Chapter - 4 4.1. The Job:: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Requirements
Chapter - 4 4.1. The Job:: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Requirements
Chapter - 4 4.1. The Job:: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Requirements
There are many process to recruit for taking the best employee for right position of the
origination. To recruit a new officer (Research & Analysis).
The company follows the following steps:
This is done by the job analysis of that position. Moreover as business is growing and
diversifying in different fields the company needs more (Research & Analysis). To handle the
responsibilities of different fields. This has been identified through job analysis. At the
moment the Company is having officers (Research & Analysis).Within next year they will
need two officers (Research & Analysis). To handle the increased pressure of the project as
well as from the customers.
4.2.2. Attracting the field:
To attract the prospective candidates for the position company will advertise through the
following sources: Online job advertisement in different job searching websites like BdDobs,
ProthomAlo jobs, jobsa1, including and company’s own websites. Newspaper add in leading
national and local daily newspapers like Prothom Alo/DailyStar including Sylheter Dak etc.
notice will be hung in the company notice board in the company premises. Company will
bear the cost to attract the candidates that’s why candidates don’t have to pay anything for
making an application.
Candidates are short listed by scrutinizing the application forms that are received from the
different candidates. There will be some basic criteria’s to short list the candidates. For
instances: The candidate must be a marketing graduate and he must be computer literate
and of course should match experience criteria. If any candidate does not fulfill any of the
above criteria will not be short listed. Candidates who are short listed must possess fulfill all
three criteria. On the basis of best match 50% of the applied candidates will be short listed.
The short listed candidates will be called for a selection test. The test will contain 50 marks.
The selection test will divide into two parts. First part is for testing basic marketing concepts
and knowledge (out of 40); while another one will evaluate candidates’ computer literacy
(out of 10). For this test each candidate has to perform some tasks practically sitting using
computer within a time frame. At a ratio 5:3 (attendees: passed) the top scorers will be
asked for employment interview.
4.2.5. Employment interview:
Candidates who score highest in the selection test will be selected and called for a formal
interview. Each candidate will be given a similar kind of situation where they have to make
decision and prove their ability to handle the situation. During that process the candidates
will be tested for the vie competencies:
1. Customers services:
They give work customers service position. And the organization take reviews from the
customer that he/ she provide good of bad their customer.
2. Team work:
They give assignments or work to done by a team group. The organization see that the
team ability, look work speed and performance condition.
3. Flexibility:
He/ she can be flexible for the organization and customer. He / she can provide good
service by flexibility way.
4. Achievement:
He / she have any achievements to their any work performance. Because of that the
organization can know he /she is best in that field job.
5. Communication skill:
He /she have any commutations to broad zone. Can he/she get good relations with the
customers? So he/ she become any club or social organization member.
4.2.7. Job Offer:
Top two candidates will get our formal appointment letter by currier. In the appointment
letter the basic terms of the employment, policies, compensation and their benefits will be
briefly mentioned.
Those who will accept our job offer will be given the final contract letter after successful
completion of their six months probationary period. Each employee will have a line
manager to whom they will report. After six months every line manager will sit with higher
management to do the formal evaluation of each candidate. Then the successful candidates
will be given the permanent employment contract letter. After signing this letter the
employee will become a full time permanent staff member of the organization.