CAPE Biology Unit 2 - Nervous System Notes
CAPE Biology Unit 2 - Nervous System Notes
CAPE Biology Unit 2 - Nervous System Notes
made up of neurones
function + types:
sensory neurone: receive stimuli
relay neurone: transmitsinfo to the brain where its process
motor neurone: initiate response to stimuli
Overall function:
to receive, process and respond to stimuli
Nervous system is made up of nerves ad nervous tissues. Nervous tissues are made up
of tightly packed neurones held together by connective tissue.
As k+ ions move out, inside becomes more negatively charged, when equilibrum is
reached and the exit rates slows down, the inside has a resting potential of 70
milliVolts (there can be a range from 50-90mV) then the neurone is considered
Resting Potential
Diagram annotations:
Step 1:
at resting potential, there's a high concentration of sodium ions outside and a
high concentration of potassium ions inside. More s
Step 2:
When stimulated, sodium ions rush in as the sodium channels open and de-polarizes
the membrane, this increases the permeability of the membrane to sodium resulting
in a greater influx and further depolarization (positive feedback loop). A
postitive charge is created inside the membrane.
Step 3:
Localised electrical circuits are established and the impulse progresses. Potassium
ions lead the axon behind the impulse along the concentration gradient.
Step 4:
The outflux of potassium ion repolarizes the neurone behind the impulse.
Step 5:
After the impulse has passed, sodium ions are actively expelled in order to
increase their external concentration.
Notes from graph of - Propogation of Nerve Impulse
In the presence of the stimulus the membrane changes its charge from -70 mV to 40
mV, this is what is called action potential. When this happens we say the membrane
has been depolarized.
As potassium ions move out of the membrane, eventually the membrane returns to its
resting potential, this is called repolarization.
Once the impulse has passed this section of the membrane, there is a one
millisecond period in which no new stimulus can be detected.
The dip in the graph after the spike, that millisecond where no new stimulus can be
detected, is called the refractory period (absolute refractory period).
It takes a total of 2 milliseconds for that section of the membrane to return to
its resting potential.
For another 4 ms afterwards, no new stimuli can be detected nor evoke a response,
unless it was of a higher intensity than the initial.
Refractory period is there to ensure the impulse travels in only one direction. It
separates one action potential from another.
A stimulus will not be detected and an impulse will not be generated until a
certain level of intensity is reached, this level is known as the threshold value.
The gap where one nerve ends and another begins, aka where the nerve ending of one
meets the dendrite of another. Diameter - 20 nanometers
The endings where the nerves meet become bulbous and are called synaptic knobs.
The neurotransmitter substances are chemicals that help transmit the messages.
There are different forms, such as acetylcholine (nerves that use this are called
colinergic), and noradenaline (nerves that use this are called adrenergic).