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Name of the student teacher : Saroj Sahu

Class : M.Sc.Nsg. Previous year
Subject : Nursing Education.

No. Of students : 32
Unit : 2nd
Date and time : /03/2022
Topic : Problem Based Learning.
Duration : 45 minutes
Venue : M.Sc. Nursing 1st year Classroom
Previous knowledge of student : They have knowledge about Problem Based Learning.
Methods of teaching : Lecture cum Discussion.
Teaching aids : Black Board, Bulletin board, Charts, PPT, Handouts, Leaflets, Video etc.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the group will be able to gain indepth knowledge regarding Problem Based Learning.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : At the end of the topic group will be able to-
 Introduce the introduction of Problem Based Learning.
 History of PBL & Define Problem Based Learning.
 Discuss importance of PBL in nursing.
 Explain clinical based learning.
 Describe the characteristics of PBL.
 Discuss the principles of PBL.
 Enlist the cognitive effects of PBL.
 List out the Requirement of PBL stages.
 Explain the steps of the process.
 Explain the role of teachers and students in PBL.
 List out the advantages and disadvantages of PBL.
 Summarise the Topic



2 Introduce the PROBLEM BASED LEARNING Lecture cum Students PPT What is the
introduction discussion listening PBL?
of Problem- Problem-based learning (or PBL as medical students call it)
based is a student-centered pedagogical theory of classroom learning
learning where small groups of students study (and discuss) complex
problems, and work together to formulate suitable solutions to
History of HISTORY Lecture cum Students PPT Can anybody
1 PBL PBL became a feature of medical education during the 1960s, and discussion listening tell me the
min has since been taken up in fields of professional training (e.g. history of
nursing, architecture, engineering). The authentic' PBL was first PBL
systematized by medical educationalists at McMaster University,
Ontario, Canada.
2 Define the DEFINITIONS Lecture cum Students PPT Define PBL?
min PBL "Problem based learning is the basic human learning process that discussion listening
allowed primitive man to survive in his environment"- Barrows and
Tamblyn (1980)
1 Discuss IMPORTANCE IN NURSING Lecture cum Students Leafle What are the
min importance of  Prepares nurses to manage changes in health care. discussion listening ts importance of
PBL in  Develop life long skills to be transferred into the clinical PBL in
nursing. practice. nursing?
 Develop knowledge related competencies. Inquiry based
2 Explain CLINICALLY-BASED LEARNING Lecture cum Students PPT Why clinical
Min clinical based  Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational format that discussion listening based
learning. is centred around biomedical research questions as they learning is
might arise in the clinic or as medical students might engage iimportant for
with patients.
3 Describe the THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PBL ARE Lecture cum Students PPT What are the
Min characteristic THAT discussion listening main
s of PBL  It is student-centred and begins with a case or problem. characteristic
 Interrogation of ideas results in knowledge; learning occurs s of PBL?
in small groups.
 Tutors act as facilitators and guides to help learners.
 Clinical problems are the basis of and stimulus for the
learning process.
2 Discuss the PRINCIPLES Lecture cum Students PPT Which
Min principles of  Problems form the focus. discussion listening principles we
PBL.  Problems develop problem solving skills. have to
 Teachers are facilitators/guides. follow in
 New information is acquired through self directed learning. PBL?
 Eight to ten participants.
5 Enlist the COGNITIVE EFFECTS OF PROBLEM-BASED Lecture cum Students PPT What is
Min cognitive LEARNING ARE discussion listening cognitive
effects of  Initial analysis of the problem and activation of prior effects of
PBL. knowledge through small group discussion. PBL?
 Elaboration on prior knowledge and active
 processing of new information.
 Restructuring of knowledge.
5 List out the REQUIREMENTS OF PROBLEM - BASED Lecture cum Students Bullet List out the
min Requirement LEARNING STAGES discussion listening in Requirement
of PBL I. Stages Understanding the Problem? Do I understand what is board of PBL
stages. being asked of me? stages?
II. Learning About the Problem What do we need to know in
order to evaluate the possible solutions?
III. Solving the Problem How do I apply my new knowledge to
solve the problem?
IV. Reflecting on the Process What went well? What would I
do differently next time?

2 Explain the STEPS OF THE PROCESS Lecture cum Students PPT Enumerate
min steps of the discussion listening the steps of
process. the process of

3 Explain the ROLE OF TEACHER IN PBL Lecture cum Students PPT Tell me the
min role of  Problem-Based Learning is student-centered. discussion listening roles of
teachers and  This does not mean that the teacher abdicates her authority teachers and
students in for making judgments regarding what might be important for students?
PBL. students to learn.
Engage with problem, Identify what is known and what they
don't know Students must understand they are responsible
for research and other activities They have to be active.
2 Difference DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRADITIONAL AND Lecture cum Students PPT What are
min between PBL discussion listening Difference
traditional  Problem solving vs. pbl between
and PBL. traditional
 Pbl vs. project-based learning
and PBL.
2 List out the ADVANTAGES Lecture cum Students Leafle What are the
min advantages  Flexible learning process, enabling to decide and prioritise. discussion listening ts advantages
and  Makes students more goal-oriented, learn from mistakes. and
disadvantages disadvantage
 Cannot be used for a bigger class.

 Valid assessment of the program might be a problem.
1 Related RELATED RESEARCH Lecture cum Students PPT
min research 1. Problem-Based Learning: An Overview of its Process and Impact discussion listening
on Learning.
2. Problem-Based Learning: Six Steps to Design, Implement, and
2 Evaluations Lecture cum Students PPT
min EVALUATIONS discussion listening
 What is the PBL?
 Define PBL?
 What are the importance of PBL in nursing?
 Enumerate the steps of the process of PBL?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of PBL ?

5 Assignment ASSIGNMENT Lecture cum Students PPT

min What is problem-based learning, and how does it differ from discussion listening
problem solving.
2 Summarise SUMMARY Lecture cum Students PPT Any body
Min the Topic discussion listening summaries
Problem based learning is a student-centered instructional strategy the topic?
in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their
experiences. Problem Based Learning (PBL) emphasizes on
problems as a starting point for acquisition and integration of new
knowledge. The goal of nursing education is to prepare nurses who
are knowledgeable, competent and caring.

1) Bhaskara Raj.D, E.& Bhaskar, N. (2020). Text Book of Nursing Education, (2nd ed.). Bangalore; Emmess Medical Publishers. 139-142.

2) Jonassen, D. H., & Hung, W. (2008). All problems are not equal: Implications for problem-based learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of
Problem-Based Learning, 2(2), 4
3) Kaur Sodhi, J. (2017). Comprehensive Textbook of Nursing Education, 1st ed. New Delhi; Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers. 69-73.
4) Sudhdha, R. (2013)."Nursing Education Principles and Concepts" 1st ed. Jaypee Medical Publishers, 94 to 97. (94)
5) http://www.googlewikipedia.com.
6) http:/www.slideshare.com
7) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpe.2016.01.004

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