Vocabulary Merged
Vocabulary Merged
Vocabulary Merged
4. Abstract or Concrete?
Stick to Your Story
4. Abstract or Concrete?
Concrete because we can see people and people are workers. (I would draw
workers at a worksite).
Title of Rubric
The student’s worksheet includes 4 questions and will be graded based on completion, participation, and the use of correct and quality
Student completed all 4 Student completed 3 of the 4 Student completed half of the Student did not turn in
questions on the worksheet and questions on the worksheet but worksheet or did not use quality worksheet but participated with
used quality and correct did not use quality and correct and correct information on other students on the worksheet
information on all 4 answers. information on one of the answers besides on 2 of them. or student only complete 1 of the
answers. 4 questions.
UWP Lesson Plan Template
Teacher Name: Angelina Gonzales Grade Level: 7th
Target Content/Lesson Topic: Vocabulary Strategy: Stick to Your Story Date: 3-23-23
This lesson is for a(n) ___X__ whole class ___X__ small group __X___ individual
Essential Question How can using vocabulary strategies help expand our vocabulary?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing This will be introduced at the beginning of the unit so students can use this strategy when doing their reading
- How does this lesson fit into the throughout the unit.
larger unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards Strand: Reading 6-12
List the complete, relevant grade- Craft and Structure - Grade 7
level standard(s). R.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings. Analyze
the impact of specific word choices on meaning, tone, and mood, including words with multiple meanings
within a text. (RI&RL)
Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: Students will be able to use strategies to develop vocabulary comprehension.
Objective(s) LO: My seventh-grade students will be introduced to a vocabulary strategy and during their reading for today’s
article they will be able to use this tool to help develop their vocabulary comprehension. This will strengthen
their understanding of the material they are learning.
September 2021
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Whole class: During the introduction and closing students will be as a whole class. During the introduction I
Describe how and why students are will introduce the topic, teach and model the vocabulary strategy, and take questions. In the closing section we
grouped based on will review the article’s purpose, answer questions, and review what words the students found that they did not
- homogeneous, heterogeneous, know and how this strategy helped them gain comprehension in the article/word.
randomized Pairs: When students are working on their summative assessment, they will work in pairs of their choosing to
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or influence participation and excitement in their assignment. Also used for extra support in the assignment.
social-emotional, behavioral, Individual: When students are working on their summative assessment, they will have the chice of working
language acquisition alone if the student prefers to work alone.
Co-Teaching Strategy N/A
Does this lesson involve co-
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes,
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching
September 2021
Differentiation Content
Describe how you will meet For ELL students I can give them a copy of the article and worksheets in their native language. Students will
individual students’ needs by also have the choice of reading the article on their Chromebooks or with a printed copy. This way if a student
adjusting the content, process, understands better by following along with their finger, they can do that or if they are not understanding
product, and environment based on something can look it over.
their readiness, interests, and learning
preferences. Process
Students can also use a whiteboard to jot down ideas or words they don’t know while reading to later write
down in their visual tool. Highlighters will also be made available for students to use while reading. All students
will turn in their visual tool as a grade, but this can be done on scrap paper (that includes all the information
from visual tool), whiteboard (checked off by me), or using the visual tool worksheet. Student will also have the
option to work in pairs or alone for their assessment.
All students will turn in their visual tool option for their summative grade.
Students can work anywhere in the classroom (desk, floor, or small table).
Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)
September 2021
Formative Assessment During the introduction I will explicitly teach 3 words using the visual tool I created so the students know how
- How will you monitor student to use this strategy. I also will explain their strategy “Stick to Your Story”. I will monitor what students are
learning throughout the lesson? understanding and learning by asking questions and on the 3 rd example having students answer the prompts as
- Be specific about how your practice a class.
assessments connect directly with the
lesson objective.
Formative Evaluation Criteria This will not be a grade in the grade book. I will pay attention to which students are engaged and which
- What material(s) will you use to students that are not engaged so I can motive them to participate and help them during their work time.
evaluate learning?
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment Students will complete their visual tool while reading the article:
How will students demonstrate https://www.readworks.org/article/Chinese-Immigrants-during-the-Industrial-Era/c8ff76f8-ccae-
mastery of the standard? 4d2e-8760-a644a284e2e2#!articleTab:content/
Note: This assessment does not have And will be assessed on their comprehension of the article, completion of visual tool, and participation for the
to occur during/after this lesson but lesson.
in upcoming lessons.
Opening: Introduction and ● Hook: I will ask the students why is reading important and what they like to read? I will also include
Connection to Previous Learning my favorites and why I enjoy reading to get the students excited for their activity. Then I will introduce
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) the LT of the day, “Students will be able to use strategies to develop vocabulary comprehension”.
● Activate prior knowledge. ● Activate prior knowledge: I will ask the student what they know about immigration, Chinese
● Be sure students understand immigrants, and the industrial era to get the information flowing and ready for what they will be
procedures and instructions for reading/learning about today.
the lesson. ● Be sure students understand procedures and instructions for the lesson: Today we will be reading
● Establish clear expectations. a digital article, “Chinese Immigrants during the Industrial Era”, on ReadWorks. While you are reading
● Model concept. with a partner you will complete your visual tool that goes along with your reading. Before I let you get
The groupings/instruction/lesson into pairs let me demonstrate your visual tool.
progression may look different in different
parts of the lesson! ● Model concept: Our visual tool includes the following strategy, “Stick to Your Story” this strategy is
named this because it is important that you do not invent details to explain a definition of a word or
phrase but to stay within the limits of what is actually happening within the story. This means when you
are defining and figuring out a word you want to use evidence from within the content of the story to
help you. Let’s do an example together with our visual tool with the word laborer’s. on our visual tool
we have to answer “Think: What is happening, define what it means, use the content to explain, and is
it abstract or concrete.” At this time, I will go through each section showing why and how I am doing it
and some prompts the students can use when working:
● Think about the whole context, not just the sentence.
● Explain why you think that’s the meaning.
● Does the way you explained it fit with the details of the whole story.
Afterwards, we will do the word descent together and I will ask students to come up and fill out the first
half of the worksheet then complete the second half of the sheet with classmates around them. Afterwards
we will discuss the answers. Once, I have explicitly taught the strategy and gave them time to practice I will
introduce the assignment and the expectations.
September 2021
● Establish clear expectations: When you are working you can work in pairs or alone if you choose.
When you are reading your article, you have the option of using your Chromebook or grab a printed
version (there are highlighters also), when completing your visual tool, you can use a whiteboard or
scrap paper instead if you choose but it must include all the information from the visual tool. You will
have 20 minutes to complete this assignment and I will be walking around if you have any questions.
During: Lesson Progression ● Students’ thinking and how they will start the lesson: students will start by grabbing their materials,
In this portion of the lesson, you will picking a partner, and finding a place to work within the classroom.
be letting go and letting students ● Provide appropriate support (not explaining how to do it): when students are working, they can
engage in productive struggle; work with a classmate for extra support, and I will be walking around listening to students
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we conversations to answer any confusions and provide extra support.
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or ● Provide worthwhile extensions: At the end of 25 minutes, I will have extra time accounted for if the
independent practice, or other students need longer. I provide a time limit so students will get to work right away. If the wrap-up
learning methods. Please write what discussion needs to be pushed back to the next day that will work as well.
you are looking for in terms of: ● Provide opportunities for students to engage in using the academic language: When students are
● Students’ thinking and how participating in whole classroom discussions such as the hook, prior knowledge, visual tool practice,
they will start the lesson. and while the students are working on their assignment. These are all times that students will be able to
● Provide appropriate support discuss social studies topics, vocabulary development strategy, and comprehension.
(not explaining how to do it).
● Provide worthwhile
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting
or modeling specific strategies
and helping students choose which
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas
come from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension ● Promote a community of learners: When students are participating in whole classroom discussions
End the lesson with a final review of such as the hook, prior knowledge, visual tool practice, and while the students are working on their
key ideas and knowledge. This is assignment. These are all times that students will be able to discuss social studies topics, vocabulary
where you have students talk about development strategy, and comprehension. These are all times students will have the chance to
September 2021
their thinking and share strategies express understanding as a whole class, small groups, pairs, and individually. Students will learn through
with the whole class. It’s important hands-on experiences and work as well. Students will also have lots of options on how to connect their
to name strategies and use academic learning to fit their personal understandings and preferences.
vocabulary here, extending the lesson ● Listen actively and probe thinking without evaluating or telling them how you would do it:
to broader ideas. When students are practicing the strategy with classmates around them, I will be listening to their
● Promote a community of conversations to learn their insights. Also, when students are working on their assignment, I will be
learners. doing the same thing and offer my help when needed by pushing them in the right direction and not
● Listen actively and probe telling them they are wrong.
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you Summary: I will introduce the article and vocabulary strategy, having the students practice, and then have the
would do it. students work independently on their assignment. Afterwards, I will have the students share what they learned
Summarize main ideas and identify from the article and what words they decided to pick for their visual tool and how it helped them. Then I will
future problems that they would be explain the importance of keep strategies in mind to develop vocabulary to gain better comprehension in your
able to solve using the thinking you readings. Then I will introduce what we will be doing next class.
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional • Printed version of article
Resources or Materials • Printed copies of visual tool
- List and provide a brief rationale • Highlighters
for all necessary lesson resources and
• White boards and expo markers
materials. If not original, cite the
source. • Scrap paper
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.
Supplies, Equipment and • Chromebooks for students to use.
Technology • White board for introduction
- List all other supplies that need to
be available.
September 2021