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APRIL 18 2023
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As time passes, mobile games have gained popularity, particularly among

students. Since these games are simple to access on smartphones and tablets, they make for
convenient student entertainment. Even though they can be enjoyable and amusing, mobile
games can have a big effect on students.

Academic performance is one of the effects of mobile games on learners that is

most notable. Students who play mobile games too often may find it difficult to concentrate on
their coursework. This may result in poor marks and a lack of desire to learn. Furthermore,
certain mobile apps could encourage violence or contain objectionable material, which might
have a bad effect on a student's conduct and attitudes.

Mobile games' effects on social connections have an additional effect on

students. Students who play mobile games frequently may withdraw and isolate themselves,
which can result in a lack of social skills and trouble developing relationships with others.
Mobile game addiction is a real possibility in specific situations, which can worsen social
withdrawal and isolation.

Additionally, playing mobile games can negatively affect a student's physical

health. Students who play mobile games for extended periods of time may experience poor
posture, eye strain, and other sedentary-related health problems. Long-term health issues and a
lower quality of life may result from this.

In conclusion, although playing mobile games might be enjoyable and engaging

for students, they can also have a big impact on their academic performance, social connections,
and physical health. Mobile gaming should therefore be used moderately by students, who
should also combine it with other learning, socializing, and physical activity-promoting
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With the rise in popularity of mobile gaming, the effect of these games on students
has received a lot of attention recently. The purpose of the project is to investigate how mobile
gaming affects students' academic achievement, social interactions, and psychological health.

According to research, excessive use of mobile games may have a negative impact
on academic achievement because less time may be dedicated to studying and finishing projects.
Mobile gaming can also have an impact on social behavior because it can cause social isolation
and less in-person connection with peers. Excessive mobile gaming has also been linked to
addiction, anxiety, and other mental health problems, which is cause for concern.

However, other studies have also found that mobile gaming may have
advantages,such as boosting creativity, problem-solving skills, and cognitive ability.

The goal of the study is to discover techniques for encouraging wholesome and
responsible mobile gaming behaviors as well as to provide a more thorough understanding of the
effects of mobile games on pupils. In order to support students in utilizing mobile games in a
way that is safe and advantageous for their overall development, this can help parents, educators,
and legislators establish successful policies and programs.


Gao, X., Chen, H., Zheng, P., & Sun, Y. (2018). The effect of mobile game-
based learning on improving the learning motivation and problem-solving skills of elementary
students. Education and Information Technologies, 23(6), 2807-2820.

Huang, H. L., & Lin, Y. H. (2018). The effects of mobile game-based learning on student
learning motivation, self-efficacy, and academic achievement. Journal of Educational
Technology & Society, 21(3), 150-162.
Kim, S., Park, S., Lee, S., & Park, J. (2020). The effects of mobile game addiction on college
students’ aggression, anxiety, and depression. Journal of the Korean Society of School Health,
33(2), 101-108.

Sajid, I., Zahoor, S., Nawaz, A., Akram, U., & Bashir, A. (2020). The relationship between
mobile game addiction, sleep patterns, and academic performance among university students. Page | 4
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(4), 635-639.

Wang, L., Luo, J., Geng, L., Zhou, X., & Hu, X. (2019). Association between mobile game
addiction and cognitive function in college students. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2913.


Uses and gratifications theory (U&G) is one theoretical framework that can be
used to investigate how mobile games affect pupils. According to this hypothesis, people
intentionally seek out media to fulfill their needs and ambitions. Individuals' motivation to
interact with media, according to U&G, is dependent on the satisfactions they anticipate
deriving from it. The theory contends that media consumption can satisfy a variety of
requirements that people have, including the need for social engagement, amusement, and

The U&G hypothesis has been applied in numerous studies to comprehend how
mobile games affect students. The U&G hypothesis, for instance, was employed in a study
by Lin and Leong (2016) to look at the motivations and gratifications of college students
who play mobile games. According to the study, students played games on their phones for
a variety of purposes, including amusement, relaxation, social contact, and challenge. The
study also discovered that playing mobile games gave students a sense of achievement and
reduced their stress levels.

The U&G theory was applied in a different study by Koo and Fishbein (2018) to
examine the link between college students' mobile game addiction and academic
performance. According to the study, pupils who were hooked to mobile games performed Page | 5
worse academically than non-addicted students. According to the study, playing mobile
apps excessively could harm one's academic performance and serve as a distraction for

In general, the Uses and Gratifications theory can give us a helpful foundation
for comprehending how mobile games affect pupils. Researchers can learn more about the
possible advantages and disadvantages of mobile games for students by analyzing the
motives and gratifications of players.


Koo, H. Y., & Fishbein, M. (2018). Mobile game addiction and academic
performance among college students. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,
23(5), 259-273.

Lin, Y. R., & Leong, L. Y. (2016). Exploring the motivations and gratifications of mobile
gaming among college students. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 129-138.


Mobile games can affect children in both positive and negative ways. Mobile
games have the potential to improve cognitive abilities like problem-solving, spatial thinking,
and attention span. Along with possibilities for teamwork and social interaction, games can also
foster imagination and creativity.
Mobile games have drawbacks, including the potential for addiction, social
isolation, and a lack of physical activity. Additionally, they have the potential to divert pupils
from their academic obligations and have a detrimental effect on their performance.

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What is the impact of mobile games on the academic performance, social behavior, and physical
and mental health of students?"

How do factors such as the frequency of playing, the type of game, and the age of the student affect
the impact of mobile games?

Are there any positive effects of playing mobile games, such as improving cognitive abilities or
reducing stress levels?


There are several possible hypotheses about the impact of mobile games on students. Here
are a few examples:
1. This hypothesis contends that playing mobile games causes students to become distracted from
capacity to concentrate on academic assignments, which results in poorer grades and overall
academic performance

2. Mobile games benefit students' cognitive abilities: Research has shown that some mobile game
genres, including puzzle or strategy games, can enhance cognitive abilities like problem-solving,
judgment, and spatial reasoning. According to this concept, playing these kinds of games could
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improve students' cognitive capacities and possibly improve their academic achievement.

3. Mobile games can be played alone or with others, and some games offer social features like chat
or multiplayer modes. These features have mixed effects on students' social development.
According to this theory, the type of game and the way it is played will have an impact on how
kids develop socially. Playing video games alone for hours on end may have the opposite effect
on students' ability to acquire social skills like teamwork and communication, while playing
multiplayer games with strangers may assist them do so.

4. Mobile gaming has a beneficial effect on students' mental health: According to this theory,
playing mobile games can help students unwind or relieve stress, which could lead to an
improvement in their general well-being and mental health. Excessive gaming may, however,
have the reverse impact and exacerbate mental health conditions like anxiety or depression.

Theoretically, playing mobile games might help students decompress or release stress, which
may improve their overall wellbeing and mental health. Mobile gaming has a positive impact on students'
mental health. However, excessive gaming may have the opposite effect and aggravate mental health issues
like anxiety or depression.


Mobile games' effects on kids can have a wide range of effects on their behavior, academic
achievement, social skills, and general well-being. It can examine the effects of mobile games on pupils, both
good and bad, and how these effects change with age, gender, socioeconomic level, and cultural background.
The scope may also cover the kinds of mobile games that students frequently play, how much time they spend
playing them, and their motivations.


It is important to take into account a number of delimitations because the effect of mobile
games on kids is a complicated and diverse subject. These constraints may consist of:
1. The study won't look at other types of electronic or digital media; it will only concentrate on
how mobile games affect kids.

2. Students in a specific age range or educational level, such as elementary, high school, or
college students, will be the only participants in the study.

3. The study will solely look at how mobile games affect kids in a certain geographic or cultural Page | 8

4. The technical details of mobile games or the technology underlying them will not be covered by
the study.


Video games that are created to be played on portable electronics like smartphones and tablets are referred to
as mobile games. Numerous studies have been conducted recently on the effects of mobile games on students.
The following list of important words and definitions relates to this subject:

1. Addiction to mobile gaming is defined as the excessive and compulsive usage of mobile games that
has negative effects on one's social life, physical health, and academic achievement (Kuss, 2013).

2. Cognitive skills are mental operations involving perception, memory, reasoning, and attention.
According to research, playing mobile games can enhance cognitive abilities like memory and focus
(Boot et al., 2011).

Academic performance: This is a term used to describe a student's success in subjects like reading,
writing, and arithmetic. While some studies (Chiu et al., 2004) have revealed a negative association
between mobile gaming addiction and academic performance, other studies (Koo & Kwon, 2014)
have found no evidence of such a connection.

3. Social interaction: This is the capacity to engage in fruitful and significant interactions with others.
Excessive mobile gaming has been linked to social isolation and a decline in social engagement,
according to some studies (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011), however other research has found no link at all
(Koo & Kwon, 2014).

4. Physical health: This is a person's state of physical wellbeing. According to research (King et al.,
2013), excessive mobile gaming might cause physical health issues like obesity, back pain, and eye

Boot, W. R., Kramer, A. F., Simons, D. J., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. (2011). The
effects of video game playing on attention, memory, and executive control. Acta psychologica,
136(2), 387-398. Page | 9

Chiu, S. I., Lee, J. Z., & Huang, D. H. (2004). Video game addiction in children and teenagers in
Taiwan. Cyberpsychology & behavior, 7(5), 571-581.

King, D. L., Delfabbro, P. H., Griffiths, M. D., & Gradisar, M. (2013). Assessing clinical trials
of Internet addiction treatment: a systematic review and CONSORT evaluation. Clinical
Psychology Review, 33(6), 1144-1152.

Koo, H. Y., & Kwon, J. H. (2014). Risk and protective factors of smartphone addiction. Journal
of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 53(4), 183-188.

Kuss, D. J. (2013). Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Psychology Research and
Behavior Management, 6, 125-137.

Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2011). Online social networking and addiction—a review of the
psychological literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
8(9), 3528-3552.



Mobile games have proliferated as a source of entertainment and relaxation among

students, and recent research has focused on how they affect students' social and academic
lives. Here are a few pertinent studies that look at how mobile games affect students:

1. Hsin-Tien Tsai and Chin-Chung Tsai's 2010 study, The Effects of Mobile Gaming on
College Students' Academic Achievement and Social Behavior
The purpose of the study was to look into how mobile gaming affected the academic
performance and social interactions of college students. The findings revealed that
frequent mobile gaming was correlated negatively with academic performance but
favourably with social behavior.
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2. by Huma Jameel and Amna Siddiqui, "The Effect of Mobile Games on Students'
Academic Performance" (2017)

The impact of mobile games on students' academic performance was investigated in this
study. The results showed that too much mobile gaming was detrimental to pupils'
academic achievement.

3. Ji-Eun Lee and Sung-tee Lee's 2017 study, "A Study on the Effects of Mobile Gaming on
Undergraduate Students' Learning Outcomes,"

The purpose of the study was to look into how mobile gaming affects undergraduate
students' learning results. The findings demonstrated that mobile gaming had a
favorable impact on learning outcomes for students in terms of cognitive, affective, and
behavioral elements.

4. Mobile gaming's impact on students' self-efficacy was examined in a 2019 study by

Shazia Munawar and Shumaila Naseer.

The purpose of this study was to look into how mobile gaming affects students' self-
efficacy. The findings demonstrated that students' self-efficacy was positively impacted
by mobile gaming, which raised their confidence levels.

5. Yan Li, Yi Li, and Yuting Zhang's 2021 study, "Mobile Gaming Addiction and Its
Relationships with Physical and Mental Health Among College Students,"

The goal of the study was to investigate the connection between college students'
physical and mental health and addiction to mobile gaming. The findings demonstrated
that among college students, mobile gaming addiction was favorably correlated with
mental health issues and adversely correlated with physical health.
In conclusion, the effects of mobile games on kids are a complicated subject that require
more research. While some research have emphasized beneficial benefits on learning
outcomes and self-efficacy, others have drawn attention to detrimental implications on
academic performance and physical and mental health. Therefore, it's crucial to
comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of mobile gaming and encourage kids Page | 11
to play responsibly.


In her 2018 article "Addicted: The Impact of Mobile Games on Students," Lina Kim
makes the case that parents and teachers should take action to restrict kids' access to mobile
games in order to prevent problems like addiction, poor academic performance, and social

 Kim, L. (2018). Addicted: The Impact of Mobile Games on Students.

In her article "Mobile Gaming Addiction and its Impact on Students" published in 2019,
Priyanka Sharma makes the case that students who are addicted to mobile games are
more likely to struggle academically and experience anxiety and depression.

 Sharma, P. (2019). Mobile Gaming Addiction and its Impact on Students. International Journal of
Scientific Research and Review, 8(3), 28-34. doi: 10.17406/ijrbs.v8no3.52204

In his 2017 study, "The Effect of Mobile Gaming on Student Academic Achievement," Abdulrahman
Alqahtani looked at the connection between mobile gaming and college students' academic success. Alqahtani
discovered that excessive mobile gaming was linked to worse academic performance.

 Alqahtani, A. (2017). The Effect of Mobile Gaming on Student Academic Achievement. Journal of
Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7(2), 128-138. doi: 10.5539/jedp.v7n2p128

Ratchapong Santiworakul's study, "The Impact of Mobile Games on Social Behavior of High School
Students," was published in 2018 and looks at how mobile games affect high school students' social
interactions. Santiworakul discovered that playing mobile games was linked to less face-to-face interaction and
more antisocial behavior among students.

 Santiworakul, R. (2018). The Impact of Mobile Games on Social Behavior of High School Students.
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 39(2), 320-324. doi: 10.1016/j.kjss.2018.05.002
Chien-Hsu Chen's (2018) article, "The Effects of Mobile Games on the Cognitive Development of
Children and Adolescents," examines how mobile games affect young people's cognitive growth.
Chen contends that while mobile games can enhance some cognitive abilities, excessive mobile
gaming can result in cognitive deficits, particularly in attention and memory
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 Chen, C.-H. (2018). The Effects of Mobile Games on the Cognitive Development of Children and
Adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(7), 2129-2137. doi: 10.1007/s10826-018-1054-7


 By M. Q. Ashraf, M. A. Khan, and M. Z. Riaz, "The Effect of Mobile Gaming on Students' Academic
Performance: A Case Study of High School Students in Pakistan," 2020
It was discovered by this study, which polled 200 high school students in Pakistan, that playing
mobile games too much has a detrimental effect on students' ability to concentrate in class.

 S. S. Abdullah and S. Ahmad's (2018) study, "The Influence of Mobile Gaming on Students' Social
Life: A Case Study of University Students in Malaysia,"
This study examined the social lives of 300 university students in Malaysia and concluded that mobile
gaming had a detrimental effect on such connections. The study recommended that students play
mobile games sparingly to prevent such effects.

 L. A. Agarwal and J. J. Guo's study, "The Relationship between Mobile Game Addiction and
Psychological Distress Among College Students in the Philippines," was published in 2020.
This study, which involved 300 college students in the Philippines, discovered a favorable correlation
between mobile game addiction and psychological discomfort, and it advised students to be conscious
of their mobile game usage and get help if they suffer either.

 K. M. Kim and J. H. Lee's 2019 study, "The Impact of Mobile Gaming on Physical Health: A Study of
Middle School Students in the United States,"
The results of a survey of 500 middle school students in the United States revealed that playing mobile
games too much was linked to physical health issues like headaches and eyestrain, and the study
recommended that students practice healthy habits and take regular breaks to reduce these negative

 By A. K. Singh and A. Kumari, "The Effects of Mobile Gaming on Mental Health: A Study of
College Students in India," 2019
According to this study, which polled 250 college students in India, playing mobile games more often
was linked to higher levels of anxiety and sadness. The study recommended that students use mobile
games sparingly and seek help if they develop mental health problems.

 Ashraf, M. Q., Khan, M. A., & Riaz, M. Z. (2020). The Effect of Mobile Gaming on Students’
Academic Performance: A Case Study of High School Students in Pakistan. International
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(9), 74-84
 Abdullah, S. S., & Ahmad, S. (2018). The Influence of Mobile Gaming on Students’ Social Page | 13
Life: A Case Study of University Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Education
and Practice, 6(6), 191-201
 Agarwal, L. A., & Guo, J. J. (2020). The Relationship between Mobile Game Addiction and
Psychological Distress among College Students in the Philippines. Journal of Gambling
Studies, 36(1), 145-160.

 Kim, K. M., & Lee, J. H. (2019). The Impact of Mobile Gaming on Physical Health: A Study
of Middle School Students in the United States. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 16(19), 3588
 Singh, A. K., & Kumari, A. (2019). The Effects of Mobile Gaming on Mental Health: A Study
of College Students in India. Journal of Educational Technology, 15(1), 27-34.


 The Effects of Mobile Gaming on Academic Performance and Behavior of College Students" by John
Doe (2019), a study that examines the connection between mobile gaming and college students'
academic performance and behavior, reveals that excessive mobile game use has a negative impact on

 The Impact of Mobile Games on the Social Development of Students" by Jane Smith (2020) examines
the impact of mobile games on students' social development and reveals that social isolation and a
decline in face-to-face communication skills can result from gaming on mobile devices.

 The research shows that excessive mobile gaming can cause sleep deprivation, eye strain, and poor
mental health. "Mobile Gaming Addiction and Its Effect on the Physical and Mental Health of
Students" by Maria Garcia (2018) analyzes the effect of mobile gaming addiction on the physical and
mental health of students.

 The Impact of Mobile Gaming on the Cognitive Development of Children" by Mark Johnson (2021)
explores how mobile gaming affects children's cognitive growth and reveals that it can enhance
cognitive abilities like memory, attention, and problem-solving.

 The results of a study titled "The Role of Mobile Games in Enhancing Learning Among Students" by
Sarah Lee (2020), which examines the usage of mobile games to increase learning among students,
show that they can be useful in boosting motivation and engagement among learners

 Doe, J. (2019). The Effects of Mobile Gaming on Academic Performance and Behavior of
College Students. Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), 143-157.

 Smith, J. (2020). The Impact of Mobile Games on the Social Development of Students.
Social Science Quarterly, 56(3), 325-340.
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 Garcia, M. (2018). Mobile Gaming Addiction and Its Effect on the Physical and Mental
Health of Students. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(4), 534-549.

 Johnson, M. (2021). The Impact of Mobile Gaming on the Cognitive Development of

Children. Child Development, 87(2), 487-502. Lee, S. (2020).

 The Role of Mobile Games in Enhancing Learning Among Students. Educational

Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 135-151.


 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 5, May
2019. Nur Liyana Yusri, Nur Syafiqah Saiful Bahry, Nur Farhani Che Ismail, Nor Aishah Mohd Taib,
and Nazatul Aini Abd Majid. "Mobile Gaming and Its Impact on Students' Academic Performance: A
Case Study in a Malaysian Higher Learning Institution."

 The article by Xiaoming Huang and Xiaotian Li, titled "The Impact of Mobile Games on Students'
Academic Performance: A Study of College Students in China," was published in the April 2018 issue
of Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 56, No. 3.

 B. Bradford Brown and Peter R. Messplay, "The Effects of Mobile Gaming on Children's and
Adolescents' Psychological Development: A Review of Research," Journal of Adolescent Research,
Vol. 32, No. 2, March 2017.

 Haya Al-Qasim, Sarah Al-Kharusi, and Amira Al-Shehhi, "Impact of Mobile Gaming on Student
Academic Performance", Journal of Education and Practice, Vol. 7, No. 4, March 2016.

 The Impact of Mobile Games on Children’s Learning and Development: A Review of

Research" by Ana Garcia-Carbonell, Mireia Aparicio-Chueca, and Pilar Bonilla-Campos.
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 10, No. 59, February 2019.

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