10 класс 4 четв ҚМЖ
10 класс 4 четв ҚМЖ
10 класс 4 четв ҚМЖ
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Space
Learning objectives 10.3.3 Explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics
10.5.1 Plan, write, edit and proofread work at a text level with little or
no support on a range of general and curricular topics
10.5.6 write coherently at a text level using a variety of connectors on
a growing range of general and curricular topics
10.5.7 Use independently an appropriate layout on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
- To create a sci-fi story (100-150 words)
- State 10- 15 sentences using words related to the topic
Previous lesson Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to
anticipate from the lesson.
Step 2.
Teacher shows slides. According to these Students read
definitions and bullet points students must the definitions
give examples of science fiction films. (Ex: and discuss the
the Matrix, Star Wars, Avengers, The bullet points
Martian, Avatar, etc.) And they should
explain why they think so. Mutual
(While they explain their point of view, avaluation
teacher monitors and listens to their answers,
and makes notes on common mistakes that
students make)
Step 3.
Teacher asks students “What is the Students think
difference between Sci-fi and fantasy on this question,
films?” Students answer and teacher elicits as it is a tricky
answers. Teacher shows the comparison one.
between Sci-fi and Fantasy, which is on
slides 6 and 7. Slide 7 is an illustrated
comparison, ask the students to say the
differences between them. (Ex. On the
second picture a knight is probably facing a
dragon, dragon is unexacting magical Individual
creature, therefore that’s an example of avaluation
fantasy, etc.) To make sure that everyone
understood, close the slide and ask the
question one more time
Step 4.
“Students, what are the major themes of sci-
fi?” (While they explain their point of view, Students
teacher monitors and listens to their answers, remember the
and makes notes on common mistakes that films they
students make) watched and
After they finish, they present their ideas to brainstorm ideas
the class. You can show slide 8 as your own in pairs or
example at the beginning or at the end. groups of 4
Step 5.
If the group is weak, they can work in
groups. This activity must be like a contest Students create
on checking creativity of students. When their own short
they have a competition, they finish quicker, sci-fi story in
and they have good products at the end. pairs.
5 min The class comes back to lesson assessment
objectives and discusses what they
have achieved and what has left.
Self-assessment. How well do I
4 - I can do this and explain it to
someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Hometask: Draw some pictures
related to their own sci-fi story
Saying goodbye
LESSON 80 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Things you did not know about space
Learning objectives 10.2.6 - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics;
10.4.5- deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Space
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluatio Resources
timings activities n
Begining GREETINGS Greeting SB p. 98
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
Vocabulary & Reading
To introduce the topic
Explain/Elicit what UFO means Students
(unidentified flying object). introduce
Play the recording. Ss listen and read the the topic
headlines. Explain/Elicit the meanings of
any unknown words/phrases (e.g. flying
saucer = name for an alien spacecraft
from science fiction).
Elicit what various Ss think happened in
these incidents.
Suggested Answer Key
A - An alien spacecraft probably crashed on a
ranch in the Roswell region and it was captured
by some people.
В - I think some people reported finding a
strange wreckage and they think alien bodies
were examined at Roswell Army Base.
C - A police officer reported a sighting of an
alien spacecraft in Socorro, New Mexico.
D - Thousands of people witnessed strange lights
over Phoenix, Arizona.
Middle To predict the content of the text Students Verbal SB p. 98
30 min Direct Ss' attention to the title and the read the evaluation
introduction in the text. Elicit Ss' guesses text to see
as to what it can be about. if their
Suggested Answer Key guesses
I think the text is about a journalist investigating were
the case of the UFO crash landing in New
Mexico in 1947 and whether or not it may
actually have happened.
Background information
Roswell, New Mexico is a city in the
south-eastern quarter of the state of New
Mexico, USA. There are about 50,000
people living there. It is home to the New
Mexico Military Institute.
The Nevada Desert is in the USA. It
occupies parts of California, Nevada, SB p. 99
Utah and Arizona. It rarely rains there.
LESSON 82 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Things you did not know about space
Learning objectives 10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-
paragraph level] on a range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Things you did not know about space
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS SB p. 100
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
To consolidate vocabulary listen and Verbal
Elicit the names of the planets in our check if they evaluation
solar system from Ss around the class. named them
To read for cohesion and coherence all as well as
Play the recording.. practice the
Answer Key
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune pronunciation
Note: The solar system consists of the and
Sun and the planets that go around it. intonation
Middle To predict the content of a text Students Individual SB p. 100
30 min Read the title of the text and the read the text avaluation
quotation aloud and ask Ss to think and then
about the questions in the rubric. elicit answers
Give Ss time to read the text and then to the
elicit answers to the questions from Ss questions
around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
The problems of space colonisation are the
lack of technology and the lack of money. For
example, it would take 1,000 years to travel to
the nearest star system and it costs £6,000 to
put half a kilo of anything into near-Earth
orbit. The solution may be to give 0.25% of
the world's financial resources to fund space
Learning objectives 10.3.3- explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide
range of general and curricular topics;
10.11.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
10.2.5 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in
unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Things you did not know about space
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginin GREETINGS Greeting SB p. 101
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
5 min letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
6A Grammar
To revise conditionals: types 2 & 3 Students
Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference revise
section at the back of their books and conditionals
briefly revise conditional types 2 and 3
by giving examples for each type.
Answer Key
We use conditional type 2 to express in
situations which are unlikely to happen in the
or future. They are also used to give advice.
Middle 6B To present mixed conditionals Students Verbal
30 min Direct Ss' attention to the table and out stud table evaluation SB p.
the examples. Give Ss time to stud table and refer 101
and refer them to the Gran Reference them to the
section for more details. Gran
Elicit examples of mixed conditionals ir Reference
text from various Ss around the class. section for
Answer Key details.
If we had endless amounts of money for
space exploration, we would have
already overcome these problems and
built the first space colonies. Just
imagine - if people hadn't given
Columbus money for his voyage to
America in 1492, NASA probably
wouldn't exist today!
LESSON 84 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Things you did not know about space
Learning objectives 10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on
a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar
10.4.5- deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Things you did not know about space
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting SB p. 102
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson. Students
To prepare for a reading task look up the
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of meanings of
their books and give them time to look the
up the meanings of the words/phrases words/phras
given. Alternatively, elicit the meaning es given
of any unknown words.
Middle То introduce the topic Students Verbal
30 min Read out the questions in the rubric and introduce evaluation SB p. 103
ask Ss to say what they know about the the topic
film Avatar, and think of questions
about it. Elicit questions from Ss around
the class and write three of them on the
Suggested Answer Key
Avatar is a 3D science-fiction film with special
visual effects. The words in Ex. 1 refer to the
new techniques used to make it.
1 Where was the film set?
2 Who directed the film?
3 What was so special about the special effects
in the film?
LESSON 85 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Learning objectives .3.3- explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range
of general and curricular topics; 10.4.8 - use a wide range of familiar
and unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning
and extend understanding;
10.5.1- plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a range of general and curricular topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Things you did not know about space
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting Individual
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, avaluation
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
To revise reported speech Students
Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference s revise
revise reported speech, give them reported
complete the task and check Ss' speech
Answer Key
1 He said (that) Avatar had spectacular spec/i
2 She asked if/whether we could make the c
look more realistic.
3 They said (that) they had used state-o
technology to create the film.
4 David asked me who the main charactei
film were.
5 She asked him if/whether he thought i
would be a box office hit.
6 The scientist says (that) we need to i
computer technology further.
Middle SPEAKING & WRITING Students Verbal
30 min To summarise a text write down evaluation
Explain the task and ask Ss to read the main
through the text again and write down idea in each
the main idea in each paragraph in note paragraph in
form. note form.
Answer Key
A CGI and 3D computer graphics have
enhanced visual and special effects in virtual
В Cameron didn't have the needed technology
to film Avatar.
C Cameron managed to create lifelike
characters, but he wasn't satisfied.
D Cameron developed the first 3D camera to
combine live action scenes and CG scenes.
E The technology used to make the film will
be used for future projects.
LESSON 86 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Learning objectives 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginin GREETINGS Greeting SB p. 104
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
5 min letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
Divide the class into 3 groups and give Students play
each group a box with the questions a game
inside it. Let the first volunteer choose
a card, read that question, and answer
it. Then the next student picks up a
card and so on. When the students have
finished, there is a class feedback
To analyse a model for structure and
content Students Mutual
analyse a avaluation
Ask Ss to read out the Writing Tip and
learn about the genre and content of the model for
type of writing. Then give Ss time to structure and
read the model review and match the content
paragraphs to the headings.
Middle To present/practise topic-based Students read Verbal SB p. 104
30 min vocabulary the sentences evaluation
Ask Ss to read the sentences and and choose Individual
choose the correct words/phrases in the correct avaluation
bold. words/phrase assessment
Answer Key s in bold
1 set 2 is based on 3 main 4 dull,
twist 5 box office hit 6 lead 7
To identify adjectives in a model identify
Elicit the adjectives used to describe adjectives in
the items 1-6 in the model from Ss a model
around the class.
Answer Key
1 exciting 4 impressive
2 fast-moving 5 superb
action-packed6 spectacular
To practise topic-related vocabulary
complete the
Give Ss time to complete the sentences
using the words in the list.
using the SB p. 105
Check Ss' answers.
words in the
Answer Key
1 predictable
2 gripping
3 well-developed, likeable
5A То practise vocabulary for practise
recommending vocabulary
Explain the task and give Ss time to for
complete it. Check Ss' answers by recommend-
asking Ss around the class to read out ding
their sentences.
Answer Key
A 1 would definitely recommend
2 well worth seeing
В 3 you are looking for
4 is definitely for you
5 box office hits
C 6 make sure it's this one
won't regret it
8 In my opinion
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect
on their learning:
Learners list 3 things they found
out/learnt on the lesson.
Hometask: to learn the new vocabulary
Saying goodbye
LESSON 87 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Learning objectives 10.6.8 - use a variety of future active and passive and future
continuous forms on a wide range of familiar general and curricular
topics ;
10.6.10 - use present continuous and past continuous active and passive
forms on a wide range of general and familiar curricular topics;
10.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting SB p. 105
5 min The teacher sets the lesson
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
End Plenary
5 min "Spark of communication" Self-
-Today I was pleased ... assessment
-Today I was upset ...
LESSON 88 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Learning objectives 10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general and curricular topics;
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting Mutual SB p. 106
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, avaluation
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
Task 2. Learners work in pairs. Students can
First, one learner speaks on the choose a
topic, the second learner assesses couple of
him /her according to the questions to
criteria, and then they swap the discuss.
roles. These questions are not
compulsory and can be adapted.
There is no need to use all the
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners assessment
reflect on their learning:
What have you remembered on the
lesson today?
What was new for you?
What information was interesting
for you?
What is the difference of defining
and non-defining relative clauses?
Hometask: revise grammar themes
from the units
Saying goodbye
LESSON 90 School:
Unit 8: Space
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision
Learning objectives 10.6.15 - use infinitive forms after an increased number of verbs and
adjectives use gerund forms after a variety of verbs and prepositions
use a variety of prepositional and phrasal verb on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Analysis of sci-fi film from different perspectives (physics, biology,
SA 1
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting Verbal SB p. 108
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, evaluation
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
Learning objectives 10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a range of general and curricular topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginin GREETINGS Greeting
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
5 min letting students know what to
anticipate from the lesson.
To introduce the topic
Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and Students do
elicit what, if anything, they know the
about each topic. instructions
Ask various Ss to tell the class.
Middle To listen for confirmation Students Individual
30 min Ask Ss to read the texts. complete the avaluation
Go through the words in the list and
explain/ elicit the meanings of any
unknown words. Give Ss time to Students
complete the texts. match the texts
Play the recording. Ss listen and to the pictures.
check their answers. Then have Ss
match the texts to the pictures.
Answer Key
1 elements 3 universe 5 helix
2 properties 4 DNA
Play the video for Ss and elicit their
To talk about scientific Students
breakthroughs and expand the Verbal
answer the evaluation
topic questions
Elicit answers to the questions in the
rul various Ss around the class.
To consolidate information
Ask Ss to swap question paper answer Students
their partner's question swap question
Ss check their answers in pairs. paper answer
their partner's
Suggested Answer Key question
Our universe exploded out of nothing l point
about 14 billion years ago.
It was caused by the collapse and ex/ prior
There are trillions upon trillions of
LESSON 92 School:
Unit 9: Independent project
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Independent project
Learning objectives 10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics;
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics;
10.6.3 - use a variety of compound adjectives, adjectives as participles,
comparative structures indicating degree, and intensifying adjectives on
a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to
anticipate from the lesson.
To introduce the topic and key
Play the recording. Ss listen and Students
repeat chorally and/or individually. listen and
Then ask Ss to read the dictionary pronounce
Answer Key
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
To predict the content of the text
Read out the Study skills box. Students
listen and Mutual
Elicit what, if anything, Ss know
about the origins of the universe and read the text avaluation
what they would like to know and and check if
elicit various questions from Ss the questions
around the class. Write two questions are answered.
on the board.
Play the recording Ss listen and read
the text and check if the questions are
To identify compound nouns, -ing
adjectives, compound adjectives Students do
the task Individual
and superlative adjectives avaluation
Direct Ss' attention to the words in
bold in the text. Elicit what type of
noun/adjective each one is.
Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference
section for more details.
Answer Key
startling - -ing adjective widely accepted -
compound adjective single point -
compound noun the latest - superlative
To present new vocabulary listen and
Play the recording with pauses for Ss pronounce
to listen and repeat chorally and/or
Boston is the capital and largest city in the
American state of Massachusetts. It was
founded in 1630 and is one of America's
oldest cities. It has a population of over
617,000. It is famous in sports as it is home
to the Boston Celtics (basketball) and the
Red Sox (baseball). New York is in the
north-eastern state of New York in the USA.
It is home to the famous tourist attractions
the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State
Building. It is the most populated city in the
USA and is known as the cultural capital of
the world.
To answer comprehension
questions on a text
Ask Ss to read questions 1-7. Give Ss Students Mutual
time to read the text again and answer read the text avaluation
the questions. Refer Ss to the Check again and
these words box and ask Ss to look answer the
them up in the Word List. Play the questions.
video for Ss and elicit their
To consolidate information in a write down Individual
text four things avaluation
Give Ss three minutes to write down they have
four things they have learnt in the learnt in the
text. text
Ask various Ss to read their sentences
to the class.
End REFLECTION Students Self-
5 min 3 – new words write a assessment
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson reflection of
1 – one activity you like the lesson.
Home task: to make 5 sentences for
the text
Saying goodbye
LESSON 94 School:
Unit 9: Independent project
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Independent project
Learning objectives 10.6.17 - use if / if only in third conditional structures use a variety of
relative clauses including with which [whole previous clause reference]
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics 10. 10.1.1 -
use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups;
10.1.3 - respect differing points of view;
10.5.9 - punctuate written work at text level on a wide range of general
and curricular topics with a good degree of accuracy;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluatio Resources
timings activities n
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
Answer Key
We use wish/if only when we want to would
like something to be different and to express
regret. If only is more emphatic than with.
I wish/lf only I were taller. - present
I wish/lf only I hadn't put on weight. – past
Learning objectives 10.5.5 - develop with support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres
in familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics ;
10.6.16 - use a wide variety of conjunctions on a wide range of familiar
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginin GREETINGS Greeting
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
5 min letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
To analyse a rubric
Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline Students read Individual
the key words and then answer the the rubric and avaluation
questions. underline the
Explain to Ss that it is very important key words
to read the rubric carefully so that they and then
include all the points mentioned. answer the
Check Ss' answers around the class. questions.
Middle To analyse a model for structure Students read Verbal
30 min and content the model evaluation
Ask Ss to copy the table into their essay and
notebooks. complete the
Then give Ss time to read the model table
essay and complete the table.
To substitute linkers
Ask Ss to read the Useful language box Students
and then give them time to replace the replace the Mutual
linkers in bold in the text with suitable linkers in avaluation
alternatives from the box. bold in the
Check Ss' answers. text
LESSON 97 School:
Unit 9: Independent project
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Independent project
Learning objectives 10.5.7 Use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics
10.4.4 Read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts
on familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre
Skim the extended fiction and non-fiction texts to evaluate it
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
To introduce the topic and listen and
read for gist Students
Read out the title and elicit Ss' guesses introduce the
as to what happens during this week. topic and
Play the recording. Ss listen and read listen and
the text and check. read for gist
Middle To read for specific information Students Mutual
30 min Explain the task and ask Ss to read the read the avaluation
sentences 1-6 and then read the text sentences 1-
again and mark them as true, false or 6 and then
doesn't say according to the text. read the text
Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to correct again and Verbal
the false statements. mark them
Play the video for Ss and elicit their as true, false
comments. or doesn't
To write about a science event
Give Ss time to research online and Students
collect information about a similar write about a
event in their country and write about science
it. Then ask various Ss to read out their event
information to the class.
SA WRITING Students Individual
20 min Learners are arranged in small groups follow the avaluation
or pairs and write a project on the instructions
topic “Analysis of sci-fi film from
different perspectives (Physics, Students
Biology, Economics).” Each group of write an
learners explores the topic from analysis of
different angles (For example, one a sci-fi film
group explores from the perspective of from one
Physics, others from the perspective perspective.
of Biology or Economics). The You can
choice of topics may be done choose
according to learners` interests or the Physics,
teacher may assign the topic. Biology,
Learners are expected to peer-assess Economics
each other so it is necessary to
familiarise learners with the project
criteria beforehand so that to make the
project requirements crystal clear to
Task 2. Learners swap their analysis Students
for peer-assessment. Remind the swap their
class about the project criteria and analysis for
ensure peer feedback in accordance peer-
with the discussed criteria. assessment
Swap your paper with your partner
and skim it to evaluate the analysis.
Provide feedback in accordance with
the project criteria.
LESSON 98 School:
Unit 9: Independent project
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Independent project
Learning objectives 10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
10.6.9 - use appropriately a wide variety of active and passive simple
present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and
reported speech on a wide range of familiar general and curricular
10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide
range of general and curricular topics;
10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics ;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting Verbal
5 min The teacher sets the lesson objectives, evaluation
letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson.
LESSON 99 School:
Unit 9: Independent project
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 10 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Independent project
Learning objectives 10.6.14 - use a variety of prepositional phrases before nouns and
adjectives; use a number of dependent prepositions following; nouns
and adjectives and a variety of prepositions following verbs on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.6.15 - use infinitive forms after an increased number of verbs and
adjectives use gerund forms after a variety of verbs and prepositions
use a variety of prepositional and phrasal verb on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting Verbal
5 min The teacher sets the lesson evaluation
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Learning objectives 10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some
unfamiliar topics;
10.2.8 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a
range of general and curricular subjects;
10.5.5 - develop with support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres
in familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range
of general and curricular topics ;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, get an overview
of a module
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about forms
of module
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining GREETINGS Greeting
5 min The teacher sets the lesson
objectives, letting students know
what to anticipate from the lesson.
Ss to exchange their quizzes, do
them, and then check their answers.
Middle READING Students read Verbal
30 min To read for specific information for specific evaluation
Give Ss time to read the text and information
the statements 1-5 and mark them
according to what they read.
To listen for specific information
(True/False statements) Students do Individual
Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5. the task avaluation
Play the recording. Ss listen and
mark them accordingly.
To write an opinion essay Students time Mutual
Explain the task and give Ss time to to plan and avaluation
plan and complete their work and complete
then check Ss' answers. their work
Alternatively assign the task as HW
and check Ss' answers in the next
Suggested Answer Key
Should the government spend money on
anti-aging research ?
Anti-aging is a hot topic these days, but
some people question whether the
government should spend money on
research into it. I think it should not and
it should spend it on more worthy
Firstly, aging is a natural process.
Fighting it is like trying to break the laws
of nature. If we stop people aging, it is an
unnatural way to live.
Secondly, medical research is more
important. If better treatments or even a
cure were found for diseases such as
Alzheimer's disease, then fewer older
people would suffer and they would have
a better quality of life.
On the other hand, some people believe
that the government should spend money
on anti-aging research. They feel that no
one should have to suffer from old age.
All in all, I believe aging is part of living
and try -g to stop it is unnatural. \Ne are
born, we live, we get old and then we die.
I do not think it is something we can or
should change.
Learning objectives 10.2.1 Understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
limited range of unfamiliar topics
10.4.6 Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
10.5.6 Write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
10.6.17 Use if / if only in third conditional structures, use a variety of
relative clauses including with which [whole previous clause
reference] on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
10.3.3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners listen to the recording twice on topic «Space X», having
chance to look through the questions before the recording starts.
read the text on the topic «Space X» and answer the questions.
write a continuation of the story. They answer the questions in full
work in pairs, explaining and justifying their viewpoints on topics
Previous lesson Independent project
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
g The teacher sets the lesson objectives,
2 min letting students know what to anticipate
from the lesson
SA Listening Students Individual
35 min Task 1. Listen to the recording and listen to avaluation
choose the best option A, B, C or D. the
1. Where was the man coming from when recording
he first saw the Unidentified Flying Object and choose
(UFO) ? the best
2. What time did the man report the option
incident to the police?
3. What jumped out in front of the man's
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with NO MORE
4. The beast picked up the front of my fill in the
car and said, "Get out of the car. I'm gaps
taking you to ___________!"
5. When I did not get out of the car, the
beast opened the car door, carried me on
his shoulders to this round-shaped
________, and well, that is when I woke
up alongside the road.
6. We have a great ______ that deals with
THESE kinds of cases.
Task 3. Read the questions and choose
the best option A, B, C or D.
1. Which question is answered in the
section "Search for Supernovas"? Students
2. What information do you get from the read the
section "Ingredients for Planets"? questions
3. Which detail from the article BEST and choose
states its MAIN idea? the best
Task 3. Explain what these numbers state
in the text. Students
Example: A few hundred number of explain
supernovas observed every year what these
4. millions years numbers
5. every hundred years state in the
6. 15 seconds text
Task 4. Read the beginning of the
story and continue it. Open the Students
brackets in the final sentence correctly. read the
Students work in pairs. They are suggested story and
two pictures (as the example below) to continue
show own point of view on suggested it.
ideas. They ask and answer to the
questions of each other. Students
Every group presents their work. Their Students do Individual
classmates should be ready to ask the task avaluation
questions and give recommendations.
Feedback: Manage time and procedure
of presentation. Monitor their talk and
keep notes for the whole group and
individual feedback.
Assessment Students Mutual
Learners fill in the forms about their watch the avaluation
group and individual work. video about
Before they start ask if they have any 10 natural
ideas what those phenomena can be; sciences can’t
Ask ss to make notes as later they would explain.
need to create questions based on the