Assinment Hed-Solution

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Q1 The following annual consumptions were registered in the period 2005 – 2010
(in million m3)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Q(m^3) 125.4 138.4 152.5 168.3 185.5 204.1
Make a forecast for the year 2025 (Assume 5% population growth rate).
A.linear Model

a= 5%
n= 15
Qi= 204.1
Ans Qi+n= 357.175
% increase= 0.75
B.Exponential model

a= 5%
n= 15
Qi= 204.1
Ans Qi+n= 424.30924
% increase= 1.0789282

Exam 2012/13

Max. Daily Demand, V. 43184 m3

Min. hourly demand,V.

Average 1799 m3
Cross s. Area, A
erve), 1665 m2
Hmin. m

Dev. Total depth
Hour Q(m3/h) pf 1-pf Σ(1-pf) From min. Storage Hs(m) H(m)
1 1422 0.79 0.21 0.21 0.53 951.33 0.57 3.36
2 1478 0.82 0.18 0.39 0.71 1272.67 0.76 3.55
3 1494 0.83 0.17 0.56 0.88 1578.00 0.95 3.74
4 1494 0.83 0.17 0.73 1.05 1883.33 1.13 3.92
5 1692 0.94 0.06 0.79 1.11 1990.67 1.20 3.99
6 1908 1.06 -0.06 0.73 1.05 1882.00 1.13 3.92
7 1962 1.09 -0.09 0.64 0.96 1719.33 1.03 3.82
8 1944 1.08 -0.08 0.56 0.88 1574.67 0.95 3.74
9 1998 1.11 -0.11 0.45 0.76 1376.00 0.83 3.62
10 2016 1.12 -0.12 0.33 0.64 1159.33 0.70 3.49
11 1998 1.11 -0.11 0.21 0.53 960.67 0.58 3.37
12 1890 1.05 -0.05 0.16 0.48 870.00 0.52 3.31
13 1836 1.02 -0.02 0.14 0.46 833.33 0.50 3.29
14 1800 1.00 0.00 0.14 0.46 832.67 0.50 3.29
15 1872 1.04 -0.04 0.10 0.42 760.00 0.46 3.25
16 1926 1.07 -0.07 0.03 0.35 633.33 0.38 3.17
17 1944 1.08 -0.08 -0.05 0.27 488.67 0.29 3.08
18 1944 1.08 -0.08 -0.13 0.19 344.00 0.21 3.00
19 1962 1.09 -0.09 -0.22 0.10 181.33 0.11 2.90
20 1962 1.09 -0.09 -0.31 0.01 18.67 0.01 2.80
21 1818 1.01 -0.01 -0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.79
22 1728 0.96 0.04 -0.28 0.04 71.33 0.04 2.83
23 1602 0.89 0.11 -0.17 0.15 268.67 0.16 2.95
24 1494 0.83 0.17 0.00 0.32 574.00 0.34 3.13
Max 2016.00 min 0.32
Min 1422 max 0.79

V. bal 1991 m3 ANSWER

provision for other 4.6 %
purpose 70% of total volume
V total 6635.56 0.7Vt + Vbal.
provision/reserve 4644.89 m3
Reserve depth 2.79 m
Maximum depth 3.99 m
A water supply company delivers an annual volume of 13,350,000 m3. The maximum daily demand
of 42,420 m3 was observed on 26 July. The minimum, observed on 30 January, was 27,360 m3.
The followingdelivery was registered on 11 March:Nemanja page278
Annual volume= 13350000 m3
Max daily demand= 42420 m3 1767.5
Hour V(m3) pf
1 433 0.30
2 562 0.39
3 644 0.45
4 835 0.58
5 1450 1.01
6 1644 1.15
7 1856 1.29
8 1922 1.34
9 1936 1.35
10 1887 1.31
11 1721 1.20
12 1712 1.19
13 1634 1.14
14 1656 1.15
15 1789 1.25
16 1925 1.34
17 2087 1.45
18 2055 1.43
19 1944 1.35
20 1453 1.01
21 1218 0.85
22 813 0.57
23 676 0.47
24 602 0.42
Qavg= 1435.58 m3/h
Qavg= 34454 m3/d
Distribution area C in the figure below is supplied by gravity through a pipe where L=750 m, D=500 mm
Q2 recovered by pumping A from a well field. The water temperature is 10℃. The demand of the distribution
consumption day was 30,480 m3. The demand variation pattern during 24 hours is given in the following

Hour 1 2 3 4 5
pfh 0.71 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.96

Hour 13 14 15 16 17
pf h 0.96 0.94 1 1.04 1.12
a.the balancing volume of the reservoir, assuming constant (average) pumping over 24 hours
b.the 24-hour water lever variation in the tank, assuming the tank has a cross-section area
of 1000 m2 and provision for all other purposed of 60% of the total volume
c.the range of pressures that appear over 24 hours at the entrance of the town.

Cross s. Area, A 1000 m2

Max. Daily Demand, V. 30480 m3
SOLUTION Average hourly demand,V. 1270 m3

Hour pf out pf in pfin - pfout Σ(1-pf) From min.
1 0.71 1 0.29 0.29 368.3

2 0.75 1 0.25 0.5 685.8

3 0.77 1 0.23 0.8 977.9

4 0.79 1 0.21 1.0 1244.6
5 0.96 1 0.04 1.0 1295.4
6 1.14 1 -0.14 0.9 1117.6

7 1.15 1 -0.15 0.7 927.1

8 1.18 1 -0.18 0.6 698.5
9 1.2 1 -0.2 0.4 444.5
10 1.19 1 -0.19 0.2 203.2
11 1.17 1 -0.17 0.0 -12.7
12 1.07 1 -0.07 -0.1 -101.6
13 0.96 1 0.04 0.0 -50.8
14 0.94 1 0.06 0.0 25.4
15 1 1 0 0.0 25.4
16 1.04 1 -0.04 0.0 -25.4
17 1.12 1 -0.12 -0.1 -177.8
18 1.17 1 -0.17 -0.3 -393.7
19 1.16 1 -0.16 -0.5 -596.9
20 1.14 1 -0.14 -0.6 -774.7
21 0.96 1 0.04 -0.6 -723.9
22 0.87 1 0.13 -0.4 -558.8
23 0.79 1 0.21 -0.2 -292.1
24 0.76 1 0.24 0.0 12.7
ABS(Min)= 0.61
Max= 1.02
a. Qavg= 1270 m^3/h Vbal=
provision for other 3.4
purpose 60% of total volume
V total 5175 m3
b provision 3105.15
Reserve depth 3.11
Maximum depth 5.175
Available tank depth= 5.175
At midnight Vo=0.6*Vtot+0.61*Qavg= 3879.85
corresponding depth= 3.87985
c. reservoir bottom level 76 masl
town entrance
reservoir bottomlevel
level 28 masl
above town entrance 48 m
Pipe length 750 m
pipe diameter 500 mm

pipe diameter 0.5 m

pipe cross sectional area 0.20 m2

absolute roughness, k 0.5 mm
Temperature, T 10 oc
kinematic viscosity, ν 1.31E-06
nf 2
Table 2: Calculation of Pressure Variations at Entrance of the Town V. Head
Hour pf out Q(m^3/h) Q(m^3/s) v(m/s) (m)
1 0.71 901.7 0.25 1.28 0.08
2 0.75 952.5 0.26 1.35 0.09
3 0.77 977.9 0.27 1.38 0.10
4 0.79 1003.3 0.28 1.42 0.10
5 0.96 1219.2 0.34 1.72 0.15
6 1.14 1447.8 0.40 2.05 0.21
7 1.15 1460.5 0.41 2.07 0.22
8 1.18 1498.6 0.42 2.12 0.23
9 1.2 1524 0.42 2.16 0.24
10 1.19 1511.3 0.42 2.14 0.23
11 1.17 1485.9 0.41 2.10 0.23
12 1.07 1358.9 0.38 1.92 0.19
13 0.96 1219.2 0.34 1.72 0.15
14 0.94 1193.8 0.33 1.69 0.15
15 1 1270 0.35 1.80 0.16
16 1.04 1320.8 0.37 1.87 0.18
17 1.12 1422.4 0.40 2.01 0.21
18 1.17 1485.9 0.41 2.10 0.23
19 1.16 1473.2 0.41 2.08 0.22
20 1.14 1447.8 0.40 2.05 0.21
21 0.96 1219.2 0.34 1.72 0.15
22 0.87 1104.9 0.31 1.56 0.12
23 0.79 1003.3 0.28 1.42 0.10
24 0.76 965.2 0.27 1.37 0.10

For the max @9p.m Qmax= 1524 m3/h

Q9= 1524 m3/h
Hf= 7.14 m
H= 4.32 m
PC,9= 45.18 m
For the min @1a.m Q1= 901.7 m3/h
Hf= 4.25 m
DH= 2.54 m
PC,9= 49.71
L=750 m, D=500 mm, K=0.5 mm.The volume of reservoir B is
and of the distribution area that was registered on the maximum
given in the following table:

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1.14 1.15 1.18 1.2 1.19 1.17 1.07 12.08

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1.17 1.16 1.14 0.96 0.87 0.79 0.76 11.91
er 24 hours
tion area


Storage H(m) Hour

1.14 1.15 1.18 1.2 1.19 1.17 1.07 1

686.94 3.79 2

1241933.00 1245.04 3
1580642.00 1583.75 4
1645158.00 1648.26 1320.8 5
1419352.00 1422.46 6

1177417.00 1180.52 7
887095.00 890.20 8
564515.00 567.62 9
258064.00 261.17 10
-16129.00 -13.02 11
-129032.00 -125.93 12
-64516.00 -61.41 13
32258.00 35.36 14
32258.00 35.36 15
-32258.00 -29.15 16
-225806.00 -222.70 17
-499999.00 -496.89 18
-758063.00 -754.96 19
-983869.00 -980.76 20
-919353.00 -916.25 21
-709676.00 -706.57 22
-370967.00 -367.86 23
16129.00 19.23 24


Re 1/√λ λ Rf Hf H(m) P(m)

488182.55 7.00 0.02 40.43 2.54 1.15 46.53
515685.79 7.01 0.02 40.36 2.83 3.79 48.87
529437.41 7.01 0.02 40.33 2.98 1245.04 1289.96
543189.03 7.02 0.02 40.30 3.13 1583.75 1628.51
660077.81 7.03 0.02 40.09 4.60 1648.26 1691.51
783842.40 7.05 0.02 39.93 6.46 1422.46 1463.78
790718.21 7.05 0.02 39.93 6.57 1180.52 1221.73
811345.64 7.05 0.02 39.91 6.92 890.20 931.06
825097.26 7.05 0.02 39.89 7.15 567.62 608.23
818221.45 7.05 0.02 39.90 7.03 261.17 301.90
804469.83 7.05 0.02 39.91 6.80 -13.02 27.95
735711.73 7.04 0.02 39.99 5.70 -125.93 -83.81
660077.81 7.03 0.02 40.09 4.60 -61.41 -18.16
646326.19 7.03 0.02 40.11 4.41 35.36 78.81
687581.05 7.04 0.02 40.05 4.98 35.36 78.21
715084.30 7.04 0.02 40.02 5.39 -29.15 13.28
770090.78 7.05 0.02 39.95 6.24 -222.70 -181.14
804469.83 7.05 0.02 39.91 6.80 -496.89 -455.92
797594.02 7.05 0.02 39.92 6.69 -754.96 -713.86
783842.40 7.05 0.02 39.93 6.46 -980.76 -939.44
660077.81 7.03 0.02 40.09 4.60 -916.25 -873.00
598195.52 7.02 0.02 40.19 3.79 -706.57 -662.48
543189.03 7.02 0.02 40.30 3.13 -367.86 -323.09
522561.60 7.01 0.02 40.35 2.90 19.23 64.24
MAX of P(m)= 1691.51
Cross s. Area, A 1000 m2
Max. Daily Demand, V. 30480 m3
Average hourly demand,V. 1270 m3

pf out pf in pfin - pfout Σ(1-pf) From min. Storage
0.71 2 1.29 1.290 1638.3 1.14

0.75 2 1.25 2.540 3225.8 3226.94

0.77 2 1.23 3.770 4787.9 6080633.00

0.79 2 1.21 4.980 6324.6 8032242.00
0.96 0 -0.96 4.020 5105.4 6483858.00
1.14 0 -1.14 2.880 3657.6 4645152.00

1.15 0 -1.15 1.730 2197.1 2790317.00

1.18 0 -1.18 0.550 698.5 887095.00
1.2 2 0.8 1.350 1714.5 2177415.00
1.19 2 0.81 2.160 2743.2 3483864.00
1.17 2 0.83 2.990 3797.3 4822571.00
1.07 2 0.93 3.920 4978.4 6322568.00
0.96 2 1.04 4.960 6299.2 7999984.00
0.94 2 1.06 6.020 7645.4 9709658.00
1 0 -1 5.020 6375.4 8096758.00
1.04 0 -1.04 3.980 5054.6 6419342.00
1.12 0 -1.12 2.860 3632.2 4612894.00
1.17 0 -1.17 1.690 2146.3 2725801.00
1.16 0 -1.16 0.530 673.1 854837.00
1.14 0 -1.14 -0.610 -774.7 -983869.00
0.96 0 -0.96 -1.570 -1993.9 -2532253.00
0.87 0 -0.87 -2.440 -3098.8 -3935476.00
0.79 2 1.21 -1.230 -1562.1 -1983867.00
0.76 2 1.24 0.010 12.7 16129.00
ABS(Min)= 2.44
Max= 6.02
a. Qavg= 1270 m^3/h Vbal= 10744.2
provision for other purpose 60% of total volume
V total 26861 m3
b provision 16116.3
Reserve depth 16.12
Maximum depth 26.861
Available tank depth= 26.861
At midnight Vo=0.6*Vtot+0.61*Qavg= 16891
corresponding depth= 16.891
The 40m high Zayzoun dam failed . The dam impounded a 35m depth of
water and failed suddenly. The depth of water in the d/s channel was 0.5m.
1. Estimate the free-surface profile 7min after the failure.
2. Calculate the time at which the wave will reach a point 10 km d/s of the dam and 3.thesurge front he
Assume an infinitely long reservoir and a horizontal, smooth channel.

Example on Hubert Chanson pg403

do 35.00 m
d1 0.50 m
g 9.81 m/s2
t 420.00 s
x 10.00 km

x 10000 m

a. Free surface-profile at 7min.

i re

b. Time @ 10km d/s of dam


b. The surge front height


= 10.05
U= 22.27


d2= 6.86


V2= 20.65 Independent of time


-7782.48 m
= -7.78 km
5226.20 m
5.23 km
9351.47 m
9.35 km

x -100000 -7782 -5318 500

book d 35.00 35 28.00101163 14.572211


b. thefront arrives at t= 449.13 sec

7.49 min
c The surge front height 6.36 m

#2.Water flows at a uniform depth of 2 m and velocity of 1 m/s in a channel of rectangular section, into a la
level, falls at the rate of 0.5 m/hr for 3 hr; neglecting bed slope and resistance,
a) Determine how long it takes for the river level to fall by 0.5 m at a section 2 km upstream from the mout
b) At this time, how far upstream will the river level just be starting to fall?

Vo -1 m/s
do 2 m
g 9.81

dh/dt 0.5 m/hr fall rate of estury level


a.time it takes the river level to fall dh/dt= 0.50 m

i re

@ 2.00 km U/s

b.time in (a) how far u/s? 2000.00 m


Co 4.43 m/s
Vo+Co 3.43
Characterstic curves
to(s) d(x=0,to) C(x=0,to) V(x=0,to)
Co 0.00 2.00 4.43 -1.00
C1 3600.00 1.50 3.84 -2.19
C2 7200.00 1.00 3.13 -3.59
C3 10800.00 0.50 2.21 -5.43
C4 14400.00 0.00 0.00 -9.86
dh 0.50
d(dh=0.5) 1.50
C(d=1.5) 3.84 C=C1
t 4812.75 s
1.34 hr

X (Vo+Co,t)=X(3.43,4813)
X 16.51
A dam with a maximum water dep
velocity and a depth of 1 m.
a) Estimate the time required for
3.thesurge front height. b) What will the surge height be?
l, smooth channel. c) Calculate the free-surface prof
reservoir and use a simple-wave a


i re


1894 5124 5226 2500 5226 9351 10000

12.000172223 6.9995509 6.8631903711 10.9599 6.8631904 2.4789 1.9884418 book


gular section, into a large estuary. The estuary level, initially the same as the river

pstream from the mouth.

V(x,t) C(x,t) V+C V+2C G
-1.00 4.43 3.43 7.86
-2.19 3.84 1.65 5.49
-3.59 3.13 -0.46 2.67
-5.43 2.21 -3.21 -1.00
-9.86 0.00 -9.86 -9.86
A dam with a maximum water depth of 20 m fails suddenly.Initially, the downstream river has a negligible
velocity and a depth of 1 m.
a) Estimate the time required for the surge to reach a community 10 km downstream of the dam.
b) What will the surge height be?
c) Calculate the free-surface profile 2 min after failure. Assume an infinitely long
reservoir and use a simple-wave analysis (So = fo).

do 20.00 m
d1 1.00 m
g 9.81 m/s2
t 120.00 s
x 10.00 km

x 10000 m

a. Free surface-profile at 2min.

i re

b. Time @ 10km d/s of dam


b. The surge front height


= 4.72
U= 14.79


d2= 6.20


V2= 12.42 Independent of time

At t=2min the location of the points E1,E2 and E3

-1680.86 m
= -1.68 km
555.07 m
0.56 km
1774.57 m
1.77 km

x -1700 -1681 -1300 -1000 250 555

d 20.00 20 17.092958 14.963746 7.6159713 6.1958522


thefront arrives at t= 676.22 sec

11.27 min
The surge front height 5.20 m

#5. Water flows through a pipeline with diameter 0.40 m. The slope of the piezometric head is 4/1000 and the Chezy
is 50 m1/2 /s . Determine
a) The mean velocity;
b) Is the boundary smooth, rough or transitional?
c) What is the value of the boundary roughness, d?
d) If the mean velocity drops to 1/40 of the value in (a) above, what is the new slope of the
hydraulic grade line?

D 0.4
S 0.004

Cc 50
do 23 m
d1 1m

x 20000 m
g 9.81 m/s2
t 180.00 sec

a. Free surface-profile at 3min.

i re b. Time @ 20km d/s of dam

b. The surge front height


= 5.13
U= 16.08


d2= 6.78


V2= 13.74 Independent of time


-2703.78 m
= -2.70 km
1005.06 m
1.01 km
2893.52 m
2.89 km

x -1700 -2704
book d 23.00 23

1774.57 1800 1775 b. thefront arrives at t= 0.00 sec

1.9813456 1.9183547 1.9813456 0.00 min

c The surge front height 5.78 m

head is 4/1000 and the Chezy coefficient

Independent of time

-1300 -1000 250 500 750 1000 1250 1450 1005 2000
15.727943 14.352519 9.2988911 8.4192571 7.5833204 6.7910808 6.0425384 5.4751665 6.775493 4.0590944
Example on Hubert Chan PAge403
Dam break in filled d/s
do 35 m
d1 0.5 m
g 9.81
a. profile 420 s you shoud use 2 nd option
Option I Option II
Co 18.53 m/s U 22.3 m/s
d2 6.73 m d2/d1 13.7
C2 8.13 m/s d2 6.86
V2 20.81 m/s C2 8.21
V2 20.65
U/S X(t=7m -7782 m
D/S, E2(t= 5325 m D/S, E2(t= 5226 m
U 22.3 m/s
D/S, E3(t= 9351 m
X (m) -9000 -7782 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000
d(m) 35 35.00 29.86 24.58 19.81 15.56 11.82 8.59
b. t(x= 10000 m
t 449.13 s
7.5 min
c. Δd (surge? height)
Δd 6.4 m Answer
5226 6000 8000 9351 9351 10000 12000
6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 0.5 0.5 0.5
Q4 D 750 mm
K 2200000000 Gpa
p 998.2 Kg/m3
E 2.07E+11 Gpa
e 6.35 mm
μ 0.3
Ratio 1.255277873

Pipe completetly rigid

Assume,y= 0 for 20oC

a=pipe anchored
at its m/s
upstream end only
c1= 0.85
a= 1032.603921 m/s ANS
pipe anchored throughout against axial movement
c1= 0.91
a= 1014.289953
anchored with expansion joints throughout
c1= 1
a= 988.5588494 m/s
Water flows through a pipeline with diameter 0.40 m.
The slope of the piezometric head is 4/1000 and the Chezy coefficient is 50 m 0.5/s

D 0.4
S 0.004

Cc 50

A 0.125664
P 1.256637
R 0.1
V 1

V* 0.062642

ν 0.000001

δ 0.000192
a 0.000973
a/δ 5.081787
a 0.001011
#1 #2
Scale 48 : 1 bp 60 m

Qp 1415 m3/s Xr 200 m

Fm 7N Yr 20 m

Qm np 0.03

Fp V 0.000001


IF Yp 1.5

Yp 1

= 1/(1/48) SOLUTION For ,Yp= 1.5
1/(1/48) Bm 0.3
Ym 0.075
Qr =Lr5/2 15962.580243 Ar 4000
Qm= 0.0886448167 m3/s Pr 140
Qm= 88.644816721 l/s Rr 28.57143
Fp 774144 N nr 0.660855
Fp 774.144 KN nm 0.045396 Ans the model is rougher tha
For,Yp= 1m
Bm 0.3
Ym 0.05
Ar 4000
Pr 155
Rr 25.80645
nr 0.6175 the model is rougher than prototyp
nm 0.048583
60 Check wheather the flow is turbulant rough or not for 1.5
60.1 Am 0.0225
0.9983361065 Pm 0.45
0.015 0.042857 Rm 0.05
0.35 23.29451 Vm 0.945435
8.156472 Re,m 189087
14.14214 Check wheather the flow is turbulant rough or not for 1m
3.333333 0.57675 Am 0.015
8.888889 0.052016 Pm 0.4
9.188889 Rm 0.0375
0.021765 Vm 0.729239
30.36928 Re,m 109385.9
m 90
m 1.428571

0.4 28.57143 0.0225

0.0375 0.45
25.78667 10 0.05

the model is rougher than prototype in 1.5m water depth.


l is rougher than prototype in 1m water depth.

bulant rough or not for 1.5m

bulant rough or not for 1m


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