This pay slip summarizes Tirumalesha Dadige's earnings and deductions for February 2023. It shows a gross earning of 162,781 with deductions of 59,891 resulting in a net pay of 102,890. It also lists reimbursements totaling 14,828 and a net transfer amount of 117,718.
This pay slip summarizes Tirumalesha Dadige's earnings and deductions for February 2023. It shows a gross earning of 162,781 with deductions of 59,891 resulting in a net pay of 102,890. It also lists reimbursements totaling 14,828 and a net transfer amount of 117,718.
This pay slip summarizes Tirumalesha Dadige's earnings and deductions for February 2023. It shows a gross earning of 162,781 with deductions of 59,891 resulting in a net pay of 102,890. It also lists reimbursements totaling 14,828 and a net transfer amount of 117,718.
This pay slip summarizes Tirumalesha Dadige's earnings and deductions for February 2023. It shows a gross earning of 162,781 with deductions of 59,891 resulting in a net pay of 102,890. It also lists reimbursements totaling 14,828 and a net transfer amount of 117,718.
EMPCODE : 2224 PF NO : APHYD16646460000011315 EMPNAME : Tirumalesha Dadige STDDAYS : 28.00 DESIGNATION : Lead Consultant WRKDAYS : 28.00 DOJ : 01/10/2021 LOP DAYS : 0.00 BUSINESS UNIT : 2500 - Services - Analytics : 2510 - BI BANK NAME : ICICI Bank PAN : AYBPD7168D ACCOUNT NO : 030401526501 UAN : 100129196297 LOP REVERSAL DAYS : 0.0000
Basic Pay 70844.00 779284.00 Provident fund 1800.00 19800.00
HRA 28338.00 311718.00 Income Tax 54574.00 205263.00 Special Allowance 61199.00 673189.00 Professional Tax 200.00 2200.00 Food card 2200.00 24200.00 Food coupon deduction 2200.00 24200.00 Child Education Allowance 200.00 2200.00 Mediclaim Parents 700.00 3500.00 Gift Deduction 417.00 4587.00
PDR 6000.00 66000.00 Telephone 1500.00 16500.00 Gift Coupons 417.00 4587.00 Internet Reimbursement 500.00 5500.00
TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT 14828.00 163108.00
NET TRANSFER : 117,718.00
IN WORDS : Rupees One Lacs Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen Only This is a computer generated document, hence no signature is required above salary is processed by ADP on behalf of Apps Associates.