Luthra2021 Article RoleOfDifferentPeptidesForCanc

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International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

Role of Different Peptides for Cancer Immunotherapy

Ritika Luthra2 · Shreeja Datta2 · Arpita Roy1

Received: 4 June 2021 / Accepted: 13 September 2021 / Published online: 23 September 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Due to the enormous benefits derived from host immune response, immunotherapy has been regarded among the most effec-
tive methods for defending against cancers. Nevertheless, developing robust solutions with strong biosecurity as well as
the potential to modulate immunogenicity in an effective manner, continues to be a challenge. Peptides’ structural similari-
ties to protein molecules endow them with tremendous ability to solve such issues by either specifically inducing immune
responses or enhancing therapeutic effect. Peptide-based substances have a lot of potential as immunotherapeutic agents
for treating a variety of cancers. The development of cancer vaccines as well as delivery mechanisms based on peptides by
imitating the biological functions of protein having extremely specialized immuno-regulatory roles has been the subject
of significant research. Thus, this review gives a systemic comprehension of cancer immunotherapy, role of the immune
system, and how peptides pose a huge potential in cancer immunotherapeutic. The role of peptides as vaccine antigens and
adjuvants, checkpoint blockades, in targeted delivery and in combinatorial therapies has been addressed. Recent research
on the same has been summarised, which demonstrates their enormous advantages, thus allowing their clinical application
for cancer immunotherapy in near future.

Keywords  Peptides · Cancer immunotherapy · Vaccine · Peptide hydrogels · Drug delivery

Abbreviations MHC Major histocompatibility complex.

PD-1 Programmed death-1. TLR Toll-like receptors.
CTLAT-4 Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–associated antigen 4. CTL Cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
LAG-3 Lymphocyte-activation gene 3. NK Natural killer cell.
TIM-3 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain- KIR2DS1 Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor
containing protein 3. 2DS1.
TIGIT T-cell immunoglobulin and ITIM domain. TIMP1 Tissue inhibitor matrix metalloproteinase 1.
CycMSH Cyclized alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hor- MART-1 Melanoma-associated antigen recognized by
mone peptide. T cells.
Tc-99m Technetium-99 m. HGP100 Peptide containing amino acids 25 to 33 frag-
ccRCC​ Clear cell renal carcinoma. ment of human melanoma antigen gp100.
DC Dendritic cell. TRP Transient receptor potential.
TAM Tumour- associated macrophages. TNF Tumour necrosis factor.
TGF-β Transforming growth factor-β. MUC1 Mucin 1.
IL Interleukin. WES Whole exome sequencing.
IFN-γ Interferon gamma. EPT Epitope peptides.
APC Antigen presenting cell. HLA Human leukocyte antigen.
IMP Immunizing peptide.
ASP Assay peptide.
* Arpita Roy AMP Antimicrobial peptide.
[email protected]
ROS Reactive oxygen species.
Department of Biotechnology, School of Engineering & VP Venom peptide.
Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India PLA-2 Phospholipase A2.
Department of Biotechnology, Delhi Technological MRD Melittin-RADA32-DOX.
University, Delhi, India


2778 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

DOX Doxorubicin. tumour aggregation. Peptides with shorter chains are easier
KN93 KN93 phosphate (It is a CaM kinase II to synthesise and could have a better chance of penetrating
inhibitor). dense malignant tissues. Short peptide structures may also
CAMKII Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase be fine-tuned to avoid allergic reactions or adverse effects
II. caused by medication. Adjusting noncovalent interactions
MRK MR52-KN93-hydrogel. of peptide immunotherapies also enables the development
CDN Cyclic dinucleotide. of self-assembly of peptides into nano-medicines that typi-
CDP Cytidine diphosphate. cally have predictable pharmacokinetic profile (Abbas et al.
NP Nanoparticle. 2017). Peptide assemblies that are sensitive to the micro-
PDT Photodynamic therapy. environment of cancerous cells, especially biomarkers are
HSA Hepatocyte specific antigen. excellent anchors for cancer diagnostics (Miao et al.2018;
GSH Glutathione. Li et al.2019; Yin et al.2019) as well as targeted delivery
DMA Dimethyl maleic anhydride. (Zhang et al.2016), and thus are being widely used in treat-
EPR Enhanced permeability and retention. ing cancers (Liu et al. 2015). Incorporating such benefits
along with the membrane-spanning abilities, peptides have
a lot of scope in cancer immunotherapy as therapeutic agents
Introduction or scaffolds for delivering drugs (Riley et al.2019). Peptide
nucleotide sequences generated via natural domains of pro-
Cancer is among the typical life-threatening illnesses, and teins have the capability of interacting with receptors found
despite advances in traditional approaches such as surgery, in the immune system (innate or adaptive) and also on can-
chemotherapy, as well as radiation treatments, adequate care cerous cells, allowing them to attenuate the human immune
remains a challenge (Littman et al. 2015; Del Paggi et al. response, therefore serving as powerful vaccines (Pompano
2018). Immunotherapy has gained a lot of acceptance as a et al.2014). Mostly these peptide-based materials are made
treatment option in recent times owing to its excellent thera- for targeting specific cells and can be employed for incor-
peutic potential and reduced adverse effects from off-targets porating particular functions such as cell targeting, reactive
of medication (Papanikolaou and Bosio 2021). Immuno- cleavage sites, endocytic transportation, and therapeutic
therapy, rather than targeting cancerous cells specifically, activities (Zhang et al.2015; Rodriguez-Cabello et al.2016).
induces the host’s normal immune function, which destroys In the literature various reports are available on use of natu-
these malignant cells. Since the development of first can- ral and synthetic peptide in cancer immunotherapy. Most
cer immunotherapy, a number of cancer vaccines have been of the reports have used one or two therapeutic peptides for
established and used (Sahin et al. 2018). It has lately made treatment of cancer. This review provides a comprehensive
significant progress due to newer techniques that activate overview on flexibility and variety of peptides and materials
immune response by influencing various immune cells. They made from them possessing different biological activities
affect innate or adaptive immune systems (Netea et al.2020). along with their potential role in cancer immunotherapy.
Cancer vaccines, checkpoint blockades, immune adjuvants,
modified T lymphocytes as well as cytokines, along with
many other developing groups, may be categorised based on Cancer Immunotherapy
the process of activation of immune cells or whole system
(Park et al.2016; Byun et al.2017; Ribas et al.2018). The Cancer immunotherapy is a major advancement for treating
peptides, which are composed of analogues of protein mole- cancer, which is accompanied by radiotherapy, surgery and
cules (or amino acids), are being widely used in pharmaceu- cytotoxic therapy (Lipson et al.2015). Therapies involved
tical as well as biomaterial production for tissue repair and in cancer usually lead to tumour cell apoptosis as well as
drug delivery (Zhang et al. 2017). Peptide sequences may antigen release- presented via the dendritic cells of lymph
have a proclivity to interact with infectious agents or cancer- nodes (tumour-draining). In the treatment of cancer, two of
ous cells and can be employed for peptide-based therapies. the key principles are there in cancer immunotherapy (San-
This is associated with their significant capabilities arising mamed and Chen 2018). First, is the checkpoint inhibitor’s
from protein molecules or imitating characteristics of the engagement of T lymphocytes having intrinsic capacity for
cellular proteins. adapting as well as memorising? Here, the mechanism is
Vaccines made up of constructed peptides mimicking based on its durable reactions and observed prolonged sur-
cytotoxic T-cell epitopes, is an example of simple and cost- vival. Second is how immunotherapy can treat immune cells
effective melanoma treatment options (Zhang et al.2019). by using either histology of tumours or associated driver
Peptide short chain therapies have some significant benefits mutation. Third is the reactions of checkpoint inhibitors
over larger protein antibodies in terms of delivery as well as are different as compared to that of chemotherapy as well

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2779

as targeted factors. Finally, efficiency of immunotherapy is

enhanced when combined with existing strategies for treat-
ment (Ascierto et al. 2014).
Since cancer immunotherapy treats or medicates immune
cells, it is effectively non- adherent with respect to the histol-
ogy of tumours or associated mutations. One of the studies
showed that in the case of melanoma, ipilimumab (cancer
immunotherapy agent) had a continuing impact for mucosal,
cutaneous as well as ocular melanoma- all of them having
distinct biology (Maio et al.2013). Ascierto et al.(2021)
also concluded that no difference was found in the mid-
dle of BRAF- as well as NRAS-mutated melanomas with
ipilimumab. As a result, it is plausible to attain prolonged
life in some of the patients with clear-cut tumour classes,
Fig. 1  Various applications of peptides that are utilized for cancer
wherein various response estimates in tumours contemplate immunotherapy
individual immunogenicity. Based on this mechanism for
activation of the immune system, different curative agents
targeting their respective immune responses can be grouped and gastric cancers from early diagnosis (Xiao et al.2015).
under cancer vaccines, engineered T-cells, immune adju- In addition to this, they are also used for the treatment of
vants, checkpoint blockades and cytokines as emerging cat- osteosarcoma, skin and renal cancers and so on (Table 1).
egories. At present, checkpoint blockade immunotherapy Besides, Wu et al.(2014) highlighted that properdistatin
(Byun et al.2017; Ribas et al. 2018) and immunotherapy (peptide composed from properdin which is a plasma pro-
using engineered T-cells (Park et  al.2016) are the most tein) inhibits angiogenesis in the human melanoma models
promising strategies exploited in the clinical trials. (A-07). Liu et al. (2014) observed how CycMSH peptide
conjoined by Tc-99  m displayed capability of targeting
melanomas (particularly, metastatic ones), suggesting the
Peptides Used in Cancer Immunotherapy efficiency to detect the metastatic melanoma using CycMSH.
Gonz´alez et al.(2014) conducted a study, which showed
Peptides are usually defined structurally as shorter chains of that peptides obtained from melanocortin-1 receptor indices
amino acids (linear) which are < 50 amino acids in size and cytotoxic T- cell responses in order to destroy melanoma
generally attain stability due to disulphide bonds (Hayashi cells.
et al.2012). They can be formed via conventional methods Even though they have been successful in activation of
with higher specificity for binding as well as modulating pro- immune cells, according to some preclinical trials, pep-
tein interactions required. A peptide sequence is moderated tide therapeutics with respect to the immune system, still
easily because of their ease of synthesis via molecular bio- show low immunogenicity in clinical studies or clinical
logical techniques or chemical means (Marqus et al.2017). phase trials (Table 2). Reducing the sequence size of these
These peptides, also known as therapeutic peptides comprise proteins to partial epitopes notably decreases the peptide
many advantages over antibodies, due to their smaller size, affinity to their respective targeting receptors, along with
easier synthesis and ability for penetrating the cell mem- even enhancing the probability of enzymatic degradation
brane. They even comprise higher affinity and specificity; of shorter peptides, as a result lowering the circulation
minimum drug interactions; as well as biological and chemi- lifetime as well as their aggregation around the lymph
cal diversities. One of the added advantages is that they do nodes. Besides this, heterogeneity of antigen presenting
not assemble in particular organs (for instance, liver or even cells of patients poses a challenge in the case of efficient
kidney), which helps in reducing their toxic aftereffects, if immunogenicity of peptide therapeutics. They even com-
any. Infact, their role in cancer includes carrying radionu- prise lesser or no resistance at all, in-vivo, to cleavage via
clides, cytotoxic drugs, hormones and vaccines (Yadav et al. serum proteases, shorter half-life, lower bioavailability,
2020). Application of various peptides in cancer immuno- as well as production and manufacturing challenges (Ali
therapy is shown in Fig. 1. et al.2013). Thus, these considerations prove that further
These are used in the therapeutics of different types of research of peptide functions for cancer immunotherapy
cancers like lung, colorectal, breast, pancreatic, prostate is very crucial.


2780 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

Table 1  List of different peptides (with their role) that are used as therapeutics in cancer immunotherapy
Name of peptide Role/pathway affected Ref.

AUNP-12 PD-1 Blockades Chen et al. 2019

TPP-1 PD-L1 Blockades Li et al. 2018
MAGE-A3 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Neek et al. 2018
OFA 2 Peptide antigens activating CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells Tsoras et al. 2018
TRP2 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Wakabayashi et al. 2018
Peptide-57 and Peptide-71 PD-L1 Blockades Magiera-Mularz et al. 2017
PDLong1 PD-L1 Blockades Munir et al. 2016
OVA323 − 339 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Qian et al. 2016
DPPA-1 and DPPA-2 PD-L1 Blockades Chang et al. 2015
HGP100 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Guo et al. 2015
E749 − 57 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Liu et al. 2015
HAC-I and HAC-V PD-L1 Blockades Maute et al. 2015
E743 − 57 Peptide antigens activating CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells Liu et al. 2013
OVA257 − 264 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Molino et al. 2013
OVA253 − 266 Peptide antigens activating CD8 + T-cells Black et al. 2012

Role of Immune System (Gao et al.2019). Therefore, as a result, TAMs have two
distinct morphologic activation phases: the anti-tumoral M1
An individual needs a robust immune system, which can and pro-tumoral M2. Clinical trials of several TAM target-
effectively detect and remove an elusive niche of cancers in ing peptide-based materials have been reported (David et al.
order to attain successful results of immunotherapy. Innate 2017. Qian et al. (2017) created an immunotherapy targeting
as well as adaptive immune systems are two main immune two molecules, which consisted of an M2-TAM peptide (M2
systems of the body, in which antigen specificity serves as Peptide: YEQDPWGVKWWY) with a α-peptide (SR-B1).
the primary difference among them. Innate immune system This formulation directly inhibited the signalling pathway of
provides a non-specific defensive response in the presence M2-TAM in skin cancers, resulting in substantial M2-TAM
of antigens or foreign particles without any delay. Adap- loss inside the cancer.
tive immune system, also called acquired immunity, on the Dendritic cells(DCs), which are amongst the highly cru-
other hand, is much more complex owing to antigen-specific cial antigen-presenting cell types (APCs), are needed for the
immune responses, which necessitate antigen screening and activation of both CD4 + as well as CD8 + T cells, which
identification. When an antigen is identified, the body’s then cause specific cytotoxic effects in cancerous cells.
adaptive immune response causes the immune cells to tar- MHCs (major histocompatibility complex), CD86, CD40,
get it, and this reaction is long lasting since memory T-cells CD80 as well as TLRs (toll-like receptors) are all essential
are long-lived and extremely selective in nature (Zhang for introducing peptides to B and T lymphocytes, and DCs
et al.2019). might be involved in their expression (Zhang et al.2019).
Peptides mounted onto these cells cause antitumor immune
response, laying the groundwork for the evolution of pep-
Innate immune system tide-based cancer immunotherapy. A fused peptide for deliv-
ering to DCs has been discovered, which when combined
The innate system consists of a broad range of cells, primar- with ovarian epitopes resulted in improving the Clec9a+’s
ily macrophages, DCs, neutrophils, as well as natural killer capability to trigger CD8 + T-lymphocytes as well as reduce
cells, which serve an important purpose in immunity against metastasis in lungs (Yan et al.2016). To cause immunity
cancers, altogether. towards breast as well as liver cancers, a study conducted
Tumour-associated macrophages (TAM) are a form of by Choi et al. (2018) used peptides obtained from stem-like
phagocytic cells, which, because of the potential to migrate cancerous cells in the form of antigens. They allowed effec-
outside of the vascular system, could destroy cancerous tive stimulation for developing mature DCs, improved acti-
cells with fewer restrictions. They may encourage growth vation of T cells and boosted the volume of CTLs via circu-
and migration of cancers throughout the tumour micro - lating these cells using CD44 and EpCAM related peptides.
environment by releasing cytokines such as chemokines, Neutrophils are key components in innate immunity and
inflammatory markers, as well as cell proliferation agents can be used for treating different cancers. They communicate

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2781

with macrophages, dendritic and natural-killer cells, mesen- for triggering immunological responses, such as PD-1,
chymal stem cells as well as both lymphocytes for remov- CTLA-4, etc., which are widely employed in present pre-
ing cancerous cells after they have been incorporated into clinical and clinical studies. CTLA-4 appears to block T-cell
these tissues. They have antitumor properties, produce cyto- immunological responses via signalling or non-signalling
toxic effects, and are involved in releasing cytokines and channels, according to recent findings. CTLA-4 stimulates
chemokines for regulating various immune responses (Patel phosphatases, which dephosphorylates the T-cell receptor
et al. 2018). (TCR) signal, as per the signalling channels. CTLA-4. The
Because of the efficiency to identify stressful cells with- non-signalling route suggests how CTLA-4 may utilise the
out requiring any antibodies or MHCs, natural killer (NK) trans-endocytosis mechanism for collecting and eliminating
cells react quickly to tumorigenesis. As several cancer- CD-80 and CD-86 proteins off the membranes of APCs,
ous cells do not contain MHC-I markers, all immune cells reducing CD28 expression (Li et al. 2019). APCs as well as
are unable to identify and kill them, thereby making this the tumour cells produce PD-1 ligands, particularly PD-L1
characteristic of NK cells critical in cancer immunothera- (B7-H1 or CD 274) and PD-L2 (B7-DC or CD 273) (Li et al.
peutic (Das et al. 2015; Guillerey et al. 2016). An HLA- 2019). When PD-1 binds to its ligand, T-cell kinases are
C*06:02-exhibited peptide was involved in binding to NK inactivated, while TCR signals are dephosphorylated, lower-
inducing receptor KIR2DS1 as well as triggering primary ing inflammatory-cytokine generation and controlling T-cell
KIR2DS1(+) NK cells, according to Chapel et al. (2017). functioning (Gordan et al. 2017). Trying to block these
PD-1/PD-L1 pathways preserves cancer-specific T-cell func-
Adaptive Immune System tioning and enables the immune cells to re-recognise and
destroy tumour cells, avoiding immune escape by these cells.
T-lymphocytes (which include CD4 + helper as well as Previously, DPPA-1, DPPA-2 and HAC-I, HAC-V peptides
CD8 + cytotoxic T-cells) and B-lymphocytes make up the have been utilised for blocking the PD-L1 pathway, thereby
adaptive immune system. To enable innate cells (including preventing the escape of tumor cells from the immune sys-
natural killer cells), B- lymphocytes as well as CD8 + killer tem (Chang et al. 2015; Maute et al. 2015). Li et al. (2018)
T- lymphocytes to recognise and destroy tumours, reported a PD-L1 directed peptide showing great binding
CD4 + helper T-cells generate cytokines. Several existing specificity. The tendency of same to prevent association of
cancer immunotherapeutics depend upon the amplitude of PD-1 with PD-L1 was also confirmed in in-vitro studies.
cytotoxic CD8 + T-lymphocytes to invade tumours as well as This peptide was found to be more effective in comparison
kill cancerous cells. These include checkpoint blockade anti- to PD-L1 antibody and could reduce tumour growth in the
bodies and even adaptive T-cell transfer (Netea et al. 2020). mice model, implying that it is as effective as therapeutics
One of the latest treatment strategies to aid in improv- based on antibodies. Similarly, Magiera-Mularz et al.(2017)
ing capability of the immune system to identify as well utilised macrocyclic-peptides (peptide-57 and peptide-71)
as destroy secret cancerous cells is checkpoint blockade as inhibitors for PD-1/PD-L1 pathway and they do so by
immunotherapy (Postow et al. 2015; Robert et al. 2015; directly binding with PD-L1, thereby restoring the function-
Desrichard et al. 2016). Immune checkpoints are adverse ing of T-cells. Li et al. (2018) and Munir et al. (2016) studied
controllers of immune response that contribute in main- the effectiveness of PDLong1 and TPP-1 peptides as check-
taining homeostasis and inhibit autoimmune systems from point blockades for PD-L1 pathways. Recently, AUNP-12,
targeting cells randomly (Buchbinder et al. 2016). Immune a precursor of CA-170, is a small molecule, which has also
checkpoint systems can, nevertheless, be engaged in cancer- been reported to act as PD-L1 inhibitor (Chen et al. 2019).
ous cells to block emerging antitumor immune responses, B-lymphocytes are also crucial in vaccinations because
allowing them to evade and flourish (Sharma and Allison they produce antibodies, which are involved in recognis-
2015; Gubin et al. 2014). Suppression of immunological ing particular antigens and also inactivating or labelling
checkpoints enables in restricting the cancer cells’ immune them for elimination. Almost 90% of cell types go through
escape as well as activation of body’s immune cells like apoptosis when a tumour is removed, whereas a tiny pro-
cytotoxic T-cells to safeguard from cancerous cells. This portion of specialized memory T-cells are preserved in
strategy has been hailed to be an attractive and promising order to bestow a quick reaction in case the same cancer
technique in terms of cancer immunotherapy (Li et al. 2019). cell reappears in the body (Cha et al. 2014). Also known
Principally, PD-1, CTLA-4, T-cell immunoglobulin 3 (TIM- as immunologic memory, it is the defining characteristic of
3), lymphocyte-activation gene 3 (LAG-3) as well as T-cell adaptive systems. Cytotoxic and helper T-cells, as well as
immunoglobulin and ITIM domain (TIGIT) are the key T-regulatory ­(Treg) cells are the 3 different kinds of mature
inhibiting receptors secreted by active T-cells (Joller et al. T-lymphocytes. Since CD8 + cytotoxic cells can recognise
2014; Li et al. 2019). As a result, such receptors that serve as and even destroy tumour cells, which display antigens spe-
immune-checkpoint targets enable the generation of blockers cific to them, they are essential for eliminating these cells.


2782 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

Production of CD4 + regulatory cells, that limits the action immunotherapy when targeted delivery is combined with
of effector T cells, is linked towards the induction of the the help of peptide adjuvants in immune responses (Zhu
cytotoxic CD8 + cells (Flippe et al. 2019). et al.2017). Skin cancer immunotherapy has made extensive
Directly delivering CTL-peptide activators to the tumour use of peptide-based vaccines (Zhang et al.2019). A major-
has a significant impact on tumorigenesis. Cheng et  al. ity of skin cancer peptide antigens are obtained via proteins
(2018) created a curative peptide that combines targeting of that cause melanocyte differentiation which include tyrosi-
tumours as well as the on-demand secretion of both DPPA-1, nase, MART-1 (Melan-A), and glycoprotein100 (Zhang
a protein inhibitor of apoptosis-ligand 1, as well as NLG919, et  al.2019). These are primarily involved in promoting
which inhibits indole-amine 2, 3-dioxygenase, into a single cytotoxic T lymphocyte formation for the immune system.
peptide. Apart from this, cancer vaccines constructed using Tyrosinase, for example, a rate-limiting enzyme in melano-
B-cell peptide usually consist of an adjuvant along with an genesis, comprises 2 peptides acting as immunogens, namely
immunogenic protein having a B-cell epitope peptide which ­tyrosinase1−9 and ­tyrosinase368−376 (Zhang et al.2019). The
can cause these cells to produce antibodies. Such vaccines 368–376 region of tyrosinase was found to have exceptional
generate polyclonal formulations of antibodies, which iden- immunogenicity when asparagine residue was replaced with
tify a number of antigens, as opposed to monoclonal anti- aspartic acid at the third position. Antigens derived from the
bodies containing unique target areas. One more vaccine MART-126–35 domain (Jäger et al.2002) were used in medi-
strategy would be using B-cell peptide imitates which can cal studies for treating people suffering from skin cancer.
act synergistically to cellular receptors particular to tumours, The response of the immune system towards cancerous cells
preventing polymerization of the receptor. Besides that, anti- was strengthened by coupling vaccine-restricted domains
bodies as well as their peptide imitates exhibit anti-tumour ­glycoprotein100209 − 217 with immune activating agent IL-2
effects, which is based on their ability to attach to tumour or interleukin-2. Guo et al. developed a nano-vaccine com-
receptors and inhibit downstream signalling (Kaumaya et al. position after combining poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide)
2015). nanostructures complexed with both antigen HGP100 as well
as an adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid and mannose-coated
liposome (Guo et al.2015). For producing vaccines, Shakuj
Peptide Based Cancer Vaccines et al.linked this antigen peptide HGP100 to immunogenic
spherical nucleic acid (Skakuj et al.2018). Wakabayashi and
Cancer vaccines provide a lot of promising results in immu- his colleagues used a solid-oil nano-dispersion as carriers
notherapy because of antigen based immune reaction as well to deliver antigen TRP-2 peptide, which was altered by 3
as long- lasting memory in terms of immunity (Melero et al. lysine residues (KKKGSVYDFFVWL) along with adjuvant
2014). Because of versatility, ease of processing, and reli- Resiquimod(R-848). In a tumour containing mice model,
ability, these vaccines contribute to being undoubtedly the this method showed potential in suppressing skin cancer pro-
most effective and realistic vaccination strategy (Malonis gression as well as combating lung metastasis (Wakabayashi
et al. 2019). Owing to its specific structure, small sequence et al.2018). HGP100 and TRP2 antigens have underwent
peptides containing limited antigenic determinants for asso- co-encapsulation to form hollow nano-spheres of silica, that
ciating to the target receptor are established as an alternate proved to be effective in stimulation and development of
solution (Skwarczynski et al. 2014). Antigens must have a dendritic cells, as well as in secretion of IFN-γ or interferon
strong potency for TLR or MHC (major histocompatibility gamma, TNF- or tumour necrosis factor, IL-12 or interleukin
complex) receptors to promote development of CD4 + or 12, and IL-4 for immune promotion (Xie et al.2017). Chemi-
CD8 + T cells to further cause immune response. Since cal glycosylation of MUC1 (Mucin 1) antigenic determi-
these smaller peptide antigens have restricted immunogenic- nants can also be used for designing peptide antigens similar
ity, using peptide adjuvants to aid the triggering of immune to MUC1. Numerous vaccines have been crafted as well as
reaction of these antigens is a popular technique, as well produced by coupling sequence (HGVTSAPDTRPAPG-
as perhaps a number of peptide adjuvants are already pro- STAPPA) to assembly domain Q11 using threonine residues
duced (Melero et al. 2014). Designed peptide antigens corre- that have undergone glycosylation at 9th or 16th position.
lated with MHC class I receptor for CD8 + T cell activation Such medications incorporating B-cell epitopes exhibited
generally contain 8–10aa, while antigens armed by MHC strong responses from cytotoxic T-cells when stimulated
class II receptor for CD4 + cells usually contain 13–18aa, by Helper T-cells (Type1). Covalent joining of antigens (a
although there is no hard rule on size of peptide sequence. glycopeptide- TSAPDTRPAP) to assembly sequence (Nap-
This depends on the activating pathway (Melero et al. 2014). GDFDFDYDK) also lead to formation of anti-tumour vaccine
Immune resistance to peptide antigens is already identified correlated to MUC1 (Zhao et al. 2017). Apart from these,
in experimental studies based on differences of MHC recep- newly formed peptide antigens including multifaceted ones,
tors in patient populations. They are promising in cancer multi-antigens, hybrids and also neoantigens have garnered

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2783

considerable interest in medical studies and have shown to this, IMPs were produced for vaccine delivery since similar
be very effective in cancer immunotherapy. Even after the peptides have displayed effective stimulation of CD4 + as
use of several adjuvants for peptide based immunotherapeu- well as CD8 + T cells (Kenter et al. 2009). On the other
tics, such as salts of Al, presently offered adjuvants such as hand, shorter overlapping ASPs (or assay peptides) were
oil emulsions, virosome, and TLR ligands often struggle generated for evaluation of immune responses.
from structural variability, which makes process comprehen- Previously, studies have shown that the average lead time
sion and administering challenges (Acar et al. 2017). Differ- for generation of 20 IMPs was 18–20 weeks, which was
ent steps that are involve in the mechanisms of anticancer a time-consuming as well as expensive synthesis process
peptides to inhibit cancer growth shown in Fig. 2. Steps that of clinical- division peptides (Keskin et al. 2019; Ott et al.
are involved in the mechanism of peptide-based vaccines for 2017). Therefore, minimizing this time as well as cost is
the treatment of cancer shown in Fig. 3. important for allowing medication of different cancers like
metastatic. Truex et al. (2020) described that automated flow
Neoantigen Peptide Vaccines peptide synthesis has the ability to ease generation of neo-
antigen peptides for developing personalized vaccines for
One of the greatest examples in the area of personalized ther- cancer. The study showed that this flow of peptide synthesis
apeutics is neoantigen vaccines in treating cancer, its manu- produced higher quality IMPs within 35 min or less than
facture being a challenge for individual patients (Hu et al. that, while other methods take numerous hours or even days
2018; Sahin et al. 2018; Keskin et al. 2019). Such vaccines with comparable equivalents of response. The results even
are prepared because of an assembly of mutations (primar- illustrated that automated flow technology could produce
ily, the somatic ones) which could be formed into a tumour rapid synthesis of peptides for neoantigen vaccines (per-
that encodes tumour-definite antigens, namely, neoanti- sonalized), which is convenient for wider contexts. Thus,
gens. Immune targeting of such neoantigens is anticipated arrival of rapid as well as affordable genome- sequencing
to encourage particular activation of immunity in opposition technology can most probably allow classes of personalized
to neoplastic cells and further avert immunological diver- therapeutics using peptides, for treating cancers.
sion. It has been reported that five clinical trials have tested
these neoantigen vaccines (personalized) in patients suffer-
ing from melanoma as well as glioblastoma multiforme and Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs)
observed that they generated immune responses in humans
(Keskin et al. 2019; Ott et al. 2017; Hilf et al.2019; Car- Those peptides that prevent humans from different micro-
reno et al. 2015; Sahin et al. 2017). Four out of these five bial infections are known to be antimicrobial peptides or
trials have used synthetic peptides in order to immunize AMPs. These are active compounds, which are generated
the formulations (Keskin et al. 2019; Ott et al. 2017; Hilf as an immediate innate immunological reaction and even
et al. 2019; Carreno et al. 2015), whereby fifth clinical trial possess a defence machinery in humans via utilization of
involved use of synthetic RNA (Sahin et al. 2017). All these cytotoxicity on the invading pathogens. Their physicochemi-
trials, however, used around a dozen shorter peptides for cal as well as structural features help in maintaining their
each patient for conducting studies ex vivo with respect to specificity in regard with the target cells. There are two tech-
monitoring of the immune system. Generally, studies on niques for an AMP to enter the cell. First, a translocation
personalized neoantigen vaccines involve hundreds of pep- process across the membrane and second is because of the
tides ranging around 8–30 aa in length. For designing these secondary structure of peptide- leading to pore formation
peptides, many trials have accepted the system as: post a on the membrane (Datta and Roy 2021). Because of their
biopsy of tumour, the mutated epitopes were detected by nominal immunogenicity, effective tissue perceptibility as
WES (whole-exome sequencing) of the tumour along with well as easier fabrication and production, this class of pep-
the normal cells in parallel; EPTs (epitope peptides) (8–10 tides make an absolute choice for treating cancers (Yavari
aa) which can attach to the personal human leukocyte anti- et al. 2018). Previously, studies have approved that AMPs
gen allele (HLA) were further detected by class I predictive display anticancer action along with protection of regular
algorithms of binding (Hoof et al. 2009); around 20 class I cells at the same time. Defensins is a class of plant derived
epitope peptides were selected as the targets for neoantigen AMPs, which has a potential of augmenting potency of
vaccine, and thus were incorporated inside the synthetic long immunotherapy with respect to cancer. Li et al. (2014) with
IMPs (immunizing peptides) with size of 15–30 aa. Further, the help of recombinant plasmid technology, found a plas-
they were then fabricated via a commercial vendor for pep- mid, which expressed beta-defensin 2 and played a signifi-
tides, cleaved as well as refined in presence of proper manu- cant role in gene therapy as well immunotherapy of cancer.
facturing measure or GMP conditions, and finally delivered Further, results suggested that physiological deflections tak-
to the patient in the form of immunizing peptides. Besides ing place in dendritic cells (immature) probably increased


2784 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

the adaptive immunosurveillance (anticancer). Sang et al. like amidation of C-terminus, glycosylation of threonines,
(2017) highlighted that ABP-dHC-Cecropin A along with its tyrosine sulfation and tryptophan bromination, and further
counterpart ABP-dHC-Cecropin A-K showed cytotoxicity via chemical modifications namely D-amino acid incorpo-
against leukemic cells. Cecropin A has also been known to ration. Secondly, they comprise phylogenetically conserved
cause induction of cell death in HL-60 (a promyelocytic cell domains, providing an opportunity for identification of sim-
line) via ROS mechanism (Cerón et al. 2010), and through ilar peptides or isoforms with increased specificity in the
caspase-3, and − 8 as well as Fas and Fas-L expressions, rest of venom species, which results in a bigger amount of
in human carcinoma cells (hepatocellular ones) (Jin et al. therapeutically dynamic peptides. Ultimately, advancements
2010). in synthesis of peptide techniques at a huge scale can turn
Farshid et al. (2020) showed the impact of AMPs in lung VP-derived medications into affordable ones for patients
cancer treatment. However, chemotherapy in lung cancer (Ma et al. 2017; Pérez-Peinado et al. 2020). Snake, bee, and
is often associated with after reactions, toxic behaviour as wasp venom possess some properties which can be utilised
well as resistance to multidrug. To overcome such fallouts, for boosting innate as well as adaptive immune mechanisms.
anticancer peptides extracted from AMPs pose a promising Innate immune cells including NK cells as well as APCs
strategy for lung cancer treatment. They display antican- regulate immediate responses to invading pathogens or can-
cer activity via lysis of cell membranes (membranolytic- cerous cells, which is accompanied with an adaptive immu-
based mechanisms) or non-membranolytic mechanisms. nity driven by B and T cells. In immunocompromised mice,
The former includes toroidal, carpet, aggregate channel and VPs obtained via snakes and bees, like phospholipase A2
barrel-stave models, which have developed with time on the (PLA2) and also melittin, boost NK-cell function by boost-
basis of net charge, amino acid sequence, membrane com- ing synthesis of IFN-γ (Orsolic et al. 2012; Mahadevappa
position, peptide concentration, structure, oligomerization et al. 2017). In certain cases, bee venom has proven to cir-
and amphipathicity (Lei et al. 2019). Using barrel-stave as cumvent the host’s innate responses as well as actively stim-
well as toroidal pore generation mechanisms, lung cancer ulate the adaptive responses mediated by T-cells. PLA2 and
cells undergo structural damage followed by cell death. melittin can potentially increase T-cell response by causing
Even though actual process of cell death of these cells is monocytes to produce more IL-1 and TNF-a. T-lymphocytes
not studied, some mechanistic processes like lethal depo- are also activated by bee PLA2 because it causes the mem-
larization of the membrane, interactions with intracellular branes to break down along with the formation of antigens
targets post internalization, leakage of cellular constituents like free fatty acids and lysophospholipids (Orsolic et al.
caused via development of pores and disturbing functions of 2012). Owing to their higher specificity, these peptides will
membrane via disorganizing its asymmetry, are some of the set a benchmark in the drug discovery for cancer, however,
proven research (Divyashree et al. 2020). On the other hand, at present, only a few of them have reached clinical trials.
non-membranolytic anticancer activities are carried out via More applications of such peptide-linked drugs are how-
induction of antiangiogenic, anti-metastatic as well as anti- ever affected by extraction of newer peptides involving use
apoptotic processes (Aaghaz et al. 2019). Therefore, future of bioactivity-led approaches which is cumbersome. Thus,
applications associated with AMPs will possibly encounter for developing VP libraries, approaches involving high-effi-
a major enhancement because of the advances in designs of ciency screening, which will combine proteomics as well as
peptides along with capacity of large-scale synthesis pro- genomics, are presently ongoing.
vided by therapeutic companies.

Peptide Hydrogels
Venom Peptides
Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer-based frameworks swol-
Venom Peptides (VPs) tend to show higher selectivity as len in water, which are made by combining one or more
well as specificity against neoplastic cells as compared monomers via a simple process. Numerous forms of hydro-
to other agents, along with impacts on angiogenesis, cell gels are being studied for cancer immunotherapy owing to
progression, migration and invasion, plus modulation of their high adsorption rates, ability to sustain drug release,
immune responses (Roy and Bharadvaja 2021). Studies as well as biocompatible nature (Li et al.2016). Therapeu-
on VPs help in the fabrication of detailed peptide-based tic agents as well as immunologic compounds are typically
drugs with respect to specified cancer therapy. They offer inserted in the scaffold present in these hydrogels. Recently,
several advantages in comparison to monoclonal antibod- peptide-based hydrogels are being employed extensively for
ies associated therapies. Firstly, VPs show high resistance immunotherapy in cancer. Wu et al. (2017) demonstrated
towards protease degradation, pH and temperature. They interleukin-15 (IL-15) and cisplatin encapsulated in com-
show natural stability via post-translational modifications bination in a thermosensitive polypeptide hydrogel for an

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2785

integrated skin cancer chemo immunotherapy. Jin et  al. mice bearing B1610 tumour was substantially enhanced by
(2018) showed that incorporating melittin (a cationic pep- this hydrogel. Song et al. (2019) fabricated a hydrogel from
tide procured from bee venom) into the scaffold of hydrogel PEG-b-poly (l-alanine) using TCLs, GM-CSF or granulo-
significantly decreases adverse effects while also improv- cyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, and CTLA-4
ing antitumor activity and immunological responses. MRD (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen) and PD-1
(melittin-RADA32-DOX) hydrogel’s concurrent distribution antibodies loaded on it via independent self-aggregation of
of melittin and DOX results in a profound and long-lasting polypeptides in water-based solution. This hydrogel allowed
antitumor activity, enhanced innate immune responses, consistent antigen release, while the GM-CSF could acquire
decreased immunodeficiency and caused induction of and stimulate DCs as well as increase T-cell numbers, allow-
effector T-cells. Furthermore, findings also indicated that ing for synergic regulation of T-cell based immune response
MRD hydrogels promote cell necrosis, the primary reason and suppression of immunocompromised tumour microenvi-
for MRD hydrogel-induced in-vitro cell deaths (Jin et al. ronment when used in conjunction with double checkpoint
2018). They possess promising therapeutic activity against inhibitor. In 4T1 tumour-bearing and B16F10 melanoma
subcutaneous and metastatic tumours owing to its regulated models, treatment with this hydrogel led to improved pro-
dosage forms and ability to control the innate immune sys- duction of IgG, cytokine concentrations comprising IFN-,
tem, reduce M2-like TAMs, and specific anticancer as well IL-4, as well as TNF-α, and also proportion of CD8 + cells,
as immune modulation properties (Jin et al. 2018). whereas the numbers of T ­ reg cells declined. Recently, Hou
For effective immunotherapies towards melanoma as well et al. (2020) created polypeptide hydrogels co-encapsulated
as hepatoma ascites in mice, Dai et al. (2020) created melit- with silver sulphide, DOX, as well as Bestatin (a protease
tin-(RADA)6 (MR52) hydrogel scaffolds can be equipped inhibitor) for treating mammary cancers. It improved activ-
using KN93, a particular calcium ion/CAMKII inhibitor. ity of T-cells, which boosted antitumor immune responses.
This MR52-KN93-hydrogel or MRK hydrogel greatly Development of primary tumours along with the incidence
enhanced the combatting properties as well as immunogenic of proximal lung metastatic nodules were both prevented
apoptosis level on tumour cells in comparison with inde- by this multipurpose hydrogel-mediated therapy. More such
pendent KN93. In these mice treated using this MRK hydro- trials have been carried out in the past, which highlight the
gel, macrophages expressed more apoptotic protein ligand-1 potential uses of peptide hydrogels solely, as well as in com-
(PD-L1), pointing to a potential move towards combination binatorial therapies. Peptide-based hydrogels thus provide a
anti-PD-1 treatments exhibiting survival rates of about 30%. lot of promise to be employed for cancer immunotherapy.
Wang et al. (2016) identified a self-assembly peptide
hydrogel that released Ovalbumin (OVA) for cancer immu-
notherapeutics. Treatment with these hydrogels raised Peptide Assemblies
IgG levels dramatically, suggesting the potential to elicit
robust immune function in-vivo, improve antigen absorp- Peptide assemblies into nanostructures of morphologies like
tion, as well as cause DC maturation. Subsequently, Leach nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanoribbons, nanofibers and other
et al. (2018) established STINGel, an implantable hydro- hierarchical networks, managed by noncovalent intercon-
gel, by fusion of multi-domains of peptide hydrogel and nections namely hydrophobic, π-π stacking and hydrogen
cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) for releasing CDNs (group bonding interactions, show huge potential for addressing
of STINGs or stimulator of the interferon genes, agonists issues in cancer immunotherapy (Hendricks et al. 2017).
involved in immunotherapy of cancer) as per the demands. The resulting nanostructures are ideal for peptide delivery
This enhanced survival rates in rat models of oral cancer and therapeutics since they have unique structural character-
unlike with CDN infusion treatment, as well as activated a istics like biocompatibility as well as biodegradability (Acar
powerful memory response that suppressed recurrence of et al. 2017; De Santis et al. 2015). Incorporating peptide
tumours. Yu et al. (2018) formed a thermo- and ROS- sensi- therapeutics into peptide nanostructures prolongs thera-
tive peptide hydrogel platform (Seq: P(Me-D-1MT)-PEG- peutic circulation and increases their accord with attacking
P(Me-D-1MT) in order to deliver aPD-L1 as well as D-1MT receptors emerging from multifunctional impact. Addition-
or dextro-1-methyl tryptophan that acted in the form of a ally, active and passive targeting ability of peptide-based
drug carrier for secretion of checkpoint inhibitors and also nanostructures facilitate aggregation of curatives at regions
controlled redox ratios in tumour environment. Lifespan of of tumours. Such advantages result in the huge potency


2786 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

of peptide-derived biomaterials like vaccine adjuvants for of drug delivery, namely, targeting of tumour as well as acti-
enhancing immune responses (antigen based) or delivery of vating antitumor immune reactions.
immunotherapeutic operatives. Keeping aside the regular Apart from this, there is a class of peptide-based nanocar-
roles of peptide assemblies as delivery agents, modulation riers namely nanospheres, which have a function of encap-
of their accumulating features also permits for formation sulating photodynamic drugs. Another kind is that of inject-
of self-delivering systems known as drug amphiphiles (Hu able dipeptide-based nanoparticle that is further fabricated
et al. 2013). Drug amphiphile assemblies enhance antigen for PDT (photodynamic therapy: an efficient technique for
density on the exterior of the platform and even remove the clinical treatment) via self-aggregation of GA-associated
useless constituents in drug formations, hence increasing (or glutaraldehyde) CDP (cationic diphenylalanine) (Ma
the biological safety, lowering the production price, as well et al. 2016). Chang et al. (2019) along with his research
as easing the administration of drugs. In addition, longer colleagues used Hep-based (heparin polymer) CDP nano-
intervals for immune reactions in comparison to immedi- particles (NPs) for forming peptide-derived NPs ranging
ate treating impact observed in standard therapeutics like around 100 nm in size with a negative voltage of roughly
chemotherapy as well as phototherapy further limits the − 25 mV. Thereafter, acquired peptide-associated nanocarri-
clinical applications of cancer immunotherapeutics in the ers displayed an enhanced permeability and retention (EPR)
patients found in later stages of cancer. As a result, merg- effect in the delivery of Ce6 (the model photosensitive drug).
ing the standard treatment for tumours with immunotherapy Thus, these observations suggest that the CDP NPs could be
increases the immune response and has collective impacts used as flexible nanocarriers for many drugs. Ce6 charged
for curable metastatic cancer therapy (Sharma and Allison with peptide-based NPs showed a prolonged circulation life-
2015; Mahoney et al. 2015). Thus, for effective extension of time as compared to free Ce6 in solution, as a result increas-
survival rates in patients, combinatorial treatment includ- ing photodynamic anticancer effectiveness (Sun et al. 2012)
ing conventional treatment options and immunotherapy have for designing a potential vehicle for drug delivery, Chang
been recently evolved. Because of their inherent ability for et al. (2019) developed a tumour-receptive nanocarrier for
taking up cargos, both covalently as well as non-covalently, PDT. Further, they examined human serum albumin (HSA)
peptide assemblies have been widely employed in combina- (consisting of different amino acids), poly-l-lysine, as well
torial immunotherapies. In addition to this, many preclini- as modulator polyethylene glycol in order to develop nano-
cal trials have found that they show remarkable properties spheres for their role in multi triggered peptide-associated
for modulating immune responses and inhibiting tumour drug delivery against tumour responsiveness (Zhang et al.
growth, therefore being a great alternative for future immu- 2016). Apart from this, HSA accelerated the breaking down
notherapy in clinical trials. of NPs because of the protease overexpression in tumour
cells, and its isoelectric point at pH 5.3 supplied the speci-
fied pH reaction, and further disulphide appearance led the
nanospheres to counter reducing agent glutathione or GSH.
Peptide Based Nano Drugs Therefore, above-mentioned adjustable carriers responsive-
ness to proteinase, pH as well as GSH, may release loaded
Being chemically diverse, a class of peptides are also drugs like Ce6, verteporfin as well as protoporphyrin IX.
exploited for construction of supramolecular-based peptide Based on their properties, these peptides can be classi-
nanodrugs (Chen et al. 2015). Various such nanostructures fied as tumour-targeting peptides, allergen peptides as well
having different morphologies play significant roles in deliv- as tumour microenvironment responsive peptides. Novel
ery of tumour antigens, chemotherapeutic drugs or photo- nanodrugs are designed for incorporating such peptides-
sensitive drugs (Panda et al. 2014). Mainly, peptide-based having specific functions of peptides as well as therapeu-
nanocarriers have various advantages like higher content for tic impact of drugs, and as a result serve a crucial role in
drug loading, better accumulation of tumours, as well as tumour treatment development. Tumour-targeting peptides
increased efficiency with respect to treatment techniques. are widely used for treatment of cancer and even for tar-
Peptide sequence is adapted in order to become functional geting lesions. These target the receptors on the tumour
in a way that it provides these nanocarriers with specified cell’s surface or tumour’s microenvironment, like in the
properties, which cannot be easily attained in other carriers case of tumour vasculature. RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) peptide,

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2787

for instance, is a tumour vascular targeting peptide, which Therefore, post an intravenous injection, PEAK-DMA stored
particularly binds αvβ3 as well as αvβ5 integrins and thus, in the tumour regions because of EPR effects, further under-
has been used in various cancer therapies. Another study goes alterations in morphology in order to increase its incorpo-
showed how a bifunctional peptide comprising RGD, NGR ration into cells, and achieve good PDT potency. These results
(short for Asn-Gly-Arg), AVPIAQK (a peptide sequence for suggest that the use of pH- reactive chimeric peptides in PDT
apoptosis induction), and HAV (a histidine-alanine-valine might be a good approach for drug delivery. These peptide-
sequence) was utilized in the form of nanocarrier for deliv- modulated nanodrugs provide an easy method for incorpora-
ering chemotherapeutic drug Docetaxel. This indicated that tion of various functional molecules as well as treatment strate-
Docetaxel or peptide NPs impede the tumour development gies. Such nanodrugs have advantages of controlled structure
in comparison to the group without peptide, suggesting effi- as well as morphology, increased tumour accumulation, and
ciency of the bifunctional peptide-associated vehicle (Fan most importantly, improved therapeutic potency. Hence, pep-
et al. 2017). Another class being the tumour micro-environ- tides that self-assemble into nanostructures are widely used in
ment, is more related with tumour development as well as cancer drug delivery vehicles with various promising applica-
growth. In order to unravel the treatment of tumours, speci- tions as well in cancer therapies.
fied surroundings of the tumour microenvironment must be
known for providing guidance (Altorki et al. 2019). This
mechanism has been considered as a newer target, wherein Challenges and Future Prospects
various nanodrugs have been further fabricated for respond-
ing towards this microenvironment like acidity as well as A lot of progress has been made since last ten years, clinical
enzyme contents. Some of the research works have proved trials of peptide-derived therapeutics for cancer immuno-
that certain peptides respond to tumour microenvironment, therapy are challenging. The main challenge which makes
while nanodrugs based on such peptides undergo changes in this therapy as less successful is the immunogenicity in most
microenvironment like structure as well as shape differences of them (Skwarczynski et al. 2016). Antibodies or vaccines,
(Han et al. 2017). Thus, responsive peptides have recently epitopes derived from standard peptides generally show
been introduced in therapeutic applications of cancer. lesser affinity with respect to a particular target. Such asso-
Apart from this, Han et al. (2017) developed nanodrugs ciation might be further dropped via a targets or receptors
having altering geometrical shapes, which were caused phenotypic heterogeneity in individuals. Other challenges
by pH. Further, they designed a chimeric peptide consist- include their safe administration, based on the observations
ing of alkylated PpIX along with dimethylmaleic anhydride of significant side effects in preclinical trials. These usually
(DMA)-based peptide with a sequence namely, PEAK-DMA. arise as a result of incompatibility of peptide therapeutics
This sequence can self-aggregate into spherical NPs in the or their delivery system, off-target therapeutic delivery as
accompaniment of physiological conditions as the DMA well as associated autoimmunity. Therefore, development
groups present prevents electrostatic interactions amongst of peptide therapeutics accompanied with higher immu-
PEAK moieties. When they enter into tumour sites (which nogenicity as well as formulation with standard safety of
are acidic), DMA groups are parted, and this retrieval of ion administration will be the next step in the peptide-based can-
complementarity leads to the production of tiny rod-like NPs. cer immunotherapy. Besides this, a design for multivalent


Table 2  List of clinical trials of peptides, their conditions, different peptides that are used and their phage of trails which is in cancer immunotherapy(https://​www.​clini​caltr​ials.​gov/) 

Title Conditions Interventions/ Peptide used Phase NCT number

Ability of a dendritic cell vaccine to immunize Melanoma, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Breast Cancer, Peptide loaded dendritic cell vaccine Phase 2 NCT03300843
melanoma or epithelial cancer patients against Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer
defined mutated neoantigens expressed by the
autologous cancer
Cancer peptides plus GM-CSF and adjuvant in Breast Cancer ESR1 peptide vaccine Phase 1 NCT04270149
breast cancer
Pooled mutant KRAS-targeted long peptide vaccine Colorectal Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer KRAS peptide vaccine, Nivolumab, Ipilimumab Phase 1 NCT04117087
combined with Nivolumab and Ipilimumab for
patients with resected MMR-p colorectal and
pancreatic cancer
Nivolumab, Ipilimumab and OTSGC-A24 therapeu- Gastric Cancer OTSGC-A24, Nivolumab, Ipilimumab Phase 1 NCT03784040
tic peptide vaccine in Gastric Cancer - a Combina-
tion Immunotherapy Phase Ib Study.
Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy for the Patients With Dendritic Cells, Pancreatic Neoplasms Dendritic cells pulsed with MUC-1/WT-1 peptides Phase 1 and 2 NCT03114631
Pancreatic Cancer
Immunotherapy Vaccine and Herceptin in Breast Breast cancer GP2 peptide + GM-CSF vaccine plus trastuzumab Phase 1 NCT03014076
Universal Cancer Peptide-based Vaccination in Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer UCPVax Phase 1 and 2 NCT02818426
Metastatic NSCLC
IDH1 Peptide Vaccine for Recurrent Grade II Brain Cancer, Brain Neoplasm (Primary), Brain PEPIDH1M vaccine Phase 1 NCT02193347
Glioma Neoplasms (Recurrent), Brain Tumour
Phase I Study of an Oncofetal Antigen Multi-Pep- Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), Multiple Sargramostim, BB-MPI-03, Montanide Phase 1 NCT02240537
tide Immunotherapy in Subjects With Hemato- Myeloma (MM), Myelodysplastic Syndrome
logic Cancer (MDS), Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (sMM)
Pilot Study of a Breast Cancer Vaccine Plus PolyI- Breast Cancer Poly-ICLC, 9 Peptides from Her-2/ neu, CEA, & Phase 1 NCT01532960
CLC for Breast Cancer CTA, Peptide-tet
A Phase I Safety Study of a Cancer Vaccine to Treat Ovarian Neoplasms, Breast Neoplasms, Prostatic DPX-0907 (consisting of 7 tumour-specific HLA- Phase 1 NCT01095848
HLA-A2 Positive Advanced Stage Ovarian, Breast Neoplasms A2-restricted peptides, a universal T Helper
and Prostate Cancer peptide, a polynucleotide adjuvant, a liposome
and Montanide ISA51 VG)
Radiation, Chemotherapy, Vaccine and Melanoma MART-1: 26–35(27 L) Peptide Phase 2 NCT00923195
AntiMART-1 and Anti-gp100 Cells for Patients
With Metastatic Melanoma
PSMA and TARP Peptide Vaccine With Poly ICLC Prostate Cancer PSMA and TARP peptide vaccine with Poly IC-LC - NCT00694551
Adjuvant in HLA-A2 (+) Patients With Elevated adjuvant
PSA After Initial Definitive Treatment
Vaccine Therapy in treating patients with Meta- Prostate Cancer NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1 HLA class I/II peptide vaccine Phase 1 NCT00616291
static, Progressive Prostate Cancer
Stem cell transplant, Chemotherapy, and Biological Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell Neoplasm CMV pp65 peptide, Phase 1 and 2 NCT00499577
Therapy in Treating Patients with HighRisk or hTERT I540/R572Y/ D988Y multipeptide vaccine
Refractory Multiple Myeloma
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

GV 1001 Immunotherapy in Patients with Non Carcinoma (Non-Small-Cell GV 1001 Telomerase - NCT00509457
Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Lung) peptide
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793 2789


NCT number

Phase 2

Phase 2

Fig. 2  Different steps that are involve in the mechanisms of antican-

Peptide Vaccine (PR1 Peptide)

cer peptides to inhibit cancer growth

Interventions/ Peptide used

IO102 Peptide vaccine

peptide neoantigens, checkpoint blockades as well as anti-

gens (Eskandari et al. 2017) is a multifaceted strategy for
improvement in the affinity of peptide therapeutics with
target substrates, thereafter efficiently resulting in higher
immune response (Li et al. 2019). In addition to this, forma-
tion of a multi-biomarker-controlled drug release system and
mous Cell Carcinoma, Oral Cavity Squamous Cell

integration of numerous target-guiding epitopes into deliv-

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Hypopharynx Squa-

ery systems might probably avert off-targeting release of

Activity and safety of peptide-based immunotherapy Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Larynx

curatives. Therefore, peptide-based cancer immunotherapy

poses a hopeful and effective option for cancer treatment in
the future.


Cancer immunotherapy shows a lot of promise for treating

cancers owing to their potential to prevent tumour recur-

rence as well as metastatic spread by causing long-term



memory and also triggering hosts’ immunological responses

to defend from localized cancerous cells. The present review
outlines numerous approaches incorporating peptides in can-
cer immunotherapies, which presented therapeutic roles of
in patients with Squamous cell carcinoma of the
Proteinase 3 PR1 Peptide Mixed with Montanide

peptides and peptide-based assemblies derived from differ-

ISA-51 VG Adjuvant and Administered with

ent sources as well as their mode of action for attenuating

the immunological function. Short peptides are being used
as therapeutic agents like checkpoint blockades, antigens,

or even vaccine adjuvants accounting to their remarkable

biocompatibility and structural characteristics obtained
from proteins. Peptide assembly, on the other hand, has
demonstrated improved functionality in attacking and also
Table 2  (continued)

co-delivery of drugs in a controlled way. Several clinical

head and neck.


2790 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:2777–2793

Fig. 3  Steps that are involved in

the mechanism of peptide-based
vaccines for the treatment of

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