Word 2019 Expert Student Workbook

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LearnKey provides online training courses and certifications across various topics like software, IT and business skills.

LearnKey offers video-based training solutions that are flexible for individual students as well as organizations. Their course content is presented by subject matter experts and covers popular software, technical certifications and application development.

LearnKey experts are highly qualified professionals with years of job experience in their subjects and have obtained the highest level of certification available in their field of expertise.

Word 2019 Expert

Project Workbook

First Edition

LearnKey provides on-demand training courses and online learning solutions to education, government, business, and
individuals worldwide. With dynamic video-based courseware and effective learning management systems, LearnKey
provides expert instruction for popular computer software, technical certifications, and application development. LearnKey
delivers content on the Web, by enterprise network, and on interactive CD-ROM. For a complete list of courses visit:


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means now known or to
be invented, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system without written permission from the author or publisher, except for the brief inclusion of quotations in a review.

© 2020 LearnKey
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Best Practices Using LearnKey’s Online Training 1
Using This Workbook as a Student 3
Skills Assessment 4
Word 2019 Expert Video Times 5
Domain 1 6
Fill-in-the-Blanks 7
Modify Existing Document Templates 8
Manage Document Versions 9
Compare and Combine Multiple Documents 10
Link to External Document Content 11
Enable Macros in a Document 12
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar 13
Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs 14
Change the Normal Template Default Font 15
Restrict Editing 16
Protect Documents by Using Passwords 17
Edit and Display Languages 18
Use Language-Specific Features 19
Domain 2 20
Fill-in-the-Blanks 21
Wildcards and Special Characters 23
Formatting and Styles 24
Apply Paste Options 25
Hyphenation and Line Numbers 26
Set Paragraph Pagination Options 27
Paragraph and Character Styles 28
Modify Existing Styles 29
Copy Styles to Other Documents or Templates 30
Domain 3 31
Fill-in-the-Blanks 32
Create Quick Parts 34
Manage Building Blocks 35
Create Customer Color Sets 36
Create Custom Font Sets 37
Create Custom Themes 38
Create Custom Style Sets 39
Mark and Create Index Entries 40
Update Indexes 41
Insert Figure Table Captions 42
Configure Caption Properties 43
Insert and Modify a Table of Figures 44
Domain 4 45
Fill-in-the-Blanks 46
Add Custom Fields 48
Modify Field Properties 49
Insert and Configure Standard Content Controls 50
Record Simple Macros 51
Edit and Name Simple Macros 52
Copy Macros to Other Documents or Templates 53
Letter Mail Merge 54
Create Labels and Envelopes 55
Appendix 56
Glossary 56
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 59
Objectives 60

1 | Introduction: Best Practices Using LearnKey’s Online Training Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Best Practices Using LearnKey’s Online Training
LearnKey offers video-based training solutions that are flexible enough to accommodate the private student, as well as
educational facilities and organizations.

Our course content is presented by top experts in their respective fields and provides clear and comprehensive
information. The full line of LearnKey products has been extensively reviewed to meet superior standards of quality. The
content in our courses has also been endorsed by organizations such as Certiport, CompTIA®, Cisco, and Microsoft.
However, it is the testimonials given by countless satisfied customers that truly set us apart as leaders in the information
training world.

LearnKey experts are highly qualified professionals who offer years of job and project experience in their subjects. Each
expert has been certified at the highest level available for their field of expertise. This expertise provides the student with
the knowledge necessary to obtain top-level certifications in the field of their choice.

Our accomplished instructors have a rich understanding of the content they present. Effective teaching encompasses not
only presenting the basic principles of a subject, but understanding and appreciating organization, real-world application,
and links to other related disciplines. Each instructor represents the collective wisdom of their field and within our industry.

Our Instructional Technology

Each course is independently created, based on standard objectives provided by the manufacturer for which the course
was developed.

We ensure that the subject matter is up-to-date and relevant. We examine the needs of each student and create training
that is both interesting and effective. LearnKey training provides auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning materials to fit
diverse learning styles.

Course Training Model

The course training model allows students to proceed through basic training, building upon primary knowledge and
concepts to more advanced application and implementation. In this method, students will use the following toolset:

Pre-assessment: The pre-assessment is used to determine the student’s prior knowledge of the subject matter. It will also
identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing the student to focus on the specific subject matter he/she needs
to improve the most. Students should not necessarily expect a passing score on the pre-assessment as it is a test of prior

Video training session: Each course of training is divided into sessions or domains and lessons with topics and subtopics.
LearnKey recommends incorporating into your training all the available external resources, such as student workbooks,
glossaries, course support files, and additional customized instructional material. These resources located in the folder icon
at the top of the page.

Exercise Labs: Labs are interactive activities that simulate situations presented in the training videos. Step-by-step
instructions and live demonstrations are provided.

Post-assessment: The post-assessment is used to determine the student’s knowledge gained from interacting with the
training. In taking the post-assessment, students should not consult the training or any other materials. A passing score is
80 percent or higher. If the individual does not pass the post-assessment the first time it is taken, LearnKey would
recommend the incorporation of external resources, such as the workbook and additional customized instructional

Workbook: Workbooks have a variety of activities, such as glossary puzzles, short answer questions, practice exams,
research topics, and group and individual projects which allow the student to study and apply concepts presented in
2 | Introduction: Best Practices Using LearnKey’s Online Training Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Using This Workbook as a Student
This project workbook contains practice projects and exercises to reinforce the knowledge you have gained through the
video portion of the Word 2019 Expert course. The purpose of this workbook is twofold: first, to get you further prepared
to pass the Word 2019 Expert exam, and secondly, to give you job-ready skills and increase your employability in the area
of word processing.

This project workbook is versatile in that the projects follow the order of the video portion of this course. You can
complete the workbook exercises as you go through each section of the course, complete several of these at the end of
each session, or complete them after viewing the entire course. The key is to go through these projects as they will help
strengthen and solidify your knowledge of this course.

Each project is mapped to a specific video (or videos) in the course and specific test objectives. The materials you will need
for this course include:

• LearnKey’s Word 2019 Expert courseware.

• The practice files for these projects, which are available at the following URL:

• Learn Word and its role in word processing.

• View your online courseware anytime and anywhere.

• Put your skills to the test with dozens of Pre/Post-assessment questions and practice labs.

3 | Introduction: Using This Workbook as a Student Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Skills Assessment
Instructions: Rate your skills on the following tasks from 1-5 (1 being needs improvement, 5 being excellent).

Skills 1 2 3 4 5
Manage documents and templates.

Prepare documents for collaboration.

Use and configure language options.

Find, replace, and paste document content.

Configure paragraph layout options.

Create and manage styles.

Create and modify building blocks.

Create custom design elements.

Create and manage indexes.

Create and manage tables of figures.

Manage forms, fields, and controls.

Create and modify macros.

Perform mail merges.

4 | Introduction: Skills Assessment Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Word 2019 Expert Video Times
Domain 1 Video Time
Manage Documents and Templates 00:13:00
Collaboration and Language Options 00:07:44
Total Time 00:20:44

Domain 2 Video Time

Find, Replace, and Paste Document Content 00:05:12
Paragraph Layout Options; Create and Manage Styles 00:07:54
Total Time 00:13:06

Domain 3 Video Time

Create Building Blocks and Design Elements 00:09:49
Create and Manage Indexes and Tables of Figures 00:08:19
Total Time 00:18:08

Domain 4 Video Time

Manage Forms, Fields, and Controls 00:07:10
Create and Modify Macros 00:04:48
Perform Mail Merges 00:13:48
Total Time 00:25:46

5 | Introduction: Word 2019 Expert Video Times Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Domain 1

6 | Domain 1: Word 2019 Expert Video Times Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 1, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. Existing document templates are in the folder. [Modify Existing Document

2. Checking a document back in allows others to and the changes.

[Manage Document Versions]

3. A link to an external document will the information inserted in a Word document if changes are
made on the external document. [Link to External Document Content]

4. When linking external Excel documents, the sheet is used automatically. [Link to External
Document Content]

5. One way to enable macros in a document is to click Enable Content in

the . [Enable Macros in a Document]

6. The Quick Access Toolbar is customized with that represent commands independent of the
open tab on the ribbon. [Customize the Quick Access Toolbar]

7. on the File tab has the Customize Ribbon settings. [Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs]

8. The Set As Default button is located in the . [Change the Normal Template Default

Lesson 2
9. The Restrict Editing feature is found by clicking the drop-down button found on the Review
tab. [Restrict Editing]

10. Passwords cannot be , so make sure to save the password. [Protect Documents by Using

11. One way to access the language preferences is on the tab. [Configure Editing and Display

7 | Domain 1: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Modify Existing Document Project Details
Project file
Templates 111 UAC Invoice.docx
UAC Logo.png

Existing document templates are in the Custom Office Templates folder. Estimated completion time
Modified templates are saved for future use. 5 minutes

Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to find, modify, and save
and Settings
existing document templates. Subtopic: Modify Existing
Document Templates
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 111 UAC Invoice.docx template found in the Custom Office 1 Manage Document Options and
Templates. Settings
1.1 Manage documents and
2. Change the theme of the template to Basis. templates
1.1.1 Modify existing document
3. Insert the logo in UAC Logo.png above the address. templates

4. Resize the logo to fit above the address. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 111 UAC Invoice-
5. Save the completed project as 111 UAC Invoice-Completed Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
template should have a Basis theme,
and the Uptown Athletic Club’s logo
should fit above the address.

8 | Domain 1: Modify Existing Document Templates Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Manage Document Versions Project Details
Project file
If using SharePoint or OneDrive, document versions are available for check out. 112 HZ Draft.docx
Check a document out by clicking the Manage Document button on the Info
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
The AutoRecover feature saves work periodically and is accessed even if it was Video reference
not saved. Access the AutoRecovery feature by clicking the Manage Document Domain 1
button on the Info page. Topic: Manage Document Options
and Settings
Purpose Subtopic: Manage Document
Upon completing this project, you will know how to check out documents, make
changes, and add notes before checking them back in. You will also know how Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
to access the AutoRecovery features.
1.1 Manage documents and
Steps for Completion templates
1.1.2 Manage document versions
1. Open the 112 HZ Draft.docx file found in the Domain 1 Student folder.
Check Out the document. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 112 HZ Draft-
2. In the Lodge Information section, add the 2300 Zion-Mount Carmel Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Hwy address after the text, The lodge is located at. document should be checked in with
the lodge address and a note that the
3. Check the document back in with a note that says: Included lodge address was added.

4. Save the completed project as 112 HZ Draft-Completed

5. Where are the AutoRecovery features modified?

9 | Domain 1: Manage Document Versions Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Compare and Combine Project Details
Project file
Multiple Documents 113 HZ Draft.docx
113a HZ Draft.docx

When making changes to a document, compare the document to another Estimated completion time
document to determine if the documents should be combined. 5 minutes

Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to compare a document with a
and Settings
revised document and combine two documents. Subtopic: Compare and Combine
Multiple Documents
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 113 HZ Draft.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1 Manage Document Options and
2. Compare the 113 HZ Draft.docx document with the 113a HZ 1.1 Manage documents and
Draft.docx document. templates
1.1.3 Compare and combine
3. Show the changes in a new document. multiple documents

4. How many revisions have been made to the document? Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 113 HZ Draft-
5. Combine the 113 HZ Draft.docx document with the 113a HZ Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Draft.docx document. 113 HZ Draft document and the 113a
HZ Draft document should be
6. Save the completed project as 113 HZ Draft-Completed combined with 20 revisions.

10 | Domain 1: Compare and Combine Multiple Documents Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Link to External Document Project Details
Project file
Content 114 HZ Report.docx
Hike Zion Participants.xlsx

If changes are made on an external document, a link to an external document Estimated completion time
will update the information inserted in a Word document. This option needs to 5 minutes
be selected when inserting an external document. When linking external Excel Video reference
documents, the first sheet is used automatically. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Link to External
Upon completing this project, you will know how to insert, link, edit, and update Document Content
an external document.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Document Options and
1. Open the 114 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. In the Number of enrolled participants area, Insert the Hike Zion 1.1.4 Link to external document
Participants.xlsx file. content

Notes for the teacher

3. Remove the apostrophe from the Excel chart title.
The reference project, 114 HZ Report-
4. Change Rick's sex to M in the M/F column. Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Hike Zion Participants file should be
5. Change Suzie’s sex to F in the M/F column. inserted and linked to the Word
document. The apostrophe in the title
6. Update the Word document to show the changes. should be removed, Rick’s sex should
be changed to M, and Suzie’s sex
7. Save the completed project as 114 HZ Report-Completed should be changed to F.

11 | Domain 1: Link to External Document Content Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Enable Macros in a Document Project Details
Project file
Macros are a list of commands and instructions that function together as a 115 HZ Macro.docm
single command to complete a task automatically. Macros are a huge time saver
Estimated completion time
for tasks that are performed frequently. Macros, in Word, are disabled by default
5 minutes
and need to be enabled to be used.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to enable macros in a and Settings
document. Subtopic: Enable Macros in a
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 115 HZ Macro.docm file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1 Manage Document Options and
2. Enable macros for the file. 1.1 Manage documents and
3. Take a screenshot of the Word screen without the Security Warning 1.1.5 Enable macros in a document
message bar.
Notes for the teacher
4. Save the screenshot as 115 HZ Macro-Completed The reference project, 115 HZ Macro-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
5. Describe three ways macros can be enabled. screenshot should show a Word
window without the Security Warning
Message bar.


12 | Domain 1: Enable Macros in a Document Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Customize the Quick Access Project Details
Project file
Toolbar 116 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding frequently used commands. 5 minutes
Some frequently used commands are Save, Undo, Redo, or Print. Doing this Video reference
saves the user time when working on documents. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Customize the Quick
Upon completing this project, you will know how to add or remove commands Access Toolbar
from the Quick Access Toolbar.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Document Options and
1. Open the 116 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. Add the Print Preview and Print command to the Quick Access Toolbar. 1.1.6 Customize the Quick Access
3. Take a screenshot of the Quick Access Toolbar showing the Print
Preview and Print command button. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 116 HZ Report-
4. Save the screenshot as 116 HZ Report-Completed Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
screenshot should show the Quick
5. What are three ways to access the Quick Access Toolbar so that Access Toolbar with the Print Preview
customizations can be modified? and Print command button visible.



13 | Domain 1: Customize the Quick Access Toolbar Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs Project Details
Project file
The Draw and Developer tabs are not used commonly, so they are not default 117 HZ Report.docx
tabs. The Draw tab is useful when using a stylus on devices. The Developer tab is
Estimated completion time
useful when using macros.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 1
Upon completing this project, you will know how to display hidden ribbon tabs. Topic: Manage Document Options
and Settings
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Display Hidden Ribbon
1. Open the 117 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder.
Objectives covered
2. Add the Developer tab to the ribbon. 1 Manage Document Options and
3. Open the Developer tab on the ribbon. 1.1 Manage documents and
4. Take a screenshot of the ribbon showing the open Developer tab. 1.1.7 Display hidden ribbon tabs
5. Save the screenshot as 117 HZ Report-Completed Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 117 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
screenshot should show the open
Developer tab on the ribbon.

14 | Domain 1: Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Change the Normal Template Project Details
Project file
Default Font 118 Default Font.docx

Estimated completion time

If a business has a style guide, it may have required fonts that need to be used 5 minutes
on all documents. The default font is customizable to the desired font, font style, Video reference
font size, and other available font effects. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Change the Normal
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set the default font and Template Default Font
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Document Options and
1. Open the 118 Default Font.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. Change the default font to Arial. 1.1.8 Change the Normal template
default font
3. Make the default font size 12.

4. Use the default font on all documents based on the Normal template.

5. Take a screenshot of the Font dialog box showing the Arial size 12 font
is being applied to all documents based on the Normal template.

6. Save the screenshot as 118 Default Font-Completed

15 | Domain 1: Change the Normal Template Default Font Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Restrict Editing Project Details
Project file
Restricting editing allows the user to protect things like formatting and specific 121 HZ Report.docx
types of editing with a password. Individuals without a password cannot make
Estimated completion time
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 1
Upon completing this project, you will know how to restrict editing for Topic: Prepare Documents for
documents. Collaboration
Subtopic: Restrict Editing
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 121 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1 Manage Document Options and
2. Restrict the formatting to certain styles. 1.2 Prepare documents for
a. Restrict editing for the Heading 1 style. 1.2.1 Restrict editing

b. Do not remove any formatting styles.

3. Turn on Track Changes.

4. Use HappyFish33 as the password to start the protection.

5. Save the finished project as 121 HZ Report-Completed

16 | Domain 1: Restrict Editing Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Protect Documents by Using Project Details
Project file
Passwords 122 HZ Report.docx
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Passwords ensure that only people who have permission to view or edit a
document have access to the document. Passwords do not have a recover Video reference
option; make sure to save the password. Domain 1
Topic: Prepare Documents for
Subtopic: Protect Documents by
Upon completing this project, you will know how to password protect Using Passwords
documents. Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
Steps for Completion Settings
1.2 Prepare documents for
1. Open the 122 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. collaboration
1.2.2 Protect documents by using
2. Encrypt the file with a password of your choice. passwords
3. Take a screenshot of the Encrypt Document dialog box.

4. Save the screenshot as 122 HZ Report-Completed

5. Click the Cancel button so that the password is not saved.

17 | Domain 1: Protect Documents by Using Passwords Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Edit and Display Languages Project Details
Project file
Users can change or add additional editing and display languages. Users can 131 Languages.docx
add multiple languages. Only one designated display language and one editing
Estimated completion time
language is usable at a time.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 1
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set language preferences Topic: Use and Configure Language
that will not be the display language. Options
Subtopic: Configure Editing and
Steps for Completion Displaying Languages

1. Open the 131 Languages.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
2. Add Spanish (Latin America) as an editing language. Settings
1.3 Use and configure language
3. Take a screenshot of the full computer screen showing Spanish (Latin options
America) as an editing language and the date/time in the lower-right 1.3.1 Configure editing and
corner. displaying languages

4. Save the screenshot as 131 HZ Languages-Completed

18 | Domain 1: Edit and Display Languages Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Use Language-Specific Project Details
Project file
Features N/A

Estimated completion time

Users can add editing and display languages in Word. Adding a new language 5 minutes
provides users with additional features specific to the new language. If the Video reference
features are not available, users may need to install the language to the Domain 1
computer through the Windows language settings window. Topic: Use and Configure Language
Purpose Subtopic: Use Language-Specific
Upon completing this project, you will know how to change a keyboard to
another language and what language settings change. Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
Steps for Completion Settings
1.3 Use and configure language
1. Where is Asian Typography options
1.3.2 Use language-specific
2. Ruby text is added through the Guide.

3. What are four language-specified features added to the Font Group

when the Chinese language is added as the default editing language
and installed on the computer?

4. When using another language, what two dialog boxes will contain language-appropriate

19 | Domain 1: Use Language-Specific Features Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Domain 2

20 | Domain 2: Use Language-Specific Features Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 2, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. When there are unknown letters in a word to find, use the wildcard feature with an put in the
place of letters. [Wildcards and Special Characters]

2. In the Find bar, the has to match the used in the document. [Wildcards and
Special Characters]

3. The option can be used to remove extra space between paragraphs or add extra space.
[Wildcards and Special Characters]

4. The dialog box has features that replace words with different Formatting and Styles.
[Find and Replace Formatting and Styles]

5. There are two ways to access Paste options: right-click and choose a paste option, or click the Paste drop‑down
arrow on the tab. [Apply Paste Options]

6. Using the paste option will change the text’s format to match the new document's
theme. [Apply Paste Options]

7. The Formatting paste option uses the original document’s formatting. [Apply Paste Options]

Lesson 2
8. The tab contains the Hyphenation and Line Numbers buttons. [Hyphenation and Line Numbers]

9. numbering means each page will pick up where the previous page left off. [Hyphenation and
Line Numbers]

10. the numbering on a specific paragraph means the numbering will skip the specified
paragraph and pick up numbering after it. [Hyphenation and Line Numbers]

11. control prevents a single line of a paragraph from being on a separate page. [Set Paragraph
Pagination Options]

12. The paragraph pagination option keeps the next paragraph on the same page as the
previous. [Set Paragraph Pagination Options]

13. The option will keep all lines from a paragraph on the same page. [Set Paragraph
Pagination Options]

14. Customize paragraph styles through clicking on the and clicking Create a Style.
[Paragraph and Character Styles]

15. To set a paragraph or character style in the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box, click the
button. [Paragraph and Character Styles]

16. When modifying a style, the change to every instance of use in a document. [Modifying Existing

21 | Domain 2: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

17. Adding the button to the Quick Access Toolbar is one way to make copying styles to another
document or template easier. [Copy Styles to Other Document or Templates]

18. The Organizer command is found under on the Customize the Quick
Access Toolbar dialog box. [Copy Styles to Other Documents or Templates]

19. The Organizer is also accessed from the Home tab, by launching the Styles dialog box, selecting the Manage Styles
icon, and clicking . [Copy Styles to Other Documents or Templates]

22 | Domain 2: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Wildcards and Special Project Details
Project file
Characters 211 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

Search for a word by using the wildcard characters to replace some of the letters 5 minutes
in the word. The wildcard feature is case sensitive and needs to match the case Video reference
used in the document. An asterisk is put in the place of unknown letters. Domain 2
Topic: Use Advanced Editing and
Purpose Formatting Features
Subtopic: Wildcards and Special
Upon completing this project, you will know how to use wildcards and special Characters
characters to find instances of a word and replace them.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
1. Open the 211 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. 2.1 Find, replace, and paste
document content
2. Find all of the misspelled instances of Majestic and replace them with 2.1.1 Find and replace text by
the correct spelling. using wildcards and special
3. How many replacements were made?
Notes for the teacher
4. Use a special character to change all instances of [Shared room] in the The reference project, 211 HZ Report-
document to (sharing room) Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Find and Replace dialog box should
5. Take a screenshot of the Find and Replace dialog box. have the Any Character special
character before and after Shared room
6. Save the screenshot as 211 HZ Report-Completed in the Find box. The Replace box should
say (sharing room).

23 | Domain 2: Wildcards and Special Characters Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Formatting and Styles Project Details
Project file
Use the Find and Replace dialog box to change a word's formatting and/or style. 212 HZ Report.docx
The Find and Replace feature finds all instances of a word and replaces the word Estimated completion time
and the style at one time. Use the More button on the Find and Replace dialog 5 minutes
box to apply a style change.
Video reference
Domain 2
Purpose Topic: Use Advanced Editing and
Formatting Features
Upon completing this project, you will know how to find and replace formatting
Subtopic: Find and Replace
and styles. Formatting and Styles

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
1. Open the 212 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. Features
2.1 Find, replace, and paste
2. Find all instances of Bus with a Heading 2 style. document content
2.1.2 Find and replace formatting
3. Replace Bus with the word Transportation that has a Heading 1 style. and styles

4. Save the completed project as 212 HZ Report-Completed Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 212 HZ Report-
5. Where is the Find and Replace dialog box Format button located? Finished, is in the Finished folder. There
should now be a Transportation section
with the Heading 1 style.

24 | Domain 2: Formatting and Styles Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Apply Paste Options Project Details
Project file
It is common to cut something from one document and paste it in another 213 Purpose Paragraph.docx
document. There are five paste options available: Use Destination Theme, Keep 213 HZ Report.docx
Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, Paste as a Picture, and Keep Text Only.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to access Paste options and Domain 2
apply them. Topic: Use Advanced Editing and
Formatting Features
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Apply Paste Options

1. Open the 213 Purpose Paragraph.docx file in the Domain 2 Student Objectives covered
folder. 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
2. Copy the paragraph. 2.1 Find, replace, and paste
document content
3. Open the 213 HZ Report.docx 2.1.3 Apply Paste Options

4. Paste the paragraph in the Purpose section using the Destination Notes for the teacher
Theme option. The reference project, 213 Purpose
Paragraph-Finished, is in the Finished
5. Save the completed project as 213 Purpose Paragraph-Completed folder. The Purpose section should have
a paragraph that matches the
6. What are two ways to access the Paste options? formatting of the document.



25 | Domain 2: Apply Paste Options Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Hyphenation and Line Project Details
Project file
Numbers 221 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

One aspect of hyphenation breaks a single word into separate syllables. When a 5 minutes
word is too long to fit in the space left on a line, use hyphenation to make the Video reference
line length uniform in shape. Domain 2
Topic: Configure Paragraph Layout
Line numbers are commonly used in legal documents for easy reference. Each Options
line of the document has a number to the left of the line. Subtopic: Hyphenation and Line
Objectives covered
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set hyphens in a document 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
automatically and how to assign line numbers. Features
2.2 Configure paragraph layout
Steps for Completion options
2.2.1 Configure hyphenation and
1. Open the 221 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. line numbers

2. Add hyphens to the document but limit consecutive automatic hyphens Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 221 HZ Report-
to 2.
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
3. Add Continuous line numbers to the document. document should contain Continuous
line numbers. Line 14 should have a
4. Save the completed project as 221 HZ Report-Completed hyphenated word at the end of the line.
Check to make sure students have
limited consecutive automatic hyphens
to 2.

26 | Domain 2: Hyphenation and Line Numbers Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Set Paragraph Pagination Project Details
Project file
Options 222 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

Paragraph pagination provides a user with options for how to split paragraphs 5 minutes
at page breaks. Users can also decide to have an entire paragraph move to a Video reference
new page rather than split at a page break. Domain 2
Topic: Configure Paragraph Layout
Purpose Options
Subtopic: Set Paragraph
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set the Widow/Orphan Pagination Options
control and other pagination controls.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
1. Open the 222 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. 2.2 Configure paragraph layout
2. Select the Widow/Orphan control check box. 2.2.2 Set Paragraph pagination
3. Ensure all of the paragraph’s lines stay together on the same page.
Notes for the teacher
4. Save the completed project as 222 HZ Report-Completed The reference project, 222 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Line and Page Breaks tab of the
Paragraph dialog box should have
Widow/Orphan control and Keep lines
together options selected.

27 | Domain 2: Set Paragraph Pagination Options Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Paragraph and Character Styles Project Details
Project file
Word has two main styles: paragraph and character. Paragraph styles apply a 231 HZ Report.docx
style to the whole paragraph. Character styles only apply a style to the selected
Estimated completion time
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 2
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create and apply paragraph Topic: Create and Manage Styles
and character styles in a document. Subtopic: Create Paragraph and
Character Styles
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 231 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
2. Create a new paragraph style using the Hidden Canyon paragraph and 2.3 Create and manage styles
name it Hike 2.3.1 Create paragraph and
character styles
3. Apply the Hike style to all paragraphs in the document.
Notes for the teacher
4. Make the words hidden canyon in the first paragraph bold with the The reference project, 231 HZ Report-
Gold, Accent 3, Darker 25% text color. Finished, is in the Finished folder. All
paragraphs should be formatted with
5. Create a new character style named Hike Info using the style settings the new Hike paragraph style. The
words hidden canyon, river, waterfall,
applied to the hidden canyon text.
and overlooking the canyon should be
6. In the document, apply the Hike Info style to the words, river, waterfall, formatted with the new Hike Info
character style.
and overlooking the canyon.

7. Save the completed project as 231 HZ Report-Completed

28 | Domain 2: Paragraph and Character Styles Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Modify Existing Styles Project Details
Project file
Existing paragraph and character styles need to have changes made to them at 232 HZ Report.docx
times. When modifying a style, the change applies to every instance of use in a
Estimated completion time
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 2
Upon completing this project, you will know how to modify an existing style. Topic: Create and Manage Styles
Subtopic: Modify Existing Styles
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 232 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
2. Modify the Hike Info style so that it is no longer bold. 2.3 Create and manage styles
2.3.2 Modify existing styles
3. Save the completed project as 232 HZ Report-Completed
Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 232 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
four instances of the Hike Info style
should not be bold.

29 | Domain 2: Modify Existing Styles Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Copy Styles to Other Project Details
Project file
Documents or Templates 233 HZ Report.docx
233 HZ Title.docx

The Organizer easily copies styles from one document to another. If a user is Estimated completion time
copying styles to other documents frequently, adding the Organizer button to 5 minutes
the Quick Access Toolbar will make accessing the Organizer more efficient. Video reference
Domain 2
Purpose Topic: Create and Manage Styles
Subtopic: Copy Styles to Other
Upon completing this project, you will know how to copy a style from one Documents or Templates
document to another document.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 2 Use Advanced Editing and Formatting
1. Open the 233 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 2 Student folder. 2.3 Create and manage styles
2.3.3 Copy styles to other
2. Open the 233 HZ Title.docx documents or templates

3. Copy the Hike Zion Title style to the 233 HZ Report.docx. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 233 HZ Report-
4. Save the completed project as 233 HZ Report-Completed Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Hike Zion Title style should be in the
Styles gallery.

30 | Domain 2: Copy Styles to Other Documents or Templates Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Domain 3

31 | Domain 3: Copy Styles to Other Documents or Templates Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 3, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. Choosing to save a Quick Part in or will save the Quick Part
within the Quick Parts Gallery for use within any document. [Create Quick Parts]

2. Saving a Quick Part in the makes the Quick Part available only within that
specific template. [Create Quick Parts]

3. The Quick Parts drop-down arrow is on the tab in the Text group. [Create Quick Parts]

4. are edited within the Building Blocks Organizer. [Manage Building Blocks]

5. To access the Building Blocks Organizer, click the drop-down arrow. [Manage Building

6. To delete a custom color set, select the Color drop-down arrow found on the tab, right-click the
custom color set, and then select Delete from the menu. [Create Custom Color Sets]

7. Custom font sets contain fonts for text and . [Create Custom Font Sets]

8. Custom themes save as and are useable in other Microsoft applications. [Create Custom Themes]

9. Themes contain color sets, font sets, and sets. [Create Custom Themes]

10. Style sets include both fonts and alignment for , headings, and body text. [Create Custom Style Sets]

Lesson 2
11. Subentries appear below the entry. [Mark and Create Index Entries]

12. It is easier to see the marked index entries with the turned on. [Mark and
Create Index Entries]

13. Indexes are on the tab in the Index group. [Mark and Create Index Entries]

14. Update the index through clicking the button. [Update Indexes]

15. A user can change marked entries through the entry, making changes, and marking the new
index entry. [Update Indexes]

16. Captions explain what a , table, drawing, or another object is, in a document. [Insert Figure Table

17. Adding captions to elements within a document can make it easier to them later. [Insert Figure
Table Captions]

32 | Domain 3: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

18. Captions do not have options but do have copy/paste options. [Insert Figure Table

19. Captions contain labels, , and numbering. [Configure Caption Properties]

20. Default caption labels include tables, , or equations. [Configure Caption Properties]

21. A Table of Figures is a list, sorted by , of captions in the document. [Insert and Modify Table
of Figures]

22. The Insert Table of Figures button is on the tab in the Captions area. [Insert and Modify Table of

33 | Domain 3: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Create Quick Parts Project Details
Project file
Quick Parts are reusable content that stores in the Quick Parts Gallery. Choosing 311 Business Letter Template.dotx
to store a Quick Part in Normal or Building Blocks will save the Quick Part within
Estimated completion time
the Quick Parts Gallery for use within any document.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 3
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create and save a Quick Topic: Create Custom Document
Part for future use. Elements
Subtopic: Create Quick Parts
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 311 Business Letter Template.dotx file in the Domain 3 3 Create Custom Document Elements
Student folder. 3.1 Create and modify building
2. Copy the address from the 311 Business Letter Template.dotx. 3.1.1 Create Quick Parts

3. Open a new document. Notes for the teacher

The reference project, 311 Business
4. Paste the address in the new document. Letter Template-Finished, is in the
Finished folder. The screenshot should
5. Make the new document address a Quick Part named Uptown Contact have the Uptown Contact Info within
Info the Quick Part Gallery.

6. Make the Quick Part available in the Quick Part Gallery for any

7. Open a new document.

8. Open the Quick Part Gallery.

9. Take a screenshot of the Quick Part Gallery showing the Uptown Contact Info in the gallery.

10. Save the screenshot as 311 Business Letter Template-Completed

34 | Domain 3: Create Quick Parts Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Manage Building Blocks Project Details
Project file
Building blocks are reusable blocks of content stored in the Quick Part Gallery. 312 Business Letter Template.dotx
The Building Blocks Organizer contains different building blocks such as
Estimated completion time
Bibliographies, Footers, Headers, Tables, and Text Boxes, to name a few options.
5 minutes
Editing Quick Part building blocks happens in the Building Blocks Organizer.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 3
Topic: Create Custom Document
Upon completing this project, you will know how to edit and delete Quick Parts. Elements
Subtopic: Manage Building Blocks
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 312 Business Letter Template.dotx file in the Domain 3 3 Create Custom Document Elements
Student folder. 3.1 Create and modify building
2. Delete the Uptown Contact Info Quick Part. 3.1.2 Manage building blocks

3. Change the contact info phone number to 555-555-5555 Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 312 Business
4. Save the changed contact information as a Quick Part named My Letter Template-Finished, is in the
Contact Info Finished folder. The My Contact Info
Quick Part should contain the phone
5. Edit the My Contact Info Quick Part. Set the Building Block options so number, 555-555-5555, and the content
should insert into a document in its
that the content inserts in its own paragraph.
own paragraph.
6. Save the completed project as 312 Business Letter Template-

35 | Domain 3: Manage Building Blocks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Create Customer Color Sets Project Details
Project file
A color theme is a grouping of colors used in a document. Custom color sets 321 HZ Report.docx
allow changes to individual accent colors in a theme.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create and edit custom
Domain 3
color sets. Topic: Create Custom Design
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Create Customer Color
1. Open the 321 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder.
Objectives covered
2. Create a customized color set with green as the Accent 1 color. 3 Create Custom Document Elements
3.2 Create custom design elements
3. Name the color set Hike Zion Color Set 3.2.1 Create custom color sets

4. Save the color set. Notes for the teacher

The reference project, 321 HZ Report-
5. Edit the Hike Zion Color Set so that the Hyperlink is the same color as Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
Accent 2. custom Hike Zion Color Set should have
green as Accent 1, and the Hyperlink
6. Save the completed project as 321 HZ Report-Completed should be the same color as Accent 2.

36 | Domain 3: Create Customer Color Sets Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Create Custom Font Sets Project Details
Project file
A custom font set applies the font for the body text and headings. The font for 322 HZ Report.dotx
the body text can have a different font than the headings.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set a custom font set with a
Domain 3
different heading than the body text. Topic: Create Custom Design
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Create Custom Font Sets

1. Open the 322 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder. Objectives covered
3 Create Custom Document Elements
2. Create a custom font using Franklin Gothic Medium for the heading. 3.2 Create custom design elements
3.2.2 Create custom font sets
3. Name the font set HZ Font Set
Notes for the teacher
4. Save the completed project as 322 HZ Report-Completed The reference project, 322 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
HZ Font Set should have the Franklin
Gothic Medium font for the heading,
and the body text should be Constantia.

37 | Domain 3: Create Custom Font Sets Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Create Custom Themes Project Details
Project file
Themes contain color sets, font sets, and style sets. Custom themes save as files 323 HZ Report.docx
and are usable in other Microsoft applications. Modifying colors in a custom 3.2.3 Template.dotx
theme makes changes in that document without changing the custom theme.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create a custom theme. Domain 3
Topic: Create Custom Design
Steps for Completion Elements
Subtopic: Create Custom Themes
1. Open the 323 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder.
Objectives covered
2. Create a custom theme named: HZ Theme 3 Create Custom Document Elements
3.2 Create custom design elements
3. Open the 3.2.3 Template.dotx file. 3.2.3 Create custom themes

4. Apply the HZ Theme to the 3.2.3 Template.dotx document. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 323 HZ Report-
5. Save the completed project as 323 HZ Report-Completed Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
document should have the HZ Theme

38 | Domain 3: Create Custom Themes Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Create Custom Style Sets Project Details
Project file
Style sets include both fonts and alignment for titles, headings, and body text. 324 HZ Report.docx
Custom style sets save as a file and are available for use in other Microsoft 2.3.4 Template.dotx
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create and apply a custom Domain 3
style set. Topic: Create Custom Design
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Create Custom Style
1. Open the 324 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder.
Objectives covered
2. Update the Purpose section heading style, on page 2, with the following 3 Create Custom Document Elements
criteria: 3.2 Create custom design elements
3.2.4 Create custom style sets
a. Underline the headings.
Notes for the teacher
b. Give it a small-caps effect. The reference project, 324 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
c. Make the heading left-aligned. document should have the HZ Style Set
applied. The style should be left-
3. Update all of the Heading 1 styles to match the Purpose Heading 1 aligned, underlined, and have the small
style. caps effect.

4. Create a custom style set.

5. Name the New Style Set: HZ Style Set

6. Save the completed project as 324 HZ Report-Completed

39 | Domain 3: Create Custom Style Sets Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Mark and Create Index Entries Project Details
Project file
Before building an index, the index entries need marking. When marking an 331 and 332 HZ Report.docx
index entry, decide if the entry is the main entry or a subentry. Word lists
Estimated completion time
subentries below the main entries in the index. It is easier to see the marked
5-10 minutes
index entries with the Show/Hide paragraph marker turned on.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 3
Topic: Create and Manage Indexes
Upon completing this project, you will know how to mark index entries and Subtopic: Mark and Create Index
create an index. Entries

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

3 Create Custom Document Elements
1. Open the 331 and 332 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student 3.3 Create and manage indexes
3.3.1 Mark index entries
3.3.2 Create indexes
2. In the Meals section, mark the Majestic View Steakhouse as the main Notes for the teacher
entry. The reference project, 331 and 332 HZ
Report-Finished, is in the Finished
3. In the Hikes section, mark Hidden Canyon as the main entry. folder. The index on the last page
should have Hidden Canyon, Hikes, and
4. In the Hikes section, mark all of the hikes' names as subentries with
Majestic View Steakhouse as main
Hikes as the main entry. entries. Canyon Overlook, Emerald
Pools, and Narrow Riverside should be
5. Scroll to the last page and add a new page for the index. subentries under Hikes.
6. Type: Index at the top of the new page.

7. Apply the Heading 1 style to the word, Index.

8. Create an index using the classic style with one column.

9. Save the completed project as 331 and 332 HZ Report-Completed

40 | Domain 3: Mark and Create Index Entries Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Update Indexes Project Details
Project file
A user can change marked entries by deleting the entry, making changes, and 333 HZ Report.docx
marking the new index entry. Update the index by clicking the Update Index
Estimated completion time
button found on the References tab.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 3
Upon completing this project, you will know how to change marked index Topic: Create and Manage Indexes
entries and update an index. Subtopic: Update Indexes

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

3 Create Custom Document Elements
1. Open the 333 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder. 3.3 Create and manage indexes
3.3.3 Update indexes
2. Remove Hidden Canyon from being a main entry in the index.
Notes for the teacher
3. Make Hidden Canyon a subentry under the Hikes main entry. The reference project, 333 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
4. Update the Index. index should not have Hidden Canyon
as the main entry. Hidden Canyon
5. Save the completed project as 333 HZ Report-Completed should now be a subentry under Hikes.

41 | Domain 3: Update Indexes Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Insert Figure Table Captions Project Details
Project file
In a document, captions explain, in text, what a picture, table, drawing, or other 341 HZ Report.docx
object is. Adding captions to elements within a document can make it easier to
Estimated completion time
reference them later. Captions do not have options, but copy/paste options and
5 minutes
deleting works like the regular body text.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 3
Topic: Create and Manage Tables of
Upon completing this project, you will know how to insert captions for pictures Figures
and tables with figures. Subtopic: Insert Figure Table
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 341 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder. 3 Create Custom Document Elements
3.4 Create and manage tables of
2. Add a caption to the first photo. figures
3.4.1 Insert figure table captions
3. Type: Zion National Park photo
Notes for the teacher
4. Position the caption below the photo. The reference project, 341 HZ Report-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
5. Add a table caption to the Number of Enrolled Participants table. first picture and the Number of Enrolled
Participants table should have captions
6. Name the caption: Number of Enrolled Participants added at the bottom of the picture or
7. Make the caption appear below the table.

8. Save the completed project as 341 HZ Report-Completed

42 | Domain 3: Insert Figure Table Captions Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Configure Caption Properties Project Details
Project file
Captions contain labels, positions, and numbering. Available labels include 342 HZ Report.docx
tables, figures, or equations. The position can be set above or below the object.
Estimated completion time
Numbering can be in Roman numerals, alphabetic numbers, or numbered lists.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 3
Upon completing this project, you will know how to configure caption Topic: Create and Manage Tables of
properties. Figures
Subtopic: Configure Caption
Steps for Completion Properties

1. Open the 342 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder. Objectives covered
3 Create Custom Document Elements
2. Add a figure caption to the first picture in the Hikes section. 3.4 Create and manage tables of
3. What number is this figure? 3.4.2 Configure caption properties

4. Name the caption: Narrows, Zion National Park Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 342 HZ Report-
5. Have the caption appear above the picture. Finished, is in the Finished folder. In the
Hikes section, the first picture should
6. Save the completed project as 342 HZ Report-Completed have a figure 2 caption that says,
Narrows, Zion National Park, above the

43 | Domain 3: Configure Caption Properties Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Insert and Modify a Table of Project Details
Project file
Figures 343 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

A Table of Figures is a list, sorted by page number, of captions and tables in the 5 minutes
document. Enter captions or tables before creating the Table of Figures. The Video reference
functions used to create a Table of Figures are on the References tab. Domain 3
Topic: Create and Manage Tables of
Purpose Figures
Subtopic: Insert and Modify a
Upon completing this project, you will know how to insert and modify a Table of Table of Figures
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 3 Create Custom Document Elements
3.4 Create and manage tables of
1. Open the 343 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 3 Student folder. figures
3.4.3 Insert and modify a table of
2. Below the Index, type: Table of Figures figures

3. Make the Table of Figures text a Heading 1 style. Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 343 HZ Report-
4. Insert a Table of Figures below the heading. Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
document should have a Table of
5. List tables and figures. Figures on the last page that lists both
tables and figures. The overlook caption
6. Change the caption on the Overlook photo to say: Canyon Overlook, should say, Canyon Overlook, Zion
Zion National Park National Park.

7. Update the Table of Figures.

8. Save the completed project as 343 HZ Report-Completed

44 | Domain 3: Insert and Modify a Table of Figures Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Domain 4

45 | Domain 4: Insert and Modify a Table of Figures Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Instructions: While watching Domain 4, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. Custom Fields are added from the drop-down arrow. [Add Custom Fields]

2. your custom fields helps recognize what that field is when there are multiple custom fields in a
document. [Add Custom Fields]

3. To update a custom field, on the field and click on Update Field. [Modify Field Properties]

4. To edit a custom field, on the field and click Edit Field. [Modify Field Properties]

5. The tab contains content controls. [Insert and Configure Content Controls]

6. To add content to a drop-down list's content controls, click on the button to enable the
Content Control Properties dialog box. [Insert and Configure Content Controls]

Lesson 2
7. One way to create a macro is to open the tab, click on Macros, and then select Record Macro. [Record
Simple Macros]

8. Macros are a list of recorded or coded to reuse multiple times. [Record Simple Macros]

9. A appears next to the cursor when a macro is recording. [Record Simple Macros]

10. A macro is no longer recording when there is not a next to the cursor. [Record Simple

11. Assign macros to a or a keyboard shortcut. [Record Simple Macros]

12. The macros button is on the View tab, but this option can also be found on the tab in the Code
group. [Edit and Name Simple Macros]

13. is where macro editing takes place. [Edit and Name Simple Macros]

14. When editing the name of a macro, it is important to leave Sub at the beginning of the name and
the at the end of the name. [Edit and Name Simple Macros]

15. The button has the settings to move macros to other documents or templates. [Copy Macros to
Other Documents or Templates]

Lesson 3
16. To the recipient list, click on the Edit Recipients List button to make changes. [Manage
Recipients List]

17. Once the user clicks Finish and Merge, the mail merge is final, and additional are not possible or
reversible. [Manage Recipients List]

18. Use the drop-down button to insert fields into a mail merge document. [Insert and
Preview Merged Fields]

46 | Domain 4: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

19. Be careful to insert merge fields in the correct places, with the appropriate and
. [Insert and Preview Merged Fields]

20. Mail merge, adding recipients, and inserting merge field options are all on the tab. [Insert and
Preview Merged Fields]

21. The tab in the Envelope Address dialog box specifies how the printer will feed the
envelope when printing. [Create Merged Documents, Labels, and Envelopes]

22. To merge all records to a new document, click Finish and Merge, and then
select to select All for the merge. [Create Merged Documents, Labels, and

47 | Domain 4: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Add Custom Fields Project Details
Project file
Word has many different fields to add to documents. Labeling custom fields 411 HZ Packing List & Menu.docx
helps the user and others recognize what that field is, especially with multiple
Estimated completion time
custom fields in a document.
5-10 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 4
Upon completing this project, you will know how to add custom fields to the Topic: Use Advanced Word Features
footer of a document. Subtopic: Add Custom Fields

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

4 Use Advanced Work Features
1. Open the 411 HZ Packing List & Menu.docx file in the Domain 4 4.1 Manage forms, fields, and
Student folder. controls
4.1.1 Add custom fields
2. Add a print date to the footer above the page number.
Notes for the teacher
3. Use the second format option. The reference project, 411 HZ Packing
List & Menu-Finished, is in the Finished
4. Label the custom field Print Date folder. The footer of the document
should have a print date and save date
5. Add a save date to the footer above the print date. above the page number. The print date
and save date should have different
6. Use the first format option. date formats.

7. Label the custom field Save Date

8. Save the completed project as 411 HZ Packing List & Menu-Completed

48 | Domain 4: Add Custom Fields Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Modify Field Properties Project Details
Project file
Users edit fields by selecting the modifications in the Field dialog box. Some 412 HZ Packing List & Menu.docx
fields automatically update, others need to be manually updated.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to modify a field and update
Domain 4
the field. Topic: Use Advanced Word Features
Subtopic: Modify Field Properties
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 412 HZ Packing List & Menu.docx file in the Domain 4 4 Use Advanced Work Features
Student folder. 4.1 Manage forms, fields, and
2. Modify the Print Date format to match the Save Date format. 4.1.2 Modify field properties

3. Save the document. Notes for the teacher

The reference project, 412 HZ Packing
4. Update the Save Date in the document. List & Menu-Finished, is in the Finished
folder. The footer should have the Print
5. Save the completed project as 412 HZ Packing List & Menu- Date field and Save Date field with
Completed matching date formats, and the save
date should have an actual date entered
in the field.

49 | Domain 4: Modify Field Properties Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Insert and Configure Standard Project Details
Project file
Content Controls 413 & 414 HZ Packing List &

The available standard content controls are the Rich Text, Plain Text, Picture, Estimated completion time
Check Box, Combo Box, Drop-Down List, Date Picker, Repeating Section, and 5 minutes
Legacy Tools. Video reference
Domain 4
Purpose Topic: Use Advanced Word Features
Subtopic: Insert and Configure
Upon completing this project, you will insert and configure content controls. Content Controls

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

4 Use Advanced Work Features
1. Open the 413 & 414 HZ Packing List & Menu.docx file in the Domain 4.1 Manage forms, fields, and
4 Student folder. controls
4.1.3 Insert standard content
2. On the Menu page in the Additional Comments section, add a content controls
control text box for comments. 4.1.4 Configure standard content
3. Add a check box before each item in the Clothes to Pack list.
Notes for the teacher
4. Add a drop-down list of sandwiches to the right of Saturday’s Lunch The reference project, 413 & 414 HZ
text. Packing List & Menu-Finished, is in the
Finished folder. The Additional
a. Make the drop-down list title Sandwich Choice Comments section of the Menu page
should have a content control text box
b. Add Ham and Cheese to the Sandwich Choice list. for comments. The Clothes to Pack list
should have a check box before every
c. Add PB & J to the Sandwich Choice list. item on the list. Saturday's Lunch
should have a drop-down list with the
d. Add Turkey and Swiss Cheese to the Sandwich Choice list. title Sandwich Choice and a list of three
different sandwiches.
5. Save the completed project as 413 & 414 HZ Packing List & Menu-

50 | Domain 4: Insert and Configure Standard Content Controls Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Record Simple Macros Project Details
Project file
Macros are a list of commands recorded or coded to be reused multiple times. 421 Macro.docx
Macro names cannot have any spaces; they must be a single word.
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
Video reference
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create a simple header
Domain 4
macro. Topic: Create and Modify Macros
Subtopic: Record Simple Macros
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 421 Macro.docx file in the Domain 4 Student folder. 4 Use Advanced Work Features
4.2 Create and modify macros
2. Record a new macro named RoughDraft 4.2.1 Record simple macros

3. Store the macro in All Documents. Notes for the teacher

The reference project, 421 Macro-
4. Open the header and complete the following: Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
document should have a recorded
a. In the header, type: Rough Draft macro named RoughDraft. The header
should have Rough Draft on the left
b. Type your name on the right side of the header. side of the header and the student’s
name on the right side of the header.
c. Stop the macro recording.

5. Save the completed project as 421 Macro-Completed

6. How do you know when a macro is recording?

7. How do you know when a macro stops recording?

51 | Domain 4: Record Simple Macros Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Edit and Name Simple Macros Project Details
Project file
VBA Editor is where macro editing takes place. When editing the name of a 422 & 423 Macro.docm
macro in the VBA Editor, it is important to leave Sub at the beginning of the
Estimated completion time
name and the parentheses at the end of the name.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 4
Upon completing this project, you will know how to edit and name macros in Topic: Create and Modify Macros
the VBA Editor. Subtopic: Edit and Name Simple
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 422 & 423 Macro.docm file in the Domain 4 Student folder. 4 Use Advanced Work Features
4.2 Create and modify macros
2. Change the RoughDraft macro to show just Draft on the left side of the 4.2.2 Name simple macros
header. 4.2.3 Edit simple macros

3. Rename the macro DraftHeader Notes for the teacher

The reference project, 422 & 423
4. Remove the text in the document's header and then apply the Macro-Finished, is in the Finished
DraftHeader macro. folder. The header should say Draft on
the left side of the header, and there
5. Save the completed project as 422 & 423 Macro-Completed should be a macro called DraftHeader.
There will not be a macro named

52 | Domain 4: Edit and Name Simple Macros Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Copy Macros to Other Project Details
Project file
Documents or Templates 424 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

The Organizer allows macros to be copied from one document or template to 5 minutes
another by selecting the document or template storing the macro and copying Video reference
it to the new document. Macros are immediately available for use within the Domain 4
new document. Topic: Create and Modify Macros
Subtopic: Copy Macros to Other
Purpose Documents or Templates

Upon completing this project, you will know how to copy macros to other Objectives covered
documents or templates. 4 Use Advanced Work Features
4.2 Create and modify macros
Steps for Completion 4.2.4 Copy macros to other
documents or templates
1. Open the 424 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 4 Student folder.
Notes for the teacher
The reference project, 424 HZ Report-
2. Copy the NewMacros in the global template to the current document.
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
3. Apply the macro to the DraftHeader macro. document header should have Draft
and the student name at the top of the
4. Save the completed project as a Macro-Enabled file and name it 424 HZ document.

53 | Domain 4: Copy Macros to Other Documents or Templates Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Letter Mail Merge Project Details
Project file
Users start a mail merge by selecting the type of mail merge they'd like to 431 HZ Letter.docx
complete. Users then create or add a recipient list. To edit the list, open the Mail Hike Zion Address List.mdb
Merge Recipients dialog box. Add all of the recipient's information to the
Estimated completion time
document though inserting merge fields. Finish the mail merge to complete the 10-15 minutes
process. Users can save or print the completed mail merge.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 4
Topic: Perform Mail Merges
Upon completing this project, you will know how to perform a letter mail merge. Subtopic: Manage Recipients Lists

Steps for Completion Objectives covered

4 Use Advanced Work Features
1. Open the 431 HZ Letter.docx file in the Domain 4 Student folder. 4.3 Perform Mail Merges
4.3.1 Manage recipients lists
2. Start a new letter mail merge. 4.3.2 Insert merged fields
4.3.3 Preview merged results
3. Use the Hike Zion Address List.mdb for the mail merge recipients. 4.3.4 Create merged documents,
labels, and envelopes
4. Remove Natasha Nelson from the recipient list.
Notes for the teacher
5. Find any duplicate names on the list and remove them. The reference project, 431 HZ Letter-
Finished, is in the Finished folder. The
6. On the top line of the document, insert the First_Name merge field, a document should contain letters with
space, and then the Last_Name merge field. the recipient’s name and address at the
top. The greeting line should have Dear
7. On the second line of the document, insert the Address_Line_1 merge and the recipient’s first name followed
field. by a comma. There should not be a
letter for Natasha Nelson or a duplicate
8. One the third line of the document, insert the City, State, and Zip Code letter for Jacob Klein.
with the proper punctuation and spacing between the merge fields.

9. Make the greeting line contain just the first name in the merge field.

10. Choose none as the greeting for the greeting line.

11. Complete the mail merge.

12. Save the completed project as 431 HZ Letter-Completed

54 | Domain 4: Letter Mail Merge Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Create Labels and Envelopes Project Details
Project file
The font and delivery/return address locations adjust on the envelope printing Hike Zion Address List.mdb
to meet the user’s needs. The Printing Options tab specifies the way the printer
Estimated completion time
will feed the envelope when printing.
15 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 4
Upon completing this project, you will know how to create envelopes and labels Topic: Perform Mail Merges
using mail merge. Subtopic: Create Merged
Documents, Labels, and Envelopes
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
Open a new blank document. 4 Use Advanced Work Features
4.3 Perform Mail Merges
2. Use the Hike Zion Address List.mdb for the recipients. 4.3.4 Create merged documents,
labels, and envelopes
3. Use the list to create mail merge envelopes.
Notes for the teacher
4. Change the envelope delivery and return fonts to Arial. The reference projects, HZ Envelopes-
Finished and Final Labels-Finished, are
5. In the return area, type an address of your choice. in the Finished folder. The HZ Envelopes
document should have multiple
6. Merge the list of recipients to the envelopes. envelopes with a return and different
delivery addresses with an Arial font.
7. Save the project as HZ Envelopes The Final Labels will be using the 5160
Address Avery US Vendor labels. Every
8. Open a new blank document.
label on the sheet should have the first
and last name address block formatting
9. Set up the Label mail merge to use Avery US Vendor labels.
applied and a different address on each
10. Use the 5160 Address Labels product number. label.

11. Use the Hike Zion Address List.mdb

12. Use the first and last name address block formatting.

13. Preview and complete the merge.

14. Save the project as Final Labels

55 | Domain 4: Create Labels and Envelopes Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

56 | Appendix: Glossary Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Term Definition

AutoRecover A feature that periodically saves the user's work. The save frequency can be increased, decreased, or
disabled from the Save tab in the Word Options window.
Building Block A tool that stores and organizes saved Quick Parts, bibliographies, headers and footers, text boxes,
Organizer and watermarks.
Caption A feature used to add text to pictures, tables, and drawings to explain what they are.
Character Styles An option that allows users to create a style, save it, and apply it to specific characters in the future.
Combine A feature used to combine two or more documents into one document.
Compare A feature used to review two document versions to see the differences in the documents.
Content Individual controls that can be added to documents and templates and then customized to fit the
Controls user's specific needs.
Custom Color An option that allows a user to create a color set for text, save it, and apply it to other documents or
Set templates in the future.
Custom Font Set An option that allows a user to set the font for body text and headings, save it, and apply it to other
documents or templates in the future.
Custom Style An option that allows a user to set font and alignment for titles, headings, and body text, then save
Set and apply it to other documents or templates in the future.
Custom Theme An option that allows a user to create a theme by saving color sets, font sets, and style sets to use on
future projects.
Default Font The font automatically selected when a new document is opened.
Developer Tab An available tab, hidden by default, that offers advanced options and customizations.
Document A feature offered that allows a user to check out a document, preventing other users from viewing
Check Out the document, until the changes have been made and the document has been checked back in.
Encrypt With A method used to secure a file by allowing a user to protect the document with a password. The
Password password must be provided before a user can view the document.
Find and A feature that allows a user to search for words or phrases and replace them with new text.
Hyphenation An option that inserts a hyphen into a word to fill in excess space at the end of a line where the
whole word was too long to fit in the space that was left.
Index Entries Key words that are marked and then used to generate an index.
Keep Lines An option that keeps all the lines of a paragraph together on the same page.
Line Numbers An option that numbers each line of a document in the way the user specifies.
Linking External A feature that links content from an external source to the user's document.
Macro A list of commands that are recorded or coded to execute the commands using a single command.
Mail Merge A process used to create personalized letters, envelopes, and labels.
Paragraph Styles An option that allows a user to create a style, save it, and apply it to selected paragraphs.
Quick Access A feature that stores the user's specified commands on the toolbar for easy access and use.
Quick Parts Text that can be saved and inserted into documents.
Restrict Editing A tool that provides options to restrict the amount of editing that can be done to the document.
Table of Figures A table created using the captions from the document.
Widow/Orphan An option used to prevent a single line of a paragraph from being left at the top or bottom of a page.

57 | Appendix: Glossary Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Wildcard A character that represents any number of characters within a word and can be used to find words
within a document.

58 | Appendix: Glossary Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
Tool Shortcut Action Shortcut
Selection V Draw from center Alt
Direct Selection A Draw from center with dialog Alt+Click
Magic Wand Y Constrain proportion Shift
Lasso Q Move object while drawing Spacebar
Pen P Add/subtract sides, points,
Up or Down Arrow
Blob Brush Shift+B spiral segments
Add Anchor Point + (Plus) Decrease inner radius Ctrl
Delete Anchor Point - (Minus) Ctrl+Shift+< or
Decrease/increase type size
Convert Anchor Point Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+>
Artboard Shift+O Alt+Up Arrow or
Decrease/increase leading
Type T Alt+Down Arrow
Line Segment \ (Backslash) Decrease/increase Alt+Left Arrow or
Rectangle M kerning/tracking Alt+Right Arrow
Ellipse L Reset kerning or tracking to 0 Ctrl+Alt+Q
Paintbrush B Move selection Arrow Keys
Pencil N Move selection 10 points Shift+Arrow Keys
Rotate R Lock selected artwork Ctrl+2
Reflect O Lock all deselected artwork Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2
Scale S Unlock all artwork Ctrl+Alt+2
Warp Shift+R Hide selected artwork Ctrl+3
Width Shift+W Hide all deselected artwork Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3
Free Transform E Show all artwork Ctrl+Alt+3
Shape Builder Shift+M Show layer while turning off
Alt+Click on eyeball icon
all others
Perspective Grid Shift+P
Select all items on layer Alt+Click layer name
Perspective Selection Shift+V
Copy selected item to Alt+Drag selection square in
Symbol Sprayer Shift+S
different layer Layers panel
Column Graph J
Create new layer at top of list Ctrl+Click
Mesh U
Create new layer below
Gradient G Ctrl+Alt+Click
selected layer
Eyedropper I
Show/Hide brushes F5
Blend W
Show/Hide color F6
Live Paint Bucket K
Show/Hide layers F7
Live Paint Selection Shift+L
Show/Hide info Ctrl+F8
Slice Shift+K
Show/Hide gradient Ctrl+F9
Eraser Shift+E
Show/Hide stroke Ctrl+F10
Scissors C
Show/Hide attributes Ctrl+F11
Hand H
Revert file F12
Zoom Z
Show/Hide graphic styles Shift+F5
Zoom In Ctrl+Spacebar
Show/Hide appearance Shift+F6
Zoom Out Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar
Show/Hide align Shift+F7
Zoom to exact size Ctrl+Spacebar+Drag
Show/Hide transform Shift+F8
Hide/show all tools and
Tab Show/Hide pathfinder Shift+Ctrl+F9
Hide/show all panels except
Show/Hide transparency Shift+Ctrl+F10
Shift+Tab Show/Hide symbols Shift+Ctrl+F11

59 | Appendix: Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Word 2019 Expert (MO-101) Objectives
Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4
Manage Document Options and Settings Use Advanced Editing and Formatting Features Create Custom Document Elements Use Advanced Word Features
1.1 Manage documents and templates 2.1 Find, replace, and paste document content 3.1 Create and modify building blocks 4.1 Manage forms, fields, and controls
1.2 Prepare documents for collaboration 2.2 Configure paragraph layout options 3.2 Create custom design elements 4.2 Create and modify macros
1.3 Use and configure language options 2.3 Create and manage styles 3.3 Create and mange indexes 4.3 Perform mail merges
3.4 Create and manage tables of figures

60 | Appendix: Objectives Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

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