Little Girl Shrug: Trinity Stitch
Little Girl Shrug: Trinity Stitch
Little Girl Shrug: Trinity Stitch
sizes 4, 6, and 8 years are in parentheses. Next row (Wrong Side): Work across first 5
sts, place these sts on a holder, bind off next 4
Finished Chest Measurement: 23 (26, 28, sts, work to end.
30½)”, [58.42 (66.04, 71.12, 77.47 cm]
Work next right side row as established, then
Finished Length Measurement: 13 (14, 15, bind off 4 sts at the beginning of next neck
KNIT 16)”, [33.02 (35.56, 38.1, 40.64) cm] edge – 25 (29, 33, 37) sts.
EASY TRINITY STITCH Continue in pattern as established until piece
Pattern is worked over a multiple of 4 sts. measures same as Back. Bind off all sts.
Designed by Cathy Payson Row 1 (Right Side): Purl all sts.
Row 2: *(K1, p1, k1) all in next st, p3tog; Right Front
repeat from * to end. Cast on 38 (42, 46, 50) sts. Work in Garter st
What you will need: Row 3: Purl all sts. for ½” (1.27 cm) ending on the wrong side.
Row 4: *P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all in next st; Next row (Right Side): Work first 5 sts in
RED HEART® Baby Sheen™:
2 (3, 4, 5) balls 700 Pink
repeat from * to end. Garter st for placket, work Trinity Stitch to last
Repeat rows 1-4 for Trinity Stitch pattern. st, work last st in St st for edge st. Continue as
Susan Bates® knitting needles: established until piece measures ½” (1.27 cm)
3.75mm [US 5] SHRUG shorter than Left Front to beginning of neck
Back shaping, ending on a wrong side row.
2 small stitch holders, yarn needle,
one 1” [2.54 cm] button
Cast on 78 (86, 94, 102) sts. Work in Garter st Next row (Right Side): K3, yo, k2tog, work to
(knit every row) for ½” (1.27 cm) ending on end. Continue in pattern as established until
GAUGE: 26 sts = 4” [10 cm]; 32 the wrong side. piece measures 10 (11, 12, 13)” [25.4 (27.94,
rows = 4” [10 cm] in Trinity Stitch. 30.48, 33.02) cm], ending on a wrong side row.
CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any Next row (Right Side): Work first st in St st for
size needle to obtain the gauge.
edge st, then work row 1 of Trinity Stitch to last Shape Right Neck
st, work last st in St st for edge st. Continue Next row (Right Side): Work across first 5 sts,
working in pattern as established until piece place these sts on a holder, bind off next 4 sts,
measures 13 (14, 15, 16)” [33.02 (35.56, 38.1, work to end.
RED HEART® Baby 40.64) cm] ending with either row 1 or 3 of
when the weather is cooler. work 5 sts in Garter st for placket. Continue as
established until piece measures 10 (11, 12,
13)” [25.4 (27.94, 30.48, 33.02) cm], ending
on a right side row.