Assignment Problems Among by Elderly in Community and Suggest Strategies To Address The Issues
Assignment Problems Among by Elderly in Community and Suggest Strategies To Address The Issues
Assignment Problems Among by Elderly in Community and Suggest Strategies To Address The Issues
Table of contents
Introduction 3
Suggestions 16
Conclusion 17
References 19
The Concept that life is a continuous process of progress, starting in infancy and
phenomena and does not require more explanation. Many elements, such as person’s
biological and cultural heritage, affect the direction of their life. Age and aging have an equal
bearing on a person’s role taking, value orientations, and patterns of behavior, the
Just as there is stratification based on social and economic variables, every culture has
different age group within it. The social structure, which depends on a number of age-
stream of generations that are born, live out their lives, and then pass away (Iqra & Anwaar,
The extension of life and the increase in the adult population are the most visible
result of modern life and medicine. This phenomenon has been not only in affluent and
developing nations, but also in undeveloped nations in recent years as their adult populations
have increased (Paskaleva & Tufkova, 2017). The demographic transition from high birth and
death rates to relatively low fertility and mortality levels during the past five decades has
increased and share of older people in the total population. The specific health and social
concerns connected with aging are expected to grow more significant in the coming years,
with the World Health Organization(WHO) projecting that about a quarter of the world’s
Eleven percent of Irish people are over the age of 65. In line with other European
nations, the percentage of seniors is rising and will reach 15% In line with other European
nations, the percentage of seniors reached 15% in 2021 (Paskaleva & Tufkova, 2017). One in
four Irish people will be over 65 by 2030. Eighteen percent or 9.6 million of the Swedish
population is over 65. In 2030, this percentage is projected to increase to 23% (Official
The proportion of the Sri Lankan elderly population 60 years and over to the total
population will increase to 18.4 in 2025 and to 29.4 percent in 2050. The proportionate share
of the Very old (80 years and over) will increase by nearly fivefold during same period. The
sex ratio of the elderly will continue to decline indicating that there will be more females than
male in the older ages as a result of higher mortality rates of men at advanced ages. The
ageing index which is the ratio of the population aged 60 years and over that under age 15
will increase from 179.2 by 2050. This rapidly increasing trend will lead to compelling
demands for changes in the way resources are allocated among generations (Perera, 2017).
Population ageing in worldwide in the coming decades will, therefore, pose important
social challenges to the elderly due to the rapid changes in social norms, migration, increased
female participation in the labor force outside the home and the brake down of the traditional
The World Health Organization (WHO) created the idea of “active aging” as a
potential solution to the problem of “global aging” in 1990. Optimizing senior people’s
health, safety, and chances for an active lifestyle is known as active aging (Paskaleva &
Tufkova, 2017). To age actively is to realize one’s potential for physical, mental, and social
well- being throughout one’s life and actively engage in social, economic, and religious life
in line with one’s needs, desires, and capacity to provide proper protection, safety, and care
programs for the elderly, aging populations constitute a threat to the macroeconomic and
economic stability of many civilizations. If governments are forced to redirect funds from
infrastructure and education investments pay for senior services, this could harm economic
growth and general quality of life. In addition, as many nations struggled with unmanageable
public debt, the recent economic crisis not only raised the need for social safety but also
brought attention to population aging challenges. Long term budgetary opportunities for
greater aging related spending are constrained in many countries by the existing high public
spending levels. As a result, timely and appropriate policy responses are required to maintain
budgetary and macroeconomic sustainability as well as the wellbeing and health (Iqra &
Anwaar, 2015).
In this assignment the social problems among the elderly in community and suggested
strategies to address each issue will be discussed. The later part of this report will be given
It is important to understand that getting older not is a bad thing and that senior
citizen can be respected as valuable member of their communities. Many older adults lead
full, active, independent lives with few health or social challengers as well as some adults
who experience health or social problems can also lead pleasant lives. Though society makes
assumption that older people will be less physically fit or cognitively attentive, it is not a
truth always. As example, mobility issues do not affect mental ability, so even if someone
need assistance getting around, they can still engage in recreational activities that do not
According to Asian culture, elders held positions of authority and dignity inside
families. But, they are currently growing more passive, reliant, ill, and weak in terms of their
physical, psychological, and economic health. This phenomenon causes a number of social
Some social issues are more likely to have an impact on senior citizens quality of life.
Some of them are loneliness, social isolation, and social mobility, feminization of aging,
Many western nations have reported high rates of loneliness among the elderly. The
main issue with loneliness is that it raises people’s chances of developing mental and physical
illnesses. Elderly loneliness exerts stress on their family members as well. That puts a strain
on both the welfare services and healthcare industry. Loneliness among the elderly raises
social concerns about a societal morality and sense of affinity (Schirmer & Michailakis,
According to research findings, loneliness has negative effects on one’s mental and
physical health as well as one’s overall quality of life. Several studies have demonstrated the
detrimental impacts of involuntary loneliness on people’s wellness. The most prevalent result
is depression, which frequently result in suicidal ideation, especially after the death of spouse.
However, research has also identified a number of physical conditions, including high blood
system (Best & Harris, 2012). . In the UK, that translates to 7.7 million people living alone.
Women make up 66.5% of those living alone among those 65 and older (Schirmer &
Michailakis, 2016).
Our lives are being impacted by rapid urbanization, a competitive lifestyle, rising
aspirations, and an unquenchable desire to succeed without comprehending the social cost.
The “empty nest syndrome” is a rising problem, which explains why. The children leave for
distant nations in search for economic advancement. Nuclear families are increasingly
common, especially in rural areas, as a result of social change and the development of new
values like, space, privacy, individuality and non- interference. Love marriages have made
the breakdown of join family system worse. Because children do not show them the popper
attention, care and concern, elderly feel lonely even in join families. Today’s issue is that
people do not have time because they have to deal with work. The woman is occupied with
juggling work at the workplace or at home. The kids are occupied with school, then struggle
to do their school work before playing electronic games. Hence no one covers with them.
In general, intergenerational bonds and awareness of the need for emotional support
among elders among the younger generation are lacking. In urban areas, neighborhood
relations are dwindling as friends and family are preoccupied with their own life. Visits
become few, and phone calls infrequent. The elderly become depressed despite their best
efforts to stay engaged when they are left alone for long periods of time with no human
contact, especially when they reflect on their productive past and the sacrifices they made for
their families and contrast them with the substandard situation they are forced into (Tewari,
Social isolation
Social isolation is a process that occurs when individuals, groups, or cultures stop
communicating with or cooperating with one another, frequently leading to open conflict.
When a person become old and reaches older ages, they may experience social isolation.
Social isolation is typically characterized as interpersonal alienation from others and the
ensuing lack of social support. Older persons who live in communities frequently experience
social isolation, which can cause a variety of harmful health issues. Social isolation will have
an effect on many older adult’s health, wellbeing, and quality of life in the near future due to
There are several reasons why elders may experience social isolation. Many older
citizens go through physical changes and life upheavals, which can inhibit social interaction
and restrict activities. Seniors may experience social isolation as a result of social and
environment issues like poverty and transportation. It results in mishaps while completing
Social mobility
Due to the demographic changes and the increasing awareness of the role of physical
function, mobility in older age is becoming an important topic. Mobility limitations have
been reported as increasingly prevalent in older persons affecting about 35% of persons aged
70 and the majority of persons over 85 years. Mobility limitation has been associated with
There are evidences revealed increased health care expenses for elderly people with mobility
issues. An additional $2773 in total health care cost, an additional $274 in out of pocket cost
and an additional $ 14 hospitalizations per 100 beneficiaries occurred in older people with
Because of feminization aging, older women typically have fewer resources. The life
of an elderly woman who has lost her partner and is solely dependent on her children is
fraught with difficulties. The elderly person simply endures excruciating pain as she nears
death. The feminization of aging, or the continual increase in the percentage of women in
each older age group, which makes up a bigger percentage of the elderly than they younger
and middle aged exacerbates these issues. The feminization of aging will occur due to elderly
women’s poverty, absence of a partner who can and will provide for them, and the fact that
women generally get illness more than men. The expense of providing health and social
Older women who are widowed housed with their children deal with a variety of
issues. In the context of health and other services, the feminization of aging has a variety of
effects. The health outcome is influenced by a variety of elements, including cultural, social,
economic, and political influences. And these elements have an impact beyond just the
physical. The less knowledgeable about the services and policy women are, the more
discrimination they experience in this situation. Also, they receive all social security benefits.
If they receive any pension rom their spouse, it will be cut in half and will not be enough to
meet their requirements. Children do not want to spend more time with them since they are
elderly and sick, and these issues are getting worse every day. Even those older women who
are in generally good health will need more social and practical support. Health providers
must be aware of widowhood’s broader implications and acknowledge that widow’s needs
extend beyond those of a conventional medical response to include concerns about support,
industrialized and developing nations. Yet, there are significant obstacles to determining the
scope of the issue across societies, including a dearth of data, accurate assessment tools, and
reporting procedures. Cultural factors contribute to other comparability issues. For instance,
while it may be viewed as elder abuse in some cultures, it may be seen as a part of tradition in
others when elderly people are overburdened with family chores (Perera, 2017).
Elder abuse also known as abuse of elderly, is any act, whether one time or
repeatedly, or lack of appropriate action, that harms or distress an elderly person while taking
place in a relationship where there is a trusting expectation. This sort of violence, which
encompasses physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse as well as financial and
material exploitation, abandonment, neglect, and severe loss of respect, constitutes a violation
of human rights (WHO, 2022). According to a 2017 study of 52 studies from 28 different
nations and distinct locations, one in six adults who are 60 years of age or older have
Results of an NGO Helping Aging India poll on a sample of 1200 older person from
12 cities in 8 states of the country showed that, while in 2013, 23 percent of elders
experienced abuse by their son and daughter-in –law, the figure has gone up to 50 percent in
2014. The percentage of daughter-in-law, the figure has gone up from 39 percent in 2013 to
sons abused their parents. Surveyed identified that 65 percent elderly females and 57 percent
elderly males were abused by their daughter -in –law. From the 1200 subjects, 77 percent
were found to be living with their families and more than 60 percent were owner of house
(Tewari, 2015).
Seniors who have lived their life in complete control, joy, and comfort become more
sensitive when they perceive a threat to their ego and reputation. They believe that they are
losing all of the privileges they had when they independent, self- sufficient, and in charge.
When a person’s life cycle is over and they are becoming older after living a long and busy
life, they want to be in charge of everything, but they are unable to do so. The person who
was formerly in charge of everything all of a sudden become frail and also, and his voice now
shakes. But for various reasons, many senior citizens are in position of power. According to
the survey, 22% of senior citizens run their own businesses and are in charge of them. They
do not want to cede their authority to their family because they fear that if they do, the
following day, their family and children will throw them out of the home and send them back
Senior citizen used to be in charge until the day they passed away and had the
authority to decide on everything that happened in the family. The family pattern has
completely changed due to modernization, and as a result, parents are losing their authority,
which is crucial for parents when they reach the status of senior citizens. Senior citizens used
to be the dominant one and make all the decisions for the family. Children used to respect
Family problems
Many elderly people are being impacted by the rise in family conflicts. Family issues
are common difficulty for many elderly people. Many people live in nuclear families, which
indicate that there are family issues present. According to the older people, modernization has
had the greatest impact. Family issues have numerous facts, the elderly person is not treated
with respect by the family, and there is also a property dispute. In Pakistan, respect for elders
is sociocultural value.
Family issues are becoming more prevalent as a result of altered family and social
patterns. An elderly person is aware of their obligations makes an effort to improve the well-
being of the family. Older adults perform their role in the family and contribute to society by
resolving family issues, although occasionally children neglect their parental responsibilities.
They maintain their power and business for the sake of harmony, avoiding conflicts, and
above all else for their own protection since they are aware of reality and their place in the
Everyone must pass through the period of aging and old age, with the exception of
those who fell down unintentionally or involuntarily. Senior citizens are term used to show
respect in modern communities for the elderly. The life situation of older persons is one in
which they depend on others, and depending on others poses a serious threat to their survival.
Dependency exists on many levels, including the society and the individuals. Another
significant difficulty with dependency is impairment, biological, and mental disorders, and
health issues (Christensen, 2012). The main problem facing older people is health related,
which makes them dependent on others socially and then economically. Some elderly people
pass away solely as a result of their dependence on others. Children do not look after their
parents. Now when parents are getting older and their children are depending on them. We
can see that previously there was a youngster was dependent on their parents. It concerns the
compassion and care that primarily elderly people require. Couples in their senior years
without children must rely on one another, which is very challenging for them.
All other challenges that older people encounter start with economic issues.
Retirement affects both social statuses as well as economic status. Many seniors begin their
later years with considerable assets and investment, while others do not. Those with low
savings some additional cash, there is a difficulty as well. Along the way to reaching an
advanced age of 85, 90, or, 95, a variety of expenses, such as unforeseen high medical cost or
necessary home upkeep, have eaten into saving and assets. In the modern society, we
frequently see the children coming home and asking for help their finances or moving in
since they do not have any money. Lack of financial resources makes life stressful and affects
People tend to become more trusting as they age, making them more susceptible to
being taken advantage of financially. To assist them with their maintenance, or remodeling
needs, many seniors will engage service providers. Several unscrupulous maintenance and
repair companies take advantage of elderly by offering needless services and frequently
charging more for such services. Elderly citizens are easy prey for theft, robbery, and
Social support and social security of elders are important issues and need urgent
attention of the government, non- governmental organizations and general public. Some
scholars define traditional social networks also has been a source of social assistance to
operate the informal sector. A great proportion of the elders depend on their children or
relatives for shelter and food. Some scholars found that the pension scheme had caused to
increase in the social security of elders in the formal sector. According to informal social
assistance, respect and taking care of older adults had a positive impact on the social security
of elder (Bilesha, 2011). But the existing security system was insufficient to improve
financial needs. Hence welfare of people is core responsibility of the government (Perera,
Work is a crucial component of one’s wellbeing for material and non- material
reasons. Understanding this can be a crucial component of the answer. Paid job enhances
psychological health by providing social contacts and chances for personal and professional
development in addition to material well- being. Moreover, unpaid employment can offer the
same psychological advantages, such as volunteering, caring for others, and creative
endeavors. Given these benefits, promoting and rewarding both paid and unpaid employment
among the elderly could be a key component of the solution to the economic and social
To implement such a plan, policymakers could take into account a gradual retirement
program that allows elderly workers to work fewer hours while still contributing to society
and paying taxes into later life and providing opportunities for and recognizing caring,
The best way to deal with the commercial and macroeconomic difficulties brought on
stay in the workforce for longer. A plan known as “phased- in retirement’ allow older
workers to select to work fewer hours yet stay in the workforce for a longer period of time,
even after they retire. Moreover, phased retirement has advantages for people, employers, and
Late life-work has positive health and perceived well-being effects for older
employees. First phased-in-retirement allows continuity in tax revenues and reduces pension
spending, which hold particular importance for economic stability. Older workers can be
valuable to organizations and younger coworkers due to their knowledge and experience.
Governments might encourage and reward volunteering, care work, and artistic labor
among the elderly in situations where people are unable to take advantage of phased- in
retirement due to health problems, fame obligations or skills mismatches. Such unpaid work
enhances the social fabric, promotes the wellbeing of individuals involved, boots the
One of the most significant social practices with numerous social and personal
contributing184 Dollars in service and 7.9 billion hours of service. Late-life volunteers also
have reduced chances of delayed mortality and declining physical and mental health.
National policy should aim to enable, reward, and adjust such possibilities for older people in
light of these advantages. Also, the care work performed by older people, such as child care,
meal preparation, cleaning, and assistance to the elderly should be valued and rewarded
Joining senior citizen homes could help seniors combat their loneliness issue. Yet,
these homes are not adequately run in all over the world. Private homes are the final resort
because free ones are run in a horrible manner. Another opinion is to join forum or
associations for alder adults, which will satisfy their psychology demand for social
Also, encouraging the elderly to focus on creative projects like writing, music, or
paintings can be advantageous to society and lesson social isolation. Governments might
support these activities by funding arts and crafts classes in senior citizen social groups or
Evidence suggest that social participation is associated with the lower levels of older
–age morbidity and mortality. Social gatherings, cultural and religious events, which are part
and parcel of rural settings, provide more opportunities for the elders to enjoy life with
others. Such community level organizations in Sri Lanka include farmers’ societies, death
donation societies, and women’s societies where mostly elderly communities lead and
The senior citizen forum can be made more interesting and useful by including lunch
or dinner in a central location, a picnic to a nearby location, cultural event, a visit to a senior
citizens’ home or the geriatric ward in a hospital to talk to the patients, awareness program on
health, safety, and security, the use of pets for assistance, investment priorities, insurance
facilities, legal issues, will writing, a book circulation program. The individuals that get along
well together might develop into close friends, and this friendship may even reach the family
level. As a result, the lonely elders can gain family friends and successful social networking.
It helps to encourage one another. This is a good strategy to follow senior citizen to eradicate
1. The government should effectively implement the national program for the health
2. The government and Non- Government Organizations (NGO) should make an effort
3. NGOs cold develop daycare facilities where senior citizens can interact with their
4. Older people’s experiences and expertise should properly utilize for society so that
their pessimistic outlook on life can be transformed into positive one. This will also
5. National policies and programs for the elderly should be implemented properly and
9. Encouraging the application of internet to elderly care and internet use among the
Around 11% of the world’s population is made up of older individuals, and as more
people reach age of 60, that percentage is expected to grow. Financial limitations, abuse, and
a lack of high- quality medical care just a few of the difficulties that come with getting older.
Due to stress and other connected circumstances, aging is also associated with mental
psychological difficulties. The majority of older people live alone, which may worsen their
mental health. Governments all across the world are very concerned about the aging
In order to ensure that the demands of the special groups are satisfied, policy reforms
are therefore required. Encouragement of the elderly population to invest in real assets policy
adjustments is thus necessary to guarantee that the aspirations of the particular groups are
met. One of the methods that could be helpful in addressing the problems associated with old
age is encouraging the senior people to invest in real assets so they can be certain of a steady
income in the future. The government must ensure that everyone has access to affordable, all-
inclusive healthcare and increase public understanding of the negative long- term effect of
address the problems currently affecting the younger generation. This assertion is accurate
because the youthful people of today will ultimate age. The mentioned milestones will be
attained by the senior population in the future by solving the issues that youthful generations
Giving elderly people the chance to work for extended stretches of time while still
participating in volunteer, caring, and artistic endeavors can have positive social and
economic effects and lessen some of the financial strains associated with aging societies. Yet,
engaging in work activities does not always result in increased social wellbeing. Instead
giving elderly people useless or demeaning chores just to keep them occupied, policies
should be set up in a way that respects their dignity and liberty. Activities should be tailored
to the physical and mental capabilities of older people in addition to providing meaningful
and fulfilling possibilities. While both paid and unpaid employment activities are
advantageous to society and the elderly, giving them the freedom to choose is key element.
It is crucial to understand that implementing those programs and plans might have
some immediate expenses. Phased –in-retirement choices may result in greater costs for
employers and older workers. Also, employers might have to pay for recognizing or adjusting
jobs and local governments might have to pay for reorganizing or adjusting jobs, and local
and other activities. Yet, the long-term welfare advantages to society will probably outweigh
these immediate expenses and strengthen the macroeconomic and budgetary situations.
The majority of elderly people reside in extended families. In order to ensure older
women’s wellbeing in old age, it is important to make sure they receive enough economic
and social support. The majority of old-age women are not economically active. In order for
women to have a consistent income during their working years, plan for and be ready for
retirement, and reduce their vulnerability in old age, it is also vital to promote their
employment involvement. To better fulfill the needs and well-being of the elderly, effective
policies, strategies, and programs should be incorporated into development planning that
takes place at all levels, including Grama Niladhari, Divisional secretariat, and District,
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