Energy Generation Using Piezoelectric Materials On Road

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© 2023 IJRAR April 2023 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Energy Generation Using Piezoelectric

Materials on Road
Joshi Krishna1, Gangurde Sandeep2 , Kholambe Sonali3 , Chhallare Vrushali4, Khile Ujjwala5
Head of the Department, 2345(Students)
(Department Of Civil Engineering)
(B.R.Harne College Of Engineering & Technology), Vangani, Thane, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: This project aims to generate electricity and decrease the consumption of fossil fuels and conserve the electricity
for further use. In modern world, the technique needs amount of power for its various operations. These operations require
a lot of fossil fuels, to overcome this consumption of power and fuels. In this paper we have presented method to produce
pollution free electricity by the technique i.e., piezoelectric effect. This is kind of green solution for power generation.
Piezoelectric effect is the ability of a material to generate electric charge by applying mechanical stress. This report assesses
to commercial status of piezoelectric based techniques in roadway and railways. In this project we try to provide a sufficient
energy as it can reduce the damage of pollution caused by power plants. Even when vehicle passing from the road, exerts
pressure on the roadways and causes deformation. So, to make the use of moving vehicle on road, we can generate power
by our project and helps environment and our structures to be last long. This paper present about the piezoelectric sensor
that can be implemented beneath the road bed to harvest the electricity from the vibration produced due to the vehicle
moving on the road. The main principle behind this project is the piezoelectric effect. The energy is produced from the
consumer participation and it does not require any separate source of input energy.

(Keywords- Piezoelectric effects, piezoelectric materials, smart road, capacitor, energy harvesting.)

Electricity has become a lifeline of present-day civilization and thus its demand is enormous and is growing steadily. There seems no
end to the different ways one can generate pollution free electricity. At one hand, rising concern about the gap between demand and
supply of electricity for masses has highlighted the exploration of alternate sources of energy and its sustainable use. On the other
hand, traffic on the road all over the world is increasing day by day thus; congestion on road is becoming inevitable with the fancy of
masses towards personal transportation system for their growing mobility. Energy demand and heavy traffic correlation motivate to
dream about the road that would harvest energy from the vehicles driving over it. For this, piezoelectric material embedded beneath a
road, the piezo-smart road, can provide the magic of converting pressure exerted by the moving vehicles into electric current.

The system is based on piezoelectricity, which uses pads of metallic crystals buried beneath road to generate electricity when put under
the pressure of quickly moving traffic. With the technology, now, engineers are poised to harvest some of the spare energy of the
world’s moving vehicles. When a vehicle drives over the road it takes the vertical force and compress the piezoelectric material, thereby
generating electricity.


The utilization of energy is an indication of the growth of a nation. For example, the per capita energy consumption in USA is 9000
KWH per year, whereas the consumption in India is 1200 KWH. One might conclude that to be materially rich and prosperous, a
human being needs to consume more and more energy. A survey on the energy consumption in India had published a pathetic report
that 85,000 villages in India do not still have electricity. Supply of power in most part of the country is poor. Hence more research and
development and commercialization of technologies are needed in this field. India, unlike the top developed countries has very poor
roads. Talking about a particular road itself includes a number of speed breakers. By just placing a unit like the “Power Generation
Unit from Speed Breakers”, so much of energy can be tapped. This energy can be used for the lights on the either side of the roads and
thus much power that is consumed by these lights can be utilized to send power to these villages.

This paper discusses about the important of the energy wasted and converted into renewable energy. It mainly deals with the
voltage produced by the force applied through the piezo transducer. Demands of electricity are increasing day by day and it use
has become so advanced and applicable in the present lifeline of a human being. This method produces electricity with the help of
piezoelectric elements that make use of the energy of human footsteps. The capacitor use in the circuit stores the charge for future
application. In order to increase the efficiency of thehole system is super capacitors are used in place of the conventional ones then
more charge can be stored than the conventional ones.
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1
© 2023 IJRAR April 2023 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

The super capacitors store and discharge energy without consuming much energy. Thus, the requirement of constant increase of
power can be met by installing this system in heavily packed places. This will undoubtedly not only overcome the energy crises
but also build up a healthy surrounding.

Electricity from footsteps, SS Taliya, BB Biswas, RK Patil, GP Srivastava, TK Basu, 2010. This paper discusses the basic
engineering and operational mechanisms of piezo crystals, the engineering analysis of models, the piezo crystals' work and the
steps of energy production.
Potentials of piezoelectric and thermoelectric technologies for harvesting energy from pavements, Lokai Guo, Quang Lu,
2017.This paper discusses about the cost-effectiveness study of energy harvesting pavement technologies. It estimates electric
power generation from a pavement network by calculating the cost and needs estimation of the two techniques. Cost analysis and
estimation of energy production supported piezoelectric technology.

Table -1: Without Load

Sr no Condition of A.C Output Vehicles Without Voltage Load

01. 02 Wheeler 50
02. 04 Wheeler 600
03. 06 Wheeler 8335
04. 10 Wheeler 10670
05. 14 Wheeler 12335

Table -2: With Load

Sr no Condition of A.C Output Vehicles With Voltage Load

01. 2 Wheeler 90
02. 04 Wheeler 800
03. 06 Wheeler 13670
04. 10 Wheeler 18670
05. 14 Wheeler 22335

4.1 Preparation of Model

● Sensor
A piezoelectric sensor can be a device that uses piezoelectricity to convert changes in pressure, acceleration, temperature, stress,
or force into electric charge. Piezoelectric sensors are versatile devices for the measurement of various processes. They are used
for quality assurance, process control and research and development in many industries.

Figure No 1

● Voltage regulator
A voltage regulator is a circuit that creates and maintains a fixed output voltage, irrespective of changes to the input voltage or
load conditions. Voltageregulators (VRs) keep the voltages from a power supply within a range that is compatible with the other
electrical components.

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1

© 2023 IJRAR April 2023 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Figure No: 2

● Super capacitor
it is also called an ultracapacitor, is a high-capacity capacitor with a capacitance value much higher than other capacitors, but with
lower voltage limits, that bridges the gap between electrolytic capacitors and rechargeable batteries.

Figures No:3

4.2. Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Effects

The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure. It is derived from Greek “piezo” or “piezin” which means to
squeeze or press, an electric or electron, which stands for amber, an ancient source of electric charge. Piezoelectricity was discovered
in 1880 by French physicist Jacques and Pierre Curie. The piezoelectric effect is understood as the linear electro-mechanical interaction
between the mechanical and the electrical state in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry (notably crystals, certain ceramics,
and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins). The piezoelectric effect is the reversible process in those materials
exhibiting the direct reverse piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of the electrical charge resulting from an applied mechanical
force) also exhibits the reverse piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of the mechanical strain resulting from an applied electrical

4.3. Piezoelectric Roads

The roads which produce electricity by application of mechanical energy when vehicle moves over the road, those roads are called as
piezoelectric roads. These roads are having a piezoelectric sensor within them to produce electricity. This kind of construction is built
in Israel, California and we are trying to construct it here in India

Figures No:4

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1

© 2023 IJRAR April 2023 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

4.4. Construction Of Piezoelectric Roads

1. The first layer is laid with fine gravel and sand content.
2. Then a thin layer of asphalt is laid which acts like a strong base for the generators.
3. Piezoelectric generators are placed in quick drying concrete as per design and left for 30 min.
4. Then all the generators are wired in series to get collective output.
5. A bitumen sheet is used to cover all the generators to provide better adhesion of concrete to asphalt.
6. Finally a thick layer of asphalt is laid which finishes the construction.

Figures No: 5

4.5. Harvesting Mechanism

1. Generators harvest the mechanical energy of the vehicles and convert to electrical energy.
2. Electric energy is transferred and stored via harvesting module. Then it is charged into the battery on one side of the road.
3. From there it is distributed.
4. Yield: For 1 km of piezoelectric road of one lane we can generate 44000KWh per year.

5. RESULTS Factors Energy Generated

1. 1 Truck 2000 volts

2. 1 km Piezoelectric Road of one lane 44000 kwh per year

3. 1 km stretch of dual carriageway 400 kw

5.1 Cost Estimation for 1km road:

 Size of road: length = 1km = 1000 m, width = 2 m

 Area of road = length*width = 1000*2= 2000 sq.m
 Size of 1 sensor: 1 sq. ft = 0.0929 sq.m
 Gap between two sensors: 1.5 (from each side) = 1.5*2 = 3 m
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1
© 2023 IJRAR April 2023 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

 Area of road on which sensors been installed: 2000/3 = 666.67 sq.m= 667 sq.m
 No. Of Sensors required for 1 km road = Area of road/size of one sensor
= (667/0.0929)
= 7179.76 = 7180 Nos.
 Cost of 1 sensor = 1000 Rs (approx.)
 Cost of 7180 sensors = 7180*1000 = 7180000 Rs
= 70 lakh (approx)

5.2 Power Generation:

 Case study: Hyderabad outer Ring Road Project

 Overall Budget of the Project: 6700 crore
 8 lane road of 158 km stretch is laid.
 If Piezoelectric Road constructed, the budget of project = 1.5 times overall budget
= 1.5* 6700 crore
 Energy generated from 1 km single lane road = 44000 kwh per year
 Energy generated from 158 km 8 lane road = 158*8*44000 kwh
= 55616000 kwh energy generated
 Government of India charges Rs. 5 on average per 1 kwh,
 Hence, cost of 55616000 kwh = 5*55616000 = 270000000 crore = 27 crore
 The amount which is invested on this road will get returned in only 4 years.
 This piezoelectric road has an average life of 30 years
 Hence, income generated in the next 26 years would be a profit.


1.This statement of Einstein is true “Energy can neither be creatednor be destroyed it are often transferred from one form to a different.”
This method of generating electricity by the utilization of piezoelectric material has already been started in many countries viz Japan,
Israel, Netherlands.

2. Use of piezoelectric material is eco-friendly and causes no pollution in environment. it'sa cheap way of generating electricity and
is straightforward to put in. In future this method is going to be a promising method for generating eco-friendly electricity.

3.On the whole, the project is mainly focused on generating enough electricity by making use of piezoelectric materials for the
electrification of street lights on highways.

4.It can also be used to power the sign boards. The busy roads and airports can also be the specified areas for the installation for the
piezoelectric material for harnessing theelectrical energy for various uses.


I. Application of piezoelectric transducer in energy harvesting within thepavement, Xiaochen Xu, Dongwei Cao, 2017.

II. Electricity from footsteps, SS Taliyan, BB Biswas, RK Patil, GP Srivastava, TK Basu, 2010.

III. Grutsch, G. (2002), piezoelectric sensors; Force, Strain, Pressure, Acceleration and Acoustic emission sensors, Material and
Amplifiers, Springer.

IV. Harper, Douglas “piezoelectric”. Online Etymology Dictionary.

V. Ikeda.(1996). Fundamentals of piezoelectricity. Oxford university press.

VI. Kumar P (2013) Piezo-smart roads. International journal of enhanced research h in science technology and engineering.

VII. Potentials of piezoelectric and thermoelectric technologies for harvestingenergy from pavements, Lokai Guo, Qing Lu, 2017.

VIII. Sergey V. Bogdanov. “The origin of piezoelectric effect on pyroelectric crystals.”

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1

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