Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Napsan National High School

Date April 11 ,2023

I. OBJECTIVES Learners demonstrate an understanding factor that affect climate, and the effects of
A. CONTENT changing climate and how to adapt accordingly
B. PERFORMANCE Learners should be able to Participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen
STANDARD effects of climate change
C. LEARNING MELC: Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level (S9ES-IIIf-

Specific 1. Describe the effects of climate change.

Objectives 2. Differentiate El Niño and La Niña.
3. Build awareness on how to adapt to climate change.

II. CONTENT Climate: Global climate phenomenon

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s material
Pages CLAS: Climate Change QIII week 6
3. Text Book
4. Additional
material from
Resources Portal. https://www.slideshare.net/ItssClarencee/el-nio-la-nia?from_action=save
5. Other Resources

Preparatory activities
Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am.

Kindly arrange your chairs in organized Yes ma’am

Ma’am I want to lead the prayer
Let us pray. Anyone who wants to lead the
Now I’ll be checking your attendance say Yes, ma’am!
Checking of GREAT if you are present and say absent if Great
attendance your classmate is not present in this class.
Is it clear?

Remember our rules in this class?

Imposing of rules 1. Listen attentively
2. Avoid talking to seatmate Yes Ma’am
3. Raise your hand if you have
something to say
4. Phones are not allowed unless it is
needed for activities.

A. Reviewing So, everybody will grasp all the information

previous lesson of our topic this morning, but before that,
let’s have some sort of review from our
previous lesson.

I have cards here; your name is written on

this card; I will pick one card at a time for
every question. Is it clear class? Are you
ready to listen? Yes ma’am

What is the last topic that we discussed? Factors affecting the climate

Okay the name to be called is _____. The general condition of the

How do you define weather? atmosphere at a particular time and
place on a day-to-day basis.
Very good!

If the weather happens within a short period The average weather condition in a
of time, how about the climate? certain region over a long period of
Now the second name to be called is ____. time.

Yes, very good! It happens over a long

period of time.

There are several factors affecting

The last name to be called is________. the climate:
What are the factors affecting the climate? 1. Altitude(elevation)
2. Latitude
Very good! It’s nice to know that you have 3. Distance from bodies of
remembered what was our last topic last water
time. Give claps to everyone. 4. Ocean currents
5. Topography
A. Establishing For this morning, let’s have some new topic
purpose and that still concerned with the climate.
presenting new

Picture Analysis Cut-up-Photos

1. Cut up a photo showing the effect of

El Niño and La Niña phenomena into
8 pieces. Divide students into groups
based on the number of pieces from
each picture puzzle.

2. Give each student in a group one of

the pieces. Have each student
analyze the piece.

3. After they analyze each piece, have

students join them together like a

4. Each group member can share his or

her ideas with the group.

5. Students will create an overall

interpretation uniting their
interpretations from the individual

But before we start remembered our group

activity rules?

1. Cooperate with your groups

2. Listen and follow the instructions Yes Ma’am!

Is it clear class?
C. Presenting examples of (Possible answer)
the new lesson Based on pictures what do you think will be About climate change(everyone)
our topic for today?
Both of them are about climatic
What do the pictures have in common? phenomena

What climatic phenomena you can derive It’s La Niña and El Niño
from the pictures?

D. Discussing new Let the students read the material provided (Possible answers)
concepts and practicing about the Impact of Climate Change and El
new skills #1 Niño and La Niña. Let them take down a. The phenomenon that we
notes on important points that could be encounter when there is a
used later in the discussion. lengthy warming in the
eastern part of the Pacific
Discussion through the power point or slide Ocean
presentation b. Severe drought,
temperature rises, delayed
onset of the rainy season,
https://www.slideshare.net/ItssClarencee/el- weak tropical cyclone
nio-la-nia?from_action=save activity etc.

c. Warming of the sea surface

temperature in the pacific
and can affect air and sea
Guide questions for the discussion: currents.
a. What is El Niño? d. The phenomenon that we
encounter when there is
b. What are the characteristics or unusual cooling of water in
indicators of El Niño? the eastern part of the
c. What causes El Niño? Pacific Ocean.
e. It’s an extreme climatic
d. What is La Niña? variability such as
devastating rains, winds.
e. What are the characteristics of La f. La Niña is caused by build-
Niña? up of cooler than normal
waters in tropical pacific
f. What causes La Niña g. El Niño and La Niña can
change the weather
g. How do El Niño and La Niña affect patterns
weather patterns? h. El Niño and La Niña has an
impact in ocean
temperatures, the speed
h. What are the impacts of El Niño and strength in ocean
and La Niña? currents, the health of
fisheries, local weather and
in the environment

E. Discussing new  Let the students make a Venn

concepts and practicing Diagram differentiating El Niño
new skills #2 and La Niña phenomena.
El Niño La Niña
 Each group will be assigned to Both
answer different questions through
brainstorming of the group

Compare and Contrast of two major

climatic phenomena

Group 1 How are they different?

Group 2 How are they the same?
Group 3 what are the effects of
climate change?
Group 4 How are we adapting to the
impacts of climate change.

F. Developing Mastery The teacher processes their Each group will present their task
answers/presentation. after the given time.

G. Finding practical Ask students to think of a situation when Cite examples. Possible scenario:
applications of concepts change or a new event was happening in transition from elementary to high
and skills in daily living their lives. school (change in teachers, school
 What did they do to adapt to this
change or event?

 Relate this to the climate change


H. Making Generalizations Make a graphic organizer showing the

and abstractions about the differences of El Niño and La Niña
lesson phenomena, on its characteristics and
impacts to the environment and people

I. Evaluating learning Give a 5-item test.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the two climatic phenomena
that we encounter?
2. What is the phenomenon that we
encounter when there is a lengthy
warming in the eastern part of the
Pacific Ocean?
3. What is the phenomenon that we
encounter when there is unusual
cooling of water in the eastern part of
the Pacific Ocean?
4. What are the shared characteristics of
El Niño and La Niña phenomena?
5. Why is it important to take actions
against climate change

Prepared by:

Leanne O. Arcena
Napsan National High School


School Principal
Napsan National High School

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