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Modeling and comparative study of linear and nonlinear controllers for rotary inverted


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2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 783 012047


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Modeling and comparative study of linear and nonlinear

controllers for rotary inverted pendulum

Byron Lima1, Ricardo Cajo2, Víctor Huilcapi1, Wilton Agila2

Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana,
Guayaquil, Ecuador, Robles 107 y Chambers, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Facultad de Ingeniería en Electricidad y Computación, Escuela Superior Politécnica
del Litoral, ESPOL, Campus Gustavo Galindo Km 30.5 Vía Perimetral, P.O. Box 09-
01-5863, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Email: 1{blimac, vhuilcapi}, 2{rcajo,wagila}

Abstract. The rotary inverted pendulum (RIP) is a problem difficult to control, several studies
have been conducted where different control techniques have been applied. Literature reports
that, although problem is nonlinear, classical PID controllers presents appropriate performances
when applied to the system. In this paper, a comparative study of the performances of linear and
nonlinear PID structures is carried out. The control algorithms are evaluated in the RIP system,
using indices of performance and power consumption, which allow the categorization of control
strategies according to their performance. This article also presents the modeling system, which
has been estimated some of the parameters involved in the RIP system, using computer-aided
design tools (CAD) and experimental methods or techniques proposed by several authors
attended. The results indicate a better performance of the nonlinear controller with an increase
in the robustness and faster response than the linear controller.

1. Introduction
The rotary inverted pendulum is a classic problem in the control systems area, which allows to evaluate
performance and demonstrate the effectiveness of control techniques. The RIP system is a simple
structure with not minimum phase multivariable unstable and highly nonlinear characteristics. It has a
pendulum arm attached to a rotary instead of a moving car [1]. Several works have presented some
methods to modeling dynamic systems such as: the used Euler-Lagrange in [2-6] with good result, so it
is used to model the dynamics of rotary inverted pendulum shown in [7]. Moreover, the mathematical
modeling used with the iterative method of nonlinear least squares that uses the Trust-Region-Reflective
Algorithm, which tries to minimize the error between the actual and simulated signals [8].
Research community has studied and proposed diverse improvements to the classical PID approach
in RIP systems: linear PID with a direct control of each system variable [9], Fuzzy Logic focused on a
fuzzy controller [10], Optimum state regulator [11], and genetic algorithm based controller (GA) [12].
All the proposed controllers referred in the articles in this paragraph aim to identify, optimize and
stabilize systems in general.
The research developed in this paper proposes to apply some methods, techniques and the use of
CAD tools for estimating parameters that are not easy to measure and study because of the performance
of RIP system by using a nonlinear control technique (nonlinear PID) presented in [13]. This nonlinear
version is based on the classical method of Ziegler and Nichols tuning in the frequency domain.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

This article is organized as follows: Section 1 presents the introduction, Section 2 describes the
system used. Mathematical modelling for RIP system shown in section 3, section 4 estimating some
parameters of the RIP system is performed. The validation of the model with the estimated parameters
is shown in Section 5.Section 6 shows the design of linear and nonlinear PID controllers. Section 7
shows the results and performance of the algorithms developed control. Finally, some conclusions are
summarized in Section 8.

2. Description of the System

The RIP system is controlled from a PC, therefore the system contains hardware and software that can
be easily installed in a laboratory. Regarding the hardware, the system consists of panel start and stop
emergency button, power supply, quadrature signal decoder with Arduino Mega, engine driver
Sabertooth Dual 2x32A / 6V-24V and interface to a PC through the card PCI-1711 and CB-68LP
connector block as shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1. Schematic architecture of the RIP system

In order to measure the angular position of the pendulum and arm a ,q  is used an incremental encoder
model E50S8-600-3-type T-24, which measures with high precision (600 pulses per revolution), and the
angle and direction of rotation through phases A and B

3. Mathematical model
The RIP system consists of a cylindrical rod with freedom to oscillate about a fixed pivot, which is
mounted on an arm following an angular movement as shown in Figure 2.

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

Figure 2. The rotary inverted pendulum system

The mathematical model for RIP system used in the present study is based in the work developed in
[8], which representation is given by:

m p gL sin a  B pa

 J P  m p L2

  
 m p rL cos a  a  

  kt

2  q 
 kt kb  2

  m rL cos a
 p   
J r  m p r     Va  

 
 Br q  m p rL sin a  α  
 Ra  Ra  

The RIP system is described in space state as follows:

x1  x2
d kt k2 k DG cos x1 k cos x1  kb kt  Ra Br 
x2  u 2 x4  ...
dt 
Ra k1k5  k2 k4 cos 2 x1  
Ra k1k5  k2 k4 cos 2 x1 
k2 k6 (sin x1 )(cos x1 ) x2 2

k5 B p x2  k3 sin x1  (2)
k1k5  k1k4 cos x1 2
k1k5  k2 k4 cos x1 2

x3  x4
d 
B p x2  k3 sin x1  k1  x2 
x4   dt 
dt k2 cos x1

The output is given by:

y  [ x1 x3 ]T (3)
a : Pendulum position, a : Pendulum velocity, q : Arm position , q : Arm velocity, u : Control signal to the motor

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

 
Each physical signal [a a q q ] in state-space RIP system model is represented by: [ x1 x2 x3 x4 ]
respectively. Some intermediate model variables and parameters area used:
k1  J P  mp L2 , k2  mp rL, k3  mp gL, k4  mp rL, k5  J r  J m  mp r 2 , k6  mp rL, Va  kDGu (4)

4. Parameter estimation
In this section the parameters estimation of the RIP is performed that is the reason why the system is
analysed by parts, engine, driver, pendulum, and arm.

4.1. Parameter estimation for the engine

To measure the motor parameters proceeds to undock the pendulum and analyse it independently. It
starts with the estimation of the resistance and inductance of the motor armature, for which its terminals
connected to NI ELVIS + National Instruments and at each angular position of the rotor several samples
for resistance and inductance is taken. With these data it is possible to calculate an average whereby the
values of Ra and La is obtained.
Then, proceed to estimate the Back-emf constant ( kb ), constant electromagnetic torque ( kt ),
moment of inertia of the rotor of the motor ( J m ) and viscous friction coefficient of the motor ( Br ), for
which the mechanical coupling between the motor shafts and encoder is performed. Similarly to the
previous estimate the NI ELVIS II + module from National Instruments inductance and incremental
encoder is used to measure angular velocity (  ) and the armature current ( ia ) for various input voltages
to the motor ( Va ), using equation (5) Back-emf constant is estimated.
V  Ra ia
kb  a (5)

In electrical machines must be a balance between electric power and mechanical power is obtained
that kt  kb . To estimate the viscous friction coefficient of the engine ( Br ) is necessary to use the
differential equation unloaded motor ( TL  0 ):
Tm  J m  B (6)
where Tm  kbia represents the engine torque. We proceed to energize the motor with a constant voltage
for a time, until it reaches a constant speed, the angular acceleration disappears directly obtaining the
ratio of viscous friction coefficient, by eliminating the term of the derivative of angular velocity and
clearing, the viscous friction coefficient is obtained:
B ba (7)

Finally, it is estimated the moment of inertia of the rotor of the motor ( J m ), for which the equation
(8) is used.
 m (8)
Where the constant (  ), is known as the constant mechanical engine, which is measured
experimentally, as a third of the time between switching off the motor without load at a constant speed
and braking.

4.2. Estimating gain driver

To estimate the gain driver it must be found the relationship between the input voltage and output
generated by the engine driver Sabertooth Dual 2x32A / 6V-24V. The different values of voltage applied
to the input and the output are measured, the slope of the line obtained proves to be K DG , as shown in
Figure 3.

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047


Output (V)
-10 y = 5,6364*x
-2 -1 0 1 2
Input (V)
Figure 3. Relationship input - output driver

4.3. Parameter estimation of the pendulum and arm

The Pendulum mass ( m p ) is measured by an electronic precision balance, turn this value that is obtained
from the CAD compared. The estimate of the length of rotation axis to the center of mass of the
pendulum ( L ) and the moment of inertia of the pendulum ( J p ) is also performed in CAD, for which
the RIP is designed in the SolidsWorks software. For the coefficient of viscous friction in the pendulum,
we proceed to measure the pendulum swing during free fall from a small height, as shown in Figure.4.

Figure 4. Setting the pendulum damped oscillation

The differential equation describing the oscillatory motion of the pendulum damped when it should
fall from a small height, it is given by:
d 2a da (9)
J p 2  Bp  mp gLa  0
dt dt
Where Bp , represents the damping produced by the friction between the pendulum and air.
The solution to this equation is shown in (10):
 Bpt

a  a 0e cos 0t   
2J p
The term   Bp t / 2 J p , corresponds to the damping constant of the wobble signal of the pendulum.
For this constant experimentally the pendulum is positioned with a small initial angle and drops it until
it stops. The response of the pendulum and its signal envelope can be approximated as shown in Figure.5.

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

Physical System
10 y=9,3*exp(-0,278*t)

Angle (deg.)
5 y=-9,3*exp(-0,278*t)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (sec.)
Figure 5. Response damped oscillatory motion of the pendulum

Finally, the estimation of the Rotating arm length (r) and the inertia moment arm Equivalent ( J r ) is
obtained from the RIP design CAD system made previously.

5. Validation of the model

The estimated parameters for the RIP system experimentally, are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. RIP system parameters.

Parameters Value
Ra - Armature resistance 5.4351 Ω
La - Armature inductance 0.00188 mH

kb - Back-emf constant 1.1098V.s/rad

kt - Constant electromagnetic torque 1.1098 N.m/A

kDG - Gain driver 5.6354

J m -Moment of inertia of the rotor of the motor 0.00071 kg.m2
Br - Viscous friction coefficient of the motor 0.04166 N.m.s/rad
g - Gravity acceleration 9.8 m/seg2
mp -Pendulum mass 0.13417 kg
J r - Equivalent inertia moment arm 0.0078 kg.m2
r-Rotating arm length 0.125 m
L - Length of rotation axis to the center of mass
of the pendulum 0.19604 m
J p - Moment of inertia of the pendulum
0.001882 kg.m2
Bp - Viscous friction coefficient of the pendulum 4.56798.10-4 N.m.s/rad
The bound for control signal is set to -2.5V…+2.5V. These parameters are used in the evaluation of
engine model and RIP system using MATLAB, this is discussed in section 5.1 and 5.2.

5.1. Evaluation of nonlinear engine model

To validate the nonlinear engine model, is used a test signal square wave with the purpose of analyzing
the dynamics of the real system and the nonlinear model.
Note that the square wave input can not be applied directly to the engine, so the engine driver Dual
Sabertooth 2x32A / 6V-24V with gain K DG , which manages the power consumption of the motor is

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

used. The applied input terminals of driver and engine angular position, is shown in Figure 6. The
average angular position error between the nonlinear model and the actual system is -0.0023 (deg).

Motor Model
10 Physical System
Motor Position(deg.)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec.)
Figure 6. Response engine model to a square entry

5.2. Evaluation of nonlinear system model RIP

To validate the nonlinear model of the RIP system proceeds to generate different test signals in order to
validate the estimated model. In Figure 7 is shown, the response to an input made by combining
sinusoids for the position of the pendulum and the arm, which an error average angular position is
obtained 1.1981 (deg) for the pendulum and -0.4431 (deg) for the arm.
40 205
NonLinear Model NonLinear Model
30 Physical System 200 Physical System

Pendulum Position (deg.)

Arm Position (deg.)


-50 165

-60 160
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (sec.) Time (sec.)
Figure 7. Response nonlinear model and real RIP system to an input combination of sinusoids.

6. PID and PI Control Algorithms Design

In this section, the development of the PID and PI controllers is carried out, the design of controllers
involves the manipulation of a linear model. Thus, nonlinear RIPS model equation (1) is linearized
around an equilibrium point given by the equation (11).
a  0 a   0 cosa  1 sin a  a
Linear models are represented trough transfer functions. Transfer functions of the pendulum and
arm are indicated as follows in the equations (12) and (13) respectively:
G (s) 
d5 s (12)
P 3 2
d1s  ( d 2  d6 ) s  (d3  d 7 ) s  d 4  d8 )

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

d5 ( k1s  B p s  k3 )
G A ( s) 
ps 4  qs 3  k2 (d3  d7 ) s 2  k2 (d 4  d8 ) s
: d1  Ra (k1k5  k4 k2 ); d 2  Ra (k5 B p  Br k1 ); d3  Ra (k5k3  Br B p ); d 4   Ra Br k3
d5  kt k2k DG ; d6  kb k1kt ; d7  kb B p kt ; d8  kbk3kt ; p  k2 d1; q  k2 d 2  k2 d6

6.1. Linear PID controller for the pendulum position.

The control structure in the case of linear PID is quite different to the classical feedback loop, this,
since the control target in our study case is the vertical position of the pendulum in a  0 degrees,
rejecting the perturbation effects as it is indicated in Figure 8.


Linear PID controller

ad -
u Va Rotary Inverted
a Pendulum
Stabilized system
Figure 8. Control structure for the balance of the pendulum

The controller parameters of the PID are tuned by using SISOTOOL, which is a Matlab package.
Specifically, the method utilized is LGR, the tuned controller is represented as follows: (14).

kd 1s 2  k p1s  ki1
C1 ( s)  : kd 1  0.6247; k p1  25.8634; ki1  244.4404 (14)
6.2. Linear PID controller design for the arm position.
The design of the pendulum controller was presented in the former section, the development of the
complete control structure is presented in this section. The structure is shown in Figure 9.

Linear PID controller

pendulum a
ad - u1
 u Va Rotary Inverted
 C1(s) - KDG
a Pendulum
Stabilized system
qd u2
- C2(s)
Linear PI controller
Figure 9. Control structure for the arm position

In the design of the linear PI arm controller, it is important to take into account that the value of a d
should stabilize around zero degrees, taking into account the latter, the block diagram shown in Figure
9, is reduced by using blocks algebra, the reduced block diagram leads to the following transfer function:
 kDG 
G2 dof ( s)     GA ( s ) (15)
 1  GP ( s)C1 ( s)kDG 
As in the tunning of the former controller, the arm controller is tuned by using SISOTOOL and the
LGR method. The resultant controller is given by equation (16).
k p 2 s  ki 2
C2 (s)  : k p 2  5.7951; ki 2  5.4358 (16)

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

6.3. Nonlinear PI controller design for the arm position

In the design of the nonlinear PI controller, it is required to linearize the RIP model given by equation
(2). First, it is important to define an equilibrium point. The corresponding equilibrium point will be
represented as a parametrization with respect to the input of the system, equation (17) presents the
equilibrium point.
 kk k 
u  U ; x1  X1 (U )  tan 1   t 2 DG U  ; x2  0 ; x4  0 (17)
 k k R
5 3 a 
The linearized model, which is represented by a state space model is presented in equation (18).

0 
0 1 0 0
h  1/2
a b 0 c   , C  1 0 0 0 , D  0; a  (a 3 )  a4 
Ap   , B   Ra k3k5  
00 0 1 p
0  p
0 0 1 0 
Ra a2  Ra k3k5 
d   
 e 0 f
i 
B p k5 k a k kk kkk ka
b , c   2 1 (a 3 ) 1/2 , h  2 t DG (a 3 ) 1/2 , i  1 t DG , f   1 1
a2 Ra a2 Rab2 Rab1 Ra a2
Ra k2 k3k4 2 2U 2k1k2 2k4k DG 2kt 2 2 Ra k1k3k4k5
 Ra k1k3k4 k5   (18)
a3 Ra k3k5a3 a3 B p k4
d 2 1
, e (a 3 ) 1/2
Ra k1 k5  Ra k2 k4 ( a3 )  2 Ra k1k2k4k5 ( a3 )
2 2 2 2
k2 k4  a 
a1  kb kt  Br Ra , a2  k1k5  , a3   2 42 2  1
a3  Ra k3 k5 
k2 k4  U 2 k2 2 kt 2 k DG 2 
a4  U 2 k2 2 kt 2 k DG 2 b1  k1k5 
, b2   2 2 2
 1 
b2  Ra k3 k5 
In control theory, an alternative way of systems representation is the transfer function. Thus, equation
(14) is the transfer function obtained after linearization and parametrization of the nonlinear model.
hs  ci  fh is 2  (eh  bi )s  dh  ai (19)
G (s) 
P (U ) , G (s)  A(U )
s3  (b  f ) s 2  (bf  a  ce) s  af  cd ) s (s 3  (b  f )s 2  (bf  a  ce)s  af  cd )

It should be noticed that the transfer function presented in equation (19) are parametrized transfer
functions with respect to the input U. As it is indicated in section 6.2, the control scheme is the same as
the one presented in Figure 9 with the difference in the transfer function C2(s) which in the present study
corresponds to a nonlinear PI. With the former considerations, a reduction of the system is possible. In
equation (20), a reduced version of the transfer functions is presented.

 GA(U ) ( s) 
G2 dof (U ) ( s)    : c1  i; c2  eh  bi; c3  dh  ai; c4  hkd 1   b  f 
 1  G ( s)C ( s)  (20)
 P (U ) 1 
c5  bf  a  ce  hk p1  kd 1  ci  fh  ; c6  af  cd  hki1  k p1  ci  fh  ; c7  ki1  ci  fh 

By using Ziegler-Nichols method, the ultimate response in frequency domain gives important
information in order to obtain optimal controller parameters. Specifically, it is possible to obtain the
ultimate period P0 (U) and the ultimate gain K0 (U) . In the approach presented in this study, the ultimate
gain and period are obtained based on the transfer function G2dof (U ) (s) as follows:

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

P0 (U )  2 0 (U )  ; K 0 (U )  G2 dof (U ) ( j0 )
; 0 (U )  c c 2 5  c1c6  c3c4  N   2(c2  c1c4 )  
1 1/2
 (  c5  c7 )  (c6  c4 ) 3 2 1/2
 
1/2 4 2 2
N  (c2c5  c1c6  c3c4 ) 2  4  c2  c1c4   c2c7  c3c6  ; K 0 (U )   
 (c3  c1 2 ) 2  (c2 ) 2
 
In the nonlinear PI controller approach considered in this study, the nonlinear controller is
generalized as follows:
K 0 ( zv (t ))
z (t )  0.54 (q d  x3 (t )); u (t )  z (t )  0.45 K 0 ( z ( t ))(q d  x3 ( t )) (22)
P0 ( zv (t ))
Where z(t ) is defined as an additional state of the nonlinear controller of the arm. The control signal
u(t ) is associated to the x3 (t ) , which represents in the RIP system, the current arm position.

7. Performance Assessment
The values of the identified parameters are used for modeling purposes and the evaluation of the PI and
PID controllers using MATLAB / Simulink, which is discussed in section 7.1 to 7.3.

7.1. Linear PID and PI controller evaluation

In Figure 10 the responses of linear controllers are shown for the pendulum and arm respectively.
For which different references are used as input, for a square wave arm 10 degrees, while for the
pendulum input 0 degrees is used. The Stabilization times obtained for linear controllers are:
stabilization time for the pendulum tSP  0.2sec and tSA  3.25sec arm.

Set Point Set Point
Position (deg.)
Position (deg.)

Linear PI (Physical System) 10 Linear PID (Physical System)


Linear PI (NonLinear Model) Linear PID (NonLinear Model)


0 0

-20 -5

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec.) Time (sec.)
Physical System
Control Signal

2 NonLinear Model
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec.)
Figure 10. Responses of linear controllers for pendulum and arm position

7.2. Evaluation of the linear PID controller and nonlinear PI controller

The input signals used in section 7.1 are again used in this section in order to evaluate the
performance of the linear and nonlinear controller. The Figure 11 shows the responses of PID controllers
linear and nonlinear PI with the respective control efforts. The Stabilization times obtained for the linear
and nonlinear controller respectively are: stabilization time for the pendulum tSP  0.2sec and
tSA  2.5sec arm.

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

Set Point Set Point

Position (deg.)
Position (deg.)

NonLinear PI (Physical System) 10 Linear PID (Physical System)

NonLinear PI (NonLinear Model) Linear PID (NonLinear Model)

0 0

-20 -5

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec.) Time (sec.)
Physical System
Control Signal

2 NonLinear Model
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec.)
Figure 11. Response of linear and nonlinear controller for pendulum and arm position

7.3. Performance Evaluation of Linear vs nonlinear controllers in the RIP system

This section shows the results of the comparison between the linear PID controller and PI nonlinear. To
carry out this performance indices such as are used: IAE (absolute integral error) and ISU (integral
square control signal deviation), which will allow us to measure the cumulative error that penalizes the
monitoring process and the energy used by the controller respectively. These indices are given by
equation (23).
N N 2

IAE  J e   rk  yk , ISU  J u    u(k )  uss  (23)

k 1 k 0

The numerical values of IAE and ISU for both drivers applied in the RIP system are shown in Table
Table 2. Indices performance obtained with linear and non-linear controller.
Arm Position Control Signal Computing
IAE ISU Time (sec)
Linear Controller 5.3218 x 104 1.0644 x 103 7.8215
Nonlinear Controller 4.8909 x 104 570.6625 29.1743

The values in Table 2 show that the nonlinear PI controller has better performance in energy used,
as in following references for positioning the arm. In the case of positioning the pendulum a linear PID
controller was designed. So when acting linear PI controller in the arm RIP system, the IAE linear PID
controller pendulum is 6.1272 x 103, and when it acts nonlinear PI controller in the arm, the IAE linear
PID controller pendulum is 2.9376 x 103, which shows an improvement in the performance of the linear
PID controller for the pendulum, when the nonlinear PI acts on the arm.

8. Conclusions
In this study, modeling, control and estimation of certain parameters of the inverted pendulum rotary
experimentally, which has a satisfactory response we are performed. This model was used to design the
PI and PID controllers for linear and nonlinear system. Of the assessment controllers shown that the
performance of nonlinear PI control both reference tracking, and energy consumption is better than the
linear PI control. Also, when the nonlinear PI controller acts on the arm of the system, the linear PID
controller designed to position the pendulum vertically improves its efficiency. Although the
computational time for the nonlinear controller is greater than the linear, a better result in energy

13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 783 (2017) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/783/1/012047

consumption and reference tracking is obtained. Future works aims to design a nonlinear for positioning
the pendulum PID controller as well as using new control strategies for the RIP System.

The authors would like to acknowledge two important institutions in the development of this work:
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral for all the support offered
during the present study. Additionally, the authors are grateful with the GISCOR research who gave to
the authors the facilities regarding the use of infrastructure and equipment.

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