IRE Deliverable 3

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Clickbait intensity prediction and its relevance to Fake News

Information Retrieval and Extraction Project

Team 22 Mentor: Vijaya Saradhi
Archit Jain Aryan Jain Palash Sharma Pulkit Gupta
(2019101053) (2019101056) (2019101082) (2019101078)

i. GitHub Repo:
ii. Dataset 1:
iii. Dataset 2:
iv. Presentation Video:

Related Work
This is the first paper to model clickbait identification as a regression problem considering predicting
clickbait intensity as a real number between 0 and 1 (all previous papers consider it a classification
problem considering predicting whether it is clickbait or not). In this paper, the authors have used
transformers to convert text to vectors before applying it to several regression models.

Fake news classification is a famous problem in the NLP arena and mostly involves using the traditional
classification algorithms on word embeddings. Advanced papers in this area of research involve fine-
tuning Language Models among other niche techniques. For our scope of the project, we have omitted
fine-tuning any pretrained model (due to lack of resources).

This paper presents a system for the detection of the stance of headlines about the corresponding
article bodies. The approach can be applied in fake news, especially clickbait detection scenarios. An
n-gram matching of the lemmatised input (headline or article) is applied first to decide whether a
particular headline/article combination is related or unrelated. Further classification is done using
Mallet’s Logistic Regression classifier to classify the related pairs into “agree” or “disagree”.

This paper aims at finding a relation between click baits and fake news. The approach followed
involves training a binary classifier for click baits, labelling sources of news article in terms of clickbait
intensity percentage and then using this as a feature to train a binary fake news classifier. This method
assumes that a clickbait intensity score can be generalized for a media house which is not true.

Baseline Models

As a strong baseline:

a. We used Linear Regression using spaCy vectorizer as our baseline for clickbait intensity
prediction because linear regression is the most basic regression algorithm, also spaCy is easy
to implement and fast.
b. We used Naive Bayes Classifier using spaCy vectorizer as our baseline for fake news detection
(which was a binary classification problem) as it is easy to build and extremely fast as
compared to another classifier.


• Clickbait Intensity
We have used Webis Clickbait Corpus 2017 dataset for predicting clickbait intensity. The
dataset includes fields like “postTimestamp”, “postText”, “postMedia”, “targetTitle”,
targetKeywords”, “targetDescription”, “targetParagraphs”, “targetCaptions” etc and we have
used “postText” as a feature to train the regression model and “truthMean” as the value for
clickbait intensity.
• Fake News Detection
We have used the dataset named fake-real-news-dataset which has two separate files, one
containing all the articles which are labelled as fake and other one labelled with true, each
containing an article title, article text description, its subject along with timestamp of article
but we have used title, text and label of article (Fake/Real) along with the clickbait intensity
score predicted from model formed in Clickbait Score model. The dataset has equal(almost)
number of fake and non-fake data, which would ensure a better model fitting than the other


Our solution intends on classifying a news article as fake or real considering the clickbait intensity of
the title of the article. This approach can be divided into two parts, training a regression model to
predict clickbait intensity, and then using this clickbait intensity as one of the features to train a
classification model for fake news prediction.

Clickbait Intensity Prediction: -

• Webis dataset is first pre-processed to isolate the clickbait intensity and postText(title). Then
the pre-processed title in this dataset is then passed to a vectorizer to convert titles into
vectors. We have worked with Spacy Vectorizer i as a word embedding pretrained model and
RoBERTa as a transformer model. Note that both these models give a vector for a title, and
we used only one of them at a time.
• The vectorized data is then fed to a regression model to train. The parameters of the model
are fine-tuned to minimize the MSE for the model. We have split the dataset to use 80% of
the dataset for training the model and 20% to test it.

Considering this prediction as regression problem we have used a bunch of regression models.

Regression models that we have used are-

• Linear Regression: Independent variables are related linearly, and least square sum is used for
model fitting.
• Ridge Regression: similar to linear regression, where penalty term is added with least sum of
squares to gear the correlations between the independent variables.
• Random Forest Regression: a supervised learning algorithm that uses ensemble learning method
for regression.
• Gradient Boosting Regression: relies on the intuition that the best possible next model, when
combined with previous models, minimizes the overall prediction error.
• Adaboost Regression: a meta-estimator that begins by fitting a regressor on the original dataset
and then fits additional copies of the regressor on the same dataset but where the weights of
instances are adjusted according to the error of the current prediction.
• Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression: efficient open-source implementation of the gradient
boosted trees algorithm.
• Stacking Regression Model: that includes gradient boosting, ridge regression, random forest,
adaboost, extreme gradient boosting as estimators and linear regression as final estimator.

Fake News Prediction: -

• The fake-real news dataset is pre-processed in the same way as clickbait intensity and the
article text and title are passed to a vectorizer (same as above) to obtain a vector for each
article respectively.
• Additionally, the title of the article is passed to the regression model (trained before) to obtain
a clickbait intensity score. This score along with the previously obtained vectors together
forms a set of 2k + 1 features (where k is the dimension of a single vector).
• The set of features obtained from the previous step are used to train the classification model
for binary classification of authenticity of a news article. The model is then fine-tuned by
altering the parameters to maximize the F1 score.

Considering this prediction as classification problem we have used a bunch of classification models.

Classification models we have used are-

a. Logistic Regression: is a predictive analysis algorithm based on the concept of probability.

b. Adaboost Classifier: combine multiple “weak classifiers” into a single “strong classifier”.
c. Naive bayes: is a supervised learning algorithm based on bayes theorem.
d. Decision Tree Classifier: is a tree structured classifier starting from root node and split the
data on feature that result in reduction in uncertainty.
e. Random Forest Classifier: is a classification model consisting of multiple decision trees.
f. Linear Support Vector Classifier: chooses extreme points/vectors that help in creating
best decision boundary.
g. Passive Aggressive: is an online learning algorithm where a model is trained and deployed
in production in a way that continues to learn as new data sets arrive.
h. K-Nearest Neighbor: assumes that similar things exist in close proximity i.e., similar things
are near to each other.
i. Extreme Gradient Boosting Classifier: belongs to the family of boosting algorithm using
gradient boosting framework as its core.
j. Stacking Classifier Model: that includes decision tree, extreme gradient boosting, random
forest, linear support vector classifier, adaboost as estimators and logistic regression as
final estimable
*Stacking is an ensemble machine learning algorithm which stacks the output of individual estimator and use a
regressor to compute the final prediction allowing us to use the strength of each individual estimator by using
their output as input of a final estimator.

Figure 1: Workflow of out Architecture

• Cleaning Text

This includes converting text to lowercase, removing non-alphanumeric characters, and using
lemmatization and removing ambiguous or incomplete data.
• Vectorization

Vectorization or word embedding is the process of converting text data to numerical vectors.
Later those vectors are used to build various machine learning models. Vectorization is a
sophisticated way of including the information contained in the text to machine learning
Vectorizers we have used:
1. spaCy: A pre-trained word embedding model is loaded, using which the required text is
vectorized. The spaCy vectorizer takes a sentence as an input and converts it into vector
representation. We used 2 types of pre-trained model. One was small (with just 96
dimensions) and other was large (with 300 dimensions). The model trained on larger dataset
produced best results for our case.
2. Google’s Word2Vec: Instead of sticking to just one vectorizer, we thought of trying with other
vectorizer also namely Google’s Word2Vec embedding model. This model takes one word at
a time and returns a particular vector for that word unlike spaCy where we get vector for
complete sentence. We used tf-idf score averaging to obtain the vector for the sentence. The
vectors obtained from this approach was also of 300 dimensions.
RoBERTa Transformers it stands for Robustly optimized BERT approach. RoBERTa, is a retraining of
BERT with improved training methodology, 1000% more data and compute power. RoBERTa removes
the Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) task from BERT’s pre-training and introduces dynamic masking so
that the masked token changes during the training epochs. Importantly, RoBERTa uses 160 GB of text
for pre-training, including 16GB of Books Corpus and English Wikipedia used in BERT. The additional
data included Common Crawl News dataset (63 million articles, 76 GB), Web text corpus (38 GB) and
Stories from Common Crawl (31 GB). The dimension of the vectorized output was 1024, and it also
takes contextual meaning of the sentence into account, so it’s better than trivial vectorizers.

Evaluation metrics
• For clickbait intensity prediction, model predict intensity as a real number between 0 and 1
so we have used Mean Squared Error (MSE) for clickbait intensity prediction, which was a
regression problem. A lower MSE for a model signifies a better fit.
• As our fake news detection was a binary classification problem, so we used F1 score as metric
here as it is a measure of test’s accuracy. F1 score gives a realistic reflection of the
performance of a classification model. A higher F1 score is considered better.


Table 1: Mean squared error for different algorithm used for regression model

Method MSE
Ridge Regression 0.04171198
Linear Regression 0.04166450
Adaboost Regression 0.15428521
spaCy Random Forest Regression 0.15960722
Gradient Boosting Regression 0.03749024
Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression 0.03681164
Stacking Regression Model 0.03390061
Ridge Regression 0.03072690
Linear Regression 0.03133114
Adaboost Regression 0.19042188
RoBERTa Random Forest Regression 0.15551844
Gradient Boosting Regression 0.03469860
Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression 0.03335698
Stacking Regression Model 0.03047084
Table 2: F1 score and Accuracy for different algorithm used for classification model

Without Clickbait
With Clickbait Score
Method score Status
F1 Score Accuracy F1 Score Accuracy
F1 Score
Logistic Regression 0.9784 0.9793 0.9974 0.9970
F1 Score
Adaboost Classifier 0.9332 0.9358 0.9384 0.9405
Naive Bayes Classifier 0.8656 0.8656 0.8652 0.8586 No Improvement
F1 Score
Decision Tree Classifier 0.8617 0.8700 0.8697 0.8770
F1 Score
Random Forest Classifier 0.9318 0.9340 0.9333 0.9366
Linear Support Vector Accuracy
0.9770 0.9755 0.9770 0.9783
Classifier Improved
Stacking Classifier Model 0.9511 0.9539 0.9505 0.9534 No Improvement
Passive Aggressive Classifier 0.9724 0.9730 0.9724 0.9731
F1 Score
K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier 0.9129 0.9147 0.9133 0.9151
Extreme Gradient Boosting F1 Score
0.9544 0.9533 0.9582 0.9523
Classifier Improved

• For Clickbait intensity prediction, Stacking Regression model (that includes gradient boosting,
ridge regression, random forest, adaboost, extreme gradient boosting as estimators and linear
regression as final estimator.) works best with minimum MSE of 0.03047084 using RoBERTa
as a vectorizer.
• For fake news classification, Logistic Regression Classifier outperforms all other classifiers in
both with and without clickbait with F1-score as 0.9974 and 0.9784 respectively.


For Clickbait Prediction

• Comparing the vectorizers, spaCy being just 300 dimensions was significantly faster
than RoBERTa-large which has 1024 dimensions. Since RoBERTa has more dimensions,
it is able to capture more features in text. RoBERTa, like BERT, uses bidirectional
positions to help the algorithm understand the meaning of ambiguous language in text
by using surrounding text to establish context enabling a better understanding of the
text. Hence, RoBERTa proved more useful than spaCy.

• Adaboost is simply a linear combination of regressors which experience overfitting in

high dimensional spaces. Also, the same is seen in our evaluation of the classifier.
SpaCy vectors had 300 dimensions and the MSE reported for that is ~0.154. But for
RoBERTa vectors which has 1024 dimensions, the MSE comes out to be ~0.190. So we
saw overfitting in this case.

For Fake news Prediction

• Decision Tree Classifier does not perform well (in comparison to other classifiers) for
fake news prediction because firstly, it’s a greedy model, which implies that it will
make the most optimal decision at each step but does not consider the global
optimum. However, choosing the best result at a given step does not ensure we will
head down the route that will lead to the optimal decision when we make it to the
final node of the tree, called the leaf node.

Secondly, it is highly prone to overfitting with its depth. This is due to the amount of
specificity we look at leading to smaller sample of events that meet the previous
assumptions. This small sample could lead to unsound conclusions.

• Logistic Regression performs better than naive bayes, as naive bayes expects all features
to be independent but in case of fake news prediction all features are related to each
other and hence the result.

• Using clickbait score as one of the features for fake news detection, F1 score increases
which signifies the relevance of clickbait score to fake news. This is expected because to
make an article attractive, clickbait titles are common, and they tend to be fake more

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