Unionbank Credit Card Application Form

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B UnionBank {AM APPLYING FOR AUMIONBANK CREDIT CARD | Diiondunk cashback Gold Mastercard Clnondnktads Mastered | ‘DUnontink cashback Patium Masteeard — C2Go Rewards Gold Visa [Duriortank cold visa [cebuPacie Gldvisa | | ) rapease speci o 1 How 010 YOUKNOW UNIONANK? ey OO enwasiatsatpasc Et Em am CREDIT CARD APPLICATION FORM elegans op. noo Aen ee ersten [nn] wrsss [I *emetwes [Tn] [ting [ns] onto hor oAooooeooooooa a | tert CJ Efrem sete Co) wes sna 900 eb (96 AESIOENCE ADDRESS rian we eae sap 3 has OOO GRO te sn ane mae enone lf a £ a fewer o —————— Lorestan Jonnie ne woe saves ey Ont ce} [TO ee ‘CREDIT CARDS WITH OTHERBANKS. serenaen [Tn] tenn a i | a | se, at —— ney —— sects] Ant [a] nn] — al toa oranA, ean Scanned with CamScanner 1 sign below herety cera nfomaton en by mes te compet and cote. athze Urrck ft Pines (Oe “Bane ets san eesttaues te vey, Invert econ ny ote ematan poe bye rae sures IRmay consi spyerte. ndrtand ed cpt Day Ue to prove tae, ‘cope acces eran tthe Bank athoed estates cesta ty nae Knowledge an expenence yrs nthe Barks ably to acer feterine he apropiatness of a pout andor seve fr me ge the ited inoaton aati. understand that ave e erondig any fase x nacre Iceman a acumen is ulent oun rel atzn ade Seton a ‘plat turdesard at should my poate be eed the Bank ots auoried epeentatve hase eiption pone me wi theeaan fr sch ecto, herby ati nd concent tte rocesing sharing nde toring by Be Bank ‘fy Peon Data 3s this te dele de ie Ola Pry AB 28 He pleating les and Replat (DA RR) and a ther isuonces ote Maton Prey Camation NP) aterm reiting ory dezcut To ay the onng eran ofthe peste purposes nh eae aren earghance mth pra 0 the Bhs leper ertac! agains [) goverment Feguary agrees, ae inorabrievestgston companies fae nutes, ted bua, aber Sas, fret ard cempanes,foyaty poaam pars, cena fring referee {gence such a Cet Cat Asoc of the Philpnes anes Asocon oe Philipines, Credit formatin Crp arth Tancunon Credit urea forthe prose of Cree eretgateneaneume repent repr fy edt strand seat ‘pats tr persons conesponéentbanks, ewe rors andes she ark ‘ems nececeny to eabe te Gane 1 sere my sete ao to ponte al he ‘ist estiese my aecounts the Bnkgrodes, sevces eles a charmed iy hte eohrcemets teeta or atthe Bark te proces oy 40, incurs as ealectan erring. eqazaton, stage, mange peter dating of maeaton, ete, craton ie cosa lockers estan ited pares ranged the Bankr yds subodarescr ates rhe furpose at ectindest mtg fer teed profes and sees wich my Irrest ne uss specie nstuctedetewce i wig.) Howes, euanee broker proves ceposit or erect protcionopotecion against ands 4s, 5 (reqstraubries wen sh er pens or ene Bak may em 35 vg aunty rats score wean a te eae eae ‘gece goetret er bere, ich hve equed such dala en he a, tenth ceumstnee 0 wana. ‘urtand hat Paonl Datamation reer any efor when eae in arate frm oro, ich my ett apprert ot an Be esol and Seely seeranedy the ett bléng the mera when pl ogee wshesher inernaton woud ety and eet ere am fl anaretat eBaneles Fypainatintorton bom any fe alone saies 1) Peraalinkation tet ‘rete om duly accomplished bye as equated byte Bank, 2} nfermaon ceed ote mben eet th Bak ote Bank cote thsugh elie ven, Fable sppesions ot serscen cate lilo snd stern. ad) iraon fedeced bout me fom other commrciy avaible seuces. oF reared feovmeston uteri te sok nto sth ersetate when dered cess & tsa ye Bark (psn oBSP Cela 472 Senscl 205 st inglemeted by BR Revere Requaton AR 200, cont random vicaten wi te Buea of enol Reverue i ert etanh aentay a he incre Te Retams 8, sconganing fancal stenens and such lhe doxurents/nfomateaa Submited by meaner) ebtan c cles such inert rearing me oe Icaredt tcies ape for eeu tay pat 25 the Bak may ee neoesy eas mayberequred of lonedbyapicblelaws, es nd eats, "ure the eg ibmison nd eae of my Bae ee ata as dened ter hepa At Ho 951 nds inpleeng Fes td Regular) te De ‘eration Crpaainn as nel say updates ex conestian thet fe purposes (nein sa acre tama conaed ced namaton ate asad by aan 2) th sharing of ry baie et data ih Assesig Ens as detain epi At, 9510 ts olementing ules 2ndRepltn autora thet, tered reportg agencies dl sere by he ae wae hate prol inlaid ad shard at purpose poi Ihe sere, od snjr ky st sped eed asa er Ba fer puroses ef calyng wih eran oer legl mandate equ. 1 Neby ans he acs eqve! by such posit sericea ey foe uments hid artes ove anther autora the Bank fs etice empleo tepesentves ahd pats 5 ered above, oan veya reve the Inermaton ot thre proied ae to use and process te sae mesg my ‘pliant tara he an’ pods andor eves, mh ince abroad ge eet pasa ote tant pedetsHThese autre te ceecton a my Pessond use and cessing eect ty the Bake tough fs auonzed hd pay ence provides, bosese pues, comnts advisers, which rested Oe ‘PRINCIPAL APPLICANTS SIGNATURE Bank's requrements of erat gl fran sec. ard 1 ray ether ‘prove the bars praesent ne he pin general er ae ay rock se tak the Bank ith he Hek ny detente fet a aye tat ay auras const povided rin as Ben exes He, ‘olay and wi lkrowege a ts eonsequencs sted be he conse Arar persion required ude the PARA Repbic At No, MS fe Bak cry {Gi and aoe lett ws fo the prpeses speed bovis walla 29 Aegean’ sige by ean sha hve cota ect aught he tiny ans th he kaa estenee fy secant ser ute epiaon tlthereenin ent seby los an telson alr hep seturdthedestuzion beagles asmandaedby lero! eer ww suc sresion Sea consent ih mg ereby ender the Bank Ks ofits, employes and Feteentes ee adhere ay a alates ann om he re Wat teadslswe ory nlomation erty hat he ifrsion Rave preven the Ptsonaneaman See) a ther fom or decumant as eqared ye Skis we cect fd cml at get ‘aimee adler posal upatehe are shld ree any change mite beiacerzyberean ly undetetand at formation ay beusedby th Banks roviethe serve, produto fait have applied or raged eta fo he ak Fy wndestand hat te conse stormstien | have plowed shal be ted tt tenespantese between ne nh ark eis ry od peso he Sok law of any change ena contact and ether pesto efcmatn amas at tanregust py tn personal lrsin hae povided the Sans ny ‘eesion an the Bas vary Ply ex cate th Bark tou (0) a4 TBS, Dames Tol Fre (PLM) 1800-188 227, ives To Fee (A}+400827F2273 (USA, Neeands, Span Switerand alyia.AustobaSigepre, pa, nes Xoretel vel Ose re, Ena estenar seneegunerkaiph com, ako tat have easton and ay ne ith the Bk’ ivy oly seein a heh ean by saat Beo. [knowl hat the tk ae place and neers teil ad xan meses ensze ta seca i Be clecon, serge a st of my peso ‘lomston {ation he ano ee my pesonalfemation ofr as ng ats necessary for ‘he fltnent ote ded. spesiog andes pupeses proved bore wen the rocesig lent te proses hasbeen ema of 8) the estabishne, ‘erie dele of pl aso) imate busines pupae nish inaccrdmce mth te andar fe Baking ty "uth Bk fo depose ry person lormston 3 secre manner dro een ure proesiog oud acess, Sls any te Pn thre the Banko ayo its uric reesenaves to shte my pets data ‘incebu A be aac enaliment and pt hinge he Ga Frege ine Cen hat aplesn aporored andl undestand tat sifomaton may Be ‘sedby the Barks prone te sere andr praetor apples othe Ba a ‘at ol any nde an concer the peerage my Personal iforston, 1 may coma te Oat Preston Offew trough Sopunarbarkch con By apphing for the Cad andor accepting Fusing the Cad tat with respect to al Pessona trove the Bank cing ose roe ty mente apceston fm aecinmy pote an tose gewtted oust my us ol the Cae ry Cad Bank Progam autarasly assocled mah tot awed, whch I oped ft simutanecsy x subsequent hat | have vad ederscod and ful age with iiseatance Tee and Contin andthe Bake Pry Pokey ts found oearinbuniph eae pray peley hereby age tt depending a he aeeeemen of my appli he Bank wil ny ‘sent the Cards arquaied fo ‘ery are to be Bounty the Tems an Centos freed appeaton roms {nterever spplcshe) ad the Teme nf Cate governing he once and ue of (he Unanber ce Card IMPORTANT Ree sing plese makes that you Rae comply leat a teqiedlomatn aE NOTE Appeaions thats ret dl acompshed nd ined anda net acenmpanedby he equied acumen wa be rzesed neseanen or. ‘Procram cove: Scanned with CamScanner ‘Annual Fee Principal Supplementary PlayEveryday Visa 1,500 750 ‘old Visa Mastereard 2.500 P1250 Cashack Platinum Mastercard Larada Mastercard 5.000 1500 Milese Platinum Visa P3000 P1500 Go Rewards Gol Visa 3,000 P1500 Go Rewards Platinum Visa 5,000 P2500 Cebu Pacific Gold Visa 3,000 P1500 Cebu Pai Platinum Visa 5,000 P2500 12.00% Monthly Eectve interest Rate (IR) which computed based onthe unpaid balance fom previous statemert. Interest Charge Payment of minimum amount due or any amount ss than he fetal amount de from previous balance woud automatically incur interest andor other charges {ate Payment Charge 1.000 'PO.36 (U-Protee- FREE forthe fst 3 months) ox PO.55(U-Secire - FREE forthe rst 2 months) wll be charged for every P100 Outstanding Balance monthly afer the ist months (U-Seeure) fe Insurance Premium ‘ucprenbet i eeame} ‘of Smonths (U:Protect) fom manth open date. 'P200 Flat Service Fee willbe charged pt eash advance ransaetion Finance Charge af 1.96% er month wil also be cabins ‘due on each eash advance trom the date othe advance uti date of epayment fll rel unbiled charges) cron ec ‘cash Advance feis considered inthe derivation for Cash Advance EIR, Total Annual Ei for Cash Advance ansacton 15 23.48% for P5,000 and above transactions via ATM. 'P500 automatically billed to the cardholder on cycle date, when total Overinit Fe Iwansactions and system generated interest/charges exceed the credit iit Card Replacement Fee 400 fr every lost or damaged car ‘Sales Slip Retrieval Fee 200 for every tansaction sip requested ‘etumed Cheek Fee 1,500 for every etrned check Dispute Fee 1,000 for every invalid spt case Teboed Foe PEO which covers the costal processing of tefund equestin Mavager’s Check as avesul of cardholders covepaymert ‘Appliesie oa pre-terminated installment Transactions, 500 0 §% ol remainng principal balance, whichever higher - "Al charges made n Guences othe than Philippine Pesos (Pi) shal atomically be converted tothe (PhP) bling Service Fe for Foreign ‘eurency on posing date at the prevaling exchange rate selected by Mastereatd or Visaintemational This willbe Currency Transactions based onthe range of ates avaiable inthe wholesale cutency makes: the government- mandatedrateifin eect. ‘23% fee or Classic and Gold Cards and 2% fe fot Platinum Cards wil beaded covering the caste procesing ttansactons in foreign erences. re-Termination Fee ‘Sk sevice fee shall be charged on gaming/gamblingWansations and/or wansaetions made at gaming/ganiing| establishments, (eluding placement of wagers, purchase of lottery tickets of other values in conjunction with any gaming ot gambling activity) and on purchases of eryptocurenys, The same fe wil be applied on quas-cashss ‘wansaetions,purehases of travelers cheques, foreign currency, money orders othe useof the card 1 open or fund a Gaming Fee deposit account done at afoaton other than a nancial stitution, “Soptecateny fined sal ota carney ta be wey gots nd ewes. mestrent taing aneons Blo enna enh he raenhons on eter byt Cao Cte Ca it en sd by Sear Bak Vth he roigh coguasrcah-me tose Bf ef quash MOC EasyPayment Fee ‘3% Service Fe per EasyPayment Transaction 'P350 for each successful EasyTansfer Balance Transfer transaction. 500 fo each successful EasyConvert (etal Conversion) transaction, 500 foreach successful EasyBil (Balance Conversion transaction 350 fr each successful EasyCash (Charge for Cash) transaction. Installment Procestng Fee TseiNedSeeeh nse Lee rer We tate fue senses eae Neher Span Seton ha Rn eyo pe Kees Rove Res ae wanna ao ‘nteeunossiaghcon " Fessedonet ecveparet Merten ene reetden you Sitemen ACentupen sep yeu tpeaton Scanned with CamScanner Retail Purchase amaunt 20,000 Interest Charge pet Month 2% which shall accrue from he dat ofthe avaiment until date of repaymentin fll Minium Amovat Ove 4% ofthe Ttal taement Balance or P400, whichever ishigher Assumption: 1. Purchase was made onthe dy after statement cycle date 2 No other purchases / cash advance / installment transactions made 3. No other charges / ees incurted 44 Cardholder pays minimum payment due oly Month Total Statement Balance —-—Retall Purchase ——=—~Payment——Interest Charge ‘Outstanding Principal Balance Tal Outstanding Balance Tanwary 000 "20,000.00 7 : 20,000.00, 70,000.00 Febuary 720,000.00, 5 300.00 00.00 19,200.00 79,600.00 March 19,600 00 784.00 392.00 Taa16.00 19208 00 hail 19208 00 76832 e416 1343868 e823. May 18823 84 75295 376.48 1907089, 1at7.36 ioe 13.447 36 737.89 36855 vr70847 19078 42 “iy 1a078 42 T2314 36157 1735828 vneas ‘August W685 708.67 354.34 17.08.17 V736251 ‘September west 3450 3725, 1566807 W015 26 Octaber 17015 26 ese 3031 1633465 1667496 November 16674 96 = 67.00 35350 15,007.96 W63H45 December Waal as 5366 72680 15607: W614 6s away Teo1s 63 6088 029 1537404 1569433 Tolalintrestand Fees 430567 ‘Average Outstanding Balance 17,940.27, ‘Monthy 207. Amul ER 24008 ‘defined a the average monthly interest ove he monthly outstanding balance ‘cash vance Amount 20,000 Cash Advance Service Fee P20 Interest Charge pet Month 2% which shall accrue from the date ofthe availment until date of repayment in fll Minium Amovat Ove 4% ofthe Total Staement Balance or P40, whichever is higher Assumptions: 1UCash Advance was made onthe day after statement ese date 2. No other purchases / cash advance / instalment transactions made for 12 months 3. Nother charges ees incuted during the 12 months 4. Cardholder pays minimum payment due oly von TalSutenetaane —CHbABKe bMS aya ttCnge Atanas a 309 zapo300 700 : : 700.00 2070060 Feary Pazo0co : : Vaio 00 7280.00 ia3se00 Hach 1953400 : : nC) 36130 9406.8 7 sone : : apg en12 1088 7 a) May or : : aig. a Tisia9 aes = as281 : : ‘iis eres 168087 oy e628 : : tana 1677 Funst Tee : : sages om veazias September 16,321.25, a = 816.06 326.43 18,505.19 15,631.62 kices — : : aise ies Tear T5567 Tovenker 1638667 : : Ters——ara3, vasena3 148697 Oecenber T4857 : : Tasao as Tasa7 1eee8 ‘wal sen nfs sansase Ieoyeousuntngbabee fires ‘icon Vor poem 23408 ‘defined as the average monthly interest over the monly oustanding balance of the Cash Advance Service Fee Scanned with CamScanner

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