Research - Paper Capstone Project

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Parikshit sharma, Rahul Sarbu, Priyanka,

Student, AIT-CSE, Student, AIT-CSE, Student, AIT-CSE,

Chandigarh University, Chandigarh University, Chandigarh University,

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract– In today's almost the whole 1. Introduction

world is connected to the Internet. All the
digital devices are connected to the This is a project for educational
Internet which infuses work easier for the institutions on a facial recognition-based
people. Nowadays, many of the devices attendance system. The traditional way of
are being developed using the Internet of marking commute to work can be a tedious
Things (IoT), computing, image task in many skills and colleges. It is also
processing, and machine learning. The an additional responsibility for schools to
system had been developed for appraise mark an attendance by naming Individuals
the attendance of the student and which may take up to 5 minutes for a full
recognition of the student faces for session. This can be time consuming.
marking up the attendance. The system is There are certain chances of a
enacted to form a classroom attendance representative. Therefore, many
system that uses the concept of face institutions began using many other
recognition as today's manual attendance recording methods such as the use of
systems become more time-consuming and Frequency Identification (RFID) [3], Iris
cumbersome to keep up properly. A recognition [4], fingerprint recognition,
database of all the students with their and more. However, these online based
details is stored in the firebase cloud, and systems can be time consuming and
attendance is recorded when the face that disruptive in nature. Face recognition has
is recognized by the system is available in set a very important biometric feature,
the database which had been done through which is easily accessible and unobtrusive.
training of the images. The system is Face-based systems that ignore a lot of
designed and developed in python facial expressions. The face recognition
language. It has its own face recognition program consists of two stages:
method and listening features using the verification and facial recognition. Face
(LBPH) Algorithm" within the project of verification is a 1: 1 matching process,
the OpenCV library. comparing face-to-face image processing
and there is a 1: N comparing face query
image. The purpose of this approach is to
create a travel plan based on face the camera will scan the Iris code. The
recognition strategies. Here a personal face scanned iris is compared with the
is considered a mark of presence. Today, individual data stored on the website and
facial recognition is gaining popularity and their presence should be updated. This
has been widely used. In the middle of this reduces the paper and pen function of the
page, we suggested a face recognition college members of the institution. This
system in the live video class and also reduces the chances of being
attendees will be marked when the found represented within the classroom, and
face is found within the website. In helps maintain secure code records. it is a
comparison to existing procedures, this wireless biometric method that solves the
new technology will take less time. issue of false existence and therefore the
problem of setting up a compatible

Face Based Recognition System:

Biometric detection technology will be
2. Backgound
used to record attendees with a high-
Fingerprint Based Recognition System: definition camera that detects individual
For a fingerprint-based departure system, faces so the machine compares known
the portable fingerprint device should be faces with student faces stored within the
pre-configured with Individual fingerprints website. When the face of the code is
ahead of time. Later in the teaching hours matched to a saved image, attendees are
or before, the coed should record marked with the current website for further
fingerprints on the suspended device to calculation. If the captured image does not
ensure their daily presence. The point is match the existing student face on the
that during the study it should be website, this image is saved as a new
distracting to the eyes of individuals. image on the website. During this process,
there is a chance that the camera will not
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) take the correct picture or will miss the
Based Recognition System: In an existing number of individuals in the picture.
RFID-based system, Co-ed should always
carry good identification and place an ID 3. Methodology
with a cardboard reader to record their
daily presence. The system is able to A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
connect to RS232 and record attendees on is a Deep Learning algorithm which can
a saved website. There is a possibility of takein an input image, assign importance
fraudulent access that may occur. Some (learnable weights and biases) to various
students may use another student's ID to aspects/objects in the image and be able to
verify their presence in the absence of the differentiate one from the other.
real student or themselves try to misuse it

Iris Based Recognition System: In an Iris-

based student travel program, the scholar
should rotate in front of the camera, so that
4. Result and discussion.

A convolutional neural network is

proposed to detect the states of the eyes
and mouth from the ROI images.

Haar Cascade-
It is an Object Detection Algorithm used to
identify faces in an image or a real time
video. The algorithm uses edge or line.

Regarding detecting the face, mouth and

eye image, the Haar algorithm will be
used, Haar algorithm is a well-known
robust feature-based algorithm that can
detect the face image efficiently.


Training Image Data


Gahnium," Implementation of face
recognition algorithm for biometrics based
time attendance system", IEEE, ICT For
Smart Society (ICISS), International
Conference January 2015.

Brian C. Becker, Enrique G.Ortiz,

"Evaluation of Face Recognition

VIEW ATTENDANCE Techniques for Application to Facebook"

IEEE, 2008.

International Journal of Computer and

Communication Engineering, Vol. 1, No.
2, July 2012 - Study of Implementing
Automated Attendance System Using Face
CSV RECORD ATTENDANCE Recognition Technique by Nirmalya Kar,
Mrinal Kanti Debbarma, Ashim Saha, and
Dwijen Rudra Pal. Real time face
recognition system using PCA and various
distanceclassifiers by Deepesh Raj - IIT


Existing project:

Adrian Rhesa Septian Siswanto, Anto

Satriyo Nugroho, Maulahikmah

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