Types of Advertising (Medium)

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• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Journals
Newspaper advertisements ( adv.)
• Printed word, images and graphics
• Price varies acc. to circulation
• Wide reach
• Low cost per reader
• Flexibility
• More credible
• Good for comparative advertising
• Immediate delivery of message
• Fresh reminder
• Daily publication
• Local advertising
• Easy to prepare than those for broadcast or internet
• Specific sections targeted via supplements
Newspaper advertisements ( disadv.)
• Short life span
• Advertisement overload
• Less quality of production than broadcast or internet
• No audio visual or demo effects
• Less persuasion or emotional appeal
• Costly if less number of customers
• Not seen in hurry
• Illiteracy is barrier
• Small ads not so important
Formats of newspaper advertisements
• display or box ads
• inserts
• classifieds.
Display or Box ads
• run from one-eighth of a page up to one full page
• known as box ads, because they occupy a square or rectangular
space, similar to a box, within a page
• larger the space, the greater the expense
• use of full color and appealing imagery contribute to the impact of a
display ad
• size , color and circulation of the newspaper affects costs
• Long-term buying of space results in less cost
• usually based on the amount of area they consume and are quoted
in per sq. cm or per column cm
• Each column width of the publication might vary on basis of
a broadsheet or a pullout, however in general stands at 4 cm width
• "modular" system simplifies ad size and eliminates the need to
figure out column inches
• the amount of the total page the ad takes up. For example 1/2 page,
1/4 page, 1/8 page, etc.
• Makes understanding pricing easier
• Simplifies layout process
Insert Ads

• Also known as free standing inserts or FSIs

• single sheet ads placed in the center of newspapers that are
distributed to readers in targeted ZIP codes.
• such as information on current sales, mini-catalogs, and new product
• they drive consumers to take action
• Saves tiem and money of consumer to search for offers
• Sunday shoppers are best audience
• full-page or postcard insert included with the distribution of a
newspaper issue
• Insert pricing based on circulation + payment for production as well
• Stand alone - readers take out to read it
• use insert flyers to deliver coupon sheets and promotional
announcements aimed at drawing a crowd
• newspapers typically allow you to distribute inserts to select markets,
enabling greater cost control
Classified Ads

• Good for budget-strapped small-business operator

• Appear on fixed pages under ne title
• classifieds section of a newspaper is divided up into categories, and
targets consumers and small businesses
• Page number and placement decided by the newspaper itself
• Primarily text-based
• Image –based ( called display classified)
• Text-based ads are less expensive
• impact of classifieds normally is lower than that of display or insert
• Can be run regularly at modest monthly budget
half jacket/ multiple jackets/ false pages
• Section and theme-based medium
• Selective reach
• Flexibility
• Better quality
• Long life span
• More attention because one or two ads on a page
Magazine adv. ( disadvantages)
• Delayed readership
• Sometimes ad overload
• High cost
• Les suitable for need of national- level marketing
• Not suitable to reach lower class
• Illiteracy is a barrier
Online Advertising
• Google Search and AdWords Ads
• Facebook Ads
• Twitter Ads
• Tumblr Ads
• Banner Ads
• Google Display Ads
• Retargeting Ads
• Reddit Ads
• Mobile Ads
Google Search and AdWords Ads
• appear alongside the search engine result page when users search a
keyword query on Google.
• Pay-per-click model
• managed by Google’s AdWords advertising platform
Facebook Ads
• Marketplace ads appear in the side columns of the Facebook website
with a headline, copy, and an image
• Promoted Posts are Facebook ads that let advertisers pay a flat rate
to promote a single post on their Facebook business page.
• The promoted post reaches more fans and friends of fans than a
regular post
• Sponsored Stories show a user’s interaction with an advertisers page
or product to the user’s friends and larger network.
• can appear in a user’s newsfeed
• FBX, or Facebook Exchange implement remarketing
• takes into account a user’s web surfing history data > letting an
advertiser show an ad for a product a user was looking at earlier on
the advertiser’s website
Twitter Ads

• paid boosts used by brands on Twitter

• to extend the reach of their tweets, promote a chosen hashtag, or
gain more followers
• Promoted Tweets lets advertisers’ tweets reach more people’s home
feeds, and offer a healthy batch of targeting options
• includes Promoted Accounts that are show up more often in Who to
Follow recommendation feature
• gets your custom hashtag in the Trends bar, earning additional
attention and notice from the Twitterverse
Twitter Ad Examples
1. InSinkErator
- Contests
- Engagement
- Holding on to post
- What products
to offer
2. Jack Daniel’s AU
- focus on bonding
- Occasion is imp.
- appeal to the type of people
who would want to buy it
and how they’d use it.
3. Curiositystream
• simple question that immediately positions their offering.
• Text-only ad to people who actually read!
• Same people who call sifting through 1,000 documentaries enjoyable
• Specificity in the number of documentaries increases credibility, as
does the risk-reversing 30-day trial
4. Verge Transportation
• a concept called ‘edgecraft’ to help companies or products stand out
from the crowd by focusing on what puts them at the extremes
• by choosing a specific car to highlight that just so happens to look like
a rocket ship and is the fastest on the planet.
• Another thing that got attention- typo (cat/car)
• A pun on Jaguar
Banner Ads
• image-based advertisements that often appear in the side, top, and
bottom sections of websites
• range widely in terms of size, design, and function
• in all sorts of news-based websites, blogs, and specialized web
• Many websites brokerage their ad space with ad exchanges such as
Google's Display Network, or you can buy the ad space in the same
manner you'd buy an ad on a newspaper.
Flash Ads
• Flash ads are banner ads that use Flash design, often featuring
interactive elements to entice users
Mobile Ads
• appear on smartphones, tablets, and any other mobile device
• social media platforms, websites, and apps offer their own unique
mobile ad options
In-Game Ads
• might appear as brand-name products like guns, cars, or clothing that
exist as gaming status symbols
• common examples of in-game advertising is billboards appearing in
sport games
AdMob Ads
• appear within mobile apps
• Google’s mobile advertising platform
• app creators make revenue off of free games by offering ad space
• allow advertisers to get ad spots in the most popular mobile games
and apps
• can appear as mobile-optimized text ads, image-based banner ads, or
even interstitials ads, which use rich HTML5
Email Ads
• sent to users via web mail. Email ads can be used to notify subscribers
of certain promotions, discounts, or new features, among other uses
• Clear and concise message in large image and minimum text
• rely on a compelling subject line to ensure that a user will open the
Email Ads
Email Ads
• contextual ads generated by an automated process that scans a
user’s emails to discover interests and topics that are relevant to the
Video Ads

• avoid blatant advertising, opting instead for educational, how-to

video content that naturally appeals to users
• with some (if any) product suggestions discreetly integrated
• Humorous videos doing well , especially when an interacting element
is added
YouTube Ads

• can appear as banner ads

• in-video overlay ads
• in-stream video ads (which are video ads that appear before or during
another YouTube video)
Pinterest Ads
• Pieces of content pinned by brands and advertisers
• Written price tells Pinterest that this item is for sale at that specific
• Pinterest marketers can then link the pinned item to the official
product page to drive retail traffic
• hosting contests are a great way to drum up user attention,
engagement, and boost site traffic, depending on how the contest is
• work best on tangible B2C products
Instagram Ads
• no “official” Instagram ads – just brands being creative and producing
Instagram pics that can be shared right alongside user-crafted
• Natural intimate medium
• Multiple languages to choose
• Ad recall possible
• Continuity in message
• Easy to remember slogan, music,sound
• Maximum reach
• No barrier of illiteracy
Radio Adv. ( Disadv.)
• Costlier than newspapers
• Ad message overload
• Too many radio stations switched at a time
• No demonstration possible
• Absence of visual effects
• Not listened carefully
Radio Commercials
•Pre-defined time slots offered by Radio Stations for brands to
promote themselves. These are the primary advertising
elements radio offers, the oldest in the game. Whatever
innovations you add to your ad campaign, FCTs are the MUST

•Spots and jingles

• Commercial times are further classified on the following basis:

• Prime Time: 7am - 12noon, 5pm - 11pm.

• Non Prime Time: 7am - 12noon, 12noon - 5pm, 5pm to 11pm..
• The Entire Day: 12noon - 5pm
RJ Mentions
• rewarding influencers for your brand because of their huge fan
• Which RJ would be the best for your brand?
• Consider the required location, your preferred station, and most
importantly target group
• Will they follow what the RJ certifies?
Sponsorship Tags
• generate brand awareness through association with a
radio station’s programmes

•strong positive association in the listener's mind,

between the brand name and the attributes of the
sponsored programme
• The radio station talks about the advertiser and asks questions giving
the listeners a chance to win related prize provided by the advertiser

• It is often the only way an advertiser can have access to the much
coveted presenter live reads.
• undivided attention by consuming all available ad spots within a time
• constantly tapping the listeners mind to instill his top of mind
• avoid getting repetitive
Outdoor Broadcast
•Radio station’s presenter and its team broadcasts
off-site as per the advertisers desired venue

•Costly way to drive maximum listeners attention to

your brand
Outdoor Broadcast
- Suitable for product description
- Good reach
- Range of economic classes targeted
- Audio visual effect catches attention
- Product demonstration possible
- Selective targeting via specialized channels
- Conditioned audience available
- Emotional appeals work best
• Based on ratings
• Spots and telepromotions
• Costly production and placement of ads
• Advertisement overload
• Ignorance possible by switching of channels
• Reach people during travel/journey ( outside homes)
• Good for logo and brief message
• Cheapest medium
• Flexibility in placement selection
• Ad recall even at last moment
• Less time and effort of reader
• Good for address of local dealers and agents
• 24-hr attention
• Less ad clutter
• Posters
• Banner
• Hoardings
• Neon signs
• Transit ad
• Pamphlets
• Wall writing
Neon signs
Wall writing
• Unsuitable for descriptive ads
• Affected by whether changes
• May cause accidents
• Limited word limit of message
• Costly if placed all over the country
• banners, signs, danglers, hangers, countertop and floor stand
displays. This category also includes in-store TV monitors, electronic
signs, broadcasting and automated coupon dispensers.

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