Final Straight Line Motion Worksheet 2

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Straight Line Motion (use g = 10 m s )

1. A body having an initial velocity of 100 ms-1 covers a

displacement of 725 m in 10 s. Find its acceleration. [ 5.5 ms-2 ]

1 2
s=ut+ a t
725= (100 × 10 ) + a ( 102 )
725=1000+ 50 a
−5.5 m s−2=a

2. A stone dropped from a window-sill strikes the ground after

2.4 s. How high is the window-sill above the ground? [ 28.8m ]

g=10 ,t=2.4 , s=?

1 2
s=ut+ a t
1 2
s=0+ 10(2.4)
s=5× 5.7 6
s=28.8 m

3. A body thrown vertically upward rises to a height of 125 m.

Find the velocity of projection (i.e. the initial velocity) [ 50ms-1 ]

2 2
v =u +2 as
0=u2−2 ( 10 ) ( 125 )
u2=50 m

4. A body is thrown upwards with a velocity of 8 ms-1. After how

long will the velocity be

i. 1 ms-1 upward?


1=8−10 t

1−8=−10 t

t=0.7 s

ii. 1 ms-1 downward? [ 0.7s; 0.9s ]

−1=8−10 t
−1−8=−10 t
t=0. 9 s

5. A body starts from rest, moves in a straight line with constant

acceleration and covers a distance of 64 m in 4 s.

i. What is the acceleration?

1 2
s=ut+ a t

64=0+ a ( 4 )

a=8 m s

ii. What is the final velocity?

v 2=u2 +2 as
v =0+2 ×8 ×64

v 2=1024

v=√ 1024
v=32 m s
iii. After what time interval had the body covered half the
total distance?

s=ut+ a t 2

1 2
32= 8 ( t )

32 2

t=√ 8

t=2.8 s

iv. What distance had the body covered in half the total

1 2
s=ut+ a t
s= 8 ( 2 )
s=16 m

v. What was the velocity at half the total distance?

2 2
v =u +2 as

v 2=0+2 ×8 ×32
v =512

v=√ 512

v=22.6 m s−1

vi. What was the velocity at half the total time?


v=0+8 × 2
v=16 m s
[ 8ms-2 ; 32ms-1 ; 2.8s ; 16m; 22.6ms-1 ; 16ms-1 ]

6. A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at

2 ms-2 for 10 s. It then runs at constant speed for 30 s, and
then slows down at -4 ms-2 until it stops at the next station.
What is the distance between the two stations? [ 750m ]

7. A ball is released from a height of 10 m above the surface of a

lake. It penetrates the lake to depth of 3 m below the water
surface. Find the average retardation in water. [ 33.3ms-2 ]

8. The displacement-time graph of a body is as shown:

i. Calculate the velocity over the first 5-second period.

ii. Calculate the velocity from 5s to 8s.
iii. Calculate the velocity for the last two seconds.
iv. What is the total displacement covered?
v. What is the average velocity over the entire 10-second stretch?

[ 1.6 ms-1; 0; 6 ms-1; 20 m; 2 ms-1 ]

9. A rocket rises vertically, from rest, with an acceleration of

3.2 ms-2 until it runs out of fuel at an altitude of 1200 m. After
this point, its acceleration is that of gravity, downward.
a) What is the velocity of the rocket when it runs out of
fuel? [87.6 m/s]
b) How long does it take to reach this point? [27.4 s]
c) What maximum altitude does the rocket reach?[1592 m]

10. The graph below shows the speeds of two cars A and B which
are travelling in the same direction over a period of 40 s. Car
A, travelling at a constant speed of 40 m/s overtakes car B at
time t = 0.

In order to catch up with car A, car B immediately accelerates

uniformly for 20 s to reach a constant speed of 50 m/s.

(a) How far does car A travel during the first 20 s

(b) Calculate the acceleration of car B in the first 20 s

(c) How far does car B travel in this time?

(d) What additional time will it take for car B to catch up with
car A?

(e) How far will each car have then travelled since t = 0?

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