Ilm Huroof PDF Free
Ilm Huroof PDF Free
Ilm Huroof PDF Free
Knowledge of Letters
& Number,
Fawatih Letters of
- For Entire Abjad Table Click Here-
Heaven TOIN=9 HA=8 ZA=7 WAW= HAA=5
ly 6 DAL=4 JEEM=3 BA=2 ALIF=1
Heaven SAAD=9 FA=80 AYN=7 SEEN= NOON=
ly 0 0 60 50 MEEM= KAAF=
LAAM=30 YA=10
Value 40 20
In Arabic numerology, Abjad, the letter Toin ( Pronounced as TA) has the
value 9. In normal Arabic character set, it is the 16th letter. The letter Toin (
) is one of the Muqattaat (abbreviated) letters. That is, it is used as a letter in
the opening of 4 chapters in the Quran. It is used in the Quran in 3
combinations as follows:
1 Ta Ha - Chapter 20
2 Ta Seen Meem - Chapter 26 and 28
3 Ta Seen - Chapter 27
The combination of the Arabic Letters Ta Seen Meem occur twice in the
Quran in Chapters 26 and 28.
The letter with the numerical value of 2 is the letter Ba ( ).
Alternatively, if we add all the four chapter numbers that have the letter
That is 26 + 28 = 54.
If we now reduce this to a single digit, we get (5 + 4 = ) 9.
7 He Who has made everything which He has created most Good. He began the
creation of man with TEEN (clay)
[Quran: As Sajda Chapter 32]
8 And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised
[Quran: As Sajda Chapter 32]
Having been created with Teen ( = 9)
from Ba ( = 2) over 9 months,
we have all suffered illness(es) one time or another.
The cure is the medicine if Allah Wills.
82 We send down in the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those
who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.
[Quran: Bani Israeel Chapter 17]
First of all, if we look at the Verse and Chapter numbers above, again they are
1 Ta Seen Those are signs (verses) of the Quran and a Manifest Book;
[Quran: Al Naml Chapter 27]
They are Manifest.
They are placed at the start of the chapter to draw attention to them.
Otherwise, they would have been placed as the last thing in the chapter.
Therefore, Allah has placed the healing in the letters of the Quran.
As stated in the book about the Arabic Letter Ha ( ), "Letters make the
words". Or to put it another way, Without letters, there can be no words!
Without words, there can be no guidance.
The Manifest signs are the Arabic Letters. The Healing is in the Arabic
Letters. The words of the Quran explain this explicitly.
To avoid the physical disease we must keep our body and clothing pure.
98 When you read the Quran seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected
[Quran: An Nahl Chapter 16]
But the greatest purification is the Kalima Tayyab LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH
Hence the name Kalima TAYYAB.
There are 4 chapters in the Quran that start with the letter Toin ( ). These
1 (Ta Ha) Ta Ha Chapter 20
2 (Ta Seen Meem) Ash Shuaara Chapter 26
3 (Ta Seen) An Naml Chapter 27
4 (Ta Seen Meem) Al Qasas Chapter 28
In each of these chapters, the first person to be mentioned by their
proper name is Musa ( ).
What is the connection here?
Where did Musa ( ) go in pursuit of the fire?
In the Islamic (lunar) calendar, the month of fasting is the month of
The month of Ramadan is the 9th month. {Laylat alQadar is nine letters
mentioned 3 times is the surah 9x3=27 2+7=9}
The fasting is prescribed for 30 days.
What is the reason for fasting?
It is the Commandment of Allah.
It is the month in which the Noble Quran was first Revealed.
The fast is observed from dawn till sunset.
The fast is the abstention from food, drink and other lawful things during
the stated time period.
That is the physical aspect.
The spiritual side is the same as above but with the added restrictions on
physical or verbal abuse.
Refraining from evil thoughts and actions.
The number ‘9' the numerical value of the letter Toin ( ) is quite unique. First
of all, it is an odd number as opposed to even number. It is the only number
that can be multiplied by any other number and the result can be reduced to a
single digit equal to 9.
For example:
9 x 2 = 18 -> 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 123456789 = 1111111101 -> 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+0+1 = 9
9 x 5555 = 49995 -> 4+9+9+9+5 = 36 -> 3+6 = 9
No other number falls into this category.
The following Names starting with the Letter TOIN Belong to Muhammad
Ilm Huroof |Muqataat Letters of Quran | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism | Sufi Concepts
Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way |
"Secrets of the Heart " | Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth
Way School | Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
The letter Ha is one of the letters of Muqattaat. That is, it is used in the opening
verses of certain chapters in the Quran. The word Harf meaning letter also
starts with the letter Ha. It is the Huroof (letters) that make the words. No book can
be written without words. Words are made by arranging the letters in a certain way,
so that they make up words that are intelligent. Sentences are formed by arranging
the words in a certain way. No words or sentences can be written without letters.
Anyone can make up a sentence, in Arabic, for example.
But that sentence will not have any ‘power' or ‘force' to attract the
angels. In the Quran the Arabic letters are arranged in such a way that
they bring the Power of Allah into action.
If we look at the position of the two letters Ha in the verse Bismillah, they are placed
in positions 11 and 17. Why?
It is because Ha when used to represent Huroof (letters), it shows us that there are
28 Huroof (11 + 17, letters 28=Rasul) in the Arabic script. What is the significance of
the Harf (letter)?
88 Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinn were to gather together to produce the
like of this Quran they could not produce the like thereof even if they backed up each
other with help and support.
[Quran: Al Israa Chapter 17]
The chapter (17 = 1 + 7 = 8) and verse numbers (88) hint at the letter Ha ( = 8).
It is the arrangement of the Arabic letters that are recognised by the
angels who come to assist mankind when Allah Wills. Hence the whole
of mankind and jinn together, cannot ever produce anything remotely
similar to the verses of the Quran. Whatever they (mankind and jinn
together) produce will not have the ‘force' or the ‘power' of the Quran.
Angels will not recognise the forgery as they recognise the Word of
Allah. The arrangement and order of the Arabic letters in the Quran is
very important. That is why the Quran must be recited in Arabic.
By reciting the Quran or doing Zikr Allah, we are engaged in the Hamd (praise) of
Allah. What is Hamd?
Hamd is saying Praise to Allah but not by just anyone Allah is Listening to the Hamd
of His Servant Saydena Muhammad {s}. Hamd is remembering Allah. The way to
remember Allah is to call Him often by any, or some, or all of His Names mentioned
in the Quran. Almost everyone will say there are 99 Names of Allah mentioned in the
Quran. In fact there are more than 99 Names. These 99 Names are referred to as Al
Asma ul Husna - The Most Beautiful Names.
Why are there so many Names of Allah when Allah is One? The proper Name of our
Creator is Allah.
The other ‘Names' are His Attributes. Each Ism (‘Name') of Allah has a different
Quality. Each Ism (Name) is made up of different combinations of the Huroof (Arabic
Each Harf (letter) has its own quality. Each letter has its own angel assigned by
Allah. Each angel has rows and rows of angels under its command. All these angels
come under the command of the angel { Maliaka Ijabiruun} who is assigned to a
particular Ism (Name) of Allah.
That is 23 out of 28 Arabic letters are used as the initial letter of the 99 Asma ul
Husna. Or to put it another way 5 out of 28 Arabic letters are not used as the initial
letter of the 99 Asma ul Husna. Insha Allah, the above five letters will be looked at in
there own separate books. If we look, we will find even more than 99 Names of Allah
in the Quran which are not included in the Asma ul Husna.
and Yueed
for - Ya.
Now we have 26 out of 28 letters which are used as the initial letter in the Name of
The two letters that are not used are - Toin and - Sa (or Tha?).
If we look at the number of Arabic letters used as the initial letter for the Names of
Each Name of Allah has Its own Blessing and Goodness. Each particular Name of
Allah is ideal for overcoming a particular hardship or difficulty. If we mention all the
Names of Allah, everyday, then there is no problem so great that cannot be overcome
by Allah's Permission.
Al Hamdu Lillah most Muslims Praise Allah most of the time just for the sake of
praising Him and for no other reason. Praising of Allah has become a habit with
them. And when they neglect their prayers and praise, they feel that something is
missing from their lives. They feel lost and ashamed before Allah. This is the mark of
a good Muslim.
There is another side to Hamd. When we Praise Allah, He assigns angels to assist His
servant. These angels are the ones that recognise that particular Name of Allah.
There are two more references in the Quran of Asma ul Husna which are included
here which do not equate to 28:
180 The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them; but avoid
such men that use profanity in His names: for what they do they will soon be
[Quran: Al Aaraf Chapter 7]
Verse 180 + chapter 7 = 187 = 1 + 7 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7.
24 He is Allah the Creator the Evolver the Bestower of Forms (or colours). To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth does
declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise.
[Quran: Al Hashr Chapter 59]
Verse 24 + chapter 59 = 83 = 8 + 3 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.
Why do the above two verses not equate to 28 or 1? We have to find an answer to
that. Husna is the operative word here. We shall come back to the 7 and 2 from the
above results further along in this book.
HIJAAB is another word that starts with the letter Ha . Hijaab is the veil
Hijaab is a veil that can be removed if Allah Wills. We can realize Allah through His
Works or Signs:
1 Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant for Journey by night from the Sacred
Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose precincts We did Bless in order that We might
show him some of Our Signs: for He is the one Who hears and sees (all things).
[Quran: Al Israa Chapter 17]
It also means reason, intelligence and logic. If we listen carefully and try to ‘see' the
reality of the things as they are, then the Hijaab (veil) gets lifted, if Allah Wills.
We look at these letters, and yet we do not see them. We overlook these letters
every time. We read these letters, and yet we do not listen to them. We hear these
letters, and yet we do not understand them. The veil on the spiritual meaning of the
Quran is not deliberate.
The letters are placed right in front of us at the start of the chapters so that we do
not have difficulty in finding them.
If we try to see the words in the Quran letter by letter, then the words that are not
clearly understood, start to reveal their meanings by Allah's Permission. The
following are references from the Quran about the Message of the Quran and Hijaab:
45 When you do recite the Quran We put between you and those who do not believe
in the Hereafter a veil invisible:
[Quran: Al Israa Chapter 17]
5 They say: "Our hearts are under veils (concealed) from that to which you do invite
us and in our ears a deafness and between us and you is a screen: so you do (what
you will); for us we shall do (what we will!)."
[Quran: Ha Meem Chapter 41]
Hikmat means wisdom. Hikmat also starts with the letter Ha . The word
Hikmat is mentioned 19 times{19 letters BismiAllah} in the Quran.
Almost every time, the Book (Scriptures) is mentioned, the word Hikmat is used
alongside. What is Hikmat or wisdom? Wisdom is learning. The learning process
starts from the day we are born. Learning is a continuous process to which there is
no end. Wisdom comes from learning. Wisdom is knowledge. Knowledge has many
branches. We seek knowledge from an early age. Wisdom is discernment. We can
only discern or distinguish if we have a knowledge base. The Quran is full wisdom.
We must learn wisdom from the wise Quran.
1 Ya Seen
2 By the wise Quran.
[Quran: Ya Seen Chapter 36]
What is the basis of wisdom in any book? The words. The words can only be formed
if there is a character set. The Arabic character set is the basis of the Quran. It is the
letters which are the roots of the wisdom.
1 Ha Meem
2 The revelation of this Book is from Allah Exalted in Power Full of Knowledge
[Quran: Al Muumin Chapter 40]
1 Ha Meem
2 A revelation from (Allah) Most Gracious Most Merciful
[Quran: Ha Meem Chapter 41]
1 Ha Meem
2 Ayn Seen Qaf
3 Thus does (He) send Inspiration to you as (He did) to those before you Allah
Exalted in Power full of Wisdom.
[Quran: Ash Shura Chapter 42]
1 Ha Meem
2 By the Book that makes things clear
[Quran: Az Zukhruf Chapter 43 AND Ad Dukhan Chapter 44]
1 Ha Meem
2 The revelation of the Book is from Allah the Exalted in power Full of Wisdom.
[Quran: Al Jasiyat Chapter 45 AND Al Ahqaf Chapter 46]
The Attribute Hakeem starts with Ha and ends with Meem. Just to
emphasize the opening letters, the verse is repeated in the last two chapters (45 &
46) out of the seven chapters. The attribute Al Hakeem was also the last word in
verse 3 chapter 42. It is clear. Nothing has been hidden.
In total, we have three out of seven chapters emphasizing the Attribute Al Hakeem.
We have five out of seven chapters where the ‘non-lettered' verses end in Meem.
All the above chapters are placed consecutively in the Quran.
The first one is placed in the 40th position. That is the clue. Allah is telling us
that the clue is in the letter Meem which has a numerical value of 40. If that is
not enough, Chapter 40 is named Mu_min. What is the connection?
There are 7 chapters starting with the letters Ha Meem. { 7 Verses of Al-Fatiha}
From what has been covered above, the initial emphasis is on Meem. If we find the
total sum of the 7 Meems we get 7 x 40 = 280.
(Ra) and 80 = (Fa). Add them to the initial letter Ha ( ) and we have the
We are again being reminded that the spiritual Message is in the letters of the Quran.
Alif Laam Meem. That Book in which there is no doubt. Allah is Speaking to us
through the Quran with the 28 letters. The Quran contains the Speech of Allah.
{ Thru Holy Tongue of Sayedena Muhammad (S)}
Allah's Messenger said, "Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and
he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise."
[Sahih Al Bukhari]
Where does the number 99 come from? What was Allah's Messenger trying to tell
us? Could the number 99 have come from the letters Ha Meem since
Muhammad did the most Hamd of Allah?
Quran we have:
So we read the letter and we make the sound HA we get the number (8 + 1 ) =
9. {power of 9 is in Hamd, 8 carry Throne + 1 Sits Upon It see article Power of
The two missing letters Ha are in the words RaHman (Most Gracious) and RaHeem in
the above verse.
Where have we seen these two Names of Allah before? In the verse Bismillah Hir
Rahman Nir Raheem. The Opening verse of the Quran. Where there is Hamd, there
will be angels present. Where there is Hamd there will be Allah's Rahmat (Mercy).
And Hamd begins with Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem.
Allah is Al Hayy, the Living One. He created us out of dust and gave us life by
breathing into us His life giving Breath. We should be thankful for that. We should
say Allah's Praise. Some readers may say that they had no choice in the matter and
would rather not have been born at all. That is not true.
Allah assembled all the progeny of Adam from Adam to the last person to be born
and asked us all, "Am I not your Rabb?" We have all testified that He is our Rabb.
Only then did He send us to this world.
Mankind being a weak creature, forgets in the process of growing up. That is not a
problem. Allah is Al Hakeem, The Wise One. He knows our weaknesses. He sent us
His Messengers ( ) to remind us of our pact with Allah. The Messengers ( ) of Allah
left their communities Scriptures as a reminder. With the completion of the
Messengers ( ), Allah has given us the Quran as the Final Message in Truth from Al
Haqq, The True One.
To say that one did not have a choice, is wrong. We all grabbed at the chance of
appearing in this world. None of us are perfect, except the Messengers ( ) of Allah.
The rest of us, we commit sins. We make mistakes. We rebel against Allah. Allah is Al
Haleem, The Forbearing, The Tolerant. He is always ready to forgive and accept
repentance while we are in this world. The way to repent is to Praise Allah, because
He is Al Hameed, The Praiseworthy. Allah is not in need of anyone or anything. It is
us, who are in need of Him. It is us, who need His Help. It is us, who need His Mercy
and Blessing. It is us, who need His Protection.
If we keep Praising Allah, He becomes Al Hafeez, The Protector. He Protects us from
all kinds of harm, visible and invisible. He takes on that responsibility Himself.
In conclusion, it is the Huroof (letters) of the Holy Quran which are the veils. It is the
Huroof of the Quran that are manifest. It is the Huroof of the Quran that are the
guidance from Allah when they are formed into words and verses. Hamd (Praise) of
Allah can only be done when the creature brings the Huroof into life by recitation.
Ha Meem is used 7 times in the same combination. Two letters used seven times (2 x
7) equals 14 letters.
The Huroof Muqattaat are used in 29 chapters{29th Name of Rasul is
Abdullaah, 2+9= 11=Name of Rasul is YASEEN } of the Quran. There are 28
characters in Arabic.... or are there really 29 characters?
Is the 29th letter Laam-Alif or Hamza? {Represents Annilation}
Each Name of Allah has its own Goodness and Blessings. It is up to us by which
Name we call or Praise Him. Whichever Name of Allah we choose, may Allah make
that Name Ism Azam for us. May Allah bestow His Mercy and His Blessings on every
Muslim. Only Allah Knows Best. And finally......
Arabic language that He, Himself has chosen for the followers of Muhammad .
Ahmad did the Most Hamd (Praising) of Allah and he became better known as
Muhammad - The Most Praised One.
Muhammad praised Allah to such an extent that no one before him, during his
time, or after him will ever attain his status in Allah's Presence.
Muhammad praised Allah to such an extent that Allah revealed the Reality of all
the Al Asma ul Husna to him. Allah removed the Hijaab (veil) from Muhammad
and brought him to His Own Presence.
It was all through the Hamd (Praise) of Allah. Allah created Muhammad - Most
Praised One who lived up to his name. Subhan Allah.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Al Haseeb, Al Hakam, Al Hakeem, Al Haleem,
Al Hafeez, Al Haqq, Al Hameed, Al Hayy
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his
Allah's Attribute Zakkee and we take the first letter Za from Muhammad's
name Zakkee and we have a pair of Za. What is a pair?
Pair is Zawj ( ).
The two Letters Za ( ) equate to 7 + 7 = 14.
In the Quran we find that Chapter 14 is Ibraheem. Ibraheem ( ) was the
father of Ismaeel ( ) and Iss_haaq ( ).
39 "Praise be to Allah who has granted me in old age Ismaeel and Iss_haaq:
for truly my Rabb (Lord) is He the Hearer of Prayer!
[Quran: Ibraheem Chapter 14]
If we look at THE HOLY QURAN commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali:
Note 1917: Ibraheem was 100 years old when Iss_haaq was born (Gen. xxi.
5); and as Ismaeel was 13 years old when Ibraheem was 99. (Gen. xvii. 24-
25), Ismaeel was also a son of his father's old age, having been born when
Abraham was 86 years old. The younger son's progeny developed the Faith of
Israel and that of Christ; the elder son's progeny perfected the more
universal Faith of Islam, the Faith of Ibraheem the Hanif (True). (14.39)
Ismaeel (as) was born when Ibraheem (as) was 86 years old (8 + 6 =
Iss_haaq () was born when Ibraheem (as) was 100.
The difference between the age of the two brothers was 14 years
(double Za - ).
From the Quran Hadees and history we find that Ibraheem (as) left his wife
Hajara (as) and son Ismaeel (as) in the desert at the place which is now
Makkah. Hajara (as) prayed to Allah for water....
.......Jibreel hit the earth with his heel like this (Ibn Abbas hit the earth with
his heel to illustrate it), and so the water gushed out. Ismaeel's mother was
astonished and started digging. (Abu Al Qasim) (i.e. the Prophet) said, "If
she had left the water, (flow naturally without her intervention), it would
have been flowing on the surface of the earth.")......
[Sahih Bukhari]
And that well still exists to this day better known as Zam-zam .
From pair of Letters Za ( ).
We arrived at two more Letters which are a pair of Meem ( ) and we
have Zam-zam .
(Abu Jamra Ad Dabi said:) I used to sit with Ibn Abbas in Mecca. Once I
had a fever and he said (to me), "Cool your fever with Zam-zam water,
for Rasool Allah said: 'It (the fever) is from the heat of the (Hell) Fire;
so, cool it with water (or Zam-zam water).' "[Sahih Bukhari]
Allah has blessed that well of Zam-Zam. Allah sent Jibreel (as) to dig the
water of Zam-zam for the ancestors of Muhammad . So how can the water
to reveal the Quran to His Chosen One, Muhammad whose name has two
Meems ( ).
Believers. But Muhammad has been sent as a Mercy to all the worlds from
Allah, the Rabb (Lord) of all the worlds.
107 We Sent you as a Mercy to all the worlds
[Quran: Al Anbiyaa Chapter 21]
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Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
124 And remember that Ibraheem was tried by his Rabb (Lord) with certain
commands which he fulfilled; He said: "I will make you an Imam to the
nations." He pleaded: "And also (Imams) from my offspring!" He answered:
"But my promise is not within the reach of evil-doers."
[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]
What were these certain commands which Ibraheem ( ) fulfilled ?
These commands were to leave his wife and son Ismaeel ( ) in the
desert, in Allah's care. Then after that,
Allah asked Ibraheem ( ) to sacrifice that which was most dear to him.
And the dearest thing to Ibraheem ( ) was his son Ismaeel ( ).
So Ibraheem ( ) offered his son to Allah as a sacrifice.
And, Allah accepted his sacrifice and preserved Ismaeel ( ) at the last
Why did Allah do that ?
Because Allah is Al Ghafoor ul Wadood And He is the Forgiving, the Loving.
Allah tested Ibraheem's ( ) love for his Rabb. And when Ibraheem ( ) gave
up that which he loved most for the sake of Allah, Allah restored his son and
reciprocated that Love.
The moral is that Love is shared between two. If the Love of one is not
reciprocated by the other it becomes a trial. When the other responds with
Love, it becomes bliss.
A good example of the effects of love are described beautifully in the book
Layla and Majnun by Nizami. Layla and Majnun as a story is wonderful from a
worldly point of view. But if we consider this book from a spiritual point of
view we find that all the Messengers of Allah ( ) and Awliya Allah ( ) went
through the same process. They gave up everything for the sake of Allah's
And after trying them, Allah returned, or bestowed His Love on them.
96 On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness will (Allah) Most
Gracious bestow Love
[Quran: Maryam Chapter 19]
That means we have to believe and be loving towards others for the sake of
Allah. Everyone one of us, is His creation. Allah Himself will reciprocate our
love for others. Another word for Love in Arabic is Hubb.
31 Say, (Muhammad, to mankind): If you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love
you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful
32 Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, Allah does not
love the disbelievers.
[Quran: Al Imran Chapter 3]
56 Allah and His angels send blessings on the Nabee (Prophet): You that
believe! send blessings on him and salute him with all respect.
[Quran: Al Ahzab Chapter 33]
Muhammad ,
Waseet is an intercessor.
79 (Iblees) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are
80 (Allah) said: "Respite then is granted to you
81 "Till the day of the Time Appointed."
[Quran: Saad Chapter 38]
Waqt is Time.
Satan or Iblees is granted respite until the appointed Waqt - Time in the
above verse.
Waqt - Time is one of the many things that man would like to control.
But it is elusive. We cannot touch or hold time, we cannot taste time,
we cannot see time, we cannot hear time and we definitely cannot smell time.
Time is an elusive concept. It cannot be grasped. It cannot be turned back.
So most people live for today without a care for tomorrow. In Islam it is the
'tomorrow' that matters. Since Iblees has been granted respite for an
Therefore we must put aside some Waqt - Time per day for Tawba -
Repentance and seeking Allah's bounty. We have to put aside some good
deeds for which the payment is not immediately obvious. But nevertheless,
these good deeds of today will be counted 'tomorrow'.
May Allah make us seek His bounties, and seek His forgiveness and bestow His Love on
us all. Ameen.
Al Wadood, Al Wahhab, Al Wahid, Al Wajid, Al Waris, Al Walee
18 December 1999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 Ramadan 1420
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Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Ilm Huroof |Muqataat Letters of Quran | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism | Sufi Concepts
Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way |
"Secrets of the Heart " | Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth
Way School || Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
The Arabic Letter Haa ( ) in the normal Arabic character set is 27.=9
In the numerical character set, Abjad, Haa ( ) is the 5th Letter with numerical value 5. This article is
about the spiritual meaning of the Letter Haa ( ). { 5th level of heart Huwiya}
If we look at the first usage of the Letter Haa ( ) as a Muqattaat Letter, we find that it is followed by
the Letter Ya ( ). Knowledge ( = 10) leads the '0' to '1'.
Hidayat is Guidance. How do we take in Guidance ?
We rely on the 5 senses given to us by Allah.
These 5 senses are:
1- Hearing, 2 - Sight, 3 - Touch, 4 - Smell and {5 - Taste}
Everyone of us relies on these 5 senses.
The disbelievers are servants of these 5 senses. The disbelievers want a physical 'form' to worship.
They will not believe unless they can 'see' or 'touch' or 'hear' physically with some of their senses.
The believers are masters of these 5 senses. The believers use their senses as servants. The
believers only rely on these senses in order to gather information. They accept the existence of Allah
because they have heard the teachings of Allah through the Messengers ( ) of Allah.
After careful consideration they have accepted what the ears have told them. Muslims are a
community of witnesses because they recite the Shahadat.
A Shahid is one who witnesses There is no god only Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah with
his / her intelligence based on the information gathered by the senses.
Hidayat is knowing the truth from falsehood. Hidayat is controlling our 5 senses to be our servants
and not our masters. What do we find in Quran ?
We find in the Quran:
(To keep the article short and simple, only one example will be shown per sense)
What we can eat and what is forbidden - Taste
118 Eat that over which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His revelations
[Quran: Al Anaam Chapter 6]
What we can see and what is forbidden - Sight
30 Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Allah is Aware of
what they do.
31 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment
only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their
adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their
husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their
slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know nothing of women's nakedness.
And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto
Allah together, O believers, in order that you may succeed.
[Quran: An Noor Chapter 24]
What we can touch and what is forbidden - Touch
12 Ya ay yuhan Nabee (Prophet) ! If believing women come to you, taking oath of allegiance unto you
that they will ascribe nothing as partner unto Allah, and will neither steal nor commit adultery nor kill
their children, nor produce any lie that they have devised between their hands and feet, nor disobey
you in what is right, then accept their allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Allah is Forgiving,
[Quran: Al Mumtahanah Chapter 60]
What we can hear and what is forbidden - Hearing
3 A scripture whereof the verses are expounded, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge.
4 Good tidings and a warning. But most of them turn away so that they hear not.
[Quran: Ha Meem Chapter 41]
What we can sense with our nose - Smell
94 When the caravan left (Egypt) their father said: "I do indeed scent the presence of Yusuf (Joseph):
though you may deny it."
[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]
An important point to note is that 4 of the 5 senses are localised to the organs, namely smell, sight,
taste and hearing.
But the sense of touch is spread all over the body.
Step 1 is a body free of impurities.
Step 2 is clothes free of impurities.
Step 3 is saying Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem at the start of Wudu.
Step 4 is performing the Wudu.
Wudu is essentially washing or cleaning the 5 senses.
We need to wash the hands (touch),
the mouth (taste - 3 times),
the nose (smell - 3 times),
the face (eyes are included in this - touch and sight - 3 times),
the arms (touch - 3 times, starting with the right arm and then repeating with the left arm).
Run moistened hands from forehead, over the head to the back of the neck and back to the
forehead (touch).
Then we wipe the ears with moistened fingers (hearing),
and finish of with washing the feet (touch - washing the right foot first and then the left foot).
To conclude the Wudu we take the fifth step.
Step 5 is the recitation of Kalima Shahadat:
Notice that we have to clean the sense of touch in the Wudu in 5 stages.
The other 5 steps are the 5 Daily prayers.
The 5 prayers are named in such a way that the overall total numerical values of all their names can
be reduced to the number 5 which is the numerical value of the Letter Haa ( ).
The Hidayat came from Hu to His Messengers ( ) and they in turn taught it to their communities.
May Allah and His Rasool Guide us and keep us on True Guidance. Ameen.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Al Hamdu Lillah Rabbil Alameen. All praise is for Allah, the Rabb of the worlds. Blessings on
Muhammad , his family, and his companions. Allah in His infinite Generosity has permitted me to
write a little about each of the Letters in His Name.
Laam Part 1
Laam Part 2
Allahumma accept this humble effort. Raise Sayyidina Muhammad to an even higher
Darajat (Rank) since he has delivered the Message to us faithfully. Allahumma Bless
Muhammad , his family, his household and his Companions. Allahumma bestow Your
knowledge on us. Knowledge that will benefit your creation. Rabbi, You are Samee (All Hearing) un
Baseer (All Seeing). Ameen.
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Darood and Salaam on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Hu, Al Hadee
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Number 4
4 Valves on Heart,
4 Corners of Kaaba
4 letters Allh
4 letters MHMD,
4 Seasons
Ilm Huroof |Muqataat Letters of Quran | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism | Sufi Concepts
Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way |
"Secrets of the Heart " | Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth
Way School |
| Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
It is the fifth letter in the Arabic character set. Jeem ( ) in Arabic numerology
which is known as Abjad, has the value of 3. This article is about the spiritual
names starting with the letter Jeem ( ) These three chapters are:
1 Chapter 45 - Al Jaasiyat 37 verses
2 Chapter 62 - Al Jumaa 11 verses
3 Chapter 72 - Al Jinn 28 verses
The first chapter with its name starting with the Letter Jeem ( ) is Al Jaasiyat.
Which stands for crouching, bowing. Bowing to Allah our Rabb. The name Jaasiyat
comes from:
28 And you will see each nation crouching, each nation summoned to its record.
(And they will be told): This day you are to be repaid what you used to do.
[Quran: Al Jaasiyat Chapter 45]{ 45=9 verse 28 owner of Huroof sir of Meem}
First of all we must die. And each one of us will die without a doubt. When a person
dies, we the Muslims have to pray for the deceased. The funeral prayer is called
When a Muslim passes away, after the formalities of washing the body, the relatives,
friends and acquaintances, gather for the Janazah (funeral) prayer. The word
Janazah starts with the letter Jeem ( ) and it involves three things which is the
Likewise when we die, the last thing we hear is the Takbir repeated 4 times. We have
completed our physical journey above the earth at death for the time being until the
Day of Resurrection.
We have completed one complete circle or 'orbit'. That is all we are allowed unlike
the earth which is allowed numerous orbits. Each one of us completes this 'orbit' in
their own life spans. And that life span is made of different number of years, months,
weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. That is the one side of the Janazah. The
other side of Janazah has 3 parts.
After the second Takbir, Darood (Blessings) are sent upon Muhammad .
After the third Takbir, Dua Janazah (funeral prayer) is recited. T
he Dua Janazah (funeral prayer) is basically asking Allah to forgive everyone,
especially the deceased. After the fourth Takbir, we say the Salaam (Peace) and the
prayer is complete. The deceased is then buried.
Overall, three things are required for the deceased.
1 Washing the body.
2 Saying Janazah prayer.
3 Burying the body.
Janazah is one form of gathering. The other sort of gathering is the Jumaa.
The other form of gathering is the Jumaa. This is the Friday prayer. And the day
which is Friday is also called Jumaa based on the gathering. There is a subtlety here
with chapter number !
Al Jaasiyat is Chapter number 45. The chapter number is perfectly divisible by 3 the
The Letter with the numerical value = 8 is the Letter Ha ( ) for Hamd.
Why is the Chapter number for Jumaa (62) not perfectly divisible by 3 ? Why does it
reduce to 8 for Ha ( ) ? The first verse of Chapter Jumaa answers that question.
1 Whatever is in the heavens and on earth does declare the Praises and Glory of Al
Malik il Quddus il Azeez il Hakeem (Allah the Sovereign the Holy One the Exalted in
Might the Wise).
[Quran: Al Jumaa Chapter 62]
Allah has chosen the day of Jumaa (Friday) for the Muslims. It is the day of collective
Praise for Allah. It is the day of Gathering. Notice that the Chapter number when
divided by 3:
62 divided by 3 = 20 remainder 2.
The third and final chapter named with the initial Letter Jeem ( ) is Jinn Chapter
Again this chapter number is perfectly divisible by 3
72 divided by 3 = 24. No remainder.
A lot has been written about Jinn by other people. We must understand that the
majority of the Jinn are evil except for those who have accepted the Guidance of
Allah from the Quran and entered Islam. It would suffice to quote a few verses from
the Quran.
14 He created man of clay like the potter's,
15 And the Jinn did He create of smokeless fire.
[Quran: Ar Rahman Chapter 55]
130 You assembly of the jinn and humankind! Did there not come to you messengers
of your own who recounted to you My tokens and warned you of the meeting of this
your Day? They will say: We testify against ourselves. And the life of the world
beguiled them. And they testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.
[Quran: Al Anaam Chapter 6]
128 In the day when He will gather them together (He will say): You assembly of the
jinn! Many of humankind did you seduce. And their adherents among humankind will
say: Our Lord! We enjoyed one another, but now we have arrived at the appointed
term which You appointed for us. He will say: Fire is your home. Abide therein for
ever, save him whom Allah wills (to deliver). Your Lord is Wise, Aware.
[Quran: Al Anaam Chapter 6]
And speaking of Spirits...
Muhammad used to retire to the Cave Hira for contemplation. And then one day ...
... suddenly the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira. The
angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how
to read."
The Prophet added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I
could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I
replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me
a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked
me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?'
Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me
and said, 'Read in the name of your Rabb (Lord), who has created (all that exists)
has created man from a clot. Read! And your Rabb (Lord) is the Most Generous."
[Sahih Bukhari]
What was the name of the angel ? Jibreel ( ). Jibreel's name starts with the Letter
Jeem ( ).
The Letter Jeem ( ) is about Jumaa Gathering. The ultimate Jumaa (gathering) will
take place on the Day of Judgement. Where all the people human and Jinn will be
gathered awaiting news of their fate. Jannah Heaven or Jahannam Hell.
May Allah have Mercy on us all. Ameen.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Darood and Salaam on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Al Jabbar, Al Jameel, Al Jaleel, Al Jaami
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Ilm Huroof | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism |
Sufi Concepts Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi
Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way | "Secrets of the
Heart " | |Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi
Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way School |
| Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Ilm Huroof Series, Secrets of Letters and Numbers
Abjad Table
Asma Husna with Asma Rasul {s}
heart, as it cycles between the cessation and restoration of its pumping, is existing
at the level of the Essence of the Divine Presence. Because that Divine Essence is the
source of all created being, that heart will be at one with every minutest creation in
this universe. The heart which has reached the secrets of the nine points will be able
to see everything, hear everything, know everything, taste everything, sense
everything, 'Until He will be the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he
sees, the tongue with which he speaks, the hand with which he grasps, and the feet
with which he walks. He will be Lordly, he only need say to a thing Be! and it will
Why search for Bismillah? If Bismillah had not been missing from one of the
chapters, no one would look deeply at the verse Bismillah. It would be overlooked by
every reader of the Quran. At the start of chapter 9 {secret Door to the Realties of
9}the reader is being told by Allah, Look!, The opening verse Bismillah is missing. Go
and look at the verse Bismillah. The reader has got so used to reading every chapter
of the Quran starting with Bismillah.
Now the reader needs to be awakened. Secondly, in all the previous chapters 1 to 8
Chapter 9 does not start with the verse Bismillah. It does not start with the letter Alif
Which again tells the reader Look!, Bismillah is missing and the first verse of the
chapter starts with the letter Ba.
If that does not mean anything, then look at the names of the first 9 chapters.
There are only two chapters in the first nine chapters with the letter Ba in
their name.
They are chapters 2 and 9.
Chapter 9 is the second chapter which has the letter Ba in its name.
The second can be translated as 2 which is the numerical value of the letter
Why Chapter 9? Why not Chapter 2 which is called Baqara, the only chapter
out of the first 9 chapters whose name starts with the letter Ba?,
Why not chapter 90 which is called Al Balad?
chapters are guidance from Allah. They both start with Alif Laam Meem .
Alif ( ) - Believe in Allah, Laam ( ) - say La ilaha ill Allah and Meem ( )-
Muhammadur Rasool Allah.
It is like the creation of a human being. Nine months are required for development.
After nine months the baby has to leave the comfort of the mothers womb and face
the world. The baby starts to learn from that point onwards.
After testifying the Kalima without a shadow of doubt, Allah then hints the seeker to
look at the letter Ba. Because it is missing and a hint has been given, now look for it.
When you find it look at it. After you have understood the letter Ba then you have the
key to heaven.
represents the Arabic letter Toin ( ). Toin represents purity, hence the
The Messenger of Allah said, "Every child is born with a true faith (a Muslim) but
his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity....
[Sahih Bukhari]
Allah has sent the Quran and His Messengers ( ) as a reminder to show His servants
how to purify themselves. Physically we can never be pure no matter how much we
wash and scrub ourselves. But we must try to purify ourselves to the best of our
The biggest obstacle in physical purity is the last drop of urine. We must cleanse
ourselves (with Allah's Guidance) free from that drop or dot, whatever you want to
call it. This is mentioned in the Quran:
4 And keep your garments free from stain
[Quran: Al Muddassir Chapter 74]
14 By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do!
[Quran: Al Mutaffiffeen Chapter 83]
When we try to remove the last drop of urine outwardly, inwardly we are removing
the stain of Satan from our hearts. { When you care about what know one knows or
sees then you are reaching moral excellence Ihklas}
He then raises us in superiority above the angels and makes them bow down to
Therefore Tayyab is {Sayedena TaHa al-Tahir}
284 To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether you show what
is in your minds or conceal it Allah calls you to account for it. He forgives whom He
pleases and punishes whom He pleases. Allah has power over every thing.
[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]
Bismillah contains 19 letters { All Quran contain 114 Surah 6x19, into with 30 Juz
into 7 verses of Fatiha into 19 letters of Bismillah into BA}
1-9 all creation within 1 thru 9 Allah Showing First Bi-Nary code.
which represent the 1 Creator who creates a human being over 9 months and the
first sound that should reach the ears of the new born baby is the Azan. This informs
the new arrival:
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, (Allah is Great, Allah is Great)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
I testify there is no god only Allah,
I testify there is no god only Allah,
I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
Come to prayer, Come to Prayer,
Come to goodness, Come to goodness,
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
La ilaha ill Allah (There is no god only Allah)
Looking at the Azan, Allahu Akbar is said four times initially. This is to inform the
new arrival that he / she has been created by Allah from the four elements. This is
After that every sentence is repeated twice which is the normal value of Ba ( ). At
the end La ilaha ill Allah is said once.
This is to emphasize that although you, the new born, are created from Ba, your
Creator is Allah the One.
The Azan is said in the right ear.
After completing the Azan in the right ear, it is said again in the left ear. Therefore
the Azan is said two times in total. This balances with the new creation from the dot
of Ba and its numerical value.
That dot under the Ba ( ) also represents the circle of Messengers before the
But, Bismillah was taken away from the other communities when their Messengers of
Allah left them. Finally Bismillah was given to Muhammad and his community. The
Muslims are the only community that have retained this verse. Why?
The reason behind it is that Meem is needed at the end of this verse to complete it.
After Muhammad the door of the Messengers of Allah has been closed.
and his community the Muslims, are the rightful guardians and owners of this
Taking the example of the Hajj, Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), if looked at in this
context represents a circle or dot. The Kaaba (the Cube) is the centre, and the people
perform Tawwaf, or circulate, the Kaaba. Notice the name Kaaba has the letter Ba
towards the end.
But the name Kaaba is not used in the above verse. Because the letter Ba is towards
the end of the word Kaaba.
To point out the letter Ba first Bayt is used to refer to the Kaaba.
If that is not a clear hint then it is further emphasised by the word first which
precedes Bayt.
First what? First Ba! The word Bayt brings the letter Ba at the start of the word
Bayt or in the first place.
Even if that clue is missed, there is a third hint. Makkah is written as Bakkah.
The letter Ba ( ) appears four times in verse 96 above.
As mentioned earlier, there are four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air used
in creation.
If we place a '0' or 'dot' after 4 we get 40 which is the numerical value of
Meem ( ).
If the letter Ba in Bakkah is replaced with Ma or Meem, the name of the city
becomes Makkah.
Allah did not use the word Kaaba but the word Bayt instead. Allah did not use the
word Makkah but the word Bakkah instead preceded by Bi. Then the word MuBaraka
is used to hint yet again, LOOK! Meem { Galb Muhammadia} has been
replaced by Ba. LOOK! Meem and Ba are shown here together. Meem could have been
used, but it is not. Therefore, Look at Ba!
He exists now. And He will exist always. Muhammad said: "Allah was and there
was nothing besides Him". And Ali ibn Talib (ra) replied: "And Allah is now as He was
Although the computer inventors did not realize this but they have based the
computers on the letter Ba which is two numbers.
The computer only understands two states, on or off , which represents 1 or 0
which is called Binary format.
{All Quran in Bismillah = 19 Binary code for creation}
Notice there are two states which is the numerical value of Ba or as the
scientists would like to call it BI (two).
The 0 represents the dot.
Although the computer user may be entering numbers in decimal, the
computer cannot use them.
The software has to convert the decimal numbers into binary format before
the hardware can do any calculations. After calculation the binary {The Eternal
Messenger of Allah That Links Creator to His Creation The Tawassul} answer
from the hardware has to be converted back into a decimal number by the
software to make it meaningful to the computer user.
Then we look at the Quran again, and we are told by Allah:
36 Glory to Allah Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces as well as
their own kind and things of which they have no knowledge.{ 36 for Yaseen}
37 And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw there from the Day and behold
they are plunged in darkness
[Quran: Ya Seen, Chapter 36]
1 By the Night as it conceals;
2 By the Day as it appears in glory;
3 By the creation of male and female
[Quran: Al Lail Chapter 92] {92 Mirror is 29 Ilm ghaib, 9+2=11 th name of Rasul is
YaSeen Âyat 36 Secret of YaSeen is Decoder between Creation to Creator}
Three is the numerical value of the Arabic letter Jeem ( ). Jeem does not occur in
this verse. So what is the number 3 pointing to?
There are only two letters which occur 3 times in Bismillah.
All the Messengers ( ) of Allah knew that Muhammad was going to be sent
by Allah as the Seal of all the Messengers ( ).
This is another reason why the verse Bismillah was given to all the Messengers
of Allah and their communities from Adam ( ) to Isa ( ).
The previous Messengers of Allah new the hidden secret in Bismillah.
When the previous communities Messengers left them, Bismillah was taken
away from them.
The Muslim community have retained this verse because they have accepted
the visible first Kalima.
The other communities did not receive the first Kalima in the visible form.
In the Kalima, the words are manifest, obvious, unmistakable.
Here the words are hidden or Batin.
When we recite Bismillah with total faith, Allah rewards us for reciting
Bismillah once, plus the reward for saying the first Kalima three times is added
Messenger of Allah came to this world and left us Muslims the Miracle of
the Quran.
The following Hadees also affirms that the Muslims are rewarded more than
once even though most of us do not why.
The Messenger of Allah said,
"Your stay in comparison to the stay of the nations preceding you, is like the
period between Asr prayer and the sunset.
The people of the Torah were given the Torah and they acted on it till midday
and then they were unable to carry on. And they were given (a reward equal
to) one Qirat each.
Then the people of the Gospel were given the Gospel and they acted on it till
Asr Prayer and then they were unable to carry on, so they were given (a
reward equal to) one Qirat each.
Then you were given the Quran and you acted on it till sunset, therefore you
were given (a reward equal to) two Qirats each.
On that, the people of the Scriptures said, 'These people (Muslims) did less
work than we but they took a bigger reward.' Allah said (to them). 'Have I
oppressed you as regards your rights?' They said, "No." Then Allah said, 'That
is My Blessing which I grant to whomsoever I will.' "
[Sahih Bukhari]
No one looks at the obvious when searching for clues. Most of the answers stare us
in the face. May Allah guide us.
With the finality and completion of the Messengers, Muhammad and his followers
have been blessed with retaining this verse up to the Last Day.
Bismillah is the Key to heaven.
Did Muhammad not find all the previous Messengers ( ) of Allah in the
Heavens on the Night of Miraaj (Ascension)? He did.
They all had the Key to Heaven. They all had the verse Bismillah.
In writing and counting only two Meems are seen or counted.
The third or hidden Meem is only brought about by pronunciation. Hence the
emphasis on Zikr (or repeating the names of Allah or sending blessings on
These three Meems in the name Muhammad , of which two are visible
and the third hidden, are reflections of the three Meems in Bismillah.
Allah tells us in the Quran to look for the signs.
2 We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.
[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]
Notice the verse above Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.
7 Truly in Yusuf and his brothers are Signs for Seekers (after Truth)
[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]
Look at the name of the Chapter, Yusuf (Joseph ).
What are the first thoughts that come to mind when Yusuf (Joseph ( )) the
Messenger of Allah is mentioned.
His good looks that Allah blessed him with.
His shirt of many colours.
Being thrown at the bottom of the well and sold as a slave.
Keeping himself pure from the temptation.
Being kept a prisoner for a time.
Being released and established in rank before the ruler.
His gift of interpreting dreams.
What is the wisdom mentioned in verse 2, and how do we connect it with the signs
mentioned in verse 7? Yusuf ( ) was handsome to look at.
Similarly Quranic Arabic is also a visual Message if we are prepared to look for
the Messages. His shirt was of many colours, and it was used to heal his
father's (Yaqub's (Jacob ( )) blindness.
We the Muslims turn a blind eye to the visual and spiritual Message of the
Quran and only go for the literal Message.
Yet the Quran is a Healing and a Mercy to the Believers.
Yusuf ( ) was thrown down a well and sold as a slave. We are buried in our
bodies and we have become slaves to our own preconceived ideas.
We are not looking at the Quran with an open mind.
Yusuf ( ) kept himself pure from temptation, we give in to temptation,
physical or mental and become impure. We cannot keep our hearts clean.
Yusuf ( ) was kept a prisoner for a time and then released and established
with honour before the ruler.
We have become prisoners of our lower self (Nafs) and the devils from whom
we have to free ourselves, and gain our rightful honorable place before Allah.
Allah is Very Forgiving. Yusuf ( ) had a gift from Allah of interpreting dreams.
We all have a specific quality given to us by Allah. We have to find what we are
good at and use it for the good of our fellow beings.
The Key to heaven is placed as the very first verse in the Quran and we keep missing
it time and time again.
Some readers will say that the dots and accents were not part of the original Arabic.
That is true.
The dots and the accents were introduced by the Khalifah Usman Ghani (ra).
not because Allah needs our prayer. It is not because Muhammad will benefit
from our prayer. On the contrary, we need Muhammad's intercession on the Day
of Judgment. We have to recognise ourselves because we owe it to ourselves and
nobody else. We have been sent by Allah as His Khalifah (representative). We must
endeavor to attain that position before our Rabb. Only Allah Knows Best.
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His
Khalid M. Malik
Al Baais - The Resurrector
Al Baaqee - The Everlasting
Al Barree - The Evolver
Al Baasit - The Expander
Al Baatin - The Hidden
Al Badee - The Originator
Al Barr - The Source of Goodness
Al Baseer - The Seeing
Al Burhaan - The Evident
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his
Ilm Huroof | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism |
Sufi Concepts Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi
Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way | "Secrets of the
Heart " | |Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi
Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way School |
| Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Ilm Huroof Series, Secrets of Letters and Numbers
Abjad Table
Asma Husna with Asma Rasul {s}
Abjad Ilm Huroof Secrets of Ba PDF FILE
heart, as it cycles between the cessation and restoration of its pumping, is existing
at the level of the Essence of the Divine Presence. Because that Divine Essence is the
source of all created being, that heart will be at one with every minutest creation in
this universe. The heart which has reached the secrets of the nine points will be able
to see everything, hear everything, know everything, taste everything, sense
everything, 'Until He will be the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he
sees, the tongue with which he speaks, the hand with which he grasps, and the feet
with which he walks. He will be Lordly, he only need say to a thing Be! and it will
Why search for Bismillah? If Bismillah had not been missing from one of the
chapters, no one would look deeply at the verse Bismillah. It would be overlooked by
every reader of the Quran. At the start of chapter 9 {secret Door to the Realties of
9}the reader is being told by Allah, Look!, The opening verse Bismillah is missing. Go
and look at the verse Bismillah. The reader has got so used to reading every chapter
of the Quran starting with Bismillah.
Now the reader needs to be awakened. Secondly, in all the previous chapters 1 to 8
Chapter 9 does not start with the verse Bismillah. It does not start with the letter Alif
Which again tells the reader Look!, Bismillah is missing and the first verse of the
chapter starts with the letter Ba.
If that does not mean anything, then look at the names of the first 9 chapters.
There are only two chapters in the first nine chapters with the letter Ba in
their name.
They are chapters 2 and 9.
Chapter 9 is the second chapter which has the letter Ba in its name.
The second can be translated as 2 which is the numerical value of the letter
Why Chapter 9? Why not Chapter 2 which is called Baqara, the only chapter
out of the first 9 chapters whose name starts with the letter Ba?,
Why not chapter 90 which is called Al Balad?
chapters are guidance from Allah. They both start with Alif Laam Meem .
Alif ( ) - Believe in Allah, Laam ( ) - say La ilaha ill Allah and Meem ( )-
Muhammadur Rasool Allah.
It is like the creation of a human being. Nine months are required for development.
After nine months the baby has to leave the comfort of the mothers womb and face
the world. The baby starts to learn from that point onwards.
After testifying the Kalima without a shadow of doubt, Allah then hints the seeker to
look at the letter Ba. Because it is missing and a hint has been given, now look for it.
When you find it look at it. After you have understood the letter Ba then you have the
key to heaven.
represents the Arabic letter Toin ( ). Toin represents purity, hence the
The Messenger of Allah said, "Every child is born with a true faith (a Muslim) but
his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity....
[Sahih Bukhari]
Allah has sent the Quran and His Messengers ( ) as a reminder to show His servants
how to purify themselves. Physically we can never be pure no matter how much we
wash and scrub ourselves. But we must try to purify ourselves to the best of our
The biggest obstacle in physical purity is the last drop of urine. We must cleanse
ourselves (with Allah's Guidance) free from that drop or dot, whatever you want to
call it. This is mentioned in the Quran:
4 And keep your garments free from stain
[Quran: Al Muddassir Chapter 74]
14 By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do!
[Quran: Al Mutaffiffeen Chapter 83]
When we try to remove the last drop of urine outwardly, inwardly we are removing
the stain of Satan from our hearts. { When you care about what know one knows or
sees then you are reaching moral excellence Ihklas}
He then raises us in superiority above the angels and makes them bow down to
Therefore Tayyab is {Sayedena TaHa al-Tahir}
284 To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether you show what
is in your minds or conceal it Allah calls you to account for it. He forgives whom He
pleases and punishes whom He pleases. Allah has power over every thing.
[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]
Bismillah contains 19 letters { All Quran contain 114 Surah 6x19, into with 30 Juz
into 7 verses of Fatiha into 19 letters of Bismillah into BA}
1-9 all creation within 1 thru 9 Allah Showing First Bi-Nary code.
which represent the 1 Creator who creates a human being over 9 months and the
first sound that should reach the ears of the new born baby is the Azan. This informs
the new arrival:
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, (Allah is Great, Allah is Great)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
I testify there is no god only Allah,
I testify there is no god only Allah,
I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
Come to prayer, Come to Prayer,
Come to goodness, Come to goodness,
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
La ilaha ill Allah (There is no god only Allah)
Looking at the Azan, Allahu Akbar is said four times initially. This is to inform the
new arrival that he / she has been created by Allah from the four elements. This is
After that every sentence is repeated twice which is the normal value of Ba ( ). At
the end La ilaha ill Allah is said once.
This is to emphasize that although you, the new born, are created from Ba, your
Creator is Allah the One.
The Azan is said in the right ear.
After completing the Azan in the right ear, it is said again in the left ear. Therefore
the Azan is said two times in total. This balances with the new creation from the dot
of Ba and its numerical value.
That dot under the Ba ( ) also represents the circle of Messengers before the
But, Bismillah was taken away from the other communities when their Messengers of
Allah left them. Finally Bismillah was given to Muhammad and his community. The
Muslims are the only community that have retained this verse. Why?
The reason behind it is that Meem is needed at the end of this verse to complete it.
After Muhammad the door of the Messengers of Allah has been closed.
and his community the Muslims, are the rightful guardians and owners of this
Taking the example of the Hajj, Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), if looked at in this
context represents a circle or dot. The Kaaba (the Cube) is the centre, and the people
perform Tawwaf, or circulate, the Kaaba. Notice the name Kaaba has the letter Ba
towards the end.
But the name Kaaba is not used in the above verse. Because the letter Ba is towards
the end of the word Kaaba.
To point out the letter Ba first Bayt is used to refer to the Kaaba.
If that is not a clear hint then it is further emphasised by the word first which
precedes Bayt.
First what? First Ba! The word Bayt brings the letter Ba at the start of the word
Bayt or in the first place.
Even if that clue is missed, there is a third hint. Makkah is written as Bakkah.
The letter Ba ( ) appears four times in verse 96 above.
As mentioned earlier, there are four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air used
in creation.
If we place a '0' or 'dot' after 4 we get 40 which is the numerical value of
Meem ( ).
If the letter Ba in Bakkah is replaced with Ma or Meem, the name of the city
becomes Makkah.
Allah did not use the word Kaaba but the word Bayt instead. Allah did not use the
word Makkah but the word Bakkah instead preceded by Bi. Then the word MuBaraka
is used to hint yet again, LOOK! Meem { Galb Muhammadia} has been
replaced by Ba. LOOK! Meem and Ba are shown here together. Meem could have been
used, but it is not. Therefore, Look at Ba!
He exists now. And He will exist always. Muhammad said: "Allah was and there
was nothing besides Him". And Ali ibn Talib (ra) replied: "And Allah is now as He was
Although the computer inventors did not realize this but they have based the
computers on the letter Ba which is two numbers.
The computer only understands two states, on or off , which represents 1 or 0
which is called Binary format.
{All Quran in Bismillah = 19 Binary code for creation}
Notice there are two states which is the numerical value of Ba or as the
scientists would like to call it BI (two).
The 0 represents the dot.
Although the computer user may be entering numbers in decimal, the
computer cannot use them.
The software has to convert the decimal numbers into binary format before
the hardware can do any calculations. After calculation the binary {The Eternal
Messenger of Allah That Links Creator to His Creation The Tawassul} answer
from the hardware has to be converted back into a decimal number by the
software to make it meaningful to the computer user.
Then we look at the Quran again, and we are told by Allah:
36 Glory to Allah Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces as well as
their own kind and things of which they have no knowledge.{ 36 for Yaseen}
37 And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw there from the Day and behold
they are plunged in darkness
[Quran: Ya Seen, Chapter 36]
Three is the numerical value of the Arabic letter Jeem ( ). Jeem does not occur in
this verse. So what is the number 3 pointing to?
There are only two letters which occur 3 times in Bismillah.
The numerical value of Alif ( ) is 1 and the numerical value Meem ( ) is 40.
If we multiply the numerical value of Alif and Meem with the number of their
respective occurrences in the verse Bismillah we get the following:
For Alif 1 x 3 = 3
For Meem 40 x 3 = 120 = (1 + 2 + 0) = 3
All the Messengers ( ) of Allah knew that Muhammad was going to be sent
by Allah as the Seal of all the Messengers ( ).
This is another reason why the verse Bismillah was given to all the Messengers
of Allah and their communities from Adam ( ) to Isa ( ).
The previous Messengers of Allah new the hidden secret in Bismillah.
When the previous communities Messengers left them, Bismillah was taken
away from them.
The Muslim community have retained this verse because they have accepted
the visible first Kalima.
The other communities did not receive the first Kalima in the visible form.
In the Kalima, the words are manifest, obvious, unmistakable.
Here the words are hidden or Batin.
When we recite Bismillah with total faith, Allah rewards us for reciting
Bismillah once, plus the reward for saying the first Kalima three times is added
Messenger of Allah came to this world and left us Muslims the Miracle of
the Quran.
The following Hadees also affirms that the Muslims are rewarded more than
once even though most of us do not why.
The Messenger of Allah said,
"Your stay in comparison to the stay of the nations preceding you, is like the
period between Asr prayer and the sunset.
The people of the Torah were given the Torah and they acted on it till midday
and then they were unable to carry on. And they were given (a reward equal
to) one Qirat each.
Then the people of the Gospel were given the Gospel and they acted on it till
Asr Prayer and then they were unable to carry on, so they were given (a
reward equal to) one Qirat each.
Then you were given the Quran and you acted on it till sunset, therefore you
were given (a reward equal to) two Qirats each.
On that, the people of the Scriptures said, 'These people (Muslims) did less
work than we but they took a bigger reward.' Allah said (to them). 'Have I
oppressed you as regards your rights?' They said, "No." Then Allah said, 'That
is My Blessing which I grant to whomsoever I will.' "
[Sahih Bukhari]
No one looks at the obvious when searching for clues. Most of the answers stare us
in the face. May Allah guide us.
With the finality and completion of the Messengers, Muhammad and his followers
have been blessed with retaining this verse up to the Last Day.
Bismillah is the Key to heaven.
Did Muhammad not find all the previous Messengers ( ) of Allah in the
Heavens on the Night of Miraaj (Ascension)? He did.
They all had the Key to Heaven. They all had the verse Bismillah.
In writing and counting only two Meems are seen or counted.
The third or hidden Meem is only brought about by pronunciation. Hence the
emphasis on Zikr (or repeating the names of Allah or sending blessings on
These three Meems in the name Muhammad , of which two are visible
and the third hidden, are reflections of the three Meems in Bismillah.
Allah tells us in the Quran to look for the signs.
2 We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.
[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]
Notice the verse above Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.
7 Truly in Yusuf and his brothers are Signs for Seekers (after Truth)
[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]
Look at the name of the Chapter, Yusuf (Joseph ).
What are the first thoughts that come to mind when Yusuf (Joseph ( )) the
Messenger of Allah is mentioned.
His good looks that Allah blessed him with.
His shirt of many colours.
Being thrown at the bottom of the well and sold as a slave.
Keeping himself pure from the temptation.
Being kept a prisoner for a time.
Being released and established in rank before the ruler.
His gift of interpreting dreams.
What is the wisdom mentioned in verse 2, and how do we connect it with the signs
mentioned in verse 7? Yusuf ( ) was handsome to look at.
Similarly Quranic Arabic is also a visual Message if we are prepared to look for
the Messages. His shirt was of many colours, and it was used to heal his
father's (Yaqub's (Jacob ( )) blindness.
We the Muslims turn a blind eye to the visual and spiritual Message of the
Quran and only go for the literal Message.
Yet the Quran is a Healing and a Mercy to the Believers.
Yusuf ( ) was thrown down a well and sold as a slave. We are buried in our
bodies and we have become slaves to our own preconceived ideas.
We are not looking at the Quran with an open mind.
Yusuf ( ) kept himself pure from temptation, we give in to temptation,
physical or mental and become impure. We cannot keep our hearts clean.
Yusuf ( ) was kept a prisoner for a time and then released and established
with honour before the ruler.
We have become prisoners of our lower self (Nafs) and the devils from whom
we have to free ourselves, and gain our rightful honorable place before Allah.
Allah is Very Forgiving. Yusuf ( ) had a gift from Allah of interpreting dreams.
We all have a specific quality given to us by Allah. We have to find what we are
good at and use it for the good of our fellow beings.
The Key to heaven is placed as the very first verse in the Quran and we keep missing
it time and time again.
Some readers will say that the dots and accents were not part of the original Arabic.
That is true.
The dots and the accents were introduced by the Khalifah Usman Ghani (ra).
not because Allah needs our prayer. It is not because Muhammad will benefit
from our prayer. On the contrary, we need Muhammad's intercession on the Day
of Judgment. We have to recognise ourselves because we owe it to ourselves and
nobody else. We have been sent by Allah as His Khalifah (representative). We must
endeavor to attain that position before our Rabb. Only Allah Knows Best.
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His
Khalid M. Malik
Al Baais - The Resurrector
Al Baaqee - The Everlasting
Al Barree - The Evolver
Al Baasit - The Expander
Al Baatin - The Hidden
Al Badee - The Originator
Al Barr - The Source of Goodness
Al Baseer - The Seeing
Al Burhaan - The Evident
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his
Ilm Huroof | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism |
Sufi Concepts Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi
Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way | "Secrets of the
Heart " | |Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi
Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way School |
| Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Ilm Huroof Series, Secrets of Letters and Numbers
Abjad Table
Asma Husna with Asma Rasul {s}
The Arabic letter Alif ( ) is equivalent to the letter 'A' in the English alphabet. It is
the first letter in the Arabic character set. Alif ( ) in Arabic numerology which is
known as Abjad, it is also the first letter and has the value of 1. This article is about
Alif ( ) is the first letter in the Name Allah . Everything is Created by Allah, and
so everything begins in the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. Because Allah
is Ahad - One, His Name, which is Ism Zaat - Personal Name, Starts with the Letter
Allah and take away the first letter which is Alif ( ) we arrive at:
Lillah If we now take away the first Laam ( ) from Lillah we arrive at:
Lahu If we now take away the next Laam ( ) from Lahu we arrive at:
Hu which is essentially
In each of the above instances we are referring to Allah and no one else. Then how
can we say that god is the translation of the NAME ALLAH ?
No one can justify substituting the word god wherever the Name Allah is used in the
Quran. The Name Allah must be left alone as the Name ALLAH in all translations
Notice the first question that Allah asked us starts with the Letter Alif ( ). The
first words we spoke start with the Letter Ba ( ).
Those who believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His Rasools are Muslims. The
starting with the Letter Meem ( ) - Maida. The word Islam starts with an Alif
( ) and finishes on Meem ( ). The Deen religion of Islam is perfected for Allah's
Beloved Muhammad and his community - Muslims. And speaking of our Master
different ways in the Quran. Initially the name is spelt Ibrahim ( ) then the
spellings change to Ibraheem ( ). Why ?
Initially Ibraheem ( ) was seeking the Truth. He was seeking knowledge. He found
the Truth. Then he asked Allah to show him how Allah gives life. Allah showed him
how. Allah bestowed knowledge ( ) on Ibraheem ( ).
Rasool Allah said, "We are more liable to be in doubt than Ibraheem when he said,
'My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead."
[Sahih Bukhari]
65 People of the Scripture! Why do you argue about Ibraheem, when the Torah and
the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have you no sense?
66 You are those who argue about that which you have some knowledge: Why then
do you argue concerning that which you have no knowledge? Allah knows. You do
not know.
67 Ibraheem was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had
surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.
68 Those of mankind who have the best claim to Ibraheem are those who followed
him, and this Nabee (Prophet) and those who believe (with him); and Allah is the
Protecting Friend of the believers.
[Quran: Al Imran Chapter 3]
Islam is the religion of Ibraheem ( ) that has been perfected by the arrival of
Muhammad replied: Ma ana bi qaree "I do not know how to read." The first Letter
Alif ( ) and Meem ( ). That is Islam begins from Alif ( ) and completes on Meem (
Another way of looking at this is that Ibraheem ( ) was on the religion of Islam.
the Seal of Messengers, the religion of Islam had to start with Alif ( ) and finish on
Meem ( ). Ibraheem ( ) built the Kaaba in Makkah as the first house and
The Quran is packed with Verses or Signs or Ayats . Why are the verses
referred to as Ayats ?
( )!
Every Ayat in the Quran is perfect. Since Islam has been perfected by Allah there is
Allah is the Awwal First and He is the Akhir Last . The First existence was
that of Allah and there was nothing with Him. In the end there will be Allah and there
will be nothing with Him. And as Hadrat Ali Karam Ullah said: "This moment is that
very moment".
May Allah have Mercy on us all. Ameen.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Darood and Salaam on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Allah, Al Ahad, Al Awwal, Al Akhir
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His
Muhammad listened.
[Sahih Bukhari]
The letter Seen represents the
attribute of hearing.
Allah mentions His attribute as As
Samee (which starts with the letter
Seen) - The All Hearing.
There are different combinations of
the Hearing attribute used in the
Quran in relation to Allah. They are:
1) As Samee ul Aleem (Hearing and
2) As Samee ul Baseer (Hearing
and Seeing)
3) As Samee un Qareeb (Hearing
and Near)
Every time, the attribute Samee is
mentioned first. He gave this
faculty to his creatures to hear, to
listen. To emphasise the importance
of hearing it is further stated:
6 As to those who reject Faith it is the
same to them whether you warn them or
not warn them; they will not believe.
It is through hearing, a person
either accepts or rejects what is
As far as sight is concerned, it is
defective and prone to error.
A good example of the
defectiveness of the sight is that
the sun appears to be a small flat
round disk placed in the sky.
Whereas in reality it is many times
larger than the earth and it is
spherical. Therefore the eyes
cannot be relied on. On the other
hand the idol worshippers rely on a
god they can see.
This is where they are led astray
from the reality.
They worship statues or sun or
stars. Ibrahim ( ) turned away
from all these because they all had
a flaw. For example the sun
disappeared during the night. The
stars disappeared, or were hidden,
during the day. Ibrahim ( ) used
his logic and decided, how can a
'God' be completely visible during
the day and then set during the
night? Or how can a 'God' be visible
during the night and disappear
during the day? He rejected the
statues because they could neither
hear nor speak.
sound of Muhammad .
20 You who believe! Obey Allah and His
messenger, and turn not away from him
when you hear (him speak).
have Ayn .
The missing link in Samee is the
letter Meem .
The verse which is called the heart
of chapter Ya Seen is:
58 Salaamun Qawlam Mir Rabbir Raheem
Muhammad listened.
56 Allah and His angels shower blessings
on the Prophet. You who believe! Ask
blessings on him and salute him with a
worthy salutation
Ilm Huroof
Series, Secrets
of Letters and
Abjad Table
Asma Husna with Asma
Rasul {s}
(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
All praise is for Allah. Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his
Family, and his Companions.
In the first verse of chapter 68, if we count the number of letters in that
verse we have 16 letters.
Now if we subtract the 3 letters of Noon (Noon Waw Noon) from the
above verse we are left with 13 letters.
That matches exactly with the position of the letter Noon in the verse
Since Hidden (Batin) is the opposite of the Visible (Zahir), we had to
hide the visible Noon from the above verse to arrive at the visible Noon
in the verse Bismillah.
What does the letter Noon represent?
The two Noons in the above verse represent the two worlds.
The way this has been arrived at, is from the word Na_alaik for shoes, which
Musa ( ) was told to remove in the Holy Valley of Tuwa.
12 I, even I, am your Rabb (Lord). So take off your Na_alaik (shoes), for you are
in the holy valley of Tuwa.
[Quran: Ta Ha Chapter 20]
There are two shoes one for each foot.
There are two worlds, this world and the next world.
The spiritual meaning is: Remove your desires for both this world and
the next world.
Muhammad did not ask for anything for himself. He asked Allah that
his followers be forgiven on the Day of Judgement.
Therefore in Chapter 68 Verse 1, the first Noon is the present world. This is the
visible world.
The second Noon is the next world. The next world is invisible to us
while we are present in this world.
This world and the next world are created because it has already been
inscribed on the Lawh (Tablet) by the Qalam (Pen).
To arrive into this world our name must have been inscribed on the
Lawh (Tablet){ Universal Soul} by the Qalam (Pen){ AQL Universal
Allah knew about us, in His Knowledge, before we were even born. We
existed in Allah's Knowledge in the invisible world before coming into
the present world.
Naar or fire.{ Light you can either enjoin or Laser can burn} We are
reminded time after time in the Quran, to keep away from things and actions
which are harmful.
We must try and follow the light and leave alone the things which
attract towards the fire.
Alif ( ) and ends with Meem ( ) which we have come across before in Ayat ul
Kursi, the essence of the Quran (Al Baqara Chapter 2 verse 255). [See the Book
on Meem about Starting with Alif and ending with Meem for a fuller
Now the verse of Light is numbered 35.
We can either transpose the ‘total number' of verses for chapter 68 Al
Qalam (52) and arrive at 25.
Then we need to add 10 for the verses that end in Meem 25 + 10 to
arrive at 35.
Here Meem is the guiding factor. In other words, we have to rely on the
Muhammad when seeking Allah. Then there is no question of failing. All the
Messengers from Adam ( ) to Isa ( ) and all the saints had to understand the
way Muhammad understood Allah like no other person before him or after
him. Hence:
1 We have given you the Fountain of Abundance (Knowledge)
[Quran Al Kawsar Chapter 108]
This verse in Arabic starts with the letters Alif Noon Alif.
As for the non-Muslims who follow the path of mysticism, they arrive at
some degree of Truth.
But because of their denial of the role of Muhammad and the Quran
in this path, the Truth that they arrive at, is unclear.
Allah has placed the Light (Noor) in all the human beings.
It is this Noor that separates mankind from animals.
Allah guides to His Noor (Light) whom He will.
The verse numbers of Al Qalam (42 verses ending in Noon and 52 verses in
total) can be applied to the Quran and we arrive at: (verse is 51 is included for
continuity in verse 52)
51 And it was not (vouchsafed) to any mortal that Allah should speak to him
unless (it be) by revelation or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a
messenger to reveal what He will by His leave. He is Exalted, Wise.
52 And thus have We inspired in you (Muhammad) a Spirit of Our command.
You did not know what the Scripture was, nor the Faith. But We have made it a
Noor (light) whereby We guide whom We will of Our servants. And you do
guide to the right path.
[Quran: Ash Shura Chapter 42]
The above verse confirms what has been stated earlier that Allah only guides
those people who follow the light of the Quran and the guidance of Muhammad
. Otherwise the Truth becomes hazy for those without a spiritual guide, and
all spiritual guides lead to Muhammad - Hadee - who is The Spiritual Guide.
This is confirmed by Allah in the Quran:
158 Say (Muhammad): Mankind! I am the messenger of Allah to you all--(the
messenger of) Him to Whom belongs the Sovereignty of the heavens and the
earth. There is no god only Him. He gives life and death. So believe in Allah and
His messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who believes in Allah and in His words
and follow him that you may be guided.
[Quran: Al Aaraf Chapter 7]
The above verse shows us that Muhammad is the Guide for all mankind.
Because Allah's Noor or Light or guidance is placed in all mankind. Muhammad
the first Light or Noor created by Allah, is the guide for all mankind from
Adam ( ) to the last human being that will be born, he is the guide that leads
others to Allah.
Since the First creation by Allah was the Noor of Muhammad , and
everything else was created from that Light.
What ever the Qalam (Pen) wrote came into existence, or will come into
What is meant by Guidance? Guidance is something that cannot be seen by the
eye. In other words, Guidance is Light which cannot be seen by the eye. The
Guidance is Light. "Allah speaks to mankind in allegories". Allegories meaning
analogy or comparison. The Light spoken of in chapter 24 verse 35 means
Guidance. The Guidance or Light is logic. The Guidance or Light is reason. The
Guidance or Light is knowledge. The Guidance or Light is awakening or
inspiration if Allah Wills. It is what leads man to Allah. The following is an
example of the Guidance or Light: { Those Whom Allah has given light see what
others do not see especially from Holy Quran}
163 We have sent you inspiration as We sent it to Nuh and the Messengers
after him; We sent inspiration to Ibraheem Ismaeel Iss_haaq Yaqub and the
Tribes to Isa Ayub Yunus Haroon and Sulaiman and to Dawood We gave the
[Quran: An Nisaa Chapter 4]
is Nuh ( ) whose name has three letters Noon Waw Ha and the
name starts with the letter Noon.
The first two letters are the same as Noon which also
has three letters.
Not to mention the word Noor which also has three letters.
There are 13 people or groups mentioned in this verse, namely:
(1) Nuh, (
2) the Messengers after him,
(3) Ibraheem,
(4) Ismaeel,
(5) Iss_haaq,
(6) Yaqub,
(7) the Tribes,
(8) Isa,
(9) Ayub,
(10) Yunus,
(11) Haroon,
(12) Sulaiman and
(13) Dawood.
Subtract the three letters of Noon (Noon Waw Noon) from chapter 68 verse 1
and we are left with 13 letters.
The position of the letter Noon is 13 in the verse Bismillah.
All right, let us try and see if the above was merely a coincidence.
Let us start again and see if we can connect the letter Noon with the
above verse.
Although there are certain chapters named after the Messengers of
Allah, Yunus ( ) is the one who is mentioned in the tenth position in
Chapter 4 Verse 163 above.
Chapter 10 in the Quran is also called Yunus.
His name is deliberately placed tenth in the above verse.
And Yunus ( ) is also referred to as Zaan Noon in the Quran.
Where as Nuh is chapter 71 and Ibraheem is chapter 14.
To emphasise the connection with the letter Noon, Yunus ( ) is mentioned in
the chapter Qalam in verse 48.
Although in this instance Yunus ( ) is mentioned as Sahibil Hoot
(Companion of the fish) so as not to make the Noon connection too
But if we look at what we are told in the Quran, the connection is Noon
and Noor and Light.
48 So wait with patience for the command of your Rabb (Lord) and be not like
the Companion of the Fish when he cried out in agony.
49 Had not Naymatun (Grace) from his Rabb (Lord) reached him he would
indeed have been cast off on the naked shore in disgrace.
50 But his Rabb (Lord) chose him and placed him among the righteous
[Quran: Al Qalam Chapter 68]
We have to look at verse 49 where the words Naymatum Min Rabbih is used
instead of Fadhl, or Rahmat or other words related with grace, mercy,
compassion, forgiveness etc.
Allah also chose the verse numbers deliberately to hint at the letter
Noon and Guidance.
Allah mentions Yunus ( ) in verse 48 and Allah mentions His Naymat -
with a Noon - (Grace or Guidance) in verse 49 (4+9 = 13). {NUR, Noon
Waw Ra=256 2+5+6=13 1+3=4 ,4th Ism=Quddus 4thNameof Rasul
Which again equates to the position of Noon in the verse Bismillah.
And in verse 50 (Numerical value of Noon) we are told Allah chose him
and placed him among the righteous. The entire mention of Yunus ( )
in this chapter, takes no more than three verses. Noon (Noon Waw
Noon) also has three letters. In other words, he became enlightened.
And we must all remember the following concerning Yunus ( ):
Rasool Allah said, "None should say that I am better than Yunus bin Matta."
[Sahih Bukhari]
Subtract the 16 letters of Chapter 68 verse 1 from the total number of chapters
with Muqattaat we get 29 - 16 = 13 the position of the letter Noon in the verse
If we now take away the letters for:
Meem and
Waw from verse 1 chapter 68 (16 -
9) we are left with 7 letters which is the same number as in the title Zaan Noon
This is a guidance to keep away from the Naar and stay towards
Noor .
Since we are on the subject of 9 letters of Muqattaat, the verse
Bismillah also has 9 letters of Muqattaat (not counting repeated letters).
There the letter Ba ( ) is the odd one out.
Which shows that the guidance is for the one created from the Creator
and there is no number higher than 9.
Or looking at in another way 2 odd letters (Ba in Bismillah and Waw in
Chapter 68 Verse 1) and both verses contain 9 letters of Muqattaat.
29 chapters start with these Muqattaat.
Is there a connection?
The title Zaan Noon, do the two Alifs mean 1+1 = 2, or 1 and 1 = 11? 2+9
also = 11 {11th Name of Rasul is Yaseen}, or does it = 2?
Is there a connection?
The connection is for the created to turn in repentance towards the
He will forgive our faults and elevate us by showering His Mercy on us.
If He forgives us, we will meet Him 1 to 1.
There are 14 letters of Muqattaat. 14(total) - 9(visible) = 5 missing letters
of Muqattaat from chapter 68 verse 1.
The word Noor is mentioned five times in the Verse of Light (it cannot
be a coincidence).
The five missing letters of Muqattaat are
Kaaf ( Numerical Value = 20),
Ha ( as in HU) ( Numerical Value = 5),
Alif ( = 1),
Laam ( = 30),
Qaf ( = 100),
Meem ( = 40),
Ya ( = 10),
Seen ( = 60),
Toin ( = 9) and
Ra ( = 200). Adding the numerical values of these letters we have:
50 + 1 + 30 + 100 + 40 + 10 + 60 + 9 + 200 = 500.
Remove one zero from 500 we are left with 50 (Numerical Value of letter Noon).
Connecting these 9 letters with light or guidance. Remove the second zero and
we are left with 5 for the missing letters of Muqattaat. If we think about it, if the
opening letters of the 29 chapters did not have special meanings, then there
was no reason for including them in verses. Having found the missing 5 letters
we have come back full circle to 14 letters between the two Noons where this
article started.
Finally to sum up, Noon is the light and guidance that comes from Allah,
of Muhammad , the words would apply to them. When we read these words,
they apply to us. It is in the present tense. The common factor or link or light
between Allah and mankind is Muhammad and the Quran. In which there is
no doubt. It does not matter which part of the Quran we recite, Allah Knows.
An Noor, An Naafeeu
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions.
Ilm Huroof | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism | Sufi Concepts Healing| Sufi Meditation
& Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way | "Secrets of the
Heart " | |Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way School
| Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Part 1 Secrets of
MEEM Part 2
م The Arabic letter Meem is equivalent to the letter 'M' in the
English alphabet.
It is the first letter in the name of our Prophet Muhammad [s]
(Sallal laahu Alaihi Wasallam). Meem in Arabic numerology which
is known as Abjad is in 13th place and has a value of 40.
Meem is 24th Position in Arabic alphabet. {For Dunya M=24 because Rasul is Light
= Light is Time.}
creates the name of Ahmad in Arabic ; Alif ( أ ) or ‘A’ = Standing, Ha ( ) حor
H= Ruku, Meem ( ) or 'M'= Sajdah, Dal ( د ) or D = Tahiyyat is the Dalail
Khairat or Guide to goodness.
Shaytan did not accept the Meem (Prophet Muhammad [s]’s light that was
shining on the forehead of Adam (as) and was Thrown from the kingdom.
Nations that accept the Meem ( Prophet Muhammad [s] ) and make Sajdah are
called Muslim.
There are 40 Grandshaykhs in Naqshbandi Sufi order and the 40th Grandshaykh
is Shaykh Prophet Muhammad [s] Nazim Adil al-Haqqani
The difference between Ahad (one of Allah’s names) and Ahmad (another
name of Prophet Muhammad [s] ) is a Meem
From the spiritual point of view: the number 40 is also explained by Allah
in the Quran:
Musa (Moses (as ) spent 30 nights in seclusion hoping for guidance from
his Lord on the Mount Tur. It was not enough. He had to wait for another
ten nights in order to complete his spirituality. And then Musa (as )
conversed with Allah and Allah blessed Musa ( as ) with a divine Message
for his people.
Prophet Muhammad [as] received the divine Message at the age of forty.
Again to receive this message Prophet Muhammad [as]used to go into
seclusion in a cave on Mount Hira.
Both these Messengers of Allah have Meem as the first letter of their
Musa (as ) had to complete forty nights of seclusion in order to
understand the Meem of Ahmad (another name of our Prophet
Muhammad ). Which means to understand the Spirituality of Prophet
Muhammad [as]. Once he understood the Spirituality of Prophet
Muhammad [as]the Beloved of Allah, then Allah spoke to him.
Why did Musa (as) have to know about the spirituality of Prophet Muhammad
[as]? Because Allah says:
The difference between Ahad and Ahmad is the Arabic letter MEEM
also written as . {Meem Semen is a Meem that goes into an egg after
9 months of seclusion Human being is born from the Meem}
Prophet Muhammad [as] position in this life is the Seal of the Prophets or
The Completion of the Prophets.
Then Allah created Adam (as ). Allah completed his circle of Messengers
starting with Adam and ending with Isa ( as ) of pure birth from
Maryam ( مريمas).
Each of these Messengers were sent to their own communities and their
mission was limited to their own people.
After completing the circle, Allah then sent our Nabee Muhammad [as]
as the Seal of all the Messengers of Allah.
Muhammad set the seal on the circle of Messengers of Allah. He also
surrounds that circle of Messengers.
(Al-Anbiya' 107).
Prophet Muhammad [as] message is not limited like those of the earlier
Prophets to just one community. Prophet Muhammad [as] was not sent
just for the Arabs, not only for mankind, not only for jinns, but for all the
creations, however many creations there may be and wherever they
may be, only Allah and His Messenger know best.
As Allah is the Lord of all the worlds, He has sent Prophet Muhammad
[as] as a Mercy to all the worlds.
Jibraeel after making the call to prayers, answers this question: "Ya
Muhammad [s], Most Honorable of beings in the sight of Allah, proceed
to prayer". That is lead the prayer so that they, the Prophets and the
angels, may all follow him. So that each one could meet and see the
Beloved of Allah of whom each Messenger knew about (see the previous
Muhammad advanced to the front and led the prayer.
All the Messengers of Allah knew Prophet Muhammad [as] and his
followers will be the first to enter heaven. Then their communities. By
following Prophet Muhammad [as] in prayer, all the Messengers of Allah,
they themselves have become his followers, but their communities have
He was then taken to the heavens and he met all the Prophets again. It
is clear from this that the Prophets of Allah are free to travel as they wish
like the martyrs. They are Allah's guests not His prisoners. There are no
constrains on them because they have pleased Allah, and they are
pleased with Allah.
27 (To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (you) soul in (complete) rest and satisfaction!
28 "You come back to your Lord well pleased (yourself) and well pleasing unto Him!
26 "He (alone) knows the Unseen nor does He make any one acquainted with His
27 "Except a Messenger whom He has chosen: and then He makes a band of watchers
march before him and behind him
28 "That he may know that they have (truly) brought and delivered the Messages of
their Lord: and He surrounds (all the mysteries) that are with them and takes
account of every single thing."
After the prayer at the Furthest Mosque, Prophet Muhammad [as] was
taken to the heavens which is the Ascension or Miraaj in Arabic. (For the
purposes of this article only the names of the destinations will be
mentioned here.) He traveled to:
It is Isa ( as) who is the Messenger of Allah and not Maryam ( as). That is
true! Read the last sentence of the last paragraph again. The circle is
completed FROM Meem not by Maryam (as ).
It is Prophet Muhammad [as] with a Meem, who came after Isa ( ) and
set the Seal on the Messengers of Allah.
How does Maryam ( as) fit into this?
Look at the name Maryam in Arabic and compare it with the letter Meem
which is written as pronounced.
MEEM م ي م
The difference is the letter Ra (in Arabic ) which stands for Rabb or
Lord. Showing what's in her belly is from her Lord
Remove the letter Ra and you are left with the letter Meem.
"Say to them: If you love God, follow (and love and honor) me,
and God will love you" (3:31).
Prophet said:
"None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves his children, his
parents, and all people." In another hadith in Bukhari he said: "None of
you believes until he loves me more than he loves himself."
Perfection of faith is dependent on love of the Prophet because Allah and
His angels are constantly raising his honor, as is meant in the verse:
O Allah! Send peace and blessings on the Prophet, his family, and his
"Allah and His angels are praying on (and praising) the Prophet ;
O believers! pray on (and praise) him and send him utmost greetings" (al-Ahzab
MEEM PART 2 Click Here
The Arabic letter Laam ( ) is equivalent to the letter 'L' in the English
The position of the letter Laam ( ) in the normal Arabic character set is 23.
The letter Laam ( ) is one of the Muqattaat letters. That is, it is used as a
letter in an opening verse of a chapter in the Quran. The letter Laam
Muhammad .
Then Muhammad used to recite the Quran to his community, and the
scribes used to write down the new revelation. The 'new' Muslim
16 Do not move your tongue concerning the (Quran) to make haste with it.
17 It is for Us to collect it and to recite it.
18 Then, when We recite it, follow its recitation.
19 Then it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear).
[Quran: Al Qiyamat Chapter 75]
Ibn Abbas added: "It is for Us to collect it (Quran) (in your mind), and (give
you the ability) to recite it (by heart)," means, "When We reveal it,
listen." "Then it is for Us to explain it," means, "It is for us to
explain it through your tongue." So whenever Jibreel came to Rasool
Allah he would keep quiet (and listen), and when the Angel left, the
Prophet would recite that revelation as Allah promised him.
[Sahih Bukhari]
The word Lisaan Tongue is the compliment of the ear. The tongue
affects the ear. The ear affects the soul. The soul affects the entire
body. Every word makes an impression on the listener. But the
deepest impression made on the listener is either a kind word or a
harsh word. When a gifted Qari recites the Quran, tears start flowing
from the eyes of the listeners.
Yet the same tongue which can be used for reciting the Quran, or for saying a
kind word or for saying a harsh word. Which ever way we look at it,
the tongue is a very sharp instrument which should be used
Then, there are those who always take every word spoken by the tongue of
another the wrong way because their ears are veiled. The opposite is
also true, where there are those who no matter what they say, the
words always come out wrong (harsh) because their tongues are
veiled. This is a very subtle point.
It is the tongue which is the instrument for propagating the Message of the
25 (Musa) said: Rabbi (My Lord)! Open my breast for me
26 And ease my task for me;
27 And loosen the knot from my tongue,
28 That they may understand what I say.
[Quran: Ta Ha Chapter 20]
It is the tongue that is used for cursing.
78 Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who
rejected faith by the tongue of Dawood (David) and of Isa (Jesus)
the son of Maryam (Mary): because they disobeyed and persisted in
[Quran: Al Maida Chapter 5]
And the tongue is also the instrument which protects us from evil as Allah
tells us in the four chapters which start with the word QUL - 'SAY'.
These four chapter are:
1 Al Kafiroon Chapter 109
2 Al Ikhlas Chapter 112
3 Al Falaq Chapter 113
4 An Nas Chapter 114
On reciting these four chapters, or other parts of the Quran like Ayat ul Kursi
(Chapter 2 verse 255) Allah commands the angels to protect the one
who has recited these verses. The best use of the tongue is to keep
it occupied with Zikr - Praising Allah and Darood. Whoever is
engaged in Zikr Allah everyday, Allah creates an angel who asks for
forgiveness from Allah for the one doing Zikr Allah.
The Letter Laam ( ) has been used 13 times as Muqattaat Letter. Every time,
Since the Letter Alif ( ) always precedes the Letter Laam ( ), the clue is Alif
( ) and Laam ( ) which is 31. And to make it easy for us, we find
that the Letters Alif ( ) and Laam ( ) are used as Muqattaat Letters
in Chapter 13 and 31.
Chapter 13 is Ar Raad and Chapter 31 is Luqman. The interesting thing about
these two Chapters is that:
Chapter 13 has 43 Verses
Chapter 31 has 34 Verses
If we turn to the Quran we find:
31 If there were a Quran with which mountains were moved or the earth
were torn asunder or the dead were made to speak (THIS IS THE
ONE!) But truly the Command is with Allah in things! Do not the
Believers know that had Allah willed He could have guided all
mankind? But for the unbelievers, disaster will never cease to strike
them for their deeds, or it settles close to their homes until the
Promise of Allah come to pass for Allah will not fail in His promise.
[Quran: Ar Raad Chapter 13]
This Verse is connected with Chapter 2 Verse 73
72 And (remember) when you slew a man and disagreed concerning it and
Allah brought forth that which you were hiding.
73 So We said: "Strike the (body) with a piece of the (cow)." That is how
Allah brings the dead to life and shows you His Signs so that you
may understand.
[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]
Which piece of the cow was the body struck with ? Or to put it another way,
The tongue has been placed in the human being for Praising Allah. We must
use it for that purpose. The tongue is an instrument that can invoke
Allah's Blessings, we must use it for that purpose. This world is the
place to use the tongue for asking Allah's Mercy. On the the Day of
Judgement, the mouth will be sealed and the limbs will speak of our
May Allah have Mercy on us all. Ameen.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Darood and Salaam on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Al Lateef
28 October 1999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 19 Rajab 1420
28 / 10 /
1999 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////// 19 / 7 / 1420
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Ilm Huroof |Muqataat Letters of Quran | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |Sufism | Sufi Concepts
Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi Way |
"Secrets of the Heart " | Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters | Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth
Way School | Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Ayn ( ) = 70
Saad ( ) = 90
If we add numerical values of these 5 Letters we get:
20 + 5 + 10 + 70 + 90 = 195.
That is 5 short of 200 which is 10 X 20 ( ).
That is not a problem. Because there are 5 Letters in this verse. Add them to 195 + 5
= 200.{ 200=Ra=secret of Rabb}
The five letters start with Kaaf ( ) = 20. They end with Ayn ( ) and Saad ( ).
The Letter Kaaf ( ) is where the Fountain of Knowledge begins. { Surah 19,19=
Bismillah,secret of 19 huwal awwal 1+ahkir 9=19 all creation within 1-9}
The Letter Kaaf ( ) is for Abundance, Plenty and Excess.
Muhammad decides who should drink from it and who should not. Sending
Kafir is Own Who Does not Accept the Order of the King:
Is it not odd that the word Kafir (disbeliever) should start with the Letter Kaaf (
) ? Especially when the Letter Kaaf ( ) is the basis of KUN ("BE") and KAWSAR!
That is precisely why the word Kafir starts with the Letter Kaaf ( ).
A Kafir is one who has turned away from the Kitab , Book, Quran, especially
when it is full of wonders, knowledge, facts and above all Hudda ( ) Guidance. The
Kitab tells about events which have happened and those that are being
proven in this day and age and those that will happen.
A Kafir is one who has turned away from Ya ( ), Kawsar (Knowledge). Even after
reading the history of how one Man spread the Kalaam (Word) of Allah and raised
the Arabs from ignorance to enlightenment. And they in turn spread the
enlightenment to other nations. (Sadly, not the present Arabs). A Kafir is one who
has turned away from the Trust placed by Allah upon mankind.
That Trust is the Secret within mankind. The Kitab has been sent to remind
Speaking of the Kitab... There is another interesting point about the Letter Kaaf (
). Again it is connected with the Letter Noon ( ).
We find the pen in: Noon wal Qalam - Noon and the Pen [Chapter 68].
Just as Allah wrote in the Quran with the Pen, That is the Kitab (Book) in which there
is no doubt..., so does the book of our life story start, in which there is also no doubt.
The two angels, one on each side of the human being start writing the story of the
human being. The angels are not the authors of our Kitab (book). We are the authors
of our own Kitab (book). The angels are just scribes who write each of our action and
deed. They write what we tell them to write by our actions and words.
As soon as we are born we start writing our own book. Believe it or not, we are all
authors. We are all writing our own Kitab (book) which is our own biography and
there is no doubt in that either. Every action performed by us gets recorded in our
own autobiography. As the name implies: Auto - it is automatic, bio - it is biological,
graphy - it is graphical. All actions good or bad get recorded. All words,
conversations, thoughts get recorded.
That is the Kitab (book) against which each one of us will be judged on the Day of
Reckoning. Since each one of us is the author of his/her own Kitab (book), the
question of unfairness or erroneous information does not come into it. As the saying
goes We reap what we sow. Should it be We read what we wrote ?
To have a good Kitab (book) is to follow the guidance laid down in THE KITAB
(BOOK) which is the Quran. Allah encourages us to COPY from His Kitab (Book -
Quran) into our own insignificant Kitab (book). So that when on the Day of
Reckoning Allah Sees His Names inscribed in our own Kitab (book) He will be
Gracious and Merciful. So that He may forgive us.
To have a bad book is to reject the guidance laid down in the Quran. To have a bad
book is not to have any of Allah's Beautiful Names inscribed in our book.
No one can claim to have a good book. Forgiveness is only with Allah's Mercy. Just
like the Quran has had verses abrogated and replaced with something better or
106 None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten but We
substitute something better or similar; don't you know that Allah has power over all
[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]
So can Allah replace our evil actions with better actions in our own personal books if
He feels Compassionate.
Al Kabeer, Al Kareem, Al Kafeel, Al Kaafi
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions
Ilm Huroof | Abjad Table | Sufi Letters & Numbers | Secrets of Muqataat |
Sufism | Sufi Concepts Healing| Sufi Meditation & Dhikr: Remembrance
of God | Sufi Association: Muraqabah | Principles of the Naqshbandi Sufi
Way | "Secrets of the Heart " | |Abjad Secrets of Numbers Letters |
Muhammadan Reality | Sufi Enneagram | Gurdjieff & The Fourth Way
School | Naqshbandia Sufi Order |
Abjad Table
It is the last letter in the Arabic character set. Its position is 28.
The Letter Ya is for Yaqeen and Certainty
The Master of Certainty is YA-Seen Name of Prophet Muhammad [s]
Ya is Last position in Arabic alphabet all knowledge is contain with
Alif to YA . All words are made from the building blocks of letters.
Ya , Alif is to Call Upon and Ask support YA Allah.
The letter Ya is the 18th letter in the verse Bismillah (shown at the
top of this page).
There is no Arabic letter after Ya.
The letter Ya completes the Arabic letter set.
It is the 28th and final letter. In the Abjad format, the letter Ya is given the
value 10.
The letter Ya is one of the letters of Muqattaat. That is, it is used in the opening
verses of certain chapters in the Quran. Since there are only 19 letters in the
verse Bismillah, the position of the letter Ya had to be placed sensibly in the
verse Bismillah. The letter Ya is the 28th letter in the normal Arabic letter set.
In the Abjad format, it is 10th letter with the numerical value of 10.
The position of the letter Ya in the verse Bismillah is 18. { Al-Hay is 18 Value
Ha- 8 Ya-10 = 18}
This is arrived at by subtracting the Abjad position from the normal position: 28
- 10 = 18 giving the position in the verse Bismillah.
The letter Ya represents knowledge.
We start learning the Arabic letters from Alif, Ba, Ta .. Etc. We
complete this learning stage when we get to the letter Ya. At
this stage we have learnt to recognize the physical appearance
of all the Arabic letters in their different shapes. For example,
all four characters represent the same letter Ya in different
shapes. Therefore, after having learnt to recognize the letters
in their different forms, we can now start learning the words.
Since all the words in the Quran are formed by the combination of the Arabic
letters. The Arabic words will only be recognized by a person who has first
learnt to recognize the Arabic letters.
Ya represents knowledge.
Hence the letter Ya represents completion of knowledge of the Arabic
When we get to the last letter in the Arabic character set, we have only
learned to recognize the letters.
To use the letters we must wrap round back to the first letter which is
Alif .
We need to start again.
That is exactly what happens when we finish reading the last Chapter
114 An Nas of the Quran we start again from the beginning, Chapter 1
-Al Fatihah.
Or, if reciting in Salah, Chapter 1 (Al Fatihah) has a special place.
It is always recited first in every Rakah of the Salah.
After Al Fatihah we recite any part of the Quran in the first Rakah.
The letter that comes after the letter Ya is Alif . We start again from
the beginning. Except, this time round we have become a little
wiser in recognizing the letters. How can the letter Alif follow the
letter Ya?
ياLike an elevator you enter the Ya and it shoots you up to the Alif. 1 for
Allah and 0 Rasul in Allahs presence. Shows the " ياAlif-10-Rasul"
We start from Alif . We conduct our lives in this world gaining knowledge
- Ya ( ) ياand then we return back to Alif .
The interesting thing about the translation of the Quran into English is
that all the translators always substitute YA with ‘O'. Why is that? Is it
because they are copying the YE OLDE ENGLISH?
The letter ‘O' is also found in the latest modern English translations.
Is that done subconsciously? The letter O is a circle. It wraps round
endlessly. Likewise, so is YA , a never ending circle. The letters wrap from
start to end and back to the beginning.
The letter Ya is also one of the 14 Huroof Muqattaat which are used
as the opening letters of certain chapters in the Quran. The letter Ya is
used as a Muqattaat letter in two chapters of the Quran. The first usage
of the letter Ya is shown here:
ك حيعص
ك حيعص
The name Zakariya ends with the letters YA . In verse 7 of the same
chapter we are told:
7 (It was said to him): Ya Zakariya! We give you good news of a son
whose name shall be Yahya; We have not given the same name to any
one before (him).
Allah told Zakariya (as) to name his son Yahya (as) whose
name starts with the letter Ya and ends with the letter Ya.
There is small Alif ( or fatha or zabar) on top of the last Ya.
Notice the last letter Ya leads back to Alif.
That is exactly what the Messengers (as ) of Allah came into this world
to do. To lead the people back to Allah. If we look at the numerical value
of the name Yahya:
Ya ( = 10) + Ha ( = 8) + Ya ( = 10) = 28
The name Yahya has a numerical value of 28, which is equal to the
number of letters in the Arabic character set.
And the position of the letter Ya in the Arabic character set is 28. But,
what does that mean?
It means that Yahya (as) was given the wisdom of the letters. He was
given knowledge (as). Although in his case, it would have been the
Hebrew characters and language. Since we are not familiar with Hebrew,
we are shown by Allah, that this is the case by using the Arabic
characters and language. And Allah is the Wise.
The word Speak or Kalaam starts with the letter Kaaf . Where have we
seen that before? In verse 1. Next we are told three nights. Now if we
look at verse 1 again:
1 Kaaf ( = 20)
2 Ha ( = 5)
3 Ya ( = 10)
4 Ayn (= 70)
5 Saad (= 90)
The third letter is Ya. Before the letter Ya we have:
Kaaf ( = 20) + Ha ( = 5) = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7.
After the letter Ya we have:
Ayn ( = 70) + Saad ( = 90) = 160 = 1 + 6 + 0 = 7.
The third letter in chapter 19 verse 1 is Ya, which is the knowledge.
This letter of knowledge is placed in the centre.
To bring this knowledge out, we are pointed to the number 7.
We have already looked at verse 7 of chapter 19 where Allah tells
7 ...We give you good news of a son whose name shall be Yahya..
A son whose name will be Yahya (as). The name starts and ends with the
letter Ya (as) with the letter Ha in between.
There must also be something else connected with the number 7!
The 7 holy openings of the crown of creation the Head of Mankind. That
control the 7 Points on the Chest of Mankind , the Divine Courtyard.
Maryam () was not a Messenger of Allah, because only men were given
the mission as the Messengers of Allah.
You could say that Chapter 19 is one of 7 chapters to be named after the
proper name of a person.
If chapter 19 was going to be named after a Messenger of Allah, it could
have been named Zakariya, or Yahya or Isa.
But Allah had a purpose in naming that chapter with the name Maryam
to draw our attention to it.
Why did Allah name chapter 19 with the name Maryam? There must be a
Allah did not just tell us about the noble lady Mary but also gave us her
initial so that we may know that Mary__am in the Quran is the same
person as Mary in the Bible.
Using the knowledge and Meem as the Guiding letter we have shown the
different names in the Quran and the Bible to be the same name.
Only, our minds did not allow us to look at them with the Knowledge
bestowed by Allah.
Going back to the number 7 which was mentioned in the section The
Wisdom, The name Mary has the numerical value of:
Meem ( = 40) + Ra ( = 200) + Ya ( = 10) = 250 = 2 + 5 + 0 = 7.
Remember? Alif Laam Meem. The Book in which there is no doubt
(Quran: Chapter 2).
All the Walee Allah (saints) tell us that: We have to unlearn everything
we have learned.
It means we have to go back to basics and start learning again.
Too much structured knowledge places veils on our eyes and minds.
Our minds become used to analyzing things in a predefined way.
Instead, we should learn to apply an ‘open minded' approach starting
from the basics, without any preconceived starting point.
1 The letter Meem is always the Veil. Hijaab (Veil), Mahjub (Veiled)
2 The letter Meem is also the Guide. Murshid (Guide)
How can that be true? How can Meem place a veil and also guide?
What is the wisdom? The chapter Ya Seen is called the Heart of the
Ya-Seen is Name of Sayedena Muhammad age 63
Surah Ya-Seen is Heart of Quran 36
Rasul was described as Walking Quran
So Heart of Sayedena Muhammad is Surah Ya-Seen...
Ya Seen is the Wisdom of the Quran. The wisdom of the Quran only
opens with the words Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem. {see Secrets of
From the circular concept we have just been dealing with, we can go one
stage further.
The total number of the verses in chapter 36 Ya Seen is 83.
If we now reduce the total number of verses we get 8 + 3 = 11
{ 11th name of Rasul is Ya-Seen} which is the same as the word YA
{Ya=10 +Alif=1=11}which we say to get someone's attention.
Reduce this number to single digit 1 + 1 = 2 which is the letter Ba .
The knowledge is given to the creature who has been created from a
drop or dot.
This knowledge is guidance from Allah to us.
This knowledge is our inheritance from Allah through the Prophet
Muhammad in the form of the Quran.
Shaykh `Abdullah replied,
"Surat Ya Sin was called 'the Heart of the Qur'an' by the Holy Prophet
and the knowledge of these Nine Points was opened to you through it.
"Each of the Nine Points is represented by one of nine Saints who are at
the Highest Level in the Divine Presence.
they are the keys to the untold powers within man, but there is no
permission to use these keys.
This is a secret that in general will not be opened until the Last Days
when the Mahdi (as) appears and Jesus (as) returns.
The ninth stage is to return to your Cave, as Allah mentioned in Surat al-
YOU..." [18:16].
There are 114 chapters in the Quran. Out of the 114 chapters, 41
chapters start with the letter Alif. No other letter is used 41 times as the
first letter of the chapters. Out of 114 chapters, 14 chapters start with
Ya. No other letter is used 14 times as the first letter of a chapter. Ya
(used 14 times as the first letter) does wrap back to Alif (used 41 times
as the first letter). The one (14 or 41) is the mirror image of the other
(41 or 14). Depends from which side we are observing.
Only Allah Knows Best.
Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and
His Companions
First in Chapter 42
Ash Shuraa, and
next in { Teaching
How to Unlock
,Seen QAF-
Muhammad Al Hay/Ever living, Al Muheet/All
Encompassing {s},
Ayn Seen Qaf- Al-Aleem Knowledge in
the Secret of the Soul YaSeen is Dressed by
Qaf-Holy Quran.}
Chapter 50 which is also named Qaf
after the Letter Qaf ( ).
Surah 50+42 equals= 92 Abjad value
for Muhammad MHMD
The Islamic Scripture is named QURAN
[ From Qaf-is Power of Quran to the Ra-Rabb/
lord this is the Alif/essence of Noon/light ] .
Quran is a word that starts with the Letter Qaf (
). The Quran is a powerful Book. The Quran is
our Guidance from Allah. And to emphasis this
Allah tells us:
"I have left with you that which, if you hold on to it, it
shall preserve you from error, a clear indication, the
Book of Allah and the word of His Rasool. People,
hear my words and understand. " Then he recited
the last revelation:
3 ...........This day have those who reject
faith given up all hope of your religion: yet
fear them not but fear Me. This day have I
perfected your religion for you, completed
my favour upon you and have chosen for
you ISLAM as your religion....
[Quran: Al Maida Chapter 5]
With the completion of the Islam and Quran,
Muhammad knew he had come to the end of his
How did Muhammad know this was the final
year ?
The first clue was the recitation of the Quran twice
in the month of Ramadan.
The Letter Qaf ( ) is used as a Muqattaat Letter 2
The second clue was the completion of the Quran.
The answer is in the usage of the Letter Qaf ( ) as
Muqattaat Letter.
In Chapter 50 it occurs in Verse 1. This is normal.
In Chapter 42 the Letter Qaf ( ) occurs in Verse 2.
And this Verse is ODD.
As it was stated in the article on Letter
Al Quddus, Al Qahhar, Al Qabidh, Al Qawee,
Al Qaiyum, Al Qadir,
"Over it is 19. And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number
only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty { Yaqeen}, and
the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the
Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth
Allah intend by this?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and
none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.
Nay; I swear by the moon, And by the Night as it retreateth, And by the Dawn as it shineth forth, This is but
one of the mighty (portents), A warning to mankind, To any of you that chooses to press forward, or to
follow behind; Holy Quran : 74:30-37
Quote from Albert Einstein
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the
slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."
Basics of Numerology:
Creation is represented by a Circle, with a beginning and an End, Eternity
means to continuously go around. When it began and when it ends we
don't know.
That Divine Utterance signals the First Creation which is the HD { Had or Limits} (
Ha- Al-Hay Life , Dal-Al-Daiem Eternal, al Dairah Circle. Dalail- Guide ) or HIJAAB or Veil
between Creator and Creation.
Therefore, the number 9 is the Largest last single digit number. The normal numbering
system is infinite.
We hear people talk about hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and on and on. There is
no "one large number" which can be called as the final number beyond which there is no other
Heavenly Abjad
Order 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 Alif
First Day Sunday Ahad , Fatiha 1:1 In the name of Allah, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful
Is considered to be a primordial unity.
The beginning.
The Creator.
It the First Cause or as some cultures refer, the First Mover. One is the
sum of all possibilities.
It is essence, the Center. One is referred to isolation. Cause to duality
as multiplicity and back to final unity.
One refers to one as God as the Absolute; self sufficient.
Active positive
Muhammad ("My Soul was the First creation). Muhammad is the Mercy
sent to creation and the first Divine Name is Ar Rahman.
Rasul {SAW} said: 'I am the Last of the "Messengers"'. Who are the Messengers? Here, the
"Messengers" are the numbers from 1 to 9. They are the Messengers because each one of these
numbers comes forth with a secret, a "prophecy" (for instance 1 carries the Prophecy of the Alif, 2 that of
the Divine Mirror and so forth).
These nine numbers or nine "messengers" represent the nine highest Awliya who carry the "prophecy" of
the number they correspond to: 1 for annihilation (of the ego, i.e., of everything that is not Allah).
2 for the manifestation of Allah through the Divine Mirror (secret of zikr "La ilaha ill Allah"),
3 for the Secret (Naqsh) from which creation is born. This secret is the engraving of the reflecting reality
from Barhul Qudra in the heart of the Chosen One.
4 for the meaning of that secret (that is, the appearance of the Muhammadiun (the one representing
Muhammad) in the realm of creation (the number 4 represents Dal, the circle of dunya).
5 for the constant appearance and manifestation (i.e., zikr of the secret) of the secret Naqsh through
times. This constant appearance of the reality of Muhammad (the 4) is the Guidance provided by the
prophets and the saints representing the Prophet {SAW} who came through times (5 is Ha which stands
for Huda: Guidance).
6 for the grant of Kun fa ya Kun (making creation appearing and disappearing at will) through the station
of "My servant does not cease to approach Me ... until I Love him (6 is Waw which stands for Love).
7 for the Grant of the station of the All-Knowing through Knowledge of what is apparent (that which has
appeared in creation) and what is hidden (that which has not appeared yet or which has been sent back
to Barhul Qudra. This station if the "Face of Allah, the All-Knowing".
8 for the Grant of Eternity through the station of "Muhammad Rasul Allah". Prophet {SAW}'s station is
9 for the Grant of the Cave which is the Secret granted to Siddiq Awliya. Diving into the Prophetic Reality
of "Muhammad Rasul Allah" (from the 8th stage) will lead to the Ocean of Seydina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq
The Number 1
Allah. Reality of Prophet {SAW} annihilated in Allah {SWT}. Reality of Nur al Illahi which was granted to
Prophet {SAW}.
The Number 2
The station of the two first numbers 1 and 2 represent the reality of the Two bow lengths. "He {SAW} was
at a distance of Two Bow Lengths". Here it means that Prophet {SAW} resides in the reality of the two
primordial units of numbers: the reality of 1 (the Alif) and the reality of 2 (the Mirror reflected through
Barhul Qudra). The grant of the Secret of the prophecies of the numbers 1 and 2 is the grant of the Miraj.
The Number 3
This is the Limit and nexus between creation (which appears from subsequent numbers) and the Realities
granted to Prophet {SAW} (Barhul Qudra as the number 2 and Nur al ilahi as the number 1).
The barrier that separates the reality of creation from the reality of the Divine Presence.
The tajjali of that number is 36.9: "And We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind
them, then We have covered them over so that they do not see."
Then creation appears from subsequent numbers. The way creation appears is very important: numbers
from 1 to 6 are added to 3 to yield the remaining numbers of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Thus we have: 3+1=4;
3+2= 5; 3+3=6; 3+4=7; 3+5=8; 3+6=9.
The sequence of added numbers stops at 6 because 6, which stands for the Arabic letter Waw,
represents Love. So this is a proof that the finality of creation is Love: Allah {SWT} created his creation
out of Love. As we can see from this sequence, the number 3 remains constant.
Remember that the number 3 represent the human being [Soul , Light ](insan).
So Insan (3) is dressed with the reality of the 1 (3+1) and the result is the number 4.
The reality of the 1 is the Presence of Allah because 1 represent the Arabic letter Alif which stands for
Allah. Therefore, when insan is dressed with the reality of the Alif, that is, when he gains knowledge of
Allah {SWT}, he is automatically led to the understanding of the reality of Muhammad. Thus he becomes
Muhammadiun. This is why 3+1 yields 4 (4 represents Muhammad[s]).
Another way to understand this is through the second part of the Kalima: "Muhammad Rasul Allah".
"Muhammad Rasul Allah": Muhammad (4) = Rasul (3) + Allah (1). Here "Rasul" (the number 3) is the
door or the nexus through which Divine Tajalli (in this case the Tajalli of the Alif-1) is sent to creation.
Insan (3) is dressed with the reality of the 2. The result is the number 5.
The reality of the number 2 is the reality of Barhul Qudra because 2 represents the Arabic letter Ba which
stands for Barhul Qudra.
2 is Barhul Qudra. When the reality of Barhul Qudra was granted to the perfect one in his heart, he
carried that secret and reflected it through 5 levels of the Heart and became a manifestation of the perfect
Guide (Al Hadi): the one who can give guidance from any of the 5 levels of the Heart. That perfect one is
the Muhammadiyun of his time.
Insan (first 3) is dressed with the reality of the 3. The result is the number 6.
The reality of the number 3 is the reality of the Naqsh or the Nexus. Divine Love Allah {SWT} granted to
Seydina Abu Bakr {RA} because 6 represents the Arabic letter Waw which stands for Wadud.
When insan (the first 3) is dressed with the secret of the Nexus or the Naqsh (the second 3), he reaches
the secret of Al Wadud and the Divine Opening (Fatiha) which was granted to Siddiqiyun (Rumi and all
Naqshbandi Awliya). This is why the number 6 stands for Waw which represents Wadud.
Insan (3) is dressed with the reality of 4. The result is the number 7.
The reality of the 4 is the reality of the Muhammadiyun because 4 represents the Arabic letter Dal which
stands for MuhammaD. 4 also represents the reality of the container (4 walls of Ka'aba containing the
secret of Divine Presence). This is why it is related to the physical manifestation of the Muhammadiyun,
the Perfect One and the owner of the Time who represents the Prophet {SAW} at any given time (physical
body made up of 4 elements or 4 "walls" that contain the secret of the Divine Presence. The Owner of the
Time is the real walking Ka'aba.
When insan is dressed with the reality of the Muhammadiyun, he is brought to the Door of Allah (7 stands
for Allah) Who is the Eternal One. Reality of the Ayat All shall perish except his Face (7) who is eternal.
Note that
3+1=4 (Insan dressed with Knowledge of Allah reaches Knowledge of Muhammad) and
3+4=7 (Insan dressed with Knowledge of Muhammad reaches Knowledge of Allah). Thus
Knowledge of Allah leads you to Muhammad and Presence of Muhammad leads you to Allah.
Insan (3) is dressed with the reality of the 5. The result is the number 8.
The reality of the 5 is the reality of Guidance because 5 represents the Arabic letter Ha which stands for
Huda (Guidance).
When insan is dressed with the reality of Guidance (5 stands for Ha which represents Al Huda), he sits on
the Throne of Guidance. On that day, the number 8 carries the Throne as expressed in the Ayat: "And 8
carry the Throne on that Day". So he sits on the Throne of Guidance which is supported by the number
8. The number 8 carries the Throne of Guidance only after death and resurrection because to
become the perfect Guide you need to reach Annihilation in Allah and resurrection in Allah.
3+6 = 9
“My slave does not draw near Me with anything I love more than what I have made obligatory for him. My slave continues
to draw near me with super obligatory actions until I love him.
When I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight by which he sees, his hands with which he strikes, and
his feet with which he walks. He will become Rabanniya and say be and it will be ” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 81:38:2)
Insan is dressed with the reality of the 6. The result is the number 9.
The reality of the 6 is Divine Love because 6 represents the Arabic letter Waw which stands for Wadud.
When Insan is dressed with Divine Love, he becomes Siddiq or Naqshbandi. This is what happens to
Seydina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq {RA} when Prophet {SAW} came to him {RA} and told him "Ya Abu Bakr,
Allah has Loved you". It means your human soul (the number 3) has been dressed with the station of
Divine Love (the number 6). The result of this addition is the number 9. This is why Seydina Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq {RA} and all the perfect Siddiqiun Masters represent the number 9. So the equation 3+6=9 is
the station of "Allah has Loved you". [36 is Surah YaSeen Heart of Quran , Allah Uncreated Speech,
Divine Presence]
Unlock The
Secrets of
The muqatta'at
Abjad Table PDF File
About one-quarter of the Quranic Surahs are preceded
by mysterious letter-symbols called muqatta'at –
disjointed letters or, occasionally, Fawatih – openings
because they appear at the beginning of the relevant
It is related that Abu Bakr as-Siddiq said:
As-Sady said:
…When Allah wants to make someone and Wali, he
teaches him from 'ilm ladduni, then he becomes a
knowledgeable wali.
Alif, Lam, Mim, Ha, Ra, Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn, Sin,
Qaf, Sad, Ta and Nun.