A Tethered Niacin-Derived Pincer Complex With A Nickel-Carbon Bond in Lactate Racemase
A Tethered Niacin-Derived Pincer Complex With A Nickel-Carbon Bond in Lactate Racemase
A Tethered Niacin-Derived Pincer Complex With A Nickel-Carbon Bond in Lactate Racemase
23. S. Zhu, S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 15913–15916
(2014). actate dehydrogenases are nearly ubiqui- racemase (LarA) was initially stymied by the
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specifically incorporated into the cell wall combinant Lactococcus lactis cells (2). To cir-
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27. R. P. Rucker, A. M. Whittaker, H. Dang, G. Lalic, J. Am. Chem. to vancomycin resistance (1). Lactate racemase the purification. This compound was identified
Soc. 134, 6571–6574 (2012). (Lar), which interconverts the D- and L-isomers as a potent mixed inhibitor (fig. S1) and was
28. A. M. Berman, J. S. Johnson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 5680–5681
of lactic acid, was recently shown to use nickel shown both to stabilize LarA activity and delay
29. D. Lee, J. Yun, Tetrahedron Lett. 45, 5415–5417 (2004). as a cofactor (2), bringing the number of known Ni loss (fig. S2, A and B). Sulfite most probably
30. D. H. Apella, Y. Moritani, R. Shintani, E. M. Ferreira, S. L. Buchwald, Ni-dependent enzymes to nine (3). The structure protects LarA from oxidation because incuba-
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 9473–9474 (1999). of the recombinant apoprotein from Thermo- tion of the enzyme in microaerobic environments
31. C. Deutsch, N. Krause, Chem. Rev. 108, 2916–2927 anaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum (LarATt) had an equivalent effect (fig. S2C), whereas
32. B. H. Lipshutz, K. Noson, W. Chrisman, A. Lower, J. Am. Chem.
lacks the cofactor, leaving open questions of the other reducing agents [dithiothreitol and tris
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33. G. M. Whitesides, E. R. Stedronsky, C. P. Casey, J. San Filippo Jr., ands. Lar activity requires the products of the activity. LarA purified in the presence of sulfite
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(larB, larC, and larE). LarE is a putative adenosine activity (table S1), and its absorbance spectrum
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36. T. G. Gant, J. Med. Chem. 57, 3595–3611 (2014). loop superfamily that, when isolated from cells 550 nm (fig. S2D). These features were absent
37. J. Won, D. Noh, J. Yun, J. Y. Lee, J. Phys. Chem. A 114, also producing LarB and LarC, is able to activate in LarA apoprotein obtained from cells not ex-
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these accessory proteins and the absence of an gesting that the chromophore is associated with
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS identified Ni-binding site in the reported LarATt the metallocenter.
We are grateful to the National Institutes of Health (grant GM structure were compatible with the presence of Protein molecular mass differences observed
58160 to S.L.B.) and the University of Pittsburgh (P.L.) for financial a Ni-binding cofactor in Lar. by using LC-ESI-MS further demonstrate the
support. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors To interrogate the nature of Ni-binding in presence of an additional compound in LarA
and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
National Institutes of Health. We acknowledge Y. Zhao (Swager Lar, we used liquid chromatography–electrospray holoprotein. Whereas the mass of LarA apo-
group) for helpful discussions. We thank Y.-M. Wang and ionization–mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) to protein corresponded to its predicted 47,393
M. T. Pirnot for assistance with the preparation of the manuscript. identify a prosthetic group on the enzyme. We daltons (for protein missing its N-terminal Met)
Calculations were performed at the Center for Simulation and also determined the x-ray structure of LarA (Fig. 1A), the LarA holoprotein purified in the
Modeling at the University of Pittsburgh and the Extreme Science
and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) supported by containing the cofactor. Biochemical charac- presence of 50 mM sulfite was 451 T 1 daltons
the National Science Foundation. terization of Lactobacillus plantarum lactate greater (Fig. 1B). Because of the LC purifica-
tion prior to injection, the protein only retained
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
strongly attached compounds, and hence, sul-
www.sciencemag.org/content/349/6243/62/suppl/DC1 2
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan fite or other loosely bound molecules would
Materials and Methods State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. 3Institute of Life not account for this mass increase. When in-
Supplementary Text Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la- cubated for 1 day at room temperature in buffer
Figs. S1 to S6 Neuve, Belgium. 4Department of Chemistry, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
containing only 0.1 mM sulfite, a substantial
17 April 2015; accepted 19 May 2015 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (JH); portion of LarA holoprotein decreased in mass
10.1126/science.aab3753 [email protected] (RPH) by 30 T 1 and 56 T 1 daltons (Fig. 1C), indicating
Observed mass (OM)* OM – peptide (–1161.676)† OM – peptide – NAMN + H2O (–1478.706)† D‡ Theoretical mass of D
*Observed mass (OM, in daltons) is the average of masses observed by using positive and negative ionization modes (Fig. 2A and fig. S4). The “plus/minus” represents
the 95% confidence interval (normal distribution, n = 4 m/z peaks). †Mass of the tryptic peptide (residues 184 to 194) or tryptic peptide plus NAMN subtracted
from OM (in daltons). ‡Additional atoms that are likely to be present.
To investigate the nature of the cofactor, we nucleotide (NAMN) derivative in all species represents a snapshot of the active LarA. As shown
grew recombinant Lc. lactis cells expressing (fig. S6 and supplementary text). This result in the Fo-Fc omit map (Fig. 3B), Ni is coordinated
the lar operon in chemically defined medium also suggests that the NAMN derivative is at- with the side-chain of His200 and a NAMN de-
(4) that was selectively depleted of particular tached to the lysine through its carboxylic acid rivative that is covalently attached to Lys184 and
vitamins. Niacin (nicotinic acid or nicotinamide) rather than by the sugar phosphate. After sub- interacts with several highly conserved residues.
was necessary for generating Lar activity (fig. tracting the mass of the NAMN, the additional The electron density profile supports a linkage of
S3), suggesting that niacin is a precursor of the mass (131.864 T 0.014 daltons) corresponds to C3 of the pyridinium ring to Lys184 with strong
LarA cofactor. To directly test this hypothesis, the addition of CS2Ni2+ (131.864 daltons) because electron density, which is comparable with the
we grew Lc. lactis cells in the presence of tetra- the closest alternative formula (CO2SNi2+: 131.882 density of the S of the spatially close Met224, at
deuterated nicotinic acid and analyzed the pu- daltons) falls outside the 95% confidence interval the position expected for O of an amide bond (fig.
rified LarA by means of MS. The resulting mass of the measurement (Table 1). The masses of the S10), strongly suggesting S occupies this position.
of LarA showed a 2 T 0.5–dalton mass increase observed fragments also support this formula The electron density on C5 of the pyridinium ring
compared with the holoenzyme isolated from (fig. S5 and supplementary text). In addition, the has a shape and density (comparable with that of
control cultures (Fig. 1, B and E), indicating that isotopic distribution of this species is in agreement the S of Met224) (fig. S10), suggesting a thiocarbox-
the nicotinic acid was incorporated into the pro- with the theoretical model. In particular, the ylic acid where the S faces Ni. Collectively, the
tein and that two deuterium atoms had under- lower abundance of the M+1 species versus the crystallographic data suggest a cofactor with
gone substitution. M and M+2 species is a fingerprint of Ni presence CS2Ni added to the NAMN (Fig. 3B), which is
To better define the structure of this nicotinic (Fig. 2B) because it reflects the isotopic distribu- consistent with the MS data (Table 1). As a result,
acid derivative, we digested LarA containing nor- tion of Ni (58Ni, 68%; 59Ni, 0%; and 60Ni, 26% Ni is coordinated by the S atoms of a thioamide
mal or deuterated cofactors with trypsin and abundance). and a thiocarboxylic acid along with His200 and
analyzed the peptides by means of LC-ESI-MS. Assuming the 1610-dalton species is the native C4 of the pyridine ring, forming a distorted square
We detected four peptides eluting with similar Ni-containing cofactor, the 1554-dalton species planar complex. A previous study suggested Ni
retention times in both positive and negative could directly arise from it by loss of Ni2+ (Table 1), coordination by two His (2), but this cofactor
ionization mode, all of which contained a 2.010 T which is consistent with the loss of 56 T 1 daltons was not included when modeling those data and
0.003–dalton mass increase when d4-nicotinic from the holoprotein depleted of sulfite (Fig. 1C), could substitute for one of the His side chains.
acid containing protein was digested, demonstrat- whereas the 1586- and 1570-dalton species could The additional thiocarboxylic acid and the Ni-C
ing the presence of a covalently bound nicotinic arise from gain of O2 or half O2, respectively, by the bond explain the loss of two deuterium atoms
acid derivative (Fig. 2A, Table 1, and fig. S4A). 1554-dalton species. An alternative 1554-dalton from the d4-nicotinic acid in the final cofactor
The molecular mass of the 1610-dalton species species could arise from loss of S or O from the (Figs. 1E and 2A).
corresponds to the addition of 448.894 T 0.014 1586- or 1570-dalton species, respectively (Table 1, The LarA metallocenter resembles pincer com-
daltons to the peptide (R)K184SVLPGIASYK(T) fig. S7, and supplementary text). plexes that are widely applied in organic syn-
(1162 daltons), which is 2 daltons smaller than To establish the structure of the NAMN deriva- thesis or organometallic catalysis (5, 6), but such
the 451 T 1 dalton compound found in the holo- tive and examine how Ni binds at the catalytic site, a complex has not been observed in enzymes.
protein (Table 1 and Fig. 1B), which suggests that we purified LarA in the presence of sulfite and Following the chemical nomenclature, LarA has
the same compound is present, probably in a more crystallized it within 3 days in order to minimize a (SCS)Ni(II) pincer complex that we name a
oxidized state. Moreover, the 1610-dalton species activity loss. We solved the structure at 3.0 Å reso- pyridinium-3-thioamide-5-thiocarboxylic acid mono-
was 10 times more abundant after digestion in lution by means of molecular replacement using nucleotide Ni pincer. Although organometallic
microaerobic conditions (fig. S4B). Together, these the structure of LarATt as a template (table S2) (2). (SCS)Ni(II) pincer complexes have been synthe-
findings strongly suggest that the 1610-dalton spe- The overall fold of LarA is similar to LarATt, but sized (7, 8), the chemistry of these complexes
cies contains the original cofactor and that the the two LarA molecules in one asymmetric unit remains underexplored (9). Pincer complexes are
other species represent degradation products aris- adopt distinct conformations (figs. S8A and S9): usually very stable (5); however, Ni is lost from
ing, in part, from its oxidation. The 1610-dalton LarA with an open catalytic site is nearly super- the (SCS)Ni cofactor of LarA in aerobic environ-
species and the two other major derivatized pep- imposable to LarATt, whereas LarA in the closed ments in the absence of sulfite (fig. S2, B and C),
tide species showed MS/MS fragment ions in posi- conformation has a much narrower cleft at the correlating with the oxidation of the cofactor
tive ionization mode that matched fragments of active site with the N- and C-domains approach- by molecular oxygen (Table 1). The basis of this
the residue 184-197 peptide with modified Lys184 ing each other, leading to a sealed catalytic cen- oxidation remains unclear, but the S moieties of
(fig. S5 and supplementary text), which is in agree- ter (fig. S8B). The strong anomalous signal of Ni (SCS)Ni(II) complexes are presumably prone to
ment with our mutagenesis results. All four deriv- indicated that only the molecule in the closed con- oxidative decomposition (9). Oxidation of a sul-
atized peptide species showed fragmentation formation has a Ni atom in the active site (Fig. 3, fur in LarA (SCS)Ni might lead to the loss of co-
patterns in negative ionization mode consistent A and B, and fig. S8C). Because Ni is absolutely ordination of Ni (fig. S11), accounting for the
with the loss of ribose phosphate (212 daltons), required for LarA activity, this observation sug- observed Ni loss and explaining the instability of
indicating the presence of a nicotinic acid mono- gested that the closed conformation most likely enzyme activity.
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