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DBCNRX - Series
Receiver Multicoupler / Power Distribution Unit
Installation, Operation, and Replacement Instructions

This Receiver Multicoupler with Power Distribution Unit (RXMC/PDU)

distributes RF from one antenna to 8, 16 or 32 receivers and provides Green: System Normal
DC power though the receive transmission line to an associated Tower
Top Amplifier (TTA, such as the dbSpectra ATS7, ATS8TMA-Series). A
low-noise, high third order intercept point amplifier provides gain to Blinking Green: 30 second timer “Grace Period”
overcome the loss of the splitters with gain adjustment capability on the activated due to alarm condition, will go to red if
input. The input is surge protected by way of a PolyPhaser® that also alarm is still present
serves as the DC injection point.

The RXMC also provides indication of operational status with fault detec- Red: Alarm condition, power off to TTA or RXMC.
tion and control of the bypass function of its associated TTA. Dry In this condition, the amplifier has been bypassed
closures to external alarm reporting equipment are provided via DB9 to maintain the receive path. Bypass of the top TTA
connector. A front panel sampling port is provided that allows easy amplifier is a standard feature, bypass of the bottom
access to input signal monitoring. Optionally, a front panel mounted test RXMC amp is an optional feature.
signal injection port can be provided. An internal, secondary window filter
(the primary filter is located in the TTA) is also optionally available.

Operational status of the RXMC/PDU and associated TTA is also

provided by circuitry on the alarm board within the chassis. The circuitry
monitors the amplifier current and power supply voltage. As well as
driving the alarm closures, Status Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the
front panel indicate functional status of the RXMC, TTA and power
supply as follows:

Model Variations

Item No. Description

DBCNRX-8AN PDU / 8 Ch. RX Multicoupler, 24 VDC

DBCNRX-8ANF PDU / 8 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-16AN PDU / 16 Ch. RX Multicoupler, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-16ANF PDU / 16 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-24AN PDU / 24 Ch. RX Multicoupler, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-24ANF PDU / 24 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-32AN PDU / 32 Ch. RXMC Multicoupler, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-32ANF PDU / 32 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter, 24 VDC
DBCNRX-8AC PDU / 8 Ch. RXMC / AC Power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-8ACF PDU / 8 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter / AC power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-16AC PDU / 16 Ch. RX Multicoupler / AC Power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-16ACF PDU / 16 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter / AC Power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-24AC PDU / 24 Ch. RX Multicoupler / AC Power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-24ACF PDU / 24 Ch. RXMC w/ 6 MHz Filter / AC Power, 100-240 VAC
DBCNRX-32AC PDU / 32 Ch. RX Multicoupler / AC Power, 10-240 VAC
DBCN1NJKT Test Port Injection Kit

Figure 1: RXMC Tray

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The RF input signal from the TTA passes through a bias-tee /
surge protector before reaching the amplifier. If the unit is
equipped with a filter, the RF output of the bias-tee is con-
nected to the filter, and the output of the filter enters the ampli-
fier input. A switchable step attenuator is provided in front of
the amplifier for desired gain adjustment. The step attenuator
provides from 0 to 15 dB attenuation at one dB increments.
The RF output of the amplifier is connected to a 4-way split-
ter. Each output of this splitter carries the RF signal to the
input of an 8-way splitter. A maximum of four 8-way splitters
(32 outputs) may be “stacked up” on the RXMC tray (See
Figure 2).

Front View of RXMC Tray

8-way splitter

Back View of RXMC Tray (32 Output Shown)

Figure 2: RXMC Tray

Page 2 of 9 • June 2009 • 095478-000-E

1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

dbSpectra Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com
Tables 1 and 2 list specifications for the RXMC / PDU. These specifications define the requirements for a rack-mounted
8 - 32-way multicoupler assembly. The rack-mounted unit receives the RF signal, amplifies it, and distributes it to each
output. The alarm circuit provides fault protection.

All unused RF outputs should be

terminated with DB8922 dummy loads, Application Includes power supply and alarm for 800 MHz
which are ordered separately. trunking use with TTA. One tray with one
amplifier, 8-32 channels, and one step attenu-

Frequency Range 806 - 824 MHz

Nominal Gain 5.0 dB ± 2 dB (Adjust by switchable

Gain Variation vs ± 0.5 dB
Noise Figure 5 dB max
Input IP3 + 15.5 dbm
Coupled Port 30 ± 1 dB
Input/Output 1:5:1 max
Coupler 14 dB min
Voltage Input 115 VAC / 220 VAC / 19-66 VDC *
Voltage Output +15 ± 1.0 VDC/28 VDC

Table 1: Electrical Data

Temperature Range (c°) Operational -30°c to +60°c * see table 1

Storage -40°c to +70° c
RF Input Type-N - Female
RF Outputs BNC - Female
DC Input 2-Pin, Molex
AC Input (optional) Standard 110 VAC switch with fuse
Alarm Output 9-Pin Sub-D - Female
Finish Front Panel: Decibel TEK Black
Tray: Clear Zinc
Mounting 19" rack, 2U slot
Dimensions (inches) 13.25 x 17.25 x 3.5
Weight 11 lbs (8-Way), 12 lbs (16-Way), 13 lbs
(24-Way), 14 lbs (32-Way)

Table 2: Mechanical Data

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dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com
The bias-tee / surge protector module receives an RF signal
from the TTA while sending +15 VDC power to the amplifier in
the TTA. Any lightning surge in the RF cable, that connects
the TTA to the RXMC, is suppressed by the bias-tee / surge
protector. See Figure 3 for a diagram of the RF Interconnec-

~15 dB GAIN

4-WAY 077079-310
~450 mA




8-WAY 070440-001

30 dB COUPLER 528088-001





Figure 3: RF Cable Interconnection Diagram

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dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com
Input Power and Alarm
See Figure 4 for a diagram of the DC Power and Alarm Cables. This alarm function specifically detects any malfunction
at the RF connector level, as well as a low current condi-
1. Input Power. Depending on the RXMC / PDU tray model
tion drawn by the TTA.
number, the input power to the module is either +24 VDC or
110/220 VAC. The AC input power is received via a fused
A normally closed dry contact closure is provided in each
ON/OFF switch. There is no ON/OFF switch for the +24 VDC
of the alarm modules for remote monitoring of alarm
input version. ADC/DC converter within the module converts
conditions. Two sets of contacts are wired to the SUB-D
+24 VDC to +15 VDC for power to the RXMC and TTA
connector mounted on the back of the tray. Two pairs of
modules. For the tray with AC input power, a wide input
wires are provided in the alarm cable connected to the
(110/220 VDC) power supply is used. The output of this unit is
SUB-D connector. One pair of wires is for the RXMC
also +15 VDC, which is used for the two amplifiers mentioned
alarm, and the other pair of wires are for the TTA alarm.
previously, located in the RXMC and TTA modules.
During normal operation, these wires are connected to
2. Alarm Function. The +15 VDC output from the DC/DC normally closed (N.C.) contacts withing the alarm mod-
converter or the AC/DC power supply is first applied to the ules. Under alarm conditions, the contact closure opens
PCB alarm module. One alarm module circuit is connected up. This alarm condition can be remotely monitored via
to the RXMC amplifier DC power input and another is the alarm cable.
connected to the bias-tee DC power input via an ON/OFF
toggle switch. This switch enables or disables (bypass) the
TTA module.

- The monitoring circuitry calculates power usage of the

amplifiers TTA and RXMC based on measured current and
voltage levels. If the power usage is outside of the set
tolerance window, a 30-second timer begins counting
down. If demand remains outside the window through this
“grace” period the monitor will disconnect the load, at the
same time activate the alarm contacts and LEDs.

- After five minutes the monitor will automatically reconnect

power. If demand remains within the allowed range, power
will remain connected. If demand is again outside of the
allowed tolerance window, it will retry twice more at five
minute intervals, then at 60 minutes, and finally at 24 hours.

- The TTA or RXMC LED alarms should go to a steady

green within 30 seconds of initial power-up.

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dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com



072342-001 072349-001



072346-001 DC/DC CONVERTER

- BLACK 031011-043
15 Rtn -
072341-001 Vout Vin
TTA ON 072343-001

ON/OFF 072341-001

RED 531001-132

1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Figure 4: DC Power and Alarm Interconnection Diagram

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com



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RXMC Tray Installation RXMC Assembly Replacement Procedure
1. Unpack the RXMC tray assembly. Record the serial num- The assembly tray can be removed from the front side.
ber. 1. Turn the power off. Disconnect the AC power cable from
2. Place the tray assembly in the designated location in the the back panel of the tray.
rack. Place the four TORX screws in the four corners of
For trays powered with DC, unplug the
the tray. Torque the four screws to 40 in-lbs.
DC power cable from the 2-Pin Mate-N-
3. Plug the BNC connectors of the output cables/loads into Lok DC power connector on the back of
the OUT ports of each splitter module. the unit.
Install BNC terminators in all unused
2. Remove the BNC connectors of the cables / loads from
each splitter.
4. Plug the Type-N connector of the input cable into the port 3. Remove the Type-N connector of the input cable at the
labeled RF IN, and ensure that the cable is secure in port labled “RF IN”.
the port. 4. If the antenna test port is used, disconnect the input and
5. Place the TTA toggle switch, located on the front panel, output cables from the assembly tray.
to the TTA ON position. 5. Use a TORX driver to remove the four TORX screws from
6. Place the injection test (if purchased) toggle switch to the front of the assembly tray. Save the screws for instal-
the OFF position. lation.
7. Apply +24 VDC power to the 2-pin Molex connector 6. Remove the assembly tray.
on the back of the tray (Use the AC input plug for the 7. Record the serial number of the faulty RXMC assembly in
tray with the AC option. Toggle the AC power switch to the site records.
the ON position.).
8. Verify that the two status LEDs for the RXMC and the TTA
are green, the normal operating condition.
9. Using an ohmmeter, verify that the resistance reading
between the two alarm wires for the RXMC is near zero
(short circuit). This same reading applies to the two alarm
wires of the TTA.
During normal operation, a reading near
zero indicates that the contact closures
within the tray are closed.

10. Set the step attenuation switches to the desired posi-

tions to obtain the required gain for the system in use.

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dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com
Field Alarm Calibration Section dbSpectra
LED Alarm Description Field Alarm Calibration

1. If the LEDs stay in the alarmed condition (RED), and - Verify the following during the grace period (Alarm LEDs
cannot be cleared up by a power down/up sequence, please go green for 30 seconds)
perform the following troublshooting steps:
1. PDU output voltage is +15 VDC on RF IN connector
2. Verify cable path to TTA is good with no disconnects thus-
preventing DC power to the top amp. 2. If unit has a current meter, verify current meter on front is
displaying ~ 450 mA (+/- 20%)
3. If PolyPhasor is in line verify that model has a DC pass
through feature. If not replace PolyPhasor with correct 3. If unit does not have a current meter option, use a current
model. meter inline connected to center pin of PDU RF IN input, use
jumper between outer conductors of PDU and coax for
4. If RF/DC path is verified, then a field calibration of the return, verify current is ~ 450 mA (+/- 20%)
alarm monitoring board will be required per the following
steps: - Reference figure circuit 5, remove cover over the alarm

Channel 1 (TTA-Top Amp) Calibration: While pressing the

alarm reset for circuit 5 (TTA), press the main PCB-mounted
set switch. The monitor will immediately store the power
demand value for that channel.

Channel 2 (RXMC-Bottom Amp) Calibration: While pressing

the alarm reset for circuit 2 (RXMC), press the main PCB-
monted set switch. The monitor will immediately store the
power demand value for that channel.

4. Power down unit, remove current meter and reconnect

Master Switch antenna RF cable to RF IN

5. All LED’s should be steady green after 30 seconds.

- If the alarms have not cleared contact dbSpectra technical

support at 469.322.0080

Alarm “Reset” Buttons

Channel 1 (TTA)
Channel 2 (RXMC)

Figure 5

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dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com
Test Port Option

Test Signal Injection Option:

• Allows a closed loop RF check of the TTA system.

Enclosure 50 Ω

Bias Tee
30 dB
• Requires a second RF cable to be installed at site.
• Test signal is injected into this second cable at the PDU,
Test Port
2nd RF Cable for Test Injection Test signal enters TTA RX path via a 30 dB coupler in
Injection TMA enclosure.
• A test signal injection off/on switch on PDU controls a relay
in the TTA which allows the RX antenna to be disconnected
if desired from the system during test, or test can be conducted
with antenna to avoid disruption to system.
• Level of test signal can be measured at RX multicoupler output port.
Polyphasor/ • Top amp can be manually bypassed at PDU to measure closed loop
Bias Tee Main RF Cable signal level with and without top amp in line to verify operation.
• Order TTA unit with “-R” for Test Port
Test Signal In
Bias Tee
• “Test Port Injection Kit” For DBCNRX PDU order DBCN1NJKT
DBCNRX w./ DBCNINJKT separately

Test Signal Out at RX Multicoupler Port

Product Description General Information

The DBCNINJKT Test Signal Injection Kit is designed for This kit includes an assembly consisting of a bias tee with
installation in any DBCNRX Series Receiver Multicoupler integrated surge suppressor, an RF cable with a bulkhead
(RXMC). Installed in the RXMC, the kit provides support for connector, and a DC harness. The DBCNRX Series RXMC
Tower Top Amplifiers (TTA) with the Test Signal Injection is prepared and pre-wired to accept this kit. Connection to
feature. the TTA is made at the rear panel while the test signal source
is connected at the fron panel. A toggle switch on the RXMC
TTA Model needs to be ordered with “-R” to designate Test front panel activates the Test Signal Injection feature of the
Port Option. TTA.

A second ON/OFF power switch located on the front panel is

connected to the second bias-tee using the provided pig tail.
The pig tail is a 2-Wire cable with a 2-Pin Molex® connector
on one end. This second ON/OFF power switch mounts to the
front panels of all trays. This power switch controls the +15
VDC that is supplied to the TTA via a second RF cable for
antenna testing. The DC current supplied through the second
RF cable is not monitored, and there is no alarm (visual or
otherwise) associated with this supplied DC current. The
model number for this field add-on kit is DBCNRXTK.

Page 9 of 9 • June 2009 • 095478-000-E

dbSpectra 1590 E. Highway 121, Building A • Lewisville, Texas 75056

Ph: 469.322.0080 • Fax: 469.322.0079 • www.dbspectra.com

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