The succeeding sections describe the taxonomies for the psychomotor and affective
domain. Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Affective Domain
describes five levels of expertise: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and
characterization by a value or value complex.
Types Examples
Product based Assessments
Visual Products charts, illustrations, graphs, collages,
murals, maps, timeline flows, diagrams,
posters, advertisements, video
presentations, art exhibits
Kinesthetic Products
diorama, puzzles, games, sculpture,
exhibits, dance recital
Written Products journals, diaries, logs, reports, abstracts,
letters, thought or position papers,
poems, story, movie/TV scripts, portfolio,
essay, article report, research paper.
Verbal Products audiotapes, debales, lectures, voice
recording, scripts
Types Examples
Performance - based Assessments
Oral Presentationa/ Demonstrations paper presentation, poster presentation,
individual or group report on assigned
topic, skills demonstration such as
baking, teaching, problem solving
Dramatic/Creative Performances
dance, recital, dramatic enactment,
prose or poetry interpretation, role
playing, playing musical instruments
Public Speaking
debates, mock trial, simulations,
interviews, panel discussion, storytelling,
poem reading
Athletic Skills playing basketball, baseball, soccer,
Demonstration/Competition volleyball, and other sports
At the start of the class, it is important 5. Are the performance tasks authentic
that the requirements of the subjec are and representative of real-world
presented and explained to the
students. These include the required scenarios?
tasks, activities or projects, the
expected quality and level performance
6. What criteria should be included to 7. What are specific performance
rate students' performance level? indicators for each criterion?