Marketing Strategies of KIA Motors
Marketing Strategies of KIA Motors
Marketing Strategies of KIA Motors
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The auto industry has seen tremendous More than 1.4 million vehicles are manufactured and
growth and Kia Motors is one of them. Kia Motors assembled by Kia each year at 14 facilities in 8 countries.
entered the Indian auto market in 2017. Kia Motors More than 3,000 dealers and distributors in 172 countries
wants to create a brand that aims to increase sales and sell and service these automobiles.
market share, not profits. Hyundai Motor Group
company is fully aware of government plans and Over $17 billion a year is brought in by the company's
regulations regarding infrastructure and other 40,000 or so employees. Kia's "home" country of South
requirements for EVs before launching their EVs in Korea is home to three large car assembly plants (Hwasung,
India. Kookhyun shim is both the CEO and MD of Kia Sohari, and Kwangju plants), as well as a world-class R&D
Motors India. In an interview, he explained that Kia's centre with 8,000 specialists and environmental R&D
long-term goal is to establish itself as a household name facilities in Namyang. Future hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
in India.Kia has taken many cues from the industry's and cutting-edge end-of-life recycling technologies are
leading firms.. Seltos is the first product introduced by being investigated at the Institute of Eco-Technology in
Kia Motors. is a sports utility vehicle (SUV) that aims to Seoul. Kia invests 6% of its revenue into R&D every year,
challenge the SUV market in India. In this extremely and the company also maintains facilities in the United
competitive market, Kia has set a reasonable objective. States, Japan, and Germany.
The manufacturing industry has a major impact on
economic growth because it provides so many different A. Present Condition of the Indian Automobile Industry
types of jobs.goods or services. Due to the split of India sold 4,444 commercial vehicles in 2018, making it
Andhra Pradesh, the AP's economic situation, natural the world's fourth largest automaker by volume (399
resources, trade opportunities and allowing foreign million). Cars accounted for 80% of domestic vehicle sales
direct investment in the Indian economy have spurred in FY2019, as shown in Exhibit 1, while motorcycles made
up only 20%. The large middle class and relatively young
the economy and job growth in the state. Due to the
population are likely responsible for their dominance. This
development of Sri City(Chennai-Bangalore Industrial
Corridor), AP Government is seeking Car industry is expanding because car manufacturers
Manufacturing New Industry at Hyderabad-Bangalore increasingly want to sell their products in the world's 4,444
HighwayN.H-44, Penukonda, Ananthapur District. Kia rural markets. India is positive that it can keep its top spot as
Motors (Korea's first automobile company) invested $2 an auto exporter worldwide. The projected CAGR for auto
billionto create 10,000 jobs. Thanks to this business, exports from 2016–2026 is 3.05%, down from FY19’s
Penukonda and its surroundings have undergone a great CAGR of 14.50%. The government's efforts have led
change, andinagriculture, out of agriculture, rental experts to predict that by 2020, India's two- and four-
house, activity work etc. saw an increase in business. wheeler market will have surpassed China's.
Table 1: What are the sales of Kia cars in India of any Five Months?
MODEL NAME OCT 2022 NOV 2022 DEC 2022 JAN 2023 FEB 2023
SELTOS 9777 9284 5995 10470 8012
CARNIVAL 301 419 88 1003 504
SONET 7614 7834 5772 9261 9836
CARENS 5479 6360 3195 7900 6248
EV6 152 128 134 0 0
TV Ads
Chart Title
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
III. CONCLUSION and no other company comes close to matching it. Direct
customer contact, sales promotion, and sponsorship are all
Kia Motors has set 2019 as the official release date for examples of below-the-line promotion strategies that
its vehicles in India. Hyundai holds a 33.88% stake in Kia complement more traditional forms of marketing such as
Motors15. Despite fierce competition in the English market, advertisements, online blogs, banners, etc. Kia Motors has
the company was able to break through. Their efforts are set up a digital hub to better serve its customers online. Kia
largely responsible for the widespread success of the dealer Motors also plans to prioritise corporate social responsibility
network they've established. There are 12 production lines (CSR) and environmental education. It collaborates with
for Hyundai Kia spread across 165 countries. They have Trees in Cities, an organisation that promotes tree planting
over 166 suppliers, making them the fourth largest original in cities. The company needs to take such extreme action if
equipment manufacturer worldwide. Every business needs a it is to remain competitive.
USP—a way to differentiate itself from competitors. Kia
Motors Corporation separates itself from competition by KIA Motors India has done a preliminary feasibility
offering cheaper prices. However, the long-term objective study. If it stays true to its roots and principles, the company
has been to have people associate this name with innovative, should be able to compete well in India. Intriguing progress
high-quality design. Sporting events are a common venue will be made in the coming year if the company is
for promotional appearances. Kia joined FIFA as an official successful in breaking into the Indian market.
partner and sponsor in 2002.
Until 2022, she will be protected by sponsorship
agreements. They used innovative strategies and sports [1.]
sponsorship to transform their product's image from cheap india/about-us.html
to state-of-the-art. Kia is the official automobile sponsor for [2.]
both the cricket and tennis leagues. Kia's seven-year [3.]
warranty has contributed to the company's image as a news/story/kia-to-expand-to-360-touchpoints-in-
reliable producer of stylish goods. They reworked their 2021-1796796-2021-04-30
advertising strategy using AIDA. Raising people's [4.]
awareness is the first step in gaining their attention. The next successful-in-india-kia-case-study/
thing to do is to pique their interest. Buyers' discretion was [5.]
clouded as a result. Kia's marketing strategy is unparalleled, reports/india-passenger-car-market-outlook