Chapter 3

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Research is a process under which we perform various activities for the precise
examination of some facts, figures or conditions (Burns, 1997). (Mertens, 2005, p.2)
defined research as a process of collection, investigation and interpretation of data with
a purpose to understand, represent, predict or organize aparticular psychological
situation, or enlightening condition or a search to unite the individuals in such settings.
Thus, research can be defined as a re-search for any facts, exploration of any facts or
objects which already exists.


Educational researches mainly focus on examining and exploring the social conditions,
social issues, which are informative in nature. Educational research starts with
identification process and ends up with development of some new social or mental
techniques to resolve that social condition or social issues, by providing training. Thus,
educational research is a search for some informative matter and it requires the adequate
examination or exploration of the subject matter and clearly explains the purpose of
doing that research, resources that will be used for research and the potential results
that may be obtained from the research (Cohen et al 2000). In an instructive research,
all the information is clearly explained to the researcher, and it is required that
researcher must have a deep understanding of the social events, or social conditions,
make an exact or appropriate estimations about the subject matter of research so that
the best results can be expected. Thus, it is important to understand the paradigm of
research to explain and discuss the research issues. Thomas Kuhn has defined the
research paradigm as a collective gathering of substantive ideas, factors and problems
which are related to the research framework or research methodology or research
instruments. Researchers have considered mainly two types of research paradigms from
last two or three decades. These paradigms are mainly; positivism and interpretivism

Bryman (2004) stated that positivist technique for conducting any research related to
the social issues or social conditions will always be philosophical in nature, August
Comte who is a famous French Researcher have also given view about positivist
technique of research and highlighted the importance of this technique in research
related to social truths. He further argued in favor of positivist technique and stated that
genuine learning is the process of understanding the various concepts from the point of
view of experts or the experienced people of the same field, through examining the
social conditions and social truths by conducting research. Under positivistic approach
researcher collect the data and make use of various tools or techniques to interpret the
real social situation and also try to match the outcomes or the results of the research
with the previously established results, findings or the theories, Cohen et al (2000. Thus,
positivistic approach of research famous due to various features of this approach such
as; training, deterministic, and consensus.

Positivistic approach influences the information collected by the researcher or

investigator, but it does not include the subjectivity of the research area or research
object. The concept of subjectivity was completely ignored in this approach and due to
this reason other approach namely; interpretivism approach came into existence.
According to positivistic approach, human activities are considered as motionless, and
it is assumed that the human activities are completely controlled by the external
environment. As a result of this Positivistic approach, individuals or respondents of the
study are considered as inhuman, who have no desires, no control and no opportunities
are provided to them and this approach keeps them separate from social reality. The
originators of this approach also highlighted the need for incorporating the subjectivity
of respondents while conducting any research with a purpose to improve the results or
findings of any research (Creswell 2003).


Interpretivism approach is based on the fact that social reality, social situation are seen
and interpreted by people on the basis of their ideological position. Under this approach
of research all the data is collected separately from each of the respondents and not
make use of already available data, and do not get influenced by the external
environment. The major limitation of the positivism approach is that it do not include

the fact that social reality or social conditions may have different layers and can be
interpreted in multiple ways by multiple people. This limitation of the positivism
approach is completely resolved under Interpretivism approach. This approach gives
flexibility to the researcher to interpret the human responses or judgments in various
ways and add more weights to the research findings (Cohen et al, 2000).

Morgan (2007) stated that three major components of the Interpretivism approach are
observations, methodology and the associations between the constructs. This approach
gives specific importance to the human involvement. This approach considers
subjectivity of the respondents as an important factor of research. Subjectivity of the
respondents is given preference under this approach to achieve the best results. This
approach makes use of numerical values while measuring the human behavior or
attitude, using some scales. The responses of the respondents are given some values so
that the qualitative data can be converted into quantitative data to derive some meaning
out of that.

Husserl and Schutzgiven the concept of "Phenomenology", under this concept it is

assumed that respondents’ behavior or opinions or judgments always get influenced by
their previous working experience, and relationship with the subject matter of research.
Thus, it may ensure that the respondent will give the answer related to the context of
study and his past experiences only, which may be different from the social reality. If
an individual experience various situations at one time, then individual will interpret
the different situations in different ways. Every social situation will add some type of
experience in the life of an individual and will help in developing process of his
thoughts and perception about the life. Thus, it is important to understand the thinking
process of respondents, their interpretation level and their level of commitment while
filling the data for the study (Gopard 2004).

McMillan and Schumacher (2006) have given the ethno-methodological approach for
research. According to this approach, research should be based on the social or human
factor plus the ethical treatment. Researcher should first develop a ethical and socio
framework and then according to that framework research should be proceed further.
This approach gives huge importance to the humanity, their existence, and their role in
day to day activities. Under this approach, social truths are derived through affiliation

with humanity or social system. This methodology provides a natural environment to
both the respondents of the study and the researcher to think and then derive rational
results or outcome. If the results or the findings of the study need to be criticized, it will
be done only in natural conditions only. This ethno-methodological approach of
research is mainly concerned with the people who are involved in the research and their
level of understanding about the social conditions, social settings and social system.


Different researchers have given different name to the positivism approach of research.
Aristotle, first defined positivism as an 'exploratory procedure’, August Comte
explained it as ‘science investigation', John Locke called it as a rationalistic approach,
while Francis Bacon and Emmanuel Kant called it as experimental approach to test the
hypothesis or assumptions or pre-established model or theory, (Mertens, 2005, p.8).
Positivism approach is that approach of research in which researcher first determine all
the facts related to the subject matter of research and mainly concentrate on the results
or the outcomes of the research (Creswell, 2003, p.7). Positivism approach considers
the social observation of universe or population, as this approach is based on the idea
that social world has different aspects and one aspect can never be enough to derive
true or reliable results. Thus, researcher should observe the whole pattern,
understanding of whole social system to achieve the best possible results (Mertens,
2005, p.8). under positivism approach of the research, researcher first make
assumptions of some social reality or social conditions based on the past studies and
then through observation or through real life survey methods try to either prove the
assumptions or to find out the reason for a particular type of social behavior (O'leary,
2004, p.5).

Positivism is an important and widely used approach in the social science research,
where researcher study the human behavior, opinions of the respondents towards a
particular object, or study the various factors responsible for a particular behavior. This
approach is best way to test and evaluate the hypothesis or assumptions, or to prove the
theory or model. Positivism approach is based on the quantitative measures, where
researcher collects the data either through primary means or secondary means, make
use of some statistical techniques, proves a hypothesis and gives general statements or

develops a theory based on the results of the research. Under this approach, researcher
mainly focuses on examination of facts and doing various trials to prove the hypothesis
or to test the assumption. There are mainly two constraints of the positivism approach
one is quality and other is authenticity. It is very difficult for the researcher to prove the
authenticity of the results as the research is based on the multiple layers of the social
conditions and human judgment is not always consistent. Human judgment gets
influenced by various external and self-factors related to the respondents itself. In
addition to this, the quality of the data and the outcomes of the research is also
remaining questionable in this approach Gadamer (2006). Quantitative data is the base
of this research approach and it is easy to manipulate the data and derive the results
which can prove the assumptions or test the hypothesis. Thus, researcher should
precisely focus on the framework of the quantitative data.

In the current study researcher has used the positivism approach of research based on
the quantitative data collected with the help of survey method. Here in this research the
respondents of the study were those who were working in the aviation industry. Thus,
it is important to understand the aviation industry and its basic structure. Aviation
industry is basically the air transport network which consist aircrafts, air terminals, air
routes and the employees. Aviation industry plays an important role in the growth of
the economy, movement of people and material both from one place to another. People
make use of air transport to go to other places for tourism, for health or medical reasons,
for education, for business purpose, for meeting their relatives or family members.
Thus, aviation industry has an important role in the lives of people. Aviation industry
provides huge job opportunities to the people to work. Air transport is also known as
Real World Wide Web3. Air transport helps in saving of time, and money of its
customers, travelers and shippers. Due to the time and cost factors people are
dependable on the air transport. For distant places like foreign countries there is no
other option before travelers other than air transport.


Neuman (2000) stated that there are two approaches which are generally used by the
researchers to collect and examine the data. One approach is quantitative and another
is qualitative approach. Qualitative approach of research is subjective in nature.

Subjective research approach is mainly based on the level of understanding about the
feelings, attitudes, or the thinking process of the respondents. Subjective approach is
less systematic in nature and requires huge efforts to examine the data collected with
the help of qualitative research. It is very difficult to understand the subject matter of
the research from the viewpoints of all the respondents of the study.

Subjective approach of research requires a thorough and intensive involvement of the

respondents in the study, as the results or the outcome of the research completely
depend on the level of involvement of the respondents in the study. In subjective
approach, researcher need to meet face to face to all the respondents, need to understand
the opinions of all the respondents, and to observe the behavior of all the respondents
personally to have complete understanding about the subject matter of the research.
Researchers may use the open-ended questionnaire, observation method or the personal
interviews method for the purpose of data collection under subjective approach of
research. In this type of research approach the number of population should not be very
large, and accordingly the sample size of the study should be moderate, not too high
and not too small. Subjective research provides a deep understanding of the research
area but due to small sample size it cannot be applied to the whole population or the
research where the population is infinite in nature.

In contrast to the subjective approach of research, quantitative approach of research can

be used to collect the data from the large number of population, even in case where we
have infinite population. Quantitative research approach takes less time and efforts
when compared to the subjective approach. As the name suggest, in this type of
approach, quantitative techniques are used by the researcher for the purpose of data
collection. Researcher may or may not need to contact to the respondents in person,
data can be collected through emails, telephonic or any other online mode. Researcher
need not to verify the data collected with the actual behavior or attitude of the
respondents using observation method or personal interviews. Whatever data is
collected researcher gives the results based on that data only. Thus, the level of
authenticity of the true results is comparatively less in this approach (Somekh and
Lewin, 2005). Thus, if we compare both the research approaches, qualitative approach
is suitable for the less number of population, small sample size, highly authentic in
nature, require huge time, cost and efforts while quantitative approach of research is

suitable for large number of population, require less time, cost and efforts, and can be
useful for large sample size.


Researcher has used the quantitative approach in the current study. Quantitative
research is completely based on the exact numbers and facts or figures. Under
quantitative approach, authenticity of results depends on the numerical estimations and
if the data is not correct results will also be wrong and misleading. Quantitative data is
replicable in nature, and can be used to test the various hypothesis or assumptions. In
quantitative research, researcher needs to collect the data, requirements and the
explanation of each of the requirement in detail related to the social issues, social
conditions or the people. In order to have generalized outcomes from the quantitative
research, researcher needs to develop a proper framework including all the basic
requirements and the explanations. In quantitative research, the measure obligation of
the researcher is to figure out the actual opinions of the respondents towards the subject
matter of the study, all the data collected either from direct source or through indirect
sources need to be incorporated into the research information to have quality results
and outcomes (Thomas 2003).


Research design can be defined as a set of methods or procedures followed by the

researcher to collect and analyze the data and variables used in the study. It explains
the research problems, research questions, hypothesis or assumptions used in the study,
types of variables (dependent or independent, mediating, or moderating variable),
relationship between the variables, number of variables, statistical techniques or tools
used for the purpose of data analysis. Research design explains the types of study such
as; experimental, descriptive, correlational, review or conceptual study or semi-
experimental study.

Descriptive research answers to all the questions related to the research such as; who
are the respondents, what to ask, when the research was conducted, period of data
collection, research methods used or the methods of data collection, types of data used
etc. It also describes the information such as; types of variables or constructs used in

the study, type of relationship between the variables, and the degree of association
between variables is. Descriptive research even explains that reasons for the
relationship or association between two or more variables.


Kirsch (1992) defined descriptive research as a research which is based on the numbers
which can be measured and can give some meaningful information about the data.
Descriptive research can be used when researcher needs to identify some factors or
some cause and effect relationship between two or more variables using quantitative
information. Descriptive research is more accurate and provides the exact results, which
can be supported with the previous findings or results. Current research is descriptive
in nature as the data collected during the study is quantitative in nature and even the
primary data collected using the questionnaire can be converted into some numbers.
Thus, it can be said that the research is quantitative and descriptive in nature.
Descriptive research always focuses on describing a particular condition and social
system, causes behind a particular behavior of situation, or factors which affect the
situation. Thus, a descriptive research always tries to answer the reasons for a particular
situation related to the research. Descriptive research can also be used to measure the
variation in the value of some variable due to various independent factors. Descriptive
research is used to find the relationship between the factors and their impact on the
main construct of the study. Thus, overall it can be said that descriptive research is an
investigation into the relationship between two or more factors, variables or constructs.
Further, it was added by Grinnel and Unrau (2008) that descriptive research make use
of both the subjectivity investigation and the quantitative investigation.


Sampling design explains the process of selection of some components from whole
population in the sample. It explains the method or techniques used for selection of
some components from population. There are mainly two types of sampling design
which are used by the researchers one is based on probability and other non-probability.
Simple random sampling, cluster sampling and the stratified random sampling are the
most common methods under probability sampling design which are adopted by the
researchers in various studies.

Selection of sampling method and sample size both get affected by the resources
available to the researcher for collection of data. Sampling method mainly depends on
the target population and the time and cost factor associated with the survey. Sampling
design should be precise and it should successfully represent the universe or the whole
population. Sampling design is a framework which explains the facts or figures related
to sampling such as; population of the study, sampling unit, sample size, and the method
used for the selection of sample. Sampling is s systematic process to choose a particular
unit or component or element of the universe in the specimen. This specimen should be
such that every element or component should get equal chance to be selected in
specimen. Sampling technique can be basic or complex in nature depending on the type
of population, precision level of the research and the time or cost resources.

Sampling method which gives each and every element of the universe an equal chance
to be selected in the specimen is known as probability based sampling method while in
Non-probability based sampling method all the elements or components do not get
equal chance or probability to be selected in the specimen. Probability based sampling
method is always considered best as they follow a systematic approach while non-
probability based sampling methods are mainly used when the nature of the population
is complex, infinite and diversified.

Under non-probability sampling method, researcher makes use of judgment sampling

technique. Judgment sampling is used when the data need to be collected from the
infinite population or masses. In this method, researcher makes use of his own expertise
or judgment on the basis of previous literature to make an estimation of sample size. It
is easy and requires no efforts like probability sampling method. Another technique
which is also non-probability sampling method is snowball sampling. Under snowball
sampling, researcher first get a lead to collect the data from first two or three
respondents then he keeps on asking to the respondents of the study to give reference
for other similar respondents or lead from where researcher can collect the data for the
same study. For example, if researcher wants to collect the data from social workers,
then he may approach one or two social workers first and will ask them to tell the names
of the other social workers of their areas. Thus, this technique works like snowball,
from one person to another, another to another and keeps on moving. The process will

go on until the researcher gets the data filled by the estimated or desired number of


In the current study researcher has used the probability based approach for collection
of primary data. Researcher has used the stratified random sampling in the study.
Stratified random sampling is used when the population can be divided into different
strata. Strata will be heterogeneous in nature while the population under each strata will
be homogenous in nature. In current study researcher has taken two strata one is Indian
airlines and other is middle-east airlines. Then, from each type of airlines, type of
aviation professionals has been divided into different categories such as; fresher, middle
level and senior level managers. From each category of aviation professionals,
researcher has randomly selected the respondents. Thus, stratified random sampling
method has ensured that each department of both the airlines has been covered under
the study.


In the current study researcher has used the probability based sampling procedure
namely; stratified random sampling method. Reason behind using the stratified random
sampling technique is that the population of the study has heterogeneous groups, and
nature of population in every group is homogeneous. Researcher has selected a sample
on the basis of age, gender and designation of the employees working in the aviation
industry of the Middle-east and India.

The first step of sampling design is to identify the target population, means the
respondents of the study from whom the primary data will be collected. It is required
to clearly define the objects of the study to achieve the research objectives. In the
current study the target population is limited and finite in numbers. All the employees
working in the aviation industry of Middle-east and India constitutes the target
population of the study. The main objective of the study is to target the whole
population so that it can includes all the groups of employees, at junior level, middle
level and senior employees. Sampling unit of the study are employees working on
different levels of management. Researcher has targeted all the three types of

employees so that comprehensive and more reliable results can be derived from the
research. Sampling unit consist the aviation professionals of the Middle-east and Indian
airlines. Total sample size of the study was 300 aviation professionals. The reason for
taking the limited sample size is due to the safety, security and the technical constraints
associated to the aviation industry. All the 300 aviation professionals were approached
personally during the data collection process and the responses of the aviation
professionals were recorded with the help of survey method. Each of the respondents
in the study was selected randomly.


Once the sampling design is finalized by the researcher, it is required to decide about
the method of data collection. Data collection is an important process and the success
of the research completely depends on the data collection. Data collection process
involves huge time, cost and efforts, thus it requires lots of attention from the
researcher. Data collection process becomes easy if the data is easily accessible or the
target population is within the reach of the researcher or the respondents show positive
attitude towards the research and give response in positive way.



Primary data is the data which is collected by the researcher for the first time, which
cannot be retrieved from some database. Primary data can be collected using survey
approach, taking personal or group interviews of the respondents, or through
observation. Observation and unstructured interviews provides the qualitative data
which is very difficult to convert in some numerical or measurable forms. For this type
of qualitative data researcher need to apply content analysis method. Researcher has
very low control over the data collection process if the data is primary, while secondary
data is easy to collect in comparison to the primary data, (Kolb, 2008). In the current
study researcher has made use of primary data to collect the opinions of the aviation
professionals about the growth of the airlines, hurdles or barrier in the growth of the
airlines industry, future trend in airlines industry and the other demographic
information about the respondents.

Researcher has used the close ended survey technique to collect the primary data, where
all the respondents were given limited options to tick their opinions towards various
aspects of airlines industry. The motive behind using close ended survey approach is to
save the time, cost and the efforts of the researcher while collecting data from the
respondents. Close ended survey also saves the time of respondents, do not give much
burden to the respondents to think and explain their opinions in some words. It also
makes the coding of questionnaire easy and analysis process less time consuming. Thus,
researcher can easily analyze the quantitative data collected using close ended survey



Kumar (2002) has defined the type of secondary data which is used by the researcher
for the purpose of quantitative or qualitative research. Secondary data is that data which
already exists or has been gathered by previous researchers in the past. There is no need
to frame research instrument for collection of secondary data. Secondary data is
available on websites, books, reports, publications or the online or offline databases.
Secondary data saves the time, cost and the efforts of the researcher for collection of
data. Use of a specific type of data depends on the nature of the study. In social sciences
research where researcher need to measure the behavior of the respondents, satisfaction
level of respondents, or research on any social condition prevailing at present then it
requires to make use of primary data only. Secondary data is mainly used for the study
where researcher want to know the cause and effect relationship between two variables
which are quantitative in nature such as; growth of the economy and the international
trade, growth of sales and the profitability of the firm etc.


Total time and efforts which are required to do the analysis of the data completely
depends on the research design and the intensity of the research objectives. Data
analysis is an important step of the research process and it may take from several days
to several months depending on the objectives of the research. There are several private
research firms who do the work of data analysis and provide the results in short term,
as they have a huge stock of manpower who are analysts. These analysts have excellent

research and analytical skills. Clark and Creswell (2011) stated that that the data
analysis is a process which requires cautious and high level of clarity towards the
research objectives. Complete analysis depends on the researchers’ clarity about the
objectives and also the level of understanding about the subject matter. Data analysis
itself is not sufficient, right interpretation of data is also important. Interpretation of
results actually decides the quality and the successful achievement of the research
objectives. Data interpretation becomes more difficult when the data is primary and
based purely on the human judgment. Many times data need to be manipulated to
achieve the exact results which a researcher want, but this type of practices will never
indicate the true social conditions and it is completely unethical. Manipulated data does
not serve the true purpose of any research. during data screening elimination of
incomplete or ambiguous information from the respondents is allowed to have better
and fruitful results from the research (Malterud 2001).


Researcher has used mainly three statistical methods for the analysis of the primary
data collected from the employees working in the aviation industry of India and Middle-
east. These statistical methods are namely; descriptive statistics, graphs and the chi
square method.

After the data collection, the first step for analysis is to do data screening and the
deletion of all the outliers or incomplete data. Once the data screening is over it is
required to present the data in some form which can give some meaningful information
to the researcher. Thus, researcher has used the graphical method and the descriptive
statistics methods and to test the assumptions or the hypothesis chi-square test has been
used by the researcher (Ott and Longnecker, 2008, p 62).

1. Descriptive Statistics: Researcher has make use of descriptive statistics for

extracting meaningful information from the primary data. Researcher has make use of
frequency tables and percentage method for presenting the primary data. Frequency and
cumulative frequency has been calculated to analyze the demographic information of
the respondents and various other statements asked to the respondents of the study.
Formula for calculating the simple percentage in the current study was as follows:

Percentage of respondents = (Number of respondents in a particular category / total
number of respondents) *100
Here the total number of respondents in the study was 300 employees working the
aviation industry of India and Middle-east.

2. Graphical Method: Graphics method is the easiest and simple method to present
the data and to understand the data. It does not require any calculation and presents the
data in simplest form. One can understand the trend of the data, or the information just
by looking at the graphs. Graphical methods are self-explanatory thus need not require
much efforts; it saves time, cost and efforts.

3. Chi Square Test: Researcher has used chi square test to prove the various
hypothesis which have been framed on the basis of review of literature. Chi square test
is used to prove the hypothesis and to measure the deviations in the value two
categorical variables. Chi square is used to measure the difference in the observed and
expected values. Following is the formula used for calculation of the chi square test:


Researcher has made use of SPSS software 19.0 version, for the analysis of data. SPSS
software which is known as Statistical Package for Social Sciences is mainly used by
the researchers from social sciences area.

SPSS software was developed by Norman in the year 1968, to make the analysis process
in research easier and more valuable. SPSS software is mainly used in the research
where researcher needs to measure the human behavior, human judgment, or research
which are done in the area of social sciences. This software provides researcher facility
to analyze the data using various statistical techniques, without using any table values
or adding any formulas. Researcher need not to remember the formulas for different
tests. SPSS software not only makes the calculations but also gives the value of
significance thus, researcher need not to use any table of t-test, z-score, or the f-test

value. This software provides the facility to analyze the huge data where the number of
respondents or sample size is too big. It saves the time and cost both for research. This
software is used by the government organizations, private companies, researchers, and
NGOs for doing analysis related to social science researches. This software also has a
feature of presenting the data in the form of graphs, tables or charts. Thus, it serves the
purpose of MS Excel along with the advanced level of statistical tools Gupta (2000, p
142). SPSS software can take the data from excel sheet and results or the output of the
data can be converted into other form of files such as excel or word output.


Research was based on the primary data thus; it was required to measure the reliability
and validity of the research instrument.


Reliability of the questionnaire can be defined as a degree to which an instrument

delivers reliable and persistent results. Persistent results show that the research
instrument has actually served the purpose for which it was developed. Unusual results,
irregular results or contrasting results from the previously established results show that
the research instrument is not reliable enough. Further, if the research instrument is not
reliable then it cannot be used for testing other hypotheses. Reliability testing is the first
step to be followed by the researcher to ensure that the research instrument is reliable
and valid for collection of final data from respondents and further analysis or tests can
be performed on primary data collected with the help of that research instrument. Thus,
reliability of the research instrument is the basic conditions for applying any statistical
tests. Reliability of the instrument ensures that if the same research will be conducted
again on same population, using same instrument then it will give same results or
outcomes, which is called persistency of results. Reliability is described as the degree
to which the finding is self-sufficient for explaining the results even in unexpected
situation (Silverman, 2004, p 285).

Validity is a step ahead of checking the reliability of the research instrument. It is also
having same importance as of reliability testing. Validity testing of the research

instrument ensures that research instruments has been framed as per the objectives of
the study and will fulfill the requirement of the study. Validity of the instrument
indicates that whether the results or outcomes of study will align with preconditions of
the research. Validity is measured to know the adequacy and appropriateness of the
statements used in the research instrument, content or subject matter of the instrument,
keeping in view the nature of the respondents of the study. Internal validity of the
research gives the information about the framework used in the study to collect the data
from the respondents. Validity testing is an important part of the research, which saves
the time and cost of data collection from final respondents. If in case the instrument is
not valid the results of the study will also be wrong. Invalid research instrument leads
to incomplete or irrelevant information from respondents. External validity is related to
the outcomes or the results of the study with a purpose to measure the other feasible
solutions to a problem or the chance factors (Webb, 2002, p 148). Researcher has
measured the validity of the research instrument by discussing it to the experts and the
using the statements based on the literature review.


Chilisa & Preece (2005) stated that this is the moral duty of the researcher to not to ask
any questions or seek information from respondents which can be harmful for the
respondents or which can put the respondents of the study in some troublesome
situation. Respondents’ involvement is the essence of any research, thus researcher
should also ensure the safeguard of the interest of the respondents of the study.
Researcher should not harm to respondents either physically or mentally, through
asking some sensitive or awkward questions. In order to ensure the safety and secrecy
of the respondents of the study researcher should follow two benchmarks. Firs is to
ensure that the information collected or shared by the respondents will not be made
publicly available, it will be confidential and other person who is not involved in the
research will not be eligible to see the information shared by the respondents. Another
benchmark is of anonymity of the respondents. All the respondents will remain
anonymous and even the researcher will be anonymous for the respondents of the study.
Thus, two ethical practices of research are secrecy and the anonymity of the

Crowther & Lancaster (2008) also mentioned that it is ethical to safeguard the
respondents of the study and every researcher should follow these research ethics.
Researcher or investigator should always try to access the data or information which
can be dangerous for the participants or respondents of the study. Once all the potential
dangers get highlighted, researcher should put efforts to minimize these dangers so that
the interest of the respondents of the study can be secured. Researcher should try to
explore the methods which can be used to minimize the dangers and should
continuously put efforts to explore the scenarios which create trouble to the respondents
of the study. The investigator or researcher should immediately stop the research or
study if some unanticipated situation occurs which may create danger or trouble to
respondents of the study.
In order to follow an ethical research approach, researcher has first taken permission or
approval from the respondents of the study to collect their opinions or information or
responses using the research instrument. Researcher has clearly explained the purpose
of the survey to all the respondents and data has been collected only from the
respondents who have voluntarily contributed to the survey.

Overall, it can be said that current research is analytical in nature, as researcher will
make use of the primary data for analysis. Researcher has described the facts and the
current situation based on the opinions of the aviation professional thus, research design
is descriptive and researcher has made use of positivism technique for conducting this
research. Researcher has used the stratified sampling to draw a sample of 300 aviation
professionals from the airlines industry of Middle-east and India. Researcher has
developed a questionnaire to collect the opinions of the aviation professionals on a scale
of five points ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Questions used in the
research instruments were close ended in nature. Researcher has made use of
descriptive methods and chi square method for the purpose of analysis of primary data.




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