Development of Innovative Tool Using

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AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113

2014 AASRI Conference on Circuit and Signal Processing (CSP 2014)

Development of Innovative Tool Using Taguchi-methods

Ikuo Tanabea*, Hideki Sakamoto a* and Kazuhide Miyamoto a*
Nagaoka University of Technology, 1603-1 Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-2188 Japan


The software for innovative tool using Taguchi-methods is developed and evaluated. There are two trials in the innovative
tool using Taguchi-methods; First trial is accomplished for selecting important control factors and its optimum region, and
Second trial decides the optimum combination of the control factors by more detail trial using only important control
factors. The optimum condition regarding cooling system for cutting was investigated for evaluating this innovation tool
in the experiment. It is concluded from the result that (1) Innovative tool using the Taguchi-methods was useful for
development with short-term and lower cost, and (2) This tool could quickly and exactly decide the optimum cooling

© 2014
© 2012.The Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B. V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of American Applied Science Research Institute
Peer-review under responsibility of Scientific Committee of American Applied Science Research Institute
Keywords: Taguchi-methods, innovation, oputimum condition

1. Introduction

Recently developments with short-term and lower cost are strongly required for shorten products life cycle.
Therefore Taguchi-methods [1],[2] are used for deciding optimum process conditions. However these
methods are not enough to develop a new product with short time, lower cost, high quality and high accuracy.
In this research, the software for innovative tool using Taguchi-methods is developed and evaluated. There
are two trials in the innovative tool using Taguchi-methods. First trial investigates rough fuctions regarding all

* Corresponding author. Tel:+0081-258-47-9727; fax:+0081-258-47-9770

E-mail address: [email protected].

2212-6716 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Scientific Committee of American Applied Science Research Institute
108 Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113

levers of all control factors, then important control factors and meaningless control factors were sorted with
the several comments for the second trial. At that time, maximum, intermediate and minimum values for each
lever of the each control factor should used for pursuit of all possibilities. Second trial decides the optimum
combination of the control factors by more detail trial using only important control factors. The second trial is
tried for getting the best combination using the optimum level of each control factor. The optimum condition
regarding cooling system for cutting was investigated for evaluating this innovation tool in the experiment.

2. Explanation of Taguchi-methods

The Taguchi-methods is used to decide optimum processing conditions with narrow dispersion for robust
design. Therefore the Taguchi-methods is explained in this section.
Control factors are equal to the design factors (See the control factors in Table 1). Noise factors are
occurred for the error of function on the product (See the noise factors in Table1). Most designer can
understand that the final functions of the developed product are strongly influenced for the each lever of each
control factor under several noise factors. All combinations using all control factors are compressed by an
orthogonal table (See the orthogonal array in Table 2).Then the experiment or the CAE analysis with
influence of noise factors is performed by the orthogonal array. At last, the average and the standard deviation
regarding all combinations using all control factors are calculated for the SN ratio and Sensitivity. Then most
of users write the effective figure (Fig. 1) of the control factors and zealously search the combination of the
control factors for large SN ratio. A product using the combination isn’t nearly influenced by noise factors.

Table 1. Control and noise factors in Taguchi-methods.

Control factors
Name A B C D
A1 B1 C1 D1
Levels A2 B2 C2 D2
A3 B3 C3 D3

Noise factors

Name N
Levels N1 N2 N3

Table 2. Orthogonal array, SN ratio and sensitivity in the Taguchi-methods

Result with
Trial. ....Control factors .. noise factors... SN ratio... Sensitivity
No. (db) (db)
A B C D N1 N2 N3
1 .A1. .B1. .C1. .D1. 2.7 2.6 2.4 24.5 8.2
2 A1 B2 C2 D2 2.3 2.2 2.0 23.0 6.7
3 A1 B3 C3 D3 2.1 1.9 2.0 26.0 6.0
4 A2 B1 C2 D3 3.3 3.1 3.0 26.2 9.9
5 A2 B2 C3 D1 4.6 4.4 4.5 33.1 13.1
6 A2 B3 C1 D2 3.3 3.3 3.0 25.3 10.1
Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113 109

7 A3 B1 C3 D2 2.1 2.3 2.4 23.4 7.1

8 A3 B2 C1 D3 3.1 3.2 3.1 34.7 9.9
9 A3 B3 C2 D1 4.7 5.1 4.9 27.8 13.8

Best condition Worst condition Best condition Worst condition


Sensitivity db
SN ratio db

80 -24
60 -28
40 -32
0 -36
Levels A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Levels A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3
Control A Control
factors B C D factors A B C D

(a) Effective figure for SN ration (b)Effective figure for Sensitivity

Fig.1. Relationship between (a) SN ratio or (b) Sensitivity and each lever of each control factor (In the case, the best condition was
supposed at the smallest final function possible)

3. Algorithm for innovative tool

Now, innovative development with short-term, low cost, labor saving and energy-saving is also required in
the world. Therefore, in this research, the software for innovative tool using Taguchi-methods is developed
and evaluated. At first, first trial investigates rough fuctions regarding all levers of all control factors, then
important control factors and meaningless control factors were sorted with the several comments for the
second trial. At that time, maximum, intermediate and minimum values for each lever of the each control
factor should used for pursuit of all possibilities. Then second trial decides the optimum combination using
the levels of the control factors by more detail trial using only important control factors. The second trial is
tried for getting the best combination using the optimum level of each control factor.
The control factors consist of digital data and non digital data. When these data are inputted in the
software of Taguchi-methods, the results of the effective figures for both SN ratio and Sensitivity can
calculate such as Fig. 2. In case of Taguchi-methods, after several evaluations were performed by using the
effective figures, the trial was completed. Therefore our original system starts from here; then Fig. 2 is
rewritten to Fig. 3. At that time, horizontal axis is the levels of the each control, and vertical axis is used the
average of function (desired property) or it standard deviation. In case of the digital data, a line graph is used
such as Fig. 3(a), and in case of the non digital data, a line graph is used such as Fig. 3(b). Everyone can
intuitively and visually feel the influences of the control factors by using the Fig. 3, can grasp for the physical
image regarding the influences of the control factors. In case of the line graph, then the working of curb fit is
performed by using exponential, linear, logarithmic, polynomial and radical approximations. In here, an
operator can intutively understand the influences of the control factors. In case of a bar graph, Fig. 3(b) could
not change to Fig. 4.
110 Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113

Sensitivity [db]
ƽ ƽ

SN ratio [db]
ƽ ƽ ƽ ƽ
ƽ ƽ ƽ ƽ
Levels 1 2 3 1 2 3 Levels 1 2 3 1 2 3
Control factors Digital data Non digital data Control factors Digital data Non digital data
(a) SN ratio (b) Sensitivity ( =10 logȝ2)
( =10log(ȝ2/ı2) )

Fig.2. Effective figures of SN ratio and Sensitivity

Average of function
(Desired property)

Average of function
(Desired property)
ƽ ƽ

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Ė 1Value of control factorLevel Ė 2 Level Ė 3 Non digital data
(a) In the case of digital datafor the control factor (b) In the case of non digital data for the control factor
Fig.3. Effective figures of SN ratio and Sensitivity

Result of 1sttrial Result of 1sttrial

ƽ Recommended levels for 2nd trial ƽ Recommended levels for 2nd trial
Average Changeable and maximum value of ƽ
Average of function

Average of function

ƽ the level in 2nd trial

(Desired property)

(Desired property)

ƽ ƽ
ƽ ƽ
Level 2’ Average Level 3’
Level 3’ Level 2’
ƽ Level 1’
ƽ Level 1’
Ė Value of control factor Ė Ė Ė Ė Ė Value of control factor
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(a) Inside estimation (b) Outside estimation
Fig.4. Recommendation of the levels for 2nd trial using the results of the 1st trial

The optimum levels of the control factors for the second trial were decided by using the results of the first
trial. The method for selection of the optimum levels of the control factors is shown in Fig. 4. In the
explanation, it suppose that the larger function is desired by everyone. The curve of Fig. 4(a) has a mountain
shape, there is the optimun lever of the control factor in the region of first trial. Therefore new level 2’ is
decided to the top of the mountain, new level 1’ is middle between the old level 1 and the new level 2’ , and
new level 3’ is middle between the new level 2’and the old level 2. Level 1’, lavel 2’ and level 3’ are the
optimum levels for the second tiral. The curve of Fig. 4(b) has a shape of graph rising to the right, there is the
optimun lever of the control factor in the right region of first trial. Therefore new level 3’ is decided to the
practicable large value, new level 1’ and new level 2’ devide into three regions between the new level 3’and
Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113 111

the old level 3. The operator of the software can select standard deviation for vertical axis, at that time, the
operator can estimate stability for the noise factors.

4. Experimental results for evaluation

At last, wet cutting using strong alkaline water with air of optimum quantity was used for evaluation of the
innovative tool. Experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 5. Micro bubble is always supplied for high heat transfer
coefficient in strong alkaline water. The strong alkaline water with micro bubble is dew from the vessel and is
supplied to the blender for air. Air is also supplied to the blender for air by the compressor. Strong alkaline
water and air are mixed in the blender for air and are supplied to the nozzle for outlet.
In the manufacturing field, everyone is desired high heat transfer coefficient. Therefore heat transfer
coefficient is used for the function in the proposed innovative tool. The control and noise factors for first trial
are shown in Table 3. Then, the optimum quantities of strong alkaline water and air were investigated for high
cooling efficiency in the experiment with Table 3. At that time, the proposed innovative tool was used for
plan of the second trial.
Details for outlet
Hose (InnerǾ8.5 mm) Terminal Strong alkaline
of air water inlet
Flow meter Valve I (Ǿ1×12) Air inlet
F1 φ Water pump
Ǿ1×12 ω Max. 2.1 MPa 1/2” steel

Hose(Ǿ8.5 )
2800 mm T-joint

Distance L
Terminal of air Flow meter

1300 mm × InnerǾ14
1/2” steel
Blender for air F2 Compressor joint
Measuring device for Max.1.27MPa
heat transfer coefficient 1500 mm Nozzle outlet
Steel plates Ǿ6.0 mm
ω ω
5 5
Power Distance D Intake ω
source χ ω χ
Ceramics heater Micro
(5h5h1.75) bubble
Thermocouples Vessel of strong alkali water (545×385×310 mm) device

Fig.5. Schematic view regarding the new cooling system using strong alkaline water with air of optimum quantity

Table 3. Control and noise factors for 1st and 2nd trials regarding the cooling system for evaluation of the software. The cell with light
blue is optimum conditions which was decided after 2nd trial.

Control factors Noise factor

Length L [mm] of hose
Quantity of flow for Distance D [mm]
between the blender for Air pressure
Name of strong alkaline water between the nozzle
air and the nozzle for P [MPa]
factors Q [L/min] for outlet and the senso Number of
1st trial 2nd trial st
1 trial nd
2 trial st
1 trial nd
2 trial st
1 trial nd
2 trial experiments:
Level 1 500 70 0.05 0.15 0.5 4.0 10 150 9
Level 2 1000 250 0.2 0.2 3.0 5.0 200 200
Level 3 5000 500 0.4 0.25 6.0 6.0 400 250
112 Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113

: Results of 1st trial (Average value) , : Recommendation area for 2nd trial
: Experimental results of 2nd trial , : Optimum conditions decided in 2 nd trial
(Heat transfer coefficient) W/m2K

(Heat transfer coefficient) W/m2K

Average of function


Average of function
3800 4000

3600 3800
3400 3600
3200 3400
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Value of control factor L mm Value of control factor P MPa
(a) Length L mm of hose between the blender for (b) Air Pressure P MPa
5000 5000

(Heat transfer coefficient) W/m2K

(Heat transfer coefficient) W/m2K

4800 4800

Average of function
Average of function

3600 3800
3400 3600
3200 3400
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 100 200 300 400
Value of control factor Q l/min Value of control factor D mm
(c) Quantity of flow for strong alkaline water Q l/min (d) Distance D mm between the nozzle
for outlet and the sensor

Fig.6. Recommendation area (Light green area) of the levels for 2nd trial using the result (Blue line) of 1st trial regarding the cooling
system. The results (Brown square) trial and The optimum conditions (Green arrow) decided after 2nd trial

Results of the first trial are shown in Fig. 6. There are the results of the first trial (Blue line) and the results
of the recommendation area (Light green area) of the levels for 2nd trial in Fig.6. Shapes of graphs in (b) and
(d) are mountain shape. Therefore middle region were selected for the second trial regarding (b) and (d). As
(a) and (c) were graphs rising to the left and right, therefore the more left region and the more right region
were selected for the second trial regarding (a) and (c), respectively.
The control factors and the noise factors for the second trial are also shown in Table 3. After the
experiment with Table 3, the experimental results of the second trial were calculated by the proposed
innovative tool (Brown square). Theresults of the second trial are also shown in Fig. 6. Averages of heat
transfer coefficient for the second trial were larger than those for the first trial. The proposed innovative tool
could estimate the good region for the second trial. The optimum levels of the each control factor are decided
by using Fig. 6 (Green arrow). The optimum condition are also shown in Table 3 ( ); Optimum length L
mm of hose between the blender for air and the nozzle for outlet is 70 mm, optimum air pressure P is 0.2 MPa,
optimum quantity of flow for strong alkaline water Q is 6.0 l/min and optimum distance D mm between the
nozzle for outlet and the sensor is 200 mm. And heat transfer coefficient of the proposed cooling system with
optimum condition was improved to 8490 W/m2K.
Ikuo Tanabe et al. / AASRI Procedia 9 (2014) 107 – 113 113

(a) At L=70mm, D=200mm constant (b) At P=0.2MPa, Q=6 l /min constant

Fig.7. Comparison between the result with best condition in 2nd trial and the result with best condition in the detailed experiment

Hear transfer coefficient with several conditions with length L mm of hose between the blender for air and
the nozzle for outlet, air pressure P MPa, quantity of flow for strong alkaline water Q l/min and distance D
mm between the nozzle for outlet and the sensor were measured and were shown for comparison in Fig.7.
Heat transfer coefficient 8490 W/m2K which was searched by the proposed innovative tool was the largest
value in the all experiments. Therefore the proposed innovative tool is effective for innovative development in
the industrial world.

5. Conclusion

It is concluded from the result that;

(1) Innovative tool using the Taguchi methods was useful for development with short-term and lower cost.
(2) This tool could quickly and exactly decide the optimum cooling condition. The cooling system with
optimum condition using the innovative tool was very effective. And heat transfer coefficient of the proposed
cooling system with optimum condition was 8490 W/m2K.


[1] Tatebayashi, K., Computer Aided Engineering Combined with Taguchi-methods, Proceeding of the 2005
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, No. 05-1 Vol. 8, pp. 224-225, 2005
[2] Sugai, H., et al., Prediction of Optimum Machining Condition in Press Forming Using Taguchi-
methods and FEM Simulation, Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.72 No.721, pp. 3044-3051, 2006

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