07 - Alim Test Ques. English 2nd-'22

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Avwjg : Bs‡iwR cÖ_g cÎ – 1

Alim Test Examination, 2022

English Second Paper Subject Code 2 3 9
Time  3 hours
Full Marks  100
[Answer the questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions. 0.510=5
Truthfulness is the greatest (a) — all the virtues, which makes a man really great. If we do not cultivate the
habit (b) — speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence (c) — others. The man whom nobody
believes can never be famous (d) — life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice (e) — telling a lie, but it
never brings (f) — a good result. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes (g) — light. Then the real
character (h) — the liar is revealed and nobody believes him. All hate him and speak ill (i) — him (j) — his back.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box. 0.510=5
as soon as what does .... look like what if what's it like it
had better was born let alone have to would rather
(a) Deforestation is a matter of great concern. We — take immediate steps against cutting down trees
at random.
(b) To tell a lie is a great sin. We — die than tell a lie. Otherwise none will believe us.
(c) Helmet should be used while driving a motorcycle. — you were driving your bike and met a serious accident?
(d) — swimming in the sea? It seems to be very heroic to me.
(e) — mother heard the news, she cried loudly. She lost her child in a car accident.
(f) Rome was not built in a day. — took a longtime and hard labour to build this city.
(g) Rahman is a poor man. He cannot buy a shirt, — a car.
(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our rebel poet. He — in Churulia of West Bengal.
(i) Rina's dress looks very dirty. It is old enough. She — buy a new dress.
(j) Rana : Hi, Robi, — a pea-cock —?
Robi : It's a very nice bird. It knows how to dance.
3. Complete the following sentences. 110=10
(a) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should —.
(b) English is an international language. — you cannot get a good job.
(c) Corruption is an obstacle to our national development. It is high time —.
(d) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. I wish —.
(e) Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science. But —.
(f) He cannot run the business. So, he should—.
(g) He confessed that —. So, I forgave him.
(h) The students could not memorise the poem. It was too difficult—.
(i) Since there was no more question to discuss, —.
(j) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays —.
4. Fill in the gaps with the right form of verbs. 0.514=7
Sher-e-Bangla Abul Kashem Fazlul Haque (a) –– (be) born at Chakhar in Barisal in 1873. He (b) –– (be)
exceptionally meritorious. He (c) –– (pass) the Entrance Examination in 1889 from Barisal Zilla School with
divisional scholarship. He (d) –– (pass) the B.A in 1894 from the Presidency College, Kolkata with honours in
three subjects at a time. He passed the M.A in Mathematics and (e) –– (obtain) his degree in law in 1897. In
1900 Mr. Haque (f) –– (begin) to practise in the Kolkata High Court independently. He (g) –– (be) very skilled
and efficient in all his works and deeds. So, he (h) –– (appoint ) a Deputy Magistrate by Sir BF Fuller. In 1911,
Mr. Haque (i) –– (give) up his post and (j) –– (join) the Kolkata High Court again. In 1935, he (k) –– (become)
the first Muslim Mayor of Kolkata city corporation. In 1937, he (l) –– (become) the Chief Minister of Bengal
and (m) –– (continue) his service for several years. Mr. Haque (n) –– (die) on the 28th April, 1962 in Dhaka.
Avwjg : Bs‡iwR wØZxq cÎ – 2
5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 7
The teacher asked the students if they had heard the name of Aesop. The students respectfully replied that they
had not and asked the teacher who he had been. The teacher advised them to listen to his lecture attentively
and they would be able to know about him. He also exclaimed with wonder that his fables were very interesting
and instructive.
6. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces. 0.510=5
Once there lived a (a) –– (pre-modify the noun) barber in a village. He was more than a mere barber but a (b) ––
(pre-modify the noun) doctor. The barber pretended (c) –– (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) about
disease and their cures. People (d) –– (post-modify the noun with a present participle) in that area came to him
for treatment. As people were illiterate they could not understand (e) –– (pre-modify the noun with a
determiner) trick. So when they became (f) –– (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) ill, they called in
him. The barber gave them (g) –– (pre-modify the noun) medicine. But he was an expert in treating boils. As he
was a barber, it was easy for him (h) –– (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive). He would cut boils with
his razor. Some patients would cry (i) –– (post-modify the verb) in pain. Some of the patients were cured. The
(j) –– (pre-modify the noun with a adjective) folk thought him to be a good doctor.
7. Use appropriate sentence connector in the blank spaces of the following passage. 0.514=7
Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was very industrious. (a) —, the grasshopper was very lazy.
(b) —, he used to pass his time in singing and sleeping. He did not work at all. (c) —, he used to go to the ant
(d) — ask him to take some rest. (e) —, the ant continued with his work. (f) —, the ant collected a huge amount
of food for the winter. (g) —, the winter came (h) — covered everything with snow. (i) —, there was no food
available on the fields. The grasshopper could not take food from the fields. (j) —, he did not have any food in
his house. (k) —, he went to the ant (l) — beg for some food. The ant helped him, (m) — that was too small for
him to pass the winter. (n) —, the grasshopper understood the necessity of work.
8. Read the passage and then write the synonym/antonym of the words as directed below. 0.514=7
The National Memorial is a symbol of the nation's respect for the martyrs of the War of Liberation. It is located
at Savar, Dhaka. Its foundation was laid on the first anniversary of the Victory Day in 1972. The entire complex
covers an area of 126 acres. It will include a mosque, a library and a museum. The museum will preserve the
relics of the Liberation War. There is a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. These seven
towers represent the seven heroes who made supreme sacrifice in the Liberation War. The height of the towers
stands for the high sacrifice of every martyr. There are several graves of the martyrs close to the tower.
Standing before the graves we bow down our heads in respect of their sacrifice.
(a) National (Antonym); (b) respect (Synonym); (c) War (Antonym); (d) liberation (synonym); (e) foundation
(synonym); (f) anniversary (Synonym); (g) entire (antonym); (h) cover (antonym); (i) include (antonym); (j) rise
(antonym); (k) represent (synonym); (l) supreme (synonym); (m) before (antonym); (n) respect (antonym)
9. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks. Rewrite the text correcting the errors. 0.514=7
The student said to the teacher sir I shall be much obliged if you kindly lend me the book you praised highly in
the class yesterday. The teacher said, I'm very glad to know that you are eager to read this book. The students
said that he will return the book very soon. But the teacher said no need to return this book. I offered you this
book as a gift. Being overwhelmed the student said, wow Thanks a lot sir
Part B : Composition (40 Marks)
10. Suppose, you are a student of Madrasah-e-Alia, Dhaka. Your madrasah has not yet set up Computer Club. Now,
write an application to the Principal of your madrasah to set up a Computer Club in your madrasah. 10
11. Write a paragraph on 'Globalization'. 15
12. Write a paragraph on 'Our Liberation War'. 15

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