Perez-GosendeMulaDiaz-Madronero - Facility Layout Planning An Extended Literature Review

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Facility layout planning. An extended literature


Pablo Pérez-Gosende, Josefa Mula & Manuel Díaz-Madroñero

To cite this article: Pablo Pérez-Gosende, Josefa Mula & Manuel Díaz-Madroñero (2021) Facility
layout planning. An extended literature review, International Journal of Production Research, 59:12,
3777-3816, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1897176

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2021, VOL. 59, NO. 12, 3777–3816


Facility layout planning. An extended literature review

Pablo Pérez-Gosendea,b , Josefa Mulaa and Manuel Díaz-Madroñero a

a Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP), Universitat Politècnica de València, Alcoy, Alicante, Spain; b Industrial
Engineering Department, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Facility layout planning (FLP) involves a set of design problems related to the arrangement of the Received 9 June 2020
elements that shape industrial production systems in a physical space. The fact that they are consid- Accepted 17 February 2021
ered one of the most important design decisions as part of business operation strategies, and their KEYWORDS
proven repercussion on production systems’ operation costs, efficiency and productivity, mean that Facility design; facility layout;
this theme has been widely addressed in science. In this context, the present article offers a scientific facility planning; materials
literature review about FLP from the operations management perspective. The 232 reviewed articles handling; modelling
were classified as a large taxonomy based on type of problem, approach and planning stage and
characteristics of production facilities by configuring the material handling system and methods to
generate and assess layout alternatives. We stress that the generation of layout alternatives was done
mainly using mathematical optimisation models, specifically discrete quadratic programming mod-
els for similar sized departments, or continuous linear and non-linear mixed integer programming
models for different sized departments. Other approaches followed to generate layout alternatives
were expert’s knowledge and specialised software packages. Generally speaking, the most frequent
solution algorithms were metaheuristics.

1. Introduction
for workers, accidents at work, and make the control of
Facility layout planning (FLP) involves the process of operations and personnel management difficult (Pérez-
physically arranging all the production factors that make Gosende 2016). Moreover, if a good closeness level is
up the production system so it can suitably and efficiently lacking among the organisation’s working centres, the
comply with the organisation’s strategic objectives. As working day in transport activities cannot be put to the
part of business operational strategies, FLP is considered best use, which contributes no value. This is one of the
one of the most important design decisions (Ghassemi main reasons why production times increase and work
Tari and Neghabi 2015; Kheirkhah, Navidi, and Bidgoli productivity levels lower.
2015; Sun et al. 2018). It also significantly affects the effi- Despite its importance, FLP is no easy problem to
ciency of production systems and their productivity level solve. The most convenient generation and selection of
(Altuntas and Selim 2012; Navidi, Bashiri, and Messi Bid- facility layouts for an organisation involve a complex
goli 2012; Ku, Hu, and Wang 2011). Figure 1 depicts a and iterative process that depends on rating the ele-
general framework of FLP, which can also be used by the ments shaping the goods/services production system.
reader as a guiding thread throughout this article. According to the computational complexity theory, FLP
Efficient FLP must ensure that production schedules is considered an NP-hard (non-polynomial hard prob-
are met in the short, mid and long terms and at a lower lem) optimisation problem because no solution algo-
cost, while adequately using space and guaranteeing, in rithms exist that provide an optimum solution in a rea-
turn, a certain degree of flexibility for future re-layouts sonable polynomial time (Grobelny and Michalski 2017).
and minimum health/security risks at work. Conversely, Despite their high degree of complexity, several authors
inefficient layouts can simultaneously lead to bottlenecks, have dealt with these problems by contributing accept-
congestion and poorly used space, and too much work able solutions in realistic calculation times.
underway can accumulate, while job posts can become It is stressed that when FLP is planned by assum-
idle or overloaded. All this can entail anxiety and ill ease ing demand remains constant throughout the planning

CONTACT Josefa Mula [email protected] Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP), Universitat Politècnica de València,
Alarcón, 1, 03801, Alcoy, Alicante, Spain; Industrial Engineering Department, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Chambers 227, 090114, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or
built upon in any way.

Figure 1. FLP general framework.

horizon, this problem is known as static or single-period such wide scientific coverage, research into many FLP
FLP (SFLP). In many production systems however, aspects is still in its early days (Hosseini-Nasab et al.
considering a single design may not be practical because 2018). This is because physical layout requirements in
the material flow is not likely to remain invariable with industry constantly change to adapt to the technolocial
time. Conversely, when demand is seasonal or vastly changes related to the fourth industrial revolution, the
varies, it might be more worthwhile considering a dif- proliferation of cyberphysical systems, increasingly more
ferent FLP for each time period, in which case the plan- demanding market requirements, a shift to more flexible
ning approach is either dynamic or multiperiod (DFLP) manufacturing styles that permit large product nomen-
(Turanoğlu and Akkaya 2018; Al Hawarneh, Bendak, clatures in increasingly smaller lots, and the development
and Ghanim 2019; Pournaderi, Ghezavati, and Moza- of health and safety guidelines in the workplace, which
fari 2019). In line with this, Hosseini-Nasab et al. (2018) are all motivations to keep contributing to its understand-
identify that DFLP has less repercussion in the scientific ing. This article presents a literature review of 232 articles
literature than the SFLP approach. published in science journals of known prestige in their
Since the second half of the twentieth century, FLP has category. Previously, Hosseini-Nasab et al. (2018) pro-
been a broadly discussed scientific subject because it has posed an FLP classification system based on the review
been considered one of the most important classic opera- of 186 bibliographic sources published between 1987 and
tions management and industrial engineering problems. 2016. According to these authors, FLP decisions depend
Some literature reviews have dealt with it in more or on the layout evolution, characteristics of workshops,
less depth. Most have centred on specific dimensions formulating the problem and its resolution approaches.
of the problem (Anjos and Vieira 2017; Ahmadi, Pish- Here we produced a new taxonomy to extend this pro-
vaee, and Jokar 2017; Saraswat, Venkatadri, and Castillo posed classification by including new classification crite-
2015; Keller and Buscher 2015; Renzi et al. 2014; Sara- ria based on the most recent literature review in the FLP
vanan and Ganesh Kumar 2013; Moslemipour, Lee, and context; namely: problem type, approach and planning
Rilling 2012; Maganha, Silva, and Ferreira 2019; Pérez- phase, characteristics of production facilities, materials
Gosende, Mula, and Díaz-Madroñero 2020), but oth- handling system configuration, approaches employed to
ers have covered them more generally (Hosseini-Nasab generate FLP alternatives and assessment approaches.
et al. 2018; Drira, Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj 2007; The taxonomy also deals with characteristics of FLP
Singh and Sharma 2006; Meller and Gau 1996). Despite mathematical modelling approaches as regards model

type, objective function type, data type, certain or uncer- Figure 2 shows, in frequency order, the scientific jour-
tain demand, distance metrics and considered solution nals in which the 232 selected articles were published. It is
approach. Consequently, the main contribution of this worth stressing that eight journals published more than
article was detailed, accurate and structured FLP con- 50% of the articles that have dealt with FLP in the last
ceptualisation, contextualisation and description, which decade.
ensures the difference regarding the review study by
Hosseini-Nasab et al. (2018).
3. FLP taxonomy
The rest of the article is arranged as follows. Section
2 describes the employed review methodology. Section Hosseini-Nasab et al. (2018) proposed an FLP classi-
3 presents an FLP taxonomy. Section 4 deals with the fication system based on layout evolution, characteris-
current trends in mathematical modelling of FLP and tics of workshops, and formulating the problem and its
Section 5 addresses its solution approaches. Approaches solution approaches. This research proposes the inclu-
for layout evaluation are introduced in Section 6. Section sion of the following classification criteria: problem type,
7 discusses the decision-support tools used to tackle the approach and planning phase, characteristics of produc-
FLP. Section 8 deals with real-world applications. Section tion facilities, materials handling system configuration,
9 points out the gaps in the reviewed scientific litera- and methods to generate and assess layout alternatives.
ture and proposes guidelines for future research works. These criteria are set out below:
Finally, Section 10 summarises the conclusions drawn in
this work. (1) Problem type. It refers to FLP decision making in
completely new facilities or for those already oper-
(a) Greenfield design. This refers to designing the
2. Review methodology
layout of planned facilities
The literature search about FLP was performed by con- (b) Re-layout. When making adjustments to the
sidering scientific articles in the journals indexed in layout of already existing facilities
the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) of Web of (2) Planning approach. Depending on the variability
Science (WoS) for the 2010–2019 time window. The of the material flow during the planning hori-
employed key words were: facility(ies) layout problem; zon, the problem may be considered static or
facility(ies) layout design; facility(ies) layout planning; dynamic.
facility(ies) layout; plant(s) layout design; plant(s) layout; (a) Static. When the material flow between
layout design; facility(ies) design; facility(ies) planning. Ini- departments remains constant throughout the
tially the search focused on fields: title, abstract, authors’ planning horizon
key words and KeyWords Plus® through the TS field label, (b) Dynamic. When the planning horizon is divided
which gave 2,083 articles. This led the authors to restrict into several discrete time periods (t = 1, . . . ,
the key words search to only the title field of each record T) with a different material flow intensity
by the TI field label, which gave 496 articles. These pub- b.1 Flexible layout. A layout is designed for each
lications were filtered according to the authors’ criti- time period t
cal judgment by ruling out those contributions that did b.2 Cyclic layout. A layout is designed for each
not deal with the problem from the operations man- time period t. When the planning horizon
agement viewpoint. As a result of filtering, 232 articles during time period T ends, the material flow
were selected. The employed advanced search strategy is between departments returns to its initial state
detailed in Table 1. in t = 1

Table 1. References collection methodology.

Field labels, keywords, and boolean operators (TI = (‘facilit* *layout problem’) OR TI = (‘facilit* *layout design’) OR TI = (‘facilit* *layout planning’) OR
TI = (‘facilit* *layout’) OR TI = (‘plant* *layout design’) OR TI = (‘plant* *layout’) OR TI = (‘layout design’)
OR TI = (‘facilit* design’) OR TI = (‘facilit* planning’))
Database Web of Science (WoS)
Index Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
Document type Research articles
Time window 2010–2019
Language English
Initial number of articles 496
Removed based on title and abstract 240
Removed based on content 24
Final number of articles 232

Figure 2. Distribution of publications per scientific journal.

b.3 Robust layout. A single layout is desig- (c) Considering space. This refers to considering the
ned and is used throughout the planning space inside the building in two or three dimen-
horizon sions
(3) Planning phase. It includes the layout as a whole c.1 Bidimensional. Only the land area is consid-
(block) and the detailed layout. ered
(a) Block layout. It is the phase when departments c.2Tridimensional. The whole cubic space is
are arranged in buildings by considering if one considered
relevant objective is met, or some (d) Shape of departments. This refers to the regu-
(b) Detailed layout. The phase in which the ele- lar or irregular shape of the departments on the
ments making up the production system in plan
the physical space inside each department are d.1 Regular. Departments are considered rect-
arranged angular
(4) Characteristics of facilities. They include analysing d.2 Irregular. Departments are not considered
the number of buildings and floors required in facil- rectangular
ities to perform industrial operations normally, as (e) Area of departments. This refers to whether
well as the space, shape, area and sizes of depart- departments have equal areas or unequal areas
ments. e.1 Equal. All the departments have the same
(a) Number of facilities. This refers to the number of area
buildings required for the company to perform e.2 Unequal. Departments do not necessarily
its operations have the same area
a.1 Single facility. Layout is designed by consid- (f) Dimensions. This refers to the flexibility level of
ering a single building departments’ length and width when arranged
a.2 Multi-facility. More than one building is con- in physical spaces
sidered f.1 Fixed. The width and length of departments
(b) Number of floors. This refers to the number of must remain intact
floors inside a building required for the com- f.2 Flexible. Departments can adopt a variable
pany to operate width and length within the preset interval
b.1 Single floor. Only one level or floor is f.3 Mixed. The width and length of depart-
employed ments are treated indistinctly as fixed or variable
b.2 Multi-floor. Two floors or more are estimated depending on the area constraints

(5) Materials handling system configuration. This refers end on the layout outline identified for each
to the way that the departments on a build- alternative
ing’s floor are arranged to facilitate the material (d) Non-linear programming. It refers to non-linear
flow. mathematical optimisation models
(a) Single-row configuration. Departments are (e) Fuzzy constraint theory. A technique that
arranged one next to another so that the mate- allows the assessment of different layout
rial flow follows one line diagrams based on an objective function
(b) Double-row configuration. Departments are and several constraints under uncertainty
arranged in two parallel rows on both sides conditions
of a corridor in a straight line through which (f) Simple criteria comparison. Each alternative is
the material flow generally circulates via a self- compared according to how one quantitative
guided vehicle performance criterion behaves, or several
(c) Parallel-row configuration. Departments are
arranged in two parallel rows, and the material The above taxonomy is shown as a diagram in Figure 3.
flow of each row flows linearly and indepen- According to these criteria, 232 contributions to FLP have
dently been classified. This classification is presented in Table 2
(d) Multiple-row configuration. Departments are for those articles that deal with FLP from a static point of
arranged in more than two rows, and the mate- view, and those that deal with it from a dynamic view-
rial flow takes place linearly and independently point, which are offered in Table 3. In both cases, the
inside each row codes defined for each classification category in Figure 3
(e) Loop configuration. Departments are arran were used.
ged in such a way that the material flow circu-
lates like a closed loop
3.1. Planning phase
(f) Open-field configuration. Departments are located
freely in space so that the material flow follows Like most design engineering problems, FLP must be
no specific pattern based on a hierarchical approach. In the first phase,
(6) Approaches for layout generation. This deals with departments are assigned specific locations in the facili-
the methods followed to generate alternative lay- ties’ physical space, which is often known as block layout
outs. (Saraswat, Venkatadri, and Castillo 2015; Asef-Vaziri and
(a) Mathematical modelling. It refers to using math- Kazemi 2018). Next the detail phase takes place, when
ematical optimisation models the elements making up the production system inside
(b) Experts’ knowledge. A trial-and-error appro each department are organised (Bukchin and Tzur 2014).
ach in which alternatives are produced based on These phases should be dealt with consecutively in what
a group of experts’ experience Meller, Kirkizoglu, and Chen (2010) called a top-down
(c) Software packages. Alternatives are generated by approach. Nonetheless, most research works available in
using specialised software the FLP context have dealt with both phases separately.
(7) Approaches for layout evaluation. This refers to the In the present study, 86% of the works dealt with the first
methods employed to assess the level of suitabil- phase, 10% covered the second phase, and only about 4%
ity of a finite group of layout alternatives for rel- (9 articles) worked with both phases as part of the same
evant objective and/or subjective criteria to select problem.
the most suitable alternative for a given production
3.2. Planning approach
(a) Multicriteria decision methods.They are ba
sed on the hierarchisation of a set of alterna- According to the planning approach, FLP can be clas-
tives according to the assessment of a series of sified as static or dynamic. When the layout is planned
decision criteria by assuming that the materials flow among departments
(b) Data envelopment analysis. This is a technique is constant throughout the planning horizon, the prob-
based on linear programming to compare the lem is known as SFLP. This approach is recommended for
relative efficiency of a set of layout alternatives the case of production systems with low-cost facility re-
that produce similar outputs with a series of layouts (Moslemipour, Lee, and Loong 2017). Nonethe-
common inputs less, considering a single design might prove impractical
(c) Simulation. It implies the simulation of cer- in most industrial sectors because the materials flow is
tain layout performance indicators that dep not likely to remain invariable with time.

Figure 3. Classification of the literature on FLP.

Companies need to constantly adapt to changing mar- Based on the so-called dynamic planning (DFLP)
ket requirements. To do so, they increase or reduce their approach, an optimum layout is designed for each time
production capacity, partly or totally change technology, period in such a way that the total costs of transporting
create new products/services, and improve and set up materials and those related to re-layouts in facilities are
new processes. So having to make sufficiently flexible minimised (Turanoğlu and Akkaya 2018; Al Hawarneh,
layouts in this context is understandable (Emami and Bendak, and Ghanim 2019; Pournaderi, Ghezavati, and
Nookabadi 2013). Mozafari 2019).
Table 2. An overview of the FLP considering a static planning approach.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Samarghandi, G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.b
Taabayan, and
Jahantigh (2010)
Chung and Tanchoco G D S S 2D I F E OFLP - 3.a, 4.e
Díaz-Ovalle, Vázquez- R B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.d, 2.j
Román, and Sam
Mannan (2010)
Drezner (2010) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Hernández Gress et al. G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Jithavech and Krishnan G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 4.b
Jung et al. (2010) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.a, 2.i, 2.j
Komarudin and Wong G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Meller, Kirkizoglu, and G B,D S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Chen (2010)
Samarghandi and G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Eshghi (2010)
Sanjeevi and Kianfar G B S S 2D R F E SRLP MP
Scholz, Jaehn, and G B S S 2D R M U OFLP MP
Junker (2010)
Singh and Singh (2010) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b
Yew Wong and Chiak G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.f
See (2010)


Kulturel-Konak and G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Konak (2011a)
Alsyouf et al. (2012) R B S S 2D R V U OFLP EK
Datta, Amaral, and G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Figueira (2011)
Eben-Chaime, Bechar, G B S S 2D R F E MRLP EK
and Baron (2011)
González-Cruz and G B S S 2D R,I V U OFLP MP 1.a
Martínez (2011)
Jankovits et al. (2011) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Ku, Hu, and Wang G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 3.a
Kulturel-Konak and G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Konak (2011b)
Kumar et al. (2011) G D S S 2D R F E SRLP MP
Maniya and Bhatt G B S S 2D R - E,U all -
Park et al. (2011) G D S M 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Şahin (2011) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.j
Singh and Singh (2011) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b

Table 2. Continued.

Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Taghavi and Murat G D S S 2D R V U SRLP MP 2.a

Tuzkaya et al. (2013) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Vasudevan and Son R B S S 2D R F U OFLP EK
Yang, Chang, and Yang G B S S 2D R F E MRLP EK
Cheng and Lien (2012a) G B S M 2D R F E MRLP MP
Lee and Tseng (2012) R B S S 2D R V E,U OFLP MP 4.a
Aiello, La Scalia, and G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Enea (2012)
Altuntas and Selim G D S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 4.f
Amaral and Letchford G B S S 2D R F E SRLP MP 3.d
Bernardi and Anjos G B S M 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a, 2.i
Bozer and Wang (2012) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Cheng and Lien G B S S,M 2D R F E MRLP MP
Ulutas and Kulturel- G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 3.i
Konak (2012)
Hale, Huq, and Hipkin G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Hungerländer and G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Rendl (2013)
Kaveh, Shakouri, and G B S,M S,M 2D R F E MRLP MP
Zolfaghari (2012)
Krishnan et al. (2012) G B,D S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Kulturel-Konak (2012) G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Lee (2012) R B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP 4.a
Liu and Sun (2012) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
McDowell and Huang R D S S 2D R F E,U OFLP EK
Mohamadghasemi G B S S 2D R,I V U OFLP SP 1.a
and Hadi-Vencheh
Navidi, Bashiri, and G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Messi Bidgoli (2012)
Palubeckis (2012) G B S S 2D R F E SRLP MP
Yang, Deuse, and Jiang G B S S 2D R F U MRLP MP
Garcia-Hernandez et al. G B S S 2D R F U MRLP MP
Kothari and Ghosh G B S S 2D R F E,U SRLP MP 3.d
Matai, Singh, and G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Mittal (2013a)
Table 2. Continued.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Aiello, La Scalia, and G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Enea (2013)
Amaral (2013) G B S S 2D R F E,U PRLP MP 2.a
Kothari and Ghosh G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Kothari and Ghosh G B S S 2D R F E,U SRLP MP
Chang and Ku (2013) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Garcia-Hernandez et al. G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Garcia-Hernandez et al. G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 3.e
Hadi-Vencheh and G B S S 2D R V E,U OFLP SP 1.c
Hathhorn, Sisikoglu, G B S M 2D R V E,U OFLP MP 2.c
and Sir (2013)
Jabal-Ameli and G B,D S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP
Jahanshahloo et al. G B S S 2D R V E,U MRLP -
Javadi et al. (2013) G B,D S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Leno et al. (2012) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Jia et al. (2013) R D S S 2D R F U SRLP,MRLP MP 3.b
Jiang and Nee (2013) R D S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP 1.e


Khaksar-Haghani et al. G B S M 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b, 3.a
Kothari and Ghosh G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.d
Kulturel-Konak and G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Konak (2013)
Lenin et al. (2013) G D S S 2D R F E SRLP MP
Lin et al. (2015) G B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP EK
Matai, Singh, and G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b
Mittal (2013b)
Ou-Yang and Utamima G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Ripon et al. (2013) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Ulutas and Kulturel- G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Konak (2013)
Xiao, Seo, and Seo G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 1.b, 2.a, 3.d
Yang, Deuse, and Jiang R B S S 2D R - E,U MRLP -
Azadeh and Moradi G D S S 2D R F E,U OFLP SP 1.b

Table 2. Continued.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support

References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Moatari-Kazerouni, G,R B S S,M 2D R F E,U all MP
Chinniah, and Agard
Al-Hawari, Mumani, R B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP EK
and Momani (2014)
Altuntas, Selim, and R B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP
Dereli (2014)
Azadeh, Nazari, and R B S S 2D R V E,U OFLP EK 2.b
Charkhand (2015)
Bukchin and Tzur G B,D S S 2D R,I V E,U OFLP MP
Hong, Seo, and Xiao G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 2.a, 3.b
Hungerländer (2014) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.a
Jiang, Ong, and Nee R D S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP
Kaveh and Safari (2014) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Moatari-Kazerouni, R B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP
Chinniah, and Agard
Neghabi, Eshghi, and G B S S 2D R F E,U MRLP MP
Salmani (2014)
Potočnik et al. (2014) R D S S 2D R F E OFLP EK
Raja and Anbumalar G D S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Leno, Saravana Sankar, G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
and Ponnambalam
Zhao and Wallace G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.b
Zheng (2014) G B S S 2D R,I V U OFLP MP
Palubeckis (2015a) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Caputo et al. (2015) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Garcia-Hernandez et al. G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP
Ghassemi Tari and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.a
Neghabi (2015)
Gonçalves and Resende G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.c, 3.b
Helber et al. (2016) G B M M 2D R F U MRLP MP 2.a
Hungerländer and G B S S 2D R F E SRLP, DRLP, PRLP, MRLP MP 2.a, 3.a
Anjos (2015)
Lee (2015) G D S M 2D R F U OFLP MP
Matai (2015) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Table 2. Continued.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Palubeckis (2015b) G B S S 2D R F E SRLP MP 3.b
Qudeiri et al. (2015) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Salmani, Eshghi, and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Neghabi (2015)
Saraswat, Venkatadri, G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
and Castillo (2015)
Tasadduq, Imam, and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Ahmad (2015)
Zhao and Wallace G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Ahmadi and Akbari G B S S,M 2D R M U OFLP MP 2.a, 2.h
Jokar (2016)
Alves, de Medeiros, and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Ofelia de Queiroz
Anjos and Vieira (2016) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a, 2.f
Azadeh et al. (2016) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP SP 1.c
Chae and Regan (2016) G B S S 2D R M U OFLP MP 2.a
Che, Zhang, and Feng G B S M 2D R F U MRLP MP 2.a, 3.b
Choi, Kim, and Chung G B S S 2D R V E,U OFLP MP
Glenn and Vergara R B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.k
Guan and Lin (2016) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.b
Horta, Coelho, and G B S M 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.a


Relvas (2016)
Hou, Li, and Wang G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Huang and Wong G B S S 2D R,I V U OFLP MP 2.c
Ingole and Singh G B S S 2D R F U MRLP MP
Kim, Yu, and Jang G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 4.g
Neghabi and Ghassemi G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.a
Tari (2016)
Paes, Pessoa, and Vidal G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 3.b
Palubeckis (2017) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.b
Rubio-Sánchez et al. G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Sharma and Singhal G B S S 2D R - E,U all -
Sikaroudi and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Shahanaghi (2016)

Table 2. Continued.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1

Xiao et al. (2016) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Zhou et al. (2017) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Asef-Vaziri, Jahan- G B S S 2D R M U LLP MP 3.a
dideh, and Modarres
Asef-Vaziri and Kazemi G B S S 2D R,I F U LLP MP 2.a
Azimi and Soofi (2017) G D S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Defersha and Hodiya G,R B S S 2D I V U OFLP MP 2.a
Gai and Ji (2019) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.b, 5.b
Ghassemi Tari and G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.a
Neghabi (2018)
Grobelny and Michalski G B S S 2D R F E,U OFLP MP
Kang and Chae (2017) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 3.c
Latifi, Mohammadi, R B S S 3D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
and Khakzad (2017)
Ning and Li (2018) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Palomo-Romero, G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 3.e
Salas-Morera, and
Safarzadeh and Koosha G B S S 2D R F U MRLP MP 3.a
Tubaileh and Siam G D S S 2D R F U SRLP, DRLP, MRLP MP 3.a
Xie et al. (2018) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Park and Seo (2019) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.b
Feng et al. (2018) G B,D S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.a, 3.b
Allahyari and Azab G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Brunoro Ahumada, G B S S 2D R F E OFLP MP
Quddus, and
Mannan (2018)
Durmusoglu (2018) G B S S 2D R - E,U all -
Ejeh, Liu, and G B S M 3D R F U OFLP MP 2.a
Feng and Che (2018) G B S S 2D R F E,U MRLP MP 2.a
Friedrich, Klausnitzer, G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 3.c
and Lasch (2018)
Jeong and Seo (2018) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.b
Kalita and Datta (2018) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.d
Kang, Kim, and Chae G B S S 2D R F U LLP MP 3.b
Table 2. Continued.
Problem Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Leno, Saravana Sankar, G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
and Ponnambalam
Liu et al. (2018) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.c
Nagarajan et al. (2018) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Park, Shin, and Won G D S M 3D R F U OFLP MP 2.d
Sun et al. (2018) G B S S 2D R F U MRLP MP 3.d
Wang et al. (2018) G B S S,M 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Wu et al. (2018) G B S M 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.c
Hu and Yang (2019) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Vázquez-Román et al. G B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2a, 2d, 2.e, 5.c
Abdollahi, Aslam, and G B S S 2D R,I V U OFLP SP 1.d
Yazdi (2019)
Chen et al. (2019) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.h
Cravo and Amaral G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 3.d
de Lira-Flores et al. G B,D S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 2.d
Fogliatto et al. (2019) R D S S 2D R F U OFLP EK
Gulsen, Murray, and G D S S 2D R F U DRLP MP 2.g
Smith (2019)
Kim and Chae (2019) G B S M 2D R V U LLP MP 3.c
Klausnitzer and Lasch G,R B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a


Kovacs (2019) R D S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
la Scalia et al. (2019) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 3.a
Le, Dao, and Chaabane G B S S 2D R F E OFLP MP
Lin and Wang (2019) G B S S 2D R F U OFLP EK
Liu and Liu (2019) G B S S 2D R V U OFLP MP
Ramirez Drada„ G,R B S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 1.a
Chud Pantoja, and
Orejuela Cabrera
Singh and Ingole G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Suhardi, Juwita, and R D S S 2D R F E MRLP EK 4.c
Astuti (2019)
Yang et al. (2019) G B S S 2D R F U SRLP MP 2.c
Zhang et al. (2019) G B S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Garcia-Hernandez et al. G B S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 3.e
1 Decision-support tools: 1) Computer-aided layout planning tools: 1.a (CRAFT), 1.b (VIP-PLANOPT); 1.c (SPIRAL), 1.d (ALDEP), 1.e (AFLP System); 2) Optimization solvers: 2.a (CPLEX), 2.b (LINGO), 2.c (GUROBI), 2.d (DICOPT), 2.e
(CONOPT), 2.f (SNOPT), 2.g (COUENNE), 2.h (KNITRO), 2.i (MINOS), 2.j (BARON), 2.k (SBB); 3) Programming languages: 3.a (MATLAB), 3.b (C++), 3.c (JAVA), 3.d (C), 3.e (Python), 3.f (Visual Basic .NET), 3.g (Tcl/Tk), 3.h (C#), 3.i
(DELPHI), 3.j (FORTRAN 90), 3.k (Visual Basic for App); 4) Simulation software: 4.a (VISSIM), 4.b (@Risk), 4.c (ARENA), 4.d (Enterprise Dynamics), 4.e (AIM), 4.f (ProModel), 4.g (Automod), 4.h (Expert fit); 5) Computer-aided design
software: 5.a (AUTOCAD), 5.b (CorelDraw), 5.c (TROL).

Table 3. An overview of the FLP considering a dynamic planning approach.

Problem Planning Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase approach facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
McKendall and G B F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.b
Hakobyan (2010)
Madhusudanan Pillai, G B R S S 2D R F E OFLP MP 3.a
Hunagund, and
Krishnan (2011)
YYang, Chuang, and G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.d
Hsu (2011)
Abedzadeh et al. (2013) G B F S S 2D R V U MRLP MP 2.a, 3.a
Guan et al. (2012) G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Jolai, Tavakkoli- G B F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Moghaddam, and
Taghipour (2012)
Kia et al. (2012) G B,D F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b
McKendall and Liu G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Azimi and Saberi (2013) G B F S S 2D R F U MRLP MP 3.a, 4.d
Emami and Nookabadi G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.j 2.k, 3.a
Hosseini-Nasab and G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.b
Emami (2013)
Kaveh, Dalfard, and G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Amiri (2014)
Kia et al. (2013) G D F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b, 3.f
Mazinani, Abedzadeh, G B F S S 2D R M U MRLP MP
and Mohebali (2013)
Samarghandi, G B F S S 2D R F U MRLP MP
Taabayan, and
Behroozi (2013)
Chen (2013) G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Bozorgi, Abedzadeh, G B F S S 2D R F E SRLP MP
and Zeinali (2015)
Chen and Lo (2014) G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Hosseini, Al Khaled, G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
and Vadlamani
Kia et al. (2014) G,R B F S M 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.a
Kulturel-Konak and G B C S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Konak (2015)
Nematian (2014) G B R S S 2D R F U SRLP MP
Pourvaziri and Naderi G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Table 3. Continued
Problem Planning Planning Number of Number Space Department Department Department Material handling Layout generation Decision-support
References type phase approach facilities of floors consideration shape dimensions area configuration approach tools1
Derakhshan Asl and G B F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.a
Wong (2017)
Kheirkhah, Navidi, and G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Bidgoli (2015)
Li et al. (2015) G,R B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Ulutas and Attila Islier G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Zarea Fazlelahi et al. G B R S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Hosseini and G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Seifbarghy (2016)
Pourvaziri and Pierreval G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
Tayal and Singh (2018) G D F S S 2D R F E SRLP MP 3.c
Kumar and Singh G B,D F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 2.b
Liu et al. (2017) G B F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.c
Moslemipour, Lee, and G B R S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Loong (2017)
Vitayasak, G B F S S 2D R F U MRLP MP 3.g
and Hicks (2017)


Xiao et al. (2017) G B F S S 2D R,I V U OFLP MP 2.a
Kulturel-Konak (2017) G B F S S 2D R V U OFLP MP 2.a
Li, Tan, and Li (2018) G D F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP
Peng et al. (2018) G B R S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Turanoğlu and Akkaya G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a
Vitayasak and G D F S S 2D R F U MRLP MP 3.g
Pongcharoen (2018)
Al Hawarneh, Bendak, G B F M S 2D R F E MRLP MP 3.a, 5.a
and Ghanim (2019)
Pournaderi, Ghezavati, G B F S S 2D R F E MRLP MP
and Mozafari (2019)
Wei, Yuan, and Ye G D F S S 2D R F U OFLP MP 3.c
1 Decision-support tools: 1) Computer-aided layout planning tools: 1.a (CRAFT), 1.b (VIP-PLANOPT); 1.c (SPIRAL), 1.d (ALDEP), 1.e (AFLP System); 2) Optimization solvers: 2.a (CPLEX), 2.b (LINGO), 2.c (GUROBI), 2.d (DICOPT), 2.e
(CONOPT), 2.f (SNOPT), 2.g (COUENNE), 2.h (KNITRO), 2.i (MINOS), 2.j (BARON), 2.k (SBB); 3) Programming languages: 3.a (MATLAB), 3.b (C++), 3.c (JAVA), 3.d (C), 3.e (Python), 3.f (Visual Basic .NET), 3.g (Tcl/Tk), 3.h (C#), 3.i
(DELPHI), 3.j (FORTRAN 90), 3.k (Visual Basic for App); 4) Simulation software: 4.a (VISSIM), 4.b (@Risk), 4.c (ARENA), 4.d (Enterprise Dynamics), 4.e (AIM), 4.f (ProModel), 4.g (Automod), 4.h (Expert fit); 5) Computer-aided design
software: 5.a (AUTOCAD), 5.b (CorelDraw), 5.c (TROL).


Like Hosseini-Nasab et al. (2018), the literature review Most of the reviewed research works considered the
performed in this article showed that in the past 10 years, facility layout design in a single building and/or on a
the FLP dynamic planning approach has had less reper- single floor. In practice however, large firms often con-
cussion in the scientific literature than the static approach sider more than one floor, and even several buildings, to
(SFLP) because only 44 of the 232 articles (18.97%) perform their operations. Only two research works con-
included it. According to Peng et al. (2018), dynamic lay- templated several buildings simultaneously in SFLP (Hel-
outs can be classified into flexible and robust layouts. ber et al. 2016; Kaveh, Shakouri, and Zolfaghari 2012),
However, according to our literature review, a decision and only one article did so in DFLP (Al Hawarneh, Ben-
was made to include cyclic layouts into these categories. dak, and Ghanim 2019). For SFLP, 18 works considered
When planning flexible layouts, an optimum arrange- several floors when planning the layout, but only one con-
ment scheme is designed for each time period to min- templated these conditions in a dynamic setting (Kia et al.
imise not only the total costs of transporting materials, 2014).
but also those related to re-layouts of facilities. These Although one of the classic principles of facility lay-
dynamic layouts have been more frequently dealt with out is to make as much use of space in industrial facilities
in the literature in the past decade (38 of 44 articles: as possible, the tridimensional space in FLP has scarcely
86.36%). been considered. In fact only three works actually con-
Kulturel-Konak and Konak (2015) introduced cyclic templated this requirement in the SFLP context (Ejeh,
layouts as a special dynamic layouts case. With this Liu, and Papageorgiou 2018; Latifi, Mohammadi, and
approach, the planning horizon is divided into T peri- Khakzad 2017; Park, Shin, and Won 2018), and no work
ods, t = 1, . . . , T. After period T, the material flow did so in the DFLP domain. All the other reviewed works
matrix among departments returns to its initial state in this study considered space only from a bidimensional
during period t = 1. Apart from product demand, the viewpoint.
area requirements of some departments may also change Figure 4 depicts how articles were distributed accord-
seasonally. ing to the area, shape and dimensions of departments.
In the robust design approach is considered a single Departments can be regularly or irregularly shaped
layout outline for the whole planning horizon, with dif- (Ahmadi, Pishvaee, and Jokar 2017). In the first case,
ferent stochastic demand scenarios (Moslemipour, Lee, which appeared more often in the literature (222 articles,
and Loong 2017). In fact as this unique design is used 95.69%), departments were rectangular (Drira, Pierreval,
for each time period, this approach incurs no reorgani- and Hajri-Gabouj 2007). Irregularly shaped departments
sation cost. The robust design is not necessarily an opti- were generally polygons whose summed inner angles
mum design for a given time period, but proves suitable
throughout the temporary planning horizon as it min-
imises the cost of transporting materials (Madhusudanan
Pillai, Hunagund, and Krishnan 2011). So the advantage
of the robust approach is that it does not incur reorgani-
sation costs, while its disadvantage lies in it not being an
optimum design for each time period (Peng et al. 2018).
This method is suitable for settings with a high facilities
re-layout cost (Moslemipour, Lee, and Loong 2017), such
as those firms that need heavy machinery to perform
their operations. Despite its importance, this approach
has scarcely appeared in the literature about DFLP in the
past 10 years (5 of 44 articles, 11.36%).

3.3. Characteristics of facilities

Both complexity and the FLP solution method depend
on the characteristics of facilities to a great extent. For
example with FLP, it is essential to start with previous
knowledge about the number of buildings and floors
required inside buildings to perform normal industrial
operations, as well as the shape, area and dimensions of Figure 4. Distribution of publications based on the a) shape, b)
departments. area, c) and dimensions of departments.

came to at least 270° (Drira, Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj single-row layout problem, SRLP; double-row layout
2007; Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018). Of all the works deal- problem, DRLP; parallel-row layout problem, PRLP;
ing with irregular shapes, one considered departments multi-row layout problem, MRLP; loop layout problem,
to be hexagons (Chung and Tanchoco 2010), while the LLP; open-field layout problem, OFLP. In them we do not
rest contemplated rectangular departments combined to include the multi-floor layout classification (multi-floor
others in the form of non-convex polygons (Asef-Vaziri layout problem, MFLP), which Hosseini-Nasab et al.
and Kazemi 2018; Bukchin and Tzur 2014; Defersha and (2018) consider, because it is believed that each floor
Hodiya 2017). can have any of the six afore-mentioned configurations.
Regarding areas when planning layouts, departments Nonetheless, the MFLP criterion was independently con-
with exactly equal or different areas can be considered sidered in the FLP classification in accordance with the
(Feng and Che 2018), and using discrete or continuous number of floors (Figure 3).
optimisation models depends on what these areas are like Figure 6 shows the frequency with which these con-
(Allahyari and Azab 2018). figurations are dealt with considering that some articles
Three categories were found for department dimen- have contemplated more than one scheme. As shown
sions: fixed or flexible (Xiao et al. 2017) and mixed. For below, OFLP is the most widespread configuration when
fixed dimensions, the problem is formulated according studying SFLP with 53.19% of cases, followed by MRLP
to the assumption that the width and length of depart- with 32.98%. In DFLP, MRLP stands out with 70.45%,
ments must remain intact when arranged in space. When followed next by OFLP with 22.73%. The LLP, DRLP
dimensions are considered flexible, the width and length and PRLP configurations have received very little atten-
of departments may vary within a pre-set interval during tion under the static planning approach, and no attention
the arrangement process. This variation can be controlled under the dynamic approach.
by aspect ratios (proportion between the longest side and
the shortest side of each department) (Abdollahi, Aslam,
and Yazdi 2019; Friedrich, Klausnitzer, and Lasch 2018; 3.5. Problem type
Liu and Liu 2019), area ratios (the minimum proportion As Figure 3 depicts, layouts can be planned for com-
that the department area must occupy to the total avail- pletely new plants, which are often called greenfield lay-
able area) (Gai and Ji 2019), by ensuring a minimum area out designs, or in existing plants, which implies talk-
(Xie et al. 2018) or by defining the pre-set interval for ing about re-layout. In the literature, more attention
length or width for departments (Neghabi, Eshghi, and has been generally paid to the first case, where the
Salmani 2014; Garcia-Hernandez et al. 2019). layout plan is designed without the influence of the
restrictions that normally occur when doing so in an
existing facility. Despite its limited importance in the
3.4. Materials handling system configuration
literature, the re-layout problem is more frequent in
As seen in Figure 5, according to how the system practice (Kulturel-Konak 2007). Of all the bibliographic
to transport materials is configured, six facility lay- sources consulted in this research work, only 11.21%
out categories are defined (Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018): dealt with the second problem (26 articles). Problem

Figure 5. Facilities layout based on the material handling system configuration.


Figure 6. Distribution of publications based on the material handling system configuration.

type, as an FLP classification criterion, was not consid- (MP) has been traditionally covered in-depth as an
ered in any former review work as far as the authors approach to achieve optimum distribution or a set
know (Drira, Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj 2007; Her- of acceptable solutions with different FLP variants.
agu 1992; Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018; Kouvelis, Chiang, Nonetheless, our literature review identified research
and Kiran 1992; Kouvelis and Kiran 1991; Maganha, works that dealt with other approaches for the same
Silva, and Ferreira 2019; Meller and Gau 1996; Singh and objective, such as computer-aided planning tools (SP) or
Sharma 2006). experts’ knowledge (EK). We stress that some research
works on FLP did not begin by generating layout alter-
natives, but focused exclusively on testing new assess-
3.6. Approaches for layout generation ment approaches for the alternatives generated in former
As far as the authors are aware, no approaches for gen- research works (Chung and Tanchoco 2010; Durmusoglu
erating alternatives have been identified or dealt with on 2018; Jahanshahloo et al. 2013; Maniya and Bhatt 2011;
the whole in any previous review study in the FLP context Yang, Deuse, and Jiang 2013b). Figure 7 (a) distributes the
(Heragu 1992; Kouvelis and Kiran 1991; Kouvelis, Chi- articles that contemplated approaches to generate alter-
ang, and Kiran 1992; Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018; Drira, natives for both SFLP and DFLP. Given their relevance,
Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj 2007; Singh and Sharma FLP formulation approaches using MP are dealt with
2006; Meller and Gau 1996). Mathematical programming separately in Section 4 herein.

Figure 7. Distribution of publications according to the a) layout generation approach, b) and layout evaluation approach.

4. Mathematical modelling of FLP b.2. Qualitative. The objective function is cate-

gorically measured
When generating layout alternatives, MP was the most
(b) Multi-objective. When two objective functions
widely used method in the reviewed literature. This
or more are considered to form part of the
section explains the current trends in FLP mathemati-
cal modelling. Figure 8 shows the characteristics of the
(3) Data type. It refers to the deterministic or non-
identified approaches according to the following classi-
deterministic nature of the model’s parameters
fication criteria: problem representation; nature of the
and/or variables.
objective function; data type; considering demand cer-
(a) Deterministic. The values assigned to the
tainty or demand uncertainty; the employed distance
model’s parameters are certainly known
metrics; the considered solution approach. These criteria
(b) Non-deterministic. The values of parameters are
are described below:
unknown, so it is assumed that they can take
values stochastically or by fuzzy sets
(1) Problem representation. It refers to using discrete
(4) Demand. It refers to whether demand is certain or
or continuous representation when formulating
the FLP through mathematical programming-based
(a) Certain. When demand is known beforehand
(b) Uncertain. When demand is unknown
(a) Discrete. The plant floorspace is divided into
(5) Distance metrics. This is the way the distance
blocks of equal area and dimensions so that
between the points where materials are picked up
departments can be assigned to one block or
and dropped off from different production areas of
departments is measured
(b) Continuous. Departments can be located any-
(a) Rectilinear. It is the sum of the differences
where in the continuous floorspace
between the coordenates of two points expres
(2) Objective function type. It refers to the mathematical
sed in absolute values
description of the objective that is to be maximised
(b) Euclidean. It represents the distance in a straight
or minimised, and is subject to a set of constraints.
line between two points
(a) Single-objective. When optimising a single-
(c) Squared Euclidean. Euclidean distance that is
objective function is the aim
b.1. Quantitative. The objective function can be
quantitatively measured

Figure 8. Characteristics of the FLP mathematical models.


(d) Chebychev. The bigger difference between the depicts how these 209 articles were distributed accord-
coordinates of two points on any of their dimen- ing to the codes defined for each classification category
sions in Figure 8.
(e) Contour-based. The distance that separates the
points where materials are picked up and
4.1. Problem representation
dropped off between two departments along its
perimeter or contour When formulating the FLP mathematical optimisation
(f) Flow path-based. The distance separating where model, characterising the problem a priori in accor-
materials are picked up and dropped off in dance with the categories specified within the conceptual
two departments along the pre-set material flow framework presented in Figure 3 is recommended. In
path particular, the shape and area of departments can be
(6) Solution approach. It refers to the method employed especially relevant because whether a discrete or contin-
to solve the mathematical model. uous representation modelling approach is applied will
(a) Exact. An optimal solution is determined depend on this (Allahyari and Azab 2018). When con-
(b) Approximate. It includes a series of heuris- templating regular-shaped equal-area departments, the
tic and metaheuristic methods by means of problem can be formulated using discrete mathemati-
which solutions can be obtained that are not cal models for the common objective to optimally assign
necessarily optimum in acceptable calculation n departments to n set and discrete locations known
times a priori to, for example, minimise the cost of trans-
b.1. Construction algorithms. This refers to porting materials (Xiao et al. 2017). In such cases, the
those heuristic algorithms that generate a sin- most widely used optimisation model was the quadratic
gle design from scratch by selecting and locating assignment problem (QAP) introduced by Koopmans
departments successively to obtain a complete and Beckmann (1957). For a deeper understanding of the
layout outline formulation of this model as well as its resolution strate-
b.2. Improvement algorithms. They include the gies, readers are referred to Frieze and Yadegar (1983),
heuristic algorithms that start with an initial Cela (1998), Nehi and Gelareh (2007), and Loiola et al.
solution and attempt to improve it iteratively by (2007).
changing locations of departments to obtain an Moreover when assuming that departments are irreg-
outline to which no improvements can be made ularly shaped and/or have different area requirements,
b.3. Metaheuristics. This encompasses the set they can be located anywhere in a planar continuous
of algorithms used to obtain approximate solu- space available in the facilities to avoid overlapping
tions for complex combinatorial optimisation departments (la Scalia et al. 2019), among other rele-
problems that cannot be efficiently solved by vant constraints. In this case, the problem’s complexity
classic heuristic algorithms. They employ dif- even increases for situations in which only a few depart-
ferent concepts that derive from artificial intelli- ments are to be arranged (Xiao et al. 2017), and tend
gence, biological evolution and statistical mech- to be generally formulated by continuous representation
anisms modelling approaches. It is sometimes possible to divide
(c) Stochastic. Simulation is employed by scenarios departments into common area units (unit cells) and use
to supplement other solution approaches a discrete approach to deal with the problem (Allahyari
(d) Matheuristic. Algorithms that derive from and Azab 2018; Huang and Wong 2017).
metaheuristics and MP techniques interope- In the reviewed literature, the most widely used MP
rating approaches in FLP modelling with continuous represen-
(e) Intelligent. Expert or artificial neural networks tation for departments with unequal areas were mixed
are used integer non-linear programming (MINLP) (Gulsen,
(f) Hybrid approaches. Two or more previous Murray, and Smith 2019; Vázquez-Román et al. 2019;
approaches are employed Yang et al. 2019) in 52.46% of the cases, and mixed
integer linear programming (MILP) (Allahyari and Azab
The 209 contributions made to FLP as a mathemati- 2018; Ejeh, Liu, and Papageorgiou 2018; Kia et al. 2014;
cal optimisation problem are classified in line with these Klausnitzer and Lasch 2019; Xiao et al. 2017) with
criteria in Appendix 1 for SFLP, and also in Appendix approximately 28%. Albeit less frequently, non-linear
2 for DFLP. Likewise, the objective functions and con- programing (NLP) was also used (Anjos and Vieira 2016;
straints contemplated when formulating the problem are Ahmadi and Akbari Jokar 2016; Zhenyuan et al. 2011),
summarised for each case. Figure 9, on the other hand, as were: linear integer programming (LIP) (Friedrich,

Figure 9. Distribution of publications according to the problem representation, objective function, data type, demand, distance metrics
and solution approach.

Klausnitzer, and Lasch 2018; Asef-Vaziri and Kazemi a domino effect, like fires or explosions; (25) symmetry-
2018; Samarghandi and Eshghi 2010) and linear pro- breaking constraints; (26) location of departments adja-
gramming (LP) (Gai and Ji 2019; Y. J. Xiao et al. 2016; cent to flow paths; (27) connectivity constraints; (28) area
Kulturel-Konak 2012). occupied by pumping systems; (29) heat exchanger group
Generally speaking, the models proposed in FLP constraint; (30) safety instrumented system’s life cycle
mathematical formulations were subject (see Appendix cost; (31) machine availability; (32) number of machines
1 and Appendix 2) to some of these constraints: (1) per department; (33) transport time.
budget; (2) area; (3) capacity; (4) non-overlapping; (5) Readers are referred to Appendix 3 for some optimi-
location of pick up and drop off points; (6) orientation sation FLP model formulations.
of departments; (7) clearance among departments; (8)
closeness of departments; (9) ordering of departments;
(10) distance between departments; (11) minimum safety 4.2. Objective function
distance; (12) quantity of floors; (13) aspect ratio; (14) In the reviewed literature, the minimised objective func-
number of lifts; (15) tridimensional space; (16) location tions were: (a) materials handling cost; (b) rearrangement
of machines; (17) material flow conservation; (18) level of cost; (c) construction cost; (d) flow distance; (e) flow
proximity among departments; (19) number of material path length; (f) transport time; (g) work flow; (h) per-
handling devices; (20) work in process; (21) material flow sonnel flow; (i) work in process; (j) total layout area; (k)
demand; (22) length of the piping system to transport flu- space demand; (l) space among departments; (m) aspect
ids; (23) release of toxic gases; (24) hazardous events with ratio; (n) land cost; (o) costs related to material handling

equipment; (p) costs related to workplace security risks; another/other objective/s worse, and there is no abso-
(q) costs related to machinery operations; (r) risk level lute solution in these cases to simultaneously optimise all
associated with the hazardous materials and waste path; objectives (Aiello, La Scalia, and Enea 2013). The mathe-
(s) makespan; (t) energy losses; (u) financial risk; (v) lost matical process to seek a compromise solution is known
opportunity costs; (w) occupational health/safety risks; as multi-objective optimisation (Ripon et al. 2013; Aiello,
(x) number of machines arranged in a linear sequence; La Scalia, and Enea 2013). In the reviewed literature, only
(y) entropy. one fifth of the articles published in the SFLP context
The maximised objective functions were: (A) the dealt with the problem by multi-objective optimisation
closeness rating among departments; (B) the decision models, and 29.55% did so in the DFLP domain.
maker’s level of satisfaction; (C) distance requests among
departments; (D) the hazardous movement; (E) the total
4.3. Data type
material flow among adjancent departments; (F) the area
utilisation ratio; (G) work stations’ utilisation ratio; (H) When solving FLP mathematical optimisation models,
the level of preference for assigning facilities to spaces; (J) some parameters are included for the cost/profit coeffi-
the level of preference in relation to interactivity among cients of the objective function that are related to materi-
departments. als flow, distance covered and unit transport cost, among
Approximately 78% of the reviewed articles that had others, which might be known, or not, a priori. When
formulated FLP as a mathematical optimisation problem these input data are not known exactly, they need to be
had considered a single-objective function of those pre- estimated given their non-deterministic nature. To do so,
viously cited (163 of the 209 articles), which were either simulated data have been used in the literature about FLP
quantitative or qualitative (see Appendix 1 and Appendix (Peng et al. 2018; Brunoro Ahumada, Quddus, and Man-
2). The present work distinguished between these two nan 2018; Azimi and Soofi 2017), as have fuzzy sets with
categories because some objective functions referenced different membership functions (Safarzadeh and Koosha
in the literature represent variables that can be mea- 2017; Gai and Ji 2019; Nematian 2014).
sured on a ratio scale, which confers it its quantitative
nature, whereas some objective functions denote vari-
4.4. Demand type
ables measured on an ordinal categorical scale and are,
thus, classified as qualitative. Demand is a fundamental parameter of production plan-
Minimising the total materials handling cost (MHC) ning models, and the material flow between production
is the most widespread objective function in FLP opti- departments depends directly on it which is, in turn, an
misation models (62.68%), followed by flow distance essential parameter in most FLP mathematical optimisa-
minimisation (24.4%), rearrangement cost minimisation tion models. The more intense the material flow is among
(19.62%), maximisation of the closeness rating among the activity centres participating in the worked object’s
departments (10%), and minimisation of the costs related processing, the closer the proximity must be among them
to material handling equipment (8.13%). to reduce MHC as much as possible. Thus any mistake
Within industrial companies, MHC is a key factor for in estimating demand could lead to an insufficient lay-
obtaining optimum layouts (Singh and Ingole 2019), and out in relation to these costs (Jithavech and Krishnan
has been the most widely used quantitative-type objective 2010).
function to find optimum or suboptimum FLP solutions When considering the re-layout of existing plants,
in the last 10 years (131 articles). When solving any FLP quite accurate demand information may become avail-
problem however, taking quantitative factors as a single- able. Therefore, the volumes of the deterministic materi-
objective function can generate solutions that are not als flow for the whole planning horizon can be identified
necessarily feasible because qualitative factors in some through production plans. In such cases, demand is con-
industrial contexts and services can be more relevant, sidered to be known, and spatially laying out the elements
such as closeness ratings among departments, flexibility making up the production system is facilitated in the
or security. available space inside industrial facilities. Nonetheless,
Simultaneously considering both types of factors as when layout is planned for completely new facilities and
part of a mathematical optimisation model normally the company possesses no previous information about
requires seeking a compromise solution that falls in line how demand behaves, production plans begin by estimat-
with the decision maker’s preferences (Le, Dao, and ing demand under uncertainty conditions. In production
Chaabane 2019; Che, Zhang, and Feng 2017). This occurs planning models, uncertainty is modelled by using prob-
because the objectives to be optimised often clash (Ripon ability distributions, fuzzy sets, stochastic approaches and
et al. 2013); that is, improving an objective can make robust approaches (Díaz-Madroñero, Mula, and Peidro

2014). Given the strategical-tactical planning interrela- rectilinear or euclidean distances can generate pseudo-
tion in production and layout planning, the complex- optimal solutions with significantly lower total MHC
ity of FLP and, therefore, its modelling and solution than those incurred in real production systems where
approaches, depend on demand being certain or uncer- flow covers the distance separating the pick up/drop
tain and its variability throughout the planning horizon off points between each pair of departments along its
to a great extent. perimeter or contour (metric CB), or along the pre-
In the revised literature on FLP, 93.3% of works began set material flow path (metric FB). These last two
by assuming that demand was known beforehand and, approaches were two of the least frequently employed in
therefore, the material flow was deterministic. Some the literature.
authors resorted to simulation by considering several sce-
narios to describe the effect of fluctuating demand on
5. Solution approach
the material flow (Peng et al. 2018). Other authors mod-
elled demand uncertainty by assuming demand to exactly FLP is classified as a non-polynomial hard prob-
fit a continuous probability distribution with a known lem according to the computational complexity theory
mean and variance that could be uniform (Jithavech because no algorithm exists that provides an optimal
and Krishnan 2010), beta (Zhao and Wallace 2014), solution in an reasonable polynomial time (Grobelny and
normal (Moslemipour, Lee, and Loong 2017; Tayal and Michalski 2017). Despite this degree of complexity, some
Singh 2018) or exponential (Vitayasak, Pongcharoen, and authors have contributed acceptable solutions with real-
Hicks 2017; Vitayasak and Pongcharoen 2018). To the istic calculation times by applying a range of techniques,
same end, the queueing theory (Pourvaziri and Pier- from exact techniques to last-generation heuristic ones.
reval 2017) or fuzzy sets with different membership func- The methods generally followed to seek optimal or
tions (Kaveh, Dalfard, and Amiri 2014; Samarghandi, quasi-optimal solutions for FLP can be classified as exact,
Taabayan, and Behroozi 2013) have also been used. approximate, stochastic and intelligent (Hosseini-Nasab
et al. 2018). As Figure 8 depicts, hybrid and matheuris-
tic approaches are added to these categories because they
4.5. Distance metrics
have been identified in the solution approaches put for-
As minimising total MHC is the most widespread objec- ward in the revised literature.
tive function in FLP optimisation models, the location of The approximate approaches corresponded to heuris-
the points in each department where materials are picked tic algorithms. In the FLP context, heuristic methods are
up and dropped off, plus the distance metrics to be con- classified as construction, improvement or metaheuris-
sidered, are fundamental. Generally speaking, total MHC tic algorithms (Drira, Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj 2007;
is determined by the summation of multiplying the cost Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018). In the past 10 years, the
of transporting one flow unit at one distance unit and most popular approximate methods to solve FLP optimi-
the total transported volume between the points at which sation models have been metaheuristic algorithms. In the
materials are picked up/dropped off in all the depart- reviewed literature, we identified that 28 of these algo-
ments that take part in the worked object’s processing rithms were applied in 68% of the articles that used dis-
(Komarudin and Wong 2010; McKendall and Liu 2012; crete mathematical optimisation models, and in 64.18%
Tubaileh and Siam 2017). Nonetheless, when modelling of those that employed continuous models. In general,
layout in facilities, it is often assumed that the points at the most frequently used algorithms were genetic algo-
which materials are picked up/dropped off are located in rithms, simulated annealing, particle swarm, tabu search,
the centroid of each department, and the distance among ant colony and variable neighbourhood search, which
these centroids determines the distance covered by the collectively corresponded to about 80% of all cases. A
work flow (Kovacs 2019; Xiao et al. 2016; Zhang et al. more detailed description of these algorithms for SFLP
2019). Figure 9 shows that this assumed case was the most and DFLP is found in Appendix 4. All the other iden-
widely used one in the reviewed literature. tified heuristic algorithms were chosen as the solution
Such assumptions are, however, incompatible with approach for 5.33% and 12.12% of the articles that used
most real-life layouts. It is more realistic to assume that discrete and continuous optimisation models, respec-
the points at which materials are picked up/dropped off tively.
would be located on the edges of departments, and the It is well-known that the FLP complexity level expo-
work flow would flow along the flow paths or circu- nentially increases according to the number of enti-
lation routes that interconnect them (Friedrich, Klaus- ties (departments, work cells, workstations, machines)
nitzer, and Lasch 2018; Leno, Saravana Sankar, and Pon- to be arranged (Vitayasak, Pongcharoen, and Hicks
nambalam 2018). Hence those models that contemplate 2017; Turanoğlu and Akkaya 2018). For this purpose,

the solution approaches that generate quasi-optimal or the authors of this work know, no matheuristic solution
approximate solutions were the most widespread in large- approaches appear in any of the more recent literature
scale problems. For a few entities however, exact solution review studies (Drira, Pierreval, and Hajri-Gabouj 2007;
approaches fulfilled their purpose in acceptable calcula- Heragu 1992; Hosseini-Nasab et al. 2018; Kouvelis, Chi-
tion times. Along these lines, it is stressed that Palubeckis ang, and Kiran 1992; Kouvelis and Kiran 1991; la Scalia,
(2012) successfully applied branch and bound (B&B) to a Micale, and Enea 2019; Maganha, Silva, and Ferreira
QAP solution for an SRLP problem with 35 departments, 2019; Meller and Gau 1996; Singh and Sharma 2006).
whereas Huang and Wong (2017) did so to solve an MILP
by contemplating an OFLP configuration for 11 depart-
6. Approaches for layout evaluation
ments. Asef-Vaziri and Kazemi (2018) applied branch
and cut (B&C) to solve an LIP model applied to the classic Assessments are important for identifying the best layout
problems put forward by other authors, which included among a finite set of alternatives generated by some of the
between 61 and 310 departments according to an LLP above-described approaches, or to even detect improve-
configuration. Hernández Gress et al. (2011) solved an ment opportunities in an already existing production sys-
MILP model for seven departments by following an tem’s productivity. The FLP approaches in the literature
OFLP outline using a block layout, while Amaral and have focused on generating layout alternatives and very
Letchford (2013) applied the same method along with few advances have been made in the assessment stage
B&C to solve an LP model, which they applied to several (Shahin and Poormostafa 2011). This is probably why
test problems with 5–30 departments with an SRLP out- very little attention has been paid to the re-layout of exist-
line. Hungerländer and Rendl (2013) and Hungerländer ing facilities because re-layout decisions are usually made
(2014) applied semidefinite relaxation to solve SDP mod- as a result of an assessment process when an existing lay-
els with an SRLP configuration. Hungerländer and Anjos out does not allow the objectives set by an organisation
(2015) followed a similar solution approach, which was to be met (Pérez-Gosende 2016).
also applied to DRLP, PRLP and MRLP configurations. In our work, 38 articles dealt with assessing facil-
Jankovits et al. (2011) used both semidefinite relaxation ity layout alternatives (16.38%). Towards this objec-
and convex relaxation to solve SDP models with an OFLP tive, these works employed simulation, data envelop-
configuration. ment analysis (DEA), non-linear programming models,
To the authors’ knowledge, in the revised literature (NLP), fuzzy constraint theory (f-TOC), simple criteria
the largest numbers of departments optimally arranged comparison (CC) or multicriteria decision making meth-
in a facility layout design according to the materials han- ods (MCDM). MCDM were the most widely used in the
dling system configuration were: 42 for SRLP (Hunger- literature (20 articles, 52.63%). The following methods
länder and Rendl 2013), 10 for DRLP (Hungerländer were found: AHP, (analytic hierarchy process), TOPSIS
and Anjos 2015), 23 for PRLP (Amaral 2013), 20 for (technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal
MRLP (Feng and Che 2018), 310 for LLP (Asef-Vaziri solution), ANP (analytic network process), ELECTRE
and Kazemi 2018), and 100 for OFLP (Anjos and Vieira (elimination et choix traduisant la realité), DEMATEL
2016). (decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory), PSI
An emerging approach to solve mathematical opti- (preference selection index) and SAW (simple additive
misation models that can be considered for FLP is weighting). Although some works followed more than
matheuristics; in other words, those algorithms that one method, Figure 7(b) shows how the articles that
derive from the metaheuristics and MP techniques inter- dealt with approaches to assess layout alternatives are
operation. Kulturel-Konak and Konak (2013) developed distributed.
a hybrid solution approach called GA/LP, which com- It is worth stressing that only two works evaluated
bines a genetic algorithm (GA) with LP to solve an layout alternatives in the DFLP context. The followed
MINLP model. Kulturel-Konak and Konak (2015) per- methods in these cases were TOPSIS (Emami and Nook-
formed a large-scale local search (LSLS) based on sim- abadi 2013) and DEA (Bozorgi, Abedzadeh, and Zeinali
ulated annealing (SA) hybridisation and MILP, which 2015).
they called LS-HSA. Kulturel-Konak (2017) created a
matheuristic solution approach based on variable neigh-
7. Decision-support tools
bourhood search (VNS) and SA combined with an
MINLP model that they called VNSAM. Feng et al. Decision-support tools can play a fundamental role in
(2018) implemented two hybrid approaches to solve an improving the capability of decision makers to evalu-
MINLP model by combining GA and SA, respectively, ate and decide how suitable different solution alterna-
with LP, which they named GALP and SALP. As far as tives can be regarding as pre-established goals or criteria

Table 4. Computer-aided layout planning tools.

Tool Brief description Reference
CRAFT Uses a distance-based improvement algorithm to search for a planar block layout for up to 40 departments. Armour and Buffa (1963)
Not available for commercial use.
ALDEP With an adjacency-based construction algorithm, the software can layout up to 63 departments on up to three Seehof et al. (1966)
floors. Not available for commercial use.
SPIRAL Uses an adjacency-based improvement algorithm to create a planar block layout of unequal-area departments. Goetschalckx (1992)
Not available for commercial use.
VIP-PLANOPT Web-accesible proprietary software based on a hybrid heuristic-analytical technique that allows high-quality Engineering Optimization
solutions to large-scale problems to be generated at a low computational cost. Software (2011)
AFLP system Augmented reality-based system for existing shopfloors detailed re-layout planning. Unsuitable for large-scale Jiang and Nee (2013)
problems. Not available for commercial use.

(Taticchi et al. 2015). In this context, when tackling FLPs the type of mathematical model used and its respective
five different groups of decision-support tools can be solution approach, were included. For space reasons, an
considered. Firstly, for those analysts interested in gener- extended version of this table, including additional fea-
ating several layout alternatives to select the most suitable tures (e.g. problem type, planning phase, type of material
one to their preferences, computer-aided layout planning handling system configuration, decision-support tools,
tools can be used. Secondly, for small-scale problems main results), can be found in Appendix 5.
formulated through mathematical programming models, Thirty per cent of the identified case studies corre-
optimisation solvers can be employed to find the opti- sponded to service systems: hospitals (Cheng and Lien
mal solution. A third group involves programming the 2012a; 2012b; Lin et al. 2015; Helber et al. 2016; Fogliatto
languages needed to code heuristic algorithms to find et al. 2019; Lin and Wang 2019); a courier terminal (Alsy-
approximate solutions to large-scale problems. A fourth ouf et al. 2012); an airport (Lee and Tseng 2012); a railway
group comprises simulation software to simulate non- station (Lee 2012); a pharmacy (McDowell and Huang
deterministic parameters in mathematical programming 2012); a hospital kitchen (Moatari-Kazerouni, Chinniah,
models or to evaluate performance in different layout sce- and Agard 2015b); an academic building (Che, Zhang,
narios. Last but not least, to gain intuitive impressions and Feng 2017); equine farms (Glenn and Vergara 2016);
of the obtained layout solutions, computer-aided design a distribution centre (Horta, Coelho, and Relvas 2016).
software can be useful for representing bidimensional or As for fabrication systems, chemical (17%), microelec-
tridimensional facility layout drawings. tronics (15%) and metalworking sector industries (11%)
According to the five aforementioned categories, all were the most widely addressed.
the decision-support tools used in the articles dealing The world’s most represented region in these real case
with SFLP and DFLP are, respectively, identified and clas- studies was East Asia with almost half the cases (49%). In
sified in Tables 2 and 3. Furthermore, given the relevance this region, the leading countries were China (21%), Tai-
of the first group of tools for practitioners, Table 4 briefly wan (15%) and South Korea (13%). Next, in descending
describes those used in the revised literature to gener- order, came Europe (19%), Western Asia (15%), North
ate layout alternatives. To know about any other software America (13%) and South America (4%).
available in previous research works, readers are referred It is also worth highlighting that 70% of the
to the review by Singh and Sharma (2006). cases addressed greenfield plant layout designs, 79%
planned block layouts, 94% contemplated constant prod-
uct demand throughout the planning horizon (i.e. SFLP)
8. Real-world applications
and 64% adopted an open-field materials handling
The reviewing process identified that almost 80% of the system configuration. Furthermore, 72% of the cases
papers (183 articles) dealt with FLP applied to hypotheti- used mathematical programming to generate layouts,
cal case studies (with randomly generated data) or classic mainly through QAP (24%) and MIP (36%) modelling
test problems from the literature. Only one fifth (47 arti- approaches, which were solved mostly with metaheuristic
cles) addressed real-world case studies. Table 5 shows algorithms (45%).
these applications classified according to industry sec-
tor and country. The number of case studies addressed
9. Discussion
in each article, the planning approach, the number of
entities subject to the arrangement process (e.g. depart- In today’s industrial context, industrial FLP must be flex-
ments, work cells, workstations, machines), the number ible enough in time to face uncertain demand, adopt
of obtained layout alternatives, the approach followed to new technologies, allow new processes to be set up and
both generate and evaluate such alternatives, as well as produce a large product nomenclature in increasingly
Table 5. Real-world FLP applications.

Industrial # Case Planning Layout generation Layout Layout evaluation Mathematical Solution
References sector Country studies approach Entities (n) approach candidates approach model approach
Alsyouf et al. (2012) m Sweden 1 S n = 14 EK 3 SAW

Eben-Chaime, Bechar, and Baron (2011) a Israel 1 S 376 ≤ n ≤ 410 EK 4 CC
Park et al. (2011) b Korea 2 S n = 7,10 MP 1 MILP E
Tuzkaya et al. (2013) c Turkey 1 S n = 19 MP QAP A(MH)
Vasudevan and Son (2011) d USA 1 S n=6 EK 4 SM
Yang, Chang, and Yang (2012) e Taiwan 1 S 1≤n≤ 4 EK 10 MCDM
Lee and Tseng (2012) m Taiwan 1 S n = 32 MP LP H(S,MH)
Cheng and Lien (2012a) m Taiwan 1 S n = 28 MP QAP A(MH)
Cheng and Lien (2012b) m Taiwan 1 S n = 28 MP QAP A(MH)
Lee (2012) m Taiwan 1 S n = 16 MP QAP H(S,MH)
McDowell and Huang (2012) m USA 1 S n = 15 EK 4 SAW
Garcia-Hernandez et al. (2013a) g,f Spain 2 S n = 11,12 MP 11,8 MILP A(MH)
Garcia-Hernandez et al. (2013b) g Spain 2 S n = 10,11 MP 9 MILP A(MH)
Hadi-Vencheh and Mohamadghasemi (2013) e Taiwan 1 S n = 10 SP 18 NLP
Jia et al. (2013) c China 1 S n = 12 MP 3 SM NLP H(A,S)
Lin et al. (2015) m China 1 S n = 17 EK 2 f-TOC
Azadeh and Moradi (2014) e Iran 1 S n = 10 SP 21 SM,AHP,
Al-Hawari, Mumani, and Momani (2014) h Jordan 1 S n = 18 EK 3 ANP,AHP
Azadeh, Nazari, and Charkhand (2015) b Iran 1 S n = 10 EK 45 DEA,SM
Hong, Seo, and Xiao (2014) e Korea 10 S 5 ≤ n ≤ 30 MP MILP E,A(IA)
Moatari-Kazerouni, Chinniah, and Agard (2015b) m Canada 1 S n = 12 MP LP H(CA,IA)
Ulutas and Attila Islier (2015) i Turkey 1 D n = 54 MP 4 QAP A(MH)
Helber et al. (2016) m Germany 1 S n = 28 MP QAP A(IA)
Lee (2015) b Korea 2 S n=7 MP MINLP A(MH)
Che, Zhang, and Feng (2017) m China 1 S n=8 MP 3 MILP A
Choi, Kim, and Chung (2017) j Korea 1 S n = 20 MP NLP A(MH)
Glenn and Vergara (2016) m U.S.A. 2 S n = 24,33 MP LP A(IA)
Horta, Coelho, and Relvas (2016) m Portugal 1 S not mentioned MP 3 LIP E
Hou, Li, and Wang (2016) c China 41 S 14 ≤ n ≤ 200 MP MILP A(CA)
Huang and Wong (2017) k China 1 S n = 11 MP 1 BMILP E
Kim, Yu, and Jang (2016) e Korea 1 S n = 16 MP 18 SM MINLP A(IA)
Neghabi and Ghassemi Tari (2016) b Iran 1 S n=6 MP 9 MINLP E
Latifi, Mohammadi, and Khakzad (2017) b Iran 1 S n = 25 MP 1 MINLP A(MH)
Durmusoglu (2018) g Turkey 1 S not mentioned - 10 TOPSIS
Park, Shin, and Won (2018) b Korea 1 S n = 24 MP 2 MINLP E
Wang et al. (2018) b China 1 S n = 217 MP 3 NLP A(MH)
Wu et al. (2018) k China 18 S 5 ≤ n ≤ 154 MP MIQP A(CA,IA)
Li, Tan, and Li (2018) c China 1 D n = 12 MP 2 NLP A(MH)
Hu and Yang (2019) e China 1 S n = 18 MP 5 NLP A(MH)
Abdollahi, Aslam, and Yazdi (2019) e Taiwan 1 S n = 10 SP 18 NLP
de Lira-Flores et al. (2019) b Mexico 1 S n=9 MP 6 MINLP E
Fogliatto et al. (2019) m Brazil 1 S n = 18 EK 5 AHP
Kovacs (2019) l Hungary 1 S n = 11 MP 8 CC LP A(CA)
Le, Dao, and Chaabane (2019) k Canada 1 S n = 25 MP 3 QAP A(MH)
Lin and Wang (2019) m China 1 S n=8 EK 2 AHP
Ramirez Drada„ Chud Pantoja, and Orejuela Cabrera (2019) c Colombia 1 S n = 17 MP 14 TOPSIS QAP A
Al Hawarneh, Bendak, and Ghanim (2019) k U.A.E. 1 D n = 12 MP 4 BILP A(IA)
Note: Industrial sector: a (agrifood), b (chemical), c (metalworking), d (automotive), e (microelectronics), f (meat-processing), g (recycling), h (woodworking), i (footwear), j (shipbuilding), k (construction); l (electronics assembly),
m (services).

smaller lots. Considering static production conditions as Despite a large body of scientific literature works on
in, for example, the demand remaining constant through- FLP, very few works examined the layout assessment
out the temporary planning horizon does not match stage, and no references appeared about procedures to
reality, but is, however, the most widely considered objectively diagnose re-layout needs, which is a gap that
planned approach in the scientific literature on FLP. Thus future research works can consider bridging.
researchers should pay more attention to study FLP in MCDM methods are frequently used in the litera-
dynamic environments. ture to assess facility layout alternatives. Yet despite them
The intention behind planning flexible or cyclic lay- being widespread, MCDM techniques only offer rela-
outs in the DFLP context is to design an optimum tive measures to compare several layout alternatives. This
layout for each time period to minimise total MHC means they are not useful for assessing the performance
and those related to facility rearrangements. Nonethe- of a current layout in industrial facilities; in other words,
less, the reviewed works that dealt with these planning they do not enable the re-layout requirement to be anal-
approaches did not contemplate the opportunity costs ysed.
incurred while implementing re-layouts. Likewise, most Most FLP optimisation models seek to minimise a
of the works that covered DFLP (approx. 93%) started single quantitative objective function, and MHC is the
by assuming that companies had unlimited budgets to most frequent one. In practice however, considering both
put into practice any changes related to layouts from one quantitative and qualitative factors simultaneously can
time period to another when, in fact, budgets for such be decisive for many manufacturing or service systems.
purposes are always limited. So considering budget con- Qualitative factors like proximity ratings among depart-
straints when formulating layout optimisation models in ments, layout flexibility to integrate future changes, per-
dynamic settings is suggested. sonnel satisfaction, and health and safety (especially with
Most works into FLP sought design solutions for com- healthcare emergencies requiring interpersonal distanc-
pletely new facilities. With layouts for already existing ing) must be considered in particular. This will cer-
facilities, the task is just as complex, or even more com- tainly involve the scientific community having to pay
plicated, given the presence of constraints and additional more attention to FLP multi-objective mathematical
objectives. Implementing changes of an existing layout modelling, as the present work demonstrates, which is
requires further investment, delays or having to com- underrated because single-objective models are normally
pletely interrupt production plans while the re-layout resorted to.
lasts. Of the studies that employed mathematical opti-
It is noteworthy that most of the scientific literature misation models as a preferential approach to gener-
about FLP examined the block layout or the detailed ate layout alternatives, approximately 89% considered
phase separately. They paid very little attention to anal- deterministic and already known parameters. Although
yse both phases in a hierarchical or concurrent manner this assumption is plausibly suitable for some contexts,
as part of the same study. Separately dealing with these obtaining exact cost/profit coefficients of the objec-
phases incurs the risk of the first phase outcomes limiting tive function is hardly likely given the measurement
the second phase, or vice versa, especially if we con- errors and random component that always appear in
sider that sizes of departments are flexible with a pre-set some forecasting methods, like those based on historic
interval of the aspect/area ratio as a trick to facilitate gen- series to forecast demand. Hence the need to more fre-
erating more regular-shaped layouts with mathematical quently employ methods that model uncertainty in some
optimisation models. datasets, like demand, material flow, materials handling
Despite optimising space inside industrial facili- unit costs and sizes of facilities. To this end, using prob-
ties being considered a classic facility layout principle, ability distributions, fuzzy sets, stochastic and/or robust
analysing space is often considered only from a bidimen- approaches is recommended.
sional point of view. Similarly, in order to avoid pseudo-optimal solu-
The herein reviewed works generally considered facil- tions when modelling FLP, investigating the formulation
ity layout design in only one building and on only one and solution of multi-objective mathematical optimisa-
floor. However, large companies frequently contemplated tion models is suggested because they allow the follow-
their operations in more than one building and on several ing to be concurrently designed by adopting quantita-
floors. So more attention must be paid to FLP modelling tive/qualitative criteria: spatial layout and orientation of
by contemplating material handling system configura- the work stations making up the production system; pas-
tions that have scarcely been addressed in the literature, sageways through which the worked object and person-
such as DRLP, PRLP and LLP. nel pass; the points at which the worked object is picked

up/dropped off. To do so, more realistic distance met- When planning facility layouts and guaranteeing the
rics than the conventional intercentroid rectilinear or highest possible level of adjacency among the work
euclidean distances need to be considered. It might be centres participating in the worked object’s process-
worth contemplating the fact that work flows cover the ing, MHC is minimised which can, in turn, signifi-
distance separating the points at which materials between cantly reduce manufacturing costs. However, as we insist
two departments are picked up/dropped off along their throughout our literature review, concentrating only on
perimeter or contour (Leno, Saravana Sankar, and Pon- minimising quantitative factors, like costs, is far from
nambalam 2016; Friedrich, Klausnitzer, and Lasch 2018), ideal because other relevant criteria need to be consid-
or along pre-set flow paths (Kim and Chae 2019; Klaus- ered, such as suitably using the tridimensional space
nitzer and Lasch 2019). within facilities to ensure a certain degree of flexibility
Given its complexity, the computational time required for future re-layouts, minimum health/safety risks in the
to solve FLP in any of its variants increases exponen- workplace, etc.
tially along with the size of the problem (Vitayasak, Evaluating closeness ratings among departments ba
Pongcharoen, and Hicks 2017; Turanoğlu and Akkaya sed on qualitative criteria can be done by experts’ judg-
2018). So exact methods are only useful for finding opti- ment. This idea is based on the assumption that the num-
mum solutions for minor problems. This is why approx- ber of factors considered by a group is bigger than that
imate approaches like metaheuristics have been popu- considered by one person. Each expert can contribute
lar for seeking suboptimum solutions in recent years. the idea that he/she has about the matter from his/her
Nonetheless, it is necessary to keep developing alternative knowledge area to general discussion.
solution approaches and, as this review work identifies, All the variants of FLP modelling approaches require
a set of matheuristic algorithms has emerged in recent analysts having a high level of knowledge about their
years for FLP with good results (Feng et al. 2018; Kulturel- formulation and solution, which could be achieved
Konak 2017; Kulturel-Konak and Konak 2013, 2015). through exact, heuristic, stochastic, matheuristic, intel-
Thus future research that continues to investigate this ligent or hybrid methods. In turn, these approaches
emerging solution approach is recommended. demand making many data collection and calcula-
Another relevant element worth stressing is that FLP tion efforts. For all these reasons, such tools are not
mathematical optimisation models basically focus on widely employed by operations managers in businesses.
solving classic reference problems (the so-called test Nonetheless, specialised computer-aided planning tools
problems or benchmark instances). They have often been like VIP-PLANOPT (Engineering Optimization Soft-
theoretically developed and do not respond to real case ware 2011) can contribute to search for specific solutions
studies. This tendency has also been noted in previ- to analyse production systems’ given needs. Facility lay-
ous research (Meller, Kirkizoglu, and Chen 2010; Ulutas out decisions do not enable empirical research based on
and Attila Islier 2015; Kovacs 2019). Therefore, future trial and error. An objective planning process must exist
research works to model real situations is recommended as background.
in order to help bridge the existing gap because very little Operations managers can take the FLP taxonomy pre-
research about FLP has been conducted in practice. sented herein as a reference and characterise the reality
Last but no least, it is worth noting that most of the of the manufacturing systems that they administer with
computer-aided planning tools used in the revised litera- it. This, combined with a cost/profit analysis, could lay
ture for generating layout alternatives are unavailable for some solid foundations for short-, mid- and long-term
commercial use. So future research needs to develop new decision making about the feasibility of adopting flexible
web-accessible tools to ease practitioners’ effective FLP or robust layouts in line with internal strong/weak points,
decision making. and in agreement with the threats and opportunities from
the immediate business environment where operations
are performed.
9.1. Managerial implications
10. Conclusions
Based on what our literature review evidenced and the
theme being widely covered, operations managers can Industrial facility layouts are defined as a process to phys-
obtain a clearer holistic view of the importance of facil- ically arrange the factors shaping the production system
ity planning and its impact on the productivity and so that they suitably and efficiently fulfil the organisa-
efficiency of manufacturing systems to make decisions tion’s strategical objectives. This is considered a strategi-
that allow them to more efficiently perform industrial cal decision within business operations planning because
operations. its high cost often prevents it from being taken as a

feasible option during short time periods, and the effi- several floors/buildings in FLP mathematical modelling;
ciency, productivity and competetiveness of manufactur- (viii) bearing in mind the material handling system con-
ing systems depend on it to a great extent. figuration in FLP models; (ix) modelling the uncer-
Our systematic literature review of 232 scientific arti- tainty of relevant cost/profit coefficients; (x) conduct-
cles in the FLP domain allowed us to identify the different ing more research about the assessment phase of layout
reference frameworks that led to a new conceptual frame- alternatives; (xi) developing and applying matheuristic
work being proposed to classify FLP based on: prob- approaches, and those based on artificial intelligence,
lem type (new facilities or re-layout); planning approach as alternative solution approaches for FLP models; (xii)
(static or dynamic); planning phase (joint or detailed dis- using more multi-objective approaches to generate layout
tribution); characteristics of facilities (number of build- alternatives; (xiii) applying the proposed FLP models to
ings, number of floors, considering the space, shape and real cases; (xiv) developing new commercial computer-
area of departments); materials handling system config- aided layout planning tools to ease practitioners’ FLP-
uration (single-row, double-row, multiple-row, parallel- related decision making.
row, closed-loop and open-field configurations); gener-
ating and assessing alternatives. Acknowledgements
Generating layout alternatives has been dealt with
The research leading to these results received funding from
mainly by mathematical optimisation models, specifi-
the European Union H2020 Program under grant agree-
cally with discrete quadratic programming models for ment No 958205 ‘Industrial Data Services for Quality Con-
equal-sized departments, or by continuous linear/non- trol in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q)’and from the Span-
linear mixed integer programming models for depart- ish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under
ments with unequal areas. Other approaches to gen- grant agreement RTI2018-101344-B-I00 ‘Optimisation of zero-
erate layout alternatives involve resorting to EK and defectsproduction technologies enabling supply chains 4.0
specialised SP. For FLP mathematical programming
approaches, current modelling trends and their solu-
tion approaches were identified by bearing in mind: type Disclosure statement
of mathematical model (discrete, continuous); nature of No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
the objective function (single-objective, multi-objective);
data type (deterministic, non-deterministic); consid- Funding
eration of certain/uncertain demand; employed dis-
tance metrics (rectilinear, euclidean, squared euclidean, The research leading to these results received funding from
the European Union H2020 Program under grant agree-
chebychev, contour-based and flow path-based); the ment No 958205 ‘Industrial Data Services for Quality Con-
adopted solution approach (exact, approximate, stochas- trol in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q)’and from the Spanish
tic, matheuristic, intelligent and hybrid). Generally Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under
speaking, the most widely used solution algorithms were grant agreement RTI2018-101344-B-I00 ‘Optimisation of zero-
metaheuristic: genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, defectsproduction technologies enabling supply chains 4.0
particle swarm, tabu search, ant colony and variable
neighbourhood searches. Here, we have reviewed the lit-
erature published by May, 2020. In the meantime, several Notes on contributor
new studies on the FLP problem have appeared (Liu
Pablo Pérez-Gosende graduated cum
et al. 2020; Wan et al. 2020; Xiao et al. 2020; Kovács laude in Industrial Engineering at the
2020; Ahmadi-Javid and Ardestani-Jaafari 2020) which University of Matanzas, Cuba (2007),
corroborates the strong interest in this research area. and holds a master’s degree in Business
Finally, the guidelines identified herein for future Administration, Production and Services
research are presented: (i) studying in-depth FLP in Management (2009) from the same insti-
tution. He teaches production manage-
dynamic settings; (ii) minimising opportunity costs while ment and engineering in the industrial
contemplating re-layouts to cushion the impact of these engineering department at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
costs on an organisation’s profitability; (iii) consider- (UPS), Ecuador, since 2013, and also he has been the research
ing budget constraints to formulate DFLP optimisation coordinator of this institution at its headquarters in Guayaquil
models; (iv) more research into the re-layouts of exist- from 2017 to date. He has been the coordinator of the orga-
nizing committee for the International Conference on Sci-
ing facilities; (v) considering block and detailed layouts
ence, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS) in its
as part of the same problem by a hierarchical or con- last four editions (2017–2021) and has chaired the techni-
current approach; (vi) contemplating the tridimensional cal track of the Ecuadorian Conference on Information and
space for DFLP and SFLP; (vii) taking into account Communication Technologies (TICEC) in its eighth and ninth

editions (2020–2021). He is currently pursuing a PhD in Indus- Advanced Manufacturing Technology 65 (1–4): 197–211.
trial Engineering and Production at Universitat Politècnica de
València (UPV), Spain. His research interests are in engineering Ahmadi-Javid, Amir, and Amir Ardestani-Jaafari. 2020. “The
and production management. Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem with Shortest Single-
Loop AGV Path: How Material Handling Method Matters.”
Josefa Mula is Professor in the Depart-
International Journal of Production Research (May): 1–23.
ment of Business Management of the Uni-
versitat Politècnica de València (UPV),
Ahmadi, Abbas, and Mohammad Reza Akbari Jokar. 2016.
Spain. She is a member of the Research
“An Efficient Multiple-Stage Mathematical Programming
Centre on Production Management and
Method for Advanced Single and Multi-Floor Facility Lay-
Engineering (CIGIP) of the UPV. Her
out Problems.” Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (9–10):
teaching and principal research inter-
ests concern production engineering and
Ahmadi, Abbas, Mir Saman Pishvaee, and Mohammad Reza
management, operations research and supply chain simula-
Akbari Jokar. 2017. “A Survey on Multi-Floor Facility Layout
tion. She is editor in chief of the International Journal of Pro-
Problems.” Computers & Industrial Engineering 107 (May):
duction Management and Engineering. She regularly acts as
associate editor, guest editor and member of scientific boards
Aiello, Giuseppe, Giada La Scalia, and Mario Enea. 2012.
of international journals and conferences, and as referee for
“A Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm for the Facility
more than 50 scientific journals. She is author of more than
Layout Problem Based upon Slicing Structure Encoding.”
100 papers mostly published in international books and high-
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12): 10352–10358.
quality journals, among which International Journal of Produc-
tion Research, Fuzzy sets and Systems, International Journal
Aiello, Giuseppe, Giada La Scalia, and Mario Enea. 2013.
of Production Economics, European Journal of Operational
“A Non Dominated Ranking Multi Objective Genetic
Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, and Journal
Algorithm and Electre Method for Unequal Area Facility
of Cleaner Production.
Layout Problems.” Expert Systems with Applications 40 (12):
Manuel Diaz-Madroñero is Associate Pro 4812–4819.
fessor in the Department of Business Al-Hawari, Tarek, Ahmad Mumani, and Amer Momani. 2014.
Management of the Universitat Politèc- “Application of the Analytic Network Process to Facility
nica de València (UPV), Spain. He teaches Layout Selection.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (4):
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Operational Research and Operations Al Hawarneh, Alaa, Salaheddine Bendak, and Firas Ghanim.
Management and Logistics. He is mem- 2019. “Dynamic Facilities Planning Model for Large Scale
ber of the Research Centre on Production Construction Projects.” Automation in Construction 98
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