadrat_t (i.e. per tile, although GCC gives us only four of them) CHANGE: 8 byte less for grund_t => 14 bytes less per tile (12 with GCC) => map requires ~ 15-25% less memory CHANGE: rewrote dingliste: alsways well defined position, about 10-20% f aster insert of vehicles CHANGE: articulated vehicles are now always bought together, if there is only a single choice Release of 99.03 03-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: city creation on new map fixed (actually rectified deletion) FIX: tunnel can now properly handle all way types FIX: cost of tunnel construction FIX: left and right position of buttons (you may skin round buttons now ... ) FIX: translation now shows the correct signal type in info window FIX: button will update their translation every time a dialog is opened FIX 'convoi passed last\nmonth %i\n' '\nRibi (masked)' '\nRibi (unmasked )' 'km/h\n' translatable ADD: (kierongreen) underground mode (toggle with 'U') You can built depo
ts and station, interrupt tunnels in the middle but not much more ADD: preliminary underground construction routines (user the tunnel icon in underground mode; must start on a tunnel!) ADD: elevated support for nearly all waytypes (but not tested) FIX: stations on slope got wrong height offsets CHANGE: maxspeed/friction calculation is now only done when entering a t ile => 16x less function calls Release of 99.02.2 21-Oct-2006: (prissi) FIX: unreservation of tracks failed fatally if there was no ground conne cted to the next tile FIX: factory with there 0,0 on slopes did not recognized their position (not found by other factories, no production) CHANGE: if a city could not built a road at a certain slope, it built a house instead. FIX: button definitions for skins were ignored FIX: demo savegame loading at startup fixed CHANGE: same further optimisations of certain routines ADD: <i> attribute for the help texts CHANGE: first delete station, then caternary Release of 99.02.1 03-Oct-2006: (prissi) FIX: game could lock up during creation when no matchin tourist attracti ons were found for the available climates ADD: new flag in cimuconf.tab "ground_info" to show info on ground tiles FIX: platzsucher did some meaningless comparisons and did not consider a ll suitable places (i.e. slopes) FIX: factory builder did add one too few to the distribution weigth => w ith n factories with distribution_weight=1 the last was always forgotten FIX: wrong/missing foundation during construction on slopes FIX: if no townhall with bev=0 is available for a climate, no towns will be founded in this climate FIX: redraw problem when changing window size FIX: line remembers statistic settings in the line management window FIX: many warning with VC++ fixed, project included FIX: font may also have a maximum width of 12 pixel (was even faster tha n previous drawing routines) FIX: no longer support for animated ground (interfering with the texture code), removed "animated_grounds" from simuconf.tab Release of 99.02 27-Sep-2006: (prissi) FIX: display depots after reloading FIX: autoscrolling was still outcommented FIX: loading bar position in list display FIX: not roads on foundations CHANGE: progress bar now always half display width, two more messages "L oading map ..." and "Saving map ..." CHANGE: default setting for new map will be loaded from default.sve in t he main directory. This file can be a savegame, but will be overwritten the next time a game is started.
Release of 99.01.1 26-Sep-2006: (prissi) FIX: ground below houses was draw even if not needed FIX: crash when messages were generated at load time FIX: display error, when no passenger vehicles but engines were in a dep ot CHANGE: auto resize for scrollbars on all textarea objects (if they have some) FIX: building transformers, less reallocation of nets ADD: engine_type 'battery' added FIX: not loading passengers/mail at freight locations FIX: house where not recognized in old savegames CHANGE: after lot of tries settled now in binary heaps for pathfinding, up to 15% faster FIX: display of animated buildings fixed FIX: monorail and channel tunnels fixed FIX: (again) not connection through depots and 4-stops during city expan sion Release of 99.01 18-Sep-2006: (prissi) FIX: redraw after window resize FIX: climate dialoge FIX: display in townhalls FIX: images in depot again FIX: pause at waypoints CHANGE: automatically loading pak/demo.sve (or whatever the pak folder i s) on startup CHANGE: symbol.BigLogo.pak with maximum for image loaded during intial s tartup CHANGE: more complex tunnels, with cost=,maitenance=, topspeed=, waytype =, intro- and retiredates CHANGE: allowed tunnels for all but air, also removal or tunnel with tra mrails should work FIX: city roads no longer destroy runways and the like FIX: more even house distribution with rotation Release of 99.00 10-Sep-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: full climate/season support CHANGE: sync_prepare removed Release of 90.00.1 3-Sep-2006: (prissi) FIX: unicode routine FIX: memory for citylist names was one too few FIX:/CHANGE: menus are now adapted during player change (in new module s immenu.cc) FIX: planes now also can do approaches with one way markers on them FIX: dummy vehicle for way removal/upgrades now always successful FIX: wrong prices after starting a map in beginner mode and next in norm al mode
Release of 90.00 2-Sep-2006: (prissi if not noted otherwise) FIX: clipping error at outmost right row for bitmaps FIX: forgot stop choose after closing schedule after line change FIX: force beginner/normal mode after loading ADD: (kierongreen) additionally freight image for vehicles (syntax 'frei gthimage[no][direction]=' with the good definition in 'freightimagetype[no]=') FIX: more error check to makeobj pak for vehicles (wrong numbers etc.) FIX: missing cstring_t initialisation in slist_tpl; since cstring_t only used in translator.cc and searchfolder.cc, these two converted to slist_tpl<con st char *> ADD: color codes for lists of lines and convois (minus: red, not moving: yellow, obsolete: blue, no vehicles: white) FIX: slow building of ways with log of ~ding() error messages ADD: extract command for makeobj (also got rid of the need for ./ for de fining the main file in most positions) FIX: restoring old signals was badly broken => many convois were stuck FIX: (tron) many errors fixed, working inline assembler for GCC 4.0, imp orted all old versions into SVN CHANGE: citycars lifetime now in ms => they will be more controllable, s ince generation is also linear with time (also cleanup of pedestrian code) FIX: overheadwires could be now replaced by a faster type, player was no t check during destruction FIX: signals were always built without owner => everybody could destroy them FIX: problem with depots not found: saving and loading should solve this , no longer deleting other poepls depots Release of 89.03.2 21-Aug-2006: (prissi) FIX: just_in_time is saved with a map FIX: beginner mode properly set/reset with maps FIX: oneway signal on last tile of a route not a problem anymore FIX: height of bridgeheads fixed FIX: loading vehicle image display now matches state of the car FIX: loading vehicles just on their last tile (which also contains a sig nal) fixed FIX: next depot only finds own depots FIX: proper recalculations yearly income after loading FIX: only change game name if not autosaved FIX: powerlines over monorails and stations but not crossing bridges and elevated monorails in its height CHANGE: numbered station now numbered per town (two new strings '%s city %d %s' and '%s land %d %s') CHANGE: stops covering the townhall will be added monuments 'monument' a nd townhall/tourist attractions according to their name CHANGE: two more center names '6center' and '7center' Release of 89.03.1 17-Aug-2006: FIX: FIX: FIX: (prissi) reward for boats in harbours beginner mode restored after reloading selection for scrolled list (like in the line dialog) fixed
FIX: some corrections for SimuTTD and half tile height in minimap and ot her places Release of 89.03 13-Aug-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: you can pak object with any size (smaller than 255). The tile si ze will be taken now from "ground.Outside.pak" (Go for big ships, Timothy) FIX: overhead maintenance take from pak, not from simuconf.tab any more FIX: code file cleaning up FIX: signal appearing immideately after direction changes FIX: mark dirty for higher buildings CHANGE: beginner mode 'Beginner mode' with 1,5times higher prices (can b e configured in simuconf.tab) and no just in time factories FIX: under certain circumstances, the wayobj/wayremove found an electric engine and could not lay a caternary ... FIX: hopefully, convois will be no longer try to calculate a route to th e position they are already FIX: only money for vehicles in stations FIX: correct number of vehicles reach into the station (hopefully) CHANGE: better progress indicator slowest process (city size growth and road connection) now take most of the bar FIX: full scrolling in map window FIX: no longer messing around in other players depot FIX: restored functionality of 'e' again ADD: generic names for city buildings: If no translation is available, t hey will be called 'residential house', 'industrial building', or 'shops and sto res' Release of 89.02.4 12-Aug-2006: (prissi) FIX: images of bridges after built fixed CHANGE: company color for way and ground (but slower loading, since all images are scanned for company color) This was a heavy rework of the dirty syste m ... FIX: result of heavy renovation of tile dirty system: much less area cop ied during each redraw, less garbage pixels left FIX: citylists work again FIX: dummy roadsigns everywhere after reloading games (and info for debu g purposes "\nwith sign/signal\n") => stuck trains FIX: coverage area signs now always refreshed after building/deletion FIX: Factorylistbuttontext translated twice Input -> Eingang -> Elevated station ... FIX: more error checking during parsing of help files, unlimited length (before maximum 8192 bytes) FIX: compile error on MAC spooted by Timothy FIX: convoi loosing its name after many actions in the depot ... FIX: choosing of bridges works again FIX: signal and roadsign position on slopes Release of 89.02.3 06-Aug-2006: FIX: FIX: FIX: (prissi) choose signals and convoi starting repaired waypoints in tunnels a little nicer vanishing in tunnels in westward direction
ADD: new marker graph FIX: production of factories with large storage or high rates fixed Release of 89.02.2 06-Aug-2006: (prissi) FIX: loading pak translations fixed ADD: ids displayed for convois ("cl_btn_sort_id" sort by convoi ids) FIX: wayobj were not displayed FIX: minspeed signs (and many others) work again for cars (fixed the spr ite sorter) FIX: trains ignoring signals after reloading ADD: trams rail over road bridges and through road tunnels FIX: public owner can now build stops anywhere; adjacent stop will be ta ken over by the public owner; the price is 36*monthly maint.*level! FIX: no depots for public service, since this player is not intended to run any convois FIX: display error with diagonal wayobjects ADD: generic help for factory window Release of 89.02.1 30-Jul-2006: (prissi) ADD: braking before red signals and at the end of stations in the follow ing steps 200,100,50,25 (only stations) FIX: no airplanes servicing oil riggs any more ADD: new text "\nis reserved by:" for showing reservation on tracks FIX: bus checks for electric route Release of 89.02 24-Jul-2006: (prissi) FIX: roadsigns shown in the wrong menues FIX: not cost display for ways FIX: roadsigns error after loading FIX: wrong clipping for scrollbars ... still ... CHANGE: more than one tranlation for a language in pak/text/ possible CHANGE: if there is a file pak/compat.tab the names will be used to sear ch for vehicles during loading => obsolete vehicles can be appropriately replace + better loading of 128 under 64 and vice versa FIX: correct sorting of goods by name CHANGE: no more railblocks => no signals on crossings (which did not wor ked well before too), but signals are now only a single tile! ADD: new object way-object for overheadwires or avalanche protection; al lows for electric roads too ... top speed in wayobj is limitied FIX: correct weight for attractions CHANGE: automatic align of city buildings to the next road, if there is more than one rotation FIX: tunnel construction FIX: clouds now better vanishing CHANGE: one way signs and signal discovered also during routing Release of 89.01 15-Jul-2006: (prissi) FIX: depot with wrongly initialize vehicle list could crash
FIX: crash, when selling just under the last line FIX: crash when selling trains with PBS CHANGE: convoi list to array FIX: unreserve route when reserved track is deleted FIX: find route until station end without help FIX: AI now knows about short vehicles and can built smarter stations mo re often FIX: clipping of lists FIX: one way signals on platforms have been ignored ADD: dates and "waytype=" for signs (not only roadsigns, although only t he no enter sign will work on all ways) FIX: crash when deleting world Release of 89.00 (preview) 1-Jul-2006: (prissi) ADD: path based signaling (PBS): There can be many trains in a block as long as their path do not intersect. Release of 88.10.5 (stable) 1-Jul-2006: (prissi) FIX: maintainace for bridges works again FIX: values in finance history init to zero at the start of new year ADD: fences at slopes Release of 88.10.4 24-Jun-2006: (prissi) FIX: margin calculation now (finally) taken into next month CHANGE: finance update only when dialog open or during new month FIX: monorail again above buildings FIX: remove ownership also with undo and track delete FIX: do not hide depots FIX: slopes where buildings are lower than the natural slope will be pre served FIX: signal at bridges now are drawn in the correct height and will not connect to tracks below FIX: open a schedule default mode now "add stop" also selected (not only button shown ... ) FIX: a convoi now only searches for depots that belongs to its owner CHANGE: color indicator now always go from zero to the actual maximum va lue in the minimap CHANGE: display value in chart under the mouse when clicking on it FIX: harbour under bridges fixed (only a single stop on a tile is now re ally enforced) CHANGE: search for stop now inline => likely faster search and routing o f goods ADD: new error message concerning dock: "Dock must be built on single sl ope!" FIX: scrollbar in factory windows FIX: clipping errors when letters were vertical (top) clipped FIX: the "cost=" entry in the roadsign files were not correctly saved by makeobj FIX: forgot to add "needs_ground=" to the building section of makeobj. I f needs_ground!=0, gras (or snow) will be drawn below a building
Release of 88.10.3 19-Jun-2006: (prissi) FIX: wrong buildings on slopes, transparent bottoms FIX/CHANGE: forbid to delete a line assinged to convois (but you could d o it without crash anyway again) FIX: set dirty of smoke CHANGE: only smoking chimmneys when producing/consuming FIX: another try to fix the depot window to prevent wrong obsolete vehic les FIX: faster, less memory consuming route calculation (about factor of 10 -50 for ships) FIX: waybuilder much faster calculation and finally builds diagonals as expected (may have one curve too much but is up to 4000% faster that way) FIX: waybuilder now only generates one sound per tile after finishing co nstruction and you can read the total costs per tile (not painting over each oth er) CLEANUP: removed all support for savegames before 84.06 since they were not loadable anyway CHANGE: remember last name with that the game was saved CHANGE: hide all buildings (special up to five additional construction s ites, if there) CHANGE: allows for non-square factories (leave the empty field out, not fully tested yet) Release of 88.10.2 10-Jun-2006: (prissi) FIX: trains/trams in depot reserved the according block automatically fo r convoi zero during reloading (even if this was a ship ... ) FIX: sprite sorter now inserts all sprites including pedestrians and cit ycars in the order they belong (drawing errors with trailer trucks fixed) CHANGE: hour glass during saving ADD: display of powerlines/depots in the map window FIX: delete road under the powerline of a different player CHANGE: after deleting everything from a tile one looses the ownership o n this tile again FIX: when the number of vehicles changed during reopening of a depot dia log (either year or electrification) the game crashed ADD: you can create a roadsign which prevent citycars from entering. Use "is_private=1" in the roadsign definition (will be not part of the 64 set thoug h!) ADD: draw way as a normal object by "draw_as_ding=1" in the definition o f a way CHANGE: (intenal) all defines now in simconst.h" Release of 88.10.1 4-Jun-2006: (prissi) FIX: texinput fields work again as expected, mouse sets cursor position FIX: several places were handling player colors incorrect or not at all FIX: several small clipping errors fixed CHANGE: compiles again with MS Visual C++ Express => better debugging, s ome little errors fixed, esp. overuns Release of 88.10
2-Jun-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: A* vehicle route finder strongly reworked, extensive tests with priority queues versus simple arrays => arrays are up to 10x faster (less lags w ith ships, no crashes any more) FIX: elevated monorail slopes during construction FIX: arrows with lines work again in the depot CHANGE: map array now displays always vehicles and is not updated when n ot open Release of 88.09.6 9-Mai-2006: (prissi) FIX: raising and lowering land works again as intended FIX: loading slopes for bridge heads FIX: assignement of more than 6 lines ... CHANGE: reader more endian compatible CHANGE: obsolete entry "2LIGHT_CHOOSE" FIX: translator looked words up twice (eating lots of performance with m any dialogs open) FIX: line assingment during reloading fixed FIX: depot is updated once before showing it FIX: station ground name was copied on itself FIX: workaround for Linux 4.0.3 compiler bug (will use the C-routines fo r image display instead of assembler) FIX: several issues with unassigned values and fixed using valgrind Release of 88.09.3 4-Mai-2006: (prissi) FIX: recompiled with hopefully corrected files => bridges/marker correct ly, line number ok again FIX: ownership of public owned road is taken when using trams FIX: last line in schedules selectable again CHANGE: slope now part of ground structure => less errors with monorail over houses CHANGE: gui-components and dialogs mostly seperated, losts of code clean up Release of 88.09.2 1-Mai-2006: (prissi) FIX: houses in cities on slopes again FIX: can again delete last town too FIX: translator automatically adds "\n" to stations => simutrans will re move this FIX: road under tramway works now as well ADD: scrollbars to save/load dialogs FIX: next month starting date could have been wrongly calculated FIX: age of old vehicles again calculated correctly FIX: depots have again an owner FIX: only clearing trees when building ways, stations and depots will re main (no planes etc. any more) FIX: block cleared correctly, when entering or leaving a depot FIX: no more building factories with distribution_weight=0 FIX: station bar indicator only at stop basis position FIX: bridges in miniwindow
CHANGE: internally now allows cover tiles CHANGE: made redraw faster, but set refresh again to 1 for smoother move ments. Use -refresh=2 for old speed FIX: engines shorter than 8 units stopped too early in a station => stat ion tile indicator was wrong FIX: convoi mini world view scroll more smooth and displays planes corre ctly FIX: passengers from/to monuments after reloading FIX: one month too many after reloading FIX: player colors for AI changable CHANGE: option window renovated (mostly internally, make much more consi stent with current windowing system) Release of 88.09.1 23-Apr-2006: (prissi) FIX: signal on illegal coordinates now checked CHANGE: passenger generation now proportional to the inhabhitants show ADD: passenger generation can be now adjusted using "passenger_factor" i n simuconf.tab. 16 equals the old value. FIX: track deletion of bridges and tunnel now completely deletes them FIX: several errors/inconsisties with the line management dialog fixed FIX: clipping error when switching players FIX: trees should now regrow at their intended rate FIX: map window needed sometimes a right click to activate CHANGE: mousewheel support for nearly all dialogs for the vertical scrol l bar FIX: again normal number of pedestrians, since you can now built on them Release of 88.09 19-Apr-2006: (prissi) FIX: renovation townhall city update (again ...) FIX: lines were created double in depot and not shown in the selection CHANGE: city border are now recalculated after reloading => border can s hrink again manually by this CHANGE: deleting a town now also deletes all houses within this town CHANGE: three stage map info window CHANGE: houses now indicate their town in the info "Town: %s\n" CHANGE: renovated player tool ADD: long tracks/monorails/road/channel removal tool FIX: choosesignal deletion was not handled on two places in the blockman ager CHANGE: scrollable help windows with "more intelligent" size calculation CHANGE: road construction also on used tiles, i.e. on top of pedestrians ... Release of 88.08.1 16-Apr-2006: FIX: found) FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: (prissi) all unneccessary warnings corrected (and an error in the AI module some problem with initialized values fixed broken convoys after curves, much less "jumping" at waypoints line selector in depot now hopefully finally fixed wrong naming of industry stops with numbered stations 64er aircraft cost optimized for timeline
Release of 88.08 14-Apr-2006: (prissi) FIX: line selection in depot window CHANGE: lines now sorted alphabetically CHANGE: new parameter for vehicles in dat files: length=xyz for the leng th i 1/16 of a tile (default: 8) => much easier stem engines with short tender e tc.; but: vehicles with len!=8 better have 8 views, else ... The standard vehicle length are like this for 64: S or W: x=2*len, y=len SE: y=2*len SW: x=4*len CHANGE: no jumping at waypoint on diagonals CHANGE: depot window now displays minimum station tiles needed ("Station tiles:") FIX: signals on stations should now work as intended, even with pre- and choose-signals FIX: when current schedule entry is the current depot, not route message was show => now advance to next entry FIX: many wagon overlapping drawing errors with trains Release of 88.07 9-Apr-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: asynchronous updating of routes and rerouting to avoid lags when building stations/change schedules CHANGE: more CPU-friendly choosing for trains ADD: block tool (b) also checks for double or orphan block and block wit hout signal and corrects it ADD: invalid block ids are now corrected duing loading FIX: crash using (t) when no rails are available FIX: signal state in front of waiting train now always red, even for pre signals and choose signals FIX: better check for double entries in schedule to avoid crashing CHANGE: line management convoi info more consistent color/names (removed string from translator: "Convois: %d\nProfit: %s"), added min size button FIX: minor display errors with line windows CHANGE: line now accessed via handles (more stable programming, less mem ory required) FIX: after changing max speed at depot the convoi info shows new max spe ed FIX: many errors with list management fixed FIX: no loading of smoke => no wrong images emerging after updates FIX: lower right border error when loading reliefdata fixed FIX: wrong speed on bridges after loading a saved game CHANGE: after creating a new line, this line is immediately selected in this scedule window (removed text: "New line created!\nYou can assign the line n ow\nby selecting it from the\nline selector above.") CHANGE: clicking somewhere else into the dialog will close the line drop down box in schedule and depot dialog FIX: construction of ship depots now again everywhere FIX: redraw error in depot (part of vehicle was visible in certain windo w sizes outside the box) Release of 88.06.3 ("stable")
(prissi) deleting of a station did not update the corresponding routes sometimes route with itself as first interchange appeared choose signals at a corner now working more diagonals during road construction tramlines convoi changed in depot did not display correct capacity/loading in
Release of 88.06.2 10-Mar-2006: (prissi) FIX: after passing a choose signal a single time, all presignals will st op the trains, if not the complete route is free FIX: faster rescheduling of goods now works on demand (after changing a schedule) FIX: error with choose signal fixed, if target tile was not a station FIX: changing ladegrad in schedule first selected invisible item on top of a scrolled list FIX: ladegrad was ignored, if absolutely nothing was there to load or un load CHANGE: choose signal will reserve the full way until the target locatio n FIX: traffic light switched to seldom after reloading FIX: zoom out error with 128 pak and electricfication Release of 88.06.1 05-Mar-2006: (prissi) FIX: one way signals/roadsigns work together with the choose points FIX: monorail ground saves slope (otherwise the slope could be changed b y building below) CHANGE: schedules are now recalculated more often FIX: no tunnel or bridge destroyed by slopes anymore ADD: indicator for covois stucked for more than a month FIX: much less redraw troubles with slopes (will be drawn as foreground, if any object is behind them) ADD: season indicator FIX: UNDO did remove tracks but no electricfication FIX: block reservation now saved CHANGE: made line chart more slim FIX: when vehicle braking was larger than acceleration in curves => acce leration to insane speeds FIX: removing halt with no ground during load FIX: only removing really empty bridges without stops FIX: several translator text adjusted with program texts 04-Mar-2006: (prissi) FIX: choose trains go to the end of a plattform again FIX text changed to "Die Bruecke ist nicht frei!\n" FIX: correctly loading and saving monorails Release of 88.06 04-Mar-2006: (prissi) FIX: airplanes check for exit the map (although this should never happen )
FIX: runways may only built up to fout tiles next to the border FIX: no depots on top of depots FIX: too young trees with different timescales FIX: sort options in convoy dialog were not correctly remembered FIX: presignals works with monorail CHANGE: presignals now reserve needed blocks => hopefully less deadlocks (but may be screwed up during reloading) CHANGE: choose signals are possible (as result of the above change) CHANGE: buttons and labels are now translated, when the text is assigned Release of 88.05.1 01-Mar-2006: (prissi) FIX: townhall added wrong buildings during renovation => crash when gene rated passengers afterwards FIX: connecting to the end of an unconnected bridge (now again going thr ough tunnel and bridges for way calculation) CHANGE: sync_prepare() only called one time before sync_step() => lost o f useless objects are not called any more every frame FIX: trams find depots again CHANGE: built on top of cars or pedestrians (may cause graphics errors) FIX: oilrigg and other water factories fixed when loading old sets FIX: wrong sound when closing tool bars FIX: again correct gear in convoi details FIX: several wrong sounds/smoke for vehicles FIX: more error checks for way builder FIX: change to entries to their translator entries: Oktober and Load gam e CHANGE: all list: left key info, right key goto Release of 88.05 25-Feb-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: runways now system_type=1, independet of max speed FIX: traffic density=0 => no cars generated FIX: townhall construction with uneven grounds FIX: maintainace adjusted according acceleration factor FIX: no longer roads through depots, bus stops or loading bays (hopefull y) FIX: sound hashes were wrongly calculated => hopefully fixed FIX: player initialisation during map creation not allowed for passenger stations for player 0 and 1 24-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: crash in waybuilder when runway starts on streets or when a way cos ts no maintainance FIX: wrong slope display (was back to old state?!?) FIX: tunnel block connection FIX: connection rails with tram rails FIX: deleting bridges with roadsigns and stops CHANGE: ectended bridge search for unknown bridges during loading CHANGE: all vehicles somke, if requested FIX: stop of passenger generation when timer overflowed fixed CHANGE: only relative time steps used => much faster and more reliable f or the game FIX: nearly complete renovation of blockmanager FIX: F12 key does not crash game anymore CHANGE: bridge may end at vertical slopes
FIX: "harbour tunnel" works again (as some other complex tunnels too) 23-Feb-2006: (mip) ADD: citylist including sorting 21-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: checking all schedules during loading for illegal entries CHANGE: try even harder to find the right vehicle during loading (=> mor e chances of loading broken savegames/games from other paks) ADD: new type "monorailstop" for monorail stations and extension buildin gs (=> makeobj=33) ADD: slower timespeed possible (set bits_per_month in simuconf to values higher 18) and display of day possible (show_month>=2) see simuconf.tab Release of 88.04.4 19-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: saving depots FIX: display of attractions Release of 88.04.3 18-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: sum up freight of same catg again CHANGE: extended convoi detail dialog, mover kill button to details FIX: ugly tunnel bug changed translations: added: Leistung: %d kW removed: Transported Goods 15-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: track builder always failed in a station CHANGE: cleaned up the depot code code, monorail and trams are now class es FIX: monorails no go again to the end of a station FIX: expensive rails are no longer replaced by cheaper ones CHANGE: larger passenger destinations in city window CHANGE: unified color scheme for charts 13-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: error check when building stops on completely empty tiles FIX: deleting harbour: water again at correct position ... Release of 88.04.2 12-Feb-2006: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: (prissi) monorailine correct again tram depots again air stops remove unused vehicle list (that was really eating memory ... ) sell again vehicles in depots without removing them
Release of 88.04.1 11-Feb-2006: (prissi) FINISHED: full monorail support including ramps (using a bridge)
FIX: line financial calculation fixed FIX: line window 8-Feb-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: monorail line FIX: deleting habours CHANGE: goods (bonus) frame FIX: aircraft in depot broke savegame CHANGE: further monorail support 7-Feb-2006: (prissi) FIX: curiosity list was cutting names FIX: no passengers generated after loading of a map CHANGE: unified schedule routines FIX: covoy wait for loading on empty stations work again FIX: convoiinfo help window again FIX: connection neightbours rewritten to check all ground levels => shou ld work with subways too (if they come) FIX: deleting busstops CHANGE: monorail now separate from rail vehicles CHANGE: blockmanager reworked in many aspects 6-Feb-2006: CHANGE: all station buildings routines unified => no crashes of no city there, only two error messages: "No terminal station here!" (4 layout) "No throu gh station here!" (2 layout) => also terminal stations for bus stops, trains or channels CHANGE: all depot buildings routines unified => only one error messages: "Cannot built depot here!" CHANGE: cursor normal after building depot still not fixed: connection code 5-Feb-2006: FIX: line window crashed when opened twice ADD: covertiles over vertial trogs FIX: no vehicle beaming any more (was waiting in sync_step instead step! ) Release of 88.04 3-Feb-2006(prissi): CHANGE: big code cleanup, german translation cleaned of all unneccessary strings => all official strings now there CHANGE: map legend now closes with main map FIX: linking order for gdi (=> again wav sound) ADD: error message, if a feature is not yet available. 2-Feb-2006(prissi): CHANGE: sound system now working; all sound are save under pak*/sound wi th a description either in sound.tab in the same folder or a wavefilename in the vehicle description CHANGE: new menu order, seperated monorail and tram; Help button. New te xt RAILTOOLS, MONORAILTOOLS, TRAMTOOLS, ROADTOOLS, SHIPTOOLS, AIRTOOLS, Help and Fast forward CHANGE: loading indicator and dummy message if no simuconf.tab is found (to avoid 80% of the complains I get via mail!) 31-Jan-2006(prissi): ADD: cityrule T and t for not a stop/stop CHANGE: schedule do not allow waypoints for airplanes over stops
FIX: deleting water bidges CHANGE: sound paks halfway done 30-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: building/destroying bridges, wayfinder for bridges FIX: cost of houses FIX: crash when deleting stations FIX: go home button reactivated ADD: convoi details (new strings: "Manufactured:", "Power:", "Gear:") Release of 88.03.2 29-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: display of number during new world dialog FIX: renovation townhall works again as intended FIX: convoi count during reloading fixed (leads to crash of line managem ent window) Release of 88.03.1 29-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: no crossings through stations/bus stops for normal tracks FIX: station naming with industry (%s building %s %s) for industry stops 28-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: loading lines FIX: convoi info display: much less recalculations during loading/unload ing CHANGE: now only the free load in terms of categories is given (not good s) FIX: removed several unused memory wasting variables from gebaeude_t CHANGE: now town passenger skips tourist attractions during town loop it eration => not iterated twice FIX: town statistics 27-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: New year calculation for Autosave/timeline ... FIX: diasble arrow buttons CHANGE: goods list design FIX: new world info some fixes FIX: bridge builder for channels 26-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: init line ids when destroying maps CHANGE: order of buttons in halt list 25-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: accelleration on slopes ADD: Repeatbuttons ADD: correctly routing through tunnels again FIX: wrong color in finance window FIX: monuments were not added to towns FIX: tunnel next slopes fixed 25-Jan-2006(mip): FIX: factory list and curiosity list Release of 88.03
23-Jan-2006(prissi): ADD: automatic alignment of station extension buildings (must be either defined with dim=x,y,layout (layout=1,2 or 4), x>=y and following order N E S W) 22-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: now line management for every player 21-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: station now have a capacity of 32*level; thus price reflect stat ion capacity CHANGE: changed owner of several dialoges CHANGE: new world functional, new string "Intercity road len:", obsolete ones. "7WORLD_CHOOSE", "7WORLD_CHOOSE", " 18-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: new town population/passenger destination system (takes into acc ount only existing buildings) CHANGE: new world dialog renovated 17-Jan-2006(prissi): ADD: automatic slider recalculation at halt info and convoi info CHANGE: consistent colors for negative and positive amount in dialog (re d/black) FIX: wrong maintance calculation when replacing roads (include other pla yers ones) 16-Jan-2006(mip): CHANGE: new attraction list ADD: overlooked the following translations: "\nelektrified", "\nnot elek trified", "\nRail block ", "\n\nRibi (unmasked) ", "\nRibi (masked) " 14-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: building constants now configurable in simuconf.tab (see there) FIX: new player frame (mostly internal change) 13-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: way is keeped when building/removing bridges ADD: tooltip "Alters a schedule.", "loaded" for convoiinfo, further rear rangement CHANGE: goods in convois and stops are sorted by the same rules => same sorting optins CHANGE: convoi freight info and stop freight info only updated when need ed => saving lots of time ADD: tranlations "follow me", "Follow the convoi on the map", "Sort by" 11-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: convoi_info new text "%i km/h (max. %ikm/h)" FIX: (un)loading in harbours CHANGE: following convois via convoi info FIX: crash building tracks under pillared roadbridge FIX: again schedules with only one stop possible 10-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: following convois via convoi info FIX: crash building tracks under pillared roadbridge CHANGE: better error check before building harbours CHANGE: definition of wege FIX: first all down will flatten a tile (more intuitive), using a slope on identical couble slope will make it steeper
9-Jan-2006(prissi): CHANGE: coinvoi list: minus red, further polish of halt_info CHANGE: halt_info: obsolete strings "Akzeptiert" FIX: scroll_pane now clips correctly CHANGE: speed bonus now in percentage instead of absolute speed => highe r bonus for earlier fast stuff, lower for new stuff (may require new balancing : () (but effect not too much, only very fast things get a little less) the formula is now speed_bonus_faktor = 100*speed/mean_speed-100 (i.e. t he speed difference in percent) => goods_price*(1000+speed_bonus_faktor*bonus_fa ktor(10%=10))/1000; CHANGE: new good list, obsolete translations: "Preis", "Bonus", "Categor y", "Speed boni for road %i km/h, for rail %i km/h, for ships %i km/h, and for a ir %i km/h." CHANGE: new texts: "Speedbonus %i%%:\n road %i km/h, rail %i km/h, sh ips %i km/h, planes %i km/h.", "gl_txt_filter", "gl_speed_up", "gl_speed_down", "gl_btn_unsort", "gl_btn_sort_name", "gl_btn_sort_revenue" FIX: powerline construction now cost again money ... FIX: wrong tunnel slopes solved FIX: building on slopes not destroyed during reloading Release of 88.02.1 8-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: error with slopes mostly fixed => you can even built a channel usin g slopes FIX: monorails now display again correctly FIX: no rails at tunnel start FIX: station alignment on bridge start fixed FIX: no automatic bridges and tunnels any more => no crashes for public road and other ocasions Release of 88.02 7-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: aircraft did not accelerat after reaching flight level CHANGE: "cooperate identity" exactly same dimensions for all list button s started CHANGE: halt info, new text "Passengers %d %c, %d %c, %d no route\n\nCap acity: %i\n" instead "Passengers today:\n %d %c, %d %c, %d no route\n\n%s\n" CHANGE: elements of halt list rearranged => more compact design CHANGE: adjustable costs for many things, level for station buildings .. . (see simuconf.tab) FIX: double character with GDI and numlock 1-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: changed all income calculation to 64 bit => hopefully no overuns an y more FIX: wayfinder check now for artificial slopes and starting tile CHANGE: cost of land changes more balanced, tunnels more expensive CHANGE: nicer indicator in lower line FIX: 8 bit SDL works again fine 31-Dec-2005(prissi): CHANGE: makeobj reconizes now all waytypes in all relevant objects FIX: way finder now takes care of powerlines when building bridges FIX: now slopes are correctly checked before built => more slopes possib le FIX: selling airplanes do not delete a depot
29-Dec-2005 (prissi): FIX: deleting order change => no crashes when quitting a game with vehic les in depot that are assigned to a line CHANGE: ways now take care of their images themselves also for crossings CHANGE: new slope calculation working (needs new graphics) 28-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: way image is now calculated by the way, not by the ground => 4 B yte less per tile CHANGE: correct calculation of offset for double height slope building f oundations 27-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: more flexible bridge search in wegebauer CHANGE: using existing bridges/tunnels when calculating new ways ADD: estimates cost for construction before building ADD: show difference to start location when building ways CHANGE: more prominent waiting display in the schedule window Release of 88.01.3 26-Dec-2005(prissi): FIX: cursor keys for SDL and Allegro FIX: mouse pointer for Allegro FIX: symbol alingment fixed for message options FIX: missed airplanes again included into 64 pak Release of 88.01.2 25-Dec-2005: two tiles drawing code operational; but, the effect is rather small and only seen in very hilly maps 22-Dec-2005: FIX(prissi): change factory preciosion to allow high-volume production FIX: redrawing title bar under not Allegro 21-Dec-2005 ADD(tron): new makefiles (all options now in config.default, copy config .template and edit this) ADD(prissi): citycars with destinations (not recommended, just to many w hcih want to reach places without roads) FIX(prissi): Allegro now with mouse in menu bar 18-Dec-2005(prissi): ADD: colors for channels in minimap FIX: factory now consumes goods according to their setting (before: the number of products) If a factory produces less, it will consume less. FIX: 's' builds road again 13-Dec-2005(prissi): FIX: when deleting a line, the schedule from convois in depot will be de leted FIX: dinglist could cause a crash when asking for a single deleted objec t (i.e. on a road) ADD: factory added to stop names (when built close to it) 12-Dec-2005(prissi): FIX: powerlines again builtable
FIX: route calculation of aircraft improved CHANGE: wait for loading percentage now several numbers with wrap around ADD: waypoints for planes ADD: aircraft circle during waiting for free stop Release of 88.01.1 10-Dec-2005(prissi): ADD: citylist with total inhabitants ADD: new switch in simuconf.tab "just_in_time" (default=1) which allows switching off just in time logistics CHANGE: new factory construction: try to connect always to an existing f actory, and ignore the distance, if the connection factory is not an emental sou rce FIX: redraw error, when AI changed land height hopefully fixed CHANGE: map display updated also with several options on 6-Dec-2005(prissi): FIX: takeoff/landing direction FIX: overflow on large maps and long transport FIX: waybuilder now forbid curves on runway nearly 100% (only be deletio n still possible) ADD: nl key file by stormoog FIX: no queuing over airstops for flying planes 3-Dec-2005(prissi): CHANGE: A* for ways (finally!) FIX: drive on left zoom out bug in 128 solved (this one was well hidden) FIX: key handling in SDL renovated FIX: more error checks when deleting signals to recover from orphan sign als from before ... Release of 88.01 2-Dec-2005: FIX(prissi): fiddled a little around with the signal deletion routine. N o crashes, after a some tries FIX(prissi): monorail again deletable FIX(prissi): identical blocks on different tracks when using undo fixed ADD(mip): Marko keys (set them with CNTRL+F2...F14) and recall them with simple F2...F14 FIX(prissi): tool bars again in more rows FIX(prissi): cleaned up sources, took in Allegro support (wow, is the fa stest so far!) FIX(tron): nice makefiles 30-Nov-2005 (prissi): FIX: air depot/terminal alignment FIX: only straight runways FIX: power large than 65536 and gear larger than 255 are now handled cor rectly FIX: slower acceleration on runways FIX: when ground was changed, airplanes were stucked FIX: "nicer" calculation of speed during different flight positions FIX: made planes compatible with half height version FIX: error when zoomed out with different base tile sizes FIX: A* route calculation was actually wrong and very badly implemented FIX: AI even more biased towards networks FIX: fiddled a little around with the signal deletion routine. No crashe
s, after a some tries FIX: monorail again deletable FIX: identical blocks on different tracks when using undo fixed 28-Nov-2005: FIX(mip): curiosity list used strtok, which wrote into the read-only str ings from translation! (also customize display: "%s (%i,%i) - (pax %i, post %i)" for translation) FIX(mip): FIX(hsiegeln): divers error messages around schedules and station buildi ngs Release of 88.00 22-Nov-2005: FIX (hsiegeln): do not count vehicles in depot for line capacity FIX (hsiegeln): display in convoi and schedule list FIX (prissi): vehicles in depot are shown, even if obsolete (but apparan tly worked before too) FIX (prissi): speedboni are always initilized with default values CHANGE (prissi): zero number if goods waiting are omitted in haltlist FIX (prissi): vehicle going in wrong depots CHANGE (prissi): haltlist now also with CNTRL functionality (CNTRL+click = only jump to position) 20-Nov-2005 (prissi): FIX: no income generated at waypoints ADD: free chose of stops for cars after certain signposts (new sign flag "free_route=1") ADD: new entry for halt filter (type "hlf_chk_airport") ADD: indicator for city attraction in the attraction list FIX: cursor alignment for up/down fixed FIX: minimum income for any good is 1/8 of the normal income, even if sp eed bonus is negative 17-Nov-05 (hsiegeln/prissi): ADD: airplanes ADD: stations need support building for certain types. Now there are fre ight stations that needs a waiting hall to accept passengers. for the obj=building the type="" has been extended by the follow ing types. station - Rail stop (2 dir) busstop - Road stop (2 dir) carstop - Road stop (4 dir) habour - in the sea (4 dir) wharf - channel stop (2 dir) airport - plane stop (4 dir) These can have additional flags strings: extension_building=1 - extents like the station building s (1 dir) (cannot build on a way) enables_pax=1 - passengers can travel from here enables_post=1 - mail can start from here enables_ware=1 - good are accepted here Without these flags, a stop will not accept anything! A freight station must posses "type=station enables_ware=1" or it won't accept freigth. For generic, not stop specific buildings, there are three entrie s left: hall - waiting hall (1 dir)
post - post office (1 dir) shed - goods shed (1 dir) The halt list and halt dialoge are extended by a small symbol indicating what this station accepts. Release of 87.02 13-Nov-2005 (prissi) FIX: after reloading, check stations for post offices (was broken before ) FIX: search for next station failed too often FIX: error message when AI failed building a route does not appear any m ore FIX: crossing channels with electric wires again ok FIX: going to end of station also on bridges FIX: avoid deleting parts of a bridge FIX: default filter state for convoi list is off CHANGE: A* for faster pathfinding and preference of faster ways for fast er vehicles FIX: correct booking of roadsigns FIX: again sorted as intended by category amout transported engine type, speed, power, ... FIX: some further finetuning of cost, speeds etc. FIX: some goods were wrongly joined, if there were two goods for the sam e factory at the same final stop ADD: click on vehicle in depot will open depot window (should be like th at from the beginning ... ) CHANGE: factory names for 64 changed again for compatibility with very o ld savegames (but 87.xx might not load!) CHANGE: renovated japan pak for timline and consistent building names, m any new trams ... Release of 87.01 4-Nov-2005 (prissi) FIX: loading old maps with obsolete docks FIX: no route next to attraction should now have a more meaningful numbe r (so you can better guess how much you have to transport) FIX: mail from attractions and factories again 4x recieved mail CHANGE: some further small optimizations for faster drawing of dialoges CHANGE: vehicles now sorted in depot by intro year and engine type 3-Nov-2005 (mip) ADD: curiosity list 3-Nov-2005 (prissi) ADD: channels as waterways, habour as "...ChannelStop" FIX: mail flag correctly recalculated after changing a station FIX: deleting tunnels 30-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: builds again presignals FIX: under some circumstances, building on ways (e.g. all stations) were not correctly removed FIX: several data of pak64 vehicles finetuned, mail carriage added, buss top before 1900 added ADD: Fast forward (keycode W) ADD: indicator for fast forward and timeline (tranlatable "timeline" "no timeline") FIX: calculation of speed bonus changed => bonus not per car, but per pa ssenger
FIX: timeline was sometimes some years off; especially after loading old games Release of 87.00 27-Oct-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: train outside depot on same sqare are displayed first CHANGE: no goods are sent to overflowing industries CHANGE: halt status color also red, when goods are overflowing station CHANGE: accepts freight at all stops near factories (includign bus stops ) CHANGE: road, rail and ship bonus now depend on average speed, if timeli ne is on FIX: some errors loading older savegames fixed FIX: on animated tiles missing phases will return the tile at phase=0 (i .e. baumarkt) FIX: alignment error of up-/down slopepointer FIX: could remove a non-empty depot ... FIX: industry chain creation could crash without cities FIX: schedule is corrected for invalid entries after input ADD: full use of copyright entries for houses and vehicles 24-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: roadsign cost correctly display (and not free anymore) and now also on bridges FIX: return ticket finally working (was too easy to do it right?!?) CHANGE: close topmost window by ESC or DEL FIX: not replacing city roads below depots (fixed sending home error) FIX: removing overhead wires make now removes electrified status again CHANGE: Using Mersenne Twister algorithm for faster and better random nu mbers FIX: when renovating, check, if I can renovate something; if highest lev el reached: do nothing CHANGE: full building timeline for 64 pak with many new building (=> can play from 1900) CHANGE: era and copyright message for buildings ADD: many new trams, alignement corrected for existing ones ADD: new player1 tool: jump a year forward CHANGE: haltlist now member of planquadrat ADD: stations on bridges CHANGE: also for stops, station, schedule entries, roadsign signals: CNT RL is from up, normal from down Release of 86.10.5 16-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: time now corrected after loading (no jumps) CHANGE: city takes over city road ownership CHANGE: growth now size dependent (max 1.67 for <1000, max. 3 for <1000, max. 6 for other) FIX: good distribution always, when more than 10 produced: non-distribut ing factories should be gone FIX: passenger and mail coverage display fixed FIX: connection from factories and town were assymetric and only passeng ers went to the last factory in the list CHANGE: train can drive now on any track (also on public owned roadcross ings ...) 15-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: deleting upper and lower objects tweaked a little
FIX: also now deleting of tram rail on a road works out ADD: public stops for player 1 can be now constructed everywhere. New ti les of this stop will be also public. 14-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: timeline can be also altered afterwards on non-locked maps FIX: crash when lowering land at the lower right border CHANGE: selection of next building now via "chance=" (default 100) CHANGE: timeline enforced for ways, bridges, and buildings incl. station s and attractions (new makeobj needed, support now fully retire_year/retire_mont h and intro_year/intro_month) Release of 86.10.4 13-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: no power generation in foreign languages fixed FIX: after assigning the same line twice, convoi did not move anymore FIX: may be fixed problem in industry chain building FIX: current entry not changed when appending to a schedule FIX: vehicle will only load people up to the next time it reaches a stop CHANGE: CNTRL+roadbuilder will replace also fast by slower road FIX: first use of 's' for roadbuilding -> crashed program FIX: setting new schedule could crash on fast computers or long lines du e to recursive calling ADD: two new settings to simiconf.tab "only_single_info" and "window_but tons_right" CHANGE: configure, that always a single window opens up CHANGE: for you ariabic and hebrew writers and all brainwashed by gates: close button configurable to the right (goes best with Win98 skin ... ) ADD: timeline, starting year and cheating mode can be set in the startin g menue (and will be fixed further one, allowing for competitions) ADD: new edit tool to protect a map from further change CHANGE: new spanish, portugese, czech, and dutch translation for 64 set CHANGE: further reordering of deletion order ... FIX: if factories were connected via station areas, goods disappeared .. . Release of 86.10.3 09-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: size of station coverage wrongly calculated FIX: order of object deletion a little adjusted CHANGE: can delete pedestrians (sound really like hitman on the nearby r oof :() ADD: CNTRL+remove will remove ground objects first FIX: detail button in factory info was wrongly aligned FIX: error with construction site lookup some FIX: deleting signals should now work better than before Release of 86.10.2 5-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: fundament slope drawing errors corrected FIX: showing attraction in the minimap removed all attraction from the i nternal vector => crash FIX: crash when deleting the last stop of a schedule (revolved to increa se the maxi-counter in fahrplan_t) => savegameversion 86.10 CHANGE: removed halt_list from factory, changed fpl to minivec_tpl (now max. 255 stops in a schedule)
CHANGE: route of goods was calculated twice when delivering to a station FIX: stealing from competitor works now (and also more intelligent goods distribution from factories) ADD: status now also shown in factory image FIX: more than two near stops (error in inset template) FIX: correct translation (and maybe also player issues) solved with line management CHANGE: 't' and 's' remembers last used track/road type for construction FIX: update errors in depot 4-Oct-2005 (mip) ADD: factorylist (new entries in translation: fl_title, Fabrikname, Inpu t, Output, Rating) Release of 86.10.1 3-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: city check now for all non-removable objects before expansion FIX: check with valgrind -> no errors left (apart from SDL and lost memo ry) ADD: preliminary monorail-support (vehicle needs still better alignment) ADD: waypoints on bridges (and other preparations for station on bridges ) Release of 86.10 2-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: removed some out of bounds arry_tpl's access. FIX: error with deleting the last objects from a tile (errors in dinglis te_t) FIX: traffic light graphics were wrongly ordered FIX: no longer burying ship depots under sea mountains CHANGE: ausflugsziele now weighted array (weighted_vector_tpl) -> faster selection of passengers CHANGE: cities now weighted array (weighted_vector_tpl) -> faster select ion of passengers, more travellers to bigger cities CHANGE: intercity travellers will now also go back (=> more traffic from larger cities) CHANGE: goods will be now distributed to the stop which is a) not overfl owing and b) has less in storage (so you can "steal" from another company) CHANGE: travellers destination cities are now weighted by their size FIX: minimap redrawing when changing grid ('#') fixed FIX: numbers in depot correctly updated FIX: no more crashes with pillars FIX: also when building stop after a schedule is set, this schedule will be recognized Release of 86.09.3 24-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: also loading games with too many objects on one tile (warning will be given) FIX: working again with factories with more than 30 destinations and 10 suppliers FIX: artificial slopes now nearly always ok (one case is not solveable) FIX: reloading streets with paveway are again 50km/h FIX: sending back pax was not trying original destination => too many no route
FIX: forgotten comment: citycars deseased after 100 hops ... ADD: traffic lights Release of 86.09.2 23-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: citycar stopped also when passing a car FIX: correcting rail blocks when loading FIX: destroying building cost again money FIX: try to fix memory leak with powerlines FIX: not post for non-accepting stops (check for correct routing please) FIX: screenshot for windows again ADD: show accepted good types also in station details FIX: pillar show bridge info FIX: several alignment errors with yellow steel bridge ADD: brick rail viaduct ADD: length limit for certain bridges (max_lenght=) Release of 86.09.1 16-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: bridges now cost again money FIX: citycars and pedestrians behave now as intended FIX: citycars delete themseves at the end of their lifetime CHANGE: non-square buildings are allowed also without rotation FIX: click in town tool now on correct line FIX: overlarge windows now moved to left corner FIX: again water industries (was built in wrong order [pri=1]) ADD: resizeable depots ADD: preliminary support for pillars in bridges: "pillar_distance=1...x" (distance [0=default off]), backpillar[s]=..., backpillar[w]=.... Release of 86.09 13-Sep-2005 (prissi) ADD: Additional tool "natural slope" CHANGE: changing terrain becomes much more expensive (so use bridges and tunnels more often) FIX: some more drawing errors with slope fixed CHANGE: more equal distribution of tools in a toolbar CHANGE: citycars will no turn into a dead end (check 2 tiles ahead) FIX: again pedestrians (was broken since 86.07) CHANGE: new setting in simuconf.tab: "drive_left" will offset all cityca rs, trucks, roadsigns, ... to the other side of the road (there will be still so me clipping errors) CHANGE: artifical slopes now includes the natural ones ADD: Isaac new roadsigns ADD: cityroad configurable "city_road_type" in simuconf.tab FIX: cars now also wait on diagonals CHANGE: new vehicle-sorter, thus trams look a little better and it know about left side driving 11-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: cursor keys with SDL working again FIX: remove obsolete keywords from translations, also small font will be ignored FIX: en.tab and de.tab for finances/map legend
ADD: Some buildings from Moistboy and de/en translation texts ADD: road inside city limits will get a sidewalk after some time ADD: "Total inhabitants:" to citylist which shows the number of total in habitants CHANGE: made dinglist to maximum size 255, and single objects are stored directly => much faster loading, saved another 2 bytes per tile and 32 byte per emtpy tile/one object tile CHANGE: removed fundament type from ding-types => 56 bytes less per buil ding FIX: Some more error checking, when loading ways => can cope with unknow ways Release of 86.08.1 10-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: wrong engine types for obsolete rail type "electrified_track" in ol d packages FIX: SHIFT again dead key with SDL FIX: after removing stops from a schedule, the removed stop was not upda tes => passengers waiting for non-existent lines CHANGE: Allowing for 32 workers destinations (More would be easy, by may slowdown passenger generation a little.) CHANGE: haltlist to minivec_tpl => saved about 2 bytes per tile FIX: error check during scroll bar creation CHANGE: tried yet another set of routines for GDI which seems to work on all machines I could test CHANGE: newly arranged finace window, obsolete string now "Construction: ", "New Vehicles:","Vehicle Running Costs:","Revenue:","Total:","Maintenance:"," Balance:" Release of 86.08 3-Sep-2005 (prissi) FIX: convoi in depot which were assigned a line or a schedule started af ter reloading. CHANGE: Separeted map and legend. Got rid of small font FIX: Closing button should check, if closing is ok. ADD: built straight ways by pressing control during mouseclick (just us ing a dumb minimizing distance algorithm) FIX: factory production calculation could overflow under bad circumstanc es. Release of 86.07.4 2-Sep-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: new map button "factries", no more clutter in the legend FIX: divers "delete" to "delete [] ", which are different operators. val grind now only complains about SDL stuff. Release of 86.07.3 30-Jul-2005 (prissi) FIX: cursor alignment with 128 FIX: no money making by open schedule window during loading in a station FIX: message list now displays all messages again FIX: divers errors around the GDI display routines and further speed up + sound and midi
FIX: cursor offset finally corrected for all display widths Release of 86.07.2 25-Jul-2005 (prissi) FIX: again correct train types for newer paks FIX: error during loading was using evt. unitialized minimap CHANGE: order in railtools and tramstools roughly similar CHANGE: background for tunnel graphics (was returning always foreground) CHANGE: AI will always keep cityroads FIX: roads under harbour deleted FIX: AI now users better calculation of income (before always the farest factory won) CHANGE: zeiger now drawn on to of everything CHANGE: allow to crossconnect all factories (via crossconnect_factories= 1 in conf/simuconf.tab) FIX: factories initiated more than one smoker instance during loading (c ould break savegames) FIX: cars and trains now really vanish in tunnels (more or less) CHANGE: wrote extremly simple direct copy in Windows-GDI. Seems 2x faste r than SDL and the debugger works a little, yeah!!! Release of 86.07.1 15-Jul-2005 (prissi) FIX: fundament as subtype of grund was a bad idea: no more objects were detected! FIX: no new month after starting a new game! FIX: error in routings could led to a crash of the sort routines display ing the station info! CHANGE: extensive correction no done during loading of savegames. If you are lucky you may be able to load an 128 savegame (or a german) with the 64 and vice versa. CHANGE: weg_t are now the only waytypes (vehikel_besch_t::strasse no lon ger valid) CHANGE: made way for lower hills (actually there is a TTD-like graphic s et under way ... ) Release of 86.07 13-Jul-2005 (prissi) Internal cleaning up of some data structures => more run-time memory, pr eparation for other machines/64 Bit Repaired/Changed some code to make it compatible with DevCpp Changed the list handling code: There was a lot of uneeded memory use (c lass instead struct) and some overhead. Also more friendly to different compiler s. Changed the mempool code: Reuse the blocks also used for the list handli ng code (will be alway size of 4, 8, 12, ... bytes up) CHANGE: removing now first deletes citycars, then roadsigns/signals, oth erwise like before FIX: key help dialog is now a magic one (only open once) FIX: limit maximum speed even hill down to maximum_speed+20 (higher spee d would likely cause a derailment in reality) FIX: now the absolute year is saved (avoid cheats) With saving and reloa ding every 500 years or so this should allow unlimited long games.
CHANGE: Non-quadratic maps (my favorite is always 512x256) CHANGE: Unmagic cityinfo (so you can open more than one) and city info d oes not forget its settings anymore CHANGE: try to built a little more straighter road/tracks also for diago nals (not 100% working yet) ADD: presignals now posess a third stage, i.e. next block free, but next next one still not free FIX: Paranoia check during loading can partly repair broken savegames du ring loading/saving CHANGE: vehicle values drops now 50% in 20 xears and changes monthly. CHANGE: passengers and goods are first loaded for the nearest stations t he convoi goes. This allows to built local and station skipping highspeed lines. ADD: after three month not moving, citycars will turn around. If still s tuck, they will report "To heavy traffic\nresults in traffic jam.\n" as a proble m CHANGE: citycars will wait for next free hop in a step() (saveing lots o f calculation time) CHANGE: autosave value gives now interval in month (0=off) FIX: no more redraw errors with slopes behind buildings CHANGE: sorting by number of passenger for the next destination (i.e. co nnecting to xyz) 64 Graphcis: ADD: new station building and new harbours from timeshock/converted 128p x graphics Release of 86.06 6-Jul-2005 (prissi) FIX: calculation of slopes after lowering lanscapes now correct FIX: connection with a near stop could fail for non-symmetrical station buildings FIX: full-window mode works more reliable FIX: crash, when the land on a route was removed FIX: From a stop under a bridge a vehicle can directly hop onto the brid ge (error in koord3d comparison, might be also affected other places!) FIX: railwindow and editwindow excluded each other ADD: normal cars now also do not run over each other but wait like truck s etc. ADD: roadsigns for no entry and minimum speed ADD: name of current player in the bottom bar ADD: many new help texts from Gotthardlok Release of 86.05.1 23-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: now correct waytype when building tunnels CHANGE: mail now passenger tab in depots, wagons without payload (usuall y tender) also into engine tab FIX: delete of multi-tile buildings improved ADD: deleting industries works, if no station is connected ADD: deleting towns by deleting townhalls (the other houses are not affe cted by this; but only houses within city limits can generate passengers) FIX: avoid dropping of frame time below 10ms FIX: convoi info windows not correctly checked FIX: error message when raising/lowering tiles now correct (came never/t oo much) ADD: monthly autosave (option "autosave = 1" in simuconf.tab) as file au
tosaveXX.sve (XX=01..12) FIX: message repeat now changed a little: Now route/overcrowded messages will be repeated after one month 21-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: fullscreen mode from simuconf working. FIX: redraw error when raising water. ADD: 'P' to change player (player 0 is construction AI). ADD: Edit menu for player 0 (grow city, shrink city, biult cityroad, bui lt attraction) CHANGE: built industry now into edit menu Release of 86.05 17-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: no resize when dialog open FIX: AI busses waiting at tourist attractions were not added to routing tables (and updating tables now asynchronus process). FIX: passenger AI could cause random crashes. Also test for indirect con nections was no working. Now only new route built, if more than three stations b ypassed. CHANGE: rearraged icon in the slope tool CHANGE: 4 new slope graphs => much less drawing errors (backward compati ble) CHANGE: forbid use of slopes on potentially dangerous tiles (message: "T ile not empty.") ADD: support for headquarter (in dat: obj=building, type=hq, parameters are level= 1,2,3,4,... and passengers=xyz) (Press 'H' to built) CHANGE: No stop at waypoints on straight tracks FIX: fullscreen-switch repaired Release of 86.04 11-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: Jumping trains with no route/wrong depot fixed. FIX: rotation for townhalls. CHANGE: add schedule will be resetted after closing a window. ADD: Window resize of main window. ADD: Input conversion for non-latin languages. CHRxx (xx is hex between 80 and FF) will be translated from tab-file. Missing entry will give default. FIX: check when building docks Release of 86.03.4 03-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: crash during return to depot. FIX: problems at signals/depot exit to 75% solved. CHANGE: now a change for connecting even to distance industries. FIX: error with calculation of left over productivity of a factory. FIX: slower aging of messages. Release of 86.03.3 01-Jun-2005 (prissi) FIX: long routes also found on large maps by increasing the number of st eps of the variable "max_route_steps" in simuconf.tab (default=100000, useful ma
[16 Byte/entry]) crash when town growth requires new industry, but nothing found. to fast disappearing of income messages. bug during entering a schedule when open multiple windows raise height until level 14. wrong season when loaded.
Release of 86.03.2 25-May-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: station_coverage_size now saved with a savegame. For old map, de fault is 3. FIX: opening the minimap on faster systems yield FPS>1000. hopefully fix ed (+ default refresh=2) FIX: retire messages now appear FIX: outdated or future vehicles now display with a blue bar instead cra shing in a depot FIX: finetuning number of trucks for AI ADD: parameter "-fullscreen" for command line resp. "fullscreen = 0/1" i n simuconf.tab Release of 86.03.1 23-May-2005 (prissi) FIX: overflow in vehicle array position (was not extended) CHANGE: made the drawing a little more fluid: everything will move smoot her than before (just forced redraws before idle wait) With -refresh 2 even the 128 can be played very fast. FIX: Pause could cause a hangup/division by zero. FIX: Hopefully no longer factories on slopes or roads Release of 86.03 18-May-2005 (prissi) ADD: "citycar_life" to simuconf.tab (How many tiles can a simutrans car go, before it forever breaks ...) Answer about 2500 per year (depends on speed), default 35000 ADD: citycars now obey timeline (if switched on) ADD: sorting of road and bridges by their speed FIX: hopefully fixed some bugs relating to passengers at attractions FIX: some bug relation to AI and vehicles with trailer fixed? ADD: building post offices on slopes ADD: station buildings possible (name must end with "...StationBlg") Wil l also extend the storage by 128. ADD: allow larger maps (but will need lots of memory) and longer trains (up to 24 cars). ADD: display of station capacity ("Storage capacity") FIX: not starting up when japanese was selected CHANGE: calculation of FPS change to a real time based system to avoid v ery high FPS with high accelarations (downside: at very high stretch times vehic le movement less smooth) New entries for citycars are: speed, intro_year, intor_month, retire_year, retire_month 15-May-2005 (prissi)
CHANGE: Trams only in tram depot (tram only if "waytype=schiene_tram") CHANGE: obsolete vehicles can be hidden if the timeline is on CHANGE: no electric units shown, if depot did not have catenaries CHANGE: new tab for passenger vehicles (to show EMU heads, use freigth=P assagiere and payload=0, to add them here) Name is "Pas_tab" (trains), "Bus_tab" (cars), and "Ferry_tab" for ships. FIX: depot window can be now redraw by clicking the obsolete button (wil l fix display after electricfication or rezoom) FIX: second row should be selectable after rezoom in depots FIX: several small things increasing compatibilty to standard C++ (compi les on GCC 2.95) FIX: citycar_writer fixed FIX: click with tool windows now obey used/unused images Release of 86.02.2 11-May-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: produced good go now first to the factories, which have a storag e, that is not overcrowded CHANGE: removed the step-wise route recalculation at halts into a monthw ise one. FIX: error, when good is already at target stop hopefully finally fixed CHANGE: retiring date for city cars and eingines CHANGE: production now really the value in the dat-files => resetting se veral 64pak values FIX: factory location searcher works again as intended FIX: some things which placing bus stops FIX: no longer send cars to tram depots and vice versa FIX: no production during pause any more FIX: no longer many transparent pixels when zooming Release of 86.02.1 05-May-2005 (prissi) FIX: error when creating goods and all destinations were empty: only fir st was served FIX: no longer people waiting for transport to own stop FIX: numbers of created with no route at station display corrected corre cted FIX: station type was not calculated after loading => station list empty FIX: pres-ignal crashed, when deleted tiles of a calculated route FIX: pedestrian grafics fixed Release of 86.02 01-May-2005 (prissi) FIX: error when loading UTF8 citylists fixed FIX: rebuild destinations, when convoi was removed by x => no more stale freight waiting FIX: when convoi self_detructs, its value is booked back to the owner FIX: when station already is already destination => just happy ADD: vitus new pedestrians to 64-pak CHANGE: oilfield to Ravens oilfied 24-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX: no route found, when factory was to close FIX: crashes, if deliverey with unknown route?!?
20-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX: ware could not unload at a dock => internal connect calculation no with halt basis_pos FIX: again detailed information from public stops CHANGE: allow more than one row in the tools CHANGE: color indicator on simloops and FPS CHANGE: random pedestrian now switch off also in dialog (6LIGHT_CHOOSE), 7WORLD_CHOOSE removed (identical) CHANGE: year now also updated in city chart FIX: UNDO repaired FIX/CHANGE: factory production from dat-files is now per whole factory a nd independent of the load of simutrans FIX/CHANGE: distribution now when more than 10 produced (instead 32) FIX: makeobj always appended a cursor and a symbol, even if none defined . CHANGE: factory list to vector_tpl, halt_list of grund_t now on demand > should save lots of memory Release of 86.01 19-Apr-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: passenger to attraction/factory is equal to returning number; ma il is 1/8 of returning. This comes for free and reduces the load considerably. CHANGE: when a ware was added to a station, the route was calculated aga in in case of pax CHANGE: passenger generation/routing cleaned up and reworked => much fas ter FIX: now really closing all windows before loading CHANGE: Building do not step anymore, if not neccessary => much faster CHANGE: simloop/FPS system complete reworked to allow more time for othe r applications resp. a smoother scheduling all other times. But now no time stre ch <1.0 possible CHANGE: factories are now built every 2^x*industry_increase_every 14-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX: no more adding cities after loading corrected; also now in priciple an unlimited number of cities should be possible (but something still breaks at 64 ... ) FIX/CHANGE: traffic to an attraction is now proportional to the level of this attraction FIX: ships could only unload under the harbour ... CHANGE: random now c instead of C++ => a little faster CHANGE: line in fillbox a little higher FIX: new GB citylist FIX: CMOCxx cause pre PentiumPro to crash => exchanged 10-Apr-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: trees have now also an distribution weight (default=3) FIX: transportation revenue also calculated, when vehicle was stopped fo r new schedule FIX: dirty_rect for vehicles was to small => traces were left! Release of 86.00.3 9-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX/CHANGE: datatype for city array_tpl now vector_tpl -> more access ch ecks
CHANGE: townhall_info added to simuconf.tab to avoid passenger level inf o window of townhalls CHANGE: calculation intense station type is now only recalculated after construction work FIX: AI busses waited also on overcrowded lines and always created only one bus ... FIX: player images were displayed two times using slow and fast routines ... urg! FIX: tourist and city building passenger amount per time now comparable CHANGE: hopefully removed all spaces from pak64 file names (will break o ld savegames) FIX: mip_cobbelstone maintetnance corrected FIX: trams corrected FIX: added new pedestrians from Vitus
Release of 86.00.2 8-Apr-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: new signals for 64 CHANGE: different signal graphics for electrified and normal tracks (if more than 8 images defined) CHANGE: passenger AI will removed stucked or unused busses FIX: passenger AI will no longer built lines to unconnecting factories FIX: pax at tourist attractions were added to all stops!?! 7-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX: several routines replacing groung also destroyed binding to halt FIX: tourist attractions now generate mail again FIX: unhappy mail was also omitted FIX: presignals were not correctly removed CHANGE: 64pak: two rail roofed station added 5-Apr-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: assembler for display_text (17% faster) and display_fillbox (150 % faster) FIX: variation of non-rotable houses was ignored for special buildings CHANGE: tourist attraction are no longer built next to each other, but a t least 1+b+h away Changes to Makeobj20 (prissi) (for Simutrans 86.xx and higher. Factories created with this version will crash Simutrans 85.04.1 and earlier.) CHANGE: pax_level for factories added. FIX: 96 and any other even size should work again. FIX: citycars were broken. CHANGE: "schiene_tram" added as waytype to accomodate for Trams. 3-Apr-2005 (prissi) FIX: station window display FIX: station bar indicator also included good None (therefore the color were one off) FIX: map crashed, when there was not a place for every town 29-Mar-2005 (prissi) FIX: removing a tile was killing all station info => station no longer c onnected FIX/CHANGE: tooltips are now only allowed for topmost windows CHANGE: some more assembler, now 999ms instead of 1462ms for display_img
() (45% faster) CHANGE: added busstops to tram menu FIX: Finally nailed down bug of stealing goods from other companies FIX: Only own stops could be added to a schedule (so no stops where nobo dy could unload/load) FIX: factories tried to connect to overconnected suppliers => ok, there is then an error message, that too many pointers we re added, but simutrans exists anyway Release of 86.00.1 27-Mar-2005 (prissi) FIX: coded the display_img new, now 40% faster than before FIX: city statistics were wrongly initialized FIX: docks: water ground left, catchment area now checked + dock removal possible FIX: makeobj allows now also for sizes != 64 and 128 26-Mar-2005 (prissi) FIX: factory catchment area was assymetric (2x3) => change also to 2x2 FIX: tourist attraction display now normalized to biggest attraction CHANGE: another round of drawing optimizations: no redraw of menus or ti cker background CHANGE: vertical clipping display further optimized, zoom on demand now working CHANGE: new parameter in simuconf.tab "station_coverage" sets the covera ge area FIX: wrong factory catches ware of the same typ hopefully corrected CHANGE: added the tram-stuff for 64 Release of 86.00 20-Mar-2005 (prissi) NEW: statistics for towns FIX: all ground tiles were no properly initialized during loading! (weg1 and 2 could have a random image!) CHANGE: all images are loaded and coded to their proper values. Darkenin g is only on demand. (huge memory relief) CHANGE: zooming calculation change => drastic speed-up and in priciple a llows also for zomming by all integer factors (1,2,3,4,5, ... ) CHANGE: Debug message actually taken out, if compiled without debug supp ort => leaner code and speed up. CHANGE: TramTools disabled, if no tram depot found CHANGE: Lots of german help files added (from Gotthardlok) 17-Mar-2005 (prissi) NEW: Season for grounds ("WinterGras" and "WinterShore") NEW: Seasons for trees (either all year (0-4) or summer/winter (0-4 5-9) or all four seasons with 20 images (sum aut win spr) NEW: new parameter in simuconf.tab: "tree_info=0" switches tree info off 14-Mar-2005 (prissi) FIX: convois have again correct weight after loading a game FIX: AI wrongly fills undo array FIX: corrected some loadgame issues 11-Mar-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: quickstone_t shrinked to unsigned short int (saves memory)
CHANGE: vector_tpl now with removal and insert_at at certain position CHANGE: grund_t now remembers the 10 next stations (this seems like maxi mum number to me) This allows way faster search for stations. Furthermore, passeng er now are preferably routed to a station of the player/passenger AI. CHANGE: 'v' to display the station coverage CHANGE: station coverage setting saved in simworld.cfg 9-Mar-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: Townhall also opens its info-window FIX: StalkeXRP changed to his real name in credits FIX: Austrian and finnish citylist had still old names FIX: Citycars again in dat files (was omitted during makeobj link, becau se commented in simwrite.cc ???) CHANGE: Savegame format now 86.00, since this will be 86 with trams and more CHANGE: Median citicen is again median ... CHANGE: New founded city has always 1/10 of median citicens at the begin ning 4-Mar-2005 (prissi) FIX: factory and transformer builder now checks their building sites bef ore more stricktly 1-Mar-2005 (prissi) CHANGE: menu clean up: Post -> special tools NEW: cursor for slop tool (cursor.Slope.pak) NEW: large docks, as many as you like NEW: as many stations as you like NEW: as many bustops as you like CHANGE: factories now have a passenger level Following cursor.*.pak had become obsolete: BusStop, Crossing, Rail, Road, TrainStop, FreightTrainStop, TrainDepot, CarDepot, Post, ShipStop please define an icon and a cursor in your files! 24-Feb-2005 (prissi) NEW: larger ports possible NEW: passenger AI new also built lines to factories and attractions CHANGE: allow for higher inital mountains FIX: meadian citicens was actually maximum citicens 23-Feb-2005 (hsiegeln): NEW: presignals; -> trains will not enter a block, if the block to be en tered thereafter is not free and they are waiting at a "presignal" NEW: presignals require the following PAK: misc.preSignals.pak TODO: presignals use old-signals icons on menu and for cursor; needs to be fixed TODO: gfx for preSignals currently use gantry-style; should use correct gfx; whatever that may be ... 22-Feb-2005 (hsiegeln): NEW: Margin graph in finance window NEW: Transported Goods graph in finance window FIX: net wealth initialization was missing for month graphs FIX: own vehicles couldn't be managed after loading game FIX: potential crash in line management window FIX: butten enable/disable in line management window
Release Simutrans 85.04.1 21-Feb-2005: FIX: cleaned up many images, removed many pixels => 200kB smaller base s et CHANGE: added heavy ore truck by MHz CHANGE: doubled power needed for acceleration, but every car now only co nsumers kW equiv. to its weight CHANGE: passenger level added to factory window FIX: correct calculation and passenger display for all monuments FIX: string overflow for new monuments corrected FIX: tooltip corrected 19-Feb-2005: FIX: removed uneccessary pixels from cathedral and stadium FIX: night lights for stadium FIX: initial displaywidth now 704 instead 702 CHANGE: added citycar pickup FIX: ship power values reworked FIX: clipping error for char display FIX: large map creation fixed CHANGE: now random map creates a map out of 9999 choices (theo. max 2730 25) CHANGE: removed blanks in ticker FIX: passenger generation from attraction and factories corrected FIX: passenger generation again level dependent: factories ~ 20 FIX: no transformers on water FIX: production could jump for very high timer loads (i.e. during zoomin g) => more performance FIX: new factories are again connected to stations CHANGE: bus AI added (player 2) including overcrowded lines => new message "Travellers now\nuse %s's\nbusses between\n%s \na nd %s.\n" CHANGE: mip_cobblestone now 50 km/h, cobbelstone 60 CHANGE: AI can build now much more roads FIX: maintenance of city road reduced to 3.00, because difference is cha rged to player FIX: error with way replayement in AI (same way replaced was charged) FIX: no income generating by overbuilding roads Released Simutrans 11-Feb-2005: FIX: simultanious AI now working without crash CHANGE: AI 1 always road only, AI 6 rail only FIX: more WF cars now in players and night colors FIX Book truck night colors and trailer FIX: MHz shipyard now in player colors FIX: fish wagon now in players color FIX: Again windows icon and version info FIX: clipping calculation for characters was faulty FIX: at some places wrong memory allocation repaired FIX: some windows were two times destroyed, now kill_list checked for do ubles FIX: Lunix binaries again linked with V5 libstdc++ CHANGE: added USA citylist
CHANGE: cleaned up simuconf.tab (Tomas) FIX: Several help window texts reworked Released Simutrans 10-Feb-2005: CHANGE: Any "... Power Plant" or "...kraftwerk" will produce power => Wind Power Station (and Solar Power Station) possible CHANGE: Power production now proportional to factory production FIX: transformer was built and then immediately removed FIX: use libstdc++ version 3 under Linux Released Simutrans 9-Feb-2005: FIX: reduced passenger number again to initally intended value This is about 1/4 of the current value. Thus I doubled the numbe r per building. FIX: no undo after bridges or tunnels FIX: UNDO failed for spieler=NULL (intercity roads) FIX: corrected season timing FIX: building transformer removes everything on that tile CHANGE: building powerline removes all trees on that tile CHANGE: finances also of the AI players "Finances of %s" FIX: since in current version, weight is only calculated during loading now the real weight 1000kg=1t is used Released Simutrans 7-Feb-2005: CHANGE: added UNDO for road and rail buildings ('z') +"UNDO failed!" err or FIX: simworld.cfg was wrongly initialized => no messages at all FIX: city AI was also ignoring transformers during building FIX: for calculating of possible passengers only these who found a station near the destination was counted. Now also the one, who gave up, because no station was there are counted => city growth rates much lower, need a good service over whole map FIX: Renovation of townhalls: now all with roof texture and "real" grass FIX: Power station production increased after loading: check on load tim e FIX: error of an character allowcation array (V. Meyer) FIX: superfluous parameters in check_for_crossing() removed. (V. Meyer) Released Simutrans 0.85.03 6-Feb-2005: FIX/CHANGE: replace building seach in map window by simple gib_halt() FIX: No crowded stations messages from AI anymore FIX: Depot reached message was not in mailbox FIX: mailbox now starts always empty. FIX: after selecting a list, the info tool is selected back CHANGE: message settings will be save in simworld.cfg 5-Feb-2005:
FIX: way building did not check for transformers CHANGE: when producing power, powerstations consumption raises 3x (to prevent building too many transformers) FIX: removing transformer when under power now reduced production again FIX: no more sucide divers at the fish_swarm FIX: factor for production increase could lead to very high values for low productions in 128 set Released Simutrans 4-Feb-2005: FIX: list windows were not open correctly (fixed by Markus Weber) FIX: tooltip for main menu CHANGE: citylist for dutch cities by AlienDNA FIX: could not connect to a road built by the AI FIX: effect of power on production was faulty FIX: new tourist attractions and factories announcement were not transla ted Released Simutrans 2-Feb-2005: CHANGE: german help files CHANGE: two new command line options "-timeline" and "-startyear" CHANGE: main menue again little different order and new icons CHANGE: list window toll added (after Markus Weber) CHANGE: vehicle image is now the loaded images (please comment) FIX/CHANGE: city do not grow until there is some trensportation going on CHANGE: minimum now 1 city CHANGE: possible to set minimum citizen number CHANGE: removed tool for road/rail crossings since this is done automatically 30-Jan-2005: CHANGE: factory productions doubles with electricity CHANGE: indicator for transformer added for power status FIX: disallow building of city-AI on powerlines FIX: overcrowded station message again demi-FIX: on the expense of a small memory leak powerline now loads and connects under all condistions CHANGE: added mailbox (open with 'B') CHANGE: AI could now given a now int tab-file "player 5"->"H-Trans GmbH" CHANGE: central message manager, also added the following messages: "New factory chain\nfor %s near\n%s built with\n%i factories." "%s wasted\nyour money with a\nnew townhall\nwhen it reached\n%i inha bitants." "With a big festival\n%s built\na new monument.\n%i citicens rejoiced ." "To attract more tourists\n%s built\na %s\nwith the aid of\n%i tax pa yers." "%s\nnow operates\n%i trucks between\n%s at (%i,%i)\nand %s at (%i,%i )." "%s\nopened a new railway\nbetween %s\nat (%i,%i) and\n%s at (%i,%i). " "Year %i has started." 25-Jan-2005 CHANGE: two new button to map windows added: "Powerlines" and "Tourists"
24-Jan-2005 FIX: powerline income was based on last consumption, now integrating and reduced FIX: during loading the AI was not marked as AI => convois had remove buttons again FIX: roadbuilder did not checked, whether I owned the ground or not => crossing with AI possible => removing road => strange things happened Released Simutrans 23-Jan-2005: FIX: loading old savegames again Released Simutrans 20-Jan-2005: FIX: linux: running in windows (again?) FIX: factories were not connected with cities FIX: tourist attractions again FIX: bridges obey speed limit again after loading (must be broken since before 0.84.17) CHANGE: animated cinema now with night colors CHANGE: some industrial building renovated, night pixels removed CHANGE: city factories have a minimum distance of 6 CHANGE: removed "BRIDGETOOL", "5WORLD_CHOOSE" CHANGE: now seperate settings for land industry, city industry, and tori sm called "Land industries", "City industries", "Tourist attractions" CHANGE: added a second power plant "Oil Power Plant" 18-Jan-2005: FIX: Adding transformer now connects more reliable with powerline FIX: powerline ground has no owner (unlike ways), so one can built a powerline on other grounds, like a bridge FIX: Romanian helpfile included FIX: AI won't destroy your powerlines any more FIX : AI now uses a little less trucks to prevent traffic jams and shift calculation a little towards trains FIX: factories belong to the player => could be removed CHANGE: Every second powerline is now just line, powerline bridges CHANGE: tool added "Plant tree" (key '/' now without function) CHANGE: removed drivables (key 'n') since they crashed anyway CHANGE: removed add pump (key 'P'), since now add transformer does the right type automatically CHANGE: removed uneccessary bridge menu pak-file Released Simutrans 16-Jan-2005: FIX: powerline works again (please, built from source to traget!) FIX: powerline on slopes added CHANGE: new factory distribution code, distribution entirely by the same function, which built new suppliers CHANGE: added new concretefactory
11-Jan-2005: FIX: AI built railway tracks on water and over houses, disbaled FIX: Create new industry (shift+i) new creates a random consumer instead of "Materialswholesale" FIX: New industries are crossconnected FIX: Producer and processing are now placed in cities, if requested in t he dat file FIX: Several nightpixel removed, some buildings renovated, skyscrapers n ow with streetlights FIX: AI had problems which rectangular factories, if they were rotated FIX: AI crashed, when a factory was too close to the map borders CHANGE: "clean up" of the main menu CHANGE: new menu for "half documented" features: SPECIALTOOLS, Found new city, Build land consumer, Build city ma rket, Build powerline, Build drain, Marker CHANGE: MHz shipyard, special cursor, new depot icon CHANGE: City builts new industry after some time (see cityconf.tab), als o crossconnected CHANGE: complete hungary and romanian translation, preliminary russian o ne 9-Jan-2005: FIX: vehicle selection was wrongly calculated (very good vehicles were a lso excluded) FIX: in translation a second pak-specific entry could not overlaid a pre vious entry => now their can be scenario-specific station and town names CHANGE: new city checks also for unique name CHANGE: in translation files all lines startin with '#' are ignored CHANGE: factory are constructed with their storage nearly full => AI can start immeadiately, less double lines Released Simutrans 3-Jan-2005: FIX: Route finding in station was faulty (ignored dead ends and electrif ication) FIX: Station did not grow properly together FIX: citylist is now loaded with the correct language FIX: clipping of small font in map window works again CHANGE: Many buildings nightpixel removed/exchanged CHANGE: Renovation of the KI - tries to built networks (factories missing a single good for p roduction a rated higher) - checks more factories - always use the cheapest means of transport (only a little bias ed towards rails ;)) - all possible locations are now searched, including points near a previous built station - tries to built a single station - obeys timeline for vehicles - can electrify tracks CHANGE: Renovation of way/rail construction tool - automatically creates railroad crossings if possible - tunnels will always have the fastes way (not name dependent an y more) CHANGE: Cities in a new map can now have a certain distance (see confing /cityconf.tab) CHANGE: Japanese pak "Oil Power Plant" now have a powerline connection
CHANGE: Full Unicode display support - renovation of all text displaying routines and therefore many dialoge boxes - support of BDF as an alternative font format (less than 256 ch ars of Unicode/ISO10626-1 coding only) - UTF8 encoded (2 Byte language) files are possible - 2 Byte output/editing works (no input due to SDL yet) - citylist can be either in text/ or pak/text/ (or where your pa k-files are). Released Simutrans 28-Nov-04: FIX: fixed a crash if a vehicle was sold while the vehicle info window was open FIX: cities can now skip gaps in building levels (gaps up to 16 levels) -> this allows players to remove city building PAK files without unlinking higher level buildings from the chain unless they create gaps of 16 levels or more CHANGE: included MHz and Prissi in intro scroller and thanks.txt CHANGE: replaced animated fountain by better version created by MHz CHANGE: included reworked images by Prissi: - a0-townh-stage1.png: fixed roof edge - g0-houses01.png: grass and night color fix for one house - g0-industry.png * improved optics factory * fixed water cistern night colors * new industrial city building (fertilizer factory) * improved grid structure for cylindrical grey gas tank - ls-bridges*.png: fixed night colors - ls-shores.png: added one missing pixel 27-Nov-04: FIX: gear is now calculated correctly for all vehicles of a convoi (Prissi) FIX: station statistics are now shown correctly even if less than 16 goods are used in the scenario (Prissi) 26-Nov-04: CHANGE: included MHz new ship depot CHANGE: included updated czech translation by Ondrej Machulda Released Simutrans ??-Nov-04: CHANGE: included Hendriks changes Released Simutrans 13-Nov-04: CHANGE: traffic density setting now ranges from 0 .. 16 CHANGE: replaced "old church" tourist attraction by better image from MHz FIX: traffic density 0 now creates no traffic at all FIX: tried to fix "unhappy passengers" counter (there was a fixed amount used instead of the actual number of passengers). Integrated Hendriks bug fixes: FIX: Sequence of "remove" and "update" in line management
caused a crash FIX: finance window: text fixed FIX: finance window: debt warning is visible again FIX: line schedule updates now also affect convois waiting for freight FIX: depot windows sometimes displayed wrong vehicle information 10-Nov-04: FIX: fixed a bug that caused factories to stop producing goods if one of the outgoing storages became more than full (probably caused by another bug) Released Simutrans 06-Nov-04: Integrated Markus and Hendriks changes: FIX: "no connection" station list filter fixed (Markus Weber) FIX: rail stations without roof now have the type "rail station", too (Markus Weber) NEW: mouse wheel support (Hendrik Siegeln) FIX: combobox drop down list now can be closed by return (Hendrik Siegeln) FIX: fixed a memory leak in schedule list ui (Hendrik Siegeln) FIX: fixed a problem with line/schedule updates (Hendrik Siegeln) 05-Nov-04: CHANGE: replaced old rail depot by MHz' new rail depot CHANGE: replaced one more industrial building by a better version created by MHz 04-Nov-04: CHANGE: replaced three industrial buildings by better versions created by MHz CHANGE: replaced one residental building by a better version created by MHz CHANGE: improved two residental building images CHANGE: included updated hungarian translation by Ferencz Szekely CHANGE: included updated polish translation by Maciek Gajewski Released Simutrans 01-Nov-04: FIX: fixed some accesses to uninitialized values in relief map frame. -> A crash has been reported upon pressing 'm' but I couldn't reproduce it. I hope this was the reason and my changes will fix it. At least my memory debugger is happy now. Since I couldn't reproduce the crash I can't tell if it is fixed or not! Released Simutrans 31-Oct-04: FIX: depot maintenance cost is now calculated correctly after loading a saved game CHANGE: savegames are now sorted by date, newest on top of list 30-Oct-04: FIX: placing a marker and confirming by pressing OK no longer causes a crash -> this required quite a lot of changes to event handling, I hope I didn't break some other
functionality Released Simutrans 25-Sep-04: NEW: included MHz new gasoline refinery FIX: opening the line management window now gives a click sound 24-Sep-04: FIX: included Hendriks fixes for the line management/button click problem FIX: tried to fix a freeze if the clock of the computer is set back NEW: included more Joachim Baums german texts about the trees 19-Sep-04: NEW: included MHZ' new car repair shop CHANGE: included updated czech translation by Ondrej Machulda 18-Sep-04: FIX: cities now build monuments again 08-Sep-04: NEW: included Joachim Baums german text about the beech trees Released Simutrans 06-Sep-04: FIX: clickable "world view" in factory info windows works again. FIX: color codes in goods list now match those in the station statistics. FIX: emergency vehicle remove button "X" now works again. FIX: furniture factory had miscolored edge (should've been transparent). FIX: schedule window scrollpane now behaves properly (Formerly it scrolled the contents out of the window if the "insert", "remove" etc. buttons were pressed) CHANGE: improved a few more german building descriptions. Released Simutrans 05-Sep-04: CHANGE: included MHZ' new furniture factory CHANGE: included updated slovak translation by Jn Krnc included updated prop-latin2.fnt (Jn Krnc ?) 04-Sep-04: CHANGE: included Hendriks depot window changes - Vehicle lists now have scrollbars 03-Sep-04: FIX: station statistics no longer show the special good "None" NEW: Added "Ballonstart" image painted by MHZ NEW: Added color codes to goods list CHANGE: tooltips of way building tools now show 2 decimals of the price and maintenance cost 01-Sep-04: CHANGE: replaced an industrial city building by a better version provided by MHZ CHANGE: improved a few city buildings NEW: new commercial city building "roof cafe" provided by MHZ CHANGE: improved a few german building descriptions 30-Aug-04: NEW: replaced one city building by a better version painted by MHZ NEW: tooltips for some of the schedule windows buttons FIX: yearly money chart root is now updated correctly
(shows current year, not year of previously saved game) 28-Aug-04: CHANGE: finished including Hendriks update - factory info windows got scrollbars - schedules can be promoted to lines - finance window now stores monthly data for the past 12 months (savegames are converted automatically) - improved input focus handling NEW: new vehicle TPI Std 2-6-4T (steam) CHANGE: finance window now remembers size and settings if closed and reopened unless you load a saved game or start a new map. 28-Aug-04: CHANGE: started to include Hendriks update Released Simutrans 24-Aug-04: FIX: assigning a vehicle to a new line by using the choice box in the vehicles schedule window no longer causes a crash. FIX: fixed a crash if a way without an owner was built (this problem was introduced by the fix for correct maintenance cost after replacing a way with another type of way in 23-Aug-04: CHANGE: back-ported 128 set basement images to 64x64 pixel set CHANGE: if a passenger destination is a water square, the destination is re-rolled. This doesn't avoid off-shore destinations entirely but reduces them a lot. CHANGE: factories now produce passengers (commuting workers) and mail properly CHANGE: theatre now has "Leuchtreklame" and lit windows 22-Aug-04: CHANGE: line management window now rembers size and settings if closed and reopened unless you load a saved game or start a new map. Released Simutrans 22-Aug-04: FIX: if a way is replaced by another way, maintenance costs are now calculated correctly FIX: finance window chart now considers starting year correctly CHANGE: improved some images - station floors - station roofs - loading bay images now have a few crates shown - new oak tree (slightly modified version from 128 set, original image by Tomas Kubes) - new mountain pine tree - improved fir image - improved cement mill image somewhat - added old roadster private car (slightly modifed version from 128 set) CHANGE: tried to reduce the overall number of oil wells -> maybe the default industry density should be risen a little bit now CHANGE: added new city building rule for houses -> fills empty middle of 3x3 block of houses CHANGE: added translations for a few trees (don't know the names of some -> no description possible)
21-Aug-04: CHANGE: improved some images - some industrial town houses - some commercial town houses 20-Aug-04: CHANGE: improved some images - Townhall stage 0 and 1 - some residental town houses (night mode) - some industrial town houses (night mode) Released Simutrans 20-Aug-04: FIX: station can only store 128 units of goods per square -> this now also holds true for passengers generated by tourist attractions Released Simutrans 20-Aug-04: CHANGE: added a missing space to short freight info CHANGE: station can only store 128 units of goods per square and type for all types of goods -> for freight the limit was a total of 1000 before regardless of station size -> for passengers and mail it was 64/square before CHANGE: rectified and updated some of the german in-game help files. NEW: all depot window buttons now got tooltips NEW: display options window got a "?" gadget to open the associated help window. NEW: station details window got a "?" gadget to open the associated help window. FIX: fixed a bug in HTML (help) display if a link was the first word of a line, it couldn't be selcted as a link. NEW: added factory details (optional) windows 15-Aug-04: NEW: most depot window buttons now got tooltips CHANGE: included updated slovak translation by Jn Krnc 14-Aug-04: CHANGE: continued to work on monorail track and vehicles 12-Aug-04: NEW: shaved off a few more CPU cycles from the graphics code 11-Aug-04: NEW: hand-optimized assembly routines for drawing tiles -> about 5% faster than previously used C code ??-Aug-04: CHANGE: continued to work on monorail track and vehicles Released Simutrans 06-Aug-04: CHANGE: added introduction dates for all ships CHANGE: added introduction dates for more busses 05-Aug-04: FIX: fixed a bug that caused signals to become partly transparent after zooming out and zooming in again FIX: fixed a bug that cause station names to be displayed in mini world view in some windows (e.g. station info) FIX: changed printers ink, chemicals and medicine from metric "tons" to metric "crates" NEW: "max_transfer" parameter added to simuconf.tab CHANGE: added introduction dates for all train engines
04-Aug-04: CHANGE: improved some images - pharmaceutical plant 03-Aug-04: CHANGE: improved some images - Serj Gaz 4 Goods truck is now a little bit larger - H-Trans Mail truck - Tree 1 was replaced by a better tree image - Commercial building "Office block" 02-Aug-04: NEW: introduction message for new vehicles 01-Aug-04: FIX: limited max distance for pathfinder to 480 steps. This fixes a crash of a route with almost 512 step was found and a train wants to add additional steps. The chosen parameters are safe for trains up to 31 carriages. This should be ok, since the player can't set up trains longer than 16 carriages. Released Simutrans 31-Jul-04: NEW: show up arrow for capped station statistic bars NEW: "show_names" parameter included in simuconf.tab CHANGE: included updated czech translation by Ondrej Machulda 29-Jul-04: NEW: on-map statistics for stations can now be toggled by pressing ! NEW: timeline can now be switched on/off for testing in simuconf.tab (default is off) 28-Jul-04: NEW: on-map statistics for stations NEW: improved city roads for 64x64 pixel tile set Released Simutrans 24-Jul-04: NEW: (Hajo) buildings mail and passenger levels now actually influence creation of mail and passengers FIX: one more bugfix to make Simutrans run past year 2612 CHANGE: I've tried a kind of 'optimization'. koord3d objects formerly had a size of 6 bytes, which is bad for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. I've now squeezed them in 4 bytes -> this means they require less memory and are better aligned in memory, but the components now are 11 and 10 bits in size which adds some overhead to component accesses. Right now, I don't know if the tradeoff will be a win or a loss ... please let me know about your experiences. CHANGE: (DarioK) Passengers now check for destination station before doing pathfinding. This is slower for new games with only few stations, but faster for big games with a lot of interconnnected stations FIX: (Hendrik) loading games with 0 factories works again 18-Jul-04: NEW: (Hajo) buildings now have separate mail and passenger generation levels
Released Simutrans 10-Jul-04: CHANGE: language/translation file entries/translation facility now supports up to 4K of text per entry CHANGE: game time is now an unsigned 32 bit value. This change should allow to play Simutrans games beyond year 2612, the limit is now around year 3200 Included Hendriks updates: Bugfixes: - delete multiple lines in line management window, and immediate selection of other line could crash Simutrans - suppliers now get correctly registered, even for savegames - line management window "update line" selected wrong line Changes: - textinput supports clipping & scrolling & more - combobox uses new textinput component and is now inheriting gui_textinput_t - window titels now support clipping Released Simutrans 03-Jul-04: FIX: new map window now displays translated factory names Included Hendriks updates: Bugfixes: 1) now lists up to 24 suppliers of an industry (was 6 before) 2) improved focus handling of text input fields Bugfixes: the new "gueterbahnhof" was not shown in overview map overlays (coverage, etc) "operating profit" was adding vehicle's running cost to profit, rather than substracting Change: added ev_key_mod to event struct (ev_key_mod holds key modifiers, such as SHIFT, ALT, STRG, etc); required for new features (see below) New: overview map enhancement (show connected industries; shows customers default, use SHIFT to show suppliers) map zooms in/out respecting SHIFT key Change: savegame version now 84007 (was required for new curve in finance window) if user clicks into the scrollbar, above/left or below/roght the slider, now the scrollbar scrolls up/down accordingly 19-Jun-04: Included Hendriks updates: New: line filter in line management (all, truck, train, ship)
using tabs New: introduced new curve to finance window: ops profit Change: simplified delete_line interface (now accepts simline_t *, too) fixed potential (very minor) memory leak in line management window (halt_list_item_t was instantiated always, now it is created if required, only); Change: savegame version now 84007 (was required for new curve in finance window) if user clicks into the scrollbar, above/left or below/right the slider, now the scrollbar scrolls up/down accordingly Released Simutrans 13-Jun-03 FIX: oil rigs are now initially linked to their stations again Released Simutrans 10-Jun-04 FIX: fixed an invalid memory read in image encoding (zooming from zoom level 2 to zoom level 1 could cause a crash) CHANGE: reduced output storage capacity of most factories CHANGE: default industry density is now 450 (was 420) 02-Jun-04 FIX: included Hendriks fix for an index problem in deleting a line CHANGE: improved a few buildings images CHANGE: replaced duckpond-park with tomas new park Released Simutrans 31-May-04 CHANGE/FIX: station<->factory link is now bidirectional, this means, situations in which a station was linked to a factory but the factory not linked to the station cannot occur anymore. In games with many stations and factories, this change should also save a little bit of CPU time for other tasks. Attention: the link has a length of 4 squares, this means, there can be at most 2 squares between the station and the factory (unless the station has an irregular shape, e.g. T-shaped). FIX: building powerlines no longer crashes the game FIX: new cities can only be built on empty, flat squares FIX: new cities no longer can be built on water FIX: added a missing space to station detail info string (indention of "goods needed by factories" list) CHANGE: splash screen now uses proportional font Released Simutrans 19-May-04 CHANGE: if user has not selected a language yet, Simutrans defaults to english now
CHANGE: there are now 32 goods categories available for use in scenarios CHANGE: mouse pointer is now shown on splash screen FIX: added a missing space to station short freight info string (e.g. shown in line management) Released Simutrans 16-May-04 FIX: all road bridges can be used now FIX: stations can't be connected sideways anymore FIX: scenario specific translations now get packaged, too Released Simutrans 01-May-04 NEW: included Hendriks changes: - internal improvements in line management - fixed a crash if list and filter window were closed by pressing backspace FIX: fixed a bug in MakeObj that created all vehicles with engine type "steam" FIX: horses got engine type "bio" CHANGE: depot frame now deduces engine type from vehicle data instead from vehicle name (this means that in old translations, the type will be listed twice!) CHANGE: news ticker discards newly incoming messages that have the same text as the last shown message 15-Apr-04 CHANGE: moved scenario specific texts into scenario directory, and adapted translator to read them from there 14-Apr-04 CHANGE: cleaned up translation facility API Released Simutrans 11-Apr-04 FIX: lines entered from line magement window now show up in depots again FIX: lines entered in another depot, are visible in all depots again after opening their info window 10-Apr-04 CHANGE: saved games of versions < 84006 became incompatible due to an accident. I can't revert this accident, so the game now treats such saved games as incompatible and gives an appropriate message instead of crashing Simutrans for developers only 09-Apr-04 FIX: added a safety check to vehicle list, to avoid a crash if the entry of a just deleted vehicle is clicked FIX: button_t was missing an assignment operator which could cause a crash in certain circumstances Released Simutrans 04-Apr-04 NEW: freight train station - so far look only, no effect on gameplay yet 03-Apr-04 NEW: goods info window now shows weight per unit, too. 02-Apr-04 CHANGE: enabled -async option for SDL based Simutrans
versions 01-Apr-04 CHANGE: adjusted weights of busses and trucks 31-Mar-04 CHANGE: adjusted 64x64 pixel tile set waggon weights CHANGE: AI now searches more locations for stations FIX: AI now properly raises/lowers land in order to build a station CHANGE: AI now uses "wait for 100%" setting if using trains 30-Mar-04 NEW: weight of freight is now considered in acceleration calculation CHANGE: small steam engine now has gear 1:2 CHANGE: big steam engine now has gear 1:1.2 CHANGE: pharma producer consumes 230% chemicals instead of 530% chemicals to produce medicine Released Simutrans 29-Mar-04 FIX: fixed a bug in loading engines with old style way type "electrified track" -> now they are listed in depots again, waytype is now silently changed to track FIX: included a fix by Hendrik to better initialize waiting goods statistic for less frequented stations NEW: included Stefan "MIP" Wuttichs cobblestone road 28-Mar-04 NEW: MakeObj now supports engine_type for vehicle DAT/PAK files: - diesel - electric - steam - bio - fuel_cell - hydrogene NEW: MakeObj now supports weight_per_unit for goods DAT/PAK files: - weight_per_unit NEW: steam engines now always produce steam clouds while driving FIX: fixed an array bounds violation in AI bridge building 27-Mar-04 NEW: cobblestone road FIX: 's' and 't' shortcuts work again 26-Mar-04 NEW: initial intercity road type can be configured in simuconf.tab NEW: added introduction date attribute for new ways types CHANGE: removed last reference to "Track" and "Road" (the old types) 25-Mar-04 FIX: fixed a bug in wegbauer_t that caused a crash if a way without description was to be built CHANGE: changed AI code to use new way types CHANGE: initial inter city roads now work properly with new road types 24-Mar-04 CHANGE: changed way builder to work with new way types CHANGE: changed city building code to work with new way types CHANGE: changed maintenance cost calculation to work with new way types
CHANGE: road tools menu CHANGE: rail tools menu INTERN: restructured 64x64 pixel tile set way images and way descriptions 23-Mar-04 FIX: included Hendriks fix for typed lines NEW: prepared road tool icons NEW: road images for dirt road and gavel road INTERN: restructured 64x64 pixel tile set way images and way descriptions 22-Mar-04 CHANGE: continued to work on new way types (descriptions, menues, icons, cursors, DAT/PAK files) INTERN: reduced number of #includes in translator.h 21-Mar-04 CHANGE: continued to work on new way types: changed MakeObj and PAK loader classes to write and read new 'way' PAK files 20-Mar-04 FIX: included Hendriks bugfix for schedule list/waypoint crash released Simutrans NEW: rail tools menu now shows costs of the actions NEW: road tools menu now shows costs of the actions CHANGE: changed error reporting mechanism for template (container) classes CHANGE: started to rework rail tools menu to allow several track types CHANGE: started to rework road tools menu to allow several road types 17-Mar-04 CHANGE: integrated Hendriks changes 15-Mar-04 FIX: industries are now created on all densities except density 0 14-Mar-04 CHANGE: pause only canceled by key codes >= 32 CHANGE: pause now really stops game time (industries don't try to catch up with production after unpausing) 13-Mar-04 NEW: frameless window type CHANGE: changed news ticker to frameless window -> this means it can now receive click events NEW: ticker messages can now be bound to positions. If clicked an a position is bound the map is centered on the position. 12-Mar-04 CHANGE: reduced header file dependencies 11-Mar-04 FIX: fixed some GCC 3.2 compatibility issues in the template classes NEW: minimum industry density setting does not generate any industries at all released Simutrans 06-Mar-04 FIX: fixed a problem in removing a signal inside a station
05-Mar-04 CHANGE: included Hendriks changes - schedule window now has scrollbars - up to 32 stops per schedule allowed - minimize map doesn't leave buttons floating - minimize station and vehicle info window doesn't interfere with chart drawing anymore 04-Mar-04 FIX: "no route" vehicle list filter works again (was broken during introduction of new vehicle code between 0.83.x and 0.84.x released Simutrans 03-Mar-04 FIX: fixed a problem in removing signals FIX: fixed a text formatting problem in factory info window released Simutrans 29-Feb-04 NEW: city list window (hotkey 'T') 28-Feb-04 FIX: overhead wires no longer disable way info display CHANGE: finished to incorporate Hendriks new relief map CHANGE: way statistics now get saved with the game 27-Feb-04 CHANGE: started to incorporate Hendriks new relief map -> need to change the structur somewhat to fit better 22-Feb-04 CHANGE: fixed some mistakes that have been introduced while changing character arrays to the new buffer objects CHANGE: vehicle list now formats income with thousands separators CHANGE: included updated danish translation (now using ) CHANGE: included updated japanese translation NEW: added toolbar icon for line management 21-Feb-04 CHANGE: reworked object info handling to use bounds-checked character buffer objects instead of plain character arrays. I hope this will help to solve some of the memory (i.e. buffer overrun) problems 20-Feb-04 NEW: added max_hops parameter (goods routing search depth) to simuconf.tab 19-Feb-04 CHANGE: changed city name list to use <cstring_t> instead of <const char *> released Simutrans 19-Feb-04 FIX: fixed a typo in simuconf.tab: display_height is now written properly (formerly the code checked for display_heigth) FIX: fixed a buf that made too fast vehicles miss the proper stopping point sometimes (could cause trains to get stuck near signals) released Simutrans 16-Feb-04 FIX: Bridge tools menu size now adpats properly to number of contained icons
released Simutrans 15-Feb-04 FIX: added character to prop.fnt (needed for danish translation) CHANGE: included updated danish translation from Finn Rosenbech Jensen (not yet using , was made for former font version) NEW: included new, downscaled, oil rig from 128x128 pixel tileset made by James Starr WARNING: this one is 3x3 squares - the old one was 2x2 if you load old games, that have things near oil rigs, there might be bad effects if the new oil rigs overlap the existing things! WORKAROUND: get the old factory.Oelbohrinsel.pak from the base package and use it instead of the new one. 14-Feb-04 FIX: fixed a bug that could cause a truck with a trailer to wait for itself to clear the road (= was stuck) NEW: added "topspeed" parameter to bridge dat files CHANGE: removed bridgepos parameter from bridge dat files NEW: speed limit for bridges (not really sure if that works for sure it won't affect existing bridges in old games, only newly built bridges) NEW: bridge tool tooltips now list additional information (price, speed limit) WARNING: the changes to the bridge DAT/PAK files introduced a slight incompatibilty with former bridge PAK files: the old files do not store icon information for the menu. Thus if you use old PAK files with this version, the bridge tools menu will show emty icons. The tooltips will help to identify the correct sort of bridge. -> ATM this only affects the 128x128 pixel tile set and selfmade bridges. Both must be updated to include icon information and recompiled with MakeObj 0.1.6 -> See datfiles_15-Feb-04.zip for examples (MakeObj forum, examples section) 12-Feb-04 NEW: added more simuconf.tab entries NEW: new toolbar like tool chooser window (will be used to select bridge types and way types) CHANGE: changed bridge tool selector to use the new tool chooser 11-Feb-04 NEW (by Hendrik): line selection in depot window now got a drop-down list (click into the input field to open) CHANGE (by Hendrik): vehicle info window now shows total running cost NEW: a simple tree planting tool (hotkey /) CHANGE: vehicle info window shows top speed limit and max top speed of the pulling engine 09-Feb-04 FIX: added missing town hall upgrade at 3500 inhabitants released Simutrans
07-Feb-04 NEW: added 1% waiting time to schedule choices NEW: included japanese translation and fonts CHANGE: chosen language is no longer saved with game (this emasn that the chosen languge won't be altered if you load a game that was created with a different langauge setting) CHANGE: improved coal mine image a little bit 06-Feb-04 FIX: fixed a problem that's been introduced during some changes while 0.83.x development: it is no longer possible to build roads or rails through a bridge abutment (was ok before 0.83.x, too). FIX: town hall upgrades no longer modify squares south of the new town hall if those squares are owned by a player CHANGE: factory info window now shows max production per day CHANGE: lowered coal consumption of power stations by 30% CHANGE: risen productivity of saw mill and material wholesale by 15% each 05-Feb-04 CHANGE: included new fi.tab provided by Antti Louko CHANGE: improved steel mill image 04-Feb-04 NEW: speed limits for ways (currently 50 km/h on city roads 130 km/h on other roads and 450 km/h on rails) released Simutrans 02-Feb-04 FIX: fixed a bug if a line was deleted while it had pending updates FIX: fixed a an access to an unitialized variable if a line was deleted after loading a saved game released Simutrans 01-Feb-04 CHANGE: finished rework of convoi and vehicle class CHANGE: lowered productivity of coal mines CHANGE: improved townhall stage 1 image CHANGE: improved townhall stage 2 image NEW: vehicles now issue a message in the news ticker if they enter a depot FIX: fixed a bug in town hall expansion code FIX (by Hendrik): vehicle info window minimum size now considers chart width FIX (by Hendrik): station info window minimum size now considers chart width FIX (by Hendrik): list of lines stopping at a station is now properly updated after a change to the line NEW: included Paul Szczepaneks stadium NEW: included Danish translation by Finn Rosenbech Jensen 31-Jan-04 CHANGE: continued thorough rework of convoi and vehicle class 30-Jan-04 CHANGE: started thorough rework of convoi and vehicle class structures - moved route data from vehicle to convoi class - moved async step from vehicle to convoi class Code cleanup
- moved strequ from simplan.cc to simstring.c, renamed to tstrequ released PAK update 28-Jan-04 CHANGE: - unified window colors - added shadows - reworked many building images 27-Jan-04 NEW: included Paul Szczepaneks tennis court, theatre and home market images. 26-Jan-04 CHANGE: improved car factory image CHANGE: improved steel mill image released Simutrans 25-Jan-04 CHANGE: replaced a residental city building with a better version from 128x128 pixel tile set (Modern house) CHANGE: replaced an industrial city building with a better version from 128x128 pixel tile set (Tools factory) CHANGE: adjusted city building AI to get better industrial and commercial city areas CHANGE: adjusted chart size and placement to allow bigger value ranges (line management, station info, vehicle info - suggestion by Hendrik Siegeln) CHANGE: improved oil field from 128x128 pixel tile set included CHANGE: increased probability to create a bookshop, car shop, or furniture shop in a city. 24-Jan-04 FIX: fixed an array bounds violation if laoding a heightfield again after increasing the number of cities. FIX: fixed a problem in removing signals - now issues an error message if the signal combination cannot be removed safely. FIX: removed an erroneously lit pixel from one of the trees NEW: translateable thousand and fraction separators (language dependant number formatting) NEW: 4x7 font (map legend) now also available in latin-2 (needed for polish and czech translation) NEW: added lights to private cars 23-Jan-04 FIX: zooming now works reliably again (was broken due to introduction of skinning support) CHANGE: replaced wait loop by timer solution 22-Jan-04 NEW: continued to work on skin support -> support for user defind button skins released Simutrans 21-Jan-04 NEW: continued to work on skin support -> created example/default skin NEW: added tooltips to vehicle and station info window buttons CHANGE: changed some buttons shapes (factory info and depot info windows) 20-Jan-04 NEW: continued to work on non-darkening image drawing
19-Jan-04 NEW: started to work on non-darkening image drawing NEW: started to work on skin support released Simutrans 18-Jan-04 FIX: latin-2 font now also loaded if saved langauge setting needs latin-2 font FIX: interity road offset can be 0,1 (64x64 pixel tileset) or 0,2 (128x128 pixel tile set) -> I hope it will make the intercity roads also work with the 128x128 pixel tile set CHANGE: intercity roads now have no owner anymore released Simutrans 18-Jan-04 NEW: support for latin-2 proportional font and new polish translation. The latin-2 font and polish translation update have been kindly provided by Maciek Gajewski CHANGE: included new italian translation and citylist. Both have been kindly provided by Stefano Bonzi CHANGE: small updates to chart layouts (station, vehicle and line management windows) 17-Jan-04 CHANGE: made line management window resizeable FIX: scrollbars in convoi and station info window now work again, even if the chart is hidden FIX: tried to fix the initial road connection problem with 128x128 pixel tile set 16-Jan-04 MERGE: included Hendriks changes more vehicle statistics more station statistics heavily improved line management window finance window 32 bit integer overflow fixed
released Simutrans 14-Jan-04 NEW: initial road connections between cities. This slows down map creation noticeably. The maximum length of the roads (= time spent during map creation) can be configured with a simuconf.tab entry - if map creation is too slow now on your computer, edit simuconf.tab and lower the max road length. NEW: overhead wires now have a maintenance cost of 2 CR/month (configureable via simuconf.tab) 12-Jan-04 FIX: tried to get more information about PAK file loading problem on some Linux versions CHANGE: changed a commercial city building image+description 11-Jan-04 NEW: Debugging helper: buildings list window CHANGE: pak update - new old-style goods truck - two more high level industrial city buildings - one more high level comercial city building - replaced "Medium offices" with better image - chanegd levels of some buildings to achieve better look of cities - changed descriptions of some buildings
- fixed two mismatched buildings descriptions 10-Jan-04 NEW: back ported Gaz-4 goods truck from 128x128 set to 64x64 09-Jan-04 NEW: started to work on introduction dates for vehicles Currently they are just stored in the PAK files and displayed in the depot window - no effect on gameplay yet. MakeObj 0.1.5 support two new attributes for vehicles: intro_year (int): Year of introduction intro_month (int): Month in year gear (int): gear of engines - will work as power multiplier. If you create PAK files, make sure to include them in your dat files!!! The gear value is an factor to distinguish freight train engines and passenger train engines - freight train engines use to have a larger gear value, this means they have less top speed but they can pull heavier trains. (Of course this is only an approximation to reality) I've assigned a few introduction dates and gear values to trucks, and some train engines, but I think I need help to assign proper values to all vehicles. CHANGE: risen max map size to 1024x1024 08-Jan-04 FIX: fixed a bug in rtrim() function that caused characters 128-255 to be treated as whitespace (effect: city names ending in umlauts or accented characters got those characters removed) released Simutrans and upgraded food chain 08-Jan-04 FIX: Map legend now dynamically adapts to the number of configured factories (-> always big enough to list all factories) CHANGE: more finetuning on 64x64 image set and configuration CHANGE: rebalanced food chain configuration to better fit into the 64x64 object set 07-Jan-04 NEW: Goods overview/list now shows category of goods, too (Hotkey Shift-G) Back ported IL-209S goods truck and trailer released back-ported food chain Back-ported 128x128 food industry chain to 64x64 - Goods: canned_food, flour, beer, grain, meat, fish, food, milk - Factories: grain farm, fish_pond, fish swarm, cow farm, brewery, dairy, grain mill, bakery, food processing plant, cannery, supermarket - Vehicles: cooling waggon, milk waggon, cooling truck,
milk tanker, fishing boat Updated 64x64 pixel tile set - lumber plantation size increased to 3x3 - further improved a few city buildings images 06-Jan-04 Updated 64x64 pixel tile set - improved a few city buildings images - included new printing works image - included new coal mine image - added Patricks Rock again (had been lost) - included improved sidewalks CHANGE: included new french translation by Dominique Gainche 04-Jan-04 CHANGE: included updated czech translation by Ondrej Machulda released Simutrans 04-Jan-04 FIX: included a fix by Hendrik to prevent a crash if the last vehicle of a convoi is removed from the convoi in the depot -> we are not 100% sure if this fix will not break something else 03-Jan-04 FIX: added missing variable initializers to convoi_t constructors (Hendrik, Hajo) -> This should fix a number of line-management related problems after loading a saved game -> This might also fix the trashed line names in the vehicle info window (the bug doesn't occur on my system, so I can't test if this fix really helps) released Simutrans 02-Jan-04 FIX: tried to fix the trashed line names in vehicle info window (the bug didn't occur on my system, so I can't test if this fix really helps). FIX: added 'special building' translation to de.tab FIX: uprising messages are now time-synced (raise equally fast on all computers) NEW: added 'w' key documentation to keyboard help CHANGE: changed behaviour of " key: only ordinary city buildings are hidden, special buildings stay visible CHANGE: line management window now opens fully inside screen/ window in default 800x600 resolution CHANGE: resolutions of width 1400 and 1600 now try to open in fullscreen mode (I can't test this on my system, so I don't knwo if it works well or not). 01-Jan-04 FIX: line numbers are now created in subsequent order again CHANGE: line 'name' is now initially set to all bytes 0 upon creating a new line. CHANGE: included citylist_pt.txt MERGE: included Hendriks changes: - Station info details window now list connected lines, too. released Simutrans
31-Dec-03 FIX: fixed a crash if the schedule of a line was changed (double free, Hendrik) FIX: fixed potential use of an unitialised variable in schedule list ui released Simutrans 29-Dec-03 FIX: changed convoi waiting times from steps to real time -> with this fix, waiting times should consider the time lapse factor FIX: fixed a crash if station-connections are being rebuild while there is a vehicle without a schedule FIX: made two more entries of the lines mangement window translateable. FIX: fixed a bug that could produce the same line id twice (two lines with same id severly screw up the line management, this was an important fix). CHANGE: included new fi.tab provided by Antti Louko CHANGE: included citylist_en_gb.txt from the feedback forum CHANGE: added new entries for line management window to en.tab and de.tab released Simutrans 28-Dec-03 FIX: fixed this problem: 1. buy 4 waggons (without an engine) 2. add a waypoint to the schedule of the convoi 3. try to start the convoi 4. error message appears (convoi cannot drive, because it has no engine) 5. click on 'put in front' button 6. buy an engine => crash This fix required a major rework of the schedule handling. I'm not sure how stable the new code is. FIX: removing signals from circle-shaped rail blocks did not work properly. This is fixed now. CHANGE: road vehicles depot now has same spacing as rail vehicle depot (= 14 vehicles per row, 64x64 mode) CHANGE: re-added this to the 0.83 again (had been lost in early 0.83.x versions): passenger statistics in city window now shows unreachable passenger destinations in orange and reachable destination in yellow 27-Dec-03 CHANGE: added more debug/trace statements to PAK file loading code (hope this will some day help to track down the PAK file loading problems on some Linux systems) CHANGE: code cleanup released Simutrans 22-Dec-03 NEW: included Hendriks changes - Vehicle lines are now sorted - Fixed a crash due to an unitialized variable in vehicle line list "press 'w' in new game, select "update" -> game crashes" -> now fixed.
released Simutrans released Simutrans 20-Dec-03 CHANGE: passenger statistics in city window now shows unreachable passenger destinations in orange and reachable destination in yellow 19-Dec-03 FIX: moved savegame format entry from forrestconf.tab to simuconf.tab released Simutrans 14-Dec-03 FIX: forrest config is now read from 'config' subdirectory, too CHANGE: split forrest config from simuconf.tab, now it read from forrestconf.tab FIX: tried to fix the goods distribution problem for factories bigger than 2x2 tiles released Simutrans 04-Dec-03 NEW: city names can now be read from name list files. Each language may have it's own city name list, i.e. text/citylist_cz.txt If no list file exists for a language the old city name creation scheme is used to create city names. released Simutrans 29-Nov-03 CHANGE: better distinguishable colors for finance window FIX: on slow computers it could happen that the vehicle starting sound was played several times. This should be fixed now. 28-Nov-03 FIX: fixed a variable overflow in finance window (Hendrik) FIX: finance window total money is now updated dynamically (Hendrik) CHANGE: replaced most strcpy() calls by a bounds checked, 0 terminating string copy function released Simutrans 27-Nov-03 FIX: fixed a potential buffer overflow is city building rules reading code FIX: fixed a potential crash if a curiosity building was removed released Simutrans 25-Nov-03 FIX: fixed a bug in city building rule evaluation code CHANGE: moved simuconf.tab to config subdirectory CHANGE: moved city building rules into config/cityrules.tab released Simutrans 24-Nov-03 FIX: fixed an uninitialized variable in station sorting code that could cause a program crash FIX: fixed an uninitialized variable in button display/event handling code CHANGE: added bounds checks to station sort mode text arrays
access code CHANGE: changed Peters new city building rules to avoid cities only consisting of one single, extremely long road released Simutrans 0.82.15exp 22-Nov-03 FIX: fixed a potential crash if pressing the "X" button to remove vehicles from the map NEW: included Hendriks new finance window NEW: included Hendriks code to sort goods list in station info window. FIX: fixed a memory leak in Hendriks sorting code NEW: included catalan translation from Juan-Josep Bargues NEW: included updated czech translation from Ondrej Machulda 15-Nov-03 CHANGE: included Peters new city generation rules. They are about 30% slower than the old set of rules but create better cities, I think. 12-Nov-03 CHANGE: ships reference speed for speed bonus is now 40km/h. It was 80km/h before. Other vehicles still have a reference speed of 80km/h CHANGE: included Hendrik Siegeln in intro scroller FIX: vehicle list "no income" filter fixed (Hendrik) FIX: vehicle list "name" filter fixed (Hendrik) FIX: depot frame refresh after selling stored vehicles (Hendrik) FIX: adjusted sign height in 128x128 mode (Hendrik, Hajo) released Simutrans 0.82.14exp 01-Nov-03 NEW: buildings pak files (nodes) are now versioned NEW: support for "chance" value in special town buildings pak files. Chances are given in percent NEW: special city buildings are now built according to their chance value FIX: towns don't skip growth step anymore FIX: town halls are now always properly upgraded FIX: added missing translation for "Baumarkt" to de.tab CHANGE: cathedral is now a special city building with a 30% chance to be built for each city CHANGE: big stadiums now have a 40% chance to be built (was 100% chance before) CHANGE: drive in cinemas now have a 30% chance to be built (was 100% chance before) CHANGE: Deltic is now a diesel enginge 31-Oct-03 CHANGE: got a saved game from Wolfgang Rufeger which crashed upon electrifying tracks. Reason for the crash: the track has no owner. I have no idea how that can happen. I've added an error check to rail block electrification routine - this at least avoids the crash, but it'd be better to know why the track lost the owner value CHANGE: changed a minor compatibility issue in ribi_t.h released Simutrans 21-Oct-03 FIX: fixed a minor glitch in scrolling/dragging the map if mouse pointer was close to the relief map
CHANGE: vehicles now play their sound before departing instead of after arriving released Simutrans 0.82.13exp 19-Oct-03 FIX: good 'None' no longer shown in goods statistics NEW: Included updated czech translation by Ondrej Machulda NEW: improved two more building images 18-0ct-03 FIX: factories that don't produce anything now again consume input (got broken during of the changes for multiple products) FIX: plastics ship is available again (seems it was lost since the change to the pak file based configuration) CHANGE: updated keyboard help 16-Oct-03 NEW: statistics window, so far only displays transport fees and speed bonus for goods. (Press 'G' to open) NEW: speed bonus for fast transport of certain goods (see goods statistics window for details); 15-Oct-03 NEW: new locomotives: MJHN Deltic, MJHN Avocet, Light Br 5-7 CHANGE: improved window resizing 14-Oct-03 NEW: new city building new vehicle: Colin Motor Bus NEW: relief map is now draggable with right mouse button 13-Oct-03 CHANGE: improved a few building images CHANGE: included a new residental city building released Simutrans 0.82.12exp 12-Oct-03 NEW: new factory: Pharmaceuticals new shop: Chemist new good: Chemicals new good: Medicine CHANGE: further changes to factory code to distribute multiple products properly to all destinations CHANGE: adjusted income for some goods 11-Oct-03 NEW: researched how to version nodes in pak files. First tests implemented for factory pak files NEW: prepared factory code to support multiple products per factory NEW: new good: printers ink (produced by refinery) CHANGE: removed umlauts from pak file names -> this means old games cannot be continued because the names of factories and goods do no longer match 10-Oct-03 NEW: convoi info window now displays current destination FIX: buttons now ignore window resize events (made them flicker between pressed and unpressed state) CHANGE: improved a few building images CHANGE: included a new industrial city building CHANGE: reordered a few building images
09-Oct-03 CHANGE: implemented the faster movement code for private cars, too. CHANGE: lowered coal consumption of the power plants NEW: included better power plant image CHANGE: improved a few building images CHANGE: reordered a few building images released Simutrans 0.82.11exp 08-Oct-03 FIX: got a saved game with stuck vehicles. Changed vehicle movement code so that vehicles can drive again. -> side effect: new code is slightly faster than before and saves 4 bytes of memory per convoi :) CHANGE: continued work on new powerlines CHANGE: started to prepare better debugging support 03-Oct-03 CHANGE: continued work on new powerlines, fixed some bugs released Simutrans 0.82.10exp 17-Sep-03 FIX: ships can be started from depots again FIX: maintenance costs lowered and moved to simuconf.tab FIX: removed unneccesary waiting time for vehicles that wait for XY% full but already reached XY% CHANGE: continued work on new powerlines 16-Sep-03 CHANGE: continued work on new powerlines released Simutrans 0.82.9exp 15-Sep-03 FIX: fixed a very serious bug in AI station building. This bug was probably a long time there, but lately its effect caused a crash, due to changes to other program parts. Big thanks go to Duvelke for providing a saved game to reproduce this bug! 14-Sep-03 CHANGE: included updated italian, portuguese and dutch translations ??? CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: added two more high level commercial buildings images removed one low quality commercial building image improved a few building images changed configuration of some engines and waggons
11-Sep-03 CHANGE: improved AI station building ability CHANGE: AI can now transport gasoline too - better said, it can now transport any good except mail an passengers 09-Sep-03 CHANGE: changed configuration of some trucks and trailers CHANGE: introduced new members of the tigress vehicles class released Simutrans 0.82.8exp 06-Sep-03 FIX: fixed a bug in heightfield loading code that somtimes created lines of land at the right and bottom map borders even if there was supposed to be sea there.
CHANGE: Some config files now get closed immediatley after reading - former Simutrans versions kept them open until the program ended. CHANGE: Adapted weight, prices and running costs of some waggons CHANGE: Changed some english and german translations entries 04-Sep-03 FIX: Another fix to load saved games with convois without vehicles but a schedule which are sometimes created by Volkers new depot code. Thanks go to Manfred Duesing for providing a saved game to reproduce this bug! CHANGE: risen height value range for heightfields from from -5...1 to -14...10 CHANGE: changed city building code to keep up with high growth factors. It was reported that the old code had problems with factory above +4, the new code should work well with higher factors, too 03-Sep-03 FIX: Fixed a type/range problem in getting heights from the map datasructure. This bug caused various height-related problems, including a crash if land was risen above 7 02-Sep-03 FIX: Fixed a bug in Volkers new depot code that allowed to remove depots which had vehicles stored in them. 01-Sep-03 CHANGE: Waggons and trailers now have speed limits, too NEW: High speed passenger and mail cars suitable for the Tigress I engine 31-Aug-03 CHANGE: new maps now can have cities up to size 3300 (was 1000 before) 30-Aug-03 CHANGE: separated coordinate and cstring classes again (Volker had tightly linked them) to get cleaner interfaces. released Simutrans 0.82.7exp 26-Aug-03 FIX: Got a saved game where convois had insanely high wait lock values. I don't know how that could happen anyways the locks now have an upper bound of 1023 so that sooner or later such convois start to move again. CHANGE: Changed a potentially insecure instruction order in removing convois via the emergency button. Crashs had been reported, but couldn't be reproduced. I still hope this change will help. CHANGE: Reduced vehicle waiting time by another 5% CHANGE: Changed city information window to list unemployed and homeless people
released Simutrans 0.82.6exp 23-Aug-03 FIX: Labels/signs now appear centered in 128x128 tile mode, too. CHANGE: Modified memory management: risen basic block size of pools to 16384 entries (had been 1024 before) This speeds up both allocation and deallocation of pooled objects. The overhead of partly used pools is small compared to Simutrans' overall memory consumption. (Currently this particularly speeds up map destruction, an operation that is performed before creating a new map, loading a new game and before quitting Simutrans). 21-Aug-03 FIX: Hajo: it seems Volkers new depot code sometimes saves convois without any vehicles. But Simutrans can't load them afterwards and crashes upon loading such a saved game. I've implemented a workaround that allows to load such games again, but I think this needs further investigation and testing. FIX: Fixed a temporary inconsistency of convoi data that lead to serious problems with the new reduced waiting time for vehicles. 20-Aug-03 FIX: Removing a mail office now resets a stations ability to collect, store and move mail. FIX: Car factory had input capacity 0/0t plastics. I'm not sure if this affected the game at all, but it's now set to 0/300t CHANGE: Only one mail office per station allowed CHANGE: Reduced overall loading time of vehicles. Trucks, busses and ships now need about 2 seconds to load, trains need 2 + (number_of_waggons/4) seconds to load. -> If you have a slow computer and Simutrans is near the max CPU power already, the vehicle loading times will grow. Try the -refresh n switch in that case (see readme.txt for details). 13-Aug-03 CHANGE: Reworked new vehicles/new pathfinding (not included in official release). released Simutrans 0.82.5exp 30-Jul-03 CHANGE: Limited max passenger search depth (route planning) to 300 stations (was 900 formerly) FIX: Heightfield loading now works well with artificial slopes - no extra support walls are created anymore 29-Jul-03 CHANGE: Lowered passenger rate for higher level buildings
28-Jul-03 FIX: Added missing initialization to slope array FIX: Added missing initialization to buildings after loading FIX: Fixed a 'race condition' in world destruction. In rare occasions, there was step() called on cities that just underwent destruction. CHANGE: lowered passenger rate for higher level buildings 27-Jul-03 NEW: UI button class got a tooltip feature. Added tooltips to some buttons that didn't have a meaningful label NEW: Passenger statistics for stations (happy, unhappy, no route found). Newly created passengers become unhappy if their chosen starting station has more than 64 passengers per segment already waiting there. Unhappy passengers will not use your transport service. "No route" in this case means that a passenger came to the station, couldn't find a route to his desired destination and went home. Included updated czech translation by Fast Ikarus Included updated polish translation by Lukasz Remis Included Tomas Kubes' monument 26-Jul-03 FIX: Fixed a crash if the height of a schedule entry (waypoint) was changed and the schedule window was opened after the height change FIX: Using the emergency button to remove vehicles now resets the rail block counters if the vehicle was a train NEW: tooltips for tool selection windows 22-Jul-03 FIX: Screenshot directory is now created with correct access permissions under Linux FIX: all 16 player color sets are loaded correctly again FIX: Fixed two minor bugs in world map creation that caused trouble if the water level was changed from default level 20-Jul-03 CHANGE: Continued work on artficial slopes - created menu icons and added slope tools to raise and lower land. NEW: Textures for slope support walls NEW: Added loading and saving of artificial slopes. FIX: Fixed a bug in heightfield loading (wrong filename suffix) (Heightfields are still searched in the "save" directory) 19-Jul-03 CHANGE: Continued work on artficial slopes - completed slope table, created a menu and tools 17-Jul-03 CHANGE: Continued work on artficial slopes - painted slope cut walls and implemented first version of slope mapping table.
16-Jul-03 CHANGE: Changed grid heights to sint8. This saves 65k for a standard 256x256 map CHANGE: Continued work on artificial slopes - grounds now have up to three images: artificial walls, the ground itself and a way image (this takes additional 128k of memory for a standard 256x256 map) 14-Jul-03 NEW: Started to work on artificial slopes 13-Jul-03 FIX: Fixed a bug in AI code that could crash the game if the AI was searching for suitable places to build a station near the map border CHANGE: Private cars speed risen to 60 km/h 12-Jul-03 CHANGE: Enlarged text buffer for convoi info window from 16k to 32k CHANGE: Lowered passenger generation at tourist attractions by 20% CHANGE: Included Tomas Kubes' sawmill in 64x64 image set NEW: Added emergency button to vehicle info window - it removes the vehicle from the map. This is useful to get rid of stuck vehicles. Be careful: the removed vehicle is gone forever! The button is labeled "X". NEW: AI will now remove vehicles if they have no suitable route (anymore) - i.e. due to a bug or player sabotage. 09-Jul-03 FIX: Tourist attractions are valid passenger destinations again - formerly this information was lost after loading a saved game FIX: Fixed bug in tourist attraction buildings own tourist generation code ... sometimes they produced insane amounts of tourists, followed by periods of no production at all. Generation rate is now set to 82 passengers per minute for perfect destination coverage (I never reached more than 30% coverage so far). 07-Jul-03 FIX: Fixed a bug in payment calculation while waiting for a given loading level (i.e. wait for 100%). CHANGE: During my tests it seems that maintenance costs are much too low. Thus I've doubled all maintenance costs. -> this is also an incentive to use ships. Unlike rails and roads, water doesn't need maintenance :) NOTE: Due to the changed payment calculation (intruduced in 0.82.0exp), passenger transport gives higher revenues now. Maybe further adaptions must be made, but the new calculation scheme is correct, while the old scheme was wrong. 06-Jul-03 FIX: Compressed savegames work reliably now. (See simuconf.tab
for details) CHANGE: Changed income calculation: now on every stop income is calculated for all transported goods, based on the distance since the last stop. Before, it happened that goods that stayed in the vehicle for several stops, only payed the last hop, insteasd of the full distance. CHANGE: Lowered (to 25%) amount of passengers generated at tourist attractions. Now up to 42 passengers are generated per minute (less if the player has not 100% destination coverage). Included new or updated language files: nl.tab - Martyn Minnis <[email protected]> cz.tab - Kamil "FastIkarus" Ondrk <[email protected]> fi.tab - Antti Louko <[email protected]> pl.tab - Piotr Pietrzak <[email protected]> sk.tab - Jn Krnc <[email protected]> sv.tab - Julius Grantn <[email protected]> pt.tab - Eric C. Olivera <[email protected]> 28-Jun-03 Changes by Volker: CHANGE: New path structure - subfolders font, palette, save and screenshot are now used. Starting the new game will create them automatically and move the files there. Be careful: an old version will not find them afterwards. NEW: More work on new depot dialog (resizeable etc.) NEW: Speedbar for vehicles CHANGE: Removed old code - this can only read games saved with the prev. version. NEW: Savegames are now zippped by default - loading autodetcts the savegame type. (Hajo: doesn't work on my system. Default seems to be set to binary, not zipped. Forcing zipped mode causes a crash). CHANGE: Trees are displayed small in hide-buildings-mode NEW: When using commandline "-load <savegame>" the extension needs no longer be supplied. ??? CHANGE: industry distribution now generates larger average distances between industries
21-Jun-03 CHANGE: continued work on new vehicles and pathfinding 20-Jun-03 CHANGE: continued work on new vehicles and pathfinding 19-Jun-03 CHANGE: continued work on new vehicles and pathfinding 18-Jun-03 CHANGE: continued work on new vehicles and pathfinding
17-Jun-03 NEW: started to work on a new vehicle class that implements a different, more flexible pathfinding method About 0.82.pre1 This version is really just a preview. Volker told me he will further improve the depot dialog, but you can already try it a bit. Also Volker made a lot of internal changes that can affect stability but we hope that overall they will help further development. A few minor bug fixes are also included. You can use this version with the 0.81.35exp base package. 14-Jun-03 FIX: fixed a bug in player color tables (green color set got wrong values due to some wrong index calculations) FIX: fixed ground water level calculation in zoom modes with a raster width of less than 64 FIX: bridges can now be built on electrified track CHANGE: included Volkers changes (lots ... most notably the new depot window) 09-Jun-03 CHANGE: support for unzoomeable images (icons ...) adapted MakeObj, display routines and dat files -> if image names in .dat files are prefixed with "> " they will not get zoomed in the game -> IMPORTANT NOTE: this changes makes all previous PAK files incompatible!!! 07-Jun-03 FIX: player color table initialisation wasn't executed after starting a new game. Table now gets initialised always. 29-May-03 CHANGE: enhanced MakeObj and Simutrans to use 7 shades of player colors (instead of 4). Also there are now 9 reserved player colors that can be used for future expansions -> This change introduces a slight incompatibility with old saved games. The player color settings will most likely become reset to color set 0 if loading an old game, some times a random other set can be chosen. This means you'll most likel have to choose your preferred color set again. 25-May-03 released 0.81.33exp 24-May-03 FIX: tourist generation now depends on real time (formerly it depended on simloops, but simloops vary too much to be a reliable measure) NEW: factory window now displays the category of produced goods if they are categorized goods 15-May-03 NEW: added category for cooled goods (category 4) CHANGE: changed calculation of town growth a bit (towns grow slower now) CHANGE: zoom level can now be changed by "page up" "page down" keys, too. (Zooming quality is still bad) 11-May-03 NEW: translations are now read from 'text' subdirectory. Simutrans can now read up to 40 translation files.
Thanks to Adam Barclay for this nice addition. 08-May-03 CHANGE: cursor keys now scroll map, too 25-Apr-03 FIX: traced Simutrans for memory leaks and accesses of/to unitialized memory 21-Apr-03 CHANGE: optimized some graphics routines (5% faster now) 20-Apr-03 CHANGE: reduced number of malloc()/free() calls for loading trees and buildings (-> games should load a bit faster now) 19-Apr-03 FIX: fixed a crash if the player or AI scheduled a new vehicle 18-Apr-03 FIX: after a schedule is changed, freight to stations that are no longer included in the schedule is removed from the vehicle FIX: saved games in which factories have negative amounts of input stored are now repaired (amount set to 0) upon loading. Also factories that have more than 15000 units of input are clipped to 15000 units. 15-Apr-03 FIX: fixed a memory leak in slist_tpl/nodelist 08-Apr-03 FIX: goods distribution didn't consider multiple destinations per station properly. This should be fixed now. 05-Apr-03 CHANGE: factories now distribute goods always to that station that currently has the least amount of that good stored CHANGE: reduced vehicle waiting time at stations by 15% in average. Unfortunately the waiting times vary strongly. CHANGE: improved shores images a bit FIX: tried to fix a bug in the AI code that sometimes created train stations with defective last tiles and then placed trains on those defective tiles with the effect that those trains never could move 29-Mar-03 CHANGE: removed last dependency to ADT package 23-Mar-03 CHANGE: optimized map lookup 22-Mar-03 CHANGE: optimized goods routing 21-Mar-03 CHANGE: optimized goods routing 20-Mar-03 CHANGE: optimized vehicle routing FIX: land vehicles now always find shortest path CHANGE: optimized routing of goods and passengers 16-Mar-03 CHANGE: changed ownership (player) management for things CHANGE: tried to reduce memory consumption, saved 8 bytes per map square that has no bridge or tunnel -> risen max map size to 768 for theose people with powerful computers. FIX: fixed a potential buffer overflow in minivec_tpl FIX: fixed a potential buffer overflow in microvec_tpl 15-Mar-03 NEW: included Matthews changes for "min size" window gadget NEW: "new map" dialog now gives estimated memory requirement
for chosen map size NEW: included 4 types of variant grass to break the uniformity if the landscape 13-Mar-03 FIX: fixed a problem if tunnels went under sqaures with name signs or bridges went over them FIX: fixed the dat file for TPI Class 26 engine 06-Mar-03 NEW: fixed another bug that caused a program freeze if a private car had gone 2^32 steps (overflow problem) 05-Mar-03 NEW: include Tomas' new forest creation routines 02-Mar-03 FIX: added some missing entries to german translation CHANGE: slightly risen productivity of gas stations 26-Feb-03 CHANGE: finance window now formats money as 1.000,00 FIX: negative total balance is now displayed in red 23-Feb-03 NEW: number of transported passengers now influences city growth (see +X in city info window. +1 means doubled growth, +2 means tripled growth rate. Will always be 0 after loading a new game and midnights. Needs a while to be recalculated.) NEW: new industry branch 'gasoline production' NEW: included Alberto Beccarias updated italian translation CHANGE: reenabled display/brightness control. Range is now -8 ... 0 0 being the brightest setting. 0 is default value. CHANGE: slightly risen the average distance of industries CHANGE: made church a special building released inofficial 0.81.23exp 22-Feb-03 NEW: tested -nosound and -nomidi switches on windows 20-Feb-03 NEW: -nosound and -nomidi switches to turn off sound and music 19-Feb-03 FIX: fixed a bug in building level-crossings on non-emtpy squares NEW: Materialwholesale now also accepts planks and steel NEW: Home market now also accepts planks 17-Feb-03 FIX: fixed a bug in help text viewer that caused a crash if more than two <a href=""></a> tags were included in the help text FIX: included Alberto Beccaria as italian translator into the intro scroller FIX: fixed a bug in image zooming if going back to zoom factor 1 CHANGE: included new help texts by Adam Barclay ??? Stopped developement of zooming feature. Need to wait for Volkers new MakeObj with more flags for images (unzoomeable images -> currently icons and other menu-images get zoomed, too). Very simple (fast) zoom routine is working now, zoom quality is bad.
12-Feb-03 NEW: continued to work on zooming feature 11-Feb-03 NEW: continued to work on zooming feature 10-Feb-03 NEW: started to work on zooming feature (use > and < keys to zoom in and out)
09-Feb-03 NEW: added legend to relief map window CHANGE: included Tomas Kubes' new english city name syllables in en.tab CHANGE: performance tuning - changed route_t and vector_tpl index parameters to unsigned, saving one if conditional on each access released inofficial 0.81.22exp 08-Feb-03 NEW: player starting money can now be configured in simuconf.tab NEW: factories now require different amounts of input to produce goods. I.e. to produce one ton of iron 2 tons of iron ore and 0.5 tons or coal are required CHANGE: included Tomas Kubes' new darkening (night mode) code FIX: fixed a wrong gridded grass tile that appeared to be invisible FIX: fixed landscape pointer position calculation in 128x128 tile mode FIX: fixed refresh area for landscape pointer movement in 128x128 tile mode FIX: level crossing only can be build on empty sqaures (this prevents a crash if you built them while a vehicle was passing this sqaure) FIX: fixed input overflow problem in factories 06-Feb-03 CHANGE: more performance tuning - optimized dingliste bei(n) now takes an unsigned parameter, saving one if conditional - changed array_tpl and array2d_tpl paramters to to unsigned, saving one (two) if conditionals on each element access 05-Feb-03 CHANGE: more performance tuning - inlined ist_bruecke und ist_tunnel, added flags to grund_t - changed minivec get() parameter to unsigned, this saves one if condition - removed one if from karte_vollansicht_t::display_dinge - removed one if from grund_t::display_dinge - removed one if condition and one assignment from karte_t::sync_step - inlined grund_t::gib_weg, and optimized the routine slightly 04-Feb-03 CHANGE: tried to reduce the memory consumption - reduced by 8 bytes per ground. CHANGE: tried to optimize pedestrian routines CHANGE: profiling and overall performance tuning 01-Feb-03 FIX: mail office now has player colors FIX: overhead lines adapt their shape if tracks are removed or added FIX: fixed world/map scrolling in bigtile (128) mode FIX: fixed bridge icons for night mode with lights FIX: scrolling with numeric keypad works again FIX: Stadium 2, Layout 1 fixed (created invisible stadiums before) NEW: ESC closes all windows (BACKSPACE and DELETE do that too) 28-Jan-03 NEW: there is now a toggleable ground tile grid. Press # to switch the grid on/off.
27-Jan-03 NEW: finished buttons for the factory info window to jump to consumers, also added buttons to jump to the workers home towns 27-Jan-03 NEW: started to add buttons to the factory info window to jump to consumers conveniently 26-Jan-03 NEW: started to work on lights for the night mode released inofficial 0.81.20exp 25-Jan-03 FIX: road tunnels again get correct image after loading (was broken during migration to new pak files) FIX: private cars are no longer visible while passing a tunnel FIX: it is not longer possible to build rail stations twice on the same square if overhead lines are present CHANGE: saved 4 bytes of memory per convoy CHANGE: included improved paper mill from Tomas Kubes released 0.81.19exp 23-Jan-03 FIX: overhead lines on bridges are now (again) loaded correctly from saved games FIX: signals on bridges are now laoded correctly from saved games CHANGE: city building tool now included in toolbar FIX: city building cursor now has proper size FIX: removing roads and railroad track now costs 100 Cr 22-Jan-03 FIX: Again included this fix, it had somehow been lost: 07/13/02 - FIX: fixed a bug that caused an endless loop once a private car had gone more than 2**31 steps FIX: fixed overhead line images for diagonal track NEW: started work on line (route) management 20-Jan-03 CHANGE/FIX: also doubled running cost for 'Bennhardt' engines (had been overlooked yesterday) NEW: added Colins hong kong ferries NEW: added Bens industrial city buildings 19-Jan-03 FIX: fixed dat file entry for "large office building (by Trikky)" FIX: sand truck can now be used without trailer CHANGE: changed max map size from 576 to 640 (requires ~60MB ram and a whole lot CPU time plus memory bandwidth!) CHANGE: changed "Passenger %" for monuments from 150 to 60 CHANGE: enhanced capacity of all busses by about 5% CHANGE: changed capacity of mail waggon from 60 to 120 bags CHANGE: changed capacity of mail boat from 140 to 180 bags CHANGE: changed capacity of mail trucks to 50 and 60 bags CHANGE: doubled running costs of all vehicles. Lowered running costs for electric engines slightly. CHANGE: rose starting money to 150000 Cr CHANGE: newly generated passengers will not use stations where more than 64 passengers per square are already waiting Note: workers nevertheless use crowded stations! CHANGE: reduced passenger genration ratio from (building_level+2) to (building_level+4)/2 -> that is roughly the same as before for low-level buildings, but only have of the former rate for high-level buildings released 0.81.18exp
18-Jan-03 CHANGE: added updated italian translation from Alberto Beccaria released 0.81.17exp CHANGE: changed grounds to use memory pools (should save about 256K main memory for a 256x256 map, and also be faster) FIX: Ships can now be sent to depots again FIX: fixed a bug in restoring overhead line images when loading games that had been saved under a different OS or with a different set of PAK files - this also saves 4 bytes per saved overhead line tile 17-Jan-03 FIX: made some bugfixes for new bigtile mode FIX: fixed a bug in overhead line y-offset calculation that made overhead tiles on bridge ends move higher and higher if the overehad lines were re-built (again) NEW: added automatic tile size detection (PAK files reader) -> requires at least one full width image in tile set NEW: linked lists now allocate nodes from a pool. Slightly faster than before and conserves a little bit of memory CHANGE: changed toolbar window to work with 128 and 64 pak files CHANGE: additional station segments only cost half of a new segment CHANGE: new station segments now cost 2400Cr 16-Jan-03 TEST: made some tests with 128x128 tiles FIX: fixed a bug in MakeObj/PNG file reading FIX: fixed a bug in MakeObj image writing 15-Jan-03 NEW: preparation for configureable tile size 14-Jan-03 NEW: tried to implement a more efficient management for linked list nodes, try to reuse as many nodes as possible 12-Jan-03 FIX: fixed rail bridge images which seem to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. FIX: fixed a basement image which seems to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. 08-Jan-03 FIX: fixed a bug that sometimes move the city area out of map bounds if a town hall was renewed FIX: added correfction code to read games with towns that suffer from the above mentioned problem 05-Jan-03 FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: player cannot rename AI stations anymore VT95 and VT98 can be run as single cars again TPI F7A can be run on non-electrified track again hotkey 'e' used wrong landscape pointer image fixed VT95 images which seem to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. CHANGE: schedule window now displays destination coordinate (Schedules are platform-precise!)
04-Jan-03 CHANGE: bus stops now can be placed even if there are pedestrians there NEW: added monument inscriptions to en.tab FIX: fixed plastic waggon images (player color) which seem to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. FIX: overhead powerlines on bridge ramps on even ground have correct height offsets now FIX: overhead powerlines in tunnels are no longer visible FIX: removed extraneous second 'dock' button from ship tools menu
03-Jan-03 CHANGE: tried to reduce jitter in vehicle movement CHANGE: tried to optimize the updates of trees, buildings etc. overall this should help to run larger games, but I don't know how much improvement it will bring. FIX: fixed steel truck and steel trailer images which seem to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. 01-Jan-03 FIX: stations can now be built on electrified track, too FIX: Bennhardt BR140 now only runs on electrified track FIX: fixed a bug in AI code that tried to use electric engines on non-electrified track FIX: added missing STADIUM1 entry to en.tab and de.tab FIX: fixed mixed lines for 'Lade Spiel' in de.tab 22-Dec-02 CHANGE: lowered passenger % of townhalls. Now: 75, 75*4, 75*4, 75*4 CHANGE: added checks for two potential crashes in searching for locations of monuments and town halls CHANGE: repaired images for paper waggon, paper truck, paper trailer which seem to have been damaged during the conversion to the new multi-pak file approach. FIX: added missing wav files (lost since conversion ...) released inofficial 0.81.12exp 21-Dec-02 CHANGE: more work for overhead powerlines 20-Dec-02 CHANGE: more work for overhead powerlines 15-Dec-02 CHANGE: more work for overhead powerlines 12-Dec-02 NEW: started work on overhead powerlines for electrified track 11-Dec-02 NEW: non-station buildings can be hidden from display by pressing " (Shift-2 on a german keyboard). This is useful if large buildings block sight to something important. NEW: started to work on electrified, monorail and maglev track types electrified tracks work already, yet they still look the same as ordinary tracks 07-Dec-02 CHANGE: changed capacities: Furniture waggon: 20 crates Furniture truck: 16 crates Furniture trailer: 18 crates NEW: Option for semaphor signals released inofficial 0.81.11exp ??? released 0.81.10exp
30-Nov-02 CHANGE: improved/reworked H-Trans coal truck image FIX: fixed .dat file for furniture waggon 17-Nov-02 FIX: fixed some bugs in routing of goods (broken during changes for categorized goods) BUG: Station list filter for incoming/outgoing goods might work differently than before. I never used it, so my change is just a guess released inofficial 0.81.9exp
16-Nov-02 NEW: enlarged schedule window CHANGE: goods are now grouped into unique goods, parcel service and bulk goods. Vehicles that transport goods of the categories parcel and bulk goods can now transport _any_ good of those categories. I.e. a coal car can now also be used to transport iron ore. Parcel service: Books, Furniture Bulk goods: Sand, Stone, Coal, Iron Ore Due to this change the savegame format became incompatible. Sorry, no conversion is possible, even some of the pak files now have a different structure. CHANGE: enlarged text buffer for vehicle information window to reduce the danger of buffer overruns 26-Oct-02 FIX: After schedule changes, no-longer existing routes are checked and waiting goods are cleaned up. This should fix the long-standing bug that passegeners and goods waited endlessly after a route was shut down and/or replaced by another route. This cleanup action is pretty time consuming. In games with many stations and vehicles, running on slow computers this will take several seconds to complete. released inofficial 0.81.8exp 20-Oct-02 FIX: Oil rigs now accept passengers and mail (again, was broken after 0.81.0) released inofficial 0.81.7exp 19-Oct-02 FIX: fixed a bug in loading saved games (height information was accessed before actually loaded) FIX: fixed a bug in AI bridge testing routines (AI tried to build bridges in unsuitable locations and ended up with broken routes) 12-Oct-02 FIX: random pedestrians can now actually be turned on and off in simuconf.tab FIX: fixed a bug which caused convois not being saved after visiting a depot without disassembling the convoi FIX: maintenance costs are now displayed in red CHANGE: relief map is now zoomable: right click into map to toggle zoom/unzoomed display released inofficial 0.81.6exp 06-Oct-02 CHANGE: tried to make relief map zoomeable 06-Oct-02 FIX: updated/fixed more images/animations FIX: tried to fix the problem that some vehicles were not immediately visible after loading. FIX: fixed the problem of vehicles stored in depots being invisible after loading. released inofficial 0.81.5exp 05-Oct-02 FIX: updated/fixed more images FIX: italian translation is available again FIX: added Bennhardt train engines again CHANGE: message windows now appear above the mouse pointer and don't obstruct the players actions anymore. CHANGE: depot windows open in the top-left corner of the screen now.
04-Oct-02 FIX: fixed many mistakes in new config files and image set FIX: maintenance costs are now displayed correctly in finance window FIX: fixed a translation mistake in en.tab 03-Oct-02 FIX: fixed a bug in tree creation that was introduced with the new configuration system. FIX: fixed a bug in loading tunnel descriptions 20-Sep-02 CHANGE: Starting money again set to 100.000Cr CHANGE: made info windows for pedestrians and private cars configureable in simuconf.tab 29-Sep-02 CHANGE: changed passenger generation in cities (steps more frequently, but only every 8th row) 28-Sep-02 CHANGE: continued code cleanup -> all 'builder' classes now located in 'bauer' -> all 'searcher' classes now located in 'sucher' 26-Sep-02 CHANGE: continued code cleanup 25-Sep-02 MERGE: included Volkers changes to the config/object system CHANGE: started to move factory classes into a separate package CHANGE: did some code cleanup in simgraph16.c 22-Sep-02 NEW: station detail info now displays factory coordinates, too NEW: water (ground) animation can now be turned off in simuconf.tab (i.e. if you have a slow CPU and want to save some computation time for other tasks) They serve some useful purpose, though: the more you see around a spot, the better the place to build a station there. NEW: player/AI colors can now be configured by editing the file "special.pal" which is a text file containing 64 RGB colors in decimal values FIX: loading pedestrians works now FIX: fixed some problems in day&night mode: 1) vehicles/player properties darken now during nights 2) window title bars don't darken during nights CLEAN: did some more code cleanup in simgraph16.c CHANGE: interrupt routine now updates display first and then calculates next frame - i hope this will reduce the jitter in vehicle movement CHANGE: changed sync_step routine to be (hopefully) faster and more robust against the most common coding mistakes (deleting/removing a sync object while a sync step is running). CHANGE: tombstone arrays are now configureable in simuconf.tab 21-Sep-02 NEW: schedules are no longer lost if a vehicle enters a depot 20-Sep-02 FIX: repaired broken AI road/railroad building routines TIME: 2:00h 19-Sep-02 MERGE: continued merge of sources NEW: station detail info now includes connected industries CLEAN: cleanup in simgraph16.h and simgraph16.c TIME: 1:30h
18-Sep-02 MERGE: merged Volkers changes for new config system TIME: 2:00h 05-Sep-02 NEW: included italian translation from Alberto Beccaria NEW: built preview for BeOS CHANGE: updated thanks.txt TIME: 1:30h 02-Sep-02 CHANGE: changed layout of the ship depot. It looks a bit better than before, but some ships are just too oversized - why don't the artists follow the size guidelines? CHANGE: some trailers now fit to all trucks CHANGE: changed price, weight and running cost of the double decker busses FIX: fixed alignment of some ships TIME: 2:00h 01-Sep-02 FIX: bus stops are recolorable again FIX: changed and added some entries to de.tab FIX: changed and added some entries to en.tab FIX: included hu.tab fix from MrTLee CHANGE: tried to improve bus stop images CHANGE: changed sand waggon to be recolorable CHANGE: changed stone waggon to be recolorable TIME: 2:30h 31-Aug-02 CHANGE: raised starting money to 100000 Cr CHANGE: if a help text can't be found, the help text frame error now includes the filename of the missing file CHANGE: drive in cinema is now built at 600 inhabitants CHANGE: lowered productivity of coal mines and iron ore mines by 10% CHANGE: all of Bennhardts vehicles have reasonable prices and running costs TIME: 1:30h 30-Aug-02 CHANGE: changed tombstone implementation for stations to a more efficient variant CHANGE: removed brighntess and contrast control from the display options dialog because they didn't work anymore since the transition to the 16 bit graphics code and those features most likely won't be implemented again. CHANGE: declared savegames previous to 0.80.10 incompatible because some vehicles couldn't be restored from such savegames properly. FIX: oil rigs don't raise the players maintenance costs anymore NEW: added missing stadium images TIME: 1:00h 29-Aug-02 CHANGE: included updated translations CHANGE: changed prices for "Bennhardt" train engines CHANGE: changed tombstone implementation for convois and railblocks to a more efficient variant FIX: fixed a crash if the vehicle list was left open and displaying a vehicle that enters a depot FIX: fixed stadium images for layout A FIX: fixed non-matching entries for Tigress I in language files and vehikel.tab, also removed an unused double entry for the Tigress I from vehikel.tab
TIME: 3:00h 07/20/02 - FIX: fixed 2 wrong entries in gebaeude.tab - FIX: included Dennis' correction for en.tab TIME: 1:00h 07/14/02 - FIX: sped up buying vehicles in depots TIME: 1:00h 07/13/02 - FIX: fixed a bug that caused an endless loop once a private car had gone more than 2**31 steps TIME: 1:00h 07/11/02 - FIX: factory descriptions are restoired after loading. This fixes a crash after loading saved games in 0.80.10a - FIX: (hopefully) oil rigs now accept passengers TIME: 1:00h 07/08/02 - FIX: heightfield loading now loads other files than "heightfield.ppm", too - FIX: confirming the heightfield file selector box with an invalid name no longer crashes the game. - FIX: better error messages for heightfield loading, errors no longer quit the program. - FIX: colors of the factories in the map window are now again the color configured in industry.tab TIME: 1:00h 07/07/02 - NEW: included 8 new train images painted by Benjamin "Bennhardt" Siegel - NEW: included the alignment-corrected trucks from Jens "JET" Emmel - NEW: included a new ship from Jens "JET" Emmel - FIX: bying a trailer or waggon without having an engine no longer crashes the game - KNOWN PROBLEMS: - ship depot display is messed up pretty much - all of Bennhardts engines have same price and running cost, sensible values will be discussed on the mailing list and included - released inofficial 0.80.10-16exp TIME: 2:00h 07/06/02 - NEW: finished heightfield loading - NEW: included the improved trees from Tomas Kubes (sorry Tomas I had to modify them slightly). - CHANGE: changed the toolbar icons TIME: 4:00h 07/05/02 - NEW: option to load heightfield (a PPM image where the brightness of a pixel determines the height fo that spot on the map) TIME: 1:30h 07/01/02 - FIX: fixed a bug in Markus' patch for the depot window - when buying a new vehicle the cost of a lot of different vehicles was also withdrawn from the players account. - released inofficial 0.80.9a-16exp 06/30/02 - FIX: maintenance cost is now actually subtracted from players account every month. - FIX: fixed a wrong entry in gebaeude.tab
- MERGE: included Owen Rudges Win32 midi playing routines - released inofficial 0.80.9-16exp 06/29/02 - NEW: maintenance costs for roads, railroads and buildings: - road/railroad: 5.00 Cr/month - each building: 50.00 Cr/month (There is a small bug here: ATM oil rigs belong to the player, and thus the player has to pay maintenance costs for them). - MERGE: merged Markus patch to display only matching carriages in the depot window TIME: 1:30h 06/23/02 - NEW: List of all schedules (also saved 4 bytes memory per schedule) - FIX: savegame frame shows local time instead of GMT - CHANGE: map frame now has a minumum sizeof 96x64 pixels TIME: 0:30h 06/15/02 - CHANGE: sped up graphics by another 2% - released inofficial 0.80.8-16exp TIME: 3:00h 06/14/02 - FIX: industries have several consumers again (Volker) - FIX: building a loading bay on a cities road sets the roads owner correctly now. - NEW: tunnels and bridges are displayed in the map (Volker) TIME: 1:00h 06/13/02 - FIX: window resizing bugs fixed TIME: 1:00h 06/09/02 - MERGE: merged Markus changes - station list now includes icons - MERGE: merged Volkers changes - internal changes to train and truck stations to streamline the class hierarchy - more and more strict tests for building roads/railroads - new industry distribution. Can consider weights, given by industry.tab, to prefer (or not) certain industry branches. - existing screenshots are preserved, new screenshots always get high enough numbers. - changed load/save dialog * Buttons for deleting files (take care!) * Displays save date and time (Just a proposal - test it, and let us know if you like it or not) - schedules: depots listed as depot and no longer as waypoint - TEST: tested Owens win32 media routines, but couldn't get them to work with my compiler - excluded in this release. - CHANGE: the Linux version now tries to open 640x480, 800x600 1024x768 and 1280x1024 in fullscreen. Use the -screensize option to force a windowed mode by using a different resolution. - released inofficial 0.80.7-16exp TIME: 4:00h 06/08/02 - NEW: map window remembers size and uses old size when openend again - NEW: painted animated diesel smoke and steam (only used with vehicles currently)
- CHANGE: smoke type is now read from current vehikel.tab instead from saved game. - CHANGE: included Volkers changes to allow processing an unlimited number of images with makepak16 TIME: 1:00h 06/07/02 - CHANGE: frame sync smoke is now a 5 frame animation TIME: 0:30h 06/05/02 - CHANGE: changed income calculation for transports to: distance * amount * price * (pow(0.97, distance)+0.4)/2.0 this is nearly linear for long distances and a bit better than linear for short distances. - CHANGE: vehicles only produce smoke while heavily accelerating TIME: 1:00h 06/02/02 - FIX: clicking a post office opens the station window again - FIX: fixed a memory leak during map destruction. TIME: 2:30h 06/01/02 - MERGE: merged Markus' changes for resizeable windows - CHANGE: adapeted Markus' changes to fit better into Simutrans TIME: 1:30h 05/30/02 - NEW: help texts for relief map and finance window added - NEW: industry colors are now read from industry.tab - NEW: support for hyperlinks in help texts - CHANGE: better error messages for wrong entries in industry.tab TIME: 3:00h 05/29/02 - FIX: fixed "wait for xxx%" entry in en.tab so that the % number is always clearly visible in the scheule dialog - NEW: preparation for factory color configuration in industry.tab TIME: 1:00h 05/25/02 - CHANGE: restructured system dependant code - preparation to build system dependant media subsystems. Started to include Owen Rudges native win32 MIDI playing code. TIME: 1:00h 05/19/02 - FIX: Player color (object recoloring) feature works again. - CHANGE: removed colormap functions from HiColor system wrappers - CHANGE: buildings basements now use mempools - NEW: (Hellmade) included screenshot facility for 16 bit graphics engine - MERGE: Merged Volkers changes (Filter-Dialogs, many small patches) - released inofficial 0.80.6-16exp TIME: 3:00h 05/18/02 - FIX: (Hellmade) Double headed trains will be correctly disassembled in depots - FIX: (Hellmade) Buying more than 16 waggons for a train moves the additionals waggons to the pool section TIME: 3:30h 05/09/02 - NEW: merged Volkers changes - FIX: fixed a clipping bug for colored images in the 16 bit graphics engine.
- CHANGE: info windows for buildings now carry title "Building" again. TIME: 1:30h 04/20/02 integration of Flors new image set fixed some display problems of the toolbar building and removing tunnels costs some money now building and removing bridges costs some money now city building tool places townhall on the right spot now - FIX: industries productivity now varies (the range parameter from industry.tab is no longer ignored) - CHANGE: cementmill now requires stone - CHANGE: productivity/range entries in industry.tab updated - CHANGE: changed night to a more blueish color released inofficial 0.80.4-16exp TIME: 2:30h NEW: FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX:
04/18/02 - FIX: fixed a buffer overflow in simgraph16.c (dirty tiles list) - NEW: extended error checking capabilities for memory management -> can now detect overlows TIME: 1:30h 04/17/02 - FIX: F1 key now triggers general help in 16 bit version, too - NEW: internationalizeable help texts TIME: 0:45h 04/13/02 - CHANGE: "random map" buttons now generates a real random sequence of maps - FIX: tried to fix a bug that sometimes prevented the AI from building tunnels (the AI ended up with a broken route) - FIX: fixed a crash if a highest level bulding was build (crash only occured in 0.80.2-16) TIME: 1:00h 04/11/02 - FIX: fixed a bug in player-triggered city building TIME: 0:30h 04/10/02 - NEW: player can found new cities - hotkey 'C' - CHANGE: hotkey for vehicle list changed from 'C' to 'V' TIME: 0:30h 04/07/02 - CHANGE: converted dirty tile list to bitfield. This saves some KB of memory. - FIX: fixed a potential access to an uninitialized route element - FIX: tried to fix the road vehicle lockup problem on level crossings TIME: 1:00h 04/06/02 - FIX: fixed some untranslated messages in bridge building - FIX: fixed some wrong entries in en.tab and de.tab - CHANGE: updated thanks.txt file TIME: 0:30h 04/04/02 - CHANGE: changed night darkness to be less dark - FIX: fixed a crash if land was raised from under a ship - FIX: fixed a crash if a stop outside the map was added or inserted into a schedule TIME: 0:30h
04/03/02 - FIX: fixed a bug in the 16 bit graphcis code that caused a crash when a player-colored image with an invalid number was displayed. TIME: 0:30h 03/28/02 - CHANGE: merged Volkers 2nd update to house building - Release unofficial 0.80.2_16 TIME: 1:30h 03/27/02 - CHANGE: 16 bit graphics routines about 40% faster than before - FIX: fixed some typos in help texts TIME: 1:30h 03/26/02 - CHANGE: exchanged . and , keys for time lapse control - CHANGE: tried to optimize 16 bit graphics engine TIME: 1:30h 03/24/02 - FIX: pressing shift doesn't trigger keyboard help anymore - NEW: merged Volkers changes to house building - NEW: merged Markus changes to station list window TIME: 0:30h 03/09/02 - FIX: raising/lowering land at the border of the map no longer crashes. TIME: 0:30h 02/23/02 - NEW: included help texts for loading and saving games. TIME: 0:30h 02/22/02 - FIX: fixed a crash if a railroad track or road was build outside the map. TIME: 0:30h 02/17/02 - FIX: fixed a crash if a railroad track was built at the very edge of the map - CHANGE: news ticker is only displayed if there are news TIME: 0:30h 02/16/02 - NEW: added more help texts: language, options - FIX: fixed a bug in the flowtext display component TIME: 1:00h 02/15/02 - FIX: fixed the 'cloud offset overflow' problem - NEW: added more help texts: depot help TIME: 1:00h 02/13/02 - NEW: added more help texts TIME: 1:00h 02/11/02 - NEW: working on in-game helpsystem, added more help texts TIME: 1:00h 02/10/02 - NEW: working on in-game helpsystem, added more help texts TIME: 1:00h 02/09/02 - NEW: working on in-game help system TIME: 1:30h 02/07/02 - NEW: started working on in-game help system TIME: 1:30h
02/06/02 - CHANGE: made some changes for Markus Weber TIME: 0:30h 01/28/02 - FIX: Fixed a crash when a vehicle was sold. This bug was introduced during yesterdays changes to convoi routing. - FIX: Fixed a crash if vehicle.tab did not contain a vehicle that was required by depot.tab TIME: 1:00h 01/27/02 - CHANGE: Made convoi route preparation also an asynchroneous task. - CHANGE: Because asynchroneaou tasks take longer to execute, vehicles stop longer at stations than before. To rebalance the game, the productivity of all industries was reduced by 10%. - CHANGE: Due to the new asynchroneous parts in convoi setup vehicles may remain much longer in a inconsistent state. That problem is solved now. - NEW: released unofficial version 0.80.pre3 TIME: 2:00h 01/26/02 Increased safety buffer in convoi info display. Increased safety buffer in station info display. Made convoi setup an asynchroneous task. Halved minimum accelleration. Reduced uphill speed. Reduced speed in curves. Fiddled with frame time calculation to get smoother vehicle movement. TIME: 3:30h CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE:
01/24/02 - FIX: Fixed some bugs in asynchroneous vehicle loading code. Overall asynchroneous loading seems to allow to use quite some more vehicles than before. - FIX: Improved responsiveness to user input under high load. TIME: 2:00h 01/23/02 - FIX: Debugging - CHANGE: Made vehicle loading an asynchroneous task. - CHANGE: Passengers and goods transfer at most 30 times from one transport to another to reach their destination. TIME: 2:00h 01/20/02 - CHANGE: Saved 8k memory per convoi. - CHANGE: Saved 8k memory per station. - CHANGE: Included a change from Markus Weber to display summary information in station info windows. - CHANGE: Changed layout of vehicle list to display vehicle with 3 figures (100+) better. - CHANGE: Using memory pools for water grounds - this saves 4 bytes per water sqaure and speeds up allocation and deallocation of water grounds. It also helps to reduce memory fragmentation. - FIX: Fixed a possible buffer overflow in halt list. - FIX: Included a fix for setting the correct water level during loading a game. - NEW: released unofficial version 0.80.pre2 TIME: 3:00h
01/19/02 - FIX: Fixed a bug in clipped 16 bit image display routines - FIX: Fixed a bug in SDL sound routines that caused a crash in the windows version - FIX: Fixed a possible buffer overlow in route calculation of goods and passengers. - NEW: Fullscreen mode for Linux/SDL in 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 (The Windows version always offered those as fullscreen modes) TIME: 3:00h 01/17/02 - NEW: RGB555 <-> RGB565 transform for 16 bit engine finished - NEW: optimized 16 bit engine TIME: 3:00h 01/16/02 - FIX: Fixed a bug that crashed Simutrans if the player managed to delete/destroy a private car. - NEW: Makepak16 reads 8/16/24 bit PNG files now. TIME: 1:00h 01/13/02 - MERGE: Andreas Rvers sound routines for SDL - TEST: Tested Simutrans with SDL 1.2 - NEW: updated 16 bit graphics routines (not complete yet) TIME: 4:00h 01/12/02 - NEW: -scenario <directory> option to make Simutrans read config files and daten.pak from that directory. TIME: 3:00h 01/09/02 - MERGE: included Markus' resizer component and the changes to the vehicle list -> Station list window and vehicle list window can be vertically resized now - CHANGE: changed look of resizer component to better fit the other gui components of Simutrans - NEW: released unofficial version 0.80.pre1 TIME: 1:00h 01/08/02 - FIX: automated test suite works again (was broken since Volkers changes during summer/autumn last year). - FIX: cities generate passengers to 2x2 squares sized tourist attractions, too. - CHANGE: using memory pools for trees - this saves 4 bytes per tree and speeds up allocation and deallocation of tress. It also helps to reduce memory fragmentation. - CHANGE: did some finetuning to make the framerate more constant - MERGE: include Markus' new station list window and button TIME: 5:00h 01/02/02 - MERGE: merged Volkers changes - Shift-M opens marker UI - Removing a bus stop from a sqaure with a sidewalk keeps the sidewalk - Bugfixes for bridges and tunnels - Code cleanups - CHANGE: changed layout of the "options" dialog - CHANGE: changed layout of the "new world" dialog TIME: 2:30h 12/28/01 - CHANGE: Reverted some changes made by Volker: - city roads belong to nobody again
- a sqaure that the player builds a road or railroad on and that had no former owner belongs to the player again -> That fixes the 'bus station on city roads' problem - FIX: Included a bugfix from Volker to make bridges work again. It seems to work. - FIX: Added missing screen refresh after removing a long bridge TIME: 1:30h 12/20/01 - FIX: Trains can now be stopped while passing signals without bad effects, like corrupted signals and disrupted trains. - CHANGE: Reduced productivity of coal mines and oil fields. - Released unofficial version 0.79.11exp TIME: 2:00h 12/19/01 - CHANGE: Removed 'passenger X%' from industry info window - MERGE: Merged Volkers changes -> Bridges no longer need 'hills' to start/end but can be built on flat ground, too. - FIX: Goods with "error in routing", that means they cannot reach their destination any longer, are now removed from stations after a while. They are also removed from vehicles upon the next scheduled stop. - FIX: Fixed a bug in the AI code that sometimes prohibited the use of tunnels in the AIs routes - FIX: Partly loaded vehicles display the loaded/empty cars now. - NEW: Option in the schedule dialog to set a requireed loading grade. Vehicles can now wait for a minimum amount of loaded goods before departing. TIME: 6:30h 12/15/01 - MERGE: included Markus changes to world creation UI and convoi UI - CHANGE: Changed layout and text of the full load option in convoi info window. TIME: 1:10h 12/15/01 - CHANGE: prepared Makepak 1.07 for release TIME: 0:30h 12/12/01 - FIX: I got two savegames from beta testers that had an animation count of 0 for some factory buildings. That count should never be 0, even a non-animated building has a least one frame (image) to display. During loading of a game the count gets now set to 1, but how could there a 0 be saved? The 0 caused a crash after loading the game, so this 'fix' at least allows to load the saved games again. - FIX: fixed a crash after clicking the bridgebuilding tool twice - FIX: fixed a small display problem in the news ticker line - CHANGE: Changed lower bound of frame time to 28ms, this yields a frame rate of 35FPS which should be smooth display. - Released unofficial version 0.79.9exp TIME: 1:30h 12/09/01 - FIX: Passenger generation in cities is now bound to real time. I had wrongly assumed that the simulation loop is running always at the same speed but it varies too much. Now, passenger generation tends to be lower in the average case but it is constant regardless of your computers speed. - FIX: Volkers changes prevented the AI to build tunnels and bridges. I've repaired the AI's road/railroad building routines. I hope it works all ok again. - FIX: Newly built stations display world view camera, too.
Changed layout in station info and convoi info windows. Optimized month change in city class. Optimized routing of goods. Optimized routing of vehicles. Tried to reduce the jitter in frame rate. Frame time has now a lower bound of 30ms and a higher bound of 124ms. Interrupt checks were added to ensure a jitter of less than 5 ms in frame display; I've tested this on my system, slower systems might still have a larger jitter. (Timer precision is 5 ms, that means, the current jitter is below timer precision, more precision is impossible with this timer). - CHANGE: Waiting goods and passengers at station search a new route now and then. This is useful if a new shorter connection is build and the waiting goods/passengers are supposed to use it. - Released unofficial 0.79.8exp TIME: 7:00h 12/08/01 - CHANGE: Included Volkers changes - CHANGE: Signals can now be build near crossings - FIX: A few fixes to bridgebuilding - FIX: Unmasked ribis for ways were determined wrong - CHANGE: Tried to optimize Simutrans further but gained less than 1% overall - CHANGE: Changed news ticker to store only 4 messages instead of 10 - CHANGE: Increased capacity of furniture truck to 8 crates Increased capacity of furniture trailer to 10 crates - NEW: Included Jens 'JET wood trailer' - FIX: Changed some code in station info display to fix a buffer overflow. - FIX: Changed some code in vehicle info display to fix a buffer overflow. TIME: 2:00h 12/05/01 - CHANGE: changed some return types from value types to references. This seems to speed up execution. TIME: 1:00h 12/01/01 - FIX: oil rigs can no longer be removed using the 'raise land' tool. - FIX: oil rigs display a station info window again. - FIX: Fixed a bug that caused some landscape pointers to be displayed at wrong height - FIX: Fixed a bug that caused landscape pointers to be displayed twice - NEW: 'Game paused' splash message - NEW: Included Flor Wauters furniture trailer - CHANGE: reduced memory consumption of each water sqaure by 4 bytes. - CHANGE: optimized screen refresh, gained about 10% speedup if many vehicles are visible TIME: 5:00h 11/29/01 - FIX: if the remover tool is applied to water, the water itself no longer gets removed - CHANGE: changed tree class to reduce the amount of memory modified per step TIME: 1:30h 11/28/01 - CHANGE: made mountain height and landscape roughness parametrizeable for Markus' new 'new world' dialog
TIME: 0:45h 11/26/01 - FIX: fixed a crash if the bus station building tool was selected - FIX: included a fix from Volker: if a signals was to near to a crossing the rail block was not correctly traversed. Volkers change should fix that problem. - FIX: fixed a potential crash during map creation (placing powerconnector for power plant sometimes failed. This is not fixed really, problematic power plants will just get no power connector. I'll change that once powerlines actually work ) - CHANGE: "Vehicle XY has no route" is only displayed for vehicles which the player actually owns. - CHANGE: Factory info window now carries the name of the industry as title. - PROBLEM: with the change from static to animated buildings the title of most building info windows changed from 'building' to 'house'. - Released unofficial 0.79.7exp TIME: 1:30h 11/25/01 - CHANGE: only waggons inside of a stations will be loaded/unloaded - CHANGE: loading/unloading has a base duration (32) and an additional duration for each waggon (8) - CHANGE: internal change: replaced many old 2d coordinates in paramterlists with 3d coordinates. - CHANGE: Added "Station XY is crowded" message to the newsticker - CHANGE: Factories don't check stations for good distribution as often. This should speed up the program. - FIX: rail block is marked 'left' if a train enters a depot - FIX: added missing screen refresh when saving a game per name - FIX: fixed a bug in blockmanger, which could cause and endless loop during world destruction - FIX: fixed several bugs in handle_as_id_tpl which caused crashes - FIX: fixed a crash when a vehicle with freight was sent to a depot and re-assigned to another convoi. - Released unofficial 0.79.6exp TIME: 8:00h 11/24/01 - NEW: minivec template, a very small vector type. - CHANGE: Reworked plan sqaures to use minivec type instead of a list type to store grounds. This saves at least 512K memory for a standard 256x256 sqaures map. In addition accesses should be faster now. - CHANGE: Removed an unused variable from ground class. It seems it was introduced by Volkers changes but actually not used. This saves 512K for a standard 256x256 sqaure map. - CHANGE: Reordered variables in ground class, which saved another 4 bytes per ground. Why is the compiler too stupid to do this automatically? - CHANGE: Squeezed 4 bytes from every object of the thing class hierarchy (most numerous objects in Simutrans). This also shrinks the saved games. - CHANGE: Linked list templates now use a global list of free nodes. This shrinks each list object by 4 bytes, and it speeds up node allocation. - CHANGE: Depot window class and depot data class are now separated. - CHANGE: Code cleanup, reduced interdependencies of header files - CHANGE: Improved look of info windows - NEW: experimental support for multi-headed engines TIME: 6:15h
11/22/01 - CHANGE: Removed superclass infowin_t from weg_t. It was not needed and just consumed memory. - CHANGE: Removed superclass infowin_t from ding_t. It was not needed and just consumed memory. - NEW: Thing info window adapter class - CHANGE: Started to separate depot gui and depot model classes TIME: 2:10h 11/20/01 - NEW: Ground info window adapter class - CHANGE: Changed class hiereachy of ground classes to be independant from info window class -> this allows inlining of some functions and thus speeds up some things (3% speedup overall). - FIX: Info windows display correct ground name again, this feature was lost during Volkers changes. - FIX: Fixed a bug that crashed Simutrans if a ground was removed while the info window for this ground was still open. This also fixes a similar bug for things that are removed. TIME: 1:10h 11/18/01 - NEW: New engine: Tigress I (1144-1151) - CHANGE: Code cleanup - CHANGE: Trees are now generatd according to their preferred placement on new maps. Some prefer lower terrain, some prefer the upper regions. - CHANGE: Trees generate up to three new trees during their lifetime. Formerly depending on the system Simutrans was running on sometimes much too many new trees were generated. - NEW: news ticker - CHANGE: Some smaller optimizations, avoided function calls, about 4% speedup in total for games with many vehicles TIME: 6:30h 11/17/01 - CHANGE: Merged Andreas' changes: - If a new schedule is set, only those goods are removed from a vehicle which cannot reach their destination anymore. Formerly all goods were removed. - CHANGE: Merged Markus' changes: - Ok und Cancel buttons for savegame file chooser. The new savegame chooser looks really cool :) - CHANGE: Merged Volkers changes: - fixed a small flaw in hashtable datatype - new class to load *.tab files, this loader should become standard in future for all *.tab files - new integer hashtable template - new bridgebuilder class which is responsible for building and removing bridges - New bridge types, new bridge building menu - Changes to pointer checking and memory management - CHANGE: Added comments for all methods of the convoi class - FIX: fixed a bug that left copies of the landscape pointer image visible when moving the landscape point uphill or downhill - CHANGE: Sped up routing (pathfinding) of goods, this allows to use larger transport networks - CHANGE: Routing of goods cannot be interrupted anymore this fixes a potential bug in routing, but also may
cause a slowdown in really large games. I hope that the optimization of routing will reduce this problem. TIME: 4:30h 11/14/01 NEW: Merged Markus Webers changes to the Simutrans UI NEW: Merged Andreas' changes to the SDL system wrapper file CHANGE: limited 'random map' to 0-999 CHANGE: system wrapper can now choose between software or hardware cusror. Currently Allegro uses software cursor, SDL and X11 use hardware cursor. TIME: 1:15h
11/13/01 - FIX: fixed a bug in removing railroad tracks, which sneaked in with Andreas' changes - NEW: released unofficial 0.79.4exp TIME: 1:00h 11/12/01 - FIX: fixed a memory leak that sneaked in while optimizing vehicle routing - NEW: released unofficial 0.79.3exp TIME: 1:00h 11/11/01 - CHANGE: STL priority queue can't be used with Mingw32. Using self made priority queue. - FIX: fixed a bug in routing. The bug limited the usable distance of routes for all vehicles, and slowed routing down, especially if ships were routed. - CHANGE: changed routing of goods. It had a similar bug like routing of ships. I hope this change didn't break something. If it works it'll speed up routing of goods in complex networks quite a bit. - CHANGE: added tooltips for all tools of the toolbar - CHANGE: tripled text buffer size for station info. There were problems reported which might be related to a buffer overflow in station info display. New buffer size is 8192 bytes. Mingw32 does not support snprintf(), but with sprintf() I have no idea how to avoid buffer overlflows. I just hope 12288 bytes is big enough. - CHANGE: doubled buffer size of convoi info text, too, just to be a bit more save. Now 8192 bytes buffer size. - CHANGE: included Flors updated drive in cinema included Flors general purpose ship included Flors updated furniture factory included Flors updated home market included Flors updated planks truck - CHANGE: included Volkers update: FIX: image calculation of single rail pieces on slopes fixed FIX: some problems with directional bits in rail block manager, simplified some code FIX: fixed problems when removing bridges and tunnels TIME: 6:00h 11/10/01 FIX: fixed a typo in de.tab FIX: included Andreas' fix for wrong curves in tracks FIX: included Andreas' fix to remove trees if land is lowered CHANGE: switched to STL priority queue for vehicle routing, this should speed routing up for long and complex routes, but is somewhat slower for short routes - CHANGE: optimized vehicle routing, now about 20% faster than
before. This allows to use 20% more vehicels than before! Changes due to the switch to the STL priority queue are not included in this measurement. TIME: 3:00h 11/05/01 - CHANGE: included Tristans fixed vehikel.tab with better weight and power values for trucks, busses and ships - CHANGE: changed vehicle info dispaly in road vehicle depot to display power and weight TIME: 0:15h 10/28/01 - CHANGE: changed vehicle routing. Fixed a bug in search for best route. Vehicles should now always find the shortest route. - CHANGE: cities build a stadium at a population of 2500, was formerly 2000. - NEW: cities build a drive in cinema at a population of 1500. - FIX: fixed a wrong entry in en.tab and de.tab ("Verkehrsteilnehmer") TIME: 3:00h 10/27/01 FIX: removing ground from above tunnels works now FIX: removing tunnels works now FIX: removing bridges works now CHANGE: removing bridges and tunnels no longer places on the end sqaures, but cuts the rails at the of the former structure - CHANGE: added END markers to depot.tab sections and a if given vehicle count matches actual vehicle - CHANGE: updated thanks.txt - NEW: included Jens wood transport ship TIME: 2:30h
10/21/01 -
CHANGE: changes savegame format to load/store animated factories CHANGE: enlarged scroll range in vehicle and station info windows NEW: included Flors animated factories NEW: included Flors new trucks
10/15/01 - NEW: animated factories - CHANGE: better animation support for all buildings 10/12/01 - CHANGE: changed makepak to read PNG images, converted all images to PNG format. 10/08/01 - NEW: added Flors new pause icon. - CHANGE: enlarged scrollable range in vehicle info windows 10/04/01 - FIX: if vehicles are stored in depots and the map was saved and loaded again, Simutrans crashed. This worked in former versions, I don't know why it was broken in between. Nevertheless this is fixed. (calc_bild() of the vehicle checked the ground of the map square which was not yet completely loaded at this moment, and this inconsitency made the game crash. Vehicles call calc_bild() often while moving. Theoretical thereis a chance that the image of a vehicle is wrong now directly after loading, but I couldn't find any problems yet. - FIX: if a saved game from a Simutrans with a different vehicle.tab is loaded, some vehicle informations are not available. Formerly this caused a crash while loading the game. Now the information is replced with 0 values. This has the result that
the 'unknown' vehicles do not move (power and weight are set to 0), but the saved game can be loaded and all common vehicles (common in both vehicle.tab files from the saving and loading Simutrans) will work. - NEW: released unofficial 0.79.pre3 10/03/01 - FIX: fixed a buffer overflow in station name creation. - FIX: if the hardware clock is set back while Simutrans runs, the negative time difference is ignored. -> this change limits the time Simutrans can be run without stopping to about 23 days! -> this change saved 4 bytes memory in each goods-destination object both in main memory and saved games - FIX: due to Volkers changes, saved pedestrians didn't move anymore after loading. This is fixed, they move again. - NEW: The '!' key (Shift-1) toggles the display of station and town names. - NEW: The '.' and ',' keys can be used to change the time lapse setting. This is an experimental feature, if you want to be safe, do not use this. 09/30/01 - FIX: removing a building (or tree) sets ground to bare land (was broken due to Volkers changes) - FIX: factory owner is restored when loading a game (was broken due to Volkers changes) - FIX: vehicles are now displayed correctly (uncropped) again. (was broken due to Volkers changes) -> This fix does not work for vehicles on bridges, but since the problem only occured with ships noticeably I think the fix is 'good enough'. We have no ships on bridges so far. - CHANGE: conserved about 160KB for a standard size map save file -> This change limits the number of players to 127. I guess, this isn't really a restriction. - CHANGE: changed text for "optionen > quit" to "New map", because it opens the new map dialog rather than quitting the program. - CHANGE: changed image for "Please wait, creating a new map" message window - NEW: released unofficial 0.79.pre2 09/29/01 - FIX: fixed a bug in Volker changes to routing; ships move again -> there is still a display problem in the graphics - FIX: if a text input field was active while the containing window is closed, the action bound to the input field is not triggered any more 09/26/01 - Merged Volkers changes -> binary save game format (saves about 30% space, saves and loads much faster, incompatible to previous versions) -> bugfixes for route calculation and object management in world map - FIX: fixed a problem in saving industries with Volkers new code: buildings no. 2 and 3 got mixed during saving - FIX: Volkers changes prohibited removing trees and town buildings It's now again possible to remove trees and houses - NEW: Released semi-offical Simutrans version 0.79.pre1 09/23/01 - CHANGE: enabled producing industries to have more than one consumer. - NEW: More than one consumer per producer. This finally ovrcomes
the strict 1:1 relation of producers and consumers and allows more flexibility in the game. - CHANGE: modified buttons of the schedule input window to match the look of most other buttons in Simutrans - FIX: fixed a display problem in train/convoi and station info windows 09/22/01 - CHANGE: instead of enabling all things as sychroneous objects only a few are sync steppable now. This change should improve the performance of Simutrans, especially if many vehicles are used. - FIX: fixed a bug in route calculation that could crash the game 09/20/01 - CHANGE: -> -> -> -> cleaned up vehikel_t class. saved 4 bytes per vehicle removed two unneeded methods moved a method into convoi_t class where it belongs reduced number of method calls from convoi_t to vehikel_t during driving by 50%, this should speed up things a bit - FIX: fixed a wrong bounds check which could make the game crash in route_t
09/19/01 - FIX: if a game was loaded and right after loading saved all industry buildings showed up as construction areas forever after loading again. This problem is fixed now. - NEW: added a new industry: furniture factory 09/16/01 - FIX: textiput fields release focus now if the containing window is closed - FIX: it was possible to choose invalid color sets by clicking left or right of the color bars in the color chooser window. This problem is fixed now. - FIX: fixed a bug which crashed the game when a vehicle entered a depot while the vehicle info window was opened The following fixes fix problems introduced with the new tunnel and bridge data structures or were done by Volker who wrote the new data structures and associated code: FIX: fixed visibility of vehicles entering and leaving tunnels FIX: fixed visibility of vehicles driving uphill/downhill FIX: fixed vehicle smoke creation for tunnels FIX/NEW: Merged Volkers changes: - Fixes to compile Simutrans with MS Visual C++ - Fixed a problem in pipeline/powerline code - Positioning of the relief map works now with big maps, too - Added a replacement for 'opendir()' which is unknown to VC - Removed some printf's from blockmanager code - Optimized access to ground objects - Moved updates of the relief map into ground object class - Fixed an array bounds violation problem in vehicle routing code. This bug was probably very seldom triggered. - Removed unneded methods from the sqaures objects - Changed vehicle movement a bit. - Fixed a problem in the bridge building tool
09/09/01 - CHANGE: World display in convoi and station windows fixed - FIX: Industries get a proper list of worker residental cities even after creating a new map. - FIX: Display of desired destinations in city info window fixed
09/08/01 - FIX: Renamimg of newly build vehicles works now - BUG: The window title gets translated automatically. If by accident the vehicles new name is included as string in the language file the window title displays the translation for this string instead of the string itself. - NEW: Version stamp for saved games - NEW: Version check and error message when loading saved games - CHANGE: Cleaned up fahrer_t, vehikel_t hierarchie: removed methods which were no longer used after Volkers changes 09/06/01 NEW: Released semi-offical Simutrans version 0.78.12 CHANGE: updated todo list CHANGE: mail offices can no longer be build on roads and railroads CHANGE: maps with invlid rail blocks can be loaded again (added Volkers hack). I'm not sure if this fixes the problem but at least you can load the maps again and try to go on with the game. -> This change is untested because I had no saved maps with invalid rail blocks.
09/04/01 - NEW: A limited file chooser for loading/saving games. Allows to enter names for games, up to 60 characters per game. Does not work on operating systems which have less than 60 chars per filename. This allows to have more than 5 different savegames. -> All existing savegame files need to be renamed to *.sve manually, because the new Simutrans version only detects *.sve files!!! - NEW: Clicking the entries of the vehicle list now opens the vehicle information window of the clicked vehicle. This way you can inspect your vehicle fleet very easily. 08/24/01 - FIX: "Bankrupt" message is displayed if a player is bankrupt (Was hidden due to some other changes in the code) - CHANGE: "You are in dept" messages now tell how many months are left to pay back the money. - CHANGE: updated todo list - NEW: Factories do not deliver goods to stations where more than 1000 units of the same good are already stored. This should support a fair distribution of goods if several routes exist and one route has only a tiny transport capacity. Formerly all routes got the same amount of goods and if the tiny routes transport capacity was below that, immense amounts of goods were piled up at the tiny routes source stop. Now the tiny route is capped once 1000 units are stored on it's stop and the other routes are preferred by the factory. - NEW: Released unofficial version 0.78.11exp 08/23/01 - NEW: new station info and station detail windows -> renaming stations is now possible -> station window now has scrollbars to scroll big goods/passenger lists - CHANGE: heavy workaround to get station name synced with displayed name (due to a design mistake in an earlier stage) - BUG: text input fields keep input focus if window gets closed. 08/22/01 - CHANGE: change convoi info window to use the new UI classes. This cleans up some code and streamlines more of the UI. - NEW: added text input facility for changing convoi name to convoi info window -> this allows to change vehicle names!
- NEW: text area component (only used in new convo window so far) 08/20/01 - FIX: Fixed a bug which crashed the game if a new map was created, then the game was quit and again a new map with more cities was created (caused by deleting the new number of cities instead of the old number). 08/17/01 - CHANGE: included Owens update for the money dialog Negative values are now displayed in red. - CHANGE: adapted a few more dialogs to the rule: unchangeable values -> black changeable/changing values -> white This way the player can see immediatley which values are fixed and which are supposed to be changed/changing 07/01/01 - NEW: built a new BeOS release (0.78.10exp) 06/30/01 - NEW: merged Owens finance window update - NEW: (internal) label text can now have other colors than black - CHANGE: to unify the finance window look with existing dialogs all changing entries are displayed in white, all constant entries are diplayed in black now 06/23/01 - NEW: assigned click sounds to more actions to give a better feedback to the user 06/22/01 - FIX: sometimes the interrupt routine was called while it was already running. In rare cases this could lead to a double free() of the same object. The second free was likely to crash the game (C++ standard says something about undefined behavior in that case) or do even worse. This is fixed now, the interrupt routine can't be called any more if it is running already. 06/20/01 - NEW: added command line switches -h, -?, -help and --help which all print a help message - NEW: added a few more debug (error and fatal error) messages to loading/saving railroad tracks with invalid rail block IDs. This won't help the player immediately but allows better bug reports. - NEW: added a -screensize option to choose arbitrary resolutions This also allows to run Simutrans windowed in multiple window sizes. - FIX: fixed a problem which crashed the game if a station building had its name set to NULL. This should not happen normally but NULL should be a allowed value for a name string (meaning 'no name'). Now the program should be able to cope with station builing names which are NULL. Usually this problem was reported as "The game crashes if I click a station" - CHANGE: found some more printf calls and replaced them by calls to the new logging system. 06/17/01 - CHANGE: Info windows display a bit of the environment, too, now, instead of just the objects square. This required changes to the clipping check in simgraph.c - BUG: new clipping support for graphics isn't perfect. The last line of graphics in the main display is not drawn correctly. In general clipping for images seems to truncate the last line while other drawing functions are fine. Workaround: draw one additional line (this hides the effects).
- NEW: finance statistics get loaded/saved. Old savegames can be read; all finance stats are set to 0 when reading old games. - NEW: finance statistics get reset to 0 every year - NEW: Released unofficial version 0.78.8exp 06/16/01 - NEW: Translated Owens finance window entries - NEW: Finished work on vehicle list window - NEW: Painted two icons (finances, vehicles) for the toolbar to open the new finances and vehicle list windows - FIX: Fixed two bugs in the scrollpane class which displayed scrollbars at wrong position if the scrollpane was not located at (0,0) - BUG: Finance statistics/informations are not yet loaded/saved - CHANGE: Increased max speed of private cars 06/15/01 - CHANGE: Merged Owens finance window routines - FIX: Finance window title bar is now displayed in player colors - NEW: Started working on vehicle list window 06/14/01 - NEW: Released official version 0.78.7exp 06/13/01 - NEW: Built official version 0.78.7exp 06/09/01 - FIX: building signals directly adjacent to tunnels/bridges works now. - FIX: removing signals near bridges/tunnels works now. - CHANGE: adjusted station timeout to new timeflow. It's now again 90 days (was less than 1 day) - BUG: The block repair tool does not work if there is a train waiting on a bridge and the block below the bridge shall be repaired. In this case the train on the bridge is counted as if it was on the ground block and the wagoon counter of the ground block is set too high. 06/06/01 - FIX: fixed a problem during image calculation in the schiene class which could crash the game during destruction of a map, i.e. if a new game was loaded. 06/02/01 - CHANGE: Changed a lot more printf calls to calls to the new debug/logging class. I hope I have changed all of them! - CHANGE: Changed a suspicious piece of code in window management: if you had 31 or 32 windows open, and closed a window, the program read data behind the window array. This data was copied into the window array. In general there was too much data copied but usually within the window array. I don't know how harmful it is to read from behind arrays, but nevertheless this is fixed now. - CHANGE: Changed another suspicious piece of code in window management: similar to above but executed when a window was topped. - CHANGE: Increased the window array size from 32 to 64 entries, this means up to 64 subwindows can be displayed. - CHANGE: The behavior for "-log" was changed. The output is now written into the 'simu.log' file AND into the console window (was only 'simu.log' before). - CHANGE: Changed default resolution from 640x480 to 80x600. There were never ever problems with higher resolutions reported, so this seems to be fairly safe. - CHANGE: Stations without ground squares have name "Unnamed" until a ground is added to the station. This fixes a possible
crash when inquiring stations to early or late. - FIX: fixed a bug which blocked the railway line if a one-way signal was removed. Now it's safe to remove one-way signals, too! 06/01/01 - CHANGE: Changed a lot of printf calls to calls to the new debug/logging class, rated as "Message", "Warning", "Error" and "Fatal error". Fatal error quit the program immediately. Please report all "Error" and "Fatal error" messages to me <[email protected]> 05/27/01 - NEW: Added more error detections to the id_handle template (tombstone id checks). This checks should catch about 50% of all internal data corruption problems. (The other 50% can't be checked because in those cases the result of the corruption is a valid tombstone ID again). - CHANGE: changed "Warning: Convoi was saved in state 4 or 5" to "Message: Convoi was saved in state 4 or 5" because this is not an error, but normal program action. 05/26/01 - CHANGE: Tried to migrate to from Allegro 3.9.32 to Allegro 3.9.36 Compiled and installed new Allegro Library for Windows. -> Supports now DirectX up to version 7.0, hopefully this will save some of the "no suitable graphics driver found" problems. -> 'simuwin -res 5' runs Simutrans in a window nicely now (Windows version only, other versions have window by default) 05/24/01 - CHANGE: Translated debug messages in rail block manager - CHANGE: Loading a map now tells how many factories trains/convois are loaded - CHANGE: Improved id_handle_tpl for better checking if a handle is bound to an object - CHANGE: Adapted automatic tests for tombstone checking - CHANGE: Cleaned up code in rail block and rail block manager classes - CHANGE: Stations are now using handles and tombstones, too - CHANGE: Translated a few more messages from the tools 05/23/01 - NEW: Tombstone/id_handle templates allows to check for dangling pointer in all classes retrofittet with tomstone tables - CHANGE: Retrofitted rail block class with tombstone table - CHANGE: Split rail block classes and rail block management code into two files -----------------------------------------------------------------Made a break to gather my thoughts and find new solutions for some problems with Simutrans. -----------------------------------------------------------------04/22/01 - NEW: Map preview in map selection window (new game window) - NEW: Included Tilli's new vehicle setup routines for smoother starting of vehicles. - CHANGE: relief map look changed 04/21/01 - CHANGE: Text input fields have a cursor now, changed handling of input focus a bit - CHANGE: rearranged ground and road images to allow multiple sets of ground images
- FIX: renaming cities from loaded games works now 04/19/01 - NEW: Text input fields - CHANGE: City info window uses text input field 04/14/01 - FIX: found an array bounds violation in simgraph.c in a text drawing routine. This caused random crashes and other strange behavior if text was drawn half-outside the screen. - FIX: found an array bounds violation in simgraph.c in another text drawing routine. Nearly as evil as the bug mentioned above. - FIX: fixed an array bounds violation in simsound.cc If no sound card was detected the first MIDI title read from music.tab was read into midi_titles[-1] and overwrote an helper array of the AI. This made the game crash when the AI was using the values from this array. 04/13/01 - FIX: removing one of those smoke-clouds crashed the game. This is fixed now. This bug could be triggered either by using the 'remover' tool or by building something on squares which contained clouds. - CHECK: it was rported that removing rails or roads and thus breaking a vehicles route would crash the game. This could not be reproduced. - CHANGE: included new en.tab, fi.tab, fr.tab and es.tab (language files) 04/11/01 - FIX: fixed a bug which aborted the game if empty spaces in the depot were clicked while being in sell mode - FIX: midi playlist displays message "Musicplaying disabled/not available" if either no MIDI files could be loaded or if the soundcard could not be initialized succesfully - FIX: Song name in playlist is updated if a new song starts playing 04/09/01 - Merged Owens new sound routines: a simple MIDI playlist UI for browsing the MIDI files forward and backward. - CHANGE: Unified look of playlist UI with other Simutrans UI 04/08/01 - Released 0.78.0 04/07/01 - CHANGE: en.tab and de.tab updated, included corrections from Seth and Dirk. - CHANGE: included new hungarian language file - CHANGE: translated a few more debug/info messages from german to english. - FIX: included Tilli's tree placement fix. 04/04/01 - FIX: clicking an empty entry in the engines area of a depot window no longer aborts the game. This bug was introduced during the changes in 0.77.6 when a bounds checked array was introduced as container for engines ... a failed bounds check aborted the game in this case. 04/01/01 - CHANGE: AI build trains of different length now - CHANGE: AI uses different engine types now - FIX: AI no longer buys trailers without trucks
03/31/01 -
NEW: New industry: Bookshop (painted by Tuomas, tiled by me) NEW: New vehicle: Book van (painted by Sergiu, modified by me) NEW: New good: Books NEW: New private car (painted by Dirk, recolored by me) CHANGE: included new powerlines from Daniel CHANGE: included new transformer station from Daniel CHANGE: Doubled the running cost for all locos, they were smaller than the avarage truck running cost before. Now running costs for train engines are higher than truck running costs in average. - CHANGE: Raised the capacity of all trucks by 10-30%. Trucks should be able to compete (at least sometimes) with trains. - CHANGE: Power station has now upto three suppliers (was two formerly). I hope this is enough to produce electric energy more continuously.
03/28/01 - CHANGE: compiled a new Linux test version with a different setup of libraries (left out all DGA libs in Allegro setup). The new version runs on a wider range of Linux systems now. 03/23/01 - CHANGE: Cleanups for new map window, sets scroll positions to actual map coordinates when opening a new map window. - CHANGE: Text drawing routines can now choose from two fixed width fonts and one proportional font. - CHANGE: The image of the power connectors at power stations was changed to a grey power line segment. - CHANGE: Linux version can now be built with Allegro, sound and music works, mouse is self-managed as in windows fullscreen mode: - NEW: Sound effect for income/expenditure. 03/22/01 - NEW: Powerlines. Power stations get power connectors. The player can place transformer stations near other industries and connect power stations power connectors and the transformer stations with powerlines. Hotkeys: 'g' to place a transformer station 'l' to build a powerline - NEW: A 4x7 font, used in relief map to display town names. Small and hard to read. - CHANGE: Event handling during scrolling changed. Now the frame_time is no longer changed during dragging the map. This should prevent some possible problems (passenger rate) with a ridiculous fast looping main loop (which was the result of a map drag before). - CHANGE: Fixed width font drawing routines clip correctly now. 03/21/01 - CHANGE: Goods/destination objects changed from heap allocation to stack allocation and to value variables instead of pointers. The former solution (heap/pointers) was always a source of problems. The new implementation should be more robust against several error types (dangling pointers!). It's probably not more correct than before, but allows to keep playing even if an error occured. This solution needs to copy more memory (16/24 bytes instead of four for each assignment but saves one indirection on each value access and saves calls to new/delete. All in all it seems to be rougly as fast as before (no measureable difference). I think, it's even faster now. - CHANGE: Changed event queue indices in simsys_d.c to unsigned types.
They were always checked for higher bound, but not for lower bound. Making them unsigned prevents the occurance of negative values, and a higher bound check is now sufficent to ensure values of valid range. Similar to the change above, this might not be more correct than before but it should be more robust against errors than before. - CHANGE: Changed a few more lists to list templates to gain type safe interfaces. Should allow better error checking by the compiler. - CHANGE: Changed memory allocation scheme of map squares. They prefer to keep memory instaed of freeing it. They just free memory if they have space for more than 32 objects but contain less than 8 objects. In other cases they keep the allocated space. This reduces the number of calls to new/delete and should therefore speed up the program, but it might use up to four times more memory than before (couldn't verfiy this, the game needed 12 megs to play a 256x256 map before and still needs less than 13 megs for a 256x256 map). 03/20/01 - FIX: Fixed a bugs which destroyed the freelist of the node_container_t by accident. Cause was a freelist=0 in the cosntructorof the node_container while freelist is a staic member and should not be nulled in the constructor.result was a memory leak. - CHANGE: Allow putback of node lists in node_container_t. This reduces the number of calls to new and delete and should be more efficient. It simpliefies code and moved two implementations to a single source, thus enhancing maintainability. The queue_t and Stack classes benefit from this feature. - FIX: Fixed a memory leak in sound_frame_t. Sliders and labels are now data fields of the class instead allocated spearately on the heap. This way they are automatically free'd if the frame is deleted. - CHANGE: Updated two of my houses, adjusted window sizes and wall colors. Added a lamp (lit at night) to one of the houses. 03/19/01 - CHANGE: Some memory management changes started: - reduced number of calls to new/delete by reusing node objects (nodes are used in all linked data containers and are allocated/deallocated very frequently - changed HNode and KNode (goods routing and vehicle routing) memory management to use freelists. 03/18/01 - CHANGE: Image updates from Trikky and Oskari included - CHANGE: Mouse pointer no longer visible during loading, saving and while creating a new map. This prevents the 'footsteps' problem. 03/17/01 - CHANGE: Relative volumes of music/sound adjusted. - CHANGE: Sound volume has a wider adjustment range now. 03/15/01 - CHANGE: included Ricks updated images - FIX: Event handling problem in options dialog fixed, this fixes also event problems in the new savegame slot dialog. This also makes the buttons real 'pressable', not just 'touchable' as before. 03/14/01 - NEW: MIDI playing routines by Owen Rudge integrated - NEW: MIDI volume selector to sound control added
- FIX: Saving games with Shift-S works again - CHANGE: Mouse position update changed, last change had a bug introduced 03/10/01 - NEW: A very simple savegame chooser. Allows to select one of five savegame slots for loading and saving a game - FIX: Fixed a bug in convoi (train) loading code. There was a little chance that convois (trains) were saved in an inconsisten state. This fix recovers the convoi state during loading the game. - CHANGE: added a new interface class for listening for button press events to the gui class hierarchy - CHANGE: tried to enhance timer precision from 5 ms to 2 ms (Only Windows version, other versions already had a precision of 1 ms); - CHANGE: replaced one of Trikkys buildings with an updated version - CHANGE: included steam loco sound - CHANGE: improved mouse pointer movement (only Windows version). 03/08/01 - CHANGE: idle_time now drops until below 50s - CHANGE: passengers are routed in groups of up to 7 - CHANGE: passengers are appalled by crowded stations in goups of 8 (was 4 before) - CHANGE: passengers are appalled by not finding a route in goups of 4 (was 1 before) - CHANGE: tried to optimize haltestelle_t::suche_route() 03/05/01 - CHANGE: cities step only every fourth row per step (was every second row before) - CHANGE: buildings creates twice as much passenders as before to make up for the slower step frequency 03/04/01 NEW: Sound control window (only volume control so far) NEW: Label component for UI CHANGE: Sped up display_img by another 3% with a tip from Frans CHANGE: Included Frans in intro scroller and thanks.txt FIX: If an animated building was renewed the animation count was not set correctly and a wrong image was displayed for some time. This is fixed now. - CHANGE: map window display maps <= 256x256 squares without scrolling, bigger maps are displayed in a scrollable window of 250x250 pixels in size. (Currently the scrollbars are just inactiv during the display of smaller maps). - FIX: X-Windows: Exposure-event wird jetzt richtig verarbeitet NEW: Scrollpane class (scrolling canvas for UI components) NEW: Container class for UI components NEW: Frame class for UI components CHANGE: Maximum map size is now 576x576 squares CHANGE: Relief map got scrollbars
03/03/01 -
03/01/01 - CHANGE: A new private car - CHANGE: Improved some images (city buildings) 02/28/01 - CHANGE: Optimized the assembler routines even further with tips from Frans. Gained another 6-10% in speed.
02/24/01 - CHANGE: Large cities call INT_CHECK more frequently now. This makes vehicles movement smoother. - CHANGE: Passengers are routed in groups of three if possible, this enhances overall performance in games with big cities. - CHANGE: Drawing routines rewritten in assembly language, now at least 15% faster than before. - CHANGE: Route building for AI cleans up datastructures after route calculation. - CHANGE: Changed the AI and road/railroadbuilding code to reduce the 'stalls' in vehicle movement. 02/18/01 - FIX: 'waddling' trains fixed (by Till) - FIX: The pause mode is working correctly now Press 'p' to pause the game - CHANGE: Tree placement improved (by Till) - FIX: Cities no longer destroy bridges when building things below them - FIX: It's no longer possible toremove depots while there are vehicles in them - FIX: Off screen sounds are now muted (clipped) correctly even in higher screen resolutions - CHANGE: Sounds which are farther away are less loud than sounds from near things. - CHANGE: If an existing schedule is opened for editing, the default action should not be 'remove'. Now 'select' is the default action. 02/11/01 - CHANGE: Closing a tool window reverts theselceted tool to the information tool. - FIX: Day/night switch on title screen works now. 01/28/01 - CHANGE: If there is no train/convoi yet, and a new engine is baught, a new train/convoi is automatically created and the engine is added. - FIX: VELO in en.tab changed to DIBU 01/24/01 - FIX: Clipping rectangle bug fixed 01/21/01 - FIX: Railway stations can't be bult on level crossings anymore - FIX: TPDIesel entry corrected in de.tab/en.tab - CHANGE: included Dirks/Manfreds new de.tab 01/18/01 - FIX: There was a bug in the calculation of the direction of a newly built bus stop 01/14/01 - CHANGE: memory management for goods changed to list based management - CHANGE: included Oskaris new images - CHANGE: added Sounds for ship depot/harbour building tools - CHANGE: Cities build stadiums when they reach 2000 inhabitants - NEW: Basic support for animated buildings - FIX: The landscape pointer is only redrawn if really needed (shape changed or moved). This should save some percent of CPU time if the pointer isn't moved. 01/12/01 - FIX: level crossings can't be built on slopes anymore
- FIX: bus stops can't be placed on level crossings anymore 01/10/01 - FIX: a bug in rail track display code (displayed end of lines under signals) - FIX: windows get events, even if the last mouse click was outside the windwo 01/07/01 - Added tools to create level crossings; this tool adds rails to roads. Together with the former level crossing tool, this gives a general prupose levele crossing building tool. - Added infrastructure to bind sounds to tool selection and execution - Fixed bus-stop bug 01/05/01 - Added tools to create level crossings; this tool adds roads to railroads. This means you always need to build railroad tracks first. - Added icons for tool, a landscape pointer for tool and images for the crossings itself 01/04/01 - Changing the program to use the new ground and way classes - Ran some tests to see if the new ground classes work well 01/03/01 - Preparing the program for level crossings and combined traffic -> introduced a new class hierarchy for ground and way types which supersedes the old class hierarchy. 29.12.00 - Merge mit Niels Sourcen - Brcken und Tunnelwerkzeuge in Strassen- und Schienenbaufenster verschoben 28.12.00 - NEU: Tab-Panels fr Depot-Fenster 24.12.00 - FIX: Falls Schienebau fehlgeschlagen wurde als Fallback Strasse gebaut ohne zu prfen ob fr die Waren berhaupt Strassenfahrzeuge verfgbar sind - CHANGE: Waren haben Koordinaten statt Koordinaten-Zeigern fr die Ziele. Das behebt das Problem der mehrfachen Freigabe gleicher Koordinaten - CHANGE/FIX: Laden von Planquadraten ermittelt max_index jetzt anders. Das sollte das Problem max_index >= capacity beheben. Ist nach der nderung nicht merh aufgetreten Ein assert() prft diese Bedingung in der Debug-Version. 20.12.00 - CHANGE: Stdte erzeugen beim renovieren keine neuen Gebaeude-Objecte sondern updaten die alten. Das behebt ein Speicherloch. 17.12.00 - CHANGE: GUI: Buttonlisten auf Vector-Template umgestellt - CHANGE: Fahrplan mit 0 Stops fhrt nicht mehr zum Absturz - CHANGE: Fahrplan benutzt jetzt auch array_tpl 16.12.00 - CHANGE: Beschleunigung wird jetzt aus dem Fahrzeuggewicht errechnet - CHANGE: Anheben von Wasser mit Konvertierung zu Land ist jetzt mglich - CHANGE: Endverbraucher (Fabriken) knnen jetzt in Stdten platziert werden. - FIX: obj_ist_da() strtze ab, wenn gar kein Objekt auf diesem Feld vorhanden war 10.12.00 - CHANGE: Ribi von Stadtstraen werden jetzt richtig gesetzt
- NEU: Kosten fr Bau und Abri von Tunnels und Brcken werden verrechnet - NEU: Gewicht und Leistung pro Convoi werden jetzt ermittelt 09.12.00 - NEU: Testflle fr Objektverwaltung im Planquadrat - FIX: "berbauen" von nicht-entfernbaren Dingen ist jetzt nicht mehr mglich - CHANGE: Staedte steppen nur jede zweite Zeile, erzeugen dabei aber pro Gebaeude doppelt so viele Passagiere. Das sollte Rechenzeit sparen. 08.12.00 - CHANGE: Planquadrate haben dynamische Objektverwaltung und koennen bis zu 2^15 Objekte verwalten. 06.12.00 - CHANGE: diagonales Scrolling per Keyboard ist jetzt mglich - CHANGE: daten.pak enthlt jetzt die Anzahl der gespeicherten Bilder - CHANGE: Stdte bauen Stadien jetzt erst bei 1050 Einwohnern 05.12.00 - FIX: setRGB8multi wieder benutzt, ist bei Merge mit Niels sourcen am 30.11.00 entfallen 02.12.00 - FIX: 'done' Button im Fahrplan-Dialog ffnet nicht mehr das Infofenster eines darunterliegenden Objekts - CHANGE: Warteschleife fuer Wartezeiten von weniger als 1 ms - Freispielmodus eingebaut, ergnzt Testmodus - Pasis verbessertes Stadtinfo-Fenster eingebaut 30.11.00 - Merge mit Niels sourcen 29.11.00 Hotkey q,x zu Q,X gendert Hotkey t fr Schienenbau CHANGE: karte_t::destroy loescht alle Blocktrecken CHANGE: 'max. 10/60 Passagiere' zu '10/60 Passagiere' gendert
27.11.00 Suche nach Fehler, der die Grafikstrungen hervorrufen knnte 2 Stunden erfolglos gesucht 26.11.00 - GUI um Tag und Nacht Modus an-/abzuschalten - FIX: Kennfarbe des Spielers wird bei Nacht richtig gespeichert/geladen 25.11.00 - weitere Arbeiten an Tag&Nacht Modus - CHANGE: mehr Lichter bei Nacht - FIX: Kennfarbe des Spielers bleibt bei Nacht erhalten 23.11.00 - weitere Arbeiten an Tag&Nacht Modus 22.11.00 - setRGB8multi fuer effizienteren Farbwechsel - mehr INT_CHECKS fuer besseres Fahrzeugfahren 20.11.00 - Merge mit Niels sourcen 19.11.00 - Tag-und-Nacht-Modus 16.11.00 FIX: Fahrplne haben jetzt Speicher fr 16 Eintrge Merge mit Niels sourcen FIX: Ricks Fabrik ist 599 statt 699 Ricks toolbar
- Vehikelbauer ist auf den vehbesch typen basiert statt auf tabellen. - KI prft die Verfgbarkeit von Fahrzeugen vor dem Streckenbau - Abschluss der Industriekonfiguration, Einbau der Autofabrik 13.11.00 - slist_tpl: Typsicheres List-Template 12.11.00 - industry.tab fertig - Waren/Industrien sind jetzt frei konfigurierbar 11.11.00 - NEU: industry.tab (begonnen) 09.11.00 - NEU: Warendaten werden aus Datei gelesen, warenbauer als Factory-Klasse fr Waren 08.11.00 - NEU: Pause-Funktion - NEU: Anzeige fuer Fracht in 'aktuell/maximal' 03.11.00 - NEU: eigene, einheitliche Random-Funktion, Plattformunabhngig - NEU: Reliefkarte "draggable" - NEU: Window wird bei Klick in Window-Koerper getoppt. 02.11.00 - NEU: Beschraenkungen fuer Fahrzeugkombinationen - FIX: Fahrzeuge auf Bruecken/Tunel werden jetzt von pruefer_ob_strecke_frei richtig gezaehlt - FIX: block_ersetzer behandelt Bruecken/Tunnel jetzt richtig - FIX: Signale entfernen funktioniert jetzt 01.11.00 - Window-Close Button wird richtig gedrueckt 31.10.00 - Repeat Buttons 30.10.00 - Merge abgeschlossen 29.10.00 - Merge mit Niels sourcen 28.10.00 - FIX: Umbau des GUI auf Komponenten 24.10.00 - FIX: Rckbau des Speichermanagements fr gebude_t - FIX: Einfahren in Bahnhof prft jetzt auf Schienen - CHANGE: intro scroller text 23.10.00 - FIX: Anpassung Fenstergroesse an 11er LINESPACE - FIX: Zuege fahren ber Bruecken statt untendurch - FIX: free_entries in memblock_t wurde nicht init, das ist jetzt behoben - CHANGE: nderung im Speichermanagement fr Gebude 19.10.00 NEU: Fenster knnen mit DEL und Backspace geschlossen werden NEU: Wegpunkte werden mit Koordinaten aufgelistet CHANGE: Textabstand auf 11 Zeilen erhht CHANGE: "Cr" wurde in creditszeichen umgeschrieben CHANGE: Betriebskosten werden jetzt aus vehikel.tab gelesen und pro feld verrechnet. - FIX: Beim Entfernen eines Bahnhofs wird ein Schienenende wieder zu einem Schienenende
16.10.00 - FIX: beim Einfgen von Koordinaten in eine Route wurden die Hoehen nicht mit verschoben. Jetzt werden Hoehen von 0 eingefuegt
- NEU: Scrolling per Tastatur 15.10.00 NEU: NEU: NEU: NEU: NEU: Blickpunkt wird mit Karte gespeichert neue Option "zeige passagiere" Soundwerte in vehikel.tab und vehbesch.cc Option -log schreibt logfile Fortschrittanzeige beim Laden/Speichern und neuen Spiel
14.10.00 - CHANGE: neues memory management, wird von koord und sync_wolke_t benutzt, da diese Klassen sehr haeufig instanziiert und geloescht werden. 12.10.00 - FIX: Schienen ber Schienen legen funktioniert jetzt richtig, Blockstrecken bleiben an den Signalen getrennt - Test geschrieben - FIX: Depots entfernen funktioniert jetzt richtig, im ersten Schritt wird das depot entfernt, im zweiten die Schiene - Test geschrieben - CHANGE: stepgruppen von 7 auf 14 hochgesetzt - CHANGE: Wasser stept jetzt jedesmal - CHANGE: Baeume steppen jedesmal und berechnen das Alter richtig, Baeume saemen an insgesamt drei tagen im Baumleben 08.10.00 - NEU: Sound-API begonnen 07.10.00 - FIX: Kontostand ist jetzt 64 bit Wert (long long) 05.10.00 - FIX: Post kann nur auf leerem Feld gebaut werden - FIX: besserer Text fr Intro-Scroller 04.10.00 - NEU: Intro-Scroller 03.10.00 FIX: routing um Faktor 35 beschleunigt FIX: Kennfarbe wird gespeichert und geladen NEU: Staedte bauen Stadien TEST: Fussgaenger
30.09.00 - Zge halten in T-frmigen Bahnhfen jetzt richtig - FIX: Routing von Waren zur Zielfabrik verbessert: statt entfernung halt->basis zu Fabrik wird jetzt die Fabrikliste der Haltestelle zu rate gezogen um zu sehen ob die ware abgeliefert werden kann. 27.09.00 - Automatische Tests fr das Schienenverlegen begonnen - Testsuite ausgelagert 23.09.00 - simworld.cfg speichert einstellungen: Sprache 20.09.00 - Neues fr.tab integriert 19.09.00 - "delete void * considered harmful": der destructor wird nicht aufgerufen. Deswegen slist.delete_all entfernt und ersetzt. 17.09.00 - NEU: vector klasse und array template 16.09.00 - NEU: Testsuite begonnen
08.09.00 - FIX: bei Truecolor wird das Bild nach einer nderung der Palette neu gezeichnet. 04.09.00 - FIX: Welt wird nach laden komplett neu gezeichnet - CHANGE: auflaufen der hinteren Waggons bei Halt vermieden - CHANGE: Zge klemmen nicht mehr nach halt in kurve, allerdings stimmt das setup nach dem Halt nicht mehr bis der Zug in einen Kopfbahnhof einfhrt. - CHANGE: Fahrplan-UI selekiert add-mode oder remove, je nachdem ob der Fahrplan leer ist oder nicht 01.09.00 - Ungelst: Haltestellen (docks?) um lfelder herum knnen nur geladen werden, wenn sie Spieler 0 gehren. Gehren sie Spieler 1 dann strtzt das Programm beim zweiten Ladeversuch ab. - FIX: Zge mit mehr als 4 Waggons routen jetzt auch in Durchgangbahnhfen richtig 31.08.00 - NEU: Oelfelder funktionieren jetzt - FIX: verteile_waren bedient meherer Haltetsellen jetzt richtig, hatte zuvor n-mal die Ware verteilt - FIX: uninit. Zeiger in simfab.cc behoben 30.08.00 - FIX: Verkehr fhrt jetzt richtig ber Hgel und Senken - CHANGE: Verkehr behindert Automobile 29.08.00 - FIX: Tunnel und Brckenbau funktioniert wieder - FIX: zwei mglicherweise uninit. zeiger in simplay.cc behoben. 28.08.00 - FIX: Bounds check bei raise_to/lower_to war falsch 24.08.00 - NEU: Anzeige der Mauskoordinaten (int Kartenkoordinaten) - CHANGE: Stadtnamen sind jetzt eindeutig. 23.08.00 - CHANGE: Auslagerung Depotdaten in "depot.tab" 20.08.00 CHANGE: Auslagerung Gebaeudebeschreibungen in "gebaeude.tab" FIX: X-Windows+dirty rectangle list jetzt auch in 16/32 bit FIX: Redraw der Iconleiste nur wenn ntig FIX: Kennfarbenumschaltung zeichnet ganzes Bild neu
19.08.00 - NEU: Altersangabe fr Fahrzeuge - CHANGE: vehikel_t etwas berarbeitet - CHANGE: Berechnung von Restwert fr verkaufte Fahrzeuge (ca. 70% nach erstem Jahr) 17.08.00 - FIX: Gebudeindex fr Gebeudearrays der Stadt wird in renoviere richtig geclipped - FIX: bug aus fahre() entfernt, der durch die Koordinatenumstellung verursacht worden war, eigentlich ein tippfehler - NEU: Vehikel knnen im Depot verkauft werden 16.08.00 - dirty rectangle list vervollstndigt - FIX: maximal 8 Loks und 32 Fahrzeuge knnen in einem Dept eingelagert werden. 14.08.00 - dirty rectangle list weitergebaut 13.08.00 - dirty rectangle list weitergebaut - viele Umstrukturierungen
- koords wo es sinn macht - einige vereinheitlichengen bei schreibweisen (setze) 12.08.00 - dirty rectangle list begonnen 09.08.00 - CHANGE: Zge fahren jetzt immer bis zum Bahnsteigende 07.08.00 - FIX: Stadt baut Gebude nur auf Feldern ohne Besitzer. 04.06.00 - 32 Farben in der Palette sind jetzt zustzlich verfgbar - GUI fr farben aus simgui getrennt und nach gui verschoben 02.08.00 - generisches Makepak fr alle Plattformen - Doppelte Info-Fenster fr Haltestellen abgeschaltet 30.07.00 - FIX: Beim Trennen einer Ringstrecke wird jetzt die Blockbelegung richtig ermittelt 29.07.00 - Bugfixes - Riffe fr unbefahrbares Wasser 26.07.00 - Abschliessende Arbeiten am Fahrplandialog - Einbau von Olufs Fhre 24.07.00 - Weitere Arbeit am Fahrplandialog - CHANGE: Fahrzeuge haben keinen eigenen Fahrplan mehr nur noch Zeiger auf den Convoi-Fahrplan - CHANGE: anderes Design fr Fenstertitelleisten 23.07.00 Weitere Weitere CHANGE: CHNAGE: Arbeit am Fahrplandialog Anpassungen fr SDL Statusanzeigende Buttons werden jetzt gedrckt dargestellt erweitertes event-handling fr Info-Fenster
20.07.00 - Beginn Fahrplandialog (Fenster, Anzeige Fahrplan) 19.07.00 - Anpassungen fr SDL (BeOS) 16.07.00 - FIX: start von convois mit nur einem Fahrzeug funktioniert wieder - CHANGE/FIX: Passagiererzeugungsrate pro stadt ist jetzt von der Stadtanzahl unabhngig, liegt bei ca. 1/4 der vorherigen Passagiererzeugungsrate; das limitiert jedoch die Stadtanzahl auf 64 Staedte insgesamt. 15.07.00 - FIX: Beim Absenken auf Wasserniveau werden alle Objekte des Planquadrates gelscht 12.07.00 - CHANGE: Neues Gras - FIX: verbessertes/effizienteres clipping fuer display_img 09.07.00 - FIX: Softzeiger hinterlaesst keine Abdruecke mehr auf der Iconleiste - CHANGE: Gewinn wird jetzt nach route(max_n)-route(0) berechnet - FIX: Fahrplaene fuer Trabantenfahrzeuge werden vom Erstfahrzeug uebernommen 08.07.00 - Screenshot feature - FIX: Unzerreisbare Zge 06.07.00 - FIX: Verbesserung der Landschaftzeigerpositionierung
vor allem bessere Platzierung des Signalzeigers - FIX: Wenn das Infofenster eines Fahrzeugs offen ist und man das Fahrzeug in ein Depot schickt erfolgt kein Absturz mehr - FIX: Signale entfernen nochmals korrigiert - FIX: Schienen entfernen nochmals korrigiert 05.07.00 - Fehlersuche in der Blockstreckenverwaltung - FIX: Bahnhoefe koennen nur auf eigenen Schienen gebaut werden 03.07.00 - FIX: laden kleinerer Karten jetzt mglich - CHANGE: Signale werden jetzt immer paarweise entfernt - Eddies Korrekturen zur en.tab eingefgt 29.06.00 - FIX: Entfernen von Privatfahrzeugen verboten - FIX: Depotnamen werden wieder i18n - Ricks engl. Stadtnamen eingebaut 28.06.00 - Finnische bersetzung eingebaut - Sprachnamen stehen jetzt als 1. Zeile in den Sprachfiles 24.06.00 - FIX: Laden und Speichern des Warenziels, Erzeugung einer Warenzielkopie bei Teilen eines Warenpaketes - FIX: Waggons bekommen hat_fracht_bild wieder gesetzt, war Fehler im Vehikelbauer, fracht.is_empty() wird bei waggons richtig bercksichtigt. - FIX: Reliefkarte: Klick in die unteren 16 Zeilen funktioniert jetzt wieder - FIX: Lieferung von Waren mit Eingangsindex != 0 and Fabriken funktioniert jetzt wieder. - FIX: Baeume und Wolken rufen kein delete im step() auf. Das delete wird jetzt vom Planquadrat bernommen 23.06.00 Passagiererzeugung in Fabriken Passagiererzeugung in Staedten beruecksichtigt Fabriken Passagiererzeugung in Staedten beruecksichtigt Ausflugsziele Passagiererzeugung in Ausflugszielen FIX: Kohlekraftwerk hatte ausgang[0] nicht allokiert FIX: Warenendziel kann von Warenziel(Haltestelle) unterschiedlich sein, Vereinheitlichung verursachte Fehler im Routing. - FIX: Postgebaeude auf Fundament konnten den Boden nicht als Haltestellenboden setzten. Verzicht auf Fundament.
22.06.00 - FIX: Stadnamen internationalisiert - FIX: Haltestellennamen internationalisiert - neuer Fenstertyp w_info_autosize 21.06.00 - FIX: Bei der Teilung von Waren an Haltestellen werden die Zielkoordinaten der neuen Ware neu erzeugt - Speicherlcher im Warenrouting behoben - Auslieferung von Waren an Fabriken funktioniert wieder 20.06.00 - Routing fr Passagiere und waren funktioniert im Prinzip - CHANGE: altes, quotenbasiertes Passagiersammeln wurde aus dem Programm entfernt - Verdacht auf Speicherlcher im Warenrouting - Erzeugung von Waren mit Zielen funktioniert jetzt im Prinzip 19.06.00 - Passagiererzeugung in den Stdten begonnen - Stadtinfo-Fenster begonnen
18.06.00 - Ziele fr Waren und Passagiere - Neue GUI-Hierarchie - CHANGE: Map-Window wurde zu einer eigenen Klasse 17.06.00 - Ziele fr Waren und Passagiere, Ziellisten fr Haltestellen - CHANGE: Haltestelleninfofenster werden ber Boden geffnet 15.06.00 - Interface comparable_t fuer ADT Menge - FIX: Plastiktransporter transportiert jetzt auch Plastik 14.06.00 ADT "Menge" begonnen CHANGE: Boden hat jetzt pointer auf Haltestellen CHANGE: Haltestellen werden jetzt ber Boden gesucht und gefunden FIX: Boden hat virtuellen Destruktor, der Boden von Haltestelle abmeldet.
13.06.00 - FIX: Windows-Version laden/speichern funktioniert jetzt - Neues Statdgebaeude: Kirche 11.06.00 10.06.00 Schiffe, Schiffsrouten Tests und Bugfixes fr Schiffe FIX: laden der Fahrzeugtabelle ldt letztes Fahrzeug richtig FIX: statt aussteigender Passagiere fahren die mitgefahrenen Pax Auslagerung der Fahrzeugdaten fr alle Fahrzeugtypen vereinheitlicht Bilder fr Schiffsdepots + Zeiger Schiffdepotwerkzeug Schiffdepots Schiffe (ungetestet) Performanceoptimierungen in der Grafik
08.06.00 - Auslagerung der Fahrzeugdaten fertig - Bilder fr Schiffsdepots begonnen 07.06.00 - Auslagerung der Fahrzeugdaten in vehikel.tab begonnen 04.06.00 - Erste Docks (Bilder + Werkzeug) 01.06.00 - FIX: top_win implementiert - Werkzeugwaehler Fenster 28.05.00 - Erste Version mit winallegro Einige Anpassungen an Windows-Spezifika - FIX: INT_CHECK wird in step jetzt nur noch alle 1024 planquadrate aufgerufen - step() von boden wird nur gerufen, wenn der boden will_step gesetzt hat 25.05.00 - FIX: Signale melden sich beim entfernen immer bei der Blockstrecke ab. - Zugbilder um je 2 Pixel verbreitert, Depots angepasst 25.05.00 - Neue Diesellokomotive 22.05.00 - Lagerhaeuser zur Zwischenlagerung von Waren. 19.05.00 - Umstellung der Blockstrecken von Zug auf Wagenzhlung macht Blockstreckenmanagement robuster - Info-Fenster der Signale zeigen jetzt die Blockbelegung an
17.05.00 - FIX: Brcken und Tunnels sind wieder befahrbar - Erzanhnger (fr LKW) fertig 13.05.00 - FIX: Bug bei Entfernen von Brcken/Tunnels entfernt - FIX: Entfernen von Dingen ist wieder mglich 12.05.00 - FIX: Fahrzeuge fahren nicht mehr ueber Wiesen, falls der Verkehrsweg zwischendurch entfernt worden ist. - FIX: Verkehrsteilnehmer werden nur noch auf geraden Strassen erzeugt - FIX: Karte ist nach Start auf einer Stadt zentriert - Manfreds Denkmal eingebaut 11.05.00 - Baeume ueberarbeitet - Einige Haeuser ueberarbeitet - Erzbergwerk ueberarbeitet 10.05.00 - Alternative Landschaftserzeugung mit "Perlin Noise" 08.05.00 - Manfreds Staubkesselwaggon eingebaut - Autofabrik verbraucht jetzt Kunststoff - Fabrikfenster fhrt max. Prod jetzt separat auf 30.04.00 - Convois haben jetzt Zaehler fuer Jahresgewinn 29.04.00 - FIX: Schienentunnel/-bruecken entfernen funktioniert jetzt 24.04.00 - FIX: erstes/letztes wird bei Einlagerung in Depot geloescht - FIX: Halt mit/ohne beladen verhaelt sich jetzt gleich -> Zuege fahren vollstaendig in Bahnhoefe ein 23.04.00 - FIX: sync_steppable hat virtuellen destruktor - FIX: Depots ermitteln Fahrzeugnummern besser ??.04.00 - Umstellung DOS Version auf Allegro - Umstellung DOS Version auf DJGPP 2.03 18.04.00 15.04.00 FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX: Land anheben/absenken unter Brcken ist verboten es laesst sich nur noch ein kartenfenster oeffnen Schienen unter Bruecken bauen laesst Bruecken intakt moegliche Fehlerquellen beim Verbinden von Blockstrecken und beim Bau von Signalen in Ringstrecken korigiert
FIX: delta_t bei asynchronem step wird jetzt richtig berechnet FIX: int route.cc INT_CHECK Aufrufe eingefgt -> weniger ruckeln CHANGE: markierungen von grund_t in karte_t verlegt CHANGE: step steppt nur noch jedes 15. Objekt pro Durchlauf CHANGE: step in grund_t wieder virtuell, ohne if
14.04.00 - FIX: laden und speichern von beliebig grossen Karten moeglich - Einstellung fuer Scrollgeschwindigkeit - Einstellung fuer Verkehrdichte 13.04.00 FIX: display_img clipped jetzt oben wieder richtig FIX: verkehrsteilnehmer_r "springen" nicht mehr Vorbereitung "welt gui" zur interaktiven kartenwahl Einstellungsobjekte fr Spieleinstellungen
12.04.00 - Umbau des fabrikbauer_t fuer sinnvolle Platzierung der Industrien - kleine optimierung in display_img und display_color_img
09.04.00 - Umbau von vehikel_t zur Ableitung einer Klasse fuer den Individualverkehr 06.04.00 - Vorbereitungen fuer waehlbare Kartengroessen - Speichereinsparungen am Blockmanager (Markierungen als char statt boo l) 05.04.00 - Speichereinsparungen an ding_t und grund_t (ca. 30%) 02.04.00 - Fahrzeuge werden auf der Reliefkarte angezeigt 01.04.00 Umbau Fahrplaneingabe auf Werkzeugschnittstelle KIs ebnen Land und entfernen Hindernisse beim Bahnhofsbau FIX: Bahnhof entfernen setzt Blockstrecken richtig FIX: Trennen von Blockstrecken verbessert FIX: Fabriknamen werden sprachunabhngig gespeichert FIX: Karte huepft nicht mehr bei erneutem Scrollen FIX: KI orientiert sich am Lagerbestand bei Streckenplanung FIX: "Gekaufte" Felder koennen nicht in der Hoehe veraendert werden
26.03.00 - Kunststoff- und Stahl-LKWs eingebaut - Manfred's Stahltransporter eingebaut - FIX: Convois werden aus Convoiliste entfernt, wenn sie ein Depot betreten - FIX: Gebeude koennen jetzt auch null-Texte speichern - FIX: Signale umstellen kostet kein Geld 25.03.00 - FIX: Tunnelmndungen erhalten richtigen Blockstreckenzeiger - FIX: Brueckenauffahrten erhalten richtigen Blockstreckenzeiger 22.03.00 - Verbesserte Grafikperformnce 30-40% schneller - Bessere Komprimierung des Daten.pak 21.03.00 - FIX: Zeiger laden funktioniert jetzt 19.03.00 - FIX: Signale aufstellen wird besser geprueft - FIX: KI berechnet gewinn jetzt richtig 18.03.00 Helligkeits und Farbeinstellungen werden jetzt gespeichert FIX: Brckenbau nur an Strassen/Schienenenden zugelassen FIX: Fehlermeldung "... muss an einfachem Hang ..." uebersetzt FIX: Zeiger fuer Brueckenbau stimmen jetzt GUI fuer Laden, Speichern und Beenden FIX: Kosten fuer Baeume faellen und Haeuser abreien werden jetzt berechnet
17.03.00 - Neue Blockstreckenverwaltung abgeschlossen - Sehenswuerdigkeiten begonnen 13.03.00 - Mauszeiger Kann nun auch auf Linien plaziert werden Das ist fr die neue Signalsetzfunktion notwendig - Ricks Korrekturen der en.tab integriert 12.03.00 - Blockstreckenverwaltung neu implementiert (Beginn) 11.03.00 FIX: KI-Zustand wird gespeichert Mehrere Farbpaletten zur Auswahl Mehrere Helligkeitstufen zur Auswahl FIX: Haltestelleninfo mit vielen Fabriken funktioniert jetzt
- FIX: Fenster werden immer vollstndig sichtbar geoeffnet 09.03.00 - FIX: Bahnhofsgrund verarbeitet ribis jetzt korrekt 04.03.00 X-Windows: Pointer beim Scrollen unsichtbar FIX: Entfernen fremder Strassen/Schienen nicht mehr moeglich Fahrzeuge knnen in Depots zurckgeschickt werden Hausbeschreibungen begonnen
28.02.00 - Verhindern mehrfacher Fahrplaneingabe. 27.02.00 - Anklicken des Bildes im Infofenster springt zum Objekt 26.02.00 Franzsiche bersetzung integriert Ricks Bauwerke integriert Fabriken haben jetzt info ber abgegebene warenmenge KI nutzt Warenabgabeinfo zur Streckenplanung X-Windows version kann Pointer beim Scrollen im Window fixieren
21.02.00 - Bugfixes fuer KI -> tonnenweise Bugfixes!!! 20.02.00 - Baubaer kann jetzt lokale Optimierungen an Strecken vornehmen 19.02.00 KI baut Strassen und Schienen automatisch KI baut Bahnhfe und Frachthfe Bugfixes fuer Schienenbau und Strassenbau Bugfixes fuer Tunnel und Brueckenbau Bugfix fuer zu viele sync_wolken
16.02.00 - Automatischer Brueckenbau fuer Baubaer funktioniert - KI schtzt Anzahl bentigter Fahrzeuge fuer Route 15.02.00 - Automatische Strassenueberbrueckung bei Schienenbau beggonnen 14.02.00 - Automatische Strassentunnelung bei Schienenbau begonnen 13.02.00 Gebaeudenamen werden mit gespeichert Bushaltestellen sind jetzt wg. Sichtbarkeit zweigeteilt Frachthoefe sind jetzt wg. Sichtbarkeit zweigeteilt Verbesserte Bilddarstellung im Infofenster Verbesserung der KI; Strassenfahrzeuge werden 'sinnvoll' eingesetzt
12.02.00 - Pipelines prinzipiell fertig - Automobile fahren jetzt hintereinander - Automobile halten jetzt an belegten Kreuzungen 10.02.00 - Pipelines begonnen - Refactoring von simdings in Paket dings 09.02.00 - Entfernen von Strassenbruecken moeglich - Entfernen von Eisenbahnbruecken vorbereitet - Iconleiste wird nur gezeichnet wenn ntig (Performance +) 05.02.00 Raffinerien Maximalhoehe fuer Berge Anzeige des sichtbaren Bereiches in der Reliefkarte Fabriken: Produktion vom Lagerbestand abhngig Masseinheiten fuer Waren asynchrones Routing fuer convois
- Reliefkarte zeigt sichtbaren Ausschnitt an - Neuer Bus 04.02.00 - Manfreds Oeltanker eingebaut - Raffinerien angefangen 30.01.00 - Grafiken berarbeitet - Neue timer-routinen beruecksichtigen wirklich verbrauchte zeit. - Strassen in den Staedten mit Gehweg - Kosten fuer Fahrzeuge werden verrechnet 29.01.00 weitere i18n makepak tool von simu getrennt tooltips fr Icons Oelfeld Synchrone Altersberechnung fr Baeume und Gebaeude Tabellen statt switch fuer Baeume und Vehikel
28.01.00 - FIX: Brcken "ins nichts" bauen strtzt nicht mehr ab - Fenster aus Hauptfenster herausschiebbar 23.01.00 - Weitere i18n - Convoi fahren jetzt nach halt an Signal langsam an - aktuelle Sprache wird gespeichert 22.01.00 - "Neuer Fahrplan" Funktion fr Convois - Erste Schritte zur Internationalisierung 20.01.00 - Overlay-Technik fr Strassen und Schienen implementiert 19.01.00 - Fenster knnen automatisch nach Zeitspanne geschlosen werden 15.01.00 FIX: Schienen ber Schienen bauen kostet kein Geld FIX: Schienen ber Schienen bauen entfernt Zge nicht mehr FIX: A* war fehlerhaft Automatischer Brckenbau mglich Darstellung von Schienen in der Reliefkarte verbessert Makefile verbessert Route ist jetzt eigenes Objekt, d.h. Routing ohne Fahrzeuge wird mglich - Passagiere steigen nicht mehr alle gleichzeitig aus, statistisch steigen bei n Haltestellen K/(n-1) Passagiere pro Haltestelle aus. - Haltestellenquote bezieht nun Anzahl wartender Pax/Post mit ein - FIX: Name der Fabriken weren jetzt gespeichert/geladen
14.01.00 - Verbesserungen im Stadtbau - FIX: Strassenbau in den Staedten erzeugt keine Phantomabzweigungen mehr - FIX: Richtige Positionierung der "Schwebetexte" - Wolken werden jetzt synchron entfernt 13.01.00 - Tunnels fertig - Convois bei "Halt ohne umdrehen" verbessert - Neue Diesellokomotive 10.01.00 - Tunnels; die Bilder fr die Tunnelmndungen fehlen noch
08.01.00 -
FIX: Laden/Speichern von Convois macht anz_ready persistent SList fr synchrone Objekte, damit beliebig viele sync. Obj. mgl. Wolken als synchrone Objekte FIX: Start-Button im Depot; Groesse wurde falsch berechnet FIX: Frachtbildinformation wird jetzt gespeichert Fehlermeldungen und Reaktion auf "OUT OF MEMORY" Fehlermeldungen fr Laden/Speichern
06.01.00 - Informationen fr Fahrzeuge - Depotfenster berarbeitet 05.01.00 04.01.00 03.01.00 29.12.99 Baugruben fr Neubaus FIX: Kennfarbe und Zeit speichern und laden FIX: Rauchberechnung in Convoi, Zeitabhngig statt Geschwindigkeit FIX: trennen von Ringstrecken jetzt moeglich Stahlwerk Kohlebergwerk FIX: Name von Haltestellen im Info-Fenster richtig FIX: Frachtbild-Flag wird jetzt bei Fahrzeugen richtig gespeichert Erzlaster Dieselrauch fuer Dieselfahrzeuge Beschleunigung der Zeichenfunktionen Animiertes Wasser FIX: Lokomotive mit Fracht FIX: Haltestellenkonstruktor Wartezeitberechnung fr Hauptschleife als PI-Regler Neues Bahnhofsdach Depotinhalt wird gespeichert Update der Reliefkarte nach laden Neuer Haltestellenzeiger Beschleunigung/Bremsen fr Convois
25.12.99 - Neue Dampflokomotive - Erweiterungen fr Laden/Speichern 23.12.99 - Erweiterungen fr Laden/Speichern 18.12.99 Neue Hierarchie fr Depots (Bahndepot, Straendepot) Neue Hierarchie fr Fahrplne (Bahn, Auto) Bugfixes fr Vehikel, Convoi mit nur einem Vehikel neues Verzeichnis dataobj
17.12.99 - Blockstrecken mit Brcken funktionieren jetzt (hoffentlich) evtl. Probleme mit Blockstrecken die mittels Brcke ber sich selbst hinwegfhren - berarbeitung Brckenbau - Bugfixes fr Vehikel beim befahren einer Brcke - Tests mit assert() - Berechnung der korrekten Kosten bei Landanheben/-absenken 16.12.99 - Haltestellen entfernen ist jetzt mglich - einige Sicherheitschecks eingebaut - Schatten fr Bume und Huser 14.12.99 - Erstmals przise Positionierung des Landschaftszeigers mglich
09.12.99 - asynchrone darstellung mglich - neue Image-Verwaltung ermglicht kompakteres daten.pak 08.12.99 - Haltestellen mit SList fr Grund und Fabriken, damit entfallen die Beschrnkungen auf 16 Felder bzw. 16 Fabriken - Verbesserung von move_win durch offset zum Mauszeiger - Kleine Verschnerungen an Gebaeude-Bildchen 05.12.99 - Fahrzeuge mit variablen Geschwindigkeiten - Abbiegen mit nur einem Fahrzeug in der Kurve 04.12.99 Verbessertes Clipping fr Zeichenfunktionen Verbesserte Window-Darstellung Verbesserte Schilder-Darstellung Softscrolling
03.12.99 - Convoi als Vehikel-Delegate 02.12.99 - Verbesserung convoi_t::ready() - Bahndepot 28.11.99 - Erster Versuch eines Dialoges fr Zugzusammenstellung 27.11.99 - Algorithmus von Dijkstra zum Strassen/Schienenbau implementiert - Neue Gebaeude: Einkaufszentrum und Fabrik 5 - Automatisches Update der Reliefkarte 24.11.99 - Entfernen von Schienenenden mglich 22.11.99 - Entfernen von Signalen mglich - Entfernen von Scheinenstcken aus der Mitte von Blockstrecken ist mglich 21.11.99 - Shared Memory abschaltbar, neue Kommandozeile: "-net" schaltet Shared Memory ab "-map 34" startet karte 34 - Untersttzung fr XWindows 24/32 Bit Farbtiefe (experimentell) - Unterstutzung fr XWindows 16 Bit (565, 555) (experimentell) - Dialog fr Wahl der Spielerfarben - FIX: Traversierung der Blockstrecken betritt jetzt nur Felder mit Schienen 20.11.99 Signale rechts von den Schienen Frachthof in Spielerfarbe Convoi "ist_fahrend" init Posthuschen und Industrie werden beim Satdbau nicht mehr entfernt - FIX: Symbole in Iconleiste erscheinen jetzt in Spielerfarbe FIX: FIX: FIX: FIX:
16.11.99 - Weichen fr Schienen 14.11.99 Bugfix fr Suche nach draw.fnt Bugfix fr fehlende "HOME" Umgebungsvariable Bilder fr Erzbergwerke vollstndig Buttons fr Infofenster, es fehlt noch der Callback Trennen/Vereinigen von befahrenen Blockstrecken jetzt mglich Bugfixes fr Blockstreckenverwaltung
13.11.99 - Alternative Push-Technologie als Ersatz fr SIGNAL verfgbar - Strassenbau fr Stdte verbessert
- neue grere und besser erkennbare Icons - verbesserte Werkzeuge fr den Bau von Bahnhfen, Bushaltestellen und Frachthfen: automatische Richtungserkennung 06.11.99 - Blockstrecken jetzt auch fr Convois (Zge) 03.11.99 - Bugfixes fr Blockstrecken, alle Tests erfolgreich durchlaufen 02.11.99 - Einfach- und Doppelsignale - Bugfixes fr Blockstrecken und Signalverwaltung 01.11.99 - Erste Blockstreckenverwaltung und Signale 09.09.99 - Simu jetzt unabhngig von draw - Simu 16 Bit-faehig 02.06.99 - Bild fuer Rathaus - Erzeugen und Verbrauchen von Waren in Fabriken funktioniert jetzt 31.05.99 - Anpassung Haltestellen an neue Waren - Neue Haltestelle Frachthof (n,s,w,o) - Bruecken jetzt auch mit Zug befahrbar 30.05.99 - Parametrisierbare Fabriken statt Klassenhierarchie - Fabrikbauer - Fahrzeugbauer 29.05.99 - Erste Industrie: Nutzwald und Saegewerk - Transportfahrzeug (LKW) fuer Holz 28.05.99 - Breitensuche statt Tiefensuche fuer Fahrwegsbestimmung (neue ADT Queue und Stack) ??? - Bruecken befahrbar
08.05.99 - Brueckenbau moeglich, aber Bruecken noch nicht befahrbar. neues bild "bridges.gif" fuer Tunnel und Brueckenbildchen 01.05.99 - simwin: Mausklick wirkt nur noch auf oberstes Fenster an dieser postion - Einfuehrung eines ADT SList fur bessere Kontrolle der Zugriffe und ohne Groessenbeschraenkung 15.04.99 Bilder fuer Post, Postzeiger, Postlkw und Postlkwzeiger neuer Warentyp: Post grundlegendes Werkzeug wkz_postlinie Bugfixes fuer vehikel_t beladen() beachtet jetzt warentyp speichern/laden existieren, aber nicht getestet - neue funktion fuer automobil_t set_has_fracht_bild() fuer Fahrzeuge ohne beladene Bilder
10.04.99 - display_img und display_color_img pruefen jetzt xmin < xmax und ymin < ymax (verursacht Abstuerze unter DOS) 02.04.99 - welt->lock sperrt jetzt events; notwendig fuer DOS-version - display_clear() eingespart, welt ist jetzt insel 20.03.99 - Passagierwaggon - korr. Bahnhof Ostwest
- Verzicht auf rein virtuelle Methoden -> defensive Programmierung - Bugfix in kann_alle_entfernen(): beachtet jetzt Spieler - Frachthof neu 13.03.99 10.03.99 07.03.99 Bessere Namensgebung fuer Haltestellen Busse/Passagiere Bushaltestelle Bugfix Fenster verschieben Passagiererzeugung Icons fuer Bahnhof Nordsued und Ostwest Mauszeiger Bahnhof Nordsued und Ostwest Grundlegende Namensvergabe fuer Bahnhoefe ("Boberg Bahnhof") FIX: Stadtpositionen werden jetzt initialisiert Grundlegendes Konzept fuer Bahnhofsbau: Module Problem bei Luecke -> neuer Bahnhof angenommen Icons fuer Raise, Lower, Abfrage und Remover Mauszeiger: Abfrage, Remover Eigene Datei fuer alle Werkzeuge -> Kapselung Aenderung an der KI, aber Streckenplanung immer noch mangelhaft
06.03.99 - Neue Mauszeiger: Strassenbau, Schienenbau, Raise, Lower - Bessere Mauszeigerpositionierung - Icons fuer Reliefkarte, Strassenbau und Schienenbau written by Hj. Malthaner