Mine Surveying Control of Wells: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

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International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033

Mine Surveying Control of Wells

S Mogilny1, A Sholomitskii2
Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 24a,
Chernyshevs’kogo St.,Dnepr,49600, Ukraine
Department of Engineering Geodesy and Mine Surveying , Siberian State University
of Geosystems and Technologies, 10 Plakhotnogo Str., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russian

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The article considers the problems of increasing the accuracy and reliability of
processing of inclinometric and telemetric data. It provides the review of domestic and foreign
references for the topic. It is noted that by no means all the tasks are solved methodically correctly
and most effectively. The work proposes the method of processing the inclinometric survey data,
which takes into account the data correlation of adjacent intervals. It also provides statistic solution
of the task of determining the ellipsoid crossing, undetermined location of well bottom and design
tolerance area. The algorithms proposed in the work are realized in program complex “Mining and
geodetic networks and survey”. The analysis of error accumulation in determination of well
bottom undetermined ellipsoid showed that calculation without taking into account the
correlation of adjacent intervals underrates the final error, i.e. the size of undetermined
ellipsoid by 20 – 40%. The determination of tolerance area sizes must be performed for a particular
deposit or a group of deposits with similar mountainous and geological conditions. The increase in
wellbore accuracy requires the increase of instrumental accuracy of telemetric and
inclinometric devices.

1. Introduction
The resources of the Earth are quickly running short. The developed oil deposits will be enough for
30–50 years. Large deposits have been under exploitation for a long time and nearly all newly
introduced into exploitation deposits refer to difficult ones. The wells are getting longer with longer
horizontal areas, that is why effective oil extraction requires high accuracy well boring. In this
connection the role of mining and geophysical services is getting more important as they deal with
surveying and processing of inclinometric data. The accuracy of telemetric systems which accompany
the boring process is still low and does not let perform the well boring with sufficient accuracy. The
Industry Steering Committee on Wellbore Survey Accuracy (ISCWSA) [1] works out, maintains and
publishes the standards for industry, contributing to mutual understanding of problems, connected with
the research for accurate determination of wellbore hole position [2].
The other large organization dealing with these problems is the Society of Petroleum Engineers
(SPE)[3], which together with ISCWSA publishes materials and research [4].
In publications of last years a lot of works are devoted to reliability of well bore position
determination [5,6], to the investigation of magnetic inclinometer surveying accuracy [7,8]. Big part of
research is taken by gyroscopic orientation accuracy [9,10].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033

The Russian Federation still uses methodological guidelines for processing inclinometric data [11],
which do not comply to modern methods and techniques for well boring. Modern educational
materials [12] repeat well-known theories and do not reply to many questions of inclinometric and
telemetric data processing. Therefore, a lot of companies develop their own normative documents, for
example [13], based on the documents of ISCWSA and SPE.
The authors think that the methods for inclinometric data processing and error accumulation do not
take into account the correlations of adjacent intervals in inclinometric measurements, which can
underrates the size of the ellipsoid of uncertainty.
The second not fully formalized task is the operation for checking whether an ellipsoid of
uncertainty enters the tolerance when checking whether the bottom of the well reaches the point with
the design coordinates.

2. Error accumulation of inclinometric survey

When drawing regularities the authors based on the following suggestions:
In the end of each j interval three values are measured:
 the length of the interval, м;  zenith angle, degrees;  azimuth (magnetic), degrees, which
constitute the vector of measurement (fig. 1):


Figure 1. Vector of j-interval Figure 2. Scheme of combining the uncertainty ellipsoid

measurement and tolerance area

The errors of interval values measurement forms the vector


It is suggested that the constituents of the vector are independent random values without
systematic displacement and with known standards of errors, determined by technical characteristics
of the used inclinometer. Covariance matrix of the vector has the view:
The matrix (3) is constant for all intervals in processing of inclinometric measurements.

International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033


The measurement errors in intervals are pair-wise independent.

The increment of the axis coordinates for each interval is calculated sequentially and the
coordinates of the well axis points are found by summing them. In general view vector of the
coordinates of the end of interval can be presented by the following expression:

, (5)

а – vector function of coordinate increment on the interval


Functions  scalars.
Vector of the point coordinate errors according to the formula (4) is determined by the
following expression
Vector partial derivatives are matrices, which with the formula (6) can be written in the following


And for vector


Thus,  covariance matrix of the errors of coordinates of the –point on the well axis should be
calculated on the following formula:

. (10)
As azimuths of the intervals are measured relatively to magnetic meridian, which forms the angle
(magnetic declination) with the geodetic system axis , the coordinates are recalculated into
geodetic system on formulas:


Covariance matrix of coordinates in geodetic system is calculated by formula

, (12)
where  matrix of magnetic meridian coordinate system turn to geodetic system, i.e.

International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033


The ellipse error elements are calculated on  covariance matrix of coordinates errors of the
every interval end


Then the directional angle  of error ellipse semi major axis is calculated from the equation
And the values of semi axes on the following formulas:
, (16)


As the error on the axis Z is loosely correlated with the errors of plane coordinates, the semi axis C
of the semi-axis of the error ellipsoid of the interval end spatial position can be accepted equal to
from the formula (14).
In order for the ellipsoid of errors to correspond to the probability of 0.95, it is necessary to
multiply the semi-axes from formula (16) by 2.8 for practical use.
The functions in formulas mentioned above (6) depend on the method of increment of
coordinates on the measurement interval. The instruction [11] recommends two methods:
 Arithmetic mean;
 Least curvature method.
Foreign references recommend the least curvature method [2], which is on the practical use

3. Calculating the probability of combining the uncertainty ellipsoid and the tolerance
The quality measure of the performed well boring is accepted as the combining of the uncertainty
ellipsoid with the tolerance area design deviation.
The uncertainty area in well bottom position due to axis interval elements measurements is built on
the basis of coordinate errors covariance matrix (formula (14)). Depending on the coordinate
dimensions the area can represent the following space:
 Straight line segment  uncertainty along the given direction;
 Ellipse uncertainty on the section;
 Ellipsoid uncertainty in 3D – space.
Therefore, it is necessary to determine, what part of ellipsoid is located in the zone of tolerance
area. The tolerance area represents the cylinder with circular section of horizontal plane of given
radius and height equal to doubled accepted deviation in depth. (Fig.2 – height tolerance,
– tolerance radius).
The calculations are performed by the method of statistical tests. Within the limits of minimal
parralelepiped, containing limited concentration ellipsoid, the points are sporadically generated. There
determinate the number of points, that came into the ellipsoid, from which there determined of
points, which are within the tolerance area. Then the relation

International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033

Will be the measure of the well bottom proximity to the design position. As it is accepted that
, the error will not exceed several tenths of a per cent.
For calculation of uncertain area probability it is necessary to mention the suggestion about the law
of error distribution. It is suggested that the error distribution law is normal. In the general case the of
probabilitiy-density function has a view:
, (19)
where random dimension vector ; covariance matrix of vector .
If to express the sizes of the field in sigma units (mean square error), then the probability of
the field is calculated on the formula [14]:

, (20)
Where is the radius of the field in sigma units;
 incomplete gamma function
the Euler gamma function.
 (22)

4. Realization of algorithms
The shown algorithms were realized in module “Well bore control” in the program “MG Seti” [15]
and tested on oil deposits of Western Siberia. The program allows to perform the basic operations
required [1-3], to show the designed and actual position of the well hole (fig. 3a in perspective, 3b in
the projection on horizontal plain).

a b с
Figure 3. Designed (white colour) and actual position of well bores.
Determination of well bottom uncertainty ellipse overlapping with the tolerance design area, in fig.
3с is shown in projection on horizontal plane (tolerance area – сircle), coefficient of well approaching
and many other tasks.

5. Conclusions
The analysis of errors accumulation in determining well bore uncertainty ellipsoid with the use of
different estimation methods [2, 12] showed that the calculation without taking into account the
correlation of adjacent intervals underrates the final error, that is, the size of uncertainty ellipsoid by
20 – 40%.

International Science and Technology Conference (FarEastСon 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 (2021) 072033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1079/7/072033

Different variants of tolerance area determination, in table view or in view of empirical

dependences, [11,12, 16] should be determined for a particular deposit or a group of deposits with
similar mountaneous and geological conditions.
The accuracy increase of well boring and mining inclinometric control requires the accuracy
increase of telemetric and inclinometric devices in measuring zenith angle and especially azimuth.

6. References
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