Appendix 8 Participant Information Sheet

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Appendix 8

Information Sheet for Participants

Study Title: An exploratory study to ascertain the developmental and support needs
of the clinical nurse specialist in palliative care working in the community within one
hospice setting in Northern Ireland

You are invited to take part in the above research study. However, before you
decide to take part, it is important that you understand what the research is about
and what you will be asked to do. Please read the following information carefully,
and do not hesitate to ask any questions about anything that is not clear to you.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this invitation.

1. What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of the study is to ascertain the experiences of Hospice Nurse
Specialists in undertaking the various aspects of their role. This study is part of an
MSc programme being undertaken by the researcher.

2. Why have I been invited to take part?

You have been invited to take part in this study because you are currently working as
a Band 7 Hospice Nurse Specialist

3. What happens if I decide to take part?

If you agree to take part in the study, you will be asked to complete a consent form
after which you will be asked to take part in a one to one interview. The interview will
last approximately 40-60minutes and with your permission, it will be recorded using a
recorder, and some written notes will also be taken. The interview will take place
during working hours and will be arranged at a time that is most convenient for you.

4. Do I have to take part in the study?

It is up to you whether or not you participate in the study. Your participation is
entirely voluntary. If you do decide to take part and later change your mind at any
time, you can withdraw from the study without giving a reason. Your data will not be
used in the study and will be handled, stored and destroyed in accordance with the
requirements of Data Protection Act 1998 and University of Ulster policy.

5. Will my involvement in this study be kept confidential?

If you consent to take part in the study, your name will not be disclosed and will not
be revealed in the dissemination of the findings. If, however, you reveal something
that might suggest harm to yourself or anyone else, I would be obliged to discuss this
with your Line Manager. You will be given a unique participant identification number
which will be identifiable to the researcher only. Although your name will be present
on the consent form, it will not be recorded on tape. All information will be handled
and stored in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and
University of Ulster policy.

6. What happens when the study stops?

The results of this study will inform the findings and discussion for the researcher’s
MSc dissertation. However, the information you provide will be confidential and all
your details will be anonymysed. Furthermore, this information will not be used for
anything other than the purpose of the current study
7. Are there any benefits to my participation?
There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study. However, it is an
opportunity for you to express your opinions regarding how you currently undertake
the aspects of your role, and what you see are your education, practice development
and support needs to further develop aspects of the role

8. Who has reviewed this study?

The study has been reviewed by the Research Governance Filter Committee, School
of Nursing, University of Ulster. It has also been reviewed by Joint NI
Hospice/University of Ulster Research Committee

9. How will my concerns or complaints be managed?

If you decide to take part in the study, you will be given written information detailing
the names and telephone numbers of who to contact should you have any
complaints or difficulties with any aspect of the study.
We do however, acknowledge that talking about your work in palliative care may be
distressing and if at any time you wish to withdraw you can do so without any reason.
Your information will then be withdrawn from the study, if that is your preference.

10. Who should I contact for further information about this study?
If you have any questions, or would like further information about the study please do
not hesitate to contact a member of the research team on the numbers below.

Evelyn Whittaker
Hospice Nurse Specialist/ MSc Student
Northern Ireland Hospice
74 Somerton Road
Belfast BT15 3LH
Tel: 028 90781836
Email: [email protected]

Professor George Kernohan (Chief Investigator)

University of Ulster
Institute of Nursing Research
Shore Road, Newtownabbey
BT37 0QB
Tel: 028 90 36 6532
Fax: 028 90 36 8202
Email: [email protected]

Dorry McLaughlin
Lecturer in Palliative Care/Head of Education
Northern Ireland Hospice
74 Somerton Road
Belfast BT15 3LH
Tel: 028 90781836
Email: [email protected]

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