GE5 Midterm - TestBank2

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1.Which of the following statement about globalization is NOT true?

a. Compression of the world into a single place makes the global frame of reference for human thought
and action.
b. Creation of new, and the multiplication of existing social institutions, networks and activities that
cut across traditional political, economic, cultural and geographical boundaries.
c. Globalization is a set of social processes that appear to transform our present social condition of
weakening nationality into one globality.
d. It refers to the rise of anti-global authoritarian populism or nativism.

2.According to Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giraldez, “Global trade will emerge when the following
circumstances happen, EXCEPT
a. All heavily populated continents begin to exchange products continuously.
b. Did so in values sufficient to generate lasting impacts on all trading partners.
c. Ironing out of legal and regulatory differences to create a single institutional phase.
d. None of the above

3.“Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.”, the above statement is in
reference to?
a. Communist
b. Liberalist
c. Socialist
d. Capitalist

4.This happens when countries within the region create deals like cheaper tariffs to for easier
b. Trade
c. Security
d. Politics

5.The following are benefits of Asia from regionalism EXCEPT one:

a. build connected infrastructure and collaborate on inclusive development to reduce inequalities within
and across economies and thus to strengthen support for pro-growth policies.
b. exercise leadership in global decision making to sustain the open global trade and financial systems
that have supported a half century of unparalleled economic development.
c. it does not connect the region’s capital markets, adds the cost of capital, and reduce opportunities
for sharing risks.
d. pool the region’s foreign exchange reserves to make more resources available for investment and

6.If regionalization is to grouping, then globalization is to _______________?

a. Spreading
b. Merging
c. Breaking
d. Disbanding
7.The government has power to control which information can be given to which groups of people.
Many journalists have been caught between battling parties and become unfortunate casualties.
a. Cultural Globalization
b. Economic Globalization
c. Geographical Globalization
d. Political Globalization

8.Countries trade with each other due to ________________.

a. Cannot satisfy their own needs and wants
b. Lack of resources
c. Product Specialization
d. All of the above

9.Which of the following media involve radio, film, and television?

a. Broadcast Media
b. Digital Media
c. Internet Media
d. Print Media

10.Globalization refers to the _____________________.

a. Competitive economies boosting their productivity to sustain the nation’s growth.
b. Interconnectedness and interdependence of states forming an international integration.
c. Process where geographical regions becomes significant political and economic units.
d. None of the above

11.This gap pertains to the idea that international cooperation remains primarily the affair of
governments, leaving civil society groups o the fringes of policy-making.
a. Compliance Gap
b. Institutional Gap
c. Normative Gap
d. Participation Gap

12.Which of the following statement of global governance is TRUE?

a. As there is no global government, global governance typically involves a range of actors including
states, as well as regional and international organizations.
b. Global governance is understood as way in which global affairs are managed.
c. Global governance is a product of neo-liberal paradigm shifts in international political and economic
d. All of the above

13.It means that price differences between countries are eliminated as all markets become one. It is the
fusing of many markets into one.
a. Global City
b. Global Governance
c. Interstate System
d. Market Integration
14.It is the branch of UN that has central responsibility of maintaining international peace and security.
a. Secretariat
b. Security Council
c. General Assembly
d. International Criminal Court

15.Balance-of-power theories suggest that an equal distribution of power in the system facilitates peace
and that inequality leads to war.
a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes
d. It depends

16.He was a West German Chancellor who developed a report which showed the “North-South” divide.
a. Walter Bentley
b. William Barman
c. Willy Brandt
d. Wesley Best

17.Media has posed the Western Standards as ideal. Pale skin, a fit body, and glamorous clothes and
accessories have become a common standard of beauty in many countries.
a. Cultural Globalization
b. Economic Globalization
c. Geographical Globalization
d. Political Globalization

18.He was a French statesman and military leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution
and led several successful campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars.
a. Adolf Hitler
b. Marie Antoinette
c. Louis XIV
d. Napoleon Bonaparte

19.These are rules that govern the behavior of the members of a society.
a. Incentive
b. Knowledge
c. Norms
d. Policy

20.This refers to the imposition of a politically or economically dominant community of various aspects
of its own culture into a non-dominant community.
a. Colonial Mentality
b. Cultural Imperialism
c. Globalization
d. Regionalism

21.The following are benefits of Regionalism, EXCEPT

a. Build connected infrastructure and collaborate on inclusive development
b. It gives internal security challenges by the insurgent groups.
c. Link the competitive strengths of its diverse economies
d. Pool the regions’ foreign exchange reserves to make more resources available

22.It is defined by the United Nations as a city which has a population of 10 million or more people.
a. City
b. Megacity
c. Urban
d. World City

23.According to Karpilo, the Global North contains?

a. All the countries above the Equator.
b. All the countries beneath the Equator.
c. All the developing countries above the Equator.
d. All the developed countries beneath the Equator

24.You are a long-time employee of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). You have discovered that
the population of Manila as well as other megacities in the country steadily rose due to movement and
displacement of people. According to your research, what could be a probable cause?
a. Crime Rate
b. Good Governance
c. Medical Care
d. Migration

25.The ____________ was established in the 1980’s in order to further illustrate the geographical split
between the rich and poor nations.
a. Arctic Circle
b. Brandt Line
c. Equator
d. Prime Meridian

26.These are movements dedicated towards opposing the blind acceptance of the ruling foreign
a. Contra- Flows
b. Counter Flow
c. Cultural Hybrid
d. Hybridization

27.All countries in the Northern Hemisphere are considered as developed countries.

a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes
d. It depends

28.This gap is important because if we do not know the severity of a problem, or if we do not have the
resources to investigate a particular issue, then this could become difficult for effective global
a. Compliance gap
b. Knowledge gap
c. Normative gap
d. Participation Gap

29.These are the currencies that are not backed by precious metals and whose value is determined by
their cost relative to other currencies.
a. Currency of every state
b. Currencies equivalent to gold
c. Fiat currencies
d. Gold standardization

30.The following are key attributes of world politics today, EXCEPT

a. Countries interact with each other through diplomacy
b. There are international organizations
c. There are states that are dependent
d. None of the above

31.Which of the following is an example of studying international relations?

a. Scholars look at the history of bureaucracy in a state.
b. Scholars look at the trade deals between states.
c. Scholars study the interaction between states.
d. All of the above

32.Which of the following statement of global governance is TRUE?

a. Global governance is understood as way in which global affairs are managed.
b. Global governance is a product of neo-liberal paradigm shifts in international political and economic
c. As there is no global government, global governance typically involves a range of actors including
states, as well as regional and international organizations.
d. All of the given option.

33.This gap refers to the unwillingness of actors to enforce and implement contracted international
a. Institutional gap
b. Knowledge gap
c. Normative gap
d. Compliance gap

34.The term “third world” was coined by to refer to countries not aligned to democracy.
a. Alfred Krueger
b. Alfred Sauvy
c. Immanuel Kant
d. Karl Marx

35.Leaders of countries within the region often perform social visits to talk agreements despite
differences and show solidarity and support to those they are in agreement with.
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Security
d. Trade

36.The following are effects of globalization, EXCEPT

a. Boosted manufacturing and industrialization which increased homogenization in countries
b. Contributed to global warming, climate change and the overuse of the natural resources.
c. Rising barriers to cross-boarder trade.
d. Standards of living has risen overall as more third world countries experience industrialization.

37.Countries within the region provide assistance in combating foreign-supported terrorist groups.
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Security
d. Trade

38.Latinoization is an example of?

a. the global north found in the geographical south.
b. the global south found in the geographical north.
c. the global north found in the geographical north.
d. the global south found in the geographical south.

39.It is the segregation of the Internet into smaller groups with similar interests to a degree that they
show a narrow- minded approach to outsiders or those with contradictory views.
a. Cyber balkanization
b. Cyber warrior
c. Internet
d. Splinternet

40.Which of the following statement of Globalization is NOT true?

a. Globalization is an event occurred in unprecedented pace and gives definition to the world’s market
b. Globalization means that price differences between countries are eliminated as all markets
c. Globalization represents the global integration of international trade, investment, information
technology and cultures
d. The term globalization should be used to refer to a set of social processes that are thought to
transform our present social condition into one of globality.

41.They are the hired armies of social media to manipulate public opinion through intimidation and
spreading fake news.
a. Cyber balkanization
b. Cyber warrior
c. Splinternet
d. Trolls

42.According to Marshall McLuhan, media theorist, television was turning the world into a
___________________ because as more and more people sat down in front their television and sets
and listened to the same stories, their perception of the word would contract.
a. Global Imagination
b. Global Village
c. Tribal Imagination
d. Tribal Village

43.Many productions and industries are nowadays held by _________________.

a. International Finance Institutions
b. Nation-States
c. National Governments
d. Multinational Corporations

44.He explained, “It was no longer a question of teaching mankind what must be done with reference to
the next world, but rather to understand what the human being actually is and what can be done in this
world with humans as they actually are.”
a. Adam Smith
b. Karl Marx
c. Manfred Steger
d. Thomas Friedman

45.North Atlantic Treaty Organization is headquartered in __________.

a. Brussels, Belgium
b. Toronto, Canada
c. Tokyo, Japan
d. Rome, Italy

46.What do we call the line that shows the “Norh-South” divide?

a. Barman Line
b. Bentley Line
c. Best Line
d. Brandt Line

47.Mahler provided the following definitions of the global south EXCEPT ____________.
a. The global south refers to economically disadvantaged nation- states
b. The global south refers to countries that did not align with communist parties
c. The global south refers to the resistant imaginary of transnational political nations
d. The global south refers to subjugated peoples within the borders of wealthier countries

48.It is the product of neo- liberal paradigm shifts in international political and economic relations.
a. Cultural Diversity
b. Global governance
c. Interstate System
d. Regionalism

49.The most important feature of Interstate System.

a. It is anarchic.
b. It is democratic.
c. It is the basis of the study of war.
d. It maintains security.
50.Which of the following will take place if the price of rice in West Pangasinan is higher than that of
East Pangasinan?
a. No one will consume rice in the East Pangasinan.
b. Rice business in the west would shut down.
c. Sellers of rice would move from the east to the west and prices would equalize.
d. All of the above.

1.Which of the following statement is true about refugees?

a. refugees are those economically migrants
b. refugees are people migrated for education and service access
c. refugees are those petitioned by their family
d. refugees are those unable or unwilling to return because of a well-founded of persecution

2.Which of the following statement is true about refugees?

a. refugees are those economically migrants
b. refugees are people migrated for education and service access
c. refugees are those petitioned by their family
d. refugees are those unable or unwilling to return because of a well-founded of persecution

3.It refers to people moving from one area to another within one country.
a. Grants
b. Internal migration
c. International migration
d. Imperialism

4.Are those who move permanently to another country?

a. Immigrants
b. Refugees
c. Economic migrants
d. Internationalization

5.It refers to people cross borders of one country to another.

a. Migrants
b. Internal migration
c. International migration
d. Imperialism

6.It is defined as the movement of people over some distance and from one "usual place of residence"
to another.
a. Globalization
b. Cultural Integration
c. Migration
d. Displacement

7.According to demographers, what is the percentage of migrants for economic reason?

a. 10%
b. 30%
c. 60%
d. 90%

8.Which of the list have the most incident of migration?

a. United States of America
b. Middle East
c. Western Europe
d. North Africa

9.In what rank does Philippines have incident of migration

a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th

10.The following statement is correct; except?

a. Donald Trump has been revising the existing pro-immigration
b. Donald Trump attempted to ban travel into the US of people from majority-Muslim Countries
c. Donald Trump promise of building a wall between the United States and Mexico
d. Donald Trump provides welfare to Muslim-Asylum seekers

11.Fifty-two percent of Filipinos who leave for work in the developed world have tertiary education, this
statement refers to _______________.
a. Opportunity
b. Urban Sprawls
c. Brain drain
d. Internationalization

12.In 2014, which of the following country got the highest recorded remittances?
a. India
b. China
c. Mexico
d. Philippines

13.The Asian Development Bank observes that in countries like the Philippines, remittances do not have
a significant influence on other key items of consumption or investment on education and health care.
a. True
b. False
c. Somewhat true
d. Somewhat false

14.According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, what is the third largest criminal
activity worldwide?
a. Graft and corruption
b. Force labor
c. Human trafficking
d. Cyber crime

15.Refers to the humans exacerbate other natural environmental problems.

a. Man-made pollution
b. Territorial problem
c. Climate Change
d. Urban Sprawls
16.The following are considered as emission of aerosols excluding:
a. Indoor- cooking
b. Car exhaust
c. Burning of woods
d. Petromechanical plants

17.Responsible for recurring heat waves and long droughts in certain places.
a. Global warming
b. Natural disaster
c. Greenhouse effect
d. Sun rays

18.In Sustainable Government, Extractive economies is also known as ________________.

a. Excerpt economies
b. Terminal economies
c. Fatal economies
d. Developing economies

19.It is the Super typhoon that hits Asia in 2013 that doubled and even tripled the upshot in some area
of the Southeast Asian basin.
a. Typhoon Lucy
b. Typhoon Cera
c. Typhoon Sassy
d. Typhoon Haiyan

20.The succeeding is well-thought-out as a result of global warming except:

a. Billion of tons of carbon dioxide
b. Coal burning power plants
c. Air pollutants
d. Water pollutants

21.The year that the world cooled off in and around _______________.
a. 1993
b. 1998
c. 1997
d. 1995

22.In 1970’s, it is the he country that considered to be the “worst polluter in the history of the world”.
a. United States
b. China
c. Japan
d. Philippines

23.This is the follow-up treaty to the Kyoto Protocol.

a. Treaty of Paris
b. Paris Accord
c. U.S Protocol
d. Kyoto Accord

24.In December of 2015, Paris Accord was negotiated by how many countries?
a. 185 countries
b. 200 countries
c. 180 countries
d. 195 countries

25.In 1997, Kyoto protocol was promulgated to reduce greenhouses gases also signed by how many
a. 202 countries
b. 192 countries
c. 182 countries
d. 212 countries

26.A persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight and an example of this
is the melting of the polar ice caps.
a. Ice Berg
b. Snow Frost
c. Glacier
d. Snowflake

27.It is a complex that requires the integration of various social scientific data.
a. Population
b. Demography
c. Global rate
d. Social responsiveness

28.The rise in food prices is partly because of the following excluding:

a. Growth of middle class in China
b. Rising Energy Costs
c. Growth of middle class in India
d. Rising of food Outlays

29.According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, it is the region most suffering in terms
of Food Security.
a. Sub-Saharan Africa
b. Carribean
c. Middle East
d. Central America

30.It converts agriculture for short-sighted alternative energy/emissions targets at a time.

a. Fuel Commercialization
b. Agrofuel Commercialization
c. Petroleum Commercialization
d. Industrial Agriculture
31.A Marx’s term for the separation of social production from its natural biological base, reducing
nutrient recycling in and through soil and water, and extends to reconstituting energy sources as
commodified inputs.
a. Food Regime
b. Market Episteme
c. Geopolitical conflict
d. Metabolic Rift

32.It stabilized American farmers following the dust-bowl experience, by reorganizing agriculture as
a. Fourth food regime
b. Third food regime
c. Second food regime
d. First food regime

33.Plants are used to obtain biodiesel to be used in place of diesel or petrol.

a. Biochemical
b. Petro-farming
c. Agrofuel
d. Biofuel

34.It certainly addresses public forms of food provisioning, but not wage setting.
a. Food Regime
b. Food Riots
c. Food Supply
d. Food crops

35.These two were combine to accelerate food circulation globally and restructure food production and
a. Liberalization and privatization
b. Liberalization and production
c. Neo-liberalization and production
d. Neo-liberalization and privatization

36.Popular perceptions of the underlying cause of food inflation lay considerable blame on the
a. Food regime Revolution
b. Agrofuels Revolution
c. Biofuels Revolution
d. Stock Revolution

37.A phenomenon when food prices rise more rapidly than the prices of other goods and services, due
to the growing demand for crops as both food and for biofuels.
a. Inflation
b. Agflation
c. Deflation
d. Centralization
38.A country that setting up a National Price Council to monitor food costs and is planning stockpiles of
major foods.
a. China
b. Thailand
c. Mexico
d. Malaysia

39.Food regime theory is a broadly Marxist approach to theorizing food systems. It was developed in the
late 1970s
a. True
b. False
c. Somewhat true
d. Somewhat false

40.It is the most incisive critique of liberal capitalism from within the western universalist tradition of
thought, of course, been provided in particular by ________________.
a. Socialism
b. Communism
c. Marxism
d. Collectivism

41.The most distinguished recent theorist of republicanism.

a. Alastair Davidson
b. Michael Walzer
c. David Miller
d. Hannah Arendt

42.In order to formulate contemporary models of liberal citizenship, and the links between liberalism
and cosmopolitanism, _________________________ must be in order.
a. Highly simplified historical summary
b. Extensive Citizenship approach
c. Qualified freedom
d. Cosmopolitan values

43.The primary goal of social democrats is ________________.

a. To maintain solidarity and harmony among countries
b. To promote greater equality and prosperity within the nation state.
c. To have social democratic global citizenship.
d. To contribute to global welfare through government policies.

44.Who pointed out the responsibility of the United Nations to discuss alternative forms of economic
a. Joachim Hirsch
b. George Soros
c. Robert Cox
d. Albert Kant
45.The nation state can also demand that citizens put aside their family commitments for the national
good, most dramatically in __________.
a. Obligations
b. Responsibility
c. Humanitarian
d. Wartime

46.United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

a. December 1942
b. January 1943
c. April 1944
d. December 1945

47.UNESCO stands for.

a. United Nations and Educational System in Cultural Organization
b. United Nations Educational System and Cultural Organization
c. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
d. United Nations in Educational Systematic and Cultural Organization

48.The most dramatic assertion of the reality of world citizenship was staged by _________.
a. Garry Davis
b. Alex Cardiff
c. Paul Newton
d. John Marx

49.It is the most influential theorists of deliberative democracy, which is inherently applicable to units
smaller and larger than nation states.
a. Kant
b. Habermas
c. Davidson
d. Miller

50.Andrew Linklater, whose writings on international relations embrace both Australian and British
perspectives, combines the following considerations excluding:
a. Moral considerations
b. Historical considerations
c. Philosophical considerations
d. Institutional considerations

51.H.G. Wells had foreseen the possibility of atomic bomb in his 1913 novel __________.
a. The World Insurgency
b. The World Territory
c. The World Mobilization
d. The World Set Free

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