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OSHA 10-Hour Construction Industry

Required Online Topic Time: 30m

Learning Objectives

Duration Enabling Learning Objectives

30 MIN • Describe the role of a competent person related to

Terminal Learning Objective • Identify the types of scaffolds commonly used on

construction sites.
Given best practices and current
OSHA and industry information • Describe hazards associated with scaffolds.
regarding worksite injuries • Discuss methods to prevent hazards associated
and/or fatalities, the student will with scaffolds.
be able to recognize how to
protect themselves from • Recognize employer requirements to protect
hazards associated with workers from scaffold hazards.

CareerSafe® 2

Introduction In this topic, we'll introduce you to the safety

concerns and precautions needed when using
Welcome to the Scaffolds

CareerSafe® 3

The Reality of Scaffold Dangers
Intro to Scaffolds

Approximately 65% of construction workers

frequently work on scaffolds. Scaffold-related
accidents account for approximately 4,500
injuries and 50 fatalities every year.

In a Bureau of Labor and Statistics study,

almost three-quarters of workers injured in
scaffold accidents attributed the accident
either to the planking or support giving way,
or to the employee slipping or being struck by
a falling object.

CareerSafe® 4

Types of Scaffolds
Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

Supported Scaffold Suspended Scaffold Aerial Lift

Supported scaffolds are A suspended scaffold Aerial lifts are vehicle-
platforms supported by legs, contains one or more mounted aerial devices used
outrigger beams, brackets, platforms suspended by to elevate employees, such
poles, frames, or similar rigid ropes or other non-rigid as extensible boom
supports. The poles, legs, means from an overhead platforms, articulated boom
posts, frames, and uprights structure. Examples of this platforms, and vertical
must be plumb and braced to scaffold type are: single- towers. These are sometimes
prevent swaying and point, multi-point, multi-level, referred to as “cherry
displacement. two-point, adjustable, pickers” or “boom trucks.”
boatswain’s chair, catenary,
chimney hoist, continuous
run, elevator false car, go-
devils, interior hung,
masons’, and stone setters.’

CareerSafe® 5

Supported Scaffolds (1 of 2)
Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

Restraints - Supported scaffolds with a height to base width ratio of more than 4:1 must be
restrained by guying, tying, bracing, or an equivalent method. Either the manufacturer's
recommendations or the following placements must be used for guys, ties, and braces:
• Install guys, ties, or braces at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and repeat
vertically with the top restraint no further than the 4:1 height from the top.
• Guys, ties or braces should be placed vertically every 20 ft (6.1 meters) or less for scaffolds
less than 3 ft (0.91 meters) wide; every 26 feet (7.9 meters) or less for scaffolds more than 3 ft
(0.91 meters) wide.
• Guys, ties or braces should be placed horizontally at each end of the scaffold at intervals not to
exceed 30ft (9.1 m) from one end.

CareerSafe® 6

Supported Scaffolds (2 of 2)
Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

Support Systems - Another important factor in support scaffolds is the support system itself. A
supported scaffold's poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights must bear on base plates and mud
sills, or adequately firm foundations. These types of scaffolds can also be supported by forklifts
and front-end loaders. Forklifts can only support platforms when the entire platform is attached to
the fork and the forklift does not move horizontally when workers are on the platform. Front-end
loaders and similar equipment can support scaffold platforms only when they've been specifically
designed for such use by their manufacturer.

Stilts - Stilts can be used to increase the working level height of employees on a supported
scaffold, however, this is only acceptable for a large area scaffold. When stilts are used, the
existing guardrail must be increased in height equal to the height of the stilts.

CareerSafe® 7

Suspended Scaffolds
Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

Suspended scaffolds require that all

support devices rest on surfaces
capable of supporting at least four
times the load imposed on them by the
scaffold when operating at the rated
load of the hoist, or at least one-and-a-
half times the load imposed on them by
the scaffold at the stall capacity of the
hoist, whichever is greater.

CareerSafe® 8

Aerial Lift Scaffolds

Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

The final scaffold type is an aerial lift. This type of scaffold also has its own specific OSHA
requirements which include:
• Only authorized personnel can operate aerial lifts.
• The manufacturer or an equivalent must certify any modifications.
• The insulated portion of the lift must not be altered to reduce its insulating value.
• Brakes must be set and outriggers used.
• Boom and basket load limits must not be exceeded.
• Devices cannot be used to raise the employee above the basket floor.

CareerSafe® 9

Knowledge Key
Scaffolds Basics and Employers' Responsibilities

Your employer must select a designated competent person who oversees the assembly,
disassembly, inspection, and safe use of scaffolds. The competent person is also
responsible for designing scaffolds, having the ability to identify hazards, and having the
authority to take any corrective actions needed. They must also train all employees who
erect, disassemble, move, operate, repair, maintain, inspect, or work on scaffolds. There
are three types of scaffolds: supported, suspended, and aerial. A supported scaffold
means one or more platforms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles, legs,
uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support. A suspended scaffold means one or more
platforms suspended by ropes or other non-rigid means from an overhead structure(s).
Finally, aerial scaffolds include vehicle-mounted aerial devices used to elevate personnel
to job-sites above ground.

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Scaffold Hazards (1 of 3)
Hazards Associated with Scaffolds

Falls - Slips, unsafe access, lack of fall protection, or failure of scaffold platforms or planks are
factors that lead to fall incidents. Falls may occur:
• When working on unguarded scaffold platforms.
• While climbing on or off unguarded scaffold platforms.
• When scaffold platforms or planks fall.

Falling Objects - You can be hit by falling hand tools, debris, and other small objects. To prevent
this, toeboards, screens, guardrails, debris nets, catch platforms, canopy structures, or barricades
should be constructed. Also, employees must wear hard hats.

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Scaffold Hazards (2 of 3)
Hazards Associated with Scaffolds

Electrocution - When working near overhead power lines, electrocution is a serious

consideration. Scaffolds shall not be erected, used, dismantled, altered, or moved such that they,
or any conductive material handled on them, might come within the OSHA-approved distance to
exposed and energized power lines.

Planking - Per OSHA standards, scaffold planking is to be scaffold-grade lumber. This type of
lumber is meant to withstand forces not imposed on ordinary, construction-grade wood (which is
only two-thirds the capacity of scaffold-grade).

Collapse Hazards - Scaffolds can collapse if not secured, level, stable, or if they are overloaded.

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Scaffold Hazards (3 of 3)
Hazards Associated with Scaffolds

Weather Conditions - Weather conditions, such as rain, snow, wind and

lightning, can create adverse conditions which could be distracting to the worker,
pose slip and fall hazards, or cause electrocution.

Collisions or Struck-by - Collisions or struck-by a construction vehicle or MV

which could lead to tip-over of the scaffold.

CareerSafe® 13


Knowledge Key
Hazards Associated with Scaffolds

The primary hazards that you'll be exposed to when working on

scaffolds are falls, falling objects, electrical hazards, planking
hazards, weather conditions, and collisions.

CareerSafe® 14


Scaffold Access
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

Another concern of proper scaffold construction is providing employee access. If

scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access,
they must provide scaffold access. Scaffolds should not be accessed using

Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 cm)
horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 cm) vertically from the other

CareerSafe® 15


Permitted Access Types
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

The permitted scaffold access types are:

• Ladders, such as portable, hook-on,
attachable, or stairway ladders.
• Stair towers.
• Ramps and walkways.
• Integral prefabricated frames.
• Other scaffolds, structures, or hoists.

CareerSafe® 16


Fall Hazards
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

Employers must provide fall protection for each employee on a scaffold more
than 10ft (3.1m) above a lower level. This protection includes guardrail systems
and personal fall arrest systems.

Both fall arrest systems and guardrail systems must be used when working on
both single- and two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, and self-contained
adjustable scaffolds that are supported by ropes.

CareerSafe® 17


Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

To meet OSHA standards, and to adequately protect employees, guardrails should be installed
along all open sides and ends of scaffolding before us. Guardrails should have toprails and
midrails. The toprails must be between 38 inches (point 97 meters) and 45 inches (1.2 meters)
tall. Midrails must be installed approximately half way between the toprail and the platform
surface, Steel or plastic banding must not be used as toprails or midrails.

Crossbracing is acceptable in place of a midrail when the crossing point of two braces is between
20 inches (0.5 m) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the work platform or as a toprail when the crossing
point of two braces is between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 48 inches (1.3 m) above the work platform.
The end points at each upright shall be no more than 48 inches (1.3 m) apart.

CareerSafe® 18


Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

In general, personal fall arrest systems

should be used on scaffolding when
there are no guard rail systems. Specific
scaffolding types that need personal fall
arrest systems are: boatswain’s chair,
catenary, float, needle beam, ladder jack,
and pump jack. A (PFAS)should also be
used when working from the
boom/basket of an aerial lift.

CareerSafe® 19


What is a Personal Fall Arrest

Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

A PFAS consists of an anchor, full body harness, and connector. Many PFASs also include a
deceleration device which is a subsystem that dissipates the forces associated with a fall arrest
event. They are an integral tool in helping you stay safe. A simple way to remember the primary
parts of a PFAS is by the acronym ABC which stands for
• Anchor
• Body harness
• Connector

A PFAS should be inspected prior to each use. It should not allow a free-fall of more than 6 feet
and there should be prompt rescue after a fall.

CareerSafe® 20


Falling Objects
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

You can be hit by falling hand tools, debris, and other small objects. To prevent this, toeboards,
screens, guardrails, debris nets, catch platforms, canopy structures, or barricades should be
constructed. Also, employees must wear hard hats.

If potential falling objects are too large, heavy, or massive to be contained or deflected by any of
the above-listed measures, your employer must place any potential falling objects away from the
edge of the surface from which they could fall and must secure those materials as necessary to
prevent their falling.

CareerSafe® 21


Protection from Electrical Hazards
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

When working near overhead power lines, electrocution is a serious

consideration. Scaffolds shall not be erected, used, dismantled, altered, or moved
such that they, or any conductive material handled on them, might come within
the OSHA-approved distance to exposed and energized power lines.

CareerSafe® 22


Moving Scaffolds
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

Requirements for moving scaffolds...

Level Ground Surface - The ground that the scaffold is built on must be level.

Size - The height of the scaffold cannot be more than twice its width.

Outriggers - Outriggers must be installed on both sides of the scaffold for additional leverage.

Wheel Base - No workers must be inside the wheel base of the scaffold.

Competent Person - A competent person must be onsite to supervise the move.

CareerSafe® 23


Peripheral Scaffold Equipment (1 of 2)

Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

Peripheral scaffold equipment, such as outriggers, tiebacks, suspension ropes, and hoists, also
have specific guidelines.

Outrigger Beam - Outrigger beam (thrustouts) are the structural members of a suspension or an
outrigger scaffolds that can provide support. They must be placed perpendicular to their bearing

Tieback - Tiebacks must be secured to structurally sound anchorage on the building or structure.
A single tieback must be installed perpendicular to the face of the building or structure. Two tie-
backs installed at opposing angles are required when a perpendicular tieback cannot be installed.

CareerSafe® 24


Peripheral Scaffold Equipment (2 of 2)
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

Suspension ropes must be long enough to allow the scaffold to be lowered below without the rope
passing through the hoist. Additional safety requirements include:
• Suspension ropes supporting adjustable suspension scaffolds must be large enough in
diameter to provide sufficient surface area for the functioning of brake and hoist mechanisms.
• Employers must replace wire rope in the following circumstances:
o When the rope has kinks
o When the rope has six randomly broken wires in one rope lay or three broken wires in one
strand in one lay
o One-third of the original diameter or the outside wires is lost
o When heat damage is present
o When the secondary brake has engaged the rope
o Any other physical damage that impairs the function and strength of the rope

CareerSafe® 25


Knowledge Key
Reducing and Eliminating Scaffold Hazards

The risks of working on scaffolds can be greatly reduced by following scaffold

safety standards. You must have a safe way, such as a ladder, stair tower, etc. to
access any scaffold over 2 feet. Fall protection, such as guardrails and personal
fall arrest systems, must be provided for any scaffold over 10 feet. Your employer
has a duty to protect you from falling objects by providing suitable safety devices,
such as nets, as well as by providing hard hats. OSHA sets specific criteria for
distances between power lines and scaffolds. There are very specific standards
that have to be met before a scaffold can be moved.

CareerSafe® 26


Proper Construction
Scaffold Construction and Disassembly

One of the best ways to prevent scaffold hazards is proper construction.

OSHA also has defined construction standards for everything from the ground the
scaffold is built on to the parts used to build it to who is allowed to work on the
scaffold. Let's learn a little more about these requirements.

CareerSafe® 27


Scaffold Construction Methods (1 of 3)
Scaffold Construction and Disassembly

Ground - Scaffolds must be erected on stable and level ground.

Platforms - Each platform must be planked and decked as fully as possible with the space
between the platform and uprights not more than 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. The space must not
exceed 9½ inches (24.1 cm) when side brackets or odd-shaped structures result in a wider
opening between the platform and the uprights. Scaffold planking must be able to support, without
failure, its own weight and at least four times the intended load. Each scaffold platform and
walkway must be at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide.

Wheels and Braces - Wheels and braces must both be locked.

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Scaffold Construction Methods (2 of 3)

Scaffold Construction and Disassembly

Height of Scaffold to Base Ratio - The height of a scaffold should be no more than four times its
minimum base dimension unless guys, ties, or braces are used.

Base plates/Mudsills - The purpose of the mudsill under the scaffold base plate is to uniformly
distribute the scaffold load over a larger area than that distributed by the base plate alone, thereby
reducing the loading on the ground beneath the base plates. The scaffold baseplates and mudsills
increase the area where the downward forces of the scaffold are transmitted. The scaffold load is
transferred from the uprights to the base plates and then to the mud sills or other adequate
foundation from the scaffold legs, which must show minimal or negligible settlement under a full
scaffold loading to be adequate.

CareerSafe® 29


Scaffold Construction Methods (3 of 3)

Scaffold Construction and Disassembly

Professional Engineer - A registered professional Component Pieces - Scaffold components

engineer is required in the following circumstances: manufactured by different manufacturers must
not be intermixed, unless they fit together
• To design scaffolds that are to be moved when
employees are on them. without being forced and the scaffold's
structural integrity is maintained. Components
• To design pole scaffolds over 60 feet (18.3 manufactured by different manufacturers are
meters) in height. not allowed to be modified to make them fit
• To design tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 together, unless a competent person
feet (38 meters) in height. determines that the resulting scaffold is
structurally sound.
• To design fabricated frame scaffolds over 125
feet (38 meters) in height above their base Also, those made of dissimilar metals must not
plates. be used together unless a competent person
has determined that galvanic action will not
• To design brackets on fabricated frame scaffolds reduce the strength of any component below
used to support cantilevered loads in addition to OSHA standards.
CareerSafe® 30


Knowledge Key
Scaffold Construction and Disassembly

Anytime scaffolds are assembled or disassembled, a competent person must oversee the
operation and train anyone who will be assisting. The competent person is also responsible for
recommending whether fall protection is needed for every scaffold assembled. When
constructing a scaffold, there are specific criteria for the ground the scaffold is built on, the
products and components used to build the scaffold, its height in comparison to the base, the
construction of the platform, and whether or not a professional engineer is required to oversee
the construction.

CareerSafe® 31



Remember, to stay safe around scaffolds, a

competent person should be designated to oversee
scaffold assembly, disassembly, and use.

If you are working in any way on a scaffold, you

must receive training.

If the scaffold at your worksite doesn't meet the

requirements for construction, access, fall
protection, falling objects, electrocution protection,
or if hard hats aren't provided, you should not work
on that scaffold. Instead, inform your employer of
the issue or make a complaint with OSHA.

CareerSafe® 32


Practice Questions (1 of 2)

01. What are the responsibilities of the

designated competent person with regard to
02. Inmade
this image we see an item that, if not
of scaffold-grade material, can pose a
scaffolds? Select all that apply. hazard to scaffold workers. What hazard is
a. Designing scaffolds being referred to?
b. Overseeing the assembly,
disassembly, inspection, and safe
use of scaffolds
c. Having the ability to identify
hazards and having the authority to
take any corrective actions needed
d. Training all employees who erect,
disassemble, move, operate, repair,
maintain, inspect, or work on a. Falling objects
scaffolds b. Planking
c. Collisions
d. Weather Conditions

CareerSafe® 33


Practice Questions (2 of 2)

03. What safety issue do you see in this image?

a. No toeboard
b. No guardrail
c. No fall protection
d. All answers represent safety issues

CareerSafe® 34


Answer Key (1 of 2)

01. What are the responsibilities of the

designated competent person with regard to
02. Inmade
this image we see an item that, if not
of scaffold-grade material, can pose a
scaffolds? Select all that apply. hazard to scaffold workers. What hazard is
a. Designing scaffolds being referred to?
b. Overseeing the assembly,
disassembly, inspection, and safe
use of scaffolds
c. Having the ability to identify
hazards and having the authority to
take any corrective actions needed
d. Training all employees who erect,
disassemble, move, operate, repair,
maintain, inspect, or work on a. Falling objects
scaffolds b. Planking
c. Collisions
d. Weather Conditions

CareerSafe® 35


Answer Key (2 of 2)

03. What safety issue do you see in this image?

a. No toeboard
b. No guardrail
c. No fall protection
d. All answers represent safety issues

CareerSafe® 36


Great Job!
You have now completed the
Scaffolds topic.

CareerSafe® 37



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