Little Girl Shrug: Trinity Stitch

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Directions are for size 2 years; changes for Shape Left Neck

sizes 4, 6, and 8 years are in parentheses. Next row (Wrong Side): Work across first 5
sts, place these sts on a holder, bind off next 4
Finished Chest Measurement: 23 (26, 28, sts, work to end.
30½)”, [58.42 (66.04, 71.12, 77.47 cm]
Work next right side row as established, then
Finished Length Measurement: 13 (14, 15, bind off 4 sts at the beginning of next neck
KNIT 16)”, [33.02 (35.56, 38.1, 40.64) cm] edge – 25 (29, 33, 37) sts.
EASY TRINITY STITCH Continue in pattern as established until piece
Pattern is worked over a multiple of 4 sts. measures same as Back. Bind off all sts.
Designed by Cathy Payson Row 1 (Right Side): Purl all sts.
Row 2: *(K1, p1, k1) all in next st, p3tog; Right Front
repeat from * to end. Cast on 38 (42, 46, 50) sts. Work in Garter st
What you will need: Row 3: Purl all sts. for ½” (1.27 cm) ending on the wrong side.
Row 4: *P3tog, (k1, p1, k1) all in next st; Next row (Right Side): Work first 5 sts in
RED HEART® Baby Sheen™:
2 (3, 4, 5) balls 700 Pink
repeat from * to end. Garter st for placket, work Trinity Stitch to last
Repeat rows 1-4 for Trinity Stitch pattern. st, work last st in St st for edge st. Continue as
Susan Bates® knitting needles: established until piece measures ½” (1.27 cm)
3.75mm [US 5] SHRUG shorter than Left Front to beginning of neck
Back shaping, ending on a wrong side row.
2 small stitch holders, yarn needle,
one 1” [2.54 cm] button
Cast on 78 (86, 94, 102) sts. Work in Garter st Next row (Right Side): K3, yo, k2tog, work to
(knit every row) for ½” (1.27 cm) ending on end. Continue in pattern as established until
GAUGE: 26 sts = 4” [10 cm]; 32 the wrong side. piece measures 10 (11, 12, 13)” [25.4 (27.94,
rows = 4” [10 cm] in Trinity Stitch. 30.48, 33.02) cm], ending on a wrong side row.
CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any Next row (Right Side): Work first st in St st for
size needle to obtain the gauge.
edge st, then work row 1 of Trinity Stitch to last Shape Right Neck
st, work last st in St st for edge st. Continue Next row (Right Side): Work across first 5 sts,
working in pattern as established until piece place these sts on a holder, bind off next 4 sts,
measures 13 (14, 15, 16)” [33.02 (35.56, 38.1, work to end.
RED HEART® Baby 40.64) cm] ending with either row 1 or 3 of

Little Girl Shrug

Sheen™, Art E795
available in solid color
Trinity Stitch. Bind off all sts knitwise. Work next wrong side row as established, then
3.5 oz (100 g), 307 yd (281 m) and bind off 4 sts at beginning of next neck edge –
multicolor 3 oz (85 g), 261 yd Left Front 25 (29, 33, 37) sts.
(239 m) balls Here’s the perfect knit shrug for the Cast on 38 (42, 46, 50) sts. Work in Garter st
fashionable little miss! Wear it as a for ½” (1.27 cm) ending on the wrong side. Continue in pattern as established until piece
lightweight topper over a sundress in the Next row (right side): Work first st in St st for measures same as Back. Bind off all sts.
warmer weather or over a long sleeve top edge st, work Trinity Stitch to last 5 sts, then Continued...

when the weather is cooler. work 5 sts in Garter st for placket. Continue as
established until piece measures 10 (11, 12,
13)” [25.4 (27.94, 30.48, 33.02) cm], ending
on a right side row.

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©2014 Coats & Clark | LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 1, 2019 Page 11 of
K = knit; K2tog = Knit next 2 sts together;
FINISHING P = Purl; P3tog = Purl next 3 sts together;
With yarn needle, sew shoulder seams St st = Stockinette stitch; st(s) = stitch(es);
together. yo = yarn over; * = repeat whatever follows
the * as indicated.
With right side facing, begin at shoulder seam
and pick up 29 (31, 33, 35) sts from shoulder
seam down at armhole edge on both back
and front -- 58 (62, 66, 70) sts around for
armhole. Work 4 rows in Garter st. Bind off all
sts knitwise.

With right side facing, pick up 78 (82, 86, 90)

sts around neck edges, including 5 placket sts
from each front holder. Work 4 rows Garter st.
Bind off all sts.

Sew on button. Weave in all ends.

LW4158 Little Girl’s Shrug
13 (14, 15, 16)” [33.02 (35.56, 38.1, 40.64) cm]

14.6, 15.24) cm]

5 (5¹⁄2, 5³⁄4, 6)”
[12.7 (15.97,


¹⁄2” (1.27 cm)

11¹⁄2 (13, 14, 15¹⁄4)” [29.21 (33.02, 35.56, 38.73) cm]

RHK0326-019441M | LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 1, 2019

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