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Assessment is generally defined as the understanding and work towards

process of gathering quantitative learning goals

and/or qualitative data for the purpose
of making decisions, whereas Assessment of Learning
assessment of learning can be defined
as the systematic and purpose-oriented assists teachers to use evidence of
collection, analysis, and interpretation student learning to assess student
of evidence of student learning in order achievement against learning goals and
to make informed decisions relevant to standards
the learners.
In practice, most teachers use
In contrast, assessment for learning traditional assessment methods to
refers to the use of assessment to assess and evaluate the learning of
identify the needs of students in order students in the classroom. Traditional
to modify instruction or the learning assessment refers to the use of
activities in the classroom. Assessment traditional assessment strategies or
for learning is formative in nature, and tools to provide information on student
it is meant to identify gaps in the learning.
learning experiences of students, so
they can be assisted in achieving the Typically, objective (e.g., multiple-
curriculum outcomes. choice) and subjective (e.g., essay)
paper-and-pencil tests are used to
Assessment for Learning assess students. Traditional
assessments are often used as the basis
enables teachers to use information for evaluating and grading students.
about students knowledge, They are more commonly used in
understanding and skills to inform their classrooms because they are easier to
teaching design and quicker to be scored.
teachers provide feedback to students
about their learning and how to In contrast, alternative assessment
improve refers to the use of alternative or
nontraditional assessment strategies or
Assessment as Learning tools to collect information on student
learning. Examples of alternative forms
involves students in the learning of assessment are performance-
process where they monitor their own oriented and product- oriented
progress, ask questions and practise assessment methods.
students use self-assessment and At the core of alternative assessment is
teacher feedback to reflect on their the need to design and implement
learning consolidate their assessment tasks or activities that
refrain from using traditional paper-
and-pencil tests, which typically assess degree of realism), then performance
cognitive learning outcomes and thus assessment is also more authentic.
have right or wrong answers, The
following are features of alternative Another alternative method of
assessment. assessing learning is through portfolio
assessment, which pertains to students'
1. Assessment is based on authentic construction and use of portfolios in a
tasks that demonstrate learners' ability purposeful and systematic manner in
to accomplish communication goals; order to document their progress in the
attainment of learning targets. A
2. Instructor and learners focus on portfolio is a collection of learning and
communication, not on right and wrong performance artifacts by a student and
answers; is typically accompanied by personal
narratives and reflections.
3. Learners help to set the criteria for
successful completion of Other alternative strategies for
communication tasks; and assessing learning are assessment of
noncognitive learning outcomes
4. Learners have opportunities to assess through performance rubrics (for
themselves and their peers. psychomotor outcomes) and rating
scales and checklists (for affective or
While traditional assessment typically dispositional outcomes). The use of
uses paper-and- pencil tests, alternative rubrics and scales may also provide
assessment is more concerned with opportunities for using self-assessment
performance assessment or and peer assessment, which allow for a
performance-based assessment. more comprehensive assessment of
Performance assessment refers to student learning performance in the
assessing student learning by requiring classroom.
a student to perform a task or develop
a product as a demonstration of one's What are the different models of
learning. The focus of the assessment is alternative assessment?
on providing opportunity for the
students to apply what they have Emergent assessment is based on
learned through task performance and Michael Scriven's goal free evaluation
or product creation. model (1967). In this model, the
assessment focuses on determining the
The emphasis is on assessing what "effects" of instruction on students. The
students know and what they can do. If emphasis is on the assessment of both
the task to be demonstrated closely the intended and unintended effects or
resembles what is typically performed learning outcomes. Hence, assessment
or experienced in the real world (high is not limited to collecting information if
the intended learning outcomes
defined were met or not, but also gives than a final product. Assessors should
importance to unintended learning have adequate knowledge of how a skill
outcomes whether positive or negative. or attribute develops so appropriate
assessment strategies and tools can be
Emergent assessment examines how designed.
and what the educational program and
instruction are doing to address the Authentic assessment is the most
needs of students. The assessor should popular model for alternative
have no preconceived notions or biases assessment. It is an approach in the
regarding learning outcomes or assessment of student learning that
instructional goals. With this model, refers to the use of assessment
assessment is more qualitative and the strategies or tools that allow learners to
assessor uses multiple methods to perform or create a product that is
record all data accurately and meaningful to the learners as they are
determine their importance and based on real-world contexts. The
quality. Hence, categories emerge from authenticity of assessment tasks is best
the observations of the assessor. In this described in terms of degree and not in
model, direct and indirect evidence of terms of the presence or absence of
student learning are both collected. authenticity. Hence, an assessment can
Direct evidence refers to tangible and be more authentic or less authentic
compelling evidence of what students compared to other assessments. The
have and have not learned, whereas most authentic assessments are the
indirect evidence refers to proxy signs ones that allow performances that
for learning that are less tangible and most closely resemble real-world tasks
less compelling compared to direct or applications in real-world settings or
evidence. environments.

Developmental assessment, on the Principles of Using Alternative

other hand, focuses on determining the Assessment
extent that students have developed
their competencies from instruction. 1. Assessment is both process- and
This model adopts a pre-test and post- product-oriented.
test methodology to collect
information if a student has developed An assessment gives equal importance
or improved after instruction. It to student performance or product and
involves a comparison of what the process they engage in to perform
students can do at different time or produce a product. While traditional
points and or different contexts to assessment methods are focused on
assess if there is progress. assessing student products or outputs,
Developmental assessment is said to be non- traditional or alternative methods
useful for assessing learning outcomes like performance assessment and
based on students' development rather portfolio assessment give value to the
product developed by students, as well 4. Assessment should reflect real-life
as in the process students have or real-world contexts.
undergone to develop the product. Assessment tasks or activities should be
authentic. The assessment should
2. Assessment should focus on higher- closely, if not fully approximate real-life
order cognitive outcomes. situations or experiences. Authenticity
of assessment can be thought of as a
For assessment to be valid and continuum from least authentic to most
authentic, it should require students to authentic, with more authentic tasks
demonstrate their knowledge. expected to be more meaningful for
However, the focus should be on students. Performance assessment is
providing tasks or activities that would optimal if the performance task to be
allow students' demonstration of demonstrated is similar or close to
higher-order cognitive outcomes (e.g., what is expected in the real world.
creating, analyzing) or skills (e.g.,
creativity, critical thinking). The use of 5. Assessment must be comprehensive
nontraditional or alternative methods and holistic.
of assessment like performance
assessment allows the assessment of Assessment should be performed using
both lower-order and higher-order a variety of strategies and tools
cognitive outcomes in ways that are designed to assess student learning in a
more authentic. more integrative way. Assessment
should be conducted in multiple
3. Assessment can include a measure periods to assess learning over time.
of noncognitive learning outcomes. Moreover, the use of both traditional
assessment and alternative assessment
Traditional assessment focuses on strategies and tools should be
knowledge and other cognitive learning considered. Nontraditional methods of
outcomes. However, psychomotor and assessment (e.g., use of rubrics, scales)
affective outcomes are also important allow the possibility of multiple
learning outcomes, and there are assessors, including the use of self and
learning targets that are noncognitive in peer assessment. This ensures that
nature. Hence, an assessment should students are being assessed in a more
also consider the assessment of these comprehensive and holistic way.
and checklists allow the measurement
of noncognitive learning outcomes 6. Assessment should lead to student
noncognitive outcomes. Nontraditional learning.
assessment tools like rubrics, scales,
that allow a more complete and This means that assessment should be
assessment of student learning. like classroom instruction. This principle
is consistent with the concepts of
assessment for learning and
assessment as learning. Assessment for referred to as behavioral objectives and
learning refers to the use of assessment are typically stated with the use of
to identify the needs of students in verbs. The most popular taxonomy of
order to modify instruction or the educational objectives is Bloom's
learning activities in the classroom. In Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
assessment as learning, assessment Bloom's Taxonomy consists of three
tasks, results, and feedback are used to domains: cognitive, affective, and
help students practice self-regulation psychomotor.
and make adjustments in order to
achieve the curriculum outcomes. These three domains correspond to the
three: types of goals that teachers want
Learning Targets for Performance and to assess: knowledge-based goals
Product Oriented Assessment (cognitive), skills-based goals
(psychomotor), and affective goals
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational (affective). Hence, there are three
Objectives taxonomies that can be used by
teachers depending on the goals. Each
Educational objectives are specific taxonomy consists of different levels of
statements of student performance at expertise with varying degree of
the end of an instructional unit. complexity.
Educational objectives are sometimes

The succeeding sections describe the taxonomies for the psychomotor and affective
domain. Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Affective Domain
describes five levels of expertise: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and
characterization by a value or value complex.

Bloom’s Taxonomy in Affective Domain

Level Description Illustrative Verbs Sample Objectives

Receiving Awareness or passive asks, chooses, Listens attentively
attention to a holds, identifies, to the instruction of
phenomenon or listens the teacher
Responding Active attention and answers, Participates actively
response to a particular complies, in the focus-group
phenomenon or participates, discussion
stimulus practices,

Valuing Attaching value Completes, Demonstrates belief

or worth to a demonstrates, in the value of the
phenomenon or object. differentiates, election process
Valuing may range from explains, justifies
acceptance to
Organization Organizing values into adheres, Defends the
priorities by comparing, defends, importance of
relating, and integrates, graduate education
synthesizing specific organizes, in the career of a
values synthesizes
Internalizing Having a personal value acts, displays, Displays
values/ system that is now a influences, commitment to
characterization characteristic of the solves, verifies helping
by a value or learner economically
value complex Disadvantaged

In terms of educational objectives in the psychomotor domain, Bloom and colleagues

did not propose levels unlike in the cognitive and affective domains. However, other
scholars like Elizabeth Simpson (1972) built a taxonomy for the psychomotor domain
from the work of Bloom. In Simpson's Taxonomy Educational Objectives in the
Psychomotor Domain, seven levels of expertise are described: perception, set,
guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptation, and origination.

Bloom’s Taxonomy in Psychomotor Domain

Level Description Illustrative verbs Sample objectives

Perception The ability to use adjusts, describes, Detects non-verbal
sensory cues to detects, identifies, cues from the
guide motor selects participants
Set The mental, begins, displays, Shows motivation
physical, and knows, recognizes, to learn a new skill
emotional sets shows, states
that predispose a
person's response
to different

Guided Response Demonstration of copies, perform,

a complex skill follows, reacts, Perform the
through guided responds synthetic division
practice like by following the
imitation and trial steps
and error demonstrated by:
the teacher
Mechanism assembles, Plays the guitar.
Learned responses dismantles, fixes,
have become plays
habitual and
movements can be
performed with
some degree of
confidence and
Complex Overt Performance of dismantles, fixes, Demonstrates
Response motor assembles, manipulates, one's expertise in
acts that involve organizes (similar playing the guitar
complex with Mechanisms
movement but performed in a
patterns in a quick, more accurate,
accurate, ad highly more coordinated
coordinated and quicker way
Characterized by
performance and
without hesitation
Adaptation Psychomotor skills adapts, alters, Modifies the dance
are well developed modifies, steps to suit the
and the person can rearranges, varies abilities o one's
modify movement groupmate
patterns to fit
Origination Creating new arranges, builds, Create new steps
movement pattern combines, creates, for a cotemporary
to fit a particular version of a
situation or classical dance hit
specific problem.
Learning outcomes designs
creativity based
upon highly
developed skills

Bloom's taxonomies of educational

objectives for affective and Learning Targets
psychomotor domains are able to
provide teachers with a structured As previously learned from Assessment
guide in formulating more specific in Learning 1, a learning target is a
learning targets in the classroom. The statement on what students are
taxonomies serve as guide for teachers supposed to learn and what they can do
in both instruction and assessment of because of instruction. Learning targets
student learning in the classroom. The are more specific compared with
challenge is for teachers to identify the educational goals, standards, and
levels of expertise that they expect the objectives and lend themselves to more
students to achieve and demonstrate. specific instructional and assessment
activities. Learning targets should be
This will then lead to the identification congruent with the standards
of the assessment methods required to prescribed by a program or level and
properly assess student learning. Higher aligned with the instructional or
level of expertise in a given domain learning objectives of a subject or
requires are assumed to require more course.
sophisticated assessment methods or

Types of Learning Targets Description Sample

Knowledge targets Refers to factual, I can discuss the research
conceptual, and that I used for my thesis
procedural information
that students must learn
in a subject or content

Reasoning targets Knowledge-based thought I can justify my choice of

processes that students Analysis of Variance as my
must learn. It involves statistical analysis
application of knowledge
in problem- solving,
decision-making, and
other tasks that require
mental skills

Skills targets Use of knowledge and/or I can perform Analysis of

reasoning to perform or Variance on research
demonstrate physical using the software SPSS
Product targets Use of knowledge, I can write the results and
reasoning, and skills in discussion section of a
creating a concrete or thesis manuscript
tangible product

Affective targets Refers to affective

characteristics that I can appreciate the role
students can develop and of a thesis adviser in the
demonstrate because of completion of a thesis
instruction research

Subject Area Typology of Learning Targets Learning Targets

Skills Measure angles using a
Mathematics protractor.
Product Given the data, construct
a histogram with normal
curve using SPSS.
Affect Demonstrate interset in
attending mathematics

Once the learning targets are identified, Performance Assessment

appropriate alternative methods of
assessment can be selected to measure Performance assessment is an
student learning. In terms of skills, assessment activity or set of activities
having the required skills to apply one's that require students to generate
knowledge and reasoning skills through products or performances that provide
the performance of a behavioral or direct or indirect evidence of their
physical task is a step higher than knowledge, skills, and abilities in an
simply knowing or being able to reason academic content domain. It provides
based on knowledge. Hence, skills teachers with information about how
targets are best assessed among well a student understands and applies
students through performance-oriented knowledge and goes beyond the ability
or performance- oriented. to recall information. It is used for
assessing learning outcomes that musical instrument, and
involve designing or creating projects demonstrating writing skills through
or products such as research papers, extemporaneous essay writing, article
art exhibits, reflective essays, and review, and reflective papers. Both
portfolios. product-based and performance-based
assessments provide information about
On the other hand, performance-based how a student understands and applies
tasks include actual performances of knowledge and involve hands-on tasks
making those products, such as carrying or activities that students must
out laboratory experiments, exhibiting complete individually or in small
creative and artistic talents, such as groups.
dancing, painting, and playing a

Types Examples
Product based Assessments
Visual Products charts, illustrations, graphs, collages,
murals, maps, timeline flows, diagrams,
posters, advertisements, video
presentations, art exhibits
Kinesthetic Products
diorama, puzzles, games, sculpture,
exhibits, dance recital
Written Products journals, diaries, logs, reports, abstracts,
letters, thought or position papers,
poems, story, movie/TV scripts, portfolio,
essay, article report, research paper.
Verbal Products audiotapes, debales, lectures, voice
recording, scripts
Types Examples
Performance - based Assessments
Oral Presentationa/ Demonstrations paper presentation, poster presentation,
individual or group report on assigned
topic, skills demonstration such as
baking, teaching, problem solving
Dramatic/Creative Performances
dance, recital, dramatic enactment,
prose or poetry interpretation, role
playing, playing musical instruments
Public Speaking
debates, mock trial, simulations,
interviews, panel discussion, storytelling,
poem reading
Athletic Skills playing basketball, baseball, soccer,
Demonstration/Competition volleyball, and other sports

Similar to performance assessment is

the concept of authentic assessment. Performance assessment should
Authentic assessment requires students achieve a balanced approach wherein it
to actually demonstrate their skills in gives students opportunities to show
applying skills and knowledge they have their knowledge-and-skill
learned from class. It involves tasks that competencies. Since the main goal of
resemble what people do in the real teaching and learning is for students'
setting or context, such as doing an acquisition and application of
actual research, making a case study, knowledge and skills, course
giving a speech, or performing on a assessments should therefore help
stage. answer the questions "Do the students
know it?" and "How well can they use
what they know?" to determine
Characteristics Of a Good Performance whether the students have actually
Assessment achieved this goal.

1. It is authentic, that is, it includes 3.It allows students to be involved in

performance tasks that are meaningful the process of evaluating their own
and and their peers' performance and
realistic. output.

Performance assessment should Performance assessment should allow

present or require tasks that are students to be involved in the process
realistic and related to everyday life. As of evaluating themselves and their
it involves an authentic task, it should peers. It should give students the
convey its purpose and reflect its opportunity for self-reflection or self-
relevance to the students, their assessment, as well as to be involved in
discipline, and the outside world as a evaluating their classmates'
whole. performance. Self-assessment allows
students to make judgment about their
2. It provides opportunities for learning process and products of
students to show both what they know learning, track their progress, and
and how well they can do what they identify the areas where to focus or
know. improve on.
output, the criteria to be included for
Peer assessment, on the other hand, assessment, and the rubric to be used.
allows students to give constructive
feedback about the performance of Ideally, students should be involved in
their classmates or groupmates, which the whole assessment process from the
the latter can use to revise or improve very onset, by providing them
their work. Both assessments require assessment options, getting them
that scoring or grading is based on the involved in discussions and decision-
criteria agreed upon by the teacher and making on performance standards and
the students. The use of a rubric can criteria allowing them opportunity to
facilitate self-assessment and peer give feedback on teacher-made rubrics
assessment. It assesses more complex and to revise them, and training them
skills. on how to apply rubric for self- and
peer- assessment.
4.It assesses more complex skills.
General Guidelines In Designing
Unlike traditional tests that usually Performance Assessment
assess a single skill and require simple
tasks such as remembering or recalling 1. What are the outcomes to be
of concepts, performance assessment assessed?
usually taps higher-order cognitive skills
to apply knowledge to solve realistic 2. What are the capabilities/skills
and meaningful problems. As such, implicit or explicit in the expected
performance assessment allows outcomes (eg., problem-solving,
students to engage in more challenging decision-making, critical thinking,
activities that require various skills, communication skills)?
such as planning and decision-making,
problem-solving, critical thinking, 3. What are the appropriate
communication, and creative skills, performance assessment tasks or tools
among others. to measure the outcomes and skills?

5. It explains the task, required 4. Are the specific performance tasks

elements, and scoring criteria to the aligned with the outcomes and skills
students before the start of the interesting, engaging, challenging, and
activity and the assessment. measurable?

At the start of the class, it is important 5. Are the performance tasks authentic
that the requirements of the subjec are and representative of real-world
presented and explained to the
students. These include the required scenarios?
tasks, activities or projects, the
expected quality and level performance
6. What criteria should be included to 7. What are specific performance
rate students' performance level? indicators for each criterion?

Intended Learning Teaching-Learning Performance Assessment

Outcome Activities Tasks
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Perform dance routines Lecture, class discussion, Culminating dance class
and creatively combine recitals, practical test for
variations with rhythm, movement exercises, each type of dance,
coordination, correct dance demonstration, reflection papers peer
footwork technique, actual dancing with evaluation rating
frame, facial and body teacher and partners,
expression collaborative learning

Participate in dance Required attendance and Actual dance performance

socials and other participation in school and in school or community
community fitness community dance programs, reaction/
advocacy projects performances reflection papers

Basic Steps In Planning And

Implementing Performance- Based Or 2. Choose the activity/output that you
Product-Based Assessments. will assess.

1. Define the purpose of performance The required performance or output

or product-based assessment. should be feasible given the time
constraints, availability of resources,
The teacher may ask the following and amount of data/materials needed
questions? to make an informed decision about the
quality of a student's performance or
 What concept, skill, or knowledge product. The performance tasks should
of the students should be be interesting, challenging, achievable,
assessed? and with sufficient depth and breadth
so that valid evaluation about students'
 At what level should the students learning can be made.
be performing?
3. Define the criteria. Criteria are
 What type of knowledge is being guidelines or rules for judging student
assessed (e.g. remembering to responses, products, or performances.
Before conducting the assessment the (3) performance levels that identifies
performance criteria should be students' level of mastery within each
predetermined. The set of criteria criterion. There are different types of
should be discussed and agreed upon rubrics:
by the teacher and the students.
Performance criteria are important A. holistic rubric - in holistic rubric,
since they define for the students the student performance or output is
types of behavior or attributes of a evaluated by applying all criteria
product that are expected, as well as simultaneously, thus providing a single
allow the teacher and the students to score based on overall judgment about
evaluate a performance or product as the quality of student's work
objectively and a consistent as possible.
B. analytic rubric - in analytic rubric,
A. content criteria - to evaluate the student's work is evaluated by using
degree of a student's knowledge and each criterion separately, thus
understanding of facts, concepts, and providing specific feedback about the
principles related to the topic/ subject; student's performance or product along
several dimensions
B. process criteria - to evaluate the
proficiency level of performance of a C. general rubric - contains criteria that
skills or process; are general and can be applied across
tasks (e.g., the same rubric that can be
C. quality criteria - to evaluate the used to evaluate oral presentation and
quality of a product or performance research output)
D. task-specific rubric - contains criteria
D. impact criteria - to evaluate the that are unique to a specific task (i.e., a
overall results or effects of a product or rubric that can only be used for oral
performance. presentation and another rubric
applicable only for research output)
4. Create the performance rubric.
5. Assess student's
A rubric is an assessment tool that performance/product.
indicates the performance expectations
for any kind of student work. It In assessing a student's work, it is
generally contains three essential important to adhere to the criteria set
features: and use the rubric developed. This is to
(1) criteria or the aspects of ensure objective, consistent, and
performance that will be assessed, accurate evaluation of student's
(2) performance descriptors or the performance. It is also important to
characteristics associated with each provide specific and meaningful
dimension or criterion, and feedback and explanation to students
on how they have performed the tasks,
clarifying to them what they don’t
understand, and where they can

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