Rescue Basket Stretcher Inspection Checklist
Rescue Basket Stretcher Inspection Checklist
Rescue Basket Stretcher Inspection Checklist
03 Is the stretcher basket free of punctures, cracks, deep gouges, and cuts?
Are center plate, connector pins, and splice pins and housings present and
05 in good condition?
09 Are restraint buckles free of visible damage and do they operate properly?
10 Is pad free of cuts and punctures? Does pad attach to stretcher properly?
Lifting webbing sling found without cuts, frayed edges, burns and no
11 damage on the stitches.
Is lifting carabiner and master link found without visible cracks and
12 damage. The carabiner functions working properly.
Lifting point (Hooking plate) found in good condition without visible cracks
13 and damages.
Inspected by:
Full Name ID Number Designation Signature