A Tea Stall

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A Tea Stall
Tea is a popular hot drink all over the world. Bangladesh is home to tea. The
people of Bangladesh are very fond of taking tea. So, a tea stall is commonplace
for all classes of people in any corner of our country. A tea stall is a small shop
where tea is prepared and served to the customers. Biscuits, bread, bananas,
betel leaf are also available here. It opens early in the morning and closes late at
night. It is usually found near any educational institutions, banks, factories, mills,
industries, at the turn of the road, in the train station, or steamer ghats. It is not
well-furnished. Even in some stalls, there are no chairs but benches.

A tea stall has normally two parts. In the front part, there are chairs, tables, and
show-cases. On the other part, there is the kitchen. A boy is employed in a tea
stall. Sometimes, the owner himself serves as the boy and the cashier. A stall can
be termed as the mini Sangsad of the villagers. Different kinds of people gather
here. They refresh themselves with a cup of tea and discuss politics and different
social affairs. Thus a tea stall is a noisy, chaotic, crowded, dirty, and busy place.

Today a TV set is also seen in a tea stall both in towns and in villages. It is such a
place that gives the villagers an opportunity to share the joys and sorrows of daily
life. Really its utility cannot be ignored. A tea stall is a meeting place for all types
of people and it can play a vital role in making people aware of enjoying their
leisure time. In order to make a tea stall a healthful place, it should be kept neat
and clean.
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation refers to the planting of trees. It is really beneficial to the
environment. Trees are our closest friends. Trees provide us with oxygen and
absorb carbon dioxide. They also provide us with shelter, shade, food, and fruit.
They help our environment in a variety of ways, like preventing soil erosion and
protecting us from floods, cyclones, and droughts. Unfortunately, people are now
cutting down more trees than necessary. The number of trees and forests is
decreasing day by day. As a result, the ecological balance is destroyed.

A country should have at least 25% of its area covered by forest. But compared to
that, the amount of forest land in Bangladesh is only 16 percent of the total area.
Apart from this, greedy society is cutting down trees on their sweet will to earn
money. Trees are an integral part of nature and the ecosystem. Therefore, the
existence of life on earth without trees is unimaginable. Indiscriminate
deforestation is endangering nature. The environment of Bangladesh has become
a victim of pollution today. As a result, there is excessive rain or no rain. Every
year Bangladesh is devastated by flash floods, landslides and cyclones. The
climate of this country is gradually moving towards extremes. Maybe in the future
Bangladesh will turn into a desert. And in the absence of trees, it is not possible to
stop the greenhouse effect. Ozone layer depletion and global warming may lead
to submergence of Bangladesh’s coastal areas if sea level rises. Plantation or
development of tree resources is therefore linked to our existence. Plantation
programs should be extended to remote areas of the country. Officials concerned
with this program should take proper steps and necessary measures to make it
successful. Government should take necessary steps to encourage people to plant
trees. The necessity and importance of trees can never be ignored. So it is our
duty to plant more trees and take care of them for our own well-being and

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