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Acceptability of (Musa acuminata Colla) Banana Blossom Nuggets

A Thesis presented to the

Hospitality and Business Management Department
Iloilo Science and Technology University
Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Hosipitality Management

Chapter I

Background of the Study

While most people are familiar with the sweet and fruity flesh of banana, few have

ventured to try to banana blossom. While the thought of eating a banana blossom may be hard

for some to stomach, it’s a common ingredient in many cuisines around the world. We love to

gorge on Banana the yummy and exotic fruit, we are throwing away its flower without even

knowing or realizing the amount of nutrition packed in there. Instead of throwing away its

flower, compile the best known benefits of banana blossom. After all, we would never throw

banana blossom away once we learn of their endless benefits.

We all that most of the people have no idea about the nutrition that we can get on the

banana blossom, so we gave less importance to it. The blossom of a banana makes up about

35% of the banana blossom and is often discarded rather than consumed.

However, using the flower is a great way to reduce food waste while squeezing some

extra vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Banana flowers, famed as banana hearts comes with a treasure trove of nutrients

including fibre, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and vitamin E. These

edible flowers can be incorporated in the regular diet in the form of salads, soup, stir-fries, vada

and herbal concoction.

Meanwhile, potassium can help regulate blood pressure levels, protect against bone loss,

and reduce your risk of kidney stones. Banana blossom are rich in antioxidants, with banana

blossom boasting the highest numbers.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find the possibility of processing Banana blossom into chicken

nuggets using different proportions of Banana blossom.

The study sought to find the answer to the following questions.

1. What is the most accepted proportion in making Banana blossom nuggets in terms of

appearance, aroma, taste and texture as evaluated by the respondents?

2. Is there a significant difference in different proportions of Banana blossom in chicken

nuggets terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture as evaluated by the respondents?

3. What is the cost of the most acceptable proportion of Banana blossom in chicken nuggets?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference in the level of the acceptability using different

proportion of Banana blossom in chicken nuggets in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and

textures, as evaluated by the respondents.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. The diagram below shows the interrelationship of the variables in the study.

Input Throughput Output

Banana Blossom Nuggets
Process of
a.) Ingredients making

(Banana blossom, chicken Banana blossom

The acceptable
meat, cheese, salt, pepper, nuggets
proportion of:
sugar, egg, bread crumbs, and - Evaluation of
flour) Appearance
b.) Tools and Equipment blossom in Aroma
different Taste and;
(Ladle, strainer, frying Pan, proportions Texture
casserole, gas range, knives, - Statistical
weighing scale, mixing bowl,
plastic wrapper and measuring
- Cost Analysis

Feedback Commercialization

Figure 1. Paradigm shows the interrelationship of the variable of the study.

Input of the study is the Banana Blossom and other ingredients of nuggets and the

tools, utensils and equipment. The throughputs of the study are the preparation of the Banana

Blossom, procedures, statistical analysis and the cost analysis on making nuggets. The output

of the study is determining the acceptability of Banana Blossom nuggets in terms of

appearance, aroma, taste and texture.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would be beneficial of the following:

Housewives. The result of this study would be great help to housewives because it is less

expensive for the family. it is nutritious viand to meals that can be prepared at home.

Housewives could engage in a small business using this locally grown fruits in order to augment

in their family income.

Students. The result of this study will encourage them to experiment and test the means of

preparing indigenous seeds in utilizing them in a new form of product.

Teacher. The result of this study will provide teachers to use Banana Blossom which is cheaper

than chicken that is usually used as ingredients in making nuggets.

Entrepreneur. This study encourages entrepreneur to engage in mass production Banana

Blossom Nuggets to sell in order to ass income to their business.

Researchers. The result can help our menu planner and can give the researchers idea of any

kinds of food that will benefit everyone’s health. This study will help the researcher learn new

recipes using and making new dishes with the use of Banana Blossom.

Farmers. This study would motivate them to plant more Banana Blossom to produce more

Banana Blossom as a source of income in helping them to supply their way of living.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The Study was limited itself to utilization of Banana Blossom. This study was an

experimental study that determined the accepted proportion of Banana Blossom in making

Nuggets in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. This study will be conducted at
Brgy. Ungka ll, Pavia Iloilo. The respondents of the study were 20 selected people in Brgy.

Ungka ll, Pavia Iloilo. The sensory evaluation score sheet based on the Nine- Point Hedonic

Scale was used for evaluating the food product.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby defined for common understanding as used in this

research study.

Acceptability. Acceptability refers to capability or worth of being accepted.


In this study, Acceptability means the acceptance of “Banana Blossom as Nuggets” in

terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture.

Appearance. Appearance is an act of appearing of coming into sight.

(2004-2010, Exocrews).

In this study, Appearance refers to the golden brown color and condition of the product

“Banana Blossom as Nuggets”

Aroma. Aroma refers to a distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell.

(2012 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated).

In this study, Aroma refers to the smell or odor of “Banana Blossom Nuggets” that has a

pleasant and savory smell.

Taste. Taste refers to the quality of something that affects the sense of taste.

(Merriam –

In this study, taste presents the acceptable flavor of Banana Blossom in making the

nuggets. It has a meaty flavor like usual chicken nuggets.

Texture. Texture refers to those qualities of food that can be felt with fingers, tongue, palate or



In this study, texture refers to its quality, it is rough, smooth in tongue or teeth. Banana

Blossom Nuggets” has a rough texture.

In this study, Banana Blossom is the main ingredients used in making Banana Blossom


Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies pertaining the utilization of

Banana Blossom as Nuggets.

Description of Banana Blossom

Banana, fruit of the genus Musa, of the family Musaceae, one of the most important

fruit crops of the world. The banana is grown in the tropics, and, though it is most widely

consumed in those regions, it is valued worldwide for its flavor, nutritional value, and availability

throughout the year. The light yellow floret encased within the bracts can be diced and eaten

raw in salads or they can be cooked in curries. Like potatoes, apples and bananas, the flowers

oxidize and turn black when they come in contact with air and so they should be soaked in

water to prevent this from happening.

These edible flowers can be incorporated in the regular diet in the form of salads, soup,

stir-fries, vada and herbal concoction.

Banana flower is an alkaline food which effectively neutralizes the stomach acid

secretions and offers respite from indigestion, ulcers and pain. Apart from this, high on dietary

fibre and other vital nutrients banana flowers work as a natural laxative and regularise bowel

functions and treat constipation.

Banana flower has outstanding medicinal properties, also known as a banana

blossom or banana heart. It has a potent nutritional profile. Banana flower is packed with

essential minerals such as phosphorous, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium and iron, vital

for several bodily functions. (



Definition of Chicken

A chicken is a domestic or a farm birds. The live span of a chicken is about 10 to 15 years.

The male is larger and more brightly colored than the female. This is common feature in birds. The

males show off their colorful feathers to attract the females.

A chicken has a comb on the head and two wattles under the neck. The male has a larger

comb compared to the female. The male is called a rooster. The female is called a hen while the

young are called chicks. The female is usually ready to lay her fist eggs when she is around six

months old. The morning call you hear on the farm every morning is actually the rooster crowing

“cock-a-doodle-doo”. The female is called a hen and she goes “cluck-cluck”. The young are called

chicks and they go “chick-chick”.

Chicken grown as laying hens are reared in growing houses until they are about 16 to 18

weeks of age and then they are moved into caged laying facilities. The birds start egg production at

about 20 weeks of age and continue to lay until they are about 76 weeks of age. Some birds are

then molted and lay eggs for another six months or so and the rest are processed as fowl meat and

are used for products like chicken soup.

Poultry have been on the earth for over 150 million years, dating back to the original wild

jungle fowl. Now we include ducks, geese, turkey, pheasants, pigeons, peafowl, guinea fowl and

chickens in the list of species under the general term poultry.

Poultry provide humans with companionship, food and fiber in the form of eggs, meat and

feathers. Many people love to raise and show chickens and other poultry species at fairs and other
poultry shows. Others just love to raise them for backyard pets and for fresh eggs every day. There

is a large commercial chicken industry that provides us with eggs and meat.

Chicken are sold or slaughtered for food and then sold, which why they may symbolize

financial wealth and prosperity. In order for this to be true, however, the chicken in your dream

must have been free or well-cared for on a farm. (

Chicken Nuggets

Made with white meat, our bite-sized Chicken Nuggets are tender and juicy on the inside and

crispy on the outside. Coated in a home-style seasoned breading, they are perfect for dipping in any

of our delicious dipping sauces.

A chicken nugget is a chicken product made from chicken meat that is breaded or battered,

then deep-fried or baked. Fast food restaurants usually fry their nuggets in vegetable oil.

Some fast food restaurants have launched vegetarian alternatives. McDonald’s served

Garden McNuggets made of beans and Swedish fast food restaurant Max Hanburgare offers a dish

containing nuggets made of falafel. Quorn also supplies vegetarian chicken style nuggets.

The chicken nugget was invented in the 1950s by Robert C. Baker, a food science professor

at Cornell University, and published as unpatented academic work. This bite sized piece of chicken,

coated in batter and then deep fried was called the “Chicken Crispie” by Baker and his associates.

Dr. Baker’s innovations made it possible to form chicken nuggets in any shape. Common problems

the meat industry were facing at the time of this invention were being able to hold ground meat

together without a skin and producing a batter that could handle being both deep fried and frozen

without coming off the desired meat. Baker was able to solve both problems by first coating the

meat in vinegar, salt, grains, and milk powder to make it hold together and secondly using an egg

and grain based batter that was able to fried as well as frozen.
The McDonald’s version of Chicken Nuggets is known as Chicken McNuggets. Their recipe

was created on commission from McDonald’s by Tyson Foods in 1979 and the product was sold

beginning in 1980.


Cheese is a dairy product produced in wide ranges of flavors, textures and forms by

coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of

cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. During production, the milk is usually acidified and the enzymes of

either rennet or bacterial enzymes with similar activity are added to cause the casein to coagulate.

The solid curds are then separated from the liquid whey and pressed into finished cheese. Some

cheeses have aromatic molds on the rind, the outer layer, or throughout.

Over a thousand types of cheese exist and are currently produced in various countries.

Their styles, textures and flavors depend on the origin of the milk (including the animal's diet),

whether they have been pasteurized, the butterfat content, the bacteria and mold, the processing,

and how long they have been aged for. Herbs, spices, or wood smoke may be used as flavoring


Cheese is an ancient food whose origins predate recorded history. There is no conclusive

evidence indicating where cheesemaking originated, whether in Europe, Central Asia or the Middle

East. Earliest proposed dates for the origin of cheesemaking range from around 8000 BCE, when

sheep were first domesticated. Since animal skins and inflated internal organs have, since ancient

times, provided storage vessels for a range of foodstuffs, it is probable that the process of cheese

making was discovered accidentally by storing milk in a container made from the stomach of an

animal, resulting in the milk being turned to curd and whey by the rennet from the stomach.
Cheesemaking may have begun independently of this by the pressing and salting of curdled

milk to preserve it. Observation that the effect of making cheese in an animal stomach gave more

solid and better-textured curds may have led to the deliberate addition of rennet.


Review of Related Studies

Sensory evaluation refers to a scientific discussion used to evoke measure, analyze and

interpret reaction to those characteristics of food and materials as they are perceived by the sense

of sight, smell, taste, touch and flavoring. In addition, it can be also referring as simply a process of

passing judgment with the use of human sense on the subject of the study as scientific approach.

In the study of Isabel F. Salvador1 (2018) entitled “CONSUMER ACCEPTABILITY OF

BANANA BLOSSOM SISIG.” The study used a descriptive form of research which described the level

of evaluations of the tasters on the banana blossom “sisig” in terms of variables such as

appearance, color, texture, aroma, presentation, and taste. In analyzing the data gathered the 9-

point hedonic scale was used. Evaluation of the product was done when respondents are grouped

by their profile. The data taken from the evaluations were analyzed using frequency counts and

percentages, means, t-test and Analysis of Variance. The highlight of the study were as follows: a)

the sensory evaluation of the respondents in all the variables ranges from “like very much” to “like

extremely” regardless of any profile variable; b) the respondents’ category influences their

evaluations in taste but has nothing to do on the rest of the variables; c) the profiles of the

respondents do not affect their evaluations in the different variables; d) there is a positive Return

on Investment in the commercialization of banana blossom sisig. Based on result of the study it
revealed that the appearance and taste is “like extremely” and the color, texture, aroma as well as

presentation is “like very much” by the tasters.

In the study of Kanchana S. Wickramarachchi and Senaratne L. Ranamukhaarachchi (2005)

entitled "Preservation of Fiber-Rich Banana Blossom as a Dehydrated Vegetable." The result of the

study showed, Banana blossom is an excellent source of crude fiber in the human diet. Hot water

blanching adopted at cottage level is found ineffective for preserving the banana blossom due to

enzymatic browning which reduces market demand of the processed product. Therefore, attempts

were made to develop a ready to- cook dehydrated product from the banana blossoms, while

maintaining the quality and minimizing enzymatic browning and use of controversial sulfating

agents. Cutting the banana blossoms into slices of 3 mm directly into a 0.2 % citric acid solution

and keeping the slices immersed for 30 minute duration followed by drying at 50oC for 6 hr gave an

acceptable product with respect to appearance, flavor and overall quality.

The quality of the product remained almost unchanged when stored in Aluminum foil

laminated with high density polyethylene (Al/HDPE) for more than a month. Oriented polypropylene

laminated with cast polypropylene (OPP/CPP) was by far inferior for storage of the dehydrated

banana blossom, of which moisture content increased by 2.9 % and L’ value decreased from 41.23

to 37.42.

In the study of Z.-W. Sheng, W.-H. Ma, J.-H. Gao et al., (2011) entitled “Antioxidant

properties of banana flower.” The result of the study showed the antioxidant properties of banana

flower extracts (cvs. Baxijiao (AAA) and Paradisiaca (AAB)) were analysed by using several

biochemical assays which include 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity,

reducing power, 2, 2’-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate (ABTS) radical scavenging

activities and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in egg lecithin through the formation of thiobarbituric
acid-reactive substances (TBARS). These assays have been extensively studied and generally

accepted as models to characterize peroxidative damage in biomembranes. In the present study,

the EC50 values were calculated using each method as listed above was used to compare the

antioxidant efficiency of each banana flower extract. The phenol, flavonoid, vitamin E and saponin

contents were also analyzed. Baxijiao flower extract revealed better antioxidant properties by

presenting much lower EC50 values, particularly for reducing power. In addition, antioxidant

concentrations (polyphenols and flavonoids) were found higher in this flower sample than those in

the Paradisiaca sample. The results suggested that the Baxijiao flower could be a better resource

either as a dietary supplement or as a food additive than the later one.

In the study of Arsaga C, and Minerva C (2018) entitled “Jackfruit Seed in Chicken

Nuggets”. The result of the study showed that proportion A which is 50% jackfruit seed and

50% of chicken meat was “ Liked very much” by the respondents as of appearance, aroma,

taste and texture. No significant differences were found in the different proportions of jackfruit

seed nuggets in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture.

In the study of Napungan (2013) on “Banana Blossom (Musa spp) Nuggets”

conforms to the result of this study where evaluators “Liked very much” their Banana Blossom

Nuggets in terms of its appearance.

This study of Napungan is related to this study on Jackfruit Nuggets in terms of

their purpose of creating a nugget using other ingredients to substitute to the main ingredients.

The study of Gulmatico (2000) on the utilization of fish in sausage making. As to its

aroma fish sausage was rated “Liked very much by the evaluators.
This study is related to the study of Gumaltico because of the similarity in terms of

aroma which has a meaty smell.

Another similar study was that of Bolivar (2006) on fish breadcrumbs and cornstarch

as to aroma the products were rated “Liked much” by the evaluators. These studies mentioned

were related to the presents study in terms of the process of modifying a food product by

substituting the original ingredient with another ingredient by proportioning the amount that

resulted to a good aroma of the product.

In the study of Brac (2002) in the acceptability of Embotido with young Banana

Stalk. Her result revealed that as to texture, Formulation A was lightly smooth.

This study contradicts to the study of Brac because the recent study turns out to be

rough in terms of texture and also the studies mentioned were related to the recent study in

terms of the purpose of creating new products by substituting the main ingredients with other

ingredients and evaluating them in terms of their texture.

In the study of Parcon, entitled “Jackfruit Seed-Peanut Brittle”. The result of the

evaluation revealed that the Jackfruit Seed-Peanut Brittle was “Liked Very Much” by the

students and faculty members in terms of taste.

The study of Parcon is related to this study because the taste turns out to be nutty.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the design, source of data, materials, tools and equipment, data

gathering instruments, experimental procedure and data processing techniques.

Research Design

This study used the experimental method procedure involving the control or

manipulation of conditions for the purpose of studying the relative effects of various proportions

of different samples. Philip Babcock Gove (1977).

In this study, the proportion of Banana Blossom as Nuggets were manipulated and

evaluated by the respondents in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture.

Experimental Layout

In order to have a reliable and meaningful result, the Convenient Randomized Design

(CRD) was used. In this Study, each sample was evaluated in three replications. To avoid the
biases during the evaluation, each replication was randomly selected to make the experimental


Table 1. Experimental Layout


Proportions 1st 2nd 3rd

Replication Replication Replication

A- 750g Chicken meat, 250g

Banana Blossom A B C

B- 500g Chicken meat, 500g

Banana Blossom B C D

C- 250g Chicken meat, 750g

Banana blossom C D A

D- Control D A B

Respondents of the Study

The source of data was from the responses of 30 respondents. The 30 respondents were

composed of 30 neighbors in Brgy Ungka ll, Pavia, Iloilo City. They were the primary source
data; they evaluated the Banana Blossom Nuggets in terms of its appearance, aroma, taste and


Research Instrument

The instrument used in gathering data was a sensory evaluation score sheet based on

the Nine- Point Hedonic Scale, which was to evaluate the product to its appearance, aroma,

taste and texture.

Table 2. Nine- Point Hedonic Scale

The score sheet was corrected, finalized and reproduced according to the following evaluation.

Scale Interpretation

9 Like extremely

8 Like very much

7 Like moderately

6 Like slightly

5 Neither like nor dislike

4 Dislike slightly

3 Dislike moderately

2 Dislike very much

1 Dislike extremely

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers secured a permit from the Barangay Captain to conduct the study. This study

was divided into three (3) phases:

Phase 1: Preparation of Materials,

Table 3. Materials, Tools and Equipment

Tools and Equipment Uses

Ladle Used in stirring Banana Blossom

Strainer Used to separate the water after boiling the Banana Blossom

Frying Pan Used to deep fry the Banana Blossom Nuggets

Casserole Used in boiling the Banana Blossom

Gas Range Used in cooking

Knives Used to slice Banana Blossom

Weighing Scale Used to measure the proportion of Banana Blossom and Chicken
Mixing Bowl Used in mixing Banana Blossom and other ingredients

Plastic Wrapper Used in packaging

Measuring Spoons Used to measure the salt, pepper and sugar to taste

The procedure in making Banana Blossom Nuggets

Phase II. Process of Banana Blossom Nuggets




Air Dry





Boiling. The Banana Blossom was boiled into the water for 30 minutes.

Peeling. The Banana Blossom were peeled to get the outer skin

Grinding. The Banana Blossom were grinded using grinder

Air Drying. The Banana Blossom were dried using air

Proportioning. The Banana Blossom was measured to its desired measurement into each


Mixing. All desired portion were mixed and combined to make Banana Blossom as nuggets.

Molding. The mixed proportions were mold into a nuggets shape size.

Frying. The Banana Blossom Nuggets were deep fried into a frying pan with boiling oil.

Packaging. The Banana Blossom Nuggets were packed to its different proportions.
The ingredients of different proportions of Banana Blossom Nuggets were the following:

Table 4. The different proportions of Banana Blossom Nuggets.

Proportions A B C

Banana Blossom 250g 500g 750g

Chicken Meat 750g 500g 250g

Salt 27g 27g 27g

Pepper 6g 6g 6g

Sugar 50g 50g 50g

Egg 88g 88g 88g

Bread Crumbs 75g 75g 75g

Flour 133g 133g 133g

Cheese 165g 165g 165g

Phase III. Evaluation of the Product Procedures

After the product was standardized, it was prepared for final evaluation. It was

subjected to the panel of evaluators. The 20 evaluators were composed of neighbor’s in Brgy

Ungka ll, Pavia, Iloilo City.

The evaluators were given instructions by the researchers on how to evaluate the study.

The evaluation criteria were enumerated and explained. As to appearance, the evaluators were

instructed to take a look at the general appearance of the product through its color. As to

aroma, the evaluators were required to find out if Banana Blossom Nuggets had a meaty odor.
As to Taste, the meaty flavor was exact or enough, as the Texture, the evaluators were

instructed to rate the product according to its fineness, smoothness and roughness.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the evaluation of product of Banana Blossom Nuggets the score sheets will gather

and respondents will tallied and summarize it.

The data will analyze to determine the acceptability of different proportion of Banana

Blossom as to its sensory qualities.

Mean will use to determine the accept proportion of banana blossom nuggets while

analysis of variance (0.01 level of significance) will use to determine the significant difference.

The different proportions of Banana Blossom Nuggets dominate in terms of appearance, aroma,

taste and texture were evaluated by the respondents in three replications.

Range of Scores

Liked Extremely 8.50 - 9.00

Liked Very Much 7.50 - 8.49

Liked Moderately 6.50 - 7.49

Liked Slightly 5.50 - 6.49

Neither Liked or Disliked 4.50 - 5.49

Disliked Slightly 3.50 - 4.49

Disliked Moderately 2.50 - 3.49

Disliked Very Much 1.50 - 2.49

Disliked Extremely 1.00 - 1.49

One way ANOVA will use to test the significance difference of the study at .01 level of


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