MYHBU Catalog 22

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For End Users


3 ComfortPoint (CPO)

3 Digital Video Manager (DVM)

4 Enterprize Building Integrator (EBI)

5 Honeywell Energy Manager (HEM)

6 Energy Fundamentals/ Energy

6 HVAC Fundamentals

7 Networking Fundamentals

7 Windows Fundamentals

7 Wireless Fundamentals

7 XLS140-2, XLS3000
This catalog is available for All participants are required to register using our website
PDF download at Registration is region specific and any adjustment to registration information must
be done through our administrative team via myhoneywellbuildingsuniversity@
The catalog includes:
• Regulations such as exemptions
and cancellation policy
• Course listings which include
Cost, fees and payment options for all courses are listed in local currency
the list of courses to be pursued
on the MYHBU website.
in each region and brand
• Course descriptions which may CANCELLATION POLICY
include details such as prerequisites Cancellations made at least 15 days in advance of the scheduled class are entitled
and methods of assessment to a full refund. Cancellations made less than 15 days and more than 10 days in
advance of the training are entitled to a 50% credit. Cancellations made less than

CONTENT DELIVERY 10 days in advance of the scheduled training forfeit the enrollment fee. Extenuating
circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.
Classroom: Instructor Led, In Person

Virtual: Instructor Led, Online

On Demand: Self-Directed, Online
Webinar: Live or Pre-Recorded,Online Notwithstanding the contents of this catalog, course outlines or any other course
materials provided by My Honeywell Buildings University (MYHBU), MYHBU reserves
the right at any time to altogether withdraw, alter or modify its program or courses
and/or vary its modes or methods of teaching, delivery and assessment of its program
or courses, as deemed necessary in, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
• As a result of any changes imposed by national laws, legislation or
governmental regulations or orders;
• In response to the occurrence of a force majeure event, including, but not limited
to, war (whether declared or not), riots, civil disorder, epidemics, pandemics,
quarantines, earthquakes, fire, explosions, storms, floods or other adverse weather
conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action, confiscation or any other
action or authority by governmental or regulatory agencies or acts of God;
• In the event of an emergency where there is risk to life and property;
• Where minimum class size requirements are not met; and
• Where the exigencies of the circumstances require
such action to be taken by MYHBU.

Owing to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching, delivery and assessment
of MYHBU courses will be conducted mainly through virtual/online/electronic
means. MYHBU will conduct in-person classroom training in accordance with
local guidelines, and as required by the program’s practicum requirements,
with provisions for observance to local official protocols and guidelines.

For all inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]

Over 100 years ago, Honeywell’s innovation

defined energy efficiency by automating
indoor comfort. In the 21st century, we at
Honeywell Building Technologies are shaping
the future of the world by making buildings
healthier, safer, smarter and more efficient.
We aim to enable our customers and partners to achieve their goals and
unleash their potential through education. In this catalog, you will find
information on our offerings for building controls, fire detection and
suppression, security products, HVAC controls and much more.

Our training offerings are developed and delivered by Honeywell industry

experts. We use comprehensive learning techniques and technologies so
your teams can develop their capabilities. Whether it is on-demand training
which you can take at your convenience, robust virtual classroom sessions or
custom face-to-face sessions, we provide an enriched learning experience.

We are eager to enable your growth and success, as you shape the future.

Peeran Mukadam, CPTD

BRAND CARE CARE ComfortPoint Open (CPO)
Name CARE Fundamentals CARE LON Engineering ComfortPoint Open
Description This course provides the This class provides the skills This course provides the
skills necessary to produce necessary to engineer a skills necessary to produce a
a C-Bus only CARE project CARE Project with LON ComfortPoint Open project
database from a provided devices and do basic database from a provided
sample specification. troubleshooting with sample specification. The
Excelon. student will learn how to
modify code, install code
and operate the system.
Pre-requisites Understanding of HVAC CARE Fundamentals Understanding of HVAC and
and Controls principles, Controls principles, Basic
Basic computer and computer and Windows
Windows skills skills
Duration 5 Days 5 Days 4 Days
Delivery Medium Classroom Classroom Classroom
Target Audience External customer External customer External customer
Max Participants 8 8 Variable

BRAND Digital Video Manager Digital Video Manager Digital Video

(DVM) (DVM) Manager (DVM)
Name DVM R700 Operator DVM R700 Console Operator Digital Video Manager
eLearning eLearning
Description This eLearning course is This course is designed to This course covers the
designed for people who educate Security Operators process to install and
configure or monitor on the basic Digital Video configure the components
Honeywell’s Digital Video Manager system (DVM) of a DVM system.
Manager system. You will R700 Console video
learn how to operate and recording management
monitor cameras in your tasks.
system from one or more

Pre-requisites Basic computer and Basic computer and Windows and

Windows skills Windows skills Networking skills

Duration 3 Hours 3 Hours 4 Days

Delivery Medium On-Demand On-Demand Classroom
Target Audience External customer External customer External customer
Max Participants None None 8
BRAND Digital Video Enterprize Building Enterprize Building
Manager (DVM) Integrator (EBI) Integrator (EBI)
Name EBI R600 Security EBI Special Topics EBI R500 Operator
Description In this class, students will Customized EBI This eLearning course is
learn the process to install speical topics per designed for operators who
and configure the customer are responsible for the day-
necessary components to requirements. to-day operator of
a PRO3200e and a Honeywell’s Enterprise
Temaline Access Control Buildings Integrator (EBI).
Systems. There are 3 separate
modules/paths in this
eLearning: HVAC, Security
and Life Safety (Fire).

Pre-requisites Windows and Networking Basic computer and Basic computer and
skills, EBI Operator Windows skills Windows skills
Duration 4 Days varies 4 hours
Delivery Medium Classroom Classroom On-Demand
Target Audience External customer External customer External customer
Max Participants 8 12 None
BRAND Enterprize Building Enterprize Building Enterprize Building Enterprize Building
Integrator (EBI) Integrator (EBI) Integrator (EBI) Integrator (EBI)
Name EBI R500 EBI Operator/ EBI R600 Operator EBI R600
Administrator Administrator Administrator
Description This eLearning course This course provides This course is This eLearning course
is designed for the skills to operate designed to educated is designed for
administrators who and administer the EBI Operaters on the administrators who are
are responsible for the EBI Building basic functionality of responsible for the
day-to-day operator Manager software. the Enterprise day-to-day operator of
of Honeywell’s Through the use of Buildings Integrator Honeywell’s Enterprise
Enterprise Buildings intensive hands-on (EBI) R600 system Buildings Integrator
Integrator (EBI). There lab exercises, and its applications. (EBI).
are 3 separate participants build a
modules/paths in this specified HVAC
eLearning: HVAC, project using pre-
Security and Life configured
Safety (Fire). controllers.
Pre-requisites EBI R500 Operator Basic computer and Basic computer and EBI R600 Operator
eLearning Windows skills Windows skills

Duration 6 Hours 5 Days 3 Hours 6 Hours

Delivery Medium On-Demand Classroom On-Demand On-Demand
Target Audience External customer External customer External customer External customer
Max Participants None 12 None None
BRAND Honeywell Energy Manager Energy HVAC Fundamentals
(HEM) Fundamentals/Energy
Name Honeywell Energy Manager Energy HVAC Fundamentals
Description The course provides the The fundamental course This course provides
operation fundamentals of describes general energy fundamental knowledge of
the Honeywell Energy concepts such as demand, Heating, Ventilation and Air
Manager system consumption, sources of Conditioning (HVAC)
energy, greenhouse gases, concepts and typical system
phase shifting, and tariffs. components.
The awareness course
discusses energy
management concepts for
commercial buildings.

Pre-requisites EBI HVAC Operator Basic computer and Basic computer skills
experience Windows skills

Duration 3 Days 3 Hours 3 Hours

Delivery Medium Classroom On-Demand On-Demand
Target Audience External customer External customer External customer
Max Participants 2 None None
BRAND Networking Windows Wireless XLS140-2, XLS3000
Fundamentals Fundamentals Fundamentals
Name Networking Fundamentals Windows Wireless XLS3000
Fundamentals Fundamentals Programming
Description This course will explain This online training This course describes This course provides
the basic building blocks will take you through basic terminology, programming
of networks, models that basic terminology, concepts, and skills principles used to
define networking, concepts, and skills you need to prepare the XLS140-
network addressing you need to understand how 2, XLS3000 and the
concepts and various understand various wireless Digital Voice
troubleshooting Windows functions communications Command (DVC) to
approaches. used in EBI systems. work. specification.

Pre- Basic computer skills Basic computer skills Basic computer skills NICET Level 2
requisites cerification,
completed Honeywell
Software License
Duration 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours 10 Days
Delivery On-Demand On-Demand On-Demand Classroom
Target External customer External customer External customer External customer
Max None None None 8
For more information

Honeywell Buildings Technologies

My Honeywell Buildings University
715 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA, 30308
HBT University Course Catalog | Rev A | 01/22 © 2022 Honeywell International Inc.

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