Model Exit Exam For Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Students PDF

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1 SECTION ONE ....................................................................................................................... 1

2 SECTION TWO ...................................................................................................................... 8

3 SECTION THREE ................................................................................................................ 15

4 SECTION FOUR .................................................................................................................. 22

5 SECTION FIVE .................................................................................................................... 29

6 SECTION SIX ....................................................................................................................... 36

7 ANSWERS ............................................................................................................................ 42
1 SECTION ONE function

E. All the above.

1. A pitot tube is used to measure
A. Pressure
4. The maximum vacuum created at the
summit of a syphon is
B. difference in pressure
A. 2.7 m of water
C. velocity of flow B. 7.4 m of water

D. none of these. C. 5.5 m of water

D. none.
2. The thickness of a sharp crested weir is
kept less than
5. If the atmospheric pressure on the
one-third of the height of water surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8) is 0.1
on the sill kg/cm2, the pressure at a depth of 2.5 m,
one-half of the height of water on
B. A. 1 metre of water
the sill

one-fourth of the height of water B. 2 metres of water

on the sill
C. 3 metres of water
two-third of the height of water
D. D. 3.5 metres of water
on the sill
E. 4.0 metres of water.
E. none of these.
6. The total pressure force on a plane area
is equal to the area multiplied by the
3. The property of steam function ψ is :
intensity of pressure at its centroid, if
ψ is constant everwhere on any
A. A. area is horizontal
stream line
B. area is vertical
the flow around any path in the
fluid is zero for continuous flow C. area is inclined
the rate of change of ψ with D. all the above.
distance in an arbitrary direction,
C. is proportional to the component
7. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000
of velocity normal to that
kg is 4 cubic metres, 0.75 is its
A. specific weight
the velocity vector may be found
D. B. specific mass
by differentiating th stream
C. specific gravity 11. Most economical section of a circular
channel for maximum discharge
D. none of these. depth of water = 0.95 diameter of
circular section
8. Bernoulli's equation assumes that
hydraulic mean depth = 0.286
A. fluid is non-viscous B.
diameter of circular section
B. fluid is homogeneous wetted perimeter = 2.6 diameter
of circular section
C. flow is steady
wetted perimeter = 2.83 depth of
D. flow is along the stream line D.
E. all the above.
E. all the above.

9. The time required to close a valve

gradually is (where L is the length of 12. Unit of kinematic viscosity is
pipe and C = velocity of pressure wave) A. m2/sec

A. B. Newton sec/m2

C. Newton sec/m3
≤ D. Kg sec/m2.

C. 13. The moment of inertia of a floating body

along its longitudinal axis and the
volume of water displaced by it
< are Iand V respectively. The height of
the metacentre above centre of buoyancy
10. A syphon is used of the body, is

to connect water reservoirs at A.

A. different levels ntervened by a
to supply water to a town from
higher level to lower level C.
to fill up a tank with water at
higher level from a lower level D.
D. none of these.
B. maximum at the inside of surface
14. Time of emptying liquid from a
hemispherical vessel through an orifice C. same throughout the section
at its bottom, is
D. none of these.
18. Product of Renold number, Froud's
number and Mach number is :
15. Critical depth (h) of a channel, is

19. Pick up the correct statement from the

following :
For tranquil
C. A.
flow h > 2g or v <
16. The ratio of maximum velocity to For critical flow
average velocity of viscous fluid through
a circular pipe is For torrential
A. 0.5 flow h > or v < gh
B. 0.75 D. None of these.
C. 1.25
20. The side slope of Cipolletti weir is
D. 2.00 generally kept
. A. 1 to 4

17. The shear stress distribution in viscous B. 1 to 3

fluid through a circular pipe is :
C. 1 to 2
A. maximum at the centre
D. 1:5 is

21. A cylinder 3 m in diameter and 4 m A. 1.25

long retains water one side as shown in B. 1.33
the below figure. If the weight of the
cylinder is 2000 kgf, the horizontal C. 1.50
reaction at B is
D. 1.66

E. 2.00

24. A piezometer opening in pipes measures

A. velocity head

B. static pressure

C. total pressure

D. negative static pressure.

A. 10,000 kgf 25. An independent mass of a fluid does not

B. 15,000 kgf
A. elevation energy
C. 20,000 kgf
B. kinetic energy
D. 18,000 kgf.
C. pressure energy

22. Inside pressure in a hollow soap bubble D. none of these.

in the air is : (where d is the diameter of While applying the Bernoulli's
the bubble) 26.

A. equation =
total head, the work any section done on
the flow system, if any
is added on the right side of the
is added on the left side of the
D. equation

C. is ignored
23. The momentum correction factor (β) for D. none of these.
the viscous flow through a circular pipe
B. absolute viscosity
27. Discharge Q over a rectangular weir of
length L and height H, is given by the C. dynamic viscosity
D. Viscosity
A. Q = 2/3 Cd2g LH3/2
E. all the above.
B. Q = 2/3 CdL H2gH
31. A pipe of 0.1 m2 cross sectional area
C. suddenly enlarges to 0.3 m2 cross-
sectional area. If the discharge of the
D. all the above. pipe is 0.3 m3 /sec, the head loss is
A. 2/g m of water

28. A short tube mouthpiece will not run full B. g/2 m of water
at its outlet if the head under which the
C. 1g m of water
orifice works, is
A. less than 12.2 m of the water D. g m of water.

B. more than 12.2 m of the water

32. Maximum efficiency of transmission of
C. equal of 12.2 m of water power through a pipe, is
A. 25%
D. none of these.
B. 33.3%
29. Hydrostatic pressure on a dam depends
C. 50%
upon its
A. Length D. 66.67%.

B. Depth
33. An ideal flow of a liquid obeys
C. Shape A. Continuity equation

D. Material B. Newton's law of viscosity

E. both (b) and (c). C. Newton's second law of motion

D. dynamic viscosity law,

30. When two layers of a fluid separated
by dy move over the other with a
difference of velocity dv, causes a 34. Euler's equation for motion of liquids, is
given by
shearing stress , where μ is
known as
A. coefficient of viscosity
B. C.

C. D. none of these.

D. ρdp + gdz + vdv = 0 38. If the total head of the nozzle of a pipe is
37.5 m and discharge is 1 cumec, the
35. Reynold number is the ratio of initial power generated is
force and A. 400 H.P.
A. Viscosity
B. 450 H.P.
B. Elasticity
C. 500 H.P.
C. gravitational force
D. 550 H.P.
D. surface tension.
3 hen a body is totally or partially immersed in 39. The phenomenon occuring in an open
6 a fluid, it is buoyed up by a force equal to channel when a rapidly flowing stream
abruptly changes to a slowly flowing
A. weight of the body
stream causing a distinct rise of liquid
weight of the fluid displaced by the surface, is
body A. water hammer

weight of the body and fluild B. hydraulic jump

displaced by the body
C. critical discharge
difference of weights of the fluid
D. D. none of these.
displaced and that of the body

E. none of these.
40. In a circular pipe of length L and
diameter d, a viscous liquid is flowing
37. If D is the diameter of a pipe of with a velocity v. The loss in head, is
length L and f is the coefficient of
friction of pipe then diameter of the A.
nozzle d is

A. B.


E. none of these.
41. The horizontal component of the force
on a curved surface is equal to
weight of liquid vertically below 44. The Empirical
the curved surface

force on a vetical projection of formula

the curved surface for discharge over large rectangular
weirs, is known as
product of pressure at its centroid
C. A. Francis formula
and the area

Weight of liquid retained by the B. Bazin formula

curved area. C. Rehbook formula

D. Kutter's formula.
42. The radius of gyration of the water line
of a floating ship is 4 m and its
metacentric height is 72.5 cm. The 45. The diameter (d) of a nozzle fixed at the
period of oscillation of the ship, is end of a pipe (diameter D, length L) for
A. π maximum energy, is

B. 2π A.

C. 3π
D. 4π

E. π/2

43. A pipe consisting of several pipes of

varying diameters and lengths, may be D.
replaced by an equivalent pipe of
diameter D of length 46. Pick up the correct statement regarding
Borda's mouth piece running full from
A. the following :
Actual velocity at the out let
is gH
Theoretical velocity at the outlet
is 2gH
C. C. Coefficient of velocity is 1/2
D. Coefficient of contraction is 1 50. Highest dam in India, is

E. All the above. A.Bhakra dam

B. Hirakund dam
47. Differential manometers are used to
measure C. Nagarjuna Sagar dam
pressure in water channels, pipes, D. Iddiki dam.

difference in pressure at two

C. atmospheric pressure

D. very low pressure.

48. A tank 4m x 3m x 2m containing an oil

of specific gravity 0.83 is moved with an
1. Liquids
acceleration g/2 m sec2. The ratio of the
pressures at its bottom when it is moving A. cannot be compressed
vertically up and down, is
B. do not occupy definite shape
A. 2
are not affected by change in pressure
B. 3 C.
and temperature
C. 1/2 D. none of these.
D. 1/3
2. The ratio of the percentagge error in the
discharge and percentage error in the
49. The most familiar form of Bernoulli's
measurement of head over a triangular
equation, is
notch, is
A. A. 2/3

B. 3/2
C. 2/5

D. 5/2
C. =
constant head 3. The ratio of the inertia and gravitational
force acting in any flow, ignoring other
D. none of these. forces, is called
A. Euler number 7. Hydraulic ram is a device
for lifting water without an
B. Frode number A.
electric motor
C. Reynold number B. for accelerating water flow
D. Weber number. C. for lifting heavy loads

D. none of these.
4. A rectangular channel 6 m wide and 3 m
deep and having a bed slope as 1 in 2000
is running full. If Chezy's constant C = 8. Gauge pressure is
54.8, pick up the correct specification of absolute pressure - atmospheric
the channel from the following : A.
A. hydraulic mean depth = 1.5 m
absolute pressure + atmospheric
B. Velocity of flow = 1.5 m/sec pressure

C. Rate of flow = 27 m3/sec atmospheric pressure - absolute

D. All the above.
D. none of these.
5. Non-over flow double curvature
concrete arch, is provided in 9. The mouth piece shown in the below
A. Bhakra dam figure is generally known as

B. Hirakund dam

C. Nagarjuna Sagar dam

D. Iddiki dam.
6.For the most economical trapezoidal
open channel,
half of the top width must be
equal to one of the sloping sides

the hydraulic mean depth must be

B. A. Internal mouth piece
equal to half the depth of flow

the semicircle drawn with top B. Re-entrant mouth piece

C. width as diameter must touch the
C. Borda's mouth piece
three sides of the channel
D. All the above.
D. All of these.
10. If S is the length of the crest, H is the A. higher than the surface of liquid
height of water source of a weir whose
length is L and discharge is Qm3/sec, the B. same as the surface of liquid
velocity of approach Vd is
C. lower than the surface of liquid
A. 2gH
D. none of these.
14. The continuity equation
C. expresses the relationship
between work and energy
D. relates the momentum per unit
B. volume between two points on a
E. none of these. stream line
11. If jet of water coming out from a nozzle
with a velocity 9.81 m/s, the angle of relates mass rate of flow along a
elevation being 30°, the time to reach stream line
the highest point is requires that Newton's second law
A. 0.25 s D. of motion be satisfied at every
point in fluid.
B. 0.50 s

C. 1.0 s 15. Water displaced by a floating wooden

block of density 0.75, 5 m long, 2 m
D. 1.5 s. wide and 3 m high, is
A. 17.5 m3
12. The discharge through a 100 mm
diameter external mouth piece fitted to B. 20.0 m3
the side of a large vessel is 0.05948
m3/s. The head over the mouth piece is C. 22.5 m3

A. 2 m D. 25 km3.
. In pipe lines, a surge tank is provided
B. 2.5 m
to relieve the pressure due to
C. 3.0 m A.
water hammer
D. 4.0 m. B. to provide additional water head

to overflow the pipe line when

13. If cohesion between the molecules of a C.
suddenly closed
fluid is more than adhesion between the
fluid and glass, the free level of fluid in to remove the frictional loss in
a dipped glass tube will be D.
D. both (a) and (b) above
17. Total head of a liquid particle in motion
is the sum of E. both (b) and (c) above.
A. potential head and kinetic head 21. Flow in pipes is laminar if Reynold
number is
B. kinetic head and pressure head
A. less than 2100
C. potential head and pressure head
B. more than 3000
potential head, kinetic head and
D. C. between 2100 and 3000
pressure head.
D. none of these.
18. The velocity distribution of viscous fluid
through a circular/pipe is :
22. The terminal velocity (v) of a sphere of
A. hyperbolic radius r and specific weight W, which
travels vertically downwards in a liquid
B. circular of viscosity μ and specific weight W, is
C. parabolic
D. elliptical.
19. If u, v, w are the components of the
velocity v of a moving particle, the
equation represents
A. one diamensional flow D.
B. two dimensional flow

C. three dimensional flow 23. In flow, the liquid particles may possess
A. potential energy
D. none of these.
B. kinetic energy
20. Mercury is generally used in barometers
C. pressure energy
its vaour pressure is practically D. all the above.
24. Euler's equation for the motion of
the height of the barometer will
B. liquids assumes that
be less
A. fluid is viscous
C. it is a best liquid
B. fluid is homogeneous and
incompressible A. Viscosity

velocity of flow is non-uniform B. surface tension

over the section
C. gravitational force
flow is unsteady along the stream
D. D. elasticity.

25. The height of water level in a tank above 29. Hydraulic gradient is equal to difference
the centre of a circular hole 2.5 cm in in water surfaces
diameter is 50 m. The velocity of water
flowing through the hole, is
A. 31.1 m/sec
B. 31.2 m/sec

C. 31.3 m/sec C.

D. 31.4 m/sec.
26. A steady uniform flow is through
A. a long pipe at decreasing rate
30. The main assumption of Bernoulli's
B. a long pipe at constant rate equation is :
C. an expanding tube at constant rate The velocity of energy of liquid
A. particle, across any cross-section
an expanding tube at increasing of a pipe is uniform
No external force except the
E. a long pipe at increasing rate. B.
gravity acts on the liquid

27. Cavitation is caused by There is no loss of energy of the

liquid while flowing
A. Low pressure
D. All the above.
B. High pressure
31. The valve closure is said to be sudden if
C. Low velocity
D. High velocity

E. None of these. B.

28. Mach number is the ratio of inertia force C.

35. Kinematic viscosity of liquids by
equation is
determined by :
32. If Re is the Renold's number, the
coefficient of friction for laminar flow is A. Redwood viscometer

A. B. Engler viscometer

C. Saybolt universal viscometer

D. None of these.
If the forces are due to inertia and
C. gravity, and frictional resistance plays
only a minor role, the design of the
D. channels is made by comparing
A. Reynold number

33. The length of pipe is L, velocity of flow B. Froude number

of a liquid in the pipe is V. If t is the
time in second required to close the C. Weber number
valve, the head of pressure D. Mach number.
37. The discharge over a Cipolletti weir of
length 2.185 m when the head over the
B. weir is 1 m, is
A. 2.0 m3
B. 2.5 m3
D. none of these. C. 3.0 m3

34. For critical depth of flow of water in D. 4.0 m3.

open channels, fc the specific energy
must be : 38. The velocity of the fluid particle at the
A. minimum centre of the pipe section, is
A. minimum
B. maximum
B. maximum
average of maximum and
minimum C. equal throughout

D. None of these. D. none of these.

39. Due to decrease of diameter of the E. very high pressure.
droplet, inside pressure intensity
A. increases 43. For most economical rectangular section
B. decreases of a channel, the depth is kept
A. one-fourth of the width
C. remains unaffected
B. three times the hydraulic radius
D. None of these.
C. half the width
40. In order to avoid capillary correction, D. hydraulic mean depth
the minimum diameter of a manometer
used for measuring pressure, should be E. none of these.
A. 2 mm
44. In a centrifugual pump casing, the flow
B. 4 mm of water leaving the impeller, is
C. 6 mm A. rectilinear flow

D. 8 mm B. radial flow

E. 10 mm. C. free vortex motion

. When water flows over a rectangular D. forced vertex.
suppressed weir, the negative pressure
created beneath the nappe
A. increases the discharge

B. decreases the discharge 4 In fluids, steady flow occurs when

5. conditions of flow change
C. does not effect the discharge A.
steadily with time
D. none of these. conditions of flow do not change
with time at a point
42. Barometres are used to measure
conditions of flow remain the
pressure in water channels, pipes C.
A. same at adjacent point
Velocity vector remains constant
difference in pressure at two D.
B. at a point.
A cylinder 3 m in diameter and 4 m long
C. atmospheric pressure retains water one side as shown in the
below figure. If the weight of the cylinder
D. very low pressure is 2000 kgf, the vertical reaction at A is
A. (H2 - H1) > H

B. (H2 - H1) > H/4

C. (H2 - H1) > H/2

D. (H2 - H1) > H/3

50. A closed cylindrical vessel of 100 cm

diameter and 200 cm high is completely
filled with a liquid (sp. weight 1600 kg/m3)
A. 14,137 kgf
when rotated about its vertical axis at 100
B. 5,863 kgf r.p.m. The total pressure on its lid, is
C. 20,000 kgf B.549 kg
D. 18,000 kgf.
C.945 kg

47. From a nozzle exposed to atmosphere, D.954 kg

the liquid jet traverses
E.95.4 kg.
A. a straight line

B. a circular path

C. an elliptical path 3 SECTION THREE

D. a parabolic path.
1. For exerting a pressure of 4.8 kg/cm2, the
48. To avoid the force of surface tension in depth of oil (specific gravity 0.8), should
an inclined manometer, the minimum be
angle of inclination is A. 40 cm
A. 2°
B. 41 cm
B. 3°
C. 56 cm
C. 4°
D. 60 cm
D. 5°
E. 76 cm.

49. An orifice is taken as large if

2. A cylindrical vessel 40 cm high is
revolved about its vertical axis so that
the water touches the bottom when it A. 1.25%
just spills out. If the radius of the
cylinder is 5 cm, the angular velocity of B. 1.5%
rotation, is
C. 2.0%.
A. 2 rad/sec

B. 3 rad/sec D. 2.5%

C. 4 rad/sec

D. 5 rad/sec
6. Which one of the following equation
E. none of these. is applicable to unsteady flow in open
channels :
3. For the flow of liquid from an open
ended tube (or nozzle) leading to the
formation of spray of liquid drops, the
number generally applied, is B.
A. Froude number

B. Weber number C.

C. Reynold number
D. Mach number.

4.In Newton's viscosity 7. Dimensions of the dynamic viscosity (μ)

equation , the coefficient (μ) is A. MLT-2
known as coefficient of
B. M-1L-1T-1
A. viscosity
C. ML-1T-2
B. absolute viscosity
D. ML-1T-1.
C. dynamic viscosity

D. simple viscosity 8. To avoid vaporization, pipe lines are laid

over the ridge so that these are above the
E. all the above. hydraulic gradient line, not more than
A. 2.4 m
5. An error of 1% in measuring the head of
water over the crest of a triangular B. 6.4 m
notch, produces an error in the discharge
which is equal to C. 10.0 m
D. 5.0 m. elastic properties of the following
9. A jet projected at an angle of 45θ, 40 m E. all the above.
from the foot of a vertical column, just
reaches the top of the column. The
height of the column is 13. If velocities of fluid particles vary from
point to point in magnitude and
A. 15 m direction, as well as from instant to
B. 20 m instant, the flow is said to be
A. Laminar
C. 30 m
B. turbulent flow
D. 40 m
C. uniform flow
E. 60 m.
D. non-uniform flow.
10. If Cv, Cc, Cd and Cr are the hydraulic
coefficients of an orifice, then 14. The rise of the liquid along the walls of
A. Cd = Cc. Cv a revolving cylinder above the initial
level, is
B. Cr = 1 + Cv2/Cd greater than the depression of the
C. Cv = Cc + Cd liquid at the axis of rotation

D. Cc = Cv/Cd lesser than the depression of the

liquid at the axis of rotation
Atmospheric pressure varies with
the same as the depression of the
A. Altitude C.
liquid at the axis of rotation
B. Temperature
D. None of these.
C. weather conditions
15. Fluids change the volume under external
D. All of the above.
presssure due to
A. Plasticity
12. The magnitude of water hammer in a
pipe depends upon B. Viscosity
A. speed at which value is closed
C. Compressibility
B. length of the pipe line
D. none of these.
elastic properties of the pipe Discharge over an ogee weir remains the
material same as that of
A. sharp crested weir is true?
The value of kinetic energy
B. triangular weir A. correction factor for turbulent
C. cippoletti weir flow lies between 1.03 to 1.06

D. Drowned weir. The value of kinetic energy

B. correction factor for laminar flow
is 2
17. When no air is left below the nappe and
water stream adheres to the downstream The practical value of kinetic
face of the weir, it is known as C. energy correction factor for
turbulent flow is unity
A. free nappe
D. All the above.
B. depressed nappe
Uniform flow is said to occur when
C. clinging nappe
size and shape of the cross-
D. none of these. A. section in a particular length
remain constant
18. The best side slope for most economical size and shape of the cross-
trapezoidal section, is B.
section change along a length
A. 30°
frictional loss in the particular
B. 45° length of the channel will the
more than the drop in its
C. 60° elevation
D. None of these. frictional loss in the particular
D. length of the channel, will be less
19. The following is not a laminar flow than the drop in elevation.

Flow of oil in measuring

A. 22. For the most economical trapezoidal
section of a channel with regards to
B. Flow in beds in ground water discharge, the required condition, is
Rise of water in plants through A. half of top width = sloping side
B. hydraulic depth = half the depth
Flow of blood in the arteries of
D. C.
human body

E. Flow in water pipe lines. perpendiculars drawn from the

D. centre of the top width on to the
20. Which one of the following statements bottom sloping side, are all equal
E. all the above.
23. Molecules of fluids get attracted due to
A. capillarity action
B. surface tension

C. Adhesion
27. Atmospheric pressure is equal to water
D. Cohesion column head of
A. 9.81 m
E. none of these.
B. 5.0 m
24. Cappoletti weir is a
C. 10.30 m
rectangular weir whose length is
A. kept 3 times the height of the D. 7.5 m.
water above sill
28. Shear stress is directly proportional to
triangular weir whose notch angle
B. A. the velocity
is 90°

trapezoidal weir, whose sides B. the shear strain

slope 1 horizontal to 2 verticals
C. the viscosity
a combination of rectangular and
D. D. the velocity.
triangular weirs.

29. To avoid an interruption in the flow of a

25. On an inclined plane, centre of pressure
syphon, an air vessel is provided
is located
A. at the inlet
A. at the centroid
B. at the outlet
B. above the centroid
C. at the summit
C. below the centroid
at any point between intet and
D. anywhere. D.
. For pipes not running full, the hydraulic
mean depth is given by
30. Pick up the correct statement from the
A. m = r(θ - sin θ) following :
Total energy gradient is the
B. A. graphical representation of the
total head at any section of a pipe
line diameter is equal to diameter of
the tube.
Vertical distance between the
total energy line and hydraulic C. both (a) and (b)
grade line is equal to the velocity
head D. Neither (a) nor (b).

Vertical distance between the 34. If total head available at the inlet of pipe
C. total energy line and total energy and f1 is the loss of head due to friction
gradient represents loss of head in the pipe, the maximum efficiency of
D. all the above. transmission of power (ηmax) is

A fluid particle may possess the A. ½

displacement of B. 2/3
A. Translation
C. ¾
B. Rotation
D. 4/5
C. Distortion

D. all the above. 35. Piezometers are used to measure

pressure in water channels, pipes
32. In Chezy's formula V = C mi etc.

A. V is the mean velocity of flow difference in pressure at two

B. m is the hydraulic mean depth
C. atmospheric pressure
i is the loss of head per unit
length of pipe D. very low pressure.

D. All the above. . Most economical section of a triangular

channel, is

33. Pick up the correct statement from the A. equilateral triangle

following : B. right angled triangle
When the length of the tube is
equal to diameter of the internal isosceles triangle with 45° vertex
A. mouth piece, the jet of liquid angle
comes out without touching the right angled triangle with equal
sides of the tube D.
When the length of the tube is
B. three times the diameter of the 37. In an open tube, free surface of mercury
internal mouth piece, the jet remains
A. horizontal C. atmospheric pressure

B. curved upwards D. very low pressure

C. curved downwards . For maximum horse power of a nozzle,

the head supplied must be equal to
D. none of these. head loss in the pipe due to
twice the head loss in the pipe
The equation for the viscosity, B.
due to friction
is suggested
A. Bernoulli thrice the head loss in the pipe
due to friction
B. Newton
four times the head loss in the
C. Chezy D.
pipe due to friction.
D. Bezin
42. The ratio of frictional factor and
E. Helmholtz. coefficient of friction used in general
equation for a head loss in a pipe, is
39. The value of momentum correction A. 1
factor (β) for a laminar flow through a
circular pipe, is B. 2
A. 1/2 C. 3
B. 2/3 D. 4
C. 3/4
43. Flow in pipes is turbulent if Reynold
D. 4/3 number is
E. 3/2 A. less than 2100

B. more than 3000

C. between 2100 and 3000

D. none of these.
40. Manometers are used to measure
pressure in water channels, pipes 44. Back water curve is caused if
friction head loss is more than the
difference in pressure at two bed slope
B. pressure is due to weir in the
channel channels

there is an increase in width of head loss due to friction in pipes

C. C.
the channel flowing full

D. none of these. D. Flow in pipes.

45. Power transmitted through a pipe is 49. A non-uniform steady flow is through
maximum when friction head loss, is A. a long tube at a decreasing rate
A. one-half of the total head supplied
B. an expanding tube at constant rate
one-third of the total head
B. an expanding tube at increasing
supplied C.
one-fouth of the total head
C. D. a long pipe at increasing rate.

D. equal to the total head supplied. 50. An ideal fluid is

. The specific weight of water is 1000 A. Incompressible
A. at normal pressure of 760 mm B. Compressible

B. at 4°C temperature C. compressible and non-viscous

C. at mean sea level Slightly affected by surface

D. all the above.
47. Specific weight of liquid
A. remains constant at every place
1. Equation of continuity of flow is based on
does not remain constant at every the principle of conservation of
place A. Mass
varies from place to place on the B. momentum
C. Force
D. does not vary on any other planet.
D. none of these.
48. Manning's formula is used for
2. Pick up the correct statement from the
A. flow in open channels
following :
B. head loss due to friction in open A. Discharge over a triangular notch
is proportional to H5/2 A. velocity

Discharge over a rectangular B. pressure

notch is proportional to H3/2
C. density
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. none of these.
D. Neither (a) nor (b).
7. The notch angle for maximum discharge
3. The flow in open channel is said to be over a triangular notch, is
subcritical if the Froude number is A. 30°
A. less than 1.0
B. 60°
B. equal to 1.0
C. 90°
C. greater than 1.0
D. 120°
D. none.
8. In an inclined pipe, the pressure
4. In C.G.S. system the unit of visocity is difference at its two ends is due to
A. dyne A. sudden head drop at inlet

B. joule B. exit head drop

C. poise C. frictional loss head

D. Newton D. elevation head

E. none of these. E. all the above.

5. The ratio of percentage error in the 9. Weber number is the ratio of inertia
discharge and percentage error in the force to
measurement of head, over rectangular A. surface tension
notch, is
A. 1/2 B. gravitational force

B. 2/3 C. Elasticity

C. 3/2 D. viscosity.

D. 3/4
10. Though angle of deviation of liquid is
6. In steady flow, which one of the more in internal mouth piece, the
following changes with time contraction of the jet, is
A. more in the internal mouth piece B. equal to 1.5
C. is more than 0.5
B. less in the internal mouth piece D. less than 0.2
15. The flow in which each liquid particle
C. equal to external mouth piece has a definite path and the paths of adjacent
particles do not cross each other, is called
D. none of these.
A. stream line flow
B. uniform flow
11. Most economical section of a circular C. steady flow
channel for maximum velocity, is if, D. turbulent flow.
[A]. depth of water = 0.810 diameter
[B]. hydraulic mean depth = 0.304
diameter 16.16.To replace a pipe of diameter D
[C]. wetted perimeter = 2.245 diameters
by n parallel pipes of diameter d,
[D]. all the above.
the formula is
12. The ratio of time for completely
emptying the hemispherical tank and A. d =D/n
circular horizontal tank of equal radii both
fitted with similar orifices at their bottoms is B. d = D/n^0.5

C. d= D/n^1.5

D. d= D/n^0.4
E. d= D/n^0.67

17. The dimensionless parameter not

applicable to flowing liquids, is
A. Reynold number
13. An open container filled with water is
moved vertically upward with a uniform B. Weber number
linear acceleration. The pressure at its
C. Pressure coefficient
bottom will be
A. greater than static pressure D. Kinematic viscosity
B. equal to static pressure
C. lesser than static pressure E. Friction factor.
D. none of these.
14. The gases are considered incompressible 18. The pressure rise due to water hammer
if Match number is depends upon
A. equal to 1.0
the velocity of flow of water in C. half the depth of flow
the pipe
D. None of these.
B. the length of pipe

C. time taken to close the valve 22. If a1 and a2 are the cross-sectional areas
of a tank and orifice, h the height of
D. the elasticity of the pipe material water level in tank above the centre of
the orifice, the velocity of approach is
E. All of above. given by

19. In a two dimensional flow if the A.

components of the velocity
are u = ax ; v = by, the point where no
motion occurs, is known as B.
A. critical point

B. neutral point
C. stagnation point

D. stationary point D.
E. none of these.

23. The hydrostatic force acts through

20. Most economical section of a circular
channel for maximum velocity, is if, A. centre of pressure
A. depth of water = 0.810 diameter B. centre of top edge
hydraulic mean depth = 0.304 C. centre of bottom edge
D. metacentre.
wetted perimeter = 2.245
24. In an inclined position, a venturimeter
D. all the above. records
A. more reading

B. less reading
21. For a most economical rectangular
channel, the width of the channel must C. same reading
D. none of these.
A. equal to depth of flow

B. twice the depth of flow 25. If E1 and E2 are the specific energies at
the start of back water curve and at the line is 10 kg/cm2, the efficiency of
maximum rise of water respectively transmission, is
and ib and ie are the head slope and the A. 66.6%
energy line slope respectively, the
length of back water (L) is given by B. 77.7%

A. C. 55.5%

D. 88.8%.
29. Pick up the incorrect statement from to
following regarding triangular notch :
For measuring low discharge, it
D. None of these. gives more accurate result

26. The velocity of flow at the critical Only one reading (i.e. H) is
depth (hc) is called critical velocity (Vc) B. required for computation of
which is equal to discharge
A. Vc = g x hc C. Ventilation is necessary
B. g x hc D. None of these.
30. The flow in a channel is said to be non-
D. None of these. uniform, if
free water surface of an open
27. In a short cylindercial external A. channel is not parallel to the bed
mouthpiece, the venacontracta occurs at of channel
a distance from the outlet of orifice
equal to head needed to overcome
B. frictional reistance is less than the
A. diameter of the orifice
drop in elevation of channel bed
one-fourth the diameter of the
B. head needed to overcome
frictional resistance is more than
one-third the diameter of the the drop in elevation of channel
C. bed

two-third the diameter of the

D. D. all the above.
31. If H is the depth of water retained by a
28. If the pressure at the inlet of a pipe is 90 vertical wall, the height of centre of
kg/cm2 and pressure drop over the pipe pressure above the bottom is
A. D. none of these.

B. 35. The flow in open channel is laminar if

the Reynold number is

C. A. less than 500

B. more than 500

C. 1000

D. none of these.
32. For maximum power transmission
through a nozzle, (where hf is the head 36. Centre of buoyancy is
lost due to friction) A. centroid of the floating body
A. B. centroid of the fluid displaced

centre of pressure of the displaced

B. C.

D. none of these.

37. The intensity of pressure due to sudden

closure of a valve of a pipe in which
water flows with velocity v, is directly
33. Mass density of liquid (ρ) is given by proportional to :
square root of the bulk modulus
A. A.
of elasticity of water

bulk modulus of elasticity of

B. B.

C. C. specific weight of water

D. none of these.
D. all the above.
38. The initial diffrence between liquid
34. 'Flow net' can be drawn only if the flow levels of two identical cylindrical
is vessels having their area of cross-
A. turbulent section A, is H. Flow time T from one
vessel to another through an orifice
B. rotational having coefficient of discharge Cd and
area a will be
C. distortion
A. B. center of lower edge

C. centroid of the area

B. D. None of these.

C. 43. The ratio of the hydraulic radius of a

pipe running full to the hydraulic radius
of a square section of a channel whose
side is equal to the diameter of the pipe,
39. Total energy line is A. 1
A. pressure head
B. datum head
C. kinetic head

D. All the above. D.

40. For critical flow, the Froude number is :

44. A body of dimensions 1.5 m x 1.0 m x 2
A. 1.0 m weighs 3000 kg in water. Its specific
gravity is
B. less than 1.0
A. 0.8
C. more than 1.0
B. 0.9
D. 2
C. 1.0
41.A stepped notch is a combination of
rectangular notches of different D. 1.1
45. An orifice is called a large orifice if
triangular notches of different
B. water head, is
A. twice the diameter of the orifice
C. rectangular and triangular notches
B. thrice the diameter of the orifice
D. all the above.
four times the diameter of the
42. The centre of pressure of a vertical plane
immersed in a liquid is at Five times the diameter of the
A. center of higher edge orifice.
B. Newton sec per m2
46. When a liquid rotates at constant angular
velocity about a vertical axis of a rigid C. Newton-sec2/m3
body, the pressure
D. m2 per sec.
increases linearly to its radial

varies inversely as the altitude 50.Water flows through a convergent

along any vertical line mouthpiece of diameter 4 cm at
convergence under a head of 3 meters. If
varies as the square of the radial the maximum vacuum pressure is 9
distance meters of water, the maximum diameter
decreases as the square of the of divergence, to avoid separation of
D. flow, is
radial distance
A. 4 cm
E. None of these.
B. 6 cm
47. For the two dimensional flow, the C. 2 cm
stream function is given by ψ = 2xy. The
velocity at a point (3, 4) is D. 23 cm.
A. 6 m/sec
B. 8 m/sec
2. An ideal fluid
C. 10 m/sec
A. is frictionless and incompressible
D. 12 m/sec
B. obeys Newton's law of velocity
E. 15 m/sec.
C. is similar to gas
48. A floating body attains stable D. is very viscous.
equilibrium if its metacentre is
A. at the centroid 3. In C.G.S. system the units of kinematic
viscosity, is
B. above the centroid
A. Stoke
C. below the centroid
B. Poise
D. Anywhere.
C. Newton
49. The unit of the viscosity is D. None of these.
A. kg sec/m
4. A triangular notch is preferred to a
rectangular notch because D. Cdbd.2g H1/2.
A. only one reading is required

B. its formula is simple to remember 8. A load w is rolled a distance d across the

deck of a ship of weight W, due to which
it gives more accurate results for the ship heels through θ°. The
low discharge metacentric height of the ship, is

it measures a wide range of flows A.


E. All the above. B.

5. In case of laminar flow through a C.

circular pipe,
momentum correction factor is D.

B. energy correction factor is 2.00 9. A rise or fall of liquid in a glass tube of

a very small diameter when dipped is
C. both (a) and (b)
directly proportional to the force
D. Neither (a) nor (b). A.
per unit length of periphery

directly proportional to the sine of

the angle of contact
6. The pressure less than atmospheric ,
pressure, is known directly proportional to the
A. suction pressure specific weight of liquid

B. vacuum pressure Inversely proportional to the

diameter of the glass tube.
C. negative gauge pressure

D. all the above. 10. To measure very low pressure, we use

A. barometers
7. If H is the difference of liquid levels on
B. piezometers
two sides of an orifice (width b,
depth d), the discharge through the C. manometers
orifice will be
D. differential manometers.
A. Cdbd22gH

B. Cdb2d2gH
11. If a pitot tube is placed with its nose
C. Cdbd2gh
facing down stream, the liquid
A. does not rise in the tube In uniform flow, the velocity of a
C. fluid does not change with respect
to length of flow direction
rises in the tube to a height D. All the above.

C. 15. Pick up the incorrect statement from the

falls in the tube to a depth following :
D. None of these. In radial flow, fluid flows such
that pressure and velocity at any
12. The discharge through an internal mouth point change with respect to its
piece is more if its length is distance from the central axis

In radial flow, velocity of flow is

A. < B.
diameter in a radial direction

B. < diameter In radial flow, flow may take

C. place radially inward to or
C. diameter outward from the center
D. None of these.
In radial flow, flow is one
D. dimensional with stream lines
13. A spherical load 900 kg is rolled through parallel.
9.8 m across the deck of a ship weighing
10, 000 kg. If the metacentric height of
the ship is 5 meters, the angle of heel, is 16. Chezy's formula is used to determine
A. 10° 5' A. head loss due to friction in pipe
B. 10° 10' B. velocity of flow in pipe
C. 10° 15' C. velocity of flow in open channels
D. 10° 20' D. None of these.

14. Pick up the correct statement from the 17. The metacentric height of a body equals
following : the distance between
In incompressible flow the the center of gravity and center of
A. density of a fluid remains A.
the metacenter and center of
In compressible flow, the density B.
B. of a fluid changes from point to
point C. the center of buoyancy and
metacenter A. 2.48 m

D. None of these. B. 2.49 m

C. 2.50 m
18. Discharge through a totally submerged
orifice, is directly proportional to D. 2.51 m.
difference in elevation of water
surfaces 22. For a most economical trapezoidal open
channel, the half of the top width must
square root of the difference in be equal to
elevation of water surface
A. the bed width
C. square root of the opening
B. one sloping side
reciprocal of the area of the
D. C. the depth of flow

E. None of these. D. None of these.

19. Frictional loss of head includes the loss 23. Pick up the correct statement regarding
of energy due to convergent divergent mouth piece from
the following :
A. viscosity
It converges up to Venacontracta
B. turbulence and then diverges

C. both (a) and (b) In this mouth piece there is no

B. loss of energy due to sudden
D. None of these. enlargement

20. The length of hydraulic jump is roughly The coefficient of discharge is

A. 2 to 3 times its height
D. All the above.
B. 3 to 5 times its height

C. 5 to 7 times its height 24. The value of kinetic energy correction

factor (a) for a laminar flow through a
D. None of these. circular pipe, is
A. 0.5

. To ensure that water does not rise more B. 1.0

than 100 cm above the crest, for a
discharge of 5.00 m3/sec, the length of C. l.5
water will be D. 2.0
E. 2.5
29. With a clinging nappe of a weir, the
excess discharge, is
2 The
5. formula Q = m x L x 2g x H3/2 where A. 6% to 7%

B. 8% to 10%
was suggested by :
C. 18% to 20%
A. Bazin
D. 25% to 30%
B. Francis
E. 30% to 40%.
C. Cipolletti
D. None of these. 30. For steady flow in open channels, which
one of the following does not change :
A. depth of flow
26. One metric slug is equal to
B. velocity of flow
A. 1 kg wt
C. rate of flow
B. 9.81 kg wt
D. All of these.
C. 9.81 kg mass

D. 0.98 kg wt.
31. If v1 and v2 are the velocities of flow
27. Falling drops of water become spheres before and after sudden enlargement in a
due to pipe, the head loss given by Carnot and
Borda equation, is
A. adhesion
A. (v22 - v12)/2g
B. cohesion
B. (v1 - v2)2/2g
C. surface tension
C. (v2 - v1)2/2g
D. Viscosity.
D. (v1 + v2)2/2g.
28. The most efficient channel section, is
32. Equation of continuity of fluids is
A. semi-circular
applicable only if
B. rectangular A. flow is steady
C. triangular B. flow is compressive
Half hexagon in the form of C. flow is one dimensional
velocity is uniform over the . A nozzle is fitted at the end of a pipe
D. whose length is 320 m and diameter is
10 cm. If the value of f = 0.01, the
E. all the above. diameter of the nozzle for the maximum
transmission of power through the
nozzle is
33. The flow in open channel is said to be
critical if the Froude number is : A. 2.4 cm
A. less than 1.0 B. 2.5 cm
B. equal to 1.0 C. 2.6 cm
C. greater than 1.0 D. 2.7 cm.
D. None of these.
37. When the whole fluid mass rotates either
due to fluid pressure or gravity or
34. An orifice is an opening in a vessel with
rotation previously imparted, the motion
closed perimeter of regular shape is known as
through which water flows
A. free vortex
the water level of the liquid on
B. forced vortex
B. the upstream side is below the top
of the orifice C. non-potential vortex
C. partially full flow D. rotational vortex.
Prolonged sides having length of
D. 2 to 3 diameters of the opening in 38. The ratio of the maximum height to
thick wall. which a jet inclined through θ rises to its
total horizontal span is
35. The imaginary line drawn such that the A.
tangents at its all points indicate the sin θ
direction of the velocity of the fluid
particles at each point, is called B.
cos θ
A. path line
B. stream line tan θ

C. potential line D. cot θ.

D. streak line.
39. For solving the problems is hydraulic
engineering, the velocity used is
velocity at the centre of pipe
A. E. all the above.

average velocity of flow over a

section 43. Practical fluids possess

mean of the velocities at the A. viscosity

C. centre and that along the pipe
B. surface tension
C. compressibility
D. none of these.
C D. All the above.
40. The shape of fire hose nozzle is
generally kept 44. The depth of the center of pressure on a
A. divergent vertical rectangular gate (4 m wide, 3 m
high) with water up to top surface, is
B. convergent
A. 1.0 m
C. convergent divergent
B. 1.5 m
D. cylindrical.
C. 2.0 m

D. 2.5 m.
41. The dimensions MLT refers to
A. specific weight 45. The differential equation dp/ρ
+ gdz + vdv = 0 for a fluid motion is
B. force suggested by

C. discharge A. Bernoulli

D. none of these. B. Cauchy-Riemann

C. Laplace
42. The line joining the points to which the
liquid rises in vertical piezometer tubes D. Leonard Euler.
fitted at different cross-sections of a
conduit, is known as
A. hydraulic gradient An open container filled with water is
moved vertically downward with a
B. piezo metric line uniform linear acceleration. The
pressure at its bottom will be
C. pressure grade line
A. greater than static pressure
D. hydraulic grade line
B. equal to static pressure
C. lesser than static pressure depth of flow must be 0.95 times
the diameter of circular channel
D. None of these.
D. All the above.
47. For uniform flow in canals
there is a balance between the 50. The velocity of flow (v) at the outlet of a
A. frictional loss and drop in syphon of length l, is given by
elevation of the channel
bed and free water surfaces of a
channel are parallel to each other
bed of channel represents the
hydraulic gradient
D. All the above.

48. If H is height of the liquid above the sill, D.

the effect of end contractions, according
to Francis formula, is
A. 0.1 H


C. 0.3 H

D. 0.4 H 1. In flowing liquids pitot tubes are used

E. 0.5 H. A. discharge

49. Pick up the correct statement from the B. pressure

following : C. velocity
For maximum velocity of flow,
the depth of water in the circular D. Depth.
channel must be 0.81 times the
diameter of the channel 2. Capillary rise of water is

For maximum velocity, the directly proportional to surface

hydraulic mean depth must be 0.3 tension
times the diameter of circular
inversely proportional to water
channel B.
C. For maximum discharge the C. inversely proportional to diameter
of the tube 6.Orifice-meter is used to measure
A. pressure at the point
D. All of these.
B. discharge
3. A water tank partially filled with water C. average speed
is being carried on a truck moving with
a constant horizontal acceleration. The D. Velocity.
level of the water
A. rises on the front side of the tank 7. Pick up the correct statement from the
following :
B. falls on the back side of the tank
Dimensional homogeneity means
remains the same at both sides of A. the dimensions of each term in an
the tank equation on both sides are equal

rises on the back side and falls on Dimensionally homogeneous

the front side B. equations are independent of the
system of units
E. None of these.
In dimensionally homogeneous
equation, the powers of
4. The dimensional formula of force is C.
fundamental dimensions on either
A. MLT-2 side of the equation are identical
B. M-1LT2 D. All the above.
C. ML-2T
8. The ratio of inertia force of a flowing
D. M-1L2T-2 fluid and the viscous force of the liquid
is called :
E. None of these.
A. Renold's number
5. An error of 1% in measuring the head of B. Froude's number
water over the crest of a rectangular
weir, produces an error in the discharge C. Euler's number
which is equal to
D. Weber's number.
A. 1.25%

B. 1.5% 9. For an irrotational flow, the

C. 1.75%
equation is given by
D. 2.25% A. Cauchy-Riemann

B. Reynold
C. Laplace’s D. Powell.

D. Bernoulli.
14. The acceleration f required to accelerate
a rectangular tank containing water
10. Water belongs to horizontally so that the slope of its free
A. Newtonian fluids surface is 45°, is
A. g/2
B. non-Newtonian fluids
B. G
C. compressible fluid

D. None of these. C. 2 g

D. 2.5 g
11. Hydraulic radius is equal to
E. 3 g.
area divided by the square of
wetted perimeter
15. Pick up the correct statement from the
B. area divided by wetted perimeter following :
The fluids which
C. wetted perimeter divided by area
D. Square root of the area. follow are known as
Newtonian fluids
12. The discharg formula Q = Cd 2gH x A is The fluids which do not follow
used for rectangular the linear relationship between
A. small orifices only shear and rate of strain are known
as non-Newtonian fluids
B. large orifices only
The substances which flow after
C. small and large orifices only C. yield strains, are known as
D. for all types of orifices.
D. all the above.
16. For solving network problems of pipes,
Chezy's constant is necessary condition is
suggested by
A. continuity equation
A. Bazin
B. energy equation
B. Kutter
C. Darcy-Weisbach equation
C. Manning
D. All the above.
D. None of these.
17. In a fluid flow a particle may posses
A. elevation energy 21. The instrument used for measuring the
B. kinetic energy velocity of flow, is known as
A. venturimeter
C. pressure energy
B. orifice meter
D. initial energy
C. pitot tube
E. All the above.
D. none of these.
18. In two dimensional flow the components
of velocity are given by u = ax; v = by. 22. For a long pipe, the head loss
The stream lines will be A. at the entrance is ignored
A. circular
B. at the outlet is ignored
B. parabolic
at the entrance and outlet both are
C. hyperbolic ignored

D. Elliptical. D. due to friction is ignored.

19. The discharge through a V-notch weir 23. On a flow net diagram, the distance
varies as between two consecutive steam lines at
A. H two successive sections are 1 cm and 0.5
cm respectively. If the velocity at the
B. 1/H first section is 1 m/sec, the velocity at
the second is
C. H3/2
A. 1.0 m/sec
D. H7/2
B. 0.5 m/sec
E. H5/2.
C. 2.0 m/sec

20. For a most economical rectangular D. 2.5 m/sec

channel, the hydraulic mean depth, is
equal to E. 3 m/sec.

A. the depth of flow

24. If L, D and f are the length, diameter and
B. half the depth of flow coefficient of friction of a pipe, the ratio
of the areas of the pipe A and nozzle a,
C. one-third depth of flow to transmit maximum power, is
A. C.

B. D.

C. 28. Hydraulic grade line

remains above the center line of
D. conduit

remains below the center line of

25. The flow is called rotational if its
velocity normal to the plane of area is remains parallel to the center line
equal to C.
of conduit
A. angular velocity vector
May be above or below the center
B. twice the angular velocity vector line of conduit.

C. thrice the angular velocity vector 29. If the Mach number for a fluid flow is
D. none of these. less than 1, the flow is
A. sonic

B. supersonic
26.Flow of water in pipes of diameter more
than 3 metres, can be measured by C. sub-sonic
A. pitot tube
D. None of these.
B. venturimeter
30. Hydraulic coefficient of an orifice
C. orifice plate means the coefficient of
D. rotameter. A. velocity

B. contraction
27. The pressure variation along the radial
direction for vortex flow along a C. resistance
horizontal plane is related by
D. All the above.

31. The minimum specific energy of flow of

water in open channel is : (where hc is
the critical depth)
A. hc 35. Energy equation is usually applicable to
A. non-uniform flow
B. turbulent flow

C. laminar flow
D. Steady flow.
D. hc
36. Poise is the unit of
A. Viscosity
32. In a venturimeter, the divergent cone is
kept B. velocity gradient
A. shorter than convergent cone
C. mass density
B. equal to convergent cone
D. Kinematic viscous.
C. longer than convergent cone
37. For mountainous regions having steep
D. None of these.
slope, wagons for carrying liquid are
made with bottom
33. Specific weight of sea water is more
A. parallel to the road surface
than that of pure water because of
A. dissolved air B. parallel to the horizontal surface

B. dissolved salts inclined upward while moving

C. suspended matter
Inclined downward while moving
D. All the above. D.

34. Total pressure on the top of a closed 38. Specific energy of a flowing fluid per
cylindrical vessels completely filled unit weight is
with liquid, is directly proportional to
A. Radius A.

B. (radius)2
C. (radius)

D. (radius)4 C.

E. None of these.
39. The upper surface of the weir over A.
Cd x L x 2g [(H + ha)3/2 + ha3/2]
which water flows, is known as
A. Vein B.
Cd x L x 2g [(H + ha)3/2 - ha3/2]
B. Nappe
C. Cd x L x 2g [(H - ha)3/2 + ha3/2]
C. Sill

D. None of these. D. Cd x L x 2g [(H - ha)3/2 - ha3/2]

40. The ratio of the inertia and viscous

42. To avoid the tendency of separation of
forces acting in any flow, ignoring other
liquid flow, the most suitable ratio of the
forces, is called
diameters of the throat and the pipe, is
A. Euler number
A. 1/4 to 1/8
B. Froude number
B. 1/3 to ½
C. Reynold number
C. 1/2 to 3/4.
D. Weber number.
D. none of these.

41. Discharge with velocity of approach,

over a rectangular weir is



1 C B D A C C
2 B D A C A D
3 E B B A A D
4 B D E C E A
5 C D D C C B
6 D D D D D B
7 C A D C C D
8 E A B E C A
9 C D D A C C
10 A C A A C A
11 E B D B C B
12 A D E A C B
13 C C B A C A
14 D C C D D B
15 A C C A D D
16 D A C D C D
17 C D C D B E
18 A C C E B C
19 B C E C D D
20 A D D D C B
21 D A A B B C
22 D B E A B C
23 B D C A D C
24 B B C C D D
25 C C C B A D
26 B B B B C D
27 D A C C C B
28 B D B B D D
29 E B C C D C
30 E D D D D D
31 A B D D B C
32 D D D D E C
33 A A C C B D
34 C A B B A D
35 A C D D B D
36 B B D D B A
37 A D C C A B
38 C B B B C C
39 B A D D B C
40 A C A A B C
41 D A C C B B
42 C C D D E B
43 C C B B D
44 B C B B C
45 C B B B D
46 E B D D C
47 B D D D D
48 B C B B A
49 C D B B D
50 A D C C B

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