Design and Fabrication of Mini Industrial Vacuum Cleaner PDF

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G.Vara Prasada Rao*, Ch.BalaMurali*, K.J.Venkata Sai**,M.Venkatesh**,N.PavanKalyan**,N.SampathRajan**
*Assistant Professor, M.E. Dept., V.S.M. College of Engineering, E.G.Dt., A.P., INDIA
** U.G. Students, M.E. Dept., V.S.M. College of Engineering, E.G.Dt., A.P., INDIA
Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Vacuum cleaner is a system that INTODUCTION: vacuum cleaner is a device

enables cleaning of the floor by the help of that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum
highly stabilized and rapidly functionalized to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors,
electronic and mechanical control system Dust and from other surfaces such as upholstery and
removing problem are increasing more and draperies. The dirt is collected by either a dust
more now a days. Hence it has become to bag or a cyclone for later disposal. Vacuum
provide some equipment for removing dust. cleaners, which are used in homes as well as in
There different types of waste, dry waste, industry, exist in a variety of sizes and models
vegetable waste, dust particles and soon. small battery-powered hand-held devices,
Generally little equipment has been evolved in domestic central vacuum cleaner, huge
the market for cleaning the dust particles which stationary industrial appliances that can handle
are known as vacuum cleaner. But these several hundred litres of dust before being
vacuum cleaner costs more in the market and emptied, and self-propelled vacuum trucks for
not every human being can afford it. We need recovery of large spills or removal of
to develop low cost, user friendly vacuum contaminated soil. Specialized shop vacuums
cleaning machine. Thus, why we came with this can be used to suck up both dust and
multipurpose vacuum cleaner. The goal is to liquids.Effective cleaning and sanitizing helps
build a vacuum cleaner using a air blower. We and protect the health of the human beings
concluded that air blower is enough to build a directly and indirectly. Also, cleaning and
vacuum cleaner rather than using battery of sanitizing prevents the pest infestations by
higher Volts. So that this air blower works reducing residues that can attract and support
effectively and easily. The machine functions bees, pests etc. It also improves the shelf life of
even better by using low volts machines. the floor, walls etc. due to regular cleaning and
Materials used to build the vacuum cleaner are: maintenance. In recent years, most of the
cans of rice, air blower, switch, m-seal, PVC people prefer to use trains or buses for
duct, square rods and tyres. In this work, commuting and hence these places are littered
modelling and fabrication of the vacuum with biscuits covers, cold drink bottles etc.
cleaning machine was done using suitable Hence, it is necessary to clean the bus stands
commercially available software and and railways stations at regular interval.
components. These vacuum cleaners may be
used in homes. LITERATURE SUREVY: Dr. D V
Key words : Air Blower unit , Collecting tank PatilVidyapeeth, Rajesh Panchal Design of
,PVC duct. Rocker Bogie mechanism [1] The motive of

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Volume.02, IssueNo.01, June -2020, Pages: 088-093
rocker bogie mechanism was to understand effectively due to this problem, particularly in
mechanical design and its advantages over the bus stands. In this work, modeling and analysis
efficiency and maintenance related expenses of of the floor cleaning machine was done using
conventional suspension system. Rocker bogie suitable commercially available software. From
mechanism which was currently NASA‟s the finite element analysis, we observe that the
approved design (Mars Exploration Project) stress level in the manually operated floor
because it has studied /resilient capacities to cleaning machine is within the safe limit.
deal with obstrucles and it uniformly distribute Prathmesh Joshi1, Akshay Malviya2, Priya
the load over its 6 wheels all the time. The Soni3 This paper is based on “Manual driven
important factor in manufacturing rocker bogie platform cleaning machine” which provides the
mechanism is to determine the dimension of basic need of cleaning very large floor areas
rocker bogie linkages and angle between them, such as railway platforms, hospitals, malls and
(length and angle between the mechanisms can many investments have been made for the
be changed as per the requirements). The same. In recent times Indian Railways has
design of rocker bogie increases reliability, purchased platform rider scrubbers and
stability and efficiency. It has become a proven platform cleaning machines from various
mobility application known for its vehicle companies to ensure hygiene. Due to absence
stability and obstacles climbing and also moves of electricity at bus stand , railway platforms and
through any terrain areas like sandy or hard other commercial places , the automatic
surfaces. The disadvantage is the rotation is cleaning machine isn‟t suitable in every
possible by providing individual motors to condition. The author fabricated a four wheeler
individual wheels which arises in cost and cart with the help of accessories such as belt,
complicated design and programming. S A pedal axle, scrubber brush, U-clamp cleaning
Karande, S W Thakare, S P Wankhede process is executed. Sandeep J. Meshram1,
Automatic Garbage Collector Machine [2] In Prof. G.D.Mehta2 This paper deals with design
this project review the proposal concept is to and fabrication of tricycle operated street
reduce the human effort in garbage cleaning in cleaning machine suggesting that we have few
sea ways by automated system. The machine is foreign automated machines that are used in
placed in the drain, so that the solid waste like our country according to the road conditions.
bottle, clothes which floats on water gets lifted The objective of the author is to propose semi-
by teeth connected to the chain. The waste automatic machine for rural and urban areas in
materials are stored in the collector. This order to reduce human efforts and time.
system is powered by hydraulic turbines which A suggested solution over the current
generate electricity for the running of motor state of art is being explained through this
attached to the chain. The chain is connected article. The technique of this unique machine
with wire mesh filters for easy flow liquid runs with the power of ten humans. Ritvick
(waster) this helps in separation of solid and Ghosh1, H R Vinay Kumar2, Dattatraya3,
liquids. M Ranjit Kumar and N Kapilan Pavan Kumar B. Hiremath4, Prof. Pradeep
Conventional floor cleaning machines [3] The Kumar5 Pedal operated floor mopping
conventional floor cleaning machines is most machine is operated at low speed with the help
widely used in airport platforms, railway of mechanical power using foot pedals. This
platforms, hospitals, bus stands, and malls and mechanism is somewhere close to the spinning
in many other commercial places. These mop also known as “magic mop”. For speed
devices need an electrical energy for its multiplication with right gear specification bevel
operation and not user friendly. In India, gear has been used. And for better ergonomics
especially in summer, there is power crisis and the machine move on three wheels which is
most of the floor cleaning machine is not used driven using pedals with the help of mechanical

Copyright @ 2020 ijearst. All rights reserved.

Volume.02, IssueNo.01, June -2020, Pages: 088-093
drive train. Attempts have been made to make the vacuum cleaner because the main suction
the turning radius of the machines as small as depends on this fan component design.
possible so as to get efficient and effectve
cleaning without missing any spots. An
additional mechanism is provided to remove
dirty water by which the mop can be cleaned
and fresh water is supplied to offer continuous Fig 3 : Fan
floor cleaning. reducing the dust concentration PVC DUCT PIPE
behind the vehicle. The pipe which is used to vacuum cleaner hose
because, Duct pipes a rigid PVC spiral
DESIGN OF VACUUM CLEANER: reinforcement fused to the soft walls.
The design of the eco-friendly road cleaner is Very flexible ,Light in weight and easy to install
completed by using CATIA V5 R19 software. Maintenance free and cost effective.
By using these software‟s we design several
parts of this machine and finally assembled
these parts.

Fig 4 : PVC Duct Pipe

Fig:1 Design of vacuum cleaner in CATIA

The collecting tank was fabricated a thin GI
Structural Steel tube (tubing) can be used for a
sheet to collects the garbage wastes. The
wide variety of mechanical applications. It may
collecting tank was circular shape having a lid to
be used either statically or dynamically.
close the bin.

Fig 2 : square pipe

Fig 5 : Collecting tank
The major component which giving the
mechanical energy by using the electrical energy
These are used to move the vacuum cleaner
is known as A.C motor. It is the component
very easily and they can move from one place
which can work on the principle of by applying
to another place easily and they are placed
alternate current to stator windings , which
below the chassis frame.
produce a rotating magnetic field.
The purpose of this fan is used to create
suction. This fan is connected with motor
through the shaft. So, it plays a major role in
Copyright @ 2020 ijearst. All rights reserved.
Volume.02, IssueNo.01, June -2020, Pages: 088-093
collection from the floor was competed. Now
the floor was good without any dust particles
but it contains black dots. So we have to
remove these black dots. For this purpose we
used an extra arrangement. First of all to make
the floor wet by water we used the water tank.
Fig 6 : Wheels The capacity water tank is 10ltrs. This water
tank consist of tap at bottom of it, the tap will
FILTER contain adjustable flow rate of water. This water
The purpose of filter to separate the air and tank tap connected to the PVC pipe having
dust particles. It has placed in front of fan or in holes on the bottom and it was placed
the suction chamber. horizontally, both ends of the pipe was closed
by using dummies.

Many cleaning duties can be achieving at a
Fig 7: Filter single time. Cost is low. Electrical current
consuming is small It takes less space. Time
consuming when cleaning is less. Low
Maintenance cost.
The purpose of nut and bolt holding the It needs external power source to run the
components and avoid to loose the parts vacuum cleaner

Fig 8 :Bolt and Nut

The vacuum cleaner is suitable for garbage
cleaning. The vacuum cleaner is runs with two
AC motors. Initially the motor getting started. It
has the capacity to rotate at a speed of
16000rpm. This rotation of the shaft from
motor which is connected to the fan which can
be designed to produce perfect required
suction range easily. It consists of curved wings
with good design. Those motors removes the
air in the container there by creating suction in
the container. This is the main principle of this
whole machine. In this we use a filter and the
filter can separate the dust particles and fresh
air. It prevents the damage of fan from the CONCLUSION
unwanted particles. Up to this the overall dust
Copyright @ 2020 ijearst. All rights reserved.
Volume.02, IssueNo.01, June -2020, Pages: 088-093
The design of multi purpose vacuum cleaner knowledge and research in Mechanical
can be used to clean any kind of remote places. Engineering,.
The developed vacuum cleaner has wheels and
can be moved from one position to desired
position manually, by applying pull force to
move it it has a handle to steer the vacuum
cleaner. With regard of references taken into
consideration the developed vacuum cleaner
works satisfactory.

The multi purpose vacuum cleaner is fully
operational and work efficiently. The fan design
should be modified in future to achieve high
negative pressure. By using high capacity motor
to drive the fan can increases the velocity of the
fan. It leads to increases the suction power. In
future there is a chance to use an engine to
drive the fan for better results. The product
we developed is only used where the electric
source is available. In future it can be modified
into works on battery then it can be used in non
remote areas but increases the investment cost.
If these features will be modified, this will work
very well. Overall the concept is very helpful
and there is scope of development in this
1.Muhammad KashifShaikhGhaffar ,M.
AadilArshad, NandkishorS.Kale, Ansari M
Bilal, Prof. D. M. Ugle (2018) “Design and
development of floor cleaning machine”.
2.Khan, A., et al. (2017). Study of multipurpose
road cleaning machine. International research
journal of Engineering and technology.
3.Aman khan, Anurag Pannase ,
AmolSharnagat, Prof. Gaurav Gohane4, (2017)
„Study of Multipurpose Road Cleaning
Machine‟, International Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology (IRJET).
4.Dr. D V PatilVidyapeeth, Rajesh Panchal
(2017) “Design of rocker bogie mechanism”, national research journal of
Engineering and technology.
5.Meshram, S., & Mehta, G. (2016). Design
and development of tricycle operated street
cleaning machine. Journal of information,

Copyright @ 2020 ijearst. All rights reserved.

Volume.02, IssueNo.01, June -2020, Pages: 088-093

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